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                                               FORM 770


                                               RETURNS FOR 2022

                                               DEPARTMENT OF  TAXATION
                                               RICHMOND,  VIRGINIA

Va. Dept. of Taxation    2601091    Rev. 08/22

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                                                I. WHAT’S NEW 
Virginia’s Fixed Date Conformity with the Internal a’s Fixed Date Conformity with the Internal   mentioned  above.  However,  if  legislation  is  enacted  that 
Revenue CodeRevenue Code                                                                         results  in  changes  to  the  IRC  for  the  2022  taxable  year, 
                                                                                                 taxpayers may need to make adjustments to their Virginia 
Virginia’sVdate of conformity with the Internal Revenue Code irginia’s date of conformity with the Internal Revenue Code 
                                                                                                 returns  that  are  not  described  in  these  instructions. 
(IRC)(IRC) was advanced from was advanced from December 31, 2020 to December 
                                                                                                 Information about any such adjustments will be posted on 
31,  2021,  subject  to  certain  exceptionsbject  to  certain  exceptions.    This  legislation 
                                                                                                 the Department’s website at www.tax.virginia.gov.
also allows Virginia to generally conform to the American 
Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) and provides additional                                           Credit Changes for 2022 Taxable Year
benefits to recipients of certain coronavirus disease 2019 
(COVID-19) business assistance programs during Taxable                                           Legislation enacted by the 2022 General Assembly resulted 
Years 2021 and 2019.                                                                             in changes to the following credits:
In  addition,  Virginia  will  continue  to  deconform  from  the                                Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit
following temporary changes made by the Coronavirus Aid,                                         Pass-Through Entity Elective Tax Payment Credit 
Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act: suspension                                            (new credit)
of  certain  NOL  limitations  for  Taxable  Years  2018,  2019, 
                                                                                                 Worker Training Tax Credit
and  2020  and  increasing  the  business  interest  limitation 
for Taxable Year 2019 and 2020. See Tax Bulletin 21-4 for                                        Virginia Housing Opportunity Tax Credit
more information.
                                                                                                 See the Tax Credits section of these instructions for details 
At  the  time  these  instructions  were  published,  the  only                                  on these credits. Additional information is also available on 
required  fixed  date  conformity  adjustments  were  those                                      the Department's website, www.tax.virginia.gov.

                                       II. GENERAL INFORMATION
WHO MUST FILE A RETURN                                                                           SPECIAL  INSTRUCTIONS:    Check  the  box  for  “Exempt 
                                                                                                 -  Charitable  Remainder Trust”  under  the  FEIN  area.  On 
RESIDENT ESTATE OR TRUST: The fiduciary of a resident 
                                                                                                 Line 3, enter zero for the amount of Virginia taxable income.  
estate or trust must file a Virginia Fiduciary Income Tax Return 
                                                                                                 Enclose the federal Schedule K-1 and a worksheet reporting 
(Form 770) if the estate or trust is required to file a federal 
                                                                                                 the Virginia income received by recipients.
Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Form 1041). “Resident estate 
or trust” means:                                                                                 WHO SHOULD FILE A RETURN
The estate of a decedent who at death was domiciled                                            An estate or trust that is not otherwise required to file, but 
  in Virginia;                                                                                   which made payments of estimated tax or had income tax 
                                                                                                 withheld during the taxable year, must file a Virginia Fiduciary 
A trust created by the will of a decedent who at death                                         Income Tax Return to claim a refund of those amounts.
  was domiciled in Virginia; or
A trust created by, or consisting of property of, a person                                     PERIOD OF RETURN AND ACCOUNTING 
  domiciled in Virginia.                                                                         METHOD
                                                                                                 The accounting period and method of accounting for Virginia 
                                                                                                 pur poses must be the same as the one used for federal 
nonres ident estate or trust must file a Virginia Fiduciary 
                                                                                                 purposes. If the taxable year or method of accounting is 
Income Tax Return (Form 770) if the estate or trust had 
                                                                                                 changed for federal purposes, the change must be applied 
income  or  gain  derived  from  Virginia  sources  and  was 
                                                                                                 to the Virginia return.
required to file a federal Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Form 
1041). “Income or gain from Virginia sources” means items                                        SIGNATURE AND VERIFICATION
of income or gain derived from:                                                                  The return must be signed by the fiduciary or an authorized 
•  Real or tangible personal property located in Virginia;                                       officer of the organization receiving or having custody or 
                                                                                                 control of the manage ment of the estate or trust. If two or 
•  A business, trade, profession or occupation carried on in 
                                                                                                 more individuals act jointly as fiduciaries, the return may be 
  Virginia; or
                                                                                                 signed by any one of those individuals.
•  Intangible  personal  property,  including  annuities, 
  dividends,  interest,  royalties  and  gains  to  the  extent                                  PENALTIES AND INTEREST
  that the income is attributable to a business, trade or                                        PENALTIES: A fiduciary who fails to file or files a fraud ulent 
  occupation carried on in Virginia.                                                             return may be subject to civil and/or criminal penalties and 
                                                                                                 interest charges.
CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST: The  fiduciary  of  a 
Charitable Remainder Trust must file a Virginia Fiduciary                                        The civil penalty for failing to file a return by the due date is 
Income Tax Return (Form 770) and enclose a copy of the                                           6% of the tax due for each month or part of a month from 
federal Split-Interest Trust Information Return (Form 5227).                                     the due date through the date the return is filed, up to a 
                                                                                                 maximum of 30%.
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The civil penalty for failure to pay the tax due by the required      Administration of every Virginia county and city. Addresses 
due date is also 6% of the tax due for each month or part of          and telephone numbers for these offices are available at the 
a month from the due date through the date the tax is paid,           back of these instructions. Since the Virginia return is based 
up to a maximum of 30%. The late payment penalty is not               on federal information, you should have a complete copy of 
imposed for any month in which the late filing penalty has            the federal Form 1041 on hand when you contact any of the 
already been applied. The total combined penalties for late           above offices. You can download most Virginia tax forms from 
filing and late payment may not exceed 30% of the tax due             the Department’s website: www.tax.virginia.gov. You may 
with the return.                                                      order forms from the Department of Taxation at 804.367.8031. 
The civil penalty for filing a false or fraudulent return, or failing Address requests for information to Virginia Department 
or refusing to file any return with the intent to evade the tax,      of Taxation, P.O. Box 1115, Richmond, VA 23218‑1115 or 
is an additional penalty of 100% of the correct amount of             call 804.367.8031. Do NOT file the return at this address. 
tax due.                                                              Tenemos servicios disponible en Español.
INTEREST:  Interest  due  on  any  tax  and/or  penalty  will         WHERE TO FILE
accrue at the daily rate established according to Va. Code            Both original and amended returns are accepted electronically.  
§ 58.1-15, from the date the tax or unpaid balance became             If you are unable to file and pay electronically, Form 770 must 
due through the date that payment is made. The daily interest         be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue, Director 
rate is the federal “underpayment rate,” plus 2%. The current         of Finance or Director of Tax Administration for the city or 
interest factor may be obtained by calling the Department at          county in which the fiduciary qualified. If there has been no 
804.367.8031 or going to the Department’s website at www.             qualification in Virginia, the return should be filed with the 
tax.virginia.gov.                                                     Virginia city or county in which the fiduciary resides, does 
                                                                      business, or has an office, or where one of the beneficiaries 
                                                                      resides. The  mail ing  addresses  for  the  local  offices  are 
Va. Code §§ 58.1-361 and 58.1-363 require the allocation              available at the back of these instructions.
of  Virginia  modifications  and  Virginia  taxable  income 
to  beneficiaries  based  on  their  respective  share  of  the       Use  the  Department’s  website, www.tax.virginia.gov, 
distributable net income of the estate or trust. A schedule or        to  make  a  payment  online.  Payments  are  electronically 
other statement of the income and modifications attributable          transferred from your savings or checking account. There is 
to  each  beneficiary  must  be  attached  to  Form  770  and         no fee charged by the Department.
provided to each beneficiary by the fiduciary on Schedule 5,          WHEN TO FILE AND PAY THE TAX
Beneficiary’s Information (Federal Schedule K-1 Equivalent). 
                                                                      Calendar year filers must file Form 770 no later than May 1, 
It is not acceptable to require the beneficiary to compute his 
                                                                      2023. Fiscal year returns are due no later than the 15th day 
or her own modification from the federal information provided 
                                                                      of the 4th month following the close of the taxable year. If 
on the federal Schedule K-1.
                                                                      the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, 
If the beneficiaries will qualify for the credits available to Form   the return must be filed by the next succeeding day that is 
770 filers, the fiduciary must provide each beneficiary with          not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Returns can be 
the information from Schedule 5 necessary to compute and/             filed and payments made electronically. If filing by paper, the 
or claim the credit(s).                                               return must be accompanied by full payment of the tax due 
                                                                      as reported on the return. If not filing electronically, make 
                                                                      checks payable to the Treasurer of the city or county where 
Fiduciaries  should  retain  the  records  pertaining  to  each       the return is filed.
income tax return of the estate or trust for 3 years from the due 
date of the return or the date the return was filed, whichever        ESTIMATED TAX
is later. If the IRS extends the time required for the retention      TRUSTS: Trusts must make payments of estimated tax if 
of federal records, the Virginia records should be kept for the       the income tax liability on Form 770 for the taxable year will 
same period of time.                                                  exceed $150.
SETOFF DEBT COLLECTION ACT                                            ESTATES: Estates are not required to make estimated tax 
Before any refund can be issued, Virginia law requires the            payments until the first taxable year that ends 2 or more years 
Department of Taxation to check for outstanding debts of the          after the decedent’s date of death. Estimated tax payments 
taxpayer with agencies of the Commonwealth of Virginia,               must be made for that taxable year and subsequent taxable 
Virginia local governments, the Virginia court system and             years if the income tax liability will exceed $150.
the IRS. If any debts are found, regardless of the type of            Estimated tax payments can be made using eForms or on 
tax return filed, all or part of the refund may be withheld to        paper by using Form 770ES. If Form 770ES is needed, see 
satisfy the debt.                                                     “Where to Get Forms and Assistance” earlier in this section. 
         III. FILING INFORMATION                                      If the estimated tax is underpaid, the fiduciary may be subject 
                                                                      to an addi tion to tax.
                                                                      ADDITION TO TAX FOR UNDERPAYMENT OF 
Assistance is available at the offices of the Commis sioner 
of  the  Revenue,  Director  of  Finance  or  Director  of Tax        ESTIMATED TAX, FORM 760C OR FORM 760F

