PDF document
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Instructions for Preparing

                   2022 FORM 500

Virginia Corporation Income Tax Return

                   Commonwealth of Virginia
                   Department of Taxation
                   Richmond, Virginia


2601005  Rev. 08/22

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                                      Table of Contents

What’s New ..................................................................................................................................... 1

General Information .......................................................................................................................3

Corporations Required to File .................................................................................................................... 3

Exempt Corporations ................................................................................................................................. 3

Period to be Covered by Return ................................................................................................................ 4

Accounting Methods................................................................................................................................... 4

When to File ............................................................................................................................................... 4

How to File ................................................................................................................................................. 4

Electronic Filing .......................................................................................................................................... 4

Extension of Time to File ............................................................................................................................ 5

Penalties and Interest  ............................................................................................................................... 5

Return Forms and Schedules .................................................................................................................... 5

Consolidated or Combined Returns ........................................................................................................... 6

Change in Filing Status .............................................................................................................................. 7

In-State Corporations ................................................................................................................................. 7

Multistate Corporations  ............................................................................................................................. 7

Report of Change in Federal Taxable Income ............................................................................................ 7

Refund of Virginia Tax ................................................................................................................................ 8

Net Operating Loss Deductions  ................................................................................................................ 8

Estimated Income Tax  ............................................................................................................................... 9

Virginia Taxable Income  ............................................................................................................................ 9

Form 500 Instructions ....................................................................................................................9

Instructions for Schedule 500ADJ ..............................................................................................12

Fixed Date Conformity Update for 2022 .................................................................................................. 12

Section A – Additions to Federal Taxable Income .................................................................................... 12

Section B  Subtractions from Federal Taxable Income ................................................................................. 14

Section C – Amended Return .................................................................................................................. 17

Section D – Schedule of VK-1 Withholding .............................................................................................. 18

About Virginia Schedule 500CR, Credit Computation Schedule for Corporations ................ 18

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                                                    What’s New 

Advancement of Virginia’s Fixed Date Conformity with the Internal Revenue Code
Virginia's date of conformity with the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) was advanced from December 31, 2020, to December 31, 
2021, subject to certain exceptions. This legislation also allows Virginia to generally conform to the American Rescue Plan 
Act  of  2021  (“ARPA”)  and  provides  additional  benefits  to  recipients  of  certain  coronavirus  disease  2019  (“COVID-19”) 
business assistance programs during Taxable Years 2021 and 2019. See Tax Bulletin 22-1, posted on the Department’s 
website at www.tax.virginia.gov, for additional information regarding Virginia’s conformity with the IRC and adjustments 
that may be required as a result of this legislation

Virginia will continue to deconform from the following: bonus depreciation allowed for certain assets under federal law; the 
five-year carryback of certain federal net operating loss (NOL) deductions generated in the 2008 or 2009 taxable years; the 
federal income treatment of applicable high yield discount obligations; and the federal income tax treatment of cancellation 
of debt income realized in connection with certain business debts. In addition, Virginia will continue to deconform from the 
following temporary changes made by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act: suspension of 
certain NOL limitations for Taxable Years 2018, 2019, and 2020 and increasing the business interest limitation for Taxable 
Year 2019 and 2020. See Tax Bulletin 21-4 for more information.

At the time these instructions were published, the only required fixed date conformity adjustments were those mentioned 
above. However, if legislation is enacted that results in changes to the IRC for the 2022 taxable year, taxpayers may need 
to  make  adjustments  to  their  Virginia  returns  that  are  not  described  in  these  instructions.  Information  about  any  such 
adjustments will be posted on the Department’s website at www.tax.virginia.gov.

                               Business Interest Deduction Increase
For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2022, the Virginia corporate income tax deduction for business interest 
has increased to 30% of the business interest disallowed as a deduction under the federal business interest limitation. 
Under prior law, the deduction was equal to 20% of disallowed business interest. Enter the deduction amount using Code 65 
on the Schedule 500ADJ and enclose a copy of federal Form 8990. If an addition is required, use Code 20 on the Schedule 

           Hybrid Sales Factor for Certain Property Information and Analytics Firms
For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2022, certain property information and analytics firms which have entered 
into a memorandum of understanding with the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) may use a hybrid sales 
factor when filing Virginia corporate income tax returns. For sales of other than sales of tangible personal property, the 
hybrid sales factor uses a market-based sourcing rule for sales of services and the standard cost of performance rule for all 
other non-service sales. See Schedule 500A Instructions for more information.

Affiliated Groups of Corporations Changing to or from the Consolidated Filing Status
For taxable years beginning on and after July 1, 2022, an affiliated group that has filed on the same basis for at least the 
preceding 12 years may change the basis of the type of return filed from consolidated to separate or from separate or 
combined to consolidated if certain conditions are met. Under previous law, a group must have filed on the same basis for 
20 years. See Page 7 of these instructions for additional information. 

           Food Crop Donation Tax Credit Sunset Date Extension 

The sunset date for the Food Crop Donation Tax Credit has been extended through Taxable Year 2022.

           Major Business Facility Tax Credit Sunset Date Extension
The sunset date for the Major Business Facility Tax Credit has been extended from July 1, 2022, to July 1, 2025. 

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                                   What’s New (Continued)

                               Changes to Worker Training Tax Credit
The sunset date of the portion of the Worker Training Tax Credit for eligible worker training has been extended from July 1, 
2022, to July 1, 2025. The sunset date of the portion of the Worker Training Tax Credit for a business primarily engaged in 
manufacturing has been extended from January 1, 2022, to January 1, 2025. 

For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2022, the credit has been expanded by allowing businesses to earn 
credits with respect to courses at any Virginia  public institution of higher education. This also includes  courses at the 
New College Institute, the Roanoke Higher Education Authority, the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center, and the 
Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center. Under prior law, a business was only allowed credits with respect to courses 
at institutions recognized on the Eligible Training Provider List. See Form WTC and Schedule 500CR instructions for more 

                          Expansion of Community of Opportunity Tax Credit
The Community of Opportunity Tax Credit has been expanded by permitting certain landlords with qualified housing units 
located in all census tracts in Virginia with poverty rates of less than 10% to qualify for the credit. Under prior law, the 
credit was limited to census tracts in the Richmond Metropolitan, Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News Metropolitan, and 
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria Metropolitan Statistical Areas.


Online Resources:

The Department’s website, www.tax.virginia.gov, contains valuable information to help you. 
Online Services for Businesses  Access online registration, filing, payment, and other electronic services. 
Laws,  Rules,  & Decisions  –  Access  the Code of  Virginia,  Tax Regulations, Guidance Documents, Legislative 
  Summaries, Rulings by the Tax Commissioner, Tax Bulletins, and Attorney General Opinions. 
Email Updates – Sign up and stay informed. By subscribing, you will periodically receive automatic email notifications 
  regarding legislative changes, filing reminders, and other relevant information.

Contact Us:

             Customer Service Inquiries                                   Forms Requests

             Department of Taxation                                       Department of Taxation
                  P.O. Box 1115                                                   P.O. Box 1317
             Richmond, Virginia 23218-1115                             Richmond, Virginia 23218-1317
             Phone: (804) 367-8037                                        Phone: (804) 367-8037
             Fax: (804) 254-6111                                       or visit www.tax.virginia.gov

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                              Instructions for Preparing 2022 Form 500
                              Virginia Corporation Income Tax Return

                              (References are to the Code of Virginia, unless otherwise noted)

