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                          Instructions for Preparing 2022 Form 500EC,
                  Virginia Cooperative Modified Net Income Tax Return

Fiscal Year Filers or Short Year Filers:  Complete this line                   greater than 10%), then determine the number 
only if your taxable year is not from January 1 to December 31.                of months or fraction thereof past the original 
Complete the required information as requested in spaces                       due date the return is being filed. Multiply the 
provided at the top of Page 1. Be sure that name, address,                     number of months or fraction thereof times 
federal employer identification number, etc., are correctly                    2%, not to exceed 12%, then multiply that 
reported. Check the “Final Return” box if no further Virginia                  percentage by Line 10 and enter on Line 11. 
income tax return is required for any taxable year.                        (c)  Late payment penalty: Any balance of tax due 
NOTE:  It may be beneficial to compute the nonmember share                     not paid with the return is subject to a 6% per 
of expenses by using Method 1 (Lines 18-22) or Method 2                        month late payment penalty, not to exceed 
(Lines 23-25) prior to completing the return.                                  30%. The total of the late payment and late 
                                                                               filing penalties cannot exceed 30%.
                  Line Instructions                                Line 12  Interest: Enter the amount due at the underpayment 
                                                                           rate established by Section 6621 of the Internal 
                                                                           Revenue Code, plus 2%, from the due date of the 
Line 1  Enter the total revenue received from electricity 
                                                                           return until payment. This underpayment rate is 
        sales in Virginia.
                                                                           subject to quarterly adjustment. When penalty is 
Line 2  Enter the total revenue received from electricity                  entered under 11(a) above, interest is added from 
        sales to members in Virginia.                                      the due date to the date of payment.
Line 3  Subtract Line 2 from Line 1.                               Line 13  Additional charge: Enter the amount from Line 17, 
Line 4  Enter the nonmember share of ordinary and                          Form 500C.
        necessary expenses from Line 22 or Line 25.                Line 14  Total due: Enter the total of Lines 10, 11, 12, and 13. 
Line 5  Modified net income: Subtract Line 4 from Line 3.                  This is the total amount due and must be paid when 
                                                                           the return is filed. Enclose Form 500V with payment 
Line 6  Tax: Multiply the modified net income on Line 5 
        by 6%.
                                                                   Line 15  Overpayment: Enter the amount of overpayment if 
Line 7  Enter the total tax credits (nonrefundable and 
                                                                           Line 9 is larger than Line 8a.
        refundable credits) from Schedule 500CR, Section 2, 
        Line  1B  and  Section  4,  Line  1A. See special          Line 16  Amount to be credited to 2023: Enter the amount 
        instructions at the end of these instructions for                  of overpayment (from Line 15) you want credited 
        credit amount adjustment prior to finishing the                    to your 2023 estimated tax, if any.
        computation on Schedule 500CR.                             Line 17  Amount  to  be  refunded:  Subtract  Line  16  from 
Line 8  Modified net income tax: Subtract Line 7 from Line 6.              Line 15 and enter the amount to be refunded.
        Also, enter on Line 5 of Schedule 500MT.
                                                                   Nonmember Ordinary and Necessary Expenses
Line 8a Enter the amount from Line 12, Schedule 500MT. 
Line 9  Payments and credits:                                      Use either Method 1 or Method 2 to calculate nonmember 
                                                                   ordinary and necessary expenses.
        (a)  Enter the total amount of estimated income tax 
        paid for 2022.                                                            METHOD 1 (Lines 18-22)

        (b)  Enter  any  extension  payment  made  or  any                 Enter expenses entirely attributable to electricity 
                                                                   Line 18 
        other payment not included in (a).                                 sales to nonmembers in Virginia. Please enclose 
Line 9  Add Lines 9(a) and 9(b).                                           a schedule itemizing all expenses included in this 
Line 10  Tax due: Subtract Line 9 from Line 8a (if applicable).            figure.
        This is the balance of the tax due.                        Line 19 Enter other expenses not entirely attributable to 
Line 11  Penalty:                                                          electricity sales to either members or nonmembers 
        (a)  Late filing penalty: If the return is filed after the         in Virginia.
        automatic 6-month extended due date, enter                 Line 20  Compute and enter nonmember electricity sales 
        30% of Line 10; or                                                 ratio: nonmember electricity sales in Virginia divided 
        (b)  Extension penalty: If the return is filed during              by total electricity sales in Virginia.
        the automatic 6-month extension period and                 Line 21 Amount of other expenses allocated to electricity 
        the balance of tax due exceeds 10% of the                          sales to nonmembers in Virginia. Multiply Line 19 
        actual tax liability (Line 10 divided by Line 8a is                by Line 20.
Va. Dept. of Taxation  2601093  Rev. 09/22

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Line 22 Nonmember share of expenses using Method 1: 
        Line 18 plus Line 21. (Enter here and on Line 4).         Tax Credit Adjustment Worksheet

        METHOD 2 (Lines 23-25)
                                                               1) Enter the amount of qualifying 
Line 23 Compute and enter nonmember electricity sales             credit from the appropriate Part 
        Ratio: nonmember electricity sales divided by total       of  Schedule 500CR. (Do not 
        electricity sales.                                        include  any carryover credit on 
Line 24 Total expenses attributed to all electricity sales in     this line.) ....................................
        Virginia.                                              2) Enter the nonmember ratio  of 
                                                                  electricity sales  for  the  taxable 
Line 25  Nonmember share of expenses using Method 2: 
                                                                  year. ...........................................
        Line 23 times Line 24.(Enter here and on Line 4 ).
                                                               3) Multiply Line 1 by Line 2. This is 
                                                                  the current year credit amount...
Special Instructions for Tax Credit Adjustment 
                                                               4) Enter carryover credit from prior 
in Connection with Schedule 500CR
                                                                  years. (Must be the prorated 
                                                                  amount). If 1st year, enter 0.......
Each income tax credit available to the electric co-op must be 
prorated by the nonmember ratio of electricity sales for the   5) Add  Lines  3  and  4.  This  is  the 
taxable year in computing the allowable amount on Schedule        credit allowable this year. Enter 
500CR. You may use the worksheet below to compute the             here and on the appropriate line 
proper amount to enter on Schedule 500CR (each credit             of the claimed credit on Schedule 
must  be  prorated  separately). The  carryover  amount  for      500CR. ......................................
each credit should be computed in the appropriate part of 
Schedule 500CR.

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