Order Forms
New**Forms for filing payroll taxes by paper can now be downloaded by selecting the form using the links below. They can also be ordered from the Employment Department by selecting the button below.
Order forms
- 2023 Combined Payroll Tax Reporting Instruction Booklet2023 payroll tax reporting instructions for Oregon employers.
- 2023 Form 132 - Oregon Employee Detail ReportUse this form to report wages and/or tax withholdings. Form 132 is filed with Form OQ on a quarterly basis.
- 2023 Form OQ - Oregon Quarterly Tax ReportUse this form to determine how much tax is due each quarter for State Income Tax Withholding, Statewide Transit Tax, TriMet and Lane Transit district taxes, Unemployment Insurance, Paid Leave Oregon, and Workers’ Benefit Fund.
- 2023 Schedule B – State Withholding TaxUse this form only if you must make semi-weekly or daily state income tax withholding deposits.
- Agricultural Employers (UI Pub 210)Payroll tax information pertaining to agricultural employers.
- AMENDED REPORT: Form 132Use the Form 132 Amended Report to make adjustments to wages and hours reported on Form 132. Use this form even if you filed the original report electronically.
- AMENDED REPORT: Form OQ/OA AmendedUse the Form OQ/OA Amended Report to make adjustments to taxes reported on Form OQ or OA (Domestic) reports. Use this form even if you filed the original report electronically.
- AMENDED REPORT: Notice of SSN Change/Correction FormUse this form in notify the Department of SSN corrections or changes necessary for your payroll tax reporting.
- AMENDED REPORT: Schedule B Amended
- Authorization for Electronic Deposit (Form 117H2)Use this form to authorize the Oregon Employment Department to electronically deposit your unemployment or Work Share benefits into your checking or savings account.
- Authorization for Tax Withholding (Form 1040WH)This document is used by unemployment insurance claimants to authorize the withholding of taxes from their unemployment insurance benefit payments.
- Business Change in Status (Form 013)Use this form to update business status such as entity changes, ownership changes, name changes, etc.
- Business Contact Change FormUse this form to update your business contact information. This includes address and phone number updates, and offsite payroll service/accountant/bookkeeper updates.
- Change in Business Entity (UI Pub 212)This informational flier covers the topic of status changes employers need to report and how to report them.
- Claim Calendar 2020 (UI Pub 173)Use this publication to follow your base year eligibility and claim year.
- Claim Calendar 2021 (UI Pub 173)Use this publication to follow your base year eligibility and claim year.
- Claim Calendar 2022 (UI PUB 173)Use this publication to follow your base year eligibility and claim year.
- Claim Calendar 2023 (UI PUB 173)Use this publication to follow your base year eligibility and claim year.
- Claim Calendar 2024 (UI PUB 173)Use this publication to follow your base year eligibility and claim year.
- Combined Employer's Registration (Form 055)Use this form to register your business for Combined Payroll Tax Reporting purposes. You can also register online with the Central Business Registry (CBR) at http://sos.oregon.gov/business/Pages/register.aspx.
- Domestic Employers (UI Pub 207)This informational flier covers payroll topics for domestic employers only. The definition of a domestic employer is included in this flier.
- Employer Rights & Responsibilities (UI Pub 215)This informational flier covers your rights and responsibilities as an employer subject to Unemployment Insurance law in Oregon.
- Employer, Employee and Wages (UI Pub 205)This informational flier covers definitions related to employers, employees and wages as they pertain to Employment Department law.
- Employment Search Record (Form 2554)Use this form to record your work seeking activities for each week that you claim benefits.
- ETA Form 9175This is the long-term unemployment recipient self-attestation form from the U.S. Department of Labor. Use this form to affirm you have been unemployed at least 27 consecutive weeks.
- Excess Wage Computation (UI Pub 217)This informational flier covers the taxable wage base and how excess wages are defined for employers.
- Experience Rating Benefit Ratios for 2019 (UI Pub 8)This table shows the benefit ratio groups and the assigned tax rates for 2019.
- Experience Rating Benefit Ratios for 2020 (UI Pub 8)This table shows the benefit ratio groups and the assigned tax rates for 2020.
- Experience Rating Benefit Ratios for 2021 (UI Pub 8)This table shows the benefit ratio groups and the assigned tax rates for 2021.
- Experience Rating Benefit Ratios for 2022 (UI Pub 8)This table shows the benefit ratio groups and the assigned tax rates for 2022.
- Experience Rating Benefit Ratios for 2023 (UI Pub 8)This table shows the benefit ratio groups and the assigned tax rates for 2023
- Experience Rating Benefit Ratios for 2023 (UI Pub 8) - SpanishThis table shows the benefit ratio groups and the assigned tax rates for 2023 - Spanish Version
- Form 385-E
- Hours and Estimating Hours Worked (UI Pub 211)Use the following guidelines to help you estimate hours worked if your payroll system does not track hours.
- How UI Tax Rates Are Determined (UI Pub 214)This informational flier explains how payroll tax rates are assigned in accordance with Oregon law, and how the benefit ratio is calculated.
- Independent Contractors (UI Pub 201A)This is an informational flier that covers the topic of Independent Contractors.
- Multi-state Employment (UI Pub 209)This informational flier covers the topic of employees who perform services in Oregon as well as in other states, and how this applies to reporting payroll taxes.
- Nonprofit Employers (UI Pub 206)This informational flier covers topics related to nonprofit employers.
- Notice of Election FormNotice of Election to cover employees not covered by
Oregon Employment Department law.
- Oregon Annual Domestic Report – Form OAUse this form to determine how much tax is due for domestic employees.
- Oregon Annual Domestic Report- Form 132 DomesticUse this form if you are reporting UI subject wages/hours.
- Permanent Work Share RuleThe Oregon Employment Department adopted a new Administrative Rule for the Work Share program, effective August 1, 2016.
- Petition for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA)Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) provides assistance to
workers in firms hurt by foreign trade. Filing this petition is the first step in qualifying for benefits and assistance.
- Questions and Answers about UI Tax Audits (UI Pub 203)This informational flier answers common questions regarding Payroll Tax audits.
- Release of Information Authorization - English - Form 1826Use this form to allow designated individuals to request your information from the Oregon Employment Department.
- Release of Information Authorization - Russian - Form 1826Используйте эту форму , чтобы лица, назначенные просить вашу информацию от Департамента занятости Орегон .
- Release of Information Authorization - Spanish - Form 1826Utilice este formulario para permitir que las personas designadas para solicitar la información del Departamento de Empleo de Oregón .
- Release of Information Authorization - Vietnamese - Form 1826Sử dụng mẫu này để cho phép cá nhân được yêu cầu thông tin của bạn từ Bộ Việc làm Oregon .
- Request for Determination of Entitlement to Trade Act Benefits and Services
- Restaurant and Bar Industry (UI Pub 202)This is an informational flier that provides general information on certain types of employment and compensation in the restaurant and bar industry.
- RUSSIAN: Employment Search Record (Form 2554)Use this form to record your work seeking activities for each week that you claim benefits.
- RUSSIAN: Independent Contractors (UI Pub 201A)This is an informational flier that covers the topic of Independent Contractors.
- Self Employment Weekly CertificationWeekly Claim Form to be used when participating in the Self Employment Assistance (SEA) Program. This form must be submitted each week.
- SPANISH: Agricultural Employers (UI Pub 210)Payroll tax information pertaining to agricultural employers.
- SPANISH: Authorization for Electronic Deposit (Form 117H2)Use this form to authorize the Oregon Employment Department to electronically deposit your unemployment and Work Share benefits into your checking or savings account.
- SPANISH: Change in Business Entity (UI Pub 212)This informational flier covers the topic of status changes employers need to report and how to report them.
