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                        Instructions for 2022 Schedule 500AP
             Modified Apportionment Schedule for VEDP-Certified Companies

             General Information                                       but before January 1, 2025, and any improvements to real 
                                                                       property  in  a  qualified  locality  or  qualified  localities  on  or 
For taxable  years beginning on or after January  1, 2018,  after January 1, 2018, but before January 1, 2025.
but before January 1, 2025, certified companies conducting 
                                                                       New  Job  – a  permanent,  full-time  position  of  indefinite 
business  in  certain  disadvantaged  localities  may  elect  to 
                                                                       duration that pays at least 150 percent of the minimum wage, 
apportion  Virginia  income  using  modified  apportionment 
                                                                       as defined in the Virginia Minimum Wage Act (§ 40.1-28.8 
factors.  To  be  eligible,  the  company  must  not  have  any 
                                                                       et seq.), and that requires a minimum of (i) 35 hours of an 
existing property and payroll in Virginia as of January 1, 2018, 
                                                                       employee’s  time  a  week  for  the  entire  normal  year  of  the 
and must be certified by the Virginia Economic Development 
                                                                       eligible  company’s  operations,  which  normal  year  shall 
Partnership  Authority  (“VEDP”)  as  meeting  the  following 
                                                                       consist of at least 48 weeks, or (ii) 1,680 hours per year.
qualifications before January 1, 2025: 
                                                                       Traded Sector Company –       a  company  that  directly  or 
(1)  either  spend  at  least  $5  million  on  a  new  capital 
                                                                       indirectly derives more than 50 percent of its revenue from 
   investment in a qualified locality or localities; or create 
                                                                       out-of-state sources.
   at least 50 new jobs in a qualified locality or qualified 
   localities (see list of qualified localities on Page 4);            Certification Overview
(2)  is a traded-sector company; and                                   Prior to using certified company apportionment on the Virginia 
(3)  generates a positive fiscal impact.                               income tax return, companies must be certified by VEDP 
                                                                       and must  be  recertified  annually.  To  become  certified, 
A certified company may use the modification on the Virginia           VEDP  will  determine  whether  a  company  will  generate  a 
income tax return for the taxable year in which it becomes             positive fiscal impact based on the following factors:
eligible and for the 6 subsequent, consecutive taxable years. 
However, an eligible company may not use the modification              (1)  job creation;
for  any  year  in  which  (i)  the  total,  cumulative  new  capital  (2)  private capital investment; and
investment  falls  below  the  applicable  initial  threshold  or      (3)  anticipated additional state and local tax revenue.
(ii) the number of new jobs falