Enlarge image | 2019 PLAIN PAPER SPECIFICATIONS EMPLOYEE DETAIL REPORT (132 DOMESTIC) To meet the Employee Detail Report (Form 132 Domestic) format requirements, data must be printed on plain, white 20# bond paper. Do not print any headings, columns, or instructions unless you find them in the specifications below. The print must be clear, black, and distinct. Use a 12 point Courier font. The objective is to create a clear, easily readable entry for our Optical Character Reader (OCR) scanner. Testing has shown that reports are read much more accurately if prepared using capital letters rather than changing cases or using lower case. Use CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. To verify data is in the correct position, place your printout under a drop out red form. All data should be in the exact order, position, and spacing as found on the Form 132 Domestic. Line spacing is exactly six vertical lines per inch and column spacing is ten horizontal character positions per inch. For alignment purposes, the top of the page is the top of print line 1; the bottom of the form is the print line 66; the left edge is the left side of the print position 1; and the right edge is the right side of print position 85. Beginning with this alignment, space the Employee Detail Report according to the following specifications: Item Line Spacing Column Positions Print Formats Target Mark See detail at end of table See detail at end of Form should have two target for placement table for placement marks in diagonal corners, upper left and bottom right Form ID Barcode See detail at end of table See detail at end of 3 of 9 barcode based Form Id for placement table for placement field Form Title 3 32 - 55 FORM 132 DOMESTIC Business Name 6, 7 4 – 33 Left Justify Total Subject Wages 9 26 – 38 NNNNNNNNNN.NN First Page Only Business Identification 9 61 – 69 NNNNNNN-N Number (BIN) Left Zero Fill Quarter/Year 9 77 – 80 N/NN Social Security Number 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 7 – 17 NNN-NN-NNNN 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53 First Initial 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 25 FIRST INITIAL 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53 Employee Last Name 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30 – 44 LAST NAME 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53 Whole Hours Worked 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 47 – 49 NNN 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53 Total Subject Wages 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 55 - 65 NNNNNNNN.NN 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, Right Justify; Left Space Fill 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53 SUPPORT BUSINESS • PROMOTE EMPLOYMENT Page 1of 5 REV 2/19 |
Enlarge image | 2019 PLAIN PAPER SPECIFICATIONS OREGON EMPLOYEE DETAIL REPORT (132 DOMESTIC) – cont. State Withholding Taxes 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 69 – 80 NNNNNNNN ( Without Cents) 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, Right Justify; Left Space Fill 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53 Page Total Subject 55 53 - 65 NNNNNNNNNN.NN Wages Right Justify; Left Space Fill Page Total Withholding 55 69 – 80 NNNNNNNN ( Without Cents) Taxes Right Justify; Left Space Fill Form ID Barcode Specification: • Form ID string is 8 characters: first 4 digits represent form ID number; the last 4 digits represent the revision month/year. • Code 39 (also called code 3 of 9) barcode is required. • The Form ID barcode should be placed at 3/8" below the top paper edge, and 1 3/16" off the right paper edge. • A 3/8" margin from the paper edge. • Barcode dimension is 2.0" wide and 3/8" high. • The form ID string should be printed 1/8" beneath the barcode in 12 point Courier Bold font. Target Mark Specification: Target marks are used to accurately determine the location of all OCR fields. • Place target marks 3/8" away from the paper edge. • Each form should have 2 target marks, placed in the upper left and bottom right corners. • A target mark is a solid black circle 1/8" in diameter, and surrounded by a thin ring printed in drop-out ink. The maximum space between the black circle and the drop-out ring is 1/32". The purpose of the two-tone target mark is to make certain the two-step print is aligned. Upper – left target mark Bottom – right target mark SUPPORT BUSINESS • PROMOTE EMPLOYMENT Page 2of 5 REV 2/19 |