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An addition to tax is assessed if the fiduciary did not pay       ADJUSTMENTS
enough estimated tax through timely payments or did not 
                                                                  Estates and trusts are required to report to the Department 
have enough income tax withheld throughout the year. The 
                                                                  federal adjustments and pay any additional amounts due 
addition to tax does not apply if each payment is made on 
                                                                  within one year after the final determination date of such 
time and:
                                                                  adjustments (“the one-year requirement”).  For the purposes 
1.  the  total  tax  paid  (including  tax  withheld  and  timely of the one-year requirement, the “final determination date” 
estimated tax paid) was at least 90% (66 2/3% for farmers,        is defined as one of the following:
fishermen or merchant seamen) of the total 2022 tax 
                                                                  •  If the federal adjustment is the result of an audit or 
liability or 100% of the income tax liability for 2021. To 
                                                                    other action by the IRS, the final determination date is 
determine if the requirement is met, reduce the tax by the 
                                                                    defined as the first day on which no federal adjustments 
amount of all nonrefundable credits;
                                                                    arising from that audit or other action remain to be finally 
2.  the sum of installment underpayments for the year is $150       determined.  For agreements required to be signed by 
or less; or                                                         the IRS and the taxpayer, the final determination date is 
3.  you qualify for one of the exceptions shown on Form 760C        defined as the date on which the last party signed the 
(Form 760F for farmers, fishermen or merchant seamen).              agreement.
If the estate or trust is subject to the addition to tax for      •  If the federal adjustment is the result of an audit or other 
underpay ment of estimated tax, complete Form 760C  or              action by the IRS, and the taxpayer filed as a member 
760F and pay the amount computed on Form 760C or 760F.              of a Virginia combined or consolidated return, the final 
Computation of the Virginia underpayment of tax is similar to       determination date is defined as the first day on which 
the federal computation. The addition to tax is reported on         no related federal adjustments arising from that audit 
Form 770 by completing Line 11 of Schedule 1.                       remain to be finally determined for the entire group.
                                                                  •  If the federal adjustment results from filing an amended 
                                                                    federal return, a federal refund claim, or an administrative 
You are allowed an automatic 6-month extension of time to           adjustment request or if it is a federal adjustment reported 
file your tax return.  This provision does not extend the due       on an amended federal return or other similar report, the 
date for payment of taxes; however, you must pay at least           final determination date is defined as the day on which the 
90% of your tax by the original due date for filing the return      amended return, refund claim, administrative adjustment 
(May 1, 2023. for calendar year filers). Payments of tentative      request, or other similar report was filed.
tax must be made by the due date.  Payments can be made 
using eForms or by using Form 770IP. If you file your return      If  you  are  an  owner  of  a  partnership  and  receive  Form 
during the extension period, but do not pay the tax due when      502FED-1, Virginia Partnership-Level Federal Adjustments 
you file your return, both the extension penalty and the late     Report, from the partnership and need to file an amended 
payment penalty may apply.  The extension penalty will apply      Virginia return in order to report the distributive share of the 
from the due date of the return through the date the return is    partnership-level adjustment, you must enclose a copy of 
filed and the late payment penalty will apply from the date the   Form 502FED-1 with the amended return.
return is filed through the date of payment.  To avoid paying     Any taxpayer filing an amended federal return must also file 
the late payment penalty during the extension period, you         an amended state return and must pay any additional tax 
must pay any tax owed when you file the return.                   and interest due, if applicable.
If you file your return within 6 months from the due date,        In addition, if you file an amended return with any other state 
but you do not pay at least 90% of your tax by the original       that results in a change that would affect your Virginia income 
due date for filing your return, you will be subject to an        tax, you must file an amended Virginia tax return within 1 year.
extension penalty of 2% per month.  The penalty is applied        If  the  changes  or  adjustments  result  in  a  decrease  in 
to the balance of tax due with the return from the original due   the fiduciary’s income tax liability, Virginia law allows the 
date through the date of payment.  The maximum extension          Department of Taxation to issue a refund only if the amended 
penalty is 12% of the tax due.  If you file more than 6 months    return is filed within:
after the original due date, the extension provisions will not 
apply, and you will be subject to the late filing penalty.  In    3 years from the due date for filing the original return, 
addition to these penalties, you will be subject to interest        including filing extensions;
charges on any balance of tax due with your return, even if       1 year from the final determination date for the amended 
you meet the 90% payment requirement.                               federal  return  or  federal  change,  whichever  is  later, 
It is not necessary to file Form 770IP if you are CERTAIN           provided the refund requested is attributable only to such 
that your tax return will result in a refund because penalties      change or adjust ment;
are not assessed on a refund return; however, by law the          1 year from the final determination of the amended return 
Department of Taxation may issue a refund only if the return        of any other state or change or correction in the income 
is filed within 3 years of the original due date or extended        tax of the taxpayer for any other state, provided that the 
due date on the return, whichever is later.                         refund does not exceed the amount of the decrease in 
                                                                    Virginia tax attributable to such change or correction;
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2 years from the filing of an amended Virginia return           •  Other income tax credits should be claimed in the order 
  resulting  in  payment  of  additional  tax,  provided  the       in which they provide the maximum benefit, regardless 
  claim for refund raises issues pertaining solely to the           of the order shown on the form.
  prior amended return and the claim does not exceed the          •  Claim  only  as  much  credit  as  can  be  used  to  offset 
  amount of additional tax paid as a result of such prior           tax liability and keep accurate records of the carryover 
  amended return; or                                                available for each credit.
2 years from the payment of an assessment, provided             •  Each pass-through entity must file Form PTE with the 
  the amended return raises issues relating only to the             Department of Taxation within 30 days after the credit is 
  prior assessment and the refund does not exceed the               granted and at least 90 days before filing their income 
  amount of tax paid on the prior assessment.                       tax  return. A  copy  of  the  certification  letter  from  the 
HOW AND WHERE TO FILE AN AMENDED                                    administering agency is a required enclosure with Form 
RETURN                                                              PTE.
If amending your return, check the "amended return" box. In       Many  credits  may  not  be  claimed  on  your  return  or 
addition, enter the appropriate amended return reason code          allocated to beneficiaries until after you have submitted an 
(see below) in the space provided. Select the reason code           application and have been notified in writing that you are 
that best indicates why your return is being amended and            allowed to claim the credit. If your return is due and you 
enclose the appropriate documentation.                              have not yet been notified, you have the option to either:
                                                                    Pay at least 90% of your tax liability by the return due 
  Code Amended Return Reason
                                                                      date and file your return on extension after receiving 
  03   Federal  Return Amended  or Adjusted  –                        such notification, or
       Enclose copy of IRS final determination, if 
       applicable                                                   File your return by the due date without claiming the 
                                                                      credit,  and  file  an  amended  return  after  you  have 
  04   Virginia Return – Changes to subtractions,                     received such notification.
       deductions, additions, and credits
  01   NOL                                                        CREDIT FOR TAX PAID TO ANOTHER STATE
  02   Partnership  Level  Federal Adjustment  –                  RESIDENT FIDUCIARY: 
       Enclose Form 502FED-1                                      A resident fiduciary is required to report its entire federal 
  05   Pass-Through Entity Elective Tax Payment                   taxable income on Form 770, regardless of whether the entire 
       Credit                                                     income was derived from sources in Virginia. If the fiduciary is 
                                                                  liable for payment of income taxes to another state on earned 
  30   Other – Enclose Explanation
                                                                  or business income derived from that state, or any gain (if 
Amended  returns  can  be  filed  and  payments  made             included in federal adjusted gross income) on the sale of a 
electronically. If you are unable to file and pay electronically, capital asset outside Virginia, provided the income is taxed 
obtain a blank Form 770 for the same taxable year and write       by Virginia as well as the other state (see Va. Code § 58.1-
“AMENDED” at the top or check the Amended box and enter           332 for information on capital assets), a credit is generally 
the amended reason code. Then complete the form using             allowed for taxes paid to the other state, provided the income 
the corrected figures as if it were the original return. Do not   is taxable both to Virginia and the other state. The credit is 
make any adjustments to the return to show refunds received       computed on Form 770, Schedule 4.
or balances paid with the original return.                          EXCEPTION: A Virginia fiduciary deriving business 
Enclose a complete copy of your amended federal return              income as a nonresident in Arizona, California, the 
and the Virginia Modification Worksheet, if applicable.             District of Columbia or Oregon may not claim a credit 
                                                                    on the Virginia return for taxes paid to those states. 
You will be contacted if additional information is needed. File     The  credit  must  be  claimed  on  the  other  state’s 
the amended return with the Commissioner of the Revenue,            nonresident fiduciary income tax return.
Director  of  Finance  or  Director  of Tax Administration  for 
the city or county where the original return was filed (see       This credit applies only to income taxes paid to other states. 
the “Where to File” section for further information). Mailing     Taxes paid to cities, counties, the federal government and 
addresses are at the back of these instructions.                  foreign governments do not qualify for the credit. The credit 
                                                                  is  not  allowed  for  franchise  tax,  license  tax,  excise  tax, 
              IV. CREDITS                                         unincorporated business tax, occupation tax or any other 
GENERAL INFORMATION: The following rules apply when               tax characterized as such, even though the tax is based on 
computing tax credits:                                            business income. In addition, the credit is not allowable for 
                                                                  taxes paid to any state that is prohibited by its own legislation 
•  Where a credit is limited to a percentage of the tax, the 
                                                                  from imposing an income or commuter tax.
  “tax” for this purpose shall be gross tax, less the credit for 
  taxes paid to other states.                                     The credit must be computed separately for each state. 
                                                                  Enclose separate schedule for each state.  A complete copy 
                                                                  of the income tax return filed with any state(s) for which a 
                                                                  credit is claimed must be enclosed with Form 770. Copies 
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of cancelled checks or other income statements are not            the company is engaged in a qualifying industry in Virginia. If a 
sufficient for verification of the income tax liability to the    taxpayer is located in an enterprise zone or in an economically 
other state.                                                      distressed area (as defined by the Virginia Department of 
NONRESIDENT FIDUCIARY: As a general rule, Virginia                Economic Development), the threshold is reduced from 50 to 
law does not provide a credit to a nonresident fiduciary on       25. Credits will be recaptured proportionately if employment 
business income taxable by both Virginia and the fiduciary’s      decreases during the 5 years following the initial credit year. 
state of residence. Therefore, such credits typically must        This nonrefundable credit is equal to $1,000 per qualifying 
be claimed on the income tax return filed with the state of       new job in excess of the 50/25 job threshold in enterprise 
residence.                                                        zones or economically distressed areas. This credit is spread 
 EXCEPTION: If the nonresident fiduciary is liable for            over 2 years for taxpayers whose credit year begins on or 
 income taxes as a resident of Arizona, California, the           after January 1, 2009.
 District of Columbia or Oregon on income derived                 The credit only applies to facilities where an announcement 
 from Virginia sources, credit for tax paid to that state         to expand or establish such a facility was made on or 
 will be allowed on the Virginia return.                          after January 1, 1994. The credit must be claimed ratably 
A complete copy of the income tax return filed with any           beginning with the taxable year following the year in which 
state(s) for which a credit is claimed must be enclosed with      the facility is established or expanded, or the new qualifying 
Form  770.  Copies  of  cancelled  checks  or  other  income      jobs are added. Unused credits may be carried forward for the 
statements are not sufficient for verification of the income      next 10 taxable years.  A qualified business firm receiving an 
tax liability to the other state.                                 Enterprise Zone Job Creation Grant under Va. Code § 59.1-
                                                                  547 shall not be eligible to receive a Major Business Facility 
NEIGHBORHOOD ASSISTANCE ACT TAX                                   Job Tax Credit for any job used to qualify for the Enterprise 
CREDIT                                                            Zone Job Creation Grant.
The Virginia Neighborhood Assistance Act provides tax             To apply for this credit, complete Form 304. All applications 
credits to individuals and businesses that make qualified         must be submitted to the Department of Taxation, Tax 
donations directly to pre-approved Neighborhood Assistance        Credit Unit, P.O. Box 715, Richmond, VA  23218‑0715 90 
Program organizations whose primary function is to provide        days prior to the due date of your return. A letter will be sent 
educational or other qualified services for the benefit of        to certify the credit. 
low-income families. Individuals may receive a credit for 
a donation of cash or marketable securities to an eligible        HISTORIC REHABILITATION TAX CREDIT 
organization. Businesses may receive a credit for a donation      Individuals, estates, partnerships, trusts or corporations 
of money, marketable securities, property, limited professional   incurring eligible expenses in the rehabilitation of a certified 
services or contracting services. Licensed veterinarians,         historic structure are entitled to claim a credit against individual 
physicians, dentists, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician      income tax, fiduciary income tax, corporation income tax, the 
assistants, chiropractors, optometrists, dental hygienists,       bank franchise tax, and taxes imposed against insurance 
pharmacists, professional counselors, clinical social workers,    companies and utility companies. The credit is equal to 25% 
clinical psychologists, marriage and family therapists,           of eligible rehabilitation expenses. To qualify, the cost of the 
physical therapists, and  physician specialists who donate        rehabilitation must equal at least 50% (25% if the building 
their services for an approved clinic may also be eligible for    is an owner occupied residence) of the assessed value of 
credits. The amount of credit attributable to a partnership       the building for local real estate tax purposes in the year 
or S corporation must be allocated to the partners and            preceding the start of the rehabilitation.  For taxable years 
shareholders in proportion to their ownership or interest in      beginning on and after January 1, 2017, the amount of the 
the partnership or S corporation. Any unused tax credits may      Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit that may be claimed by 
be carried forward for the next five taxable years. For a list of each taxpayer, including carryover amounts, cannot exceed 
approved organizations or additional information, contact the     $5 million for any taxable year.  The rehabilitation work 
Virginia Department of Social Services, Neighborhood              must be certified by the Virginia Department of Historic 
Assistance Program, 801 E. Main Street, Richmond, VA              Resources as consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s 
23219‑3301   or the Virginia Department of Education,             Standards for Rehabilitation. The request for certification of 
23rd Floor, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, VA 23218‑2120,               the completed project must be submitted within 1 year of the 
Attn: Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit Program                  completed work. Any unused credit may be carried forward 
                                                                  for 10 years. Applications for participation in the program 
for Education or email tax.credits@doe.virginia.gov.
                                                                  may be obtained by contacting the Virginia Department of 
MAJOR BUSINESS FACILITY JOB TAX CREDIT                            Historic Resources, 2801 Kensington Avenue, Richmond, 
For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 1995, but     VA  23221, 804.482.6446, or by visiting www.dhr.virginia.
before July 1, 2025, individuals, estates, trusts, corporations,  gov/tax‑credits/.
banks, insurance companies and telecommunications                 BARGE AND RAIL USAGE TAX CREDIT
companies may claim a Virginia tax credit if the taxpayer 
                                                                  An  income  tax  credit  is  allowed  for  transporting  cargo 
creates at least 50 new full-time jobs in connection with the 
                                                                  containers by barge and rail rather than by trucks or other 
establishment or expansion of a major business facility, and 

