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5 2022 Form OR-OC Office use only 5
6 Page 1 of 2, 150‑101‑154 Oregon Department of Revenue 01372201010000 6
7 (Rev. 08‑10‑22, ver. 01) 7
8 Oregon Composite Return 8
9 9
10 10
11 Submit original form—do not submit photocopy. 11
12 Pass‑through entity (PTE) name Federal employer identification number (FEIN) 12
14 PTE address PO Box 14
15 15
16 City State ZIP code 16
17 17
18 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXContact first name Initial Contact last name XXContact phoneXXXXX-XXXX 18
20 20
21 Type of PTE filing this 21
22 return (check box): S corporation Partnership LLC Trust LLP LP 22
23 23
24 Number of owners included Individuals C corporations Estates Trusts 24
25 in this return that are: 99,999 99,999 99,999 99,999 25
26 26
27 Tax year end date for majority of owners on composite return: 99/99/9999/ / 27
28 28
29 X Extension filed. Extended due date: 99/99/9999/ / 29
30 30
31 X Amended return. If amending for an NOL, tax year the NOL was generated: 9999 31
32 32
33 X CPAR report. FPA issue date: 99/99/9999/ / Audited partnership tax year end date: 99/99/9999/ / 33
34 34
35 X Form OR‑OC‑TR submitted. 35
36 36
37 37
38 38
39 1. Composite tax [from Schedule OR‑OC‑1, line 5(a), or Individuals, trusts, and estates Corporate income or excise tax 39
40 Schedule OR‑OC‑2, line 6(a)] .........................................................1a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 1b. 99,999,999,999.00.00 40
41 2. CPAR tax [from Schedule OR‑OC‑3, line 5(a), or 41
42 Schedule OR‑OC‑4, line 6(a)] .........................................................2a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 2b. 99,999,999,999.00.00 42
43 3. Add lines 1 and 2 ............................................................................3a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 3b. 99,999,999,999.00.00 43
44 4. PTE‑E tax credit [from Schedule OR‑OC‑1, line 5(b)] ....................4a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 44
45 5. Reserved .........................................................................................5a. 45
46 6. Estimated tax payments for 2022. Include all payments you 46
47 made before filing this return..........................................................6a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 6b. 99,999,999,999.00.00 47
48 7. Add lines 4, 5, and 6 .......................................................................7a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 7b. 99,999,999,999.00.00 48
49 8. Overpayment. Is line 3 less than line 7? If so, line 7 49
50 minus line 3 .....................................................................................8a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 8b. 99,999,999,999.00.00 50
51 9. Tax to pay. Is line 3 more than line 7? If so, line 3 minus line 7 .....9a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 9b. 99,999,999,999.00.00 51
52 10. Penalty and interest (see instructions) .........................................10a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 10b. 99,999,999,999.00.00 52
53 11. Interest on underpayment of estimated tax [from Schedule 53
54 OR‑OC‑1, line 5(e), or Schedule OR‑OC‑2, line 6(c)] ................... 11a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 11b. 99,999,999,999.00.00 54
55 12. Add lines 9, 10, and 11..................................................................12a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 12b. 99,999,999,999.00.00 55
56 13. Amount you owe. Is line 12 more than line 8? If so, line 12 56
57 minus line 8 ...................................................................................13a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 13b. 99,999,999,999.00.00 57
58 14. Refund. Is line 8 more than line 12? If so, line 8 minus line 12 ....14a. 99,999,999,999.00.00 14b. 99,999,999,999.00.00 58
59 59
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