Enlarge image | CITY OF PORTLAND Schedule PY PART-YEAR RESIDENT TAX CALCULATION ATTACH THIS SCHEDULE TO YOUR P-1040 FORM Taxpayer's social security # Spouse's social security # First Name and Initial Last Name PART-YEAR RESIDENT From To Taxpayer Spouse FORMER ADDRESS Taxpayer Spouse COMPUTATION OF TAXABLE INCOME COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 PORTLAND INCOME ALL INCOME EARNED PORTLAND INCOME INCOME TAX WITHHELD WHILE A RESIDENT WHILE A OF PORTLAND NONRESIDENT EMPLOYER'S NAME ADDRESS OF ACTUAL WORK STATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total compensation and Portland tax withheld. (Add lines 1 through 6) Enter on line 30 of P-1040. 7. Interest Income 8. Dividend income from federal return. 9a.Business income/loss 9b.Sale and exchange of property. NOT TAXABLE 9c.Rental Real Estate, Royalties, Partnerships, trust, etc. 9d.Unemployment compensation. NOT TAXABLE NOT TAXABLE 10.Social security benefits. NOT TAXABLE NOT TAXABLE 11.Other income. Attach statement listing type and amount. 12. Total income. Add lines 1 through 11. DEDUCTIONS See instructions. Deductions must be allocated on the same basis as related income. 13 Individual Retirement Account deduction. (Attach Schedule 1 of Federal 1040) 14 Employee business expenses (see instructions and attach detailed list) 15 Moving expenses. -Into Portland only- See instructions (ATTACH FEDERAL FORM 3903.) Alimony paid. DO NOT INCLUDE CHILD SUPPORT (ATTACH PG 1 2 OF FED. TAX RETURN ALONG WITH THE 16 NAME, ADDRESS AND SSN OF PERSON YOU ARE PAYING.) See new rules if divorce filed after 12/31/18. 17 Other, explain and attach forms/schedules 18 Total deductions. Add lines 13 through 17 19 Total income after deductions. Subtract line 18 from line 12 20 Exemption Amount (Number of Exemptions,_____times $1000.00) 21 Total income subject to tax Subtract line 20 from line 19 22a Tax at resident rate. (MULTIPLY LINE 21 BY 1% (.01)) 22b Tax at nonresident rate. (MULTIPLY LINE 19 Column 2 BY 1/2% (.005)) 23 Total tax. Add lines 22a and 22b (ENTER HERE AND ON PAGE ONE OF THE P-1040, LINE 24) Page 8 |