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                                           2022 Form 500NOLD Instructions 
Corporation Application for Refund Carryback of Net Operating Loss

For a capital loss carryback, file an amended Virginia corporation return using Form 500 and Schedule 500ADJ.

Net Operating Loss Deduction Computations                           Thus, if the federal net operating loss is fully used in carryback 
                                                                    or carryover to 1 year, the entire net amount of additions and 
There is no Virginia net operating loss available for carryback 
                                                                    subtractions will be applied to such year. If, however, the 
or carryover. However, since the starting point for the Virginia 
                                                                    federal net operating loss is partially used in each of several 
corporation income tax is federal taxable income (Form 500, 
                                                                    years, the net amount of additions and subtractions will be 
Line 1), there is a statutory provision for net operating loss 
                                                                    applied in the same ratio to the applicable years.
deductions to the extent that such losses are included in 
federal taxable income.                                             Federal Extended NOL Carryback Provisions
Fixed Date Conformity Update for 2022                               Virginia’s deconformity from the extended NOL carryback 
                                                                    period provisions in former IRC § 172(b)(1)(H) and Section 
Virginia’s date of conformity with the Internal Revenue Code 
                                                                    2303 of the CARES Act for certain NOLs generated in 2008, 
(IRC) was advanced from December 31, 2020, to December 
                                                                    2009, 2018, 2019, and 2020 does not apply to any other 
31, 2021, subject to certain exceptions. Information regarding 
                                                                    provision of the IRC that provides  for an extended NOL 
changes required as a result of the 2022 General Assembly 
                                                                    carryback period. Taxpayers that carry back NOLs for federal 
Session are provided in Tax Bulletin 22-1 which is available 
                                                                    income tax purposes pursuant to any other provision of the 
on the Department’s website, www.tax.virginia.gov.
                                                                    IRC may do so without making adjustment when computing 
If  additional  legislation  is enacted that results in changes     their Virginia taxable income.
to the IRC for the 2022 taxable year, taxpayers may need 
                                                                    The federal net operating loss deduction may be used only 
to  make  adjustments  to  their  Virginia returns that  are not 
                                                                    to reduce federal taxable income, and a federal net operating 
described in these instructions. Information about any such 
                                                                    loss deduction cannot create or increase a federal operating 
adjustments will be posted on the Department’s website at 
                                                                    loss. For a copy of the Virginia regulations, visit the Laws, 
                                                                    Rules, & Decisions page on the Department’s website and 
Virginia conforms to the changes made to the net operating          click on “Virginia Law,” or write to the Virginia Department 
loss (NOL) deduction by the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,          of Taxation, P.O. Box 1317, Richmond, VA 23218-1317 or 
including the general repeal of NOL carrybacks. For taxable         call (804) 367-8037.
years ending  after December  31, 2017, only NOLs from 
certain  farming  losses  and  the losses  incurred  by certain                                         (804)  367-8037 or  write 
                                                                    For  additional  information,  call 
                                                                    to the 
insurance  companies  may be carried  back as set forth in                 Virginia Department of Taxation, P.O. Box 1115, 
IRC § 172(b). No other types of NOLs may be carried back            Richmond, VA 23218-1115. You can download most Virginia 
                                                                    income tax forms at 
for such taxable years.                                                               www.tax.virginia.gov. 
Virginia will continue to deconform from the following: bonus       NOTE: Companies that apportion income — If federal taxable 
                                                                    income is reduced to zero, allocable income is not considered.
depreciation  allowed  for certain assets under  federal  law; 
the five-year carryback of certain federal net operating loss  Consolidated and combined filers must compute the amount 
(NOL) deductions  generated  in the 2008 or 2009 taxable  of net operating loss deduction according to 23 Virginia 
years; the federal income treatment of applicable high yield  Administrative Code (VAC) 10-120-320 through 10-120-327.
discount obligations; and the federal income tax treatment          To avoid processing delays, mail Form 500NOLD to the 
of cancellation of debt income realized in connection with          address shown on the form in the upper left corner. Do 
certain business debts. In addition,  Virginia  will  continue      not mail with your corporate return. Always enclose a 
to deconform from the following temporary changes made              copy of federal Form 1139 or Form 1120X. If neither of the 
by the Coronavirus  Aid, Relief, and Economic  Security             federal forms were filed, provide a detailed explanation 
(“CARES”)  Act: suspension  of certain NOL limitations  for         of the adjustment.
Taxable  Years 2018, 2019, and 2020  and increasing  the 
business interest limitation for Taxable Year 2019 and 2020.        Line Instructions
Please see Tax Bulletin 21-4 for more information.                  1. Enter the taxable year for which the loss was sustained. 
Since federal taxable income must be modified for Virginia             Use YYYY format for the actual taxable year. Ex: 2021 
additions and subtractions, the additions and subtractions of          or 2022. Do not express in ending month/year (MM/YY) 
the loss year follow the federal loss to the year the loss is used.    format. For fiscal year filers, the   actual taxable year is 
                                                                       year on the return being filed (year of the beginning 
                                                                       period of the fiscal year). 