                General Information                                 apportion income, and pay Virginia income tax, in the same 
                                                                    manner as other corporations. A Captive REIT is defined as 
Corporations Required to File                                       a REIT: 
Every corporation organized under the laws of Virginia, every       (i)  whose shares are not publicly traded, 
foreign corporation registered with the State Corporation           (ii)  50% or more of the shares are owned by a corporate 
Commission for the privilege of doing business in Virginia,         entity, and
and every corporation having income from Virginia sources, 
aside from corporations that qualify for an exception, must         (iii)  more than 25% of the income of the REIT consists of 
(with the exceptions stated in these instructions) file a           rents from real property. 
return through the Federal/State e-File program. The return         Exceptions are provided to ensure that an affiliated group 
should be submitted and accepted on or before the 15th              of REITs will not be considered captive REITs unless the 
day of the 4th month (15th day of the 6th month for nonprofit       ultimate ownership of the group is by a single corporate  
corporations) following the close of its taxable year.              entity. Also, entities organized under the laws of Australia and 
Receivers, trustees in dissolution, trustees in bankruptcy, and     other foreign countries that are similar to REITs will not be 
assignees, operating the property or business of corporations       considered a captive REIT, if they are widely held. In addition, 
must make returns of income for such corporations. If a             for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2016, any 
receiver has full custody of and control over the business          voting power or value of the beneficial interests or shares 
or property of a corporation, he is deemed to be operating          in a REIT that are held in a separate asset account of a life 
such business or property, whether he is carrying on the            insurance corporation are excluded from consideration for 
business for which the corporation was organized or is only         purposes of determining whether the REIT is a captive REIT 
in marshaling, selling, or disposing of its assets for purposes     for purposes of the addition.
of liquidation (Va. Code § 58.1-441).                               Electing small business corporations, not taxable as 
A Foreign Sales Corporation (FSC) and any income attribut-          corporations under Va. Code § 58.1-400, are required to file 
able to an FSC are exempt under Virginia law; however, it           Form 502, Pass-Through Entity Return of Income and Return 
may be necessary for an FSC to file an information return           of Nonresident Withholding Tax. 
if it meets the provisions of Va. Code § 58.1-441 and the           Exempt Corporations
regulations thereunder.
                                                                    Corporations not organized for pecuniary profit, which 
Any electric supplier, pipeline distribution company, gas utility,  are also exempt from income tax under IRC § 501(c), are 
or gas supplier that is subject to federal income tax is also       taxed only on their unrelated business taxable income and 
subject to the Virginia corporation income tax and should file      must report that unrelated business income on Form 500; 
a Virginia Corporation Income Tax Return, Form 500.                 otherwise, no returns are required. 
Electric suppliers may be subject to a minimum tax instead          Public service corporations that pay a state franchise tax or 
of the corporate tax for any taxable year that their minimum        license tax upon gross receipts, insurance companies that 
tax liability is greater than their corporate income tax liability. pay a state license tax on gross premiums and reciprocal 
Schedule 500EL is used to compute the minimum tax and               or inter-insurance exchanges that pay a premium tax to 
determine which tax applies.                                        the  state  are  not  required  to  file  an  income  tax  return. 
Electric cooperatives are subject to tax on all modified net        Additionally, state and national banks, banking associations, 
income derived from nonmember sales and must file a                 trust companies, and credit unions organized and conducted 
Form 500EC even if no tax is due. Electric cooperatives             as banking institutions are not taxed on their income by 
may be subject to a minimum tax instead of the modified             Virginia and are not required to file an income tax return. 
net income tax if their minimum tax liability is greater than       In addition, effective for taxable years beginning on or after 
their modified net income tax liability. See Schedule 500MT.        January 1, 2014, Interest-Charged Domestic International 
                                                                    Sales Corporations (IC-DISCs) are exempt from Virginia 
Home service contract providers are exempt from the 
                                                                    corporation income tax and are not required to file an income 
insurance premiums license tax and instead will be subject 
                                                                    tax return (Va. Code § 58.1-401).
to the corporation income tax or a minimum tax. All home 
service contract providers must submit Form 500HS with their        Nonprofit Hospitals 
Form 500. A noncorporate provider must complete Form 502            Nonprofit hospitals are required to provide the Department 
in addition to Form 500 and Form 500HS.                             with a copy of the hospital’s federal Form 990 or Form 990-EZ 
A Captive REIT is required to add back any federal deduction        (or the successor form to such form) that was filed with the 
for dividends paid to its shareholders. It will then allocate and   Internal Revenue Service for the relevant year. Nonprofit 
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hospitals are not required to file a Form 500; therefore, a       The federal and state returns may be filed electronically 
paper copy of the federal Form 990 or Form 990-EZ must be           at the same time.
mailed directly to the Department. A paper copy of the form       •  The federal  return is automatically  provided  to the 
must be provided to the Department within 30 days following         state electronically.
the filing of the federal Form 990 or Form 990-EZ tax form 
with the Internal Revenue Service. In addition, such hospital     •  Consolidated and combined returns are supported.
must provide the Department a copy of any interim tax form,       Portable  Document  Format  (PDF)  files  of  required  
report, or return that the hospital filed with or provided to the   documents may be attached.
Internal Revenue Service for the relevant year pursuant to 
                                                                  •  Choice of  approved e-File  software programs. 
Title 26 of the United States Code or the rules and regulations 
                                                                    Corporations may find their current software already 
thereunder. The copy of the interim tax form, report, or return 
                                                                    supports e-Filing.
must be provided to the Department within 30 days following 
the filing of the same with, or the providing of the same to,     •  The ability to schedule payment of a tax due through 
the Internal Revenue Service.                                       direct  debit  for  a  future  date  when  filing  before  the 
                                                                    due date. 
Period to be Covered by Return
                                                                  •  e-File prior year returns for up to 2 tax years.
A corporation’s taxable year is the same as its taxable year 
for federal income tax purposes. If a corporation’s taxable       In order to successfully e-File, the corporation must:
year is changed for federal income tax purposes, its taxable      •  Use an approved commercial e-File software product. 
year also changes for state income tax purposes (Va. Code           Approved e-File software vendors will be listed on our 
§ 58.1-440).                                                        website.
Accounting Methods                                                •  Be able to create a readable PDF. This means you 
A corporation’s method of accounting is the same as its             must either have a scanner that allows you to scan 
method of accounting for federal income tax purposes. In            documents into a PDF file, or software that allows 
the absence of any method of accounting for federal income          you to save documents as a PDF. This feature will 
tax purposes, Virginia taxable income must be computed              allow you to e-file your state return if the IRS does not 
using the accounting method that is regularly used in the           support the federal return and/or schedules through 
corporation’s bookkeeping, provided such method clearly             the e-File system. You can attach unsupported federal 
reflects income in the opinion of the Department. If a              returns and schedules as PDF files to the electronic 
corporation’s accounting method changes for federal income          transmission of the state return.
tax purposes, it also changes for state income tax purposes       •  The Virginia e-File program has been designed to 
(Va. Code § 58.1-440).                                              accept transmission of the federal and state return 
                                                                    together or separately. This is often referred to as a 
When to File
                                                                    state-only transmission which can be used when the 
Every corporation income tax return must be submitted on            federal return being filed is not supported by the federal 
or before the 15th day of the 4th month (15th day of the            e-File system. This allows the state return to be e-Filed 
6th month for nonprofit corporations) following the close of        by itself. Most software vendors support the electronic 
a corporation’s taxable year (Va. Code § 58.1-441).                 transmission of the federal and state returns together 
How to File                                                         or separately. 
The Department requires that corporation income tax               •  Large corporations must decide whether to use an 
returns and payments be submitted electronically. There             Electronic Return Originator (ERO) to electronically file 
are two options available. Returns may be filed through the         the return or prepare and e-File the return themselves. 
Federal/State e-File program, or certain Virginia corporations      If a corporation chooses to prepare and e-File the 
may  qualify  to  file  a  Form  500EZ  using  eForms  on  the      return themselves, they may have to register and apply 
Department’s website. See below for more information.               with the IRS to obtain an Electronic Filing Identification 
                                                                    Number (EFIN) and possibly an Electronic Transmitter 
Electronic Filing                                                   Identification  Number  (ETIN)  depending  upon  the 
The e-File system is supported by numerous commercial               e-File option chosen. See our website for detailed 
software programs. e-File software will automatically check         information.
for completeness, correct errors, generate the applicable         •  Small corporations should use an online provider to 
corporation income tax schedules, and electronically transmit       avoid having to register with the IRS for an Electronic 
the return and payment to the Federal/State e-File processing       Filing Identification Number (EFIN).
systems. A list of approved commercial software is available 
on the Department’s website. If a tax payment is required,        eForms (Forms 500EZ, 500CP, 500V, and 500ES)
the payment can be made through e-File or eForms as a             An online return, Form 500EZ, is available through the 
direct debit, or the corporation may pay with an ACH credit       eForms application on the Department’s website. This return 
established  through  the  corporation’s  bank. The  e-File       is a shorter version of the existing Form 500, and is designed 
program provides many benefits to corporations:                   to simplify the filing process. You can also submit corporation 