Enlarge image | 2019 PLAIN PAPER SPECIFICATIONS OREGON ANNUAL TAX REPORT (FORM OA DOMESTIC) To meet the Oregon Annual Tax Report (Form OA Domestic) format requirements, data must be printed on plain, white 20# bond paper. Do not print any headings, columns, or instructions unless you find them in the specifications below. The print must be clear, black, and distinct. Use a 12 point Courier font. The objective is to create a clear, easily readable entry for our Optical Character Reader (OCR) machine. Testing has shown that reports are read much more accurately if prepared using capital letters rather than changing cases or using lower case. Use CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. To verify data is in the correct position, place your printout under a drop out red form. All data should be in the exact order, position, and spacing as found on the Form OA Domestic. Line spacing is exactly six vertical lines per inch and column spacing is ten horizontal character positions per inch. For alignment purposes, the top of the page is the top of print line 1; the bottom of the form is the print line 66; the left edge is the left side of the print position 1; and the right edge is the right side of print position 85. Beginning with this alignment, space the Oregon Quarterly Tax Report according to the following specifications: Item Line Spacing Column Positions Print Formats Form Title 3 32 - 54 FORM OA DOMESTIC Form Code 4 77 – 81 11111 Business Name 4 - 9 4 – 33 Left Justify Business Identification 6 61 – 69 NNNNNNN-N Number (BIN) Left Zero Fill Quarter/Year 6 77 – 80 4/NN Return Due By 8 63 – 78 January 31,YYYY Federal EIN 10 12 – 21 NN-NNNNNNN No. of Covered Workers 16 23 – 28 NNNNNN st (1 Month of Quarter) No. of Covered Workers 16 38 – 43 NNNNNN nd (2 Month of Quarter) No. of Covered Workers 16 53 – 58 NNNNNN rd (3 Month of Quarter) No. of Covered Workers 16 68 – 73 NNNNNN st nd rd Total (1 + 2 + 3 ) Subject Wages 22 23 – 35 Unemployment Insurance (UI) Subject Wages 22 38 – 50 State Withholding Wages over $40,600 24 23 – 35 UI only Per employee per year Taxable Wages 26 23 – 35 UI only SUPPORT BUSINESS • PROMOTE EMPLOYMENT Page 3of 5 REV 2/19 |
Enlarge image | 2019 PLAIN PAPER SPECIFICATIONS OREGON ANNUAL TAX REPORT (FORM OA DOMESTIC) – cont. Item Line Spacing Column Positions Print Formats UI Tax Rate 28 23 – 27 .NNNN UI Tax Rate Assigned – Call 503-947-1488 if subject to UI tax and rate has not been received. Tax 30 23 – 35 UI Tax Tax 30 38 – 50 State Withholding Tax Tax Already Paid 32 23 – 35 UI Tax Already Paid Tax Already Paid 32 38 – 50 State Withholding Tax Already Paid UI Penalty and Interest 34 23 – 35 If Applicable (see instructions) Total Tax Due 36 23 – 35 Total UI Tax Due Total Tax Due 36 38 – 50 Total State Withholding Due Total Payment Due 40 68 – 80 NNNNNNNN.NN Right Justify Workers’ Benefit Fund 42 30 – 35 NNNN (WBF) Assessment Right Justify No. of Whole Hours Worked WBF Assessment Rate 44 23 – 27 .024 (for 2019) WBF Assessment 46 23 – 35 Total WBF Assessment Due WBF Assessment 48 23 – 35 Assessment Paid this Quarter Already Paid Special Payroll Tax Offset 48 68 – 80 NNNNNNNN.NN Right Justify Applied to UI Trust Fund 49 68 – 80 NNNNNNNN.NN Right Justify Total WBF Assessment 50 23 – 35 Assessment Remaining to be Due Paid 1st Month 58 23 – 35 NNNNNNNN.NN Withholding Tax 2nd Month 58 38 – 50 NNNNNNNN.NN Withholding Tax SUPPORT BUSINESS • PROMOTE EMPLOYMENT Page 4of 5 REV 2/19 |
Enlarge image | 2018 PLAIN PAPER SPECIFICATIONS OREGON ANNUAL TAX REPORT (FORM OA DOMESTIC) – cont. Item Line Spacing Column Positions Print Formats 3rd Month 58 53 – 65 NNNNNNNN.NN Withholding Tax Total State Withholding 58 68 – 80 NNNNNNNN.NN Tax Right Justify Prepared By 62 4 – 48 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Date 62 51 – 58 MM-DD-YY Preparer Telephone 62 61 – 80 NNN-NNN-NNNN x NNNNN Number SUPPORT BUSINESS • PROMOTE EMPLOYMENT Page 5of 5 REV 2/19 |