Va. Dept. of Taxation  2601199  Rev. 09/22         Page 1

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2. (a)  Enter the amount of federal net operating loss.                  tax deductions related to applicable high yield dis-
   (b)  Enter the net Virginia supplemental fixed date con-              count obligations under IRC § 163(e)(5)(F), and (4) 
      formity modifications (additions and subtractions).                Other changes not listed.
      Fixed date conformity items to be included are: (1)                Refer to Virginia Tax Bulletin 22-1 which is available 
      Bonus depreciation for assets under IRC § 168(k),                  on the Department’s website, www.tax.virginia.gov, 
      (2) Disposed assets that received the special bonus                for information regarding fixed date conformity ad-
      depreciation, (3) Income tax deductions related to                 justments required as a result of the 2022 General 
      applicable high yield discount obligations under IRC               Assembly Session. Enclose a schedule and expla-
      § 163(e)(5)(F), and (4) Other changes not listed.                  nation of such modifications.
      Refer to Tax Bulletin 22-1 which is available on                (c)  Enter the fixed date conformity federal taxable 
      the Department’s website, www.tax.virginia.gov,                    income for Virginia purposes. [Line 5(a) plus or 
      for  information  regarding  fixed  date  conformity               minus Line 5(b)].
      adjustments required as a result of the 2022                    Enter the amount of net operating loss (after adjustment 
      General Assembly Session. Enclose a schedule                    for fixed date conformity as shown on Line 2(c)). Do not 
      and explanation of such modifications.                          exceed the amount of income shown on Line 5(c). Any 
   (c)  Enter the amount of Virginia fixed date conformity            portion of Line 2(c) that is not deducted on this Form 
      NOL available for carry back. [Line 2(a) plus or                500NOLD may be available for deduction in a taxable 
      minus Line 2(b)].                                               year subsequent to the year of loss.
3. Enter the net amount of the Virginia additions and             7.  Subtract Line 6 from Line 5(c).
   subtractions from the loss year return. DO NOT include             Divide  Line  6  by  Line  2(c).  Compute  percentage  to 
   fixed date conformity modifications. The amount of fixed           1 decimal place.
   date conformity additions and subtractions claimed on 
   Schedules 500ADJ and 500ADJS should be excluded                9.  Enter the net additions and subtractions from the 
   from  this  amount. If modifications  for cancellation             taxable year entered on Line 4. DO NOT include fixed 
   of debt income or the domestic production activities               date  conformity  modifications. The  amount  of  fixed 
   deduction were claimed on Schedule 500ADJ as other                 date conformity additions and subtractions claimed on 
   subtractions or additions to federal taxable income, these         Schedule 500ADJ should be excluded from this amount. 
   should also be excluded from the amount entered on                 If modifications for cancellation of debt income or the 
   this line because these are also fixed date conformity             domestic production activities deduction were claimed on 
   modifications. For Taxable Year 2004 and beyond, if you            Schedule 500ADJ as other subtractions from or additions 
   made any payments to an affiliated corporation or related          to federal taxable income, these should also be excluded 
   individual or other related entity for interest, royalties, or     from the amount entered on this line because these are 
   other expenses related to intangible property, include             also fixed date conformity modifications. For Taxable 
   with other modifications. If the net amount is positive, it        Year 2004 and beyond, if you made any payments to 
   may not exceed the amount of the loss on Line 2.                   an affiliated corporation or related individual or other 
                                                                      related entity for interest, royalties or other expenses 
4. Enter the taxable year to which the loss was taken. Enter          related to intangible property, include the modification 