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motor  vehicles  on  the  Commonwealth’s  highways. The            of 1% per month, compounded monthly from the date the 
amount of the credit is $25 per 20-foot equivalent, unit or 16     tax credits were claimed.  
tons of noncontainerized cargo or one unit of roll-on/roll-off     Taxpayers cannot receive a grant from the Small Business 
cargo moved by barge or rail rather than by trucks or other        Investment Grant Fund and claim the Qualified Equity and 
motor vehicles on Virginia’s highways.  Containers for which       Subordinated Debt Investments Tax Credit for the same 
this credit is claimed must result from a diversion of shipments   investment. 
from  the  highways. To  receive  a  credit,  an  international 
trade facility is required to apply to the Virginia Department     Taxpayers cannot claim the credit if using the subtractions 
of Taxation. No more than $500,000 in tax credits can be           for long-term capital gains, investments in a Virginia venture 
issued in any fiscal year. The Department will determine the       capital  account,  or  investments  in  a  Virginia  real  estate 
allowable credit amount for the taxable year and provide a         investment trust for the same investment.
written certification of the allowable credit amount to each       This credit requires pre‑approval  by the Department of 
taxpayer.                                                          Taxation. Investors must apply to the Department by April 1 
The business must apply by April 1st using Form BRU.               of the year following the year the investment was made using 
Submitting a late application will disqualify you from the credit. Form EDC. Taxpayers filing Form EDC after April 1 will be 
All applications must be sent to the Virginia Department           denied this credit. Since the tax return of most individuals 
of Taxation, Tax Credit Unit, P.O. Box 715, Richmond,              is due on May 1, most investors will need to file a return on 
VA 23218‑0715.  This credit requires certification from the        extension or amend their original return to claim the credit.
Tax Credit Unit to be claimed on your tax return. A letter         Pass-through  entities  must  file Form PTE         with  the 
will be sent to certify the credit. For assistance write to the    Department of Taxation at least 90 days before filing their 
Department of Taxation, Tax Credit Unit, P. O. Box 715,            income tax return.  A copy of the certification letter from the 
Richmond, VA 23218‑0715 or call 804.786.2992.                      Department of Taxation is a required enclosure to Form PTE. 
QUALIFIED EQUITY AND SUBORDINATED DEBT                             Visit the Department’s website at  www.tax.virginia.gov to 
INVESTMENTS TAX CREDIT                                             obtain Form QBA, Form EDC     and Form PTE. Information 
                                                                   on the application process may be obtained by writing to the 
Taxpayers making a “qualified investment” in the form of 
equity or subordinated debt in a “qualified business” may be       Virginia Department of Taxation, Tax Credit Unit, P. O. Box 
eligible for this credit.  Businesses may apply for designation    715, Richmond, VA 23218‑0715, or by calling 804.786.2992.
as a qualified business using Form QBA. The qualification is       COALFIELD EMPLOYMENT ENHANCEMENT TAX 
valid only for the calendar year of the application. Therefore,    CREDIT
the business needs to reapply each year for qualification. To 
                                                                   This  credit  expired  on  December  31,  2021.  Only  credits 
qualify, the business must (1) have annual gross revenues 
                                                                   earned  in  prior  taxable  years  may  be  claimed  based  on 
of no more than $3 million in its most recent fiscal year, (2) 
                                                                   a  redemption  schedule.  The  allowable  credit  must  be 
have its principal office or facility in the Commonwealth, (3) 
                                                                   computed on Form 306D and reported on the return filed 
be engaged in business primarily in or having substantially 
                                                                   for the taxable year in which the credit is claimed. Form 
all of its production in the Commonwealth and (4) have 
                                                                   306D must be enclosed with the tax return when filed. See 
not obtained during its existence more than $3 million in 
aggregate gross cash proceeds from the issuance of its             the instructions for Form 306D for additional information.  
equity or debt investments (not including commercial loans         LAND PRESERVATION TAX CREDIT
from chartered banking or savings and loan institutions). 
                                                                   This tax credit is for taxpayers that convey land or an interest 
The credit equals 50% of the qualified business investments        in land located in Virginia to a public or private agency that is 
made during the taxable year. The total amount of credit           eligible to hold such land or interest therein for conservation 
granted is limited to $5 million. One-half of this amount must     or  preservation  purposes.   The  conveyance  must  be  in 
be allocated to commercialization investments and the other        perpetuity. 
half is available for all other qualifying investments. If credit 
                                                                   Credits granted for 2007 and beyond are 40% of the fair 
applications for either half exceed the allowed amount, the 
                                                                   market value, as substantiated by a “qualified appraisal” 
credits for that half will be prorated. If credit applications for 
                                                                   prepared  by  a  “qualified  appraiser”,  as  those  terms  are 
either half are less than the allowed amount, the balance 
                                                                   defined  under  applicable  federal  law  and  regulations 
will be available for allocation to the other half. The total 
                                                                   governing charitable contributions. Beginning with the 2015 
amount of credit that may be used per taxpayer per taxable 
                                                                   calendar year, the maximum amount of credits that may be 
year may not exceed $50,000. The credit is nonrefundable. 
                                                                   issued in a calendar year may not exceed $75 million. For 
Unused credits may be carried forward for up to 15 years. 
                                                                   Taxable Years 2009, 2010, and 2011, the total amount of 
Except in certain instances equity and debt investments held 
                                                                   credit per taxpayer per taxable year was limited to $50,000 
in connection with a qualified business investment must be 
                                                                   or the total tax liability, whichever was less. For Taxable 
held by the investor for at least 3 full calendar years following 
                                                                   Years 2012, 2013, and 2014, the credit limit per taxpayer per 
the calendar year for which the credit is allocated. If the 
                                                                   taxable year was $100,000 or the total tax liability, whichever 
holding period is not met, the unused credit amount will be 
                                                                   was less.  For Taxable Years 2015 and thereafter the credit 
forfeited, and an assessment will be issued for the amount 
                                                                   limit per taxpayer per taxable year is $20,000 or the total 
used, to which shall be added interest, computed at the rate 
                                                           Page 6

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tax liability, whichever is less.  However, for any fee simple       employee,  the  credit  may  not  exceed  $500  per  qualified 
donation of land conveyed to the Commonwealth on or after            employee annually. If the recipient of the training is a non-
January 1, 2015, the amount of the credit claimed is subject to      highly  compensated  worker,  the  credit  may  not  exceed 
a higher limitation of $100,000 per taxpayer for each taxable        $1,000 per non-highly compensated worker annually.
year, provided that no part of the charitable contributions          “Eligible worker training” means the training of a qualified 
deduction under § 170 of the Internal Revenue Code related           employee or non-highly compensated worker in the form of:
to such fee simple donation is allowable by reason of a sale 
or exchange of property.  For taxpayers affected by the credit       credit or noncredit courses at any institution recognized 
reductions for taxable years 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2015 and            on the Eligible Training Provider List or at any Virginia 
thereafter, an additional 3-year carryforward will be added            public institution of higher education, as such term is 
to the credit.                                                         defined  in  Va.  Code  §  23.1-100,  or  as  described  in 
                                                                       Va.  Code  §§  23.1-3111,  23.1-3115,  23.1-3120,  and 
Any taxpayer holding Land Preservation Tax Credits that                23.1-3125,  that  results  in  the  qualified  employee  or 
originated on or after January 1, 2002, may transfer unused            non-highly compensated worker receiving a workforce 
but otherwise allowable credits for use by another taxpayer            credential; or
on such taxpayer’s Virginia income tax return.  Transfers and 
pass-through allocations derived from donations recorded             instruction or training that is part of an apprenticeship 
on or after January 1, 2007, are generally subject to a fee.           agreement approved by the Commissioner of Labor 
See Schedule A of Form LPC-1 or Form LPC-2 for further                 and Industry.
information.                                                         “Qualified  employee”  means  an  employee  of  a  business 
If this credit is taken, then for the next 3 years taxpayers         eligible for a credit under this section in a full-time position 
cannot take a subtraction for the gain on the sale of land           requiring a minimum of 1,680 hours in the entire normal year 
or easements dedicated to open-space use. A subtraction              of the business’ operations if the standard fringe benefits 
is allowed for any gain or income recognized by a taxpayer           are paid by the business for the employee. Employees in 
on the application of a Land Preservation Tax Credit against         seasonal or temporary positions may not qualify as qualified 
a Virginia income tax liability to the extent that the gain          employees.  “Qualified  employee”  does  not  include  an 
is included in and not otherwise subtracted from federal             owner or relative. “Non-highly compensated worker” means 
adjusted gross income. The transfer of the credit and its            a worker whose income is less than Virginia’s median wage, 
application against a tax liability shall not create gain or loss    as  reported  by  the  Virginia  Employment  Commission, 
for the transferor or the transferee.                                in  the  taxable  year  prior  to  applying  for  the  credit.  “Non-
                                                                     highly compensated worker” does not include an owner or 
Before claiming the credit, complete and file Form LPC-1             relative. When claiming this credit on the basis of eligible 
and/or Form LPC-2 with the Department of Taxation at least           worker  training,  the  credit  is  allowable  against  individual 
90 days before filing an annual return. For land or an interest      income tax, estate and trust tax, corporate income tax, bank 
in land conveyed before January 1, 2020, no credit will be           franchise tax, insurance premiums license tax, and license 
allowed unless a completed credit application with regard            tax on telegraph, telephone, water, heat, light, power, and 
to such conveyance has been filed with the Department                pipeline companies.
of Taxation by December 31 of the 3rd year following the 
calendar year of the conveyance. For a conveyance made               Before  claiming  the  credit  on  their  income  tax  return, 
on or after January 1, 2020, no credit will be allowed unless a      employers  and  businesses  must  apply  for  certification 
completed credit application with regard to such conveyance          of  the  amount  of  allowable  credit  using  Form  WTC, 
has been filed with the Department by December 31 of the             Worker  Training  Tax  Credit Application,  by April  1  of  the 
2nd year following the calendar year of the conveyance.              year following the year in which the training expenses or 
Additionally, applicants filing for tax credits of  $1 million or    orientation, instruction, and training program expenses were 
more must apply to the Department of Conservation and                paid or incurred. All approved employers and businesses 
Recreation to receive verification of the conservation value.        filing a timely Form WTC will be notified of their allowable 
The Department of Taxation will issue a letter acknowledging         credit by June 30 of the calendar year following the year in 
the amount of the credit. For assistance write to the Virginia       which the expenses were incurred. The maximum Worker 
Department of Taxation, Tax Credit Unit, P. O. Box 715,              Training Credits granted to all employers and businesses 
Richmond, VA 23218‑0715, or call 804.786.2992.                       is limited to $1 million annually. If the total credits approved 
                                                                     exceed  this  amount,  each  will  be  prorated. This  credit  is 
WORKER TRAINING TAX CREDIT                                           nonrefundable  but  excess  credit  may  be  carried  over  for 
For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2019,            the next 3 taxable years. For information on pre-approved 
but before July 1, 2025, the Worker Training Credit allows           apprenticeship programs, contact the Virginia Department 
businesses  to  claim  a  tax  credit  for  the  training  costs  of of Labor and Industry at 804.786.1035. 
providing  eligible  worker  training  to  qualified  employees.     VIRGINIA HOUSING OPPORTUNITY TAX CREDIT
The  credit  is  35%  of  expenses  incurred  by  the  business 
during the taxable year for eligible worker training, subject to     Effective for taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 
certain limitations. If the recipient of the training is a qualified 2021, but before January 1, 2026, a housing opportunity tax 
                                                                     credit (HOTC) is available for certain low-income building 