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income tax payments electronically through eForms. This             If Form 500 is filed within the automatic extension period, 
includes return payments (Form 500V), estimated payments            but less than 90% of the tax liability was paid by the original 
(Form 500ES) and extension payments (Form 500CP). Using             due date, an extension penalty will apply. The extension 
eForms is a fast and free way to file and pay state taxes.          penalty is imposed at the rate of 2% per month or fraction 
                                                                    thereof from the original due date through the date of full 
To be eligible to file Form 500EZ, you must meet all 
                                                                    payment or the extended return due date, whichever occurs 
of the criteria below:                                              first, to a maximum of 14% (12% for nonprofit corporations 
   •  100%  of  the  corporation’s  business  is  in  Virginia      and entities other than C corporations). If an additional tax 
     (except in-state corporations that file Schedules 500A         payment is needed to ensure that the tax liability has been 
     and 500AP).                                                    paid, the extension payment must be made electronically. 
   •  The  total  additions  to  federal  taxable  income  are      The Department provides two secure online options for 
     $1,000 or less.                                                submitting extension payments, eForms (using Form 500CP) 
                                                                    and Business Online Services. Corporations can also pay 
   •  The total subtractions from federal taxable income are        using an ACH credit transaction. Electric cooperatives 
     $1,000 or less.                                                are required to make sufficient payments based on their 
   •  The corporation may not claim the Savings and Loan            estimated modified net income tax liability. If the return is 
     Association Bad Debt Deduction.                                filed after the extended due date, a 30% late filing penalty 
   •  The corporation is not included in a consolidated or          will apply on the balance of tax due with the return. The 
     combined filing of another entity.                             minimum penalty for failure to file timely is $100. 
                                                                    If any amount of the tax is underestimated, interest accrues 
   •  The  corporation claims  no  tax  credits  other  than 
                                                                    at the underpayment rate set in IRC § 6621, plus 2%. 
     tentative tax payments or estimated tax payments. 
   •  The taxpayer is not a Telecommunications Corporation          Penalties and Interest 
     required to file Form 500T, an Electric Cooperative            If the return is filed within the 7-month extension (6 months for 
     required to file Schedule 500EL, or a Home Service             nonprofit corporations and entities other than C corporations), 
     Contract Provider required to file a Form 500HS.               but the corporation failed to pay 90% of the tax due by 
   •  The corporation will not claim a net operating loss           the original due date, then the corporation is subject to 
     deduction for the year being filed.                            an extension penalty of 2% per month or fraction of a 
                                                                    month  thereof  from  the  original  due  date  to  the  filing  of 
   •  The corporation is not a pass-through entity.                 the corporation income tax return to the date of payment. 
   •  The federal taxable income of the corporation may             The penalty is applied to the balance of tax due with the 
     not exceed $40,000 for the taxable year of this form.          return from the original due date through the date of filing. 
                                                                    The maximum extension penalty is 14% (12% for nonprofit 
   The corporation may not have any fixed date conformity 
                                                                    corporations and entities other than C corporations) of the 
     adjustments or modifications.
                                                                    tax due. If the return is filed after the extended due date, 
   •  The corporate return is not being amended as a result         the extension provisions do not apply and the corporation 
     of a partnership-level federal adjustment.                     is subject to the late filing penalty (Va. Code § 58.1-455). In 
If the corporation meets the above conditions, complete and         no case will the penalty for failure to file timely be less than 
file Form 500EZ on the Department’s website under eForms            $100, and this minimum $100 penalty applies whether or not 
at www.tax.virginia.gov.                                            tax is due for the period covered by the return. If Form 500 is 
                                                                    filed within the extension period and the total amount due is 
Note: if the corporation is a Homeowner Association (HOA)           not included with the return, the late payment penalty will be 
with either a refund due or no tax liability owed ($0) for the      assessed at the rate of 6% per month from the date of filing 
year being filed, it is eligible to use the 500EZ.                  through the date of payment, up to a maximum of 30% of the 
Waiver Request                                                      tax due. Civil and criminal penalties may be imposed for filing 
                                                                    a fraudulent return. The criminal penalty for filing a fraudulent 
If  you  are  unable  to  file  and  pay  electronically,  you  may 
                                                                    return is a Class 6 felony (Va. Code § 58.1-451 and Va. Code 
request a waiver. All requests for waivers must be submitted 
                                                                    § 58.1-452). Interest on the unpaid balance of any tax and 
to the Department in writing using the Corporation 
                                                                    penalty is charged at the underpayment rate established by 
Income Tax Electronic Filing Waiver Request form on the 
                                                                    IRC § 6621, plus 2%, from the due date until paid.
Department’s website at www.tax.virginia.gov. 
                                                                    Penalty for Returned Check or EFT Nonpayment.
Extension of Time to File
                                                                    If your bank does not honor your payment to the Department, 
You are allowed an automatic 7-month extension of time 
                                                                    the Department may impose a penalty of $35, as authorized 
(6 months for nonprofit corporations and entities other than 
                                                                    by Va. Code § 2.2-614.1. This penalty will be assessed in 
C corporations) to file your corporation income tax return. 
                                                                    addition to other penalties due.
This provision does not extend the due date for payment of 
taxes; and you must pay at least 90% of your tax due by the         Return Forms and Schedules
original due date for filing the return.                            Listed below are the  available  forms  and schedules to 
                                                                    submit through the Federal/State e-File Program.
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Form 500 – Corporation Income Tax Return. Used                   that are eligible to apportion Virginia taxable income using 
  to compute a corporation’s income tax liability and to           modified apportionment factors must use the Schedule 
  determine the amount of tax due or the amount of the             500AP to determine the modified Virginia apportionment 
  refund.                                                          factor prior to completing the apportionment schedule 
Schedule 500ADJ – Schedule of Adjustments. Used                  appropriate for the return type.
  to report additions to or to claim subtractions from federal   Form 502FED-1 – Virginia Partnership-Level Federal 
  taxable income and to claim withholding reported to a            Adjustments Report. Used to report partners distributive 
  corporation by a pass-through entity on Virginia Schedule        share of partnership-level federal adjustments. A 
  VK-1. Also, used to compute the corrected tax liability for      corporate partner that receives Form 502FED-1 from its 
  an amended Form 500.                                             partnership and needs to file an amended Virginia return 
Schedule 500CR    Credit Computation Schedule for              must enclose a copy of Form 502FED-1.
  Corporations. Used to claim both nonrefundable and           You must also enclose a copy of the federal return. The 
  refundable credits.                                          corporation must submit a copy of the income tax return that 
Schedule 500FED Schedule of Federal Line Items.            it filed with the IRS to the Department. 
  Used to report specific line items from the corporation’s    Not all federal income tax returns are available to electronically 
  federal income tax return.                                   file. If the federal income tax return is not available to file 
Schedule 500A Corporation Allocation and                   electronically, then the federal return can be attached as a 
  Apportionment of Income.    Used to allocate and             PDF file to the Virginia electronic return.
  apportion income by corporations that transact or conduct    Consolidated or Combined Returns
  part of their business within Virginia and part of their 
                                                               Affiliated corporations that are subject to Virginia income 
  business outside Virginia or VEDP-certified companies 
                                                               taxes have the option to file a consolidated or combined return 
  that elect to use a modified apportionment method.
                                                               instead of filing separate returns. Two or more corporations 
Schedule 500AB Schedule of Related Entity Add              are affiliated when one corporation owns 80% or more of the 
  Backs and Exceptions. Used to: (i) add back certain          outstanding voting stock of another corporation(s), or 80% or 
  deductions that may be taken by a corporation on its         more of the outstanding voting stock of 2 or more corporations 
  federal return for interest, royalties, and other expenses   is owned by the same interest. 
  related to intangible property such as trademarks and 
                                                               A consolidated return is a single return for an affiliated group 
  patents; (ii) report payments; and (iii) identify exceptions.
                                                               of corporations prepared in accordance with the principles of 
Schedule 500AC – Schedule of Affiliated Corporations.        IRC § 1502 and the regulations thereunder;
  Corporations filing as Combined or Consolidated are 
                                                               A combined return is a single return for an affiliated group of 
  required to submit a Schedule 500AC for each member, 
                                                               corporations in which income or loss is separately determined 
  including the parent company, that is doing business in 
                                                               in accordance with the following:
  Virginia, or that has Virginia source income, and is part 
  of the group included in this tax return. The number of         a.  Virginia taxable income or loss is computed separately 
  Schedules 500AC enclosed with the return must equal              for each corporation;
  the number of affiliates reported on Form 500, Page 1.          b.  Allocable income is allocated to the state of commercial 
Form 500C Underpayment of Estimated Tax. Used to               domicile separately for each corporation;
  determine if an addition to tax charge is owed for failure      c.  Apportionable  income  or  loss  is  computed  using 
  by the corporation to pay sufficient estimated tax during        separate apportionment factors for each corporation; 
  the taxable year.                                                and
Form 500T – Telecommunication Companies Mini-                   d.  Income or loss computed in accordance with items 
  mum Tax. Every telecommunications company as de-                 a through c above is combined and reported on a single 
  fined by statute and certified by the State Corporation          return for the affiliated group.
  Commission must complete and submit Form 500T.
                                                               If a corporation elects to file on a separate, consolidated, 
Schedule 500EL    Electric Suppliers Corporation            or combined basis, all returns thereafter must be filed on 
  Minimum Tax and Credit Schedule. Every electric              the same basis, unless the Department grants permission 
  supplier as defined by statute and certified by the State    to change the election (Va. Code § 58.1-442). A binding 
  Corporation Commission must complete and submit              election is made in the first year in which a group of affiliated 
  Schedule 500EL.                                              corporations is eligible to file a consolidated or combined 
Form 500HS – Home Service Contract Provider Mini-            return in Virginia. Prior elections continue in effect and can 
  mum Tax Computation. Every home service contract             be changed only if permission is granted by the Department.
  provider as defined by statute and certified by the State    Returns filed on a consolidated or combined basis must 
  Corporation Commission must complete and submit              enclose with the group return a completed Schedule of Affiliated 
  Form 500HS.                                                  Corporations, Schedule 500AC, for each member included 
Schedule 500AP – Modified Apportionment Schedule             in the combined or consolidated Virginia return, including 
  for VEDP-Certified Companies. Certified companies 
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all affiliates and the parent company. All supplementary and   by net income or a franchise tax for the privilege of doing 
supporting schedules filed with a consolidated or combined     business in another state (Va. Code § 58.1-405).
return should be prepared in columnar form, one column being 
                                                               Multistate Corporations 
provided for each corporation included in the consolidated 
or combined return. Supporting schedules for consolidated      A corporation having income from business activity that is 
returns should also include a column for totals of like items  taxable both within and without Virginia must allocate and 
before adjustments are made, a column for intercompany         apportion its net income as provided in Va. Code §§ 58.1-406 
eliminations and adjustments, and a column for totals of like  through 58.1-422.4. Such a corporation must complete and 
items after giving effect to the eliminations and adjustments. enclose Schedule 500A with the return. A corporation is 
The items included in the columns for eliminations should      not taxable in another state if that state is prohibited from 
be symbolized to readily identify contra items affected, and   imposing an income tax on the corporation because its 
suitable explanations should be added if necessary.            business activity in the state does not exceed the minimum 
                                                               standards set forth in Public Law 86-272.(15 U.S.C.A. §§ 
Prohibition of worldwide consolidation or combination. The 
                                                               381 - 384).
Department shall not require, and no corporation may elect, 
that a consolidation or combination of an affiliated group     Standard Apportionment Method for Corporations 
include any controlled foreign corporation, the income of      A double-weighted sales factor is used for corporate appor-
which is derived from sources outside of the United States     tionment. Under this formula, the sales factor is weighted 
(Va. Code § 58.1- 443).                                        50% and payroll and property are both weighted 25% in de-
Change in Filing Status                                        termining the overall corporate income apportionment factor.
Any request to switch from one filing method to another must   Alternative Methods of Apportionment
be submitted before the due date for the first return to use   Motor carriers, financial corporations, construction corpora-
the requested filing method. The requests should be mailed     tions, railway companies, retail companies, debt buyers, 
to: Virginia Department of Taxation, P.O. Box 27203,           manufacturers who elect the modified apportionment method, 
Richmond, VA 23218-7203.                                       and certain enterprise data center operations are required to 
A $100 administrative fee, the Form Filing Status-Fee, and a   use a single sales factor method of apportionment as provid-
copy of the federal Form 851 must accompany all requests.      ed in Va. Code §§ 58.1-417 through 58.1-420 and 58.1-422 
                                                               through 58.1-422.3. See the instructions for Schedule 500A 
The Department will generally grant requests to change a 
                                                               for details on how to compute apportionment factors. 
filing status from separate to combined or from combined to 
separate. Requests to change a filing status from separate or  Certified Company Apportionment for Business 
combined to consolidated, or from consolidated to separate     Conducted in Certain Disadvantaged Localities
or combined will generally be denied. However a group 
                                                               Certain companies may decrease the amount of their 
of affiliated corporations that has filed Virginia income tax 
                                                               income taxed by Virginia when they meet specific eligibility 
returns on the same basis for at least the preceding 12 years 
                                                               requirements and are certified by the Virginia Economic 
will be granted permission to change its filing status from 
                                                               Development Partnership Authority ("VEDP"). This includes a 
consolidated to separate or from separate to combined or 
                                                               requirement that a specified number of jobs be created and, if 
consolidated if:
                                                               applicable, investments be made in particular disadvantaged 
 (1)  the tax computed under the affiliated group’s requested  localities. 
    return basis would be equal to or greater than the tax 
                                                               Once the company is certified by VEDP as meeting the 
    for the preceding taxable year; and
                                                               applicable eligibility requirements, it is entitled to decrease 
 (2)  the affiliated group agrees to compute its tax liability the amount of income taxed by Virginia. For multistate 
    under both the new filing status and the former filing     certified companies, the decrease in income is accomplished 
    status and pay the greater of the two amounts for the      by allowing such companies to make modifications to their 
    first 2 taxable years in which the new filing status is    apportionment factors (“Certified Company Apportionment”). 
    effective.                                                 For in-state certified companies, this is accomplished by 
Under prior law, an affiliated group was required to file on   allowing such companies the ability to use apportionment 
the same basis for at least the preceding 20 years rather      and  to  use  Certified  Company Apportionment  to  make 
than 12 years.                                                 modifications to their apportionment factors. See Schedule 
                                                               500AP Instructions for detailed information.
In-State Corporations
                                                               Report of Change in Federal Taxable Income
Except as provided in Va. Code § 58.1-405.1, if the entire 
business of the corporation is transacted or conducted within  If the amount of a corporation’s federal taxable income as 
Virginia, the tax is computed upon the entire Virginia taxable reported on its federal income tax return for any taxable 
income of the corporation for each taxable year. The entire    year is changed or corrected by the IRS (or other competent 
business of the corporation will be considered to have been    authority), or is changed as the result of a renegotiation of a 
transacted or conducted within this state if the corporation   contract or subcontract with the United States, the taxpayer 
is not subject to a net income tax, a franchise tax measured   must report this change to the Department within one year 
                                                               of the final determination date. 
                                                      Page 7

