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Form                                                                                                                  DOJ USE ONLY 
                                         Charitable Activities Section 
                                                                                                                      Registration #: 
                                         Oregon Department of Justice 
                           100 SW Market St                                       VOICE  (971) 673-1880 
   RF-C                    Portland, OR 97201-5702                                  FAX  (971) 673-1882 
     Registration for      E-Mail: charitable@doj.state.or.us                     TTY    (800) 735-2900  
Charitable Organizations   Web site: http://www.doj.state.or.us

1.   Name
     Write the organization’s legal name.

2.   Contact Information
         Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 
         City, State, Zip:   ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 
         Phone:               (            )           -                         E- Mail:        ______________________________________________ 
         Fax:                   (             )          -                       Web site:     ______________________________________________ 

3.   Employer Identification Number
     Write the organization’s employer identification number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service. If the EIN has not been applied for, write “N/A.”
                  -                      ______

4.   Date and State of Incorporation or Organization
     Write the date the organization incorporated and the state in which the organization was formed.
     ______________________________                    ______________________________     
     Date of Incorporation or Organization                          State of Incorporation or Organization

5.   Primary County of Operations
     Write the name of the primary Oregon county in which the organization conducts charitable activities. If the organization conducts charitable activities
     in more than one county in Oregon, list the name of the county in which the most charitable activities are conducted. If charitable activities
     are conducted evenly across the state, write the county in which the headquarters of the organization is located.

6.   Accounting Period
     Write the last month of the organization’s accounting period:                      _____________________________________ 

7.   Organization’s Purpose
     Describe the charitable purpose of the organization in one or two sentences. The information is used to describe the organization in response to
     public inquiries.

8.   Beneficiaries
     If the organization raises funds or intends to raise funds on behalf of another organization(s), list the name and address of the organization(s).

                                                       Form Continued on Reverse Side 

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9.          Tax-Exempt Status
            Check one of the boxes below which describes the organization’s tax-exempt status application with the Internal Revenue Service. After review of
            an application for exempt status, the Internal Revenue Service will mail the applicant a “determination letter.” The letter states the organization’s
            tax-exempt status. Please note that an application for tax-exempt status is different than an application for an employer identification number.

                                The organization holds IRS tax-exempt status.  A copy of the IRS determination letter is attached to this registration form. 

                                The organization applied for tax-exempt status on       /      /       but a determination letter has not been received from the IRS.  
                                A copy of the IRS determination letter will be sent to the Charitable Activities Section upon receipt. 

                                The organization has not applied for tax-exempt status.  State the reason for not applying:  __________________________ 

10.         Fundraising

                        Yes      No   Is the organization a party to a contract involving person-to-person, advertising, vending machine or telephone fund-
                                          raising in Oregon?  If yes, write the name of the fund-raising firm(s) who conducts the campaign(s): 

11.         Charitable Gaming

                        Yes      No   Does the organization conduct bingo, raffle or Monte Carlo event? 

12.         Individual to Contact with Questions
            Provide contact information for the person to be contacted regarding this registration.
               Name (First, Middle Initial, Last) Position                              Phone                               Mailing Address 

13.         Key Officials
            List of Officers, Directors, Trustees and Key Employees – List each person who held one of these positions at any time during the year.  The
            Executive Director is considered to be a Key Employee.  Oregon public benefit corporations must have at least 3 directors.  Attach additional
            sheets if necessary.
               Name (First, Middle Initial, Last) Position                              Phone                               Mailing Address 

            Required Documents 
14.         Attach the following documents to this registration form.  If a document is unavailable, attach an explanation. 
                             IRS determination letter, if applicable
                       For corporations: Filed articles of incorporation, date stamped by the Secretary of State
                       For associations: articles of association or other establishing document, signed and dated.
                       Signed and dated bylaws
            In addition to the required documentation, the organization may submit printed brochures, reports or newsletters. The material will be included in the 
            public record for the organization and made available to public inspection. 
               Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including any attachments, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, 
Please         it is true, correct, and complete. 
Sign Here                _______________________________________________         ________________________________________________ 
                    Signature of Officer or Representative Name                         Date 
                    _______________________________________________         ________________________________________________ 
                    Printed Name                                                        Title 
revised 2/2023 

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Charitable Activities Section, Oregon Department of Justice 