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projects  in  an  amount  up  to  the  amount  of  federal  low-    the balance of credits shall be allocated for any qualified 
income housing tax credit (LIHTC) allocated or allowed by           project, regardless of location.
the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA). To be            For  more  information,  contact   Virginia  Housing 
qualified, the project is required to be a qualified low-income 
                                                                    Development   Authority,  601 S.  Belvidere Street, 
                                                                    Richmond,  VA 23220,
building, as defined under federal law, that is:                                             call   Stephanie Flanders at 
Located in Virginia;                                              804.343.5939, or visit www.virginiahousing.com.
Placed in service on or after January 1, 2021; and                PASS‑THROUGH ENTITY ELECTIVE TAX PAYMENT 
Allocated HOTC by VHDA.                                           CREDIT
For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2021,           For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2021, 
but before January 1, 2026, a qualified taxpayer may claim          but before January 1, 2026, a qualifying pass-through entity 
a HOTC against Virginia tax liability prior to reduction by         may  make  an  annual  election  to  pay  a  5.75%  tax  at  the 
any other credits allowed the taxpayer.                             entity level for the taxable year.  A corresponding refundable 
The  credit  is  allowed  against  the  individual  income  tax,    income tax credit is available for Taxable Years 2021 through 
estate  and  trust  income  tax,  corporate  income  tax,  bank     2025 for any amount of income tax paid by a qualifying PTE 
franchise tax, insurance premiums license tax, and license          having Virginia taxable income if the PTE makes the election 
tax on telegraph, telephone, water, heat, light, power, and         and pays the elective income tax imposed at the entity level. 
pipeline companies.                                                 The  effect  of  the  elective  income  tax  and  corresponding 
                                                                    refundable credit is to allow the qualifying PTE to shift the 
The  HOTC  may  be  allocated  by  pass-through  entities  to       income tax burden from the PTE owners to the PTE itself. 
some  or  all  of  its  partners,  members,  or  shareholders  in   Partnerships must report the amount of PTET on the VK-1 
any  manner  agreed  to  regardless  of  whether  or  not  the      and the owners must claim their share of PTET credit on 
taxpayer is allocated or allowed any portion of any federal         Schedule CR. For assistance, contact the Department of 
low-income housing tax credit with respect to the qualified         Taxation, Tax Credit Unit, P. O. Box 715, Richmond, VA 
project, whether or not the allocation of the HOTC under            23218‑0715, or call 804.786.2992.
the terms of the agreement has substantial economic effect 
within  the  meaning  of  §  704(b)  of  the  Internal  Revenue 
Code, and whether or not the taxpayer is deemed a partner           V. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS FOR 
for federal income tax purposes, as long as the partner or                             FIDUCIARIES
member  meets  the  definition  under  applicable  state  law,      In addition to the filing of income tax returns, fiduciaries 
and has been admitted as a partner or member on or prior            are generally responsible for ensuring that all Virginia tax 
to the date for filing the return, including any amendments,        obligations of an estate or trust have been fulfilled. The 
with respect to the year of the HOTC. Pass-through entities         information in this section provides details on the settlement 
or  qualified  taxpayers  may  assign  all  or  any  part  of  the  of accounts and outlines other Virginia taxes for which an 
interest,  including  interest  in  the  tax  credits,  to  one  or estate or trust may be held liable.
more pass-through entities or qualified taxpayers, and the 
qualified taxpayer shall be able to claim the HOTC as long          SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS
as the interest is acquired prior to the filing of the tax return   In  connection  with  the  settlement  of  fiduciary  accounts, 
claiming the HOTC.                                                  special attention should be given to the provisions of Va. Code 
For  calendar  years  2022  through  2025,  the  total  amount      §§ 58.1-22 and 58.1-23, dealing with the collection of taxes 
of housing opportunity tax credits authorized for qualified         and levies upon property under the control of the fiduciaries 
projects  shall  not  exceed  $60  million  per  calendar  year.    and the courts. The sections are set out below.
Credits issued each calendar year shall be allowed ratably,         Va. Code § 58.1‑22. Accounts Not Settled Until 
with one-tenth of the total amount of credits allowed annually      Taxes Paid or Provided for         – No commissioner 
for 10 years over the credit period, except that there shall        of accounts shall, under Va. Code   § 64.2-1211, file 
be a reduction in the tax credit allowable in the first year of     any report of an account of the transactions of any 
the credit period due to a federal law calculation, and any         fiduciary not governed by Va. Code § 58.1-911 until 
reduction in the credit in the first taxable year of the credit     the commissioner finds that all taxes, whether state, 
period shall be allowable for the first taxable year following      county or city, assessed and chargeable upon the 
the credit period.                                                  property in the hands of the person for whom such 
Twenty million of credits shall be first allocated exclusively      account is settled have been paid or unless such 
for  qualified  projects  in  a  locality  with  a  population  no  account shall show that there remains in the hands 
greater  than  35,000  as  determined  by  the  most  recent        of such person a sufficient sum, over and above the 
United  States  census.  Allocation  of  Virginia  HOTC  shall      charges of administration, to pay all taxes charged 
constitute the minimum amount of tax credits allocated for          against such person in his capacity as fiduciary.
qualified projects in these localities. However, if the amount      Va. Code      § 58.1‑23. Inquiries Required of 
of the tax credits requested for qualified projects in these        Fiduciaries – Every personal representative, before 
localities is less than the total amount of credits available,      settling the estate in his hands, shall make inquiry 
                                                                    of the treasurer of the county or city wherein the 
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decedent last resided and of the Department with                     entire year, you are not required to pay the use tax.  If the 
respect to any unpaid taxes and levies assessed                      purchases were from out-of-state mail order catalog(s) and 
against his decedent.                                                exceed $100 or the purchases were of any amount from 
                                                                     sources other than mail order catalog(s), then you must 
Inquiries made with respect to the provisions of         Va. 
                                                                     report these purchases and pay consumer’s use tax on the 
Code § 58.1‑23 should be addressed to the Virginia 
Department of Taxation, Customer Services, P.O. Box                  TOTAL amount of untaxed purchases from all sources during 
                                                                     the calendar year.  Nonprescription drugs and proprietary 
1115, Richmond, VA 23218‑1115.
                                                                     medicines purchased for the cure, mitigation, treatment or 
COMPOSITE FILING                                                     prevention of diseases in human beings are exempt from the 
Fiduciaries may request to file, on behalf of nonresident            consumer’s use tax.
beneficiaries or participants, a unified return thereby relieving    The statewide retail sales and use tax rate is 5.3%. Some 
these persons or entities of the responsibility of filing a Virginia localities  have  additional  regional  or  local  taxes.  In  the 
nonresident income tax return. There are certain conditions          Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads regions, there is an 
that must be met in order to be granted approval to file a           additional 0.7% tax, making the total tax 6%. In addition, 
composite return. For further information call the Department        effective October 1, 2020, there is a new 0.7% additional tax 
of Taxation, Customer Services at 804.367.8031.                      in the Central Virginia Region, making tax in that region 6%.  
PROBATE TAX                                                          Effective July 1, 2018, there is an additional one percent 
(TAX ON WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS)                                   sales and use tax in the “Historic Triangle,” defined as the 
                                                                     City of Williamsburg and the Counties of James City and 
A state tax is imposed on the probate of wills and grants of 
                                                                     York.  These localities are within the Hampton Roads Region, 
administration that are not exempt by law. A probate tax return 
                                                                     making the rate in these areas 7% (6% state tax and 1% 
must be filed with the clerk of the court at the time the will 
                                                                     local tax).
is offered for probate, or grant of administration is sought, if 
the estate exceeds $15,000 in value at the date of death of          Additional Local Option Tax: The following localities have 
the decedent. There is no probate tax on estates valued at           adopted an additional 1% local option sales and use tax: 
$15,000 or less. For estates exceeding $15,000 in value, the         The City of Danville, Charlotte, Gloucester, Halifax, Henry, 
tax is 10 cents per $100, or fraction of $100, including the         Northampton and Patrick Counties. This tax is in addition to 
first $15,000. In addition, the county or city in which the will is  the one percent general local sales and use tax authorized 
offered for probate, or grant of administration is sought, may       under current law. The combined tax in these localities is 
also impose a local probate tax equal to 1/3 of the state tax.       6.3% (4.3% state tax, 1% local tax and 1% additional local 
For further information on the probate tax, contact the              option tax). Sales of eligible food items and personal hygiene 
Clerk of the Circuit Court in the appropriate jurisdiction,          products are subject to a reduced sales tax rate of 2.5% (1.5% 
or the Department of Taxation at 804.367.8031.                       state tax and 1% local tax).
ESTATE TAX                                                           These additional local and regional taxes apply to general 
                                                                     retail sales only and do not impact the rate charged for sales 
Virginia law does not currently impose an estate tax on the 
                                                                     of food for home consumption, which remains 2.5%.
estates of decedents whose date of death is on or after 
July 1, 2007.  For further information, visit the Department’s       For  further  information  on  the  consumer’s  use  tax,  visit 
website  at www.tax.virginia.gov,  call  804.367.8031,  or           www.tax.virginia.gov, write to the Virginia Department 
write to  Virginia Department of Taxation, P.O. Box 1115,            of Taxation, P.O. Box 1115, Richmond, VA 23218‑1115 or 
Richmond, VA 23218‑1115.                                             call 804.367.8037.
CONSUMER’S USE TAX                                                   LITTER TAX
If an estate or trust that is not engaged in a trade or business     Litter tax is reported on a separate return, Form 200. This 
is not charged sales tax on purchases of tangible personal           tax is imposed on every “person,” who on January 1 of the 
property  (other  than  for  resale),  it  must  file  a  Virginia   taxable year, was engaged in business as a manufacturer, 
Consumer’s Use Tax Return for Individuals, Form CU‑7.                wholesaler, distributor or retailer of the following products: 
                                                                     food for human or pet consumption; groceries; cigarettes 
Form CU‑7 and the tax are due the same day that the income 
                                                                     and tobacco products; soft drinks and carbonated waters; 
tax return is due. If filing a tax due Form 770 return, do not 
                                                                     beer and malt beverages; wine; newspapers and magazines; 
send a single payment to cover both the fiduciary return 
                                                                     paper  products  and  household  paper;  glass  and  metal 
liability and the consumer’s use tax liability. Form CU‑7 must 
                                                                     containers;  plastic  or  fiber  containers  made  of  synthetic 
be filed separately.
                                                                     materials; cleaning agents and toiletries; nondrug drugstore 
If engaged in a trade or business, file a Virginia Consumer’s        sundry products; distilled spirits; and motor vehicle parts. 
Use Tax Return,Form ST‑7.Form ST‑7  and the tax are due              “Person” means any natural person, corporation, partnership, 
by the 20th day of the month following the month in which            administrator, fiduciary representative or group of individuals 
the purchase was made.                                               or entities of any kind operating such a business.
If  the  total  amount  of  purchases  were  from  out-of-state      Litter tax is computed and filed on a calendar year basis for 
mail order catalog(s) ONLY and totaled $100 or less for the          all filers, regardless of the taxable year used for income tax 

