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PH-2 (Revised 12/17)
1. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 2. Type of Business Ownership (check one only)
3. Complete company name (include if applicable, Corp., Inc., P.C., etc.) Individual owner
Owner's full name
4. Mailing address (this is the address where forms and correspondence will be mailed)
Owner's social security number
5. Withholding address (if you want withholding forms sent to a different address) Partnership Subchapter S Corp.
Corporation Limited Liability Co.
Other - explain:
List all locations of your business in the City of Port Huron (attach a separate sheet if necessary)
If you have no business location in the city, state "None"
6A. Business name in Port Huron (DBA) Approximate number of employees
Address in Port Huron (number and street)
6B. Business name in Port Huron (DBA) Approximate number of employees
Address in Port Huron (number and street)
6C. Business name in Port Huron (DBA) Approximate number of employees
Address in Port Huron (number and street)
7. Briefly describe your business activity
If no, give month of closing
8. Do you close your tax books on December 31? No Yes
If yes, previous owners name Previous owners FEIN (if known)
9. Was this business previously
operated by another employer? No Yes
Name Telephone number & area code
If we have questions about this form who should we call?
Type or print the name of owner or officer responsible for filing tax returns Title
Signature Date
Return to: Income Tax Division, 100 McMorran Boulevard, Port Huron, MI 48060 Questions? call (810) 984-9741