Registration Form Instructions_________________
                                                                                                         For those organizations registering in multiple 
Purpose                                              Organizations Exempt                                states, the Charitable Activities  Section accepts 
Oregon law charges the Attorney General with         from Registration                                   the Unified Registration         Statement  for
the duty and  responsibility to represent  the                                                           Charitable Organizations in lieu of Form RF-C. 
public’s  interest in connection  with assets held   Certain charitable organizations are not required   A copy of this  multi-state form is available at 
for  charitable purposes. The Attorney General       to register with the Charitable Activities Section. http://www.multistatefiling.org. 
carries out  this responsibility by requiring 
organizations holding  such  assets and/or           The following list includes the  types of 
soliciting in Oregon to register and file periodic   organizations    exempt     from       registration Required Attachments 
financial reports.                                   requirements and the documentation required to      Attach the following documents to the 
                                                     support the exemption. Organizations which fail     registration form.  If a document is unavailable, 
Once submitted, this Form and  all  attachments      to provide  this documentation will not be          attach an explanation. 
become a part of the public record. Any              exempted from registration. 
interested person may examine or obtain a copy                                                           For Corporations or Associations: 
of a Registration Form or an annual report for a             Exempt              Required                •   Filed articles of incorporation, date stamped
charitable organization by  contacting the           Organizations               Documentation               by the Secretary of State; or  signed  and
Charitable Activities Section.                       Foreign corporations    Letter certifying the           dated articles of association or other
                                                     or foundations merely   scope of activities             establishing document.
                                                     making grants or                                    •   Signed and dated bylaws.
Who Must Register                                    donations within the                                •   IRS determination letter, if applicable.
Generally,   corporations,     trusts or other       state of Oregon 
organizations which hold       assets,   solicit     Government agencies     Letter verifying            For Trusts: 
donations or  conduct activities  on behalf of a     or subdivisions         government affiliation      •   Will or trust document which  created  the
charitable purpose in the state of Oregon will be                            from the governing              trust.
required to register with the Charitable Activities                          body of the                 •   IRS determination letter, if applicable.
Section of the Department of Justice.  A                                     governmental entity 
charitable purpose means any purpose to              Educational             Letter certifying the 
promote the well-being of the public at large, or    institutions which hold limited scope of            Corporation Division 
for the benefit of an indefinite number of persons   no property in Oregon   activities                  In addition  to  registering and filing periodic 
including, but not limited to, educational, literary and limit solicitations                             forms with the Charitable Activities Section, the 
or scientific purposes or for the prevention of      in Oregon to alumni                                 Secretary of State  also requires all Oregon 
cruelty to children or animals or for the benefit    Religious               Articles of                 corporations, whether for-profit or nonprofit, to 
of religious,  rehabilitation services, public       organizations holding   Incorporation or trust      register  and annually file with  the Corporation 
recreation, civic improvement or services which      property solely for     documents and a letter      Division. 
lessen the burden of government.                     religious purposes      of explanation 
                                                     Trustees of a           Trust documents 
An organization or trust granted tax-exempt          charitable remainder                                Fees 
status by the Internal Revenue Service under         trust where the trustee                             Submit no fee with this Registration Form. 
§501(c)(3), (4), or (19) of the Internal Revenue     is also the sole                                    Please note that fees will be  due with future 
Code  is presumed to be organized  for  a            charitable beneficiary                              annual financial reports. 
charitable purpose. More specifically, the           of the trust estate 
following organizations must register:
                                                                                                         Blank Lines 
• All organizations organized under the laws         When to Register                                    Do not  leave any line blank. Write “not 
  of the state  of Oregon for charitable             Organizations required to  register  must do so     applicable” or “none” where appropriate. 
  purposes must register. This includes, but is      before conducting activities, holding assets, or  
  not limited  to,  any corporation registered       soliciting contributions for a charitable purpose. 
  with the Oregon Secretary of  State as  a          Corporations organized  under the  laws of          Where to File 
  nonprofit, public benefit corporation.             Oregon  should register immediately  following      Submit the completed Registration Form and 
                                                     incorporation.                                      supporting documents to: 
• All organizations organized under the laws                                                                 Charitable Activities Section 
  of any state jurisdiction other than Oregon        Registration is  a one-time event. However,  all        Oregon Department of Justice 
  and doing business, holding assets or              charitable organizations  are required to file          100 SW Market Street 
  soliciting in the state of Oregon.                 annual financial reports with the Charitable            Portland, OR 97201-5702
                                                     Activities Section. Financial report forms will be 
• All trustees which hold property or  an            mailed to the organization shortly following the 
  interest in property in trust for a charitable     end of the organization’s fiscal year. 
  purpose. Such trusts include charitable
  remainder trusts and lead trusts.
                                                     What Form to File 
Rev. 2/20 23                                         File Form RF-T if the organization is a trust. 