- 10 -
The final determination date is defined as one of the              Enclose a copy of federal Forms 1120X or 1139, the Revenue 
following:                                                         Agent’s Report, Statement of Adjustment to Your Account, or 
•  If the federal adjustment is the result of an audit or          other forms or statements (including the Form 502FED-1, if 
    other action by the IRS, the final determination date is       applicable) showing the nature of any federal change and the 
    defined as the first day on which no federal adjustments       final determination date. For an Electric Cooperative subject 
    arising from that audit or other action remain to be finally   to the modified net income tax, an amended return may be 
    determined. For agreements required to be signed by            filed on Form 500EC.
    the IRS and the taxpayer, the final determination date         The Federal/State e-File program only supports amended 
    is defined as the date on which the last party signed          returns for the current taxable year and the 2 preceding 
    the agreement.                                                 taxable years. Amended returns for prior taxable years must 
•  If the federal adjustment is the result of an audit or other    be filed by paper. Amended Forms 500EC will also need to be 
    action by the IRS, and the taxpayer filed as a member          filed by paper. For the above-mentioned types of amended 
    of a Virginia combined or consolidated return, the final       returns, write to: Virginia  Department of  Taxation,  P.O. 
    determination date is defined as the first day on which        Box 1500, Richmond, Virginia 23218-1500.
    no related federal adjustments arising from that audit         Net Operating Loss Deductions
    remain to be finally determined for the entire group.
                                                                   There is no Virginia net operating loss available for carryback 
•  If the federal adjustment results from filing an                or carryover. However, since the starting point for the Virginia 
    amended federal return, a federal refund claim, or an          corporation income tax is federal taxable income (Form 500, 
    administrative adjustment request or if it is a federal        Line 1), net operating loss deductions are generally taken 
    adjustment reported on an amended federal return               into account on the Virginia return to the extent that such 
    or other similar report, the final determination date          losses are included in federal taxable income. Virginia’s date 
    is defined as the day on which the amended return,             of conformity with the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) was 
    refund claim, administrative adjustment request, or            advanced from December 31, 2020, to December 31, 2021, 
    other similar report was filed.                                subject to certain exceptions. Therefore, Virginia continues 
If the corporation is an owner of a partnership and receives       to conform to the changes made to the NOL deduction by 
Form 502FED-1, Virginia Partnership-Level Federal                  the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, including the general 
Adjustments Report, from the partnership and needs to file         repeal of NOL carrybacks. For taxable years ending after 
an amended Virginia return in order to report its distributive     December 31, 2017, only NOLs from certain farming losses 
share of the partnership-level adjustment, the corporation         and the losses incurred by certain insurance companies may 
must enclose a copy of Form 502FED-1 with the amended              be carried back as set forth in IRC § 172(b). No other types 
return.                                                            of NOLs may be carried back for such taxable years. 
Any taxpayer filing an amended federal return must also file       Since federal income must be modified for Virginia additions 
an amended state return and must pay any additional tax            and subtractions, the additions and subtractions of the loss 
and interest due, if applicable.                                   year follow the federal loss to the year the loss is used. Thus, 
                                                                   if the federal net operating loss is fully used in a carryback or 
Refund of Virginia Tax                                             carryover year, the net amount of additions and subtractions 
A corporation may file an amended return to claim a refund         will be applied in the same ratio to the applicable year. The 
within the later of:                                               federal net operating loss deduction may be used only to 
                                                                   reduce federal taxable income, and a federal net operating 
(1)  3 years from the due date of the return or extended due 
                                                                   loss deduction cannot create or increase a federal net 
    date (whichever is later);
                                                                   operating loss.
(2)  1 year from the final determination date of any change        Also, due to the reduced tax liability in carryback and 
    or correction in the liability of the taxpayer for any federal carryforward years, any credits previously claimed in those 
    tax upon which the state tax is based, provided that the       years may need to be adjusted as well as the credit carryover 
    refund does not exceed the amount of the decrease              amounts. An amended Form 500 should be filed indicating 
    in Virginia tax attributable to such federal change or         the change in the amount of credits claimed and the corrected 
    correction;                                                    carryover amounts. Enclose a revised Schedule 500CR 
(3)  2 years from the filing of an amended Virginia return         with the amended returns filed to report the changes to the 
    resulting in the payment of additional tax, provided that      credit(s) claimed or carryover amount resulting from the net 
    the amended return raises issues relating only to the          operating loss carryback.
    prior amended return and the refund does not exceed            In most cases, Virginia conforms to the federal rules regarding 
    the amount of the tax payment made with the prior              carrybacks that are in effect for a particular taxable year. 
    amended return; or                                             However, under IRC § 172(b)(1)(H),taxpayers may carryback 
(4)  2 years from the payment of an assessment, provided           net operating loss deductions generated in Taxable Years 
    that the amended return raises issues relating only to         2008 and 2009 for 5 years for federal purposes. Section 
    the prior assessment and the refund does not exceed            2303 of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic 
    the amount of tax paid on the prior assessment.                Security Act, P.L. 116-136 (2020) (“ the CARES Act”) allowed 
                                                                   a similar five-year carryback for net operating losses arising 
                                                         Page 8

- 11 -
in Taxable Years 2018, 2019, and 2020. Virginia does not           Virginia Taxable Income
conform to these provisions of federal tax law and such losses 
                                                                   Virginia taxable income for a taxable year means the 
may generally not be carried back for Virginia purposes. 
                                                                   federal taxable income for such year of a corporation (or 
In addition, Section 2303 of the CARES Act temporarily 
                                                                   the “investment company taxable income” of regulated 
removed the 80%-of-taxable-income limitation for Taxable 
                                                                   investment companies, or the “real estate investment trust 
Years 2018, 2019, and 2020. Virginia does not conform to this 
                                                                   taxable income” of real estate investment trusts, to which shall 
provision of federal tax law and the 80%-of-taxable-income 
                                                                   be added in each case any amount of capital gains taxable to 
limitation applies for Virginia purposes. Consequently, to the 
                                                                   the corporation under federal law) or the unrelated business 
extent that federal and Virginia net operating loss carrybacks 
                                                                   taxable income of organizations exempt from income tax 
and carryforwards differ, separate accounting will be required.
                                                                   under IRC § 501(c), adjusted as provided under        Va. Code  
IMPORTANT:  Form 500NOLD, Corporation Application for              § 58.1-402; except a corporation subject to the provisions of 
Refund  Carryback  of  Net  Operating  Loss,  must  be  used       Va. Code § 58.1-403. 
to carry back a net operating loss. Do not use Form 500. 
Using the incorrect form will delay the processing of your                        Form 500 Instructions
return and may result in having your tax return sent back 
to you. File Form 500NOLD  by paper  – the form is not             Page 1 Instructions
supported by the Federal/State e-File Program.
For a copy of the Virginia  regulations,  visit www.tax.           Fiscal Year Filers or Short Year Filers
virginia.gov. For more information, call (804) 367-8037 or         Complete  this  line only  if  your  taxable  year  is  not  from 
write to Virginia Department of Taxation, P.O. Box 1115,           January 1 to December 31. You must use the same taxable 
Richmond, VA 23218-1115.                                           period on your Virginia return as on your federal return.
Estimated Income Tax                                               Check if:
Corporation estimated income taxes must be filed and paid          Initial Filer   This is your first time filing in Virginia.
electronically using the Form 500ES. Visit www.tax.virginia.
gov for details on electronic payment options which include        •  Name Change –   Your name has changed since your 
e-Forms, Business Online Services, and ACH credit EFT.                last filing.
In case of any underpayment of estimated tax by a corporation,     •  Mailing Address Change –   Your mailing address has 
Va. Code § 58.1-504 requires that an addition to tax be made          changed since your last filing.
at the established interest rate for underpayments unless one      •  Physical Address Change –   Your physical address 
of the exceptions in that section applies. UseForm 500C to            has changed since your last filing.
compute this addition to the tax and/or to indicate that an 
                                                                   Be sure that your federal employer identification number, 
exception applies.
                                                                   name, mailing address, and physical address are correctly 
Calendar Year Filers                                               reported. Enter the date and state or country of incorporation.
Every corporation subject to Virginia income tax that uses 
                                                                   Entity Type 
a calendar year accounting period is required to make a 
declaration of estimated tax for the calendar year if its Virginia Enter the entity type code from the list below:
income tax for that period can reasonably be expected to 
                                                                              Code             Entity Type
exceed $1,000. Payment of the estimated tax must be made 
to the Department as follows:                                                 CC        C Corporation
   1st payment  =  25%  –by–     April 15.                                  SC        S Corporation
•  2nd payment  =  25%   –by–      June 15.                                   LL        Limited Liability Company
•  3rd payment  =  25%  –by–       September 15.                              NP        Nonprofit Corporation
•  4th payment  =  25%  –by–       December 15.                               BA        Bank
Fiscal Year Filers                                                            SL        Savings and Loan
If a corporation’s accounting period is a fiscal year, the                    CO        Cooperative
corporation is required to make a declaration of estimated 
                                                                              PS        Public Service
income tax and pay 25% of the amount due to the Department  
in 4 payments:                                                                OB        Other Business
   1st payment:    15th day of the 4th month following 
                                                                   NAICS Code
                     the beginning of its fiscal year.
                                                                   Enter  the  6-digit  North American  Industry  Classification 
   •  2nd payment: 15th day of the 6th month.
                                                                   System (NAICS) code. You can access a list of these codes 
   •  3rd payment: 15th day of the 9th month.                      on the Department’s website, www.tax.virginia.gov. 
   •  4th payment: 15th day of the 12th month following 
                                                                   Check  the Applicable  Boxes  to indicate any  of the 
                     the beginning of its fiscal year.
See Va. Code §§ 58.1-500 through 58.1-504.
                                                        Page 9