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purposes. The return,  Form 200, and payment of the tax                      The instructions for Schedule 3, Line 11, explain 
are due on May 1 of each year for the preceding year. For                    whether the amount should be entered on Line 
further information on litter tax, contact the Department                    2(a) or Line 2(b).
of Taxation at 804.367.8037.                                                 See Schedule 3, Lines 3 and 8, for amounts on 
                                                                             Lines 2FA and 2FS.
                                                                     Line 3: Virginia taxable income of fiduciary. Add the 
                 FORM 770 – PAGE 1
                                                                             amounts reported on Lines 1 and 2(a), or subtract 
Complete the information in the sections at the top of Form                  the amount on Line 2(b) from the amount on Line 
770. If this return is for a period other than January 1 to                  1, and enter the result on Line 3.
December 31 of the taxable year shown on your return, 
indicate the fiscal beginning and ending dates in the space          Line 4: Virginia income tax. Compute the tax on the 
                                                                             income reported on Line 3, according to the rate 
provided. The taxable period of your Virginia return must be 
                                                                             schedule below.
the same as that of your federal return. It is important that the 
name, address, and Federal Employer Identification Number                      If Line 3 is $3,000 or less, the tax is 2% of 
(FEIN) are entered correctly. Do NOT use the decedent’s                          Line 3;
social security number or the preparer’s FEIN as the                           If Line 3 isover $3,000, but not over $5,000, 
estate’s or trust’s FEIN.                                                        the tax is $60 plus 3% of the excess over 
If the estate or trust has not received its FEIN, write “Applied                 $3,000;
For” in the appropriate box and notify the Department of                       If  Line  3  is over $5,000, but  not over 
Taxation in writing at P. O. Box 1115, Richmond, VA 23218‑                       $17,000,  the  tax  is  $120  plus  5%  of  the 
1115 as soon as the FEIN is received.                                            excess over $5,000; or
Locality Code. Look up the 3-digit code on the back cover                      If Line 3 is over $17,000, the tax is $720 plus 
of  the  instructions  for  the  locality  in  which  the  fiduciary             5.75% of the excess over $17,000.
qualified. Enter the corresponding number in the boxes that 
are provided on the form. If the fiduciary is not qualified, enter   Line 5: Payments and credits. Enter total payments and 
300 as the “unassigned” locality.                                            credits. Add Lines 5(a) through 5(m) and Lines 
                                                                             o(iii) through (u). 
Charitable Remainder Trust. Check the box for “Exempt - 
Charitable Remainder Trust” under the FEIN section.  On Line                 (a) Virginia income tax withheld.  Enter  the 
3, enter zero for the amount of Virginia taxable income.  A                  amount of any Virginia withholding on the wages, 
schedule or other statement of the income, and all credits and               salaries or other income of the decedent that was 
modifications attributable to the beneficiary of the Charitable              received by the estate. Enclose a copy of Forms 
Remainder Trust must be provided to the beneficiary.                         W-2,  W-2G,  1099-R,  VK-1  and/or  any  other 
                                                                             documentation necessary to support the amount 
Grantor Trust. Check this box if the fiduciary is a grantor                  claimed. Do not staple enclosures.
type trust.
                                                                             (b) 2022  Estimated  tax  payments.  Enter  the 
Final Return. Check this box if this is the final return for                 amount  of  any  2022  Virginia  estimated  tax 
the fiduciary.                                                               payments made by the estate or trust, including 
 SCHEDULE 1 – COMPUTATION OF TAXABLE                                         any overpayment credit applied from the fiduciary’s 
        INCOME AND TAX OF FIDUCIARY                                          2021 return. Do not include payments made on 
                                                                             behalf of a decedent for individual income tax 
Before  completing  Schedule  1,  complete  all  applicable                  purposes.
schedules on the back of Form 770.
                                                                             (c) Extension payments made with Form 770IP. 
Line 1:    Federal taxable income of the estate or trust.
                                                                             Enter the amount of tentative tax paid with the 
           Resident fiduciaries:                                             fiduciary’s Form 770IP. 
           Enter  the  federal  taxable  income  reported  on 
           Form 1041.                                                        (d) Credit for tax paid to another state. Enter 
                                                                             the credit computed from Form 770, Schedule 4, 
           Nonresident fiduciaries:
                                                                             Line 7. See “Credit for Tax Paid to Another State” 
           Enter the taxable income from Schedule 2, Line 8.
                                                                             in Section IV of these instructions to see if you 
Line 2:    Fiduciary’s share of Virginia modifications.                      qualify for this credit. 
           Enter on Line 2(a) or Line 2(b), the net modifications 
           amount from Schedule 3, Line 11 on the back of                    A complete copy of the fiduciary return of any 
           the return.                                                       state for which the credit is claimed must be 
           If  additions  include  an  adjustment  for  an  add 
           back  of  state  and  local  income  tax  paid  by  a             (e)-(u)   Complete  Schedule  5  on  Page  3  of 
           pass-through entity for purposes of claiming the                  Form 770 to determine the allocations between 
           Pass-Through Entity Elective Tax Payment Credit,                  beneficiaries.
           check the box provided on Line 2.                          (e)    Neighborhood Assistance Act  Tax  Credit. 

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- 13 -
      Complete  the  worksheet  below  and  enter  the                       4.  Tax from Sch. 1, Line 4. ....... 4. ___________
      allowable credit from Line 7 on Form 770, Line                         5.  Total of other credits claimed. 5. .  ___________
      5(e).                                                                  6.  Subtract Line 5 from Line 4 .. 6. ___________
      1.  Fiduciary’s share of credit  ... 1. ___________                    7. Allowable 2022 Credit. Enter  
      2.  Carryover credit from                                                 the lesser of Line 3 or Line 6   
          prior year ............................. 2. ___________               here and on Sch. 1, Line 5(j) . 7. ___________
      3.  Subtotal: Add Lines 1 and 2  3. ___________                        8. Carryover to 2023 Form 770.  
      4.  Tax from Schedule 1, Line 4 4.   ___________                          If Line 3 is larger than Line 7,  
      5.  Credit for tax paid to another                                        enter the difference .............. 8. ___________
          state ..................................... 5. ___________    (k)  Line reserved for future use.
      6.  Subtract Line 5 from Line 4.  6. ___________
                                                                        (l) Line reserved for future use. 
      7.  Allowable 2022 Credit. Enter the 
          lesser of Line 3 or Line 6 here and                           (m)  Qualified Equity and Subordinated Debt 
          on Schedule 1, Line 5(e) ..... 7. ___________                      Investments Tax Credit. Complete the worksheet 
      8.  Carryover to 2023 Form 770.                                        below and enter the allowable credit.
          If Line 3 is larger than Line 7,                                   1.  Fiduciary’s share of credit  ... 1. ___________
          enter the difference .............. 8. ___________                 2.  Carryover credit from  
 (f)  Enterprise Zone Act Tax Credit. This  credit                              prior year ............................. 2. ___________
      expired June 30, 2019. Only Enterprise Zone Real                       3.  Subtotal: Add Lines 1 and 2 .. 3. ___________
      Property Investment Tax Credit carryover amounts                       4.  Tax from Schedule 1, Line 4.. 4.   ___________
      from prior years are allowed. Use the worksheet                        5.  Total of other credits claimed. 5.   ___________
      below to determine the carryover amount that can 
                                                                             6.  Subtract Line 5 from Line 4 .. 6. ___________
      be used on this year’s tax return.  
      1.   Credit carried over from prior                                    7. Allowable 2022 Credit. Enter  
           years.......................................1. __________            the lesser of Line 3 or Line 6  
      2.   Allowable credit: Enter the                                          here and on Sch. 1, Line 5(m) 7.  __________
          amount from Line 1 or the                                          8. Carryover to 2023 Form 770.  
          maximum credit allowed......... 2. __________                         If Line 3 is  larger than Line 7,  
      3.   Amount to be carried over                                            enter the difference .............. 8. ___________
          to next year (subtract Line 2 
          from Line 1)............................  3. __________       (n)-(o)  Coalfield Employment Enhancement Tax 
 (g)  Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit. Enter                     Credit.  Enter  on  Line  5(n)i  the  fiduciary’s  credit  as 
      the fiduciary’s credit as computed on Form 304.                   computed on Form 306D, Part II, Section 1, Line 1. 
                                                                        Enter on Line 5(n)iii the amount you used to allocate 
 (h)  Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit. Complete the                  the fiduciary’s credit share of the Coalfield Employment 
      worksheet below and enter the allowable credit.                   Enhancement Tax Credit - Full Tax Credit, from Form 
      1.  Fiduciary’s share of credit                                   306D, Part II, Section 2, Line 3. Enter on Line 5(o)i the 
          Enclose certification ............. 1. ___________            amount you used to allocate the fiduciary’s share of the 
                                                                        Coalfield Employment Enhancement Tax Credit - Excess 
      2.  Carryover credit from  
                                                                        Tax Credit, from Form 306D, Part II, Section 3, Line 5. 
          prior year ............................. 2. ___________
                                                                        Add Lines 5(n)iii and (o)i and enter the total on Line 
      3.  Subtotal: Add Lines 1 and 2 .. 3. ___________                 5o(iii). This is the fiduciary's share of the refundable 
      4.  Tax from Schedule 1, Line ..4 4.             ___________      credit.
      5.  Total of other credits claimed.   ___________5.               (p)  Line reserved for future use.
      6.  Subtract Line 5 from Line 4.  6. ___________
                                                                        (q)  Land Preservation Tax Credit. Complete the 
      7.  Allowable 2022 Credit. Enter the                                   worksheet below and enter the allowable credit.
          lesser of Line 3 or Line 6 here and  
          on Schedule 1, Line 5(h) ..... 7. ___________                      1.  Fiduciary’s share of credit  ... 1. ___________
      8.  Carryover to 2023 Form 770.                                        2.  Carryover credit from  
          If Line 3 is larger than Line 7,                                      prior year ............................. 2. ___________
          enter the difference .............. 8. ___________                 3.   Subtotal: Add Lines 1 and 2 . 3. ___________
 (i)  Line reserved for future use.                                          4.  Tax from Schedule 1, Line 4.4.   ___________
 (j)  Barge and Rail Usage Tax Credit.  Complete the                         5.  Total of other credits claimed. 5. ___________
      worksheet below and enter the allowable credit.                        6.  Subtract Line 5 from Line 4.  6. ___________
      1.  Fiduciary’s share of credit  ... 1. ___________                    7. Allowable 2022 Credit. Enter  
                                                                                the lesser of Line 3 or Line 6  
      2.  Carryover credit from  
                                                                                here and on Sch. 1, Line 5(q) 7. .  ___________
          prior year ............................. 2. ___________
                                                                             8. Carryover to 2023 Form 770.  
      3.  Subtotal: Add Lines 1 and 2 . 3. ___________
                                                                                If Line 3 is larger than Line 7,  
                                                         Page 11

- 14 -
            enter the difference .............. 8. ___________               Enter the amount of the overpayment to be credited 
  (r)  Line reserved for future use.                                         to the fiduciary’s 2023 estimated income tax.
                                                                   Line 9:   Amount to be refunded.  Subtract Line 8 from 
  (s)   Worker Training Tax Credit.  Complete  the 
                                                                             Line 7 and enter the refund amount here.
        worksheet below and enter the allowable credit.
        1.  Fiduciary’s credit share  ....... 1. ___________       Line 10:  Reserved for future use.
        2.  Carryover credit from                                  Line 11:   Amount from Form 760C or Form 760F.        Enter 
            prior year  .......................... 2. ___________            the addition to tax amount from Form 760C or 
                                                                             Form 760F and check the box, if applicable.
        3.  Subtotal: Add Lines 1 and 2 . 3. ___________
        4.  Tax from Sch. 1, Line 4. ........ 4.___________        FORM 760C OR FORM 760F
        5.  Total of other credits claimed.5.   ___________        See the “Estimated Tax” section in Part III of these instructions 
                                                                   to determine if you owe an addition to tax. If exception 1 or 
        6.  Subtract Line 5 from Line 4.  6. ___________
                                                                   2 was met for all quarters, it is not necessary to complete 
        7.  Allowable 2022 Credit. Enter  
                                                                   or enclose Form 760C or Form 760F. If exception 3 or 4 
            the lesser of Line 3 or Line 6  
                                                                   was used to calculate the addition to tax or to determine 
            here and on Sch. 1, Line 5(s) 7. .  ___________
                                                                   that you did not owe the addition to tax for any quarter, 
        8.  Carryover to 2023 Form 770.                            you must enclose Form 760C and the associated 
            If Line 3 is larger than Line 7,  
                                                                   worksheet(s) with the return.
            enter the difference .............. 8. ___________
                                                                   If Form 760C or Form 760F is enclosed, complete Line 11 
  (t)   Virginia Housing Opportunity Tax Credit.                   of Schedule 1. Enclose a check for the TOTAL amount of 
        Complete  the  worksheet  below  and  enter  the           income tax due and the addition to tax computed on Form 
        allowable credit.                                          760C or Form 760F. If your return shows a refund on Line 9, 
        1.  Fiduciary’s credit share  ....... 1. ___________       the addition to tax will be deducted from your refund.
        2.  Carryover credit from                                  COMPLETING THE RETURN
            prior year  .......................... 2. ___________
                                                                   SIGNATURE: The return must be signed by the fiduciary or 
        3.  Subtotal: Add Lines 1 and 2 . 3. ___________           an authorized officer of the organization receiving or having 
        4.  Tax from Schedule 1, Line 4.4.   ___________           custody or control of the management of the estate or trust. 
        5.  Total of other credits claimed. 5. ___________         If two or more individuals act jointly as fiduciaries, the return 
        6.  Subtract Line 5 from Line 4.  6. ___________           may be signed by any one of those individuals. You have not 
                                                                   filed a complete or legal return unless it has been signed.
        7.  Allowable 2022 Credit. Enter  
            the lesser of Line 3 or Line 6                         TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Telephone numbers where you 
            here and on Sch. 1, Line 5(t)7.   ___________          can be contacted between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 
        8.  Carryover to 2023 Form 770.                            p.m. are requested so that a representative of the Department 
            If Line 3 is larger than Line 7,                       can call you if there is a question about the return.
            enter the difference .............. 8. ___________                                                            See 
                                                                   WHEN AND WHERE TO FILE AND PAY THE TAX:
  (u)   Pass‑Through  Entity  Elective  Tax  Payment               Section III, Filing Information, on Page 2 of these instructions 
        Credit. Enter on Line 5(u) the amount of the PTE           for information on when and where to file and pay the tax.
        refundable credit being claimed by the fiduciary.
Line 5: Total payments and credits. Enter the total of                        FORM 770 – PAGE 2
        Lines 5(a) through 5(m) and 5o(iii) through 5(u).
                                                                   SCHEDULE 2 – COMPUTATION OF VIRGINIA 
Line 6: Balance due. If the total credits claimed on Line 5 
        are less than the tax reported on Line 4, subtract         TAXABLE INCOME OF A NONRESIDENT 
        Line  5  from  Line  4  and  enter  the  result.  See                 ESTATE OR TRUST
        Section II of this instruction book for information        On  Lines  1  through  3,  enter  the  distributable  amount  in 
        on when and where to file your return. You may             Column A and the nondistributable amount in Column B.
        file  and  pay  electronically  or  a  check  for  the 
                                                                   Line 1:   Income from sources within Virginia.  Enter 
        balance due, made payable to the Treasurer of 
                                                                             the income from property or businesses located 
        the city or county where the return will be filed, 
                                                                             in Virginia to the extent that the item of income is 
        must be enclosed with the return. A list of the 
                                                                             includable in the computation of federal taxable 
        filing  addresses  and  phone  numbers  for  each 
        city or county is available at the back of these 
        instructions.                                              Line 2:   Federal deductions attributable to income 
Line 7: Overpayment. If the total payments and credits                       from sources within Virginia. Enter the federal 
        claimed on Line 5 exceed the tax reported on Line                    deductions attributable to the income reported on 
        4, subtract Line 4 from Line 5 and enter the result                  Line 1 above.
        on Line 7.                                                 Line 3:   Net Virginia source income. Subtract the amount 
Line 8: Amount of overpayment to be credited to 2023. 
                                                           Page 12