- SPANISH: Domestic Employers (UI Pub 207)This informational flier covers payroll topics for domestic employers only. The definition of a domestic employer is included in this flier.
- SPANISH: Employer Rights & Responsibilities (UI Pub 215)This informational flier covers your rights and responsibilities as an employer subject to Unemployment Insurance law in Oregon.
- SPANISH: Employer, Employee and Wages (UI Pub 205)This informational flier covers definitions related to employers, employees and wages as they pertain to Employment Department law.
- SPANISH: Employment Search Record (Form 2554)Use this form to record your work seeking activities for each week that you claim benefits.
- SPANISH: Excess Wage Computation (UI Pub 217)This informational flier covers the taxable wage base and how excess wages are defined for employers.
- SPANISH: Family Corporate Officer Exclusion Request (Form 2578)Requests for Family Corporate Officer Exclusion (Form 2578) cannot precede a Combined Employer's Registration (Form 055). We will accept and process both forms concurrently.
- SPANISH: Hours and Estimating Hours Worked (UI Pub 211)Use the following guidelines to help you estimate hours worked if your payroll system does not track hours.
- SPANISH: Independent Contractors (UI Pub 201A)This is an informational flier that covers the topic of Independent Contractors.
- SPANISH: Multi-state Employment (UI Pub 209)This informational flier covers the topic of employees who perform services in Oregon as well as in other states, and how this applies to reporting payroll taxes.
- SPANISH: Nonprofit Employers (UI Pub 206)This informational flier covers topics related to nonprofit employers.
- SPANISH: Petition for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA)Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) provides assistance to
workers in firms hurt by foreign trade. Filing this petition is the first step in qualifying for benefits and assistance.
- SPANISH: Questions and Answers about UI Tax Audits (UI Pub 203)This informational flier answers common questions regarding Payroll Tax audits.
- SPANISH: Request for Determination of Entitlement to Trade Act Benefits and Services
- SPANISH: Restaurant and Bar Industry (UI Pub 202)This is an informational flier that provides general information on certain types of employment and compensation in the restaurant and bar industry.
- SPANISH: Tax Authorization Representative FormThis form allows the Employment Department to disclose your company’s confidential tax information to your designee. You may designate a person, agency, firm or organization.
- SPANISH: Volunteers (UI Pub 176)This informational flier explains the definition of volunteer as it pertains to Unemployment Insurance law.
- SPANISH: Work Share Brochure- UI Pub 062
- Spanish:Authorization for Tax Withholding Form-1040WHAuthorization form allowing the Oregon Employment Department to withhold funds from unemployment insurance benefits for state or federal tax purposes. Also can be used to have the department stop withholding funds.
- Tax Authorization Representative FormThis form allows the Employment Department to disclose your company’s confidential tax information to your designee. You may designate a person, agency, firm or organization.
- Unemployment Insurance Benefits - Request for a Hearing
- Unemployment Insurance Benefits - Request for a Hearing (Spanish)
- VA 21-0845 (Veteran Affairs Disclosure Authorization Form)Use this form if you want to give the Department of Veterans Affairs permission to release your personal beneficiary or claim information to a third party.
- VIETNAMESE: Employment Search Record (Form 2554)Use this form to record your work seeking activities for each week that you claim benefits.
- VIETNAMESE: Independent Contractors (UI Pub 201A)This is an informational flier that covers the topic of Independent Contractors.
- Volunteers (UI Pub 176)This informational flier explains the definition of volunteer as it pertains to Unemployment Insurance law.
- Weekly Trade Act Benefit Request-In Training
- Weekly Trade Act Benefit Request-In Training (Spanish)
- Weekly Trade Act Benefit Request-Not in Training (Spanish)
- Work Share Brochure- UI Pub 062
- Work Share HandbookThe Work Share Handbook contains general instructions and basic information to claim Unemployment Insurance Work Share benefits.