- 12 -
   •  Consolidated – Schedule 500AC Enclosed                     the Form 500 for which a change is reported, and give the 
   •  Combined – Schedule 500AC Enclosed                         reason for each change. Show any computation in detail and 
                                                                 include any applicable schedules. Also, include federal Form 
    Change in Filing Status (Do not check this box unless      1120X if an amended federal return was filed.
      you have prior approval from the Department to change 
                                                                 The Federal/State e-File program only supports amended 
      your filing status. See Page 7 of these instructions for 
                                                                 returns for the current taxable year and  the 2 preceding 
      more information.)
                                                                 taxable years. Amended returns for prior taxable years must 
   •  Schedule 500A Enclosed                                     be filed by paper. Amended Forms 500EC will also need 
   •  Schedule 500AB Enclosed                                    to be filed by paper. Do not file Form 500 to carry back 
                                                                 a net operating loss. Use Form 500NOLD, Corporation 
    Nonprofit Corporation 
                                                                 Application  for Refund Carryback  of Net Operating 
    Certified Company Apportionment – Schedule 500AP           Loss.  Be  sure  to  file  using  the  correct  form.  Using  the 
      Enclosed                                                   incorrect form will delay the processing of your return and 
    Amended  Return.  Check  the  box  and  enter  the         may result in having your tax return sent back to you. File 
      amended return reason code in the space provided.          Form 500NOLD by paper  – the form is not supported by the 
      See table below.                                           Federal/State e-File Program.
If the box for either the consolidated or combined return        Final Return 
is checked, enter the number of affiliates included in the       If this is the final return, check the applicable boxes and 
return on the line provided. Enclose a Schedule 500AC for        provide the requested information.
each member included in the combined/consolidated return, 
including the parent company.                                    Corporate Telecommunications Company
                                                                 Complete Form 500T and enter the amount from Form 500T, 
Amended Return
                                                                 Line 7 on Page 1 of Form 500 in the Telecommunications 
If amending a return, mark the amended return check box and      Company section and Line 11 on Page 2 of Form 500 .
enter the reason code in the space provided. Use the reason 
code that best describes why the return is being amended         Noncorporate Telecommunications Companies
and enclose the appropriate documentation.                       Complete Form 500T, check the Noncorporate Telecommu-
                                                                 nications Company box, and enter the amount from Form 
Code           Amended Return Reason                             500T, Line 10 on Form 500 on Page 1 in the Noncorporate 
   01 Net operating loss                                         Telecommunications section and Line 11 on Page 2 of Form 
      Partnership-level federal adjustment –                     500.
      Enclose Form 502FED-1                                      Electric Supplier Company 
      Federal return amended or adjusted – 
   03                                                            Complete Schedule 500EL and enter the amount from 
      Enclose copy of IRS final determination                    Schedule 500EL, Line 7 or 14.
      Virginia return changes to subtractions, 
   04                                                            Home Service Contract Provider
      deductions, additions, and credits. 
                                                                 Complete Form 500HS and enter the amount from Form 
   05 Capital loss carryback
                                                                 500HS,  Line  10.  Noncorporate  home  service  contract 
      Allocation and apportionment changes – 
   10                                                            providers must also check the box in this section. 
      Enclose Form 500A
                                                                 Questions and Related Information 
   11 Schedule 500AB Changes
                                                                 Complete questions A–F.
   30 Other – Enclose Explanation
                                                                 Line Instructions
Complete Form 500, Schedule 500ADJ, Schedule 500CR, 
and all other applicable forms and schedules. If the             Line 1 – Federal Taxable Income
corporation is an owner of a partnership and it amends its 
corporate return in order to report a partnership-level federal  Enter taxable income after net operating loss deductions 
adjustment, the corporation must enclose with the amended        and special deductions for dividends as it appears on the 
return a copy of the Form 502FED-1 that it received from         federal income tax return filed with the Internal Revenue 
the partnership. Complete the amended Form 500 using             Service. Line 1 may not be less than zero except to report a 
the corrected figures, as if it were the original return. Do not net operating loss in the current year. Any corporation that 
make any adjustments to the amended return to show that          is included in a consolidated return for federal income tax 
you received a refund or paid a balance due as a result of       purposes, but files separate or combined Virginia returns or 
the original return. This computation is made on Schedule        files a consolidated Virginia return with fewer than all of the 
500ADJ,  Section  C.  Include  any  original  schedules  filed   members included in the federal return, must include with 
(as adjusted) as well as any new or added schedules. You         the Virginia return, schedules and statements necessary to 
must also enclose an explanation of changes to income and        reconcile actual consolidated federal taxable income to the 
modifications with your return. Provide the line reference from  federal taxable income reported on the Virginia return.
                                                    Page 10

- 13 -
Line 2 – Total Additions from Schedule 500ADJ                    the taxpayer, including investment income such as capital 
                                                                 gains, unless the capital transaction serves an investment 
Enter  the  total  additions  reported  on  Schedule  500ADJ, 
                                                                 function that is completely unrelated to any operational 
Section A, Line 7.
                                                                 activities carried on in the state. The Court also reinforced 
Line 3 – Total                                                   the principle that investment income may be included in 
Add Line 1 and Line 2.                                           apportionable income if there is a unitary relationship between 
                                                                 the taxpayer and the entity in which the taxpayer has invested. 
Line 4 – Total Subtractions from Schedule 500ADJ                 However, the Court made it clear that the absence of a unitary 
Enter the total subtractions reported on Schedule 500ADJ,        relationship does not necessarily preclude apportionment.
Section B, Line 10.                                              These adjustments are only available to those multistate 
Line 5 – Balance                                                 corporations that file a Virginia Schedule 500A to apportion 
                                                                 and allocate their income, and provide clear and cogent 
Subtract Line 4 from Line 3.                                     evidence that the asset producing the income serves an 
Line 6 – Savings and Loan Bad Debt Deduction                     investment function that is unrelated to operational functions. 
                                                                 The denominator of the relevant apportionment factors must 
If a Savings and Loan Association used the percentage of 
                                                                 also be adjusted to exclude items related to the investment 
income method to compute its federal deduction for bad 
debts, then it must add the federal bad debt deduction and 
recompute the bad debt deduction for Virginia purposes by        Any  taxpayer  who  qualifies  for  an  alternative  method  of 
multiplying the amount on Line 5 by 40%. If the Savings and      allocation and apportionment for this type of income is 
Loan Association used the percentage of loans method or the      required to add back any loss included in federal taxable 
experience method, enter the amount claimed for addition         income that is attributable to the acquisition, ownership, 
Code 13 on Schedule 500ADJ (Va. Code § 58.1-403).                management, stewardship, sale, or exchange of investment 
                                                                 assets that are unrelated to the taxpayer’s operational 
Line 7 – Virginia Taxable Income                                 function on Line 8(d). If the taxpayer has previously claimed a 
Subtract Line 6 from Line 5. This is your Virginia taxable       subtraction for nonapportionable investment function income 
income if the entire business of the corporation is transacted   with respect to any investment assets, the addition is required 
or conducted within Virginia. Corporations other than            for any subsequent losses generated by such assets.
multistate corporations, skip to Line 9.
                                                                 Burden of Proof: As a prerequisite to the ability to claim 
Line 8 – Apportionable Income (Schedule 500A                     an  adjustment  on  Lines  8(c)  and  8(d)  (which  effectively 
Filers)                                                          allocates income other than dividends) the taxpayer must 
                                                                 be able to demonstrate that the application of Virginia law 
Multistate corporations with no Virginia income must enter 
                                                                 to their particular facts will be unconstitutional. The burden 
zeroes in 8(a) and 8(b). Otherwise, follow the instructions for 
                                                                 is on the taxpayer to provide clear and cogent evidence 
Lines 8(a) through 8(d) below. 
                                                                 that the capital investment was completely separate from 
Line 8(a) – Income Subject to Virginia Tax                       its operations, and that the taxpayer’s investment function 
A corporation with income from business activity that is taxable was located outside of Virginia. The taxpayer must also 
both within and without Virginia should enter its multistate     demonstrate that the classification of the capital asset and 
income that is subject to Virginia tax from Schedule 500A,       its income for Virginia purposes is consistent with the manner 
Section B, Line 3(j).                                            in which the income has been allocated and apportioned 
                                                                 with other state tax authorities. The taxpayer will be under a 
Line 8(b) – Apportionment Factor                                 particularly heavy burden of proof in cases where the asset 
Enter the apportionment factor from the appropriate line from    was clearly operational at any time. Objective evidence is 
Schedule 500A, Section B, Line 1 or 2(f).                        required; an unsubstantiated statement as to the taxpayer’s 
                                                                 intent, purpose, or state of mind will be insufficient to meet 
Line 8(c) and 8(d) Nonapportionable Investment                 the burden.
Nonapportionable Investment Function Net Income and Loss         Taxpayers claiming an adjustment for nonapportionable 
(applicable only to multistate corporations):                    income on the 2022 corporate tax returns must enclose a 
Virginia law does not provide for an addition or subtraction     statement with the return stating the nature of the adjustment 
of this income, nor does the law provide for the allocation of   and the basis for the position that relief is provided under 
any income other than dividends. Lines 8(c) and 8(d) on the      the Constitution. Supplemental evidence should be clearly 
Form 500 recognize that some taxpayers may be entitled           referenced and included with the return. The taxpayer should 
to an alternative method of allocation and apportionment         submit all evidence considered necessary to support the 
if they can demonstrate that the application of Virginia’s       taxpayer’s position. For additional information, see Virginia 
apportionment law to their particular facts for the taxable year Tax Bulletin 93-4 (4/6/93).
would be contrary to the principles set forth in Allied Signal, 
                                                                 Line 9 – Income Tax
Inc. v. Director, Div. of Taxation, 504 U.S. 768 (1992).
                                                                 Multiply the income (Line 7 or Line 8(a), whichever applies) 
In Allied Signal, Inc., the Court reaffirmed the continued       by 6%. 
validity of apportionment of any income received directly by 
                                                        Page 11

- 14 -
Line 10 – Nonrefundable Tax Credits                             Line 19 – Interest
Enter the total nonrefundable credit amount allowable this      Enter the amount due at the underpayment rate established 
year from Schedule 500CR, Section 2, Line 1B.                   by IRC § 6621, plus 2%, from the due date of the return until 
                                                                payment. This underpayment rate is subject to quarterly 
Line 11 – Adjusted Corporate Tax
                                                                adjustment. When penalty is entered under 18(a) above, 
Subtract Line 10 from Line 9. Telecommunication companies       interest is added from the due date to the date of payment.
should refer to Form 500T; electric supplier companies should 
refer to Schedule 500EL; and home service contract providers    Line 20 – Additional Charge
should refer to Form 500HS.                                     Enter the amount from Line 17, Form 500C. Enclose Form 
Line 12 – Estimated Income Tax Credits 
Enter the total amount paid as estimated income tax. Include    Line 21 – Total Due
the amount of overpayment for the taxable year 2021, elected    Enter the total of Lines 17, 18, 19, and 20. This is the total 
as a credit against 2022 estimated tax.                         amount due. The following payment options are available: 
Line 13 – Extension Payments                                    •  Direct debit through the e-File system, or
Enter the amount of any extension payments.                     •  ACH credit transaction. 
Line 14 – Total Refundable Tax Credits                          If you choose direct debit, you can schedule to pay your 
                                                                tax due for a future date, when filing before the due date. In 
Enter the amount from Schedule 500CR, Section 4, Line 1A. 
                                                                addition, payment may be made using eForms (Form 500V). 
If filing a combined or consolidated return with a home service 
contract provider or telecommunications company, do not         Line 22 – Overpayment
enter refundable credits included on Forms 500HS or 500T.       If Line 16 is greater than Line 11, subtract Line 11 from 
                                                                Line 16.
Line 15 – Pass-Through Entity Withholding from 
Schedule 500ADJ                                                 Line 23 – Amount to be Credited to 2023
Enter the total amount of Virginia income tax withheld from     Enter the amount of overpayment that you want credited to 
Schedule 500ADJ, Page 2, Section D.                             your 2023 estimated tax, if any.
Line 16 – Total Payments and Credits                            Line 24 – Amount to be Refunded
Add Lines 12 through 15.                                        Subtract Line 23 from Line 22 and enter the amount to be 
Line 17 – Tax Owed
If Line 11 is greater than Line 16, subtract Line 16 from            Instructions for Schedule 500ADJ 
Line 11.
                                                                Fixed Date Conformity Update for 2022
Line 18 – Penalty for Return Filed After the Original 
                                                                Virginia's  date of conformity  with the Internal  Revenue 
Due Date With or Without Payment of Amount Due
                                                                Code (IRC) was advanced  from December 31, 2020, to 
(a) If filed within the extension period and the balance of tax December 31, 2021, subject to certain exceptions.
due exceeds 10% of the actual tax liability (Line 9), enter 
                                                                Virginia will continue to deconform from thefollowing: bonus 
2% per month or fraction thereof of the balance (Line 17). 
                                                                depreciation allowed for certain assets under federal law; 
The maximum extension penalty is 14% of the tax due             the five-year carryback of certain federal net operating loss 
(12% for nonprofit corporations and entities other than         (NOL) deductions generated in the 2008 or 2009 taxable 
C corporations). In addition, if the tax is not paid in full    years; the federal income treatment of applicable high yield 
when the return is filed, a late payment penalty will be        discount obligations; and the federal income tax treatment 
assessed on the amount of tax due (Line 17) at the rate of      of cancellation of debt income realized in connection with 
6% per month or part of a month from the date the return        certain business debts. In  addition, Virginia will continue 
is filed through the date the tax is paid, up to a maximum      to deconform from the following temporary changes made 
of 30%. If the return is filed during the extension period,     by the  Coronavirus  Aid, Relief,  and Economic Security 
but the tax due is not paid when the return is filed, both      (“CARES”) Act: suspension  of certain  NOL limitations  for 
the extension penalty and the late payment penalty may          Taxable  Years 2018, 2019, and 2020 and increasing  the 
apply. The extension penalty will apply from the due date       business interest limitation for Taxable Year 2019 and 2020. 
of the return through the date the return is filed, and the     See Tax Bulletin 21-4 for more information.
late payment penalty will apply from the date the return 
is filed through the date of payment. To avoid paying the       Section A – Additions to Federal Taxable Income
late payment penalty during the extension period, the tax 
owed must be paid when the return is filed; OR                  Line 1 – Fixed Date Conformity Addition – Depreciation
(b) If filed after the extended due date, enter 30% of Line 17  Enter the amount that should be added to federal taxable 
or $100, whichever is greater.                                  income based upon the recomputation of allowable 
                                               Page 12

- 15 -
depreciation. If depreciation was included in the computation   Line 6 – Other Additions to Federal Taxable Income
of  your  federal  taxable  income  and  one  or  more  of  the 
                                                                On Lines 6a-6c, enter the 2-digit code, listed below, in the 
depreciable assets received the special bonus depreciation 
                                                                boxes followed by the amount of the addition. If Code 99 is 
deduction for federal purposes in any year from 2001 through 
                                                                claimed and you are filing electronically, provide a detailed 
2022, then depreciation must be recomputed for Virginia 
                                                                explanation in the space provided by the software program. 
purposes as if such assets did not receive the special bonus 
                                                                If Code 99 is claimed and you are filing by paper, enclose 
depreciation deduction for federal purposes in any year from 
                                                                an explanation and supporting documentation, if applicable.
2001 through 2022. If the total 2022 Virginia depreciation 
is less than 2022 federal depreciation, then the difference     If you are filing by paper and have more than 3 of the additions 
must be recognized as an addition on Line 1. For further        listed  below  or  in  the  supplemental  instructions,  check 
instructions, see Virginia Tax Bulletins 19-1, 20-1, 21-4, and  the box on Schedule 500ADJ and use the supplemental 
22-1, which are available at www.tax.virginia.gov    or call    Schedule 500ADJS to provide information on additions in 
(804) 367-8037.                                                 excess of three.

Line 2 – Fixed Date Conformity Addition – Other                    Addition Codes for Use on Schedule 500ADJ
Disposed Asset – If an asset was disposed of in 2022 and        Code Description
such asset received the special bonus depreciation deduction    01 A gas supplier, pipeline distribution company, or 
for federal purposes in any year from 2001 through 2022,           gas utility must add to federal taxable income any 
and a gain or loss was recognized for federal purposes,            amount that was deducted in determining taxable 
then the gain or loss must be recomputed as if such asset          income as a net operating loss carryover from any 
did not receive the special bonus depreciation deduction for       taxable year beginning on or before December 31, 
federal purposes in any year from 2001 through 2022. The           2000 (Va. Code § 58.1-403 8).
adjustment will be the difference in the federal and Virginia 
basis of the asset when sold. If the federal basis of the asset 02 A gas supplier, pipeline distribution company or 
is greater than the Virginia basis, (resulting in a lower gain     gas utility must add to federal taxable income any 
reported for federal purposes), then the difference between        amount that was actually deducted in determining 
the bases is an addition on the Virginia return. For further       taxable income as a net operating loss carryover or 
instructions, see Virginia Tax Bulletins 19-1, 20-1, 21-4,         net capital loss carryover which would have been an 
and 22-1, which are available on the Department’s website:         allowable deduction as a net operating or net capital 
www.tax.virginia.gov or call (804) 367-8037.                       loss carryover in computing taxable income for a 
                                                                   year beginning after December 31, 2000, except 
Other fixed date conformity additions – If you are required        that such loss had been carried back for a taxable 
to make any other fixed date conformity additions listed in        year beginning prior to January 1, 2001 (Va. Code 
the Fixed Date Conformity Update for 2022 above, enter the         § 58.1-403 9).
total amount of such additions. Also, enclose a schedule and 
explanation of such additions.                                  03 Unrelated business taxable income as defined by 
                                                                   IRC § 512, to the extent excluded from Form 500, 
Line 3                                                             Line 1 (Va. Code § 58.1-402 B.5).
Enter the amount on Schedule 500AB, Line 10, as the taxable     05 The amount required to be included in income for 
amount of payments to a related entity in connection with          the purpose of computing  the partial tax on an 
trademarks, patents and similar intangible property. Enclose       accumulation  distribution  under  IRC § 667 (Va. 
Schedule 500AB. See Va. Code § 58.1-402 B.8 and Va. Code           Code § 58.1-402 B.7).
§ 58.1-402 B.9.                                                 10 Interest or dividends, less related expenses to the 
Line 4                                                             extent not deducted in determining federal taxable 
                                                                   income, on obligations or securities of any authority, 
Net income taxes and other taxes, including franchise and 
                                                                   commission or instrumentality of the United States, 
excise taxes, which are based on, measured by, or computed 
                                                                   which the laws of the United States exempt from 
with reference to net income, imposed by this state or any 
                                                                   federal income tax, but not from state income taxes 
other taxing jurisdiction to the extent deducted in determining 
                                                                   (Va. Code § 58.1-402 B.2).
federal taxable income (Va. Code § 58.1-402 B.4).
                                                                13 The deduction for bad debts allowed in computing 
Line 5                                                             federal taxable income for a state or federal savings 
Interest, less related expenses to the extent not deducted         and loan association (Va. Code § 58.1-403 1).
in determining federal taxable income, on obligations of any    14 Enter the amount  of dividends  deductible  under 
state other than Virginia or of a political subdivision of any     IRC § 561 and IRC § 857 by a REIT (Va. Code § 
state other than Virginia unless it was created by a compact       58.1-402 B.10).
or agreement to which this state is a party (Va. Code § 58.1-
402 B.1).