- 15 -
                 reported on Line 2 from the income reported on                                                                         INCOME
                 Line 1 and enter the result here.
                                                                                                         Line 1: Interest on obligations of other states. Enter the 
Line 4:          Allocation of Virginia source income. Line 4                                                   amount of interest, less related expenses to the extent  
                 is used to report the allocation of income among                                               that it was not deducted in determining federal taxable 
                 the fiduciary and the beneficiaries. Income will                                               income, on obligations of any state other than Virginia, 
                 be allocated to the fiduciary only if the income is                                            or of a political subdivision of any such state unless 
                 accumulated during the taxable year and, as in                                                 it was created by a compact or agreement to which 
                 the case of a complex trust, not all of the income                                             Virginia is a party.
                 is distributed currently.
                                                                                                                If the estate or trust received federally exempt dividend                    
                 Virginia source income must be allocated to each                                               income from a regulated investment company (mutual 
                 beneficiary  based  on  his  or  her  proportionate                                            fund) that invested in obligations both taxable and 
                 share  of  the  federal  distributable  net  income.                                           exempt  for  Virginia  purposes,  the  entire  income 
                 For  example,  if  50%  of  the  estate’s  or  trust’s                                         must be reported unless a statement from the fund is 
                 federal distributable net income is allocated to a                                             enclosed that:
                 beneficiary from Form 1041 or Schedule K-1, then 
                                                                                                                details the dividends earned from the fund; and
                 50% of the net Virginia source income should be 
                 allocated to that beneficiary.                                                                 summarizes the prorations between exempt and 
                                                                                                                  taxable dividends (monthly breakdown preferred).
                 Complete the allocation schedule provided on 
                 Lines 4(a) through 4(c) or enclose a schedule of                                                 EXAMPLE: A  trust  receives  dividends  from  a 
                 computation if more space is needed.                                                             mutual fund that invests in obligations of Virginia 
                                                                                                                  and New York. The interest received from all of 
Line 5:          Deduction for distributions to beneficiaries.                                                    the obligations is exempt from federal taxation. 
                 Enter the amount from Line 4a, Column 4 or Line 
                                                                                                                  The fund provides the following statement:
                 4a, Column 2, whichever is less.
                                                                                                                  Dividend payments for 2022                     $4,000
Line 6:          Fiduciary’s share of Virginia source income. 
                                                                                                                  % of income from NY obligations  60%
                 Sum of Line 4b, Column 4 or Line 4b, Column 2, 
                 whichever is less, plus Line 4b,  Column 5.                                                      % of income from VA obligations  40%
Line 7:          Exemption from federal Form 1041. Enter the                                                      Based on this information, the trust may exclude 
                 amount  of  the  federal  exemption  allowed  on                                                 40% or $1,600 of the income from Virginia taxable 
                 federal Form 1041.                                                                               income. Therefore,  the  trust  would  make  an 
                                                                                                                  addition for only part of its mutual fund income, 
Line 8:          Income taxable to fiduciary. Subtract Line 7 from                                                $2,400,  and  enclose  the  above  statement  to 
                 Line 6. Enter the result here and on Schedule 1,                                                 support the partial addition.
                 Line 1 of Form 770.
                                                                                                         Line 2:  Income taxes  of  this state or  any other 
 SCHEDULE 3 – FIDUCIARY’S MODIFICATIONS                                                                           taxing jurisdiction. Enter the amount of income 
Enter the fiduciary’s share of each modification on the                                                           tax  imposed  by  this  state  or  any  other  taxing 
appropriate line.                                                                                                 jurisdiction to the extent that such taxes were 
                                                                                                                  deducted in computing federal taxable income.
                         Fixed Date Conformity Update
                                                                                                         Line 3:  Fixed Date Conformity Additions.
Virginia’s  Fixed  Date Conformity  with  the  Internal a’s  Fixed  Date Conformity  with  the  Internal 
RevenueRevenue Code:Code:  Revenue Code: Virginia’s date of conformity Revenue Code:a:  BonusVirginia’sDepreciation.date of conformity  For  an  explanation, 
withwith the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) was the Internal Revenue Code (IRC)please was advancedsee  the  section from                                          entitled,        Fixed  Date 
December  31,  2020  to  December  31,  2021,  subjec             t t to to                                       Conformity  Update                  .  Enter  the  amount 
certaincertainexceptions. Additional information about conformity exceptions. Additionalthat  should informationbe  added aboutto conformityfederal  taxable 
adjustments adjustments  and  other  legislative  changes  required  as and  other  legislative inco me changes based  upon required the asrecomputation  of                                 
aa result of the 2022 General Assembly is provided in Tax result of the 2022allowableGeneraldepreciation.Assembly is provided .............ain___________Tax 
BulletinBulletin 22-1 posted on the Department’s website at 22-1www..wwwposted on the Department’sb:  Other FixedwebsiteDateatConformity Additions.                                       If 
tax.virginia.govtax.virginia.gov. .                                                                               you are required to make any Other Fixed Date 
VirginiaV        will continue to deconform from the following: bonus irginia will continueConformity to deconformadditions fromlisted thein following:the  Fixed bonusDate 
depreciationdepreciation allowed for certain assets under federal law; allowed for certainConformity assets underUpdate federalfor law;2022  above,  enter  the 
thethe five-year carryback of certain federal net operating loss five-year carrybacktotal amountof certainoffederalsuch additionsnet operatingon thislossline. Also, 
(NOL)(NOL) deductions generated in the 2008 or 2009 taxable deductions generatedpleaseinenclosethe 2008aorschedule2009 taxableand explanation of 
years;years; the federal income treatment of applicable high yield the federal incomesuchtreatmentadditions. of......................... applicable highb___________yield 
discountdiscount obligations; and the federal income tax treatment obligations;                                  andEnterthe federalthe totalincomeof Linestax treatmenta and b here and on 
ofof cancellation of debt income realized in connection with cancellation of debtFormincome770, Schedulerealized in1,connectionLine 2FAwithand Schedule 3,  
certain business debts.certain business debts.                                                                    Line 3.  ............................TOTAL ___________
 PART I – ADDITIONS TO FEDERAL TAXABLE                                                                   Line 4:  Other additions to federal taxable income. 

                                                                      Page 13

- 16 -
        Enter the following amounts, if applicable, and                  the United States is eligible for the subtraction. A 
        enclose a schedule of computation with the return:               partial list of federal organizations and the Virginia 
        a.  The amount of a lump sum distribution from                   tax status of income received from investments in 
        a  qualified  retirement  plan,  less  the  minimum              securities issued by those entities is shown below. 
        distribution allowance, and any amount excluded                  The list is based on the Department’s analysis of 
        from federal taxable income solely by virtue of a                federal and state law as applicable to selected 
        fiduciary’s election to use the averaging provisions             organizations. For organizations not listed below, 
        under IRC § 402.                                                 additional information must be enclosed showing 
                                                                         that the interest is exempt from Virginia income tax.
        b.  The  amount  necessary  to  prevent  the 
                                                                         ISSUING ORGANIZATION            TAX STATUS
        deduction of any item properly deductible by the 
        taxpayer in determining a tax under Virginia law                 Export-Import Bank of the United  
        prior to 1972.                                                   States ...................................................Exempt 
                                                                         Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) ........                    Exempt
        c.  The  amount  that  would  be  reported  under 
        the installment method from certain dispositions                 Federal Home Loan Mortgage  
        of property. If, in a prior year, the taxpayer was               Corporation  (FHLMC) ..........................Taxable
        allowed  a  subtraction  for  certain  income  from              Federal Intermediate Credit Bank ........                 Exempt
        dealer dispositions of property made on or after                 Federal Land Bank ...............................         Exempt
        January 1, 2009, in the years following the year of              Federal National Mortgage Association  
        disposition, the taxpayer is required to add back                (FNMA) .................................................Taxable
        the amount that would have been reported under                   Government National Mortgage  
        the installment method. Each disposition must be                 Association (GNMA) .............................Taxable
        tracked separately for purposes of this adjustment.              Inter-American Development Bank ......Taxable 
        d. Federal Partnership Income Addition         -                 International Bank for Reconstruction  
        Income related to certain partnership adjustments                &  Development ....................................Taxable
        that result from federal tax changes and other                   Student Loan Market Association  
        changes to federal taxable income must be added                  (SLMA) .................................................  Exempt
        to the owner’s income tax return if the income was               United States Savings Bonds ...............               Exempt
        not previously reported on the original Virginia                 United States Treasury Bills, Notes,  
        return. The amount of the addition is equal to the               and Bonds ............................................    Exempt
        income that was not included in Virginia taxable 
        income. When reporting this addition, enclose the                If  the  estate  or  trust  received  income  from  a 
        partnership’s completed Form 502FED-1.                           regulated investment company (mutual fund) that 
                                                                         invested in obligations both taxable and exempt 
        e.  Other income not included in federal taxable                 for Virginia purposes, the entire income must be 
        income, but subject to Vir ginia income tax.                     reported as taxable unless a statement from the 
Line 5: Total Additions. Add Lines 1 through 4 and enter                 fund is enclosed that:
        the result.                                                      •  details the amount of income earned from the 
 PART II – SUBTRACTIONS FROM FEDERAL                                     fund; and
           TAXABLE INCOME                                                •  summarizes the prorations between exempt 
Line 6: Income (interest, dividends or gains) from                       and  taxable  income  (monthly  breakdown 
        obligations or securities of the U.S. exempt                     preferred).
        from state income taxes, but not exempt                          If the estate or trust is provided the information 
        from federal income taxes. Enter the income                      specified above, enter the exempt portion of income. 
        derived from obligations or the sale or exchange of              A copy of the statement from the fund must be 
        obligations of the United States and on obligations              enclosed with the return to support the subtraction.
        or  securities  of  any  authority,  commission  or 
        instrumentality of the United States to the extent      Line 7:  Any state income tax refund or credit reported 
        that such income is exempt from state income                     as “other income” on federal Form 1041. Enter 
                                                                         any state income tax refund or credit included in 
        taxes. The amount entered here should include, 
                                                                         the estate’s or trust’s income on Form 1041.
        but  is  not  limited  to,  qualifying  stocks,  bonds, 
        treasury bills and treasury notes.                      Line 8:  Fixed Date Conformity Subtractions.
        Do not include interest on federal tax refunds,                  a:  Bonus Depreciation.   For  an  explanation, 
        equipment purchase contracts and other normal                    see the section entitled, Fixed Date Conformity 
        business transactions.                                           Update.  Enter  the  amount  that  should  be 
        Only income received from direct obligations of 

