Income Tax

Karla Pearl
Income Tax Administrator
100 McMorran Blvd.
Port Huron, MI 48060

The Income Tax Division is the area of the Finance Department which administers the Uniform City Income Tax Ordinance in accordance with State law. This includes the collection of employee withholdings from employers, collections of estimated and final tax payments, and enforcement of the tax law(s).

The City of Port Huron does not accept electronically filed tax returns, with the exception of W-2/W-3 forms from employers.  You may submit your tax return using the following methods:

  • Mail or Hand Deliver:  City of Port Huron
                                             Income Tax Department
                                             100 McMorran Blvd
                                             Port Huron, MI  48060
  • Drop Box Locations:   located at 100 McMorran Blvd
                                             1) north M.O.C. parking lot or
                                             2) inside the building, 1st floor, near the Income Tax Department
  • Scan and Email: 

If you are due a refund, please allow 45 days from your filing date to receive it.

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Cash – pay at the Treasurer’s Office
  • Check – pay at the Treasurer’s Office or Income Tax Department counter
  • Credit Card or e-Check – pay online (see link below) or at the Income Tax Department counter

Pay Income Taxes Online

  • A fee is added to make a payment online. This fee is separate from the income tax obligation you are paying. The City of Port Huron does not add any additional fees and does not receive any part of the fee.  Your service fee will be disclosed to you before you continue with your billing information.
  • American Express®, Discover®, Master Card®, and Visa® credit and debit cards are accepted.
  • Please use this link to pay INCOME TAXES ONLY.  Do NOT use this link to pay your property tax or water bill. 

Income Tax Forms

  • All major income tax forms for the current and prior years as well as other important tax documents are available online by clicking the links below.
  • Selected city tax forms are available in a “fillable” version. The forms work best with the most current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.  Many web browsers now open .pdf forms with programs other than Adobe Acrobat Reader as a default.  In general those programs will work, but do not allow full functionality of our fillable forms.   The formatting will often differ and the tax year may not print.  We suggest opening the forms with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • WARNING--We strongly suggest that you to use the reset button to delete all information after printing the form as a copy of the completed form may be stored in a temporary file on your computer.

1099-NEC Forms Filing Requirements

Michigan Public Act 211 of 2003 requires 1099-NEC forms to be filed with Michigan cities who impose an income tax pursuant to the city income tax act (PA 284 of 1964). You must send to us a copy of any 1099-NEC form that shows a payee’s address in the city of Port Huron.

Mail the required 1099-NEC forms to:

City of Port Huron
Income Tax Division
100 McMorran Boulevard
Port Huron, MI 48060

Port Huron does not require a transmittal form to be submitted with the forms. We will accept substitute forms or an electronic copy via CD, USB, or email, which includes all of the information reported on the original 1099-NEC form.  If you have additional questions please call 810-984-9741.

NOTE:  For security reasons, we recommend that you close your browser after you have finished accessing fillable forms.

Doc app

Document Center

The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function.

Categories always sorted by seq (sub-categories sorted within each category)
Documents sorted by SEQ in Ascending Order within category

Frequently Asked Questions3 documents

Employer Information and Income Tax Forms17 documents

W2 Electronic Filing Requirements1 document

Withholding Guides and Tables6 documents

200610 documents

20058 documents

20048 documents

20038 documents

20028 documents

20018 documents

20008 documents