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2022 Virginia                                 Affiliated Corporations
Schedule 500AC                 Consolidated and Combined Filers
Complete Schedule 500AC for each affiliate and submit with the parent company’s combined or consolidated Virginia Form 500 group return. 
Parent Company Name (as shown on Virginia Form 500 group return)                                                  Parent Company FEIN (as shown on Virginia Form 500)

Affiliate Name                                                                                                    Affiliate FEIN

Street Address or P.O. Box                                       City or Town                                     State                                                       ZIP Code

NAICS Code                                    Description of Business Activity        Membership Begin Date (mm/dd/yyyy)                                         Membership Termination Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Virginia Corporation Income Computation – Affiliated Member’s Share of Income Reported on Form 500.
1.  Federal taxable income after NOL and special deductions ............................................................................                         1.                   .00
2.  Total Virginia additions (Section D, Line 7) .....................................................................................................           2.                   .00
3.  Add Lines 1 and 2........................................................................................................................................... 3.                   .00
4.  Total Virginia subtractions (Section D, Line 17) ..............................................................................................              4.                   .00
5.  Savings and loan association bad debt deduction .........................................................................................                    5.                   .00
6.  Add Lines 4 and 5........................................................................................................................................... 6.                   .00
7.  Virginia taxable income (Subtract Line 6 from Line 3) ....................................................................................                   7.                   .00
Income Apportionment – Affiliated Member’s Share of Income Reported on Schedule 500A.
8.  Total dividends (allocable income)..................................................................................................................         8.                   .00
9.  Nonapportionable investment function income...............................................................................................                   9.                   .00
10. Add Lines 8 and 9........................................................................................................................................... 10.                  .00
11. Nonapportionable investment function loss ....................................................................................................               11.                  .00
12. Total nonapportionable income (Subtract Line 11 from Line 10) ....................................................................                           12.                  .00
13. Income subject to apportionment (Subtract Line 12 from Line 7) ...................................................................                           13.                  .00
14. Income apportioned to Virginia (Multiply Line 13 by the percentage on Line 1 or Line 2d in Section C below) .....                                            14.                  .00
15. Dividends allocated to Virginia .......................................................................................................................      15.                  .00
16. Income subject to Virginia tax (Add Lines 14 and 15) ....................................................................................                    16.                  .00
SECTION B – APPORTIONMENT METHOD (See instructions for Schedules 500A and 500AP for information on apportionment methods.)
1. Motor Carrier Mileage Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Manufacturer’s Modified Apportionment Method
   If an exception applies, check the applicable box below:                           Sales Factor ............................................
               Exception 1                    Exception 2                             (a) Enter beginning date of election year _____/_____/_____
                                                                                      (b) Wage and employment certification required each year: Check 
2. Financial Corporation Cost of Performance Factor .........                             to certify that the average weekly wages of the full‑time employees 
3. Construction Corporation                                                               is greater than the lower of the state or local average weekly wages 
   Completed Contract Basis Sales Factor ..................                               for its industry, and that the average annual number of full‑time 
                                                                                          employees of the manufacturing company is at least 90% of the 
4. Railway Company Revenue Car Miles ....................                                 base year employment. ................................
5. Retail Company Apportionment .........................                             8. Enterprise Data Center Operation ..........................
6. Debt Buyers Apportionment ............................                             9. Multi-Factor Formula With Double Weighted Sales ............

See instructions for Schedules 500A and 500AP for information on apportionment                  Column A                                                         Column B     Column C
computations.                                                                                     TOTAL                                                          VIRGINIA     PERCENTAGE
1. Single Factor Computation:  motor carriers, financial companies, construction 
   companies, railway companies, retail companies, debt buyers, manufacturers that 
   elected the modified apportionment method in Section B, and certain enterprise 
   data center operations ..............................................                  1.              .00                                                             .00                            %
2  Multi-Factor Computation: For Lines 2(a) through 2(c), divide the amount in 
   Column B by the amount in Column A to compute the Column C percentage.
   (a)  Property Factor ................................................              2(a)                .00                                                             .00                            %
   (b)  Payroll Factor .................................................              2(b)                .00                                                             .00                            %
   (c)  Sales Factor ..................................................               2(c)                .00                                                             .00                            %
   (d) Multi-Factor Percentage: Double‑Weighted Sales Factor Formula: [Line a + Line b + 2(Line c)] ÷ 4    .....................2(d)                                                                     %
Va. Dept. of Taxation  2601000-W  Rev. 07/22

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2022 Virginia                              Affiliated Corporations
Schedule 500AC                  Consolidated and Combined Filers
Page 2                                                                                              *VASCAC222888*

Affiliate Name  ___________________________________________________________  Affiliate FEIN ________________________


Virginia Additions (see Form 500 Instructions)
1.  Fixed date conformity addition (depreciation)..............................................................................................................               1.   .00
2.  Fixed date conformity addition (other) .........................................................................................................................          2.   .00
3.  Taxable addition from Schedule 500AB, Line 10 .........................................................................................................                   3.   .00
4.  Net income tax and other taxes based on, measured by, or computed with reference to the net income ..................                                                     4.   .00
5.  Interest on state obligations other than Virginia ..........................................................................................................              5.   .00
6.  Other additions –                                    Code
    See Form 500 Instructions for addition           6a.             ......................................................................                                   6a.  .00
                                                     6b.             ......................................................................                                   6b.  .00
                                                     6c.             ......................................................................                                   6c.  .00
7.  Total Additions – Add Lines 1‑5 and 6a‑6c. Enter here and on Line 2, Section A .....................................................                                      7.   .00
Virginia Subtractions (see Form 500 Instructions)
8.  Fixed date conformity subtraction (depreciation).........................................................................................................                 8.   .00
9.  Fixed date conformity subtraction (other) ....................................................................................................................            9.   .00
10. Income from obligations or securities of the U.S. exempt from state income taxes, but not from  
    federal income taxes ...................................................................................................................................................  10.  .00
11. Foreign dividend gross‑up (IRC § 78) .........................................................................................................................            11.  .00
12. Refund or credit of income tax included in federal taxable income .............................................................................                           12.  .00
13. Subpart F income (IRC § 951) and/or Global Intangible Low‑Taxed Income (IRC § 951A) ........................................                                              13.  .00
14. Foreign source income subtraction allowed by Va. Code § 58.1‑402 C 8 ...................................................................                                  14.  .00
15. Dividends received from corporations in which the recipient owns 50% or more of the voting stock, to the extent 
    remaining in federal taxable income ............................................................................................................................          15.  .00
16. Other subtractions – See Form 500 Instructions for subtraction codes.
              Certification Number                       Code
    16a.                                                             ......................................................................                                   16a. .00
    16b.                                                             ......................................................................                                   16b. .00
    16c.                                                             ......................................................................                                   16c. .00
17. Total Subtractions – Add lines 8‑15 and 16a‑16c. Enter here and on Line 4, Section A ...........................................                                          17.  .00


Form 1120, Deductions and Taxable Income
1.  Federal taxable income before NOL and special deductions .....................................................................................                            1.   .00
2.  Net operating loss deduction ......................................................................................................................................       2.   .00
3.  Special deductions .....................................................................................................................................................  3.   .00
Form 1120, Schedule K or M-1
4.  Tax-exempt interest ....................................................................................................................................................  4.   .00
Form 4562, Special Depreciation Allowance and Other Depreciation
5.  Special depreciation allowance for qualified property placed in service during the taxable year ...............................                                           5.   .00
6.  Property subject to 168(f)(1) election .........................................................................................................................          6.   .00
7.  Other depreciation ...................................................................................................................................................... 7.   .00

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