                                                     Page 14

- 17 -
         subtracted  from  federal  taxable  income               after January 1, 2019 but before December 31, 
         based  upon  the  recomputation  of  allowable           2024. 
         depreciation.  ..........................a ___________   In order for the subtraction to be claimed on the 
         b:  Other Fixed Date Conformity Subtractions.            investors’  income  tax  returns,  the  real  estate 
         If you are required to make any Other Fixed Date         investment trust in which they invest must be 
         Conformity subtractions listed in the Fixed Date         certified by the Department as a Virginia real estate 
         Conformity Update for 2022 above, enter the total        investment trust for the taxable year during which 
         amount of such subtractions on this line. Also,          the investment was made. If the fund is approved, a 
         please enclose a schedule and explanation of             9-digit certification number will be provided. Enclose 
         such subtractions.. ................... b___________     a statement to the return including the “Certification 
         Enter the total of Lines a and b here and on             Number” when claiming this subtraction. 
         Form 770 Schedule 1, Line 2FS and Schedule 3,            No subtraction is allowed to an individual taxpayer: 
         Line 8.       TOTAL ................. ___________        for an investment in a company that is owned 
Line 9:  Other subtractions from federal taxable                  or operated by a family member or affiliate of 
         income. Enter the following amounts, if applicable,      the  taxpayer;  who  claimed  the  subtraction  for 
         and enclose a schedule of computation with the           certain long-term capital gains or Venture Capital 
         return.                                                  Investments  for  the  same  investment;  or  who 
                                                                  claimed the Qualified Equity and Subordinated Debt 
         a.  The amount of income on obligations or sales 
                                                                  Investments Tax Credit for the same investment.
         and exchanges of obligations of this state or of 
         any political subdivision or instrumentality of this     i.        For taxable years beginning on or after January 
         state included in federal taxable income.                1, 2019, taxpayers may claim a subtraction for any 
                                                                  gain recognized from the taking of real property 
         b.  The amount of wages or salaries eligible for 
                                                                  by condemnation proceedings. 
         the federal work opportunity tax credit which was 
         not deducted for federal purposes on account of          j.        Federal Partnership Income Subtraction ‑  
         the provisions of IRC § 280C(a).                         Income related to certain partnership adjustments 
                                                                  that result from federal tax changes and other 
         c.  The amount of Tier 1 Railroad Retirement Act 
                                                                  changes  to  federal  taxable  income  may  be 
         benefits, Tier 2 vested dual benefits and other 
                                                                  subtracted from Virginia taxable income if the 
         Railroad Retirement Act benefits, and Railroad 
                                                                  income was previously reported on the owner’s 
         Unemployment Insurance Act benefits included 
                                                                  Virginia return. The amount of the subtraction 
         in federal taxable income.
                                                                  is equal to the federal taxable income that was 
         d.  Transitional modifications provided in Va. Code      included in the owner’s Virginia original income tax 
         § 58.1-315.                                              return but should not have been reported. When 
         e.  A deduction, not to exceed $4,000 per account        claiming this subtraction, include a copy of the 
         per year, for the amount paid or contributed to a        partnership’s Form 502FED-1. 
         prepaid tuition contract or a college savings trust      k.  Other  income  included  in  federal  taxable 
         account entered into with the Virginia College           income, but exempt from Virginia income tax. 
         Savings Plan. Do not include any amount that           Line 10:   Total subtractions. Add Lines 6 through 9 and 
         was deducted on the federal return.                      enter the total here.
         f.  Allows the income from dealer dispositions         Line 11:   Net Virginia modifications. Subtract Line 10 from 
         of property made on or after January 1, 2009, to         Line 5 and enter the difference here and 
         be recognized under the installment method at 
         the election of the taxpayer, provided that (i) the      If Line 5 is larger than Line 10,
         election relating to the dealer disposition of the       Enter the amount from Line 11 on Line 2(a) 
         property has been made on or before the due              of Schedule 1. This is a net ADDITION.
         date prescribed by law for filing the taxpayer’s         If Line 5 is not larger than Line 10,
         income tax return, and (ii) the dealer disposition       Enter the amount from Line 11 on Line 2(b) 
         is in accordance with restrictions and conditions        of Schedule 1. This is a net SUBTRACTION.
         established by the Department. 
                                                                Net Virginia Modifications Allocated to the Beneficiaries
         g.  To  the  extent  included  in  federal  taxable 
         income, any amount of gain or income recognized        Each beneficiary must be provided a statement of income 
         by  a  taxpayer  in  connection  with  the  Historic   and modifications for use in completing the individual income 
         Rehabilitation Tax Credit is allowed as a subtraction  tax return. See “Allocation of Income to Beneficiaries” in 
         on the Virginia return.                                Section II of these instructions for more information.
         h.  For  taxable  years  beginning  on  and  after     SCHEDULE 4 – COMPUTATION OF THE CREDIT  
         January 1, 2019, taxpayers may claim a subtraction      FOR TAX PAID TO ANOTHER STATE
         for  income  attributable  to  an  investment  in  a   If a credit is being claimed for taxes paid by the fiduciary to 
         Virginia real estate investment trust made on or       another state, complete Lines 1 through 7 of Schedule 4 on 
                                                    Page 15

- 18 -
Form 770 to compute the allow able credit. See “CREDIT           Line 7:  Allowable credit.
FOR TAX PAID TO ANOTHER STATE” in Section IV of these                                                 Enter  the  smaller 
                                                                          Resident Estate or Trust:
instructions for more information. A complete copy of the                 amount from Line 3 or Line 6. 
return filed with any state for which a credit is claimed must 
be enclosed. If a credit is being claimed for taxes paid to more          Nonresident Estate or Trust:  Enter the smaller 
than 1 other state, a separate computation must be enclosed               amount from Line 4 or Line 6. Also enter this 
for each state (following the format of Form 770, Schedule 4).            amount on Line 5(d) of Schedule 1.
Line 1:  Qualifying taxable income reported on another           SCHEDULE 5 – BENEFICIARY’S INFORMATION 
         state’s return.                                                      (Schedule K‑1 Equivalent)
         Resident Estate or Trust: Enter the total taxable       GENERAL INFORMATION: Schedule 5 is used to report 
         income from the following categories that apply         the beneficiary’s share of income, deductions, and credits and 
         to you, to the extent that the income was derived       other items from a trust or a decedent’s estate. The fiduciary 
         from sources outside Virginia and the income was        (or one of the joint fiduciaries) must prepare Schedule 5 for 
         subject to tax by both Virginia and another state:      each beneficiary having a beneficial interest in the trust or 
                                                                 estate at any time during the taxable year. Copies of the 
         Earned or business income;
                                                                 schedule are required to be filed with Form 770.  A copy 
         Gain from the sale of any capital asset not           must also be provided to each beneficiary by the fiduciary.
           used  in  a  trade  or  business,  including  a 
           residence; and                                                 LINE BY LINE INSTRUCTIONS 
         Income on which corporation income tax was            Complete  the  information  in  the  sections  at  the  top  of 
           paid to a state that does not recognize the           Schedule 5. If the return is for a period other than January 
           federal Schedule S Corporation election.              1 to December 31 of the taxable year shown on your return, 
                                                                 indicate the fiscal beginning and ending dates in the space 
         If nonqualifying income is included in the taxable 
                                                                 provided. The taxable period of your Virginia return must be 
         income of the other state, recompute the qualifying 
                                                                 the same as that of your federal return. It is important that 
         taxable income and qualifying tax liability with that 
                                                                 the names, addresses, Social Security Number and Federal 
         income removed.
                                                                 Employer Identification Number (FEIN) are entered correctly. 
         Nonresident  Estate  or  Trust: Enter the total         Do NOT use the decedent’s social security number or the 
         taxable income to the extent that the income was        preparer’s FEIN as the estate’s or trust’s FEIN.
         taxed by the resident state (Arizona, California, 
                                                                 If the estate or trust has not received its FEIN, write “Applied 
         the District of Columbia, or Oregon). Qualifying 
                                                                 For” in the appropriate box and notify the 
         taxable income includes the total taxable income                                                   Department of 
         reported on the resident return, not just the income    Taxation in writing at P. O. Box 1115, Richmond, VA 23218‑
         derived from Virginia sources.                          1115 as soon as the FEIN is received.
Line 2:  Virginia  taxable  income. Enter  the  taxable          Line 1:  Federal Distributable Net Income
         income from Schedule 1, Line 3 of Form 770.                      (a) Federal Taxable Income.         Enter  the 
                                                                          beneficiary’s  share  of  federal  taxable  income 
Line 3:  Qualifying income tax paid to another state. 
                                                                          from Schedule 1, Line 1.
         Enter the income tax paid to another state. Also 
         enter the name of the other state.                               (b) Beneficiary’s Federal Distribution 
         Note: If you are a resident estate or trust, ensure              Percentage.  Enter  the  beneficiary’s  federal 
                                                                          distribution  percentage  (enter  the  result  to  6 
         that only state income tax paid on earned, business, 
                                                                          decimal places).
         and capital gain income is included on this line.
Line 4:  Virginia income tax.     Enter  the  tax  from                       Estate  or  Trust  Federal  Distribution 
         Schedule 1, Line 4 of Form 770.                                  Percentage.   Enter  the  estate  or  trust  federal 
                                                                          distribution  percentage  (enter  the  result  to  6 
Line 5:  Allowable percentage for credit.                                 decimal places).
         Resident Estate or Trust: Divide Line 1 by Line 2,      Line 2:  Beneficiary’s Additions
         and enter the result to 1 decimal place (example: 
                                                                          Enter on Lines 2a-2d as indicated on Schedule 
         10.5%). Do not enter more than 100%. 
                                                                          5 the beneficiary’s share of the Virginia additions 
         Nonresident Estate or Trust: Divide Line 2 by                    to federal taxable income.
         Line 1, and enter the result to 1 decimal place 
         (example: 10.5%). Do not enter more than 100%.          Line 2e   Total Additions. Add Lines 2a through 2d.
Line 6:  Resident Estate or Trust: Multiply Line 5 by            Line 3:  Beneficiary’s Subtractions
         Line 4.                                                          Enter on Lines 3a-3d as indicated on Schedule 5 
         Nonresident Estate or Trust: Multiply Line 5 by                  the beneficiary’s share of the Virginia subtractions 
         Line 3.                                                          from federal taxable income.

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Line 3e Total Subtractions. Add Lines 3a through 3d.
Line 4: Net Virginia Modifications Subtract Line 3e from 
        Line 2e.
Line 5. Credit Allocation Information
        Enter on Lines 5a-5o as indicated on Schedule 5 
        the beneficiary’s distributive share of tax credits.
Line 5p.  Total Credits. Add Lines 5b through 5g and 5k 
        through 5o.
Line 6. Nonresident Beneficiary Information
        (a) Virginia source income. If the beneficiary is 
        a nonresident, enter the Virginia source income.
        (b) Virginia modifications as if a Virginia 
        resident. If the beneficiary is a nonresident, enter 
        the Virginia modifications as if a Virginia resident.

