UCC Forms

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UCC Forms ​are available in PDF format only. We provide forms as accessible Adobe Reader​ (PDF) files for maximum accessibility - see our Web Accessibility Policy. Please contact us if a form doesn't work well with your assistive device.

We don't accept the National UCC Financing Statement Transition Forms.

Financing Statements


UCC-1 Financing Statement
U​CC-1AD Financing Statement Addendum
UCC-1AP Financing Statement Additional Party


UCC-3 Financing Statement Amendment (Statement of Termination, Continuation, Assignment, or Amendment)
UCC-3AD Financing Statement Amendment Addendum
UCC-3AP Financing Statement Additional Party

New UCC forms are available for use. The forms listed above will still be accepted as well.

Search Requests

Custom Searches and Lists Forms


UCC-11 Information Request Debtor

Farm Products

EFS-1 Farm Products Financing Statement Standard
EFS-3 Statement of Termination, Continuation, Assignment, Amendment
EFS-3a Addendum (Must always accompany an EFS-3)

​To receive protection for clear title under Oregon's Central Filing System Law for Farm Products (ORS 80.109-112), a buyer of farm products, commission merchant or selling agent must be registered with the Secretary of State and secure a waiver, or release, of the specific farm product from the secured party listed in the master list.

Use form FPR-1 to register as a buyer of farm products, commission merchant or selling agent.​

FPR-1 Farm Products Registration

Agricultural Produce Liens

Notice of Agr​icultural Produce Lien
Certificate of Satisfaction of Agricultural Produce Lien

Agricultural Services Liens

Notice of Claim of Agricultural Services Lien
Certificate of Satisfaction of Discharge of Agricultural Services Lien​

Grain Liens

Grain Producer's Lien
Certificate of Satisfaction of Discharge of Grain Producer's Lien

Fees Schedule

UCC Fee Schedule

Credit Card Cover Sheet

Credit Card Fax Cover Sheet