                                                     File Form RF-C if the organization is an Oregon 
                                                     or foreign corporation, association or similar 
                                                     entity. Foreign      corporations      are those
                                                     corporations incorporated outside  the state of 

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       Contact the Following Agencies for Assistance 
                                                                                                   •     Pub. 4220/4221 Compliance Guide for 
   Charitable Activities                          Internal Revenue Service                               501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Organizations 
             Section                              phone:    (877)829-5500                                Pub. 4779 Terminating or Merging Your 
Oregon Department of Justice                      TTY:      (800)829-4059                                Tax Exempt Organization 
100 SW Market Street                              web site: http://www.irs.gov                                             
Portland, Oregon 97201-5702 
phone:    (971)673-1880                                                                                Corporation Division 
fax:      (971)673-1882                           Issues                                           
e-mail:  charitable.activities@doj.state.or.us     •     Obtaining federal tax-exempt status      Public Service Building 
web site: http://www.doj.state.or.us               •     Completing federal tax forms             255 Capitol Street NE, Suite 151 
                                                                                                  Salem, OR 97310-1327 
                                                                                                  phone:     (503)986-2200 
Issues                                            Forms                                           fax:       (503)378-4381 
 •     Questions about annual reports for          •     SS-4, Application for Employer           web site:  http://www.filinginoregon.com 
       charitable organizations-Forms CT-12,             Identification Number 
       CT-12F, and CT-12S                          •     990, Return of Organization Exempt       Issues 
 •     Registration of charitable corporations or        From Income Tax 
       trusts                                      •     990-EZ, Short Form - Return of            •     Forming a new corporation 
 •     Merging nonprofit organizations                   Organization Exempt From Income Tax       •     Obtaining state and federal tax 
 •     Dissolving nonprofit organizations          •     Schedule A, for Form 990 and 990-EZ             identification numbers 
 •     Reporting illegal activity by nonprofit     •     990-N, e-Postcard return of Organization  •     Merging nonprofit corporations 
       organizations                                     Exempt From Income Tax                    •     Dissolving nonprofit corporations 
 •     Serving as a board member of a nonprofit    •     990-PF, Return of Private Foundation      •     Amending articles of incorporation 
       organization                                •     990-T, Exempt Organization Business       •     Obtaining copies of filed articles of 
 •     Information about charitable                      Income Tax Return                               incorporation and amendments 
       organizations and copies of annual reports  •     1023, Application for Recognition of 
                                                         Exemption Under §501(c)(3)               Forms Forms                                                    1024, Application for Recognition of      •     Articles of Incorporation 
                                                         Exemption Under §501(a)                   •     Assumed Business Name Registration 
 •     RF-C, Registration Form for Charitable      •     1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates  •     Articles of Amendment 
       Organizations                                     and Trusts                                •     Articles of Correction 
 •     RF-T, Registration Form for Trusts          •     1041-A, U.S. Information Return - Trust   •     Restated Articles of Incorporation 
 •     CT-12, Annual Report Form for Domestic            Accumulation of Charitable Amounts 
       Operating Charities                         •     1128, Application to Adopt, Change, or          Articles of Merger 
 •     CT-12F, Annual Report Form for Foreign            Retain a Tax Year                         •     Articles of Dissolution 
       Charities                                   •     2758, Application for Extension of Time   •     Articles of Revocation or Dissolution 
 •     CT-12S, Annual Report Form for                    To File Certain Excise, Income, 
       Domestic Trusts with Non-Charitable               Information, and Other Returns           Publications 
       Beneficiaries                               •     4506-A, Request for Public Inspection or  •     Oregon Business Guide 
 •     Closing Form                                      Copy of Exempt Organization Tax Form      •      
                                                   •     4720, Return of Certain Excise Taxes on 
Publications                                             Charities and Other Persons                   Oregon Department 
 •     Oregon Wise Giving Guide                    •     5227, Split-Interest Trust Return 
 •     A Guide to Non-Profit Board Service in      •     5768, Election/Revocation of Election by            of Revenue 
       Oregon                                            an Eligible Section 501(c)(3)            Revenue Building 
                                                         Organization to Make Expenditures to     955 Center St. NE 
                                                         Influence Legislation                    Salem, OR 97301 
Oregon Revised Statutes                            •     8822, Change of Address                  phone:     (503)378-4988 and (800)356-4222 
 •     Chapter #65, Nonprofit Corporations         •     8868, Application for Extension of Time  TTY:       (503)945-8617 and (800)886-7204 
 •     Chapter #128, Trusts; Charitable                  to File an Exempt Organization Return    web site:  http://www.oregon.gov/DOR 
 •     Chapter #464, Charitable Gaming            Publications                                    Issues 
 •     Chapter #646, Trade Regulations & 
       Practice                                          Pub. 526, Charitable Contributions        •     State taxation and filing requirements 
                                                   •     Pub. 538, Accounting Periods and 
Oregon Administrative Rules                        •     Pub. 557, Tax-Exempt Status for Your     Forms 
 •     Chapter #137-010-005  et seq.                     Organization                              •     20, Oregon Corporation Excise Tax 
                                                   •     Pub. 578 Tax Information for Private            Return 
                                                         Foundations and Foundation Managers       •     41, Oregon Fiduciary Income Tax Return 
          State of Oregon                          •     Pub. 583 Starting a Business and Keeping  •     IT-1, Oregon Inheritance Tax Return 
 •     web site:  http://www.oregon.gov                  Records                                   
                                                   •     Pub. 598 Tax on Unrelated Business 
                                                         Income of Exempt Organizations 
                                                   •     Pub. 1635 Understanding your EIN 

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