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                           2022 Income Tax Return Mailing Addresses and Locality Codes
You may mail your income tax return to your Commissioner of the Revenue at the address below or directly  
                        to the Department of Taxation at the addresses listed at the bottom of the next page.
                                                  COUNTIES AND CITIES
Accomack County – 001                             Charlottesville City ‑ 540                        540-665-5681
P.O. Box 186, Accomac, VA 23301-0186              P.O. Box 2964, Charlottesville, VA 22902-2964     Fredericksburg City ‑ 630  
757-787-5747                                      434-970-3160                                      P.O. Box 644, Fredericksburg, VA 22404  
Albemarle County * ‑ 003                          Chesapeake City ‑ 550                             540-372-1004
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    P.O. Box 15285, Chesapeake, VA 23328-5285         Galax City* ‑ 640  
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    757-382-6736                                      Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498  
434-296-5851                                      Chesterfield County - 041                         Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760  
Alexandria City* ‑ 510                            P.O. Box 124, Chesterfield, VA 23832              276-236-2528
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    804-748-1281                                      Giles County ‑ 071  
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    Clarke County ‑ 043                               130 N. Main St., Pearisburg, VA 24134  
703-746-4800                                      Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    540-921-3321
Alleghany County ‑ 005                            Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    Gloucester County ‑ 073  
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    540-955-5108                                      6489 Main St., Suite 137, Gloucester, VA 23061  
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    Colonial Heights City ‑ 570                       804-693-3451
540-863-6640                                      P.O. Box 3401, Colonial Heights, VA 23834         Goochland County ‑ 075  
Amelia County ‑ 007                               804-520-9280                                      P.O. Box 60, Goochland, VA 23063  
P.O. Box 269, Amelia, VA 23002                    Covington City ‑ 580                              804-556-5807
804-561-2158                                      P.O. Drawer 58, Covington, VA 24426-0058          Grayson County ‑ 077  
Amherst County ‑ 009                              540-965-6350                                      P.O. Box 126, Independence, VA 24348  
P.O. Box 719, Amherst, VA 24521                   Craig County ‑ 045                                276-773-2381
434-946-9310                                      P.O. Box 186, New Castle, VA 24127                Greene County ‑ 079  
Appomattox County ‑ 011                           540-864-6241                                      Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498  
P.O. Box 125, Appomattox, VA 24522                Culpeper County ‑ 047                             Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760  
434-352-7450                                      P.O. Box 1807, Culpeper, VA 22701                 434-985-5211
Arlington County ‑ 013                            540-727-3443                                      Greensville County ‑ 081  
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    Cumberland County ‑ 049                           1781 Greensville County Circle, Room 132,   
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    P.O. Box 77, Cumberland, VA 23040                 Emporia, VA 23847  
703-228-4017                                      804-492-4280                                      434-348-4227
Augusta County ‑ 015                              Danville City ‑ 590                               Halifax County ‑ 083  
P.O. Box 959, Verona, VA 24482                    P.O. Box 480, Danville, VA 24543                  P.O. Box 1847, Halifax, VA 24558  
540-245-5640                                      434-799-5145                                      434-476-3314
Bath County ‑ 017                                 Dickenson County ‑ 051                            Hampton City ‑ 650  
P.O. Box 130, Warm Springs, VA 24484              P.O. Box 1067, Clintwood, VA 24228                P.O. Box 636, Hampton, VA 23669-0636  
540-839-7231                                      276-926-1646                                      757-727-6690
Bedford County ‑ 019                              Dinwiddie County ‑ 053                            Hanover County ‑ 085  
122 E. Main St., Suite 103, Bedford, VA 24523     P.O. Box 104, Dinwiddie, VA 23841                 P.O. Box 129, Hanover, VA 23069  
540-586-7621                                      804-469-4500, Ext. 4                              804-365-6129
Bland County ‑ 021                                Emporia City ‑ 595                                Harrisonburg City ‑ 660  
P.O. Box 130, Bland, VA 24315                     P.O. Box 956. Emporia, VA 23847                   409 S Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3610  
276-688-4291                                      434-634-5405                                      540-432-7704
Botetourt County ‑ 023                            Essex County ‑ 057                                Henrico County * ‑ 087  
57 S. Center, Daleville, VA 24083                 P.O. Box 879, Tappahannock, VA 22560              Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498  
540-928-2050                                      804-443-4737                                      Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760  
Bristol City ‑ 520                                Fairfax City ‑ 600                                804-501-4263
497 Cumberland St., Room 101,  Bristol, VA 24201  Rm. 224, City Hall, 10455 Armstrong St.           Henry County ‑ 089  
276-645-7316                                      Fairfax, VA 22030                                 P.O. Box 1077, Collinsville, VA 24078-1077  
Brunswick County ‑ 025                            703-385-7885                                      276-634-4690
P.O. Box 669, Lawrenceville, VA 23868             Fairfax County ** ‑ 059                           Highland County ‑ 091  
434-848-2313                                      Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    P.O. Box 148, Monterey, VA 24465  
Buchanan County ‑ 027                             Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    540-468-2142
P.O. Box 1042, Grundy, VA 24614                   703-222-8234                                      Hopewell City ‑ 670  
276-935-6542                                      Falls Church City ‑ 610                           P.O. Box 1604, Hopewell, VA 23860  
Buckingham County ‑ 029                           300 Park Ave., # 202W                             804-541-2237
P.O. Box 138, Buckingham, VA 23921                Falls Church, VA 22046-3301                       Isle of Wight County ‑ 093  
434-969-4972                                      703-248-5065                                      P.O. Box 107, Isle of Wight, VA 23397-0107  
Buena Vista City ‑ 530                            Fauquier County ‑ 061                             757-365-6301
2039 Sycamore Ave., Buena Vista, VA 24416         P.O. Box 149, Warrenton, VA. 23218-0760           James City County ‑ 095  
540-261-8610                                      540-422-8163                                      P.O. Box 283, Williamsburg, VA 23187  
Campbell County ‑ 031                             Floyd County ‑ 063                                757-253-6695
P.O. Box 66, Rustburg, VA 24588                   Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    King and Queen County ‑ 097  
434-332-9518                                      Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    P.O. Box 178, King & Queen Courthouse, VA  23085  
Caroline County ‑ 033                             540-745-9345                                      804-785-5976
P.O. Box 819, Bowling Green, VA 22427             Fluvanna County ‑ 065                             King George County ‑ 099  
804-633-4059                                      Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    10459 Courthouse Dr., Suite 101,  
Carroll County ‑ 035                              Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    King George, VA  22485-3865  
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    434-591-1940                                      540-775-4664
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    Franklin City ‑ 620                               King William County ‑ 101  
276-730-3080                                      207 West Second Ave., Franklin, VA 23851          Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498  
Charles City County ‑ 036                         757-562-8552                                      Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760   
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    Franklin County ‑ 067                             804-769-4941
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    1255 Franklin St., Ste. 102, Rocky Mt., VA 24151  Lancaster County ‑ 103  
804-652-2161                                      540-483-3083                                      8311 Mary Ball Rd., Room 203, Lancaster, VA 22503  
Charlotte County ‑ 037                            Frederick County ‑ 069                            804-462-7920
P.O. Box 308, Charlotte C.H., VA 23923            Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498  
434-542-5546                                      Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760  
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                                                     COUNTIES and CITIES (CONTINUED)
Lee County ‑ 105                                     Nottoway County ‑ 135                             Salem City ‑ 775  
P.O. Box 96, Jonesville, VA 24263                    P.O. Box 5, Nottoway, VA 23955                    P.O. Box 869, Salem, VA 24153-0869  
276-346-7722                                         434-645-9317                                      540-375-3019
Lexington City ‑ 678                                 Orange County ‑ 137                               Scott County ‑ 169  
300 E Washington St, Ste. 103, Lexington, VA 24450   P.O. Box 389, Orange, VA 22960                    190 Beech Street, Suite 206, Gate City, VA 24251  
540-462-3701                                         540-672-4441                                      276-386-7692
Loudoun County ‑ 107                                 Page County ‑ 139                                 Shenandoah County ‑ 171  
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498       103 S. Court St., Suite C, Luray, VA 22835        Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498  
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760       540-743-3840                                      Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760  
703-777-0260                                         Patrick County ‑ 141                              540-459-6170
Louisa County ‑ 109                                  Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    Smyth County ‑ 173  
1 Woolfolk Ave., Suite 203, Louisa, VA 23093         Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    P. O. Box 985, Marion, VA. 24354 
540-967-3432                                         276-694-7131                                      276-782-4040
Lunenburg County ‑ 111                               Petersburg City ‑ 730                             Southampton County ‑ 175  
11512 Courthouse Rd., Ste. 101, Lunenburg, VA 23952  144 Sycamore St., Petersburg, VA 23803            Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498  
434-696-2516                                         804-733-2315                                      Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760  
Lynchburg City ‑ 680                                 Pittsylvania County ‑ 143                         757-653-3030
P.O. Box 858, Lynchburg, VA 24505-0858               P.O. Box 272 ,Chatham, VA 24531-0272              Spotsylvania County ‑ 177  
434-455-3870                                         434-432-7940                                      P.O. Box 175, Spotsylvania, VA 22553  
Madison County ‑ 113                                 Poquoson City ‑ 735                               540-507-3058
P.O. Box 56, Madison, VA 22727                       500 City Hall Ave., Poquoson, VA 23662            Stafford County - 179  
540-948-4421                                         757-868-3020                                      P.O. Box 98, Stafford, VA 22555-0098  
Manassas City ‑ 683                                  Portsmouth City ‑ 740                             540-658-4132
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498       801 Crawford St., Portsmouth, VA 23704            Staunton City ‑ 790  
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760       757-393-8773                                      P.O. Box 4, Staunton, VA 24402-0004  
703-257-8222                                         Powhatan County ‑ 145                             540-332-3829
Manassas Park City ‑ 685                             3834 Old Buckingham Rd., Ste. C, Powhatan, VA     Suffolk City - 800  
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498       23139                                             P.O. Box 1459, Suffolk, VA 23439-1459  
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760       804-598-5616                                      757-514-4260
703-335-8825                                         Prince Edward County ‑ 147                        Surry County ‑ 181  
Martinsville City ‑ 690                              P.O. Box 446, Farmville, VA 23901                 P.O. Box 35, Surry, VA 23883  
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498       434-392-3231                                      757-294-5225
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760       Prince George County ‑ 149                        Sussex County ‑ 183  
276-403-5131                                         P.O. Box 155, Prince George, VA 23875             P.O. Box 1398, Sussex, VA 23884  
Mathews County ‑ 115                                 804-722-8740                                      434-246-1030
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498       Prince William County* ‑ 153                      Tazewell County ‑ 185  
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760       Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    135 Court St.,Suite 301, Tazewell, VA 24651-0020 
804-725-7168                                         Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    276-385-1235
Mecklenburg County ‑ 117                             703-792-6710                                      Virginia Beach City ‑ 810  
P.O. Box 360, Boydton, VA 23917                      Pulaski County ‑ 155                              2401 Courthouse Dr., Bldg.1,   
434-738-6191, Ext. 4272                              52 West Main Street, Ste. 200, Pulaski, VA 24301  Virginia Beach, VA 23456  
Middlesex County ‑ 119                               540-980-7750                                      757-385-4483
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498       Radford City ‑ 750                                Warren County ‑ 187  
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760       Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    P.O. Box 1775, Front Royal, VA 22630-0038  
804-758-5331                                         Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    540-635-2651
Montgomery County ‑ 121                              540-731-3613                                      Washington County ‑ 191  
755 Roanoke St., Ste. 1-A, Christiansburg, VA 24073  Rappahannock County ‑ 157                         One Government Center Place, Ste. C,   
540-382-5710                                         P.O. Box 115, Washington, VA 22747                Abingdon, VA 24210  
Nelson County ‑ 125                                  540-675-5370                                      276-676-6270
P.O. Box 246, Lovingston, VA 22949                   Richmond City ‑ 760                               Waynesboro City ‑ 820  
434-263-7070                                         Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498    503 W. Main St., Room 107, Waynesboro, VA 22980  
New Kent County ‑ 127                                Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760    540-942-6612
Refund: P.O. Box 1498, Richmond, VA 23218-1498       804-646-5195                                      Westmoreland County ‑ 193  
Tax Due: P.O. Box 760, Richmond, VA 23218-0760       Richmond County ‑ 159                             P.O. Box 68, Montross, VA 22520  
804-966-9610                                         P.O. Box 366, Warsaw, VA 22572                    804-493-0113
Newport News City ‑ 700                              804-333-3722                                      Williamsburg City ‑ 830  
2400 Washington Ave., Newport News, VA 23607         Roanoke City ‑ 770                                P.O. Box 245, Williamsburg, VA 23187  
757-926-8653                                         P.O. Box 718, Roanoke, VA 24004                   757-220-6150
Norfolk City ‑ 710                                   540-853-6543                                      Winchester City ‑ 840  
P.O. Box 2260, Norfolk, VA 23501-2260                Roanoke County ‑ 161                              21 South Kent St., Ste. 100, Winchester, VA 22601 
757-664-7885                                         P.O. Box 21709, Roanoke, VA 24018                 540-667-1815
Northampton County ‑ 131                             540-772-2049                                      Wise County ‑ 195  
P.O. Box 65, Eastville, VA 23347                     Rockbridge County ‑ 163                           P.O. Box 1278, Wise, VA 24293  
757-678-0446                                         P.O. Box 1160, Lexington, VA 24450                276-328-3556
Northumberland County ‑ 133                          540-463-3431                                      Wythe County ‑ 197  
P.O. Box 309, Heathsville, VA 22473                  Rockingham County ‑ 165                           225 S. 4th Street, Room 101, Wytheville, VA 24382  
804-580-4600                                         20 E. Gay St., Harrisonburg, VA 22802             276-223-6015
Norton City ‑ 720                                    540-564-3000                                      York County ‑ 199  
P.O. Box 347, Norton, VA 24273                       Russell County ‑ 167                              P.O. Box 90, Yorktown, VA 23690-0090  
276-679-0031                                         137 Highland Dr., Lebanon, VA 24266               757-890-3381

                          You may mail your income tax return directly to the Department of Taxation at the  
                         addresses listed below or to your Commissioner of the Revenue at the above address.
              REFUND RETURNS                                                                     TAX DUE RETURNS 
              Virginia Department of Taxation                                                    Virginia Department of Taxation 
              P.O. Box 1498                                                                      P.O. Box 760 
              Richmond, VA 23218‑1498                                                            Richmond, VA 23218‑0760
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