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2022 Instructions for Schedule 500AB
Schedule of Related Entity Add Backs and Exceptions
Corporations are required to add back certain deductions received by the related member is subject to a tax based on
taken on the federal return for interest, royalties, and other or measured by net income or capital imposed by Virginia,
expenses related to intangible property such as trademarks another state, or foreign government that has entered into a
and patents. A related entity is allowed a subtraction to the comprehensive tax treaty with the United States government.
extent that any payments it received have been added back An intangible expense payment may not be excluded from the
to the income of another corporation. addition unless the receipt of the payment, and its inclusion in
Corporations should report all payments made and then the related member’s taxable income or capital, results in a
identify any exceptions which apply to the payments in the non-trivial increase in tax liability (or reduction of an operating
tables provided. The exceptions for interest and royalties differ loss) after consideration of all of the deductions, credits,
and need to be reported separately on the form. exemptions, and other tax policies and preferences affecting
the tax liability of the related member. The actual return filed
Intangible Expenses Paid to Related Entities with the other state(s) will be examined for the impact or the
payments on the related member’s tax liability. Pro forma
A corporation that directly or indirectly claims a deduction for separate returns and tax accruals by the affiliated group are
payments to a related entity in connection with trademarks, not acceptable for this purpose.
patents and similar intangible property must add back the If the payor and related member receiving the
Example 1.
deduction on its Virginia income tax return. The addition is payments are included in a consolidated or combined return
required for any intangible expenses and costs directly or in the other jurisdiction, then the payor’s deduction and
indirectly paid, accrued, or incurred to, or in connection directly corresponding item of income of the related member offset
or indirectly with one or more direct or indirect transactions each other in the return filed on behalf of the related member,
with one or more related members (Va. Code § 58.1-402(B) and the offsetting amounts do not materially affect the tax
(8)(a)). liability of the related member of the affiliated group.
Related entities include a stockholder and a partnership, If the related member is subject to a capital
Example 2.
limited liability company, estate, trust, and corporation owned tax in another jurisdiction that is measured by the number
by a stockholder when at least 50% of the value of the of authorized shares, then the receipt of the corresponding
taxpayer’s outstanding stock is owned, directly or indirectly, item or income does not materially affect the tax liability of
or beneficially by the stockholder or family. For further details, the related member.
see the definitions of “related entity” and “related member” in
Va. Code § 58.1-302. Example 3. If the related member is subject to a franchise
tax with alternative measures (such as a minimum tax, net
The statute defines “intangible property” as “patents, pat- capital, net income, or other measure) and its actual tax
ent applications, trade names, trademarks, service marks, liability for the taxable year is based on a measure other than
copyrights, and similar types of intangible assets.” The statute net income or capital, then the receipt of the corresponding
further defines the intangible expenses and costs that must item of income does not materially affect the tax liability of
be added back as follows: the related member.
i. Expenses, losses, and costs for, related to or in connec-
tion directly or indirectly with the direct or indirect acquisi- Exception 2
tion, use, maintenance or management, ownership, sale, The corporation may exclude from the addition an item of
exchange, lease, transfer, or any other disposition of intangible expense when the related member derives at least
intangible property to the extent that such amounts are one-third of its gross revenues from the licensing of intangible
allowed as deductions or costs in determining taxable property to parties who are not related members, and the
income; transaction giving rise to the expenses and costs between
ii. Losses related to or incurred in connection directly the corporation and the related member was made at rates
or indirectly with factoring transactions or discounting and terms comparable to the rates and terms of agreements
transactions; that the related member has entered into with parties who are
not related members for the licensing of intangible property.
iii. Royalty patent, technical, and copyright fees;
For example, Corporation A uses a trademark licensed from
iv. Licensing fees; and its affiliate to market popular beverages. The trademark was
v. Other similar expenses and costs. created in connection with the beverage products and is
widely known and associated with beverage products. The
Intangible Expenses Add Back Exceptions licensing affiliate also licenses the trademark to unrelated
businesses for use on toys, glasses, and incidentals other than
Exception 1 beverage products. The royalty rates paid by the unrelated
businesses do not qualify for this exception because the use
The corporation may exclude from the addition an item of
of the trademark by Corporation A is not comparable to the
intangible expense when the corresponding item of income
use of the trademark by the unrelated businesses.
Va. Dept. of Taxation 6201112 Rev. 09/22
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