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- 16 -
   Addition Codes for Use on Schedule 500ADJ                   Addition Codes for Use on Schedule 500ADJ
Code Description                                            Code Description
16 Income from Dealer Disposition of Property –             99 Other – Enter the amount of any other income not 
   Enter the amount that would be reported under               included in federal taxable income, which is taxable 
   the installment method from certain dispositions            in Virginia. If you are filing electronically, provide a 
   of property. If, in a prior  year, the taxpayer  was        detailed explanation in the space provided by the 
   allowed  a subtraction  for certain income  from            software program. If you are filing by paper, enclose 
   dealer dispositions of  property  made on or after          an explanation  and  supporting  documentation,  if 
   January 1, 2009, in the years following the year of         applicable.
   disposition,  the  taxpayer  is  required  to  add  back 
   the amount that would have been reported under           Line 7 – Total Additions
   the installment method. Each disposition must be         Add Lines 1-5, all amounts for Line 6(a)-(c), and the total of 
   tracked separately for purposes of this adjustment       additions listed on the supplemental Schedule(s) 500ADJS, 
   (Va. Code § 58.1-402 F).                                 if applicable. Enter the result here and on Form 500, Line 2.
19 Food Crop Donation –     To the extent a credit is 
   allowed for growing food crops in the Commonwealth       Section B – Subtractions from Federal Taxable 
   and donating such crops to a nonprofit food bank an      Income
   addition to the taxpayer’s federal taxable income is 
   required for any amount claimed by the taxpayer as       Enter the amount by which any of the following changes 
   a federal income tax deduction for such donation.        increased your federal taxable income.
20 Addition  Related  to  the  Business  Interest           Line 1 – Fixed Date Conformity Subtraction – 
   Deduction –   For taxable years beginning on and         Depreciation
   after January 1, 2022, a corporate income tax            Enter the amount that should be subtracted from federal 
   deduction is allowed in an amount equal to 30% of        taxable income based upon the recomputation of allowable 
   the business interest that is disallowed for federal     depreciation. If depreciation was included in the computation 
   income tax purposes. If (i) you claimed a Virginia       of  your  federal  taxable  income  and  one  or  more  of  the 
   Business Interest Deduction on prior year Virginia       depreciable assets received the special bonus depreciation 
   return(s) and (ii) you are able to fully utilize your    deduction for federal purposes in any year from 2001 through 
   federal carryover of business interest from those        2022, then depreciation must be recomputed for Virginia 
   prior year(s) on your current year federal return, you   purposes as if such assets did not receive the special bonus 
   must report an addition on your current year Virginia    depreciation deduction for federal purposes in any year from 
   return equal to the amount of the Virginia Business      2001 through 2022. If the total 2022 Virginia depreciation 
   Interest Deduction claimed on the prior year Virginia    is more than 2022 federal depreciation, then the difference 
   return(s). However, if you are able to only partially    must be recognized as a subtraction on Line 1. For further 
   utilize your federal carryover of business interest      instructions, see Virginia Tax Bulletins 19-1, 20-1, 21-4, and 
   from the prior year(s) on your current year federal      22-1 at www.tax.virginia.gov or call (804) 367-8037. 
   return, the Business Interest Addition will be applied 
   in the same proportion as the amount of federal          Line 2 – Fixed Date Conformity Subtraction – Other
   carryover that is utilized. If reporting this addition,  Disposed Asset – If an asset was disposed of in 2022 
   enclose a copy of federal Form 8990.                     and such asset received the special bonus depreciation 
                                                            deduction for federal purposes in any of the years 2001 
   Under prior law, the amount of the deduction was 
                                                            through 2022, and a gain or loss was recognized for federal 
   limited to 20% of business interest disallowed.
                                                            purposes, then the gain or loss must be recomputed as if 
21 Partnership-Level Federal Adjustments Income             such asset did not receive the special bonus depreciation 
   Addition – Income related to certain partnership         deduction for federal purposes in any of the years 2001 
   adjustments that result from federal tax changes         through 2022. The adjustment will be the difference in the 
   and other changes to federal taxable income must         federal and Virginia basis of the asset when sold. If the federal 
   be added to the owner’s income tax return if the         basis of the asset is lower than the Virginia basis (resulting 
   income was not previously reported on the original       in a greater gain for federal purposes), then the difference 
   Virginia return. The amount of the addition is equal to  between the two bases is included as a subtraction on the 
   the income that was not included in Virginia taxable     Virginia return. For further instructions, see Virginia Tax 
   income. When reporting this addition, enclose the        Bulletins 19-1, 20-1, 21-4, and 22-1 on the Department’s 
   partnership’s completed Form 502FED-1.                   website, www.tax.virginia.gov,  or  call (804)  367-8037. 
                                                            Other fixed date conformity subtractions – If you are 
                                                            required to make any other fixed date conformity subtractions 
                                                            listed in the Fixed Date Conformity Update for 2022 above, 
                                                            enter the total amount of such subtractions on this line. Also, 
                                                            enclose a schedule and explanation of such subtractions.
                                                  Page 14

- 17 -
Line 3                                                              explanation in the space provided, by the software program. If 
                                                                    you are filing by paper, enclose an explanation and supporting 
Enter the amount of income (interest, dividends, and gain) 
                                                                    documentation, if applicable. 
derived from obligations or the sale or exchange of obligations 
of the United States and on obligations or securities of any        If  you  are  filing  by  paper  and  have  more  than  3  of  the 
authority, commission or instrumentality of the United States       subtractions listed below or in the supplemental instructions, 
to the extent included in federal taxable income, but exempt        check the box and use the supplemental Schedule 500ADJS 
from state income taxes under the laws of the United States.        to provide information on subtractions in excess of three.
This includes, but is not limited to, stocks, bonds, treasury 
bills,  and  treasury  notes.  It  does  not  include  interest  on Subtraction Codes for Use on Schedule 500ADJ
refunds of federal taxes, equipment purchase contracts, or          Code Description
normal business transactions. See Va. Code § 58.1-402 C.1.
                                                                    50 The amount of wages and salaries eligible for the 
Line 4                                                                 federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit that are not 
Any amounts included under the provisions of IRC § 78 (Va.             deducted for federal tax purposes (Va. Code            § 
Code § 58.1-402 C.5).                                                  58.1-402 C.6).
                                                                    54 The amount contributed  to the Virginia  Public 
Line 5
                                                                       School  Construction  Grants Program  and  Fund 
The amount of any refund or credit for overpayment of income           that has not been claimed as a deduction on the 
taxes imposed by this state or any other taxing jurisdiction           corporation’s federal income tax return (Va. Code 
(Va. Code § 58.1-402 C.4).                                             § 58.1-402 C.15).
Line 6                                                              55 There  shall  be  subtracted  from  federal  taxable 
Any amount included therein by the operation of IRC § 951              income,  by  a  gas  supplier,  pipeline  distribution 
(subpart F income) and/or, for taxable years beginning on              company or gas utility company, the amount that 
and after January 1, 2018, IRC § 951A (Global Intangible               could have been deducted as a net operating loss 
Low-Taxed Income). (Va. Code § 58.1-402 C.7.)                          carryover or net capital loss in arriving at taxable 
                                                                       income except that such loss or portion thereof had 
Line 7                                                                 been carried back for federal purposes (Va. Code 
Any amount included in federal taxable income which is                 § 58.1-403 9).
foreign source income and defined as follows:                       56 A subtraction for gas suppliers, pipeline distribution 
 1.  Interest other than interest derived from sources within          companies, gas utility companies, and electric 
    the United States;                                                 suppliers, except cooperatives, for the amortization 
                                                                       of  the  Virginia tax  basis of  assets that  are 
 2.  Dividends other than dividends derived from sources               recoverable for financial accounting and/or income 
    within the United States;                                          tax purposes placed in service prior to the first day of 
 3.  Rents,  royalties,  license,  and  technical  fees  from          the taxable year that the company became subject 
    property located or services performed without the                 to Virginia corporate income tax (adjustment date). 
    United States or from any interest in such property,               “Virginia tax basis” means the aggregate adjusted 
    including rents, royalties, or fees for the use of or the          book basis less the aggregate adjusted tax basis 
    privilege of using without the United States any patents,          of such assets as recorded  on the company’s 
    copyrights, secret processes and formulas, goodwill,               books of accounts as of the last day of the taxable 
    trademarks, trade brands, franchises, and other like               year immediately preceding  the adjustment date. 
    properties; and                                                    The amortization of the Virginia tax basis shall be 
                                                                       computed  using the straight-line  method over a 
 4.  Gains,  profits,  or  other  income  from  the  sale  of 
                                                                       period of thirty years, beginning on the adjustment 
    intangible or real property located without the United 
                                                                       date. Gain or loss on the disposition or retirement 
    States (Va. Code § 58.1-402 C.8).
                                                                       of any such asset shall be computed using its 
Line 8                                                                 adjusted federal tax  basis, and the  amortization 
The amount of any dividends received from corporations                 of the Virginia  tax basis  shall  continue  thereafter 
in which the taxpaying corporation owns 50% or more of                 without adjustment. See Va. Code § 58.1-440.1.
the voting stock, to the extent they are included in federal        57 A  subtraction for  intangible  expenses and costs 
taxable income and to the extent not otherwise subtracted              added to the federal taxable income of a related 
from federal taxable income (Va. Code § 58.1-402 C.10).                member as shown on the Schedule  500AB 
                                                                       enclosed  with  the  Virginia  return  filed  by  such 
Line 9 – Other Subtractions from Federal Taxable 
                                                                       related member (Va. Code § 58.1-402 C.21).
On Lines 9a-9c, enter the 2-digit code, listed below, in the 
boxes followed by the amount of the subtraction. If Code 99 
is claimed and you are filing electronically, provide an 

                                                       Page 15

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Subtraction Codes for Use on Schedule 500ADJ              Subtraction Codes for Use on Schedule 500ADJ
Code Description                                          Code Description
58 For taxable years beginning on and after January 1,    61 Certain Long-Term Capital  Gains  –            Provided 
   2006, there shall  be subtracted from federal             the long-term capital gain or investment services 
   taxable income contract payments to a producer            partnership  qualified  income  is  attributable  to  an 
   of quota tobacco or a tobacco quota holder as             investment in a “qualified business” as defined in 
   provided  under the  American Jobs Creation  Act          Va. Code § 58.1-339.4  or any other technology 
   of 2004 (P.L. 108-357). If the payment is received        business approved by the Secretary of Technology 
   in installment payments, then the recognized gain         or the Secretary of Commerce and Trade, it may 
   may be subtracted in the taxable year immediately         be allowed  as a subtraction. For taxable years 
   following the year in which the installment payment       beginning on or after January 1, 2011, enter any 
   is received. If the payment is received in a single       qualified  income  taxed  as  a  long-term  capital 
   payment, then 10%  of the recognized  gain  may           gain for federal income tax purposes, or any 
   be subtracted in the taxable year immediately             income taxed as investment services partnership 
   following the year in which the single payment is         interest  income  (otherwise  known  as  investment 
   received. The taxpayer may then deduct an equal           partnership  carried  interest income)  for federal 
   amount in each of the 9 succeeding taxable years.         income tax purposes. To qualify for this subtraction, 
   See Va. Code § 58.1-402 D. For more information,          the income must be attributable to an investment 
   visit www.tax.virginia.gov.                               in  a  “qualified  business,”  as  defined  in Va. Code 
59 Income from Dealer  Disposition  of Property              § 58.1-339.4, or in any other technology business 
     An adjustment  is available  for certain  income       approved  by the Secretary of  Technology  or the 
   from  dealer dispositions of  property made on or         Secretary of Commerce and Trade, provided that 
   after  January 1,  2009. In  the  year of  disposition    the business has its principal office or facility in the 
   the adjustment  will be a subtraction for  gain           Commonwealth and less than $3 million in annual 
   attributable to installment payments to be made in        revenues in the fiscal year prior to the investment. 
   future taxable years provided that (i) the gain arises    The investment must be made between the dates 
   from an installment sale for which federal law does       of April 1, 2010, and June 30, 2020. No taxpayer 
   not permit the dealer to elect installment reporting      that has claimed a tax credit for an investment in a 
   of income, and (ii)  the dealer elects installment        “qualified business” under Va. Code § 58.1-339.4, 
   treatment of the income for Virginia purposes on          a subtraction for income attributable to a Virginia 
   or before the due date prescribed by law for filing       venture capital account under Va. Code § 58.1-402 
   the taxpayer’s income tax return. In subsequent           C.25, or a subtraction for income attributable to an 
   taxable years, the adjustment will be an addition         investment in a Virginia real estate investment trust 
   for gain attributable to any payments made during         under Va. Code § 58.1-402 C.26 shall be eligible 
   the taxable  year with respect to the disposition.        for the subtraction under  this subdivision  for an 
   Each  disposition  must  be  tracked  separately  for     investment in the same business. See Va. Code § 
   purposes of this adjustment. See Va. Code § 58.1-         58.1-402 C.24.
   402 F.                                                 62 Historic Rehabilitation –  To the extent included 
60 Gains from Land Preservation Tax – Enter the              in federal taxable income, any amount of gain or 
   amount of federal gain or income recognized as a          income recognized by a taxpayer in connection with 
   result of the sale of Land Preservation Tax Credits.      the Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit is allowed as 
   See Va. Code § 58.1-513 D.                                a subtraction on the Virginia return.

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Subtraction Codes for Use on Schedule 500ADJ               Subtraction Codes for Use on Schedule 500ADJ
Code Description                                           Code Description
63 Venture Capital Account Investment – Taxpayers          65 Business Interest Deduction  –   For taxable 
   may claim a subtraction for income attributable to         years beginning  on and after  January 1,  2022, 
   an investment in a Virginia venture capital account        corporations  may claim a deduction  of 30% of 
   made on  or  after  January 1,  2018, but  before          business interest disallowed pursuant to § 163(j) of 
   December  31, 2023.  For the  purposes  of this            the Internal Revenue Code, to the extent included 
   subtraction, income includes, but is not limited to,       in and not  otherwise subtracted from  federal 
   investment services partnership interest income,           taxable income. If claiming this deduction, enclose 
   otherwise known as investment partnership carried          a copy of federal Form 8990. 
   interest income.  No subtraction shall be allowed          Under prior law, the deduction was limited to 20% 
   under this subdivision  for an investment in a             of business interest disallowed. 
   company that is owned or operated by an affiliate 
   of the taxpayer or for a taxpayer who has claimed       66 Gain from Eminent Domain  – For taxable years 
   a subtraction for certain long-term gains under Va.        beginning on or after January 1, 2019, taxpayers 
   Code 58.1-402  C.24  or a subtraction for income           may claim a subtraction for any gain recognized 
   attributable  to an investment in a Virginia  real         from the taking of real property by condemnation 
   estate investment trust under Va. Code § 58.1-402          proceedings.
   C.26 for the same investment. See Va. Code      §       67 Partnership-Level Federal Adjustments Income 
   58.1-402 C.25.                                             Subtraction – Income related to certain partnership 
   In order for the subtraction to be claimed on the          adjustments that result from federal tax changes 
   investors’ income tax returns, the fund in which           and other changes to federal taxable income may 
   they invest must be certified by the Department as         be subtracted from Virginia taxable income if the 
   a Virginia venture capital account for the taxable         income  was  previously  reported on  the  owner’s 
   year during which the investment was made. If the          Virginia return. The amount of the subtraction is 
   fund is approved, a 9-digit certification number will      equal to the federal taxable income that was included 
   be provided. Enter this number in the “Certification       in the owner’s Virginia original income tax return 
   Number” space provided by the subtraction code.            but should not have been reported. When claiming 
                                                              this subtraction, include a copy of the partnership’s 
64 Virginia  Real Estate Investment Trust – For               Form 502FED-1.
   taxable  years beginning  on and  after January  1, 
   2019, taxpayers may claim a subtraction for income      99 Other – Enter the amount  of any other income 
   attributable to an investment in a Virginia real estate    included  in  federal  taxable  income,  which  is not 
   investment trust made on or after January 1, 2019          taxable  in  Virginia.  If  you  are  filing  electronically, 
   but before December 31, 2024.                              provide a detailed explanation in the space 
                                                              provided by the software program. If you are filing 
   In order for the subtraction to be claimed on the 
                                                              by paper, enclose an explanation and supporting 
   investors’  income tax  returns,  the  real estate 
                                                              documentation, if applicable.
   investment trust  in which they invest must be 
   certified by the Department as a Virginia real estate 
   investment trust for the taxable year during which      Line 10 – Total Subtractions.
   the investment was made. If the fund is approved,       Add Lines 1-8, 9a-9c, and the total of subtractions from the 
   a 9-digit certification number will be provided. Enter  supplemental Schedule(s) 500ADJS, if applicable. Enter here 
   this  number  in  the  “Certification  Number”  space   and on Form 500, Line 4.
   provided by the subtraction code.
                                                           Section C – Amended Return
   No subtraction is allowed to an individual taxpayer: 
   for an investment in a company that is owned            If you are filing an amended return, complete a new return 
   or  operated  by  a  family  member  or  affiliate  of  using the corrected figures, as if it were the original return. 
   the taxpayer; who claimed the subtraction for           Do not make any adjustments to the amended return to show 
   certain long-term capital gains or Venture Capital      that you received a refund or paid a balance due as the result 
   Investments for the same investment; or who             of the original return. Check the Amended Return checkbox 
   claimed  the  Qualified  Equity  and  Subordinated      on Form 500, Page 1 and enter the appropriate amended 
   Debt Investments  Tax Credit for the same               return reason code from the list provided on Page 10 of these 
   investment. For  more information, see the  Form        instructions in the space provided. 
   REIT instructions.                                      If the corporation is an owner of a partnership and it amends 
                                                           its corporate return in order to report a partnership-level 
                                                           federal adjustment, the corporation must enclose with the 

                                                   Page 17

- 20 -
amended return a copy of Form 502FED-1 that it received          The credits that can be claimed against corporate income 
from the partnership.                                            tax are listed below. 
In cases where a Form 500NOLD is filed to carry back or          •  Neighborhood Assistance Act Tax Credit
carry forward a net operating loss, an amended Form 500          •  Enterprise Zone Act Tax Credit
should be filed indicating the change in the amount of credits 
                                                                 •  Conservation Tillage Equipment Tax Credit
claimed and the corrected carryover amounts. Enclose a 
revised Schedule 500CR with the amended returns filed            •  Biodiesel and Green Diesel Fuels Tax Credit
to report the changes to the credit(s) claimed or carryover      •  Precision Fertilizer and Pesticide Application Equipment 
amount resulting from the NOL carryback.                            Tax Credit
The Federal/State e-File program only supports amended           •  Recyclable Materials Processing Equipment Tax Credit
returns for the current taxable year and  the 2 preceding        •  Clean-Fuel  Vehicle  and  Vehicle Emissions Testing 
taxable years. Amended returns for prior taxable years must         Equipment Tax Credits
be filed by paper. Amended Forms 500EC will also need to         •  Major Business Facility Tax Credit
be filed by paper.
                                                                 •  Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit
Section D – Schedule of VK-1 Withholding                         •  Waste Motor Oil Burning Equipment Tax Credit
If  you  are  claiming  withholding on  Form  500,  Line  15,     Riparian Waterway Buffer Tax Credit
complete Schedule 500ADJ, Page 2.                                •  Land Preservation Tax Credit
                                                                 •  Virginia Coal Employment and Production Incentive 
       About Virginia Schedule 500CR                                Tax Credit
       Credit Computation Schedule                               •  Community of Opportunity Tax Credit
Complete Schedule 500CR and enclose it with your return          •  Green Job Creation Tax Credit
when claiming a credit(s). See the instructions below for        •  Farm Wineries and Vineyards Tax Credit
additional requirements. When claiming a credit(s) that          •  International Trade Facility Tax Credit
requires documentation, you will need to attach a PDF of the     •  Port Volume Increase Tax Credit
documentation when filing electronically. If you are filing by 
paper and claiming a credit(s) that requires documentation,      •  Barge and Rail Usage Tax Credit
the information must be enclosed. Missing enclosures may         •  Livable Home Tax Credit
cause delays in processing the return and may cause a credit     •  Research and Development Expenses Tax Credit
to be disallowed.                                                •  Major Research and Development Expenses Tax 
The following rules apply when claiming credits on Schedule         Credit
500CR.                                                           •  Education Improvement Scholarships Tax Credit
•  Nonrefundable credits without a carryover provision           •  Food Crop Donation Tax Credit
  are claimed first.                                             •  Virginia Housing Opportunity Tax Credit
•  Carryover credits must be fully used before any 2022           Worker Training Tax Credit
  credits (current year credits) are allowed.
                                                                  Coalfield Employment Enhancement Tax Credit
•  To maximize allowable credit, carryover credits may           •  Motion Picture Production Tax Credits
  be claimed in their order of expiration, regardless of 
  the order shown on Schedule 500CR.                             •  Agricultural Best Management Practices Tax Credit
                                                                 •  Conservation  Tillage and Precision Agriculture 
Many of the credits may not be claimed on your return until 
                                                                    Equipment Tax Credit
after you have submitted an application and have been 
notified in writing that you are allowed to claim the credit. If For detailed credit descriptions and information on how to 
your return is due and you have not yet been notified, you       claim tax credits, refer to the Instructions for Schedule 500CR.
have the option to either: 
Pay at least 90% of your tax liability by the return due          Donations to the General Fund 
  date and file your return on extension after receiving 
                                                                 You may make donations directly to Virginia’s General 
  notification, or
                                                                 Fund by writing a check payable to the State Treasurer 
File your return by the due date without claiming the          and designating it as a donation to the Commonwealth’s 
  credit, and file an amended return after you have              General  Fund. To  ensure  proper  accounting  for  these 
  received notification.                                         donations, you must enclose your payment with Form 
                                                                 GFD. Visit www.tax.virginia.gov or call (804) 367-8037 
                                                                 to obtain this form.

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