   in YYYY format for the taxable year. Ex: 2019 or 2020.             here. Include any prior modifications from NOLDs that 
   For fiscal year filers, it is the year of the return being         were previously absorbed.
   amended (year of beginning period of fiscal year). This 
   must correspond to the same year that the loss was             10.  Multiply Line 3 by the percentage on Line 8.
   taken for federal tax purposes (unless a 5-year carryback      11.  Add Lines 7, 9, and 10. If the corporation must apportion 
   was used for federal purposes pursuant to former IRC               their income (Schedule 500A filers), complete Lines 12 
   § 172(b)(1)(H) or Section 2303(b) of the CARES Act in              through 17. If not, go to Line 18 for the tax computation.
   which case the years will differ since Virginia deconforms 
                                                                  12.  Enter the total allocable income from Schedule 500A for 
   from these federal carryback provisions. The years 
                                                                      the year shown on Line 4. If federal taxable income has 
   may also differ due to Virginia’s deconformity from the 
                                                                      been reduced to zero (Line 7), make no entry as there 
   loss limitation suspension under Section 2303(a)  of 
                                                                      is no income to be allocated.
   the CARES Act), or would be required to be taken if no 
   federal carryback is applicable.                               13.  Subtract Line 12 from Line 11.
5. (a)  Enter the federal taxable income for the year being       14.  Enter the apportionment percentage from Schedule 500A 
      amended.                                                        for the year shown on Line 4.
   (b)  Enter the net Virginia fixed date conformity modi-        15. Multiply the amount on Line 13 by the percentage on 
      fications for the year(s) being amended (additions              Line 14.
      and subtractions). Fixed date conformity items to           16.  Enter the income allocated to Virginia. If federal taxable 
      be included are: (1) Special bonus depreciation for             income has been reduced to zero (Line 7), make no entry 
      assets under IRC § 168(k), (2) Disposed asset that              as there is no income to be allocated.
      received the special bonus depreciation, (3) Income 
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17.  Add Lines 15 and 16.                                          Reminder: Due to the reduced tax liability in carryback 
18.  Multiply the amount on Line 11 or Line 17 by 6% and           and carryforward years, the credits previously claimed 
    enter the result.                                              in those years may need to be adjusted as well as the 
                                                                   credit carryover amounts. An amended Form 500 should 
19. (a)  Enter the nonrefundable credits from any Telecom-         be filed indicating the change in the amount of credits 
         munications Companies Income Tax Credit along             claimed and the corrected carryover amounts. Enclose 
         with any other nonrefundable credits reported on          a revised Schedule 500CR for the carryback year(s) to 
         Schedule 500CR.                                           show the corrected credit and carryover amount after the 
    (b)  Enter  any  refundable  credits  from  the  Coalfield     NOL carryback has been applied. You must also enclose 
         Employment Enhancement Credit along with any              a revised Schedule 500CR to the amended returns 
         other  refundable  credits  reported  on  Schedule        filed to report the changes to the credit(s) claimed or 
         500CR. Check the Coalfield Credit Claimed box             carryover amount resulting from the NOL carryback.
         in the upper left corner on Form 500NOLD if a         20. Subtract Line 19(c) from Line 18 and enter the result.
         refundable Coalfield Employment Enhancement Tax 
         Credit was claimed in 2022.                           21.  Enter the amount of tax previously paid for the year 
                                                                   shown on Line 4.
    (c)  Enter the total of Line 19(a) and Line 19(b).
                                                               22.  Subtract Line 20 from Line 21. This is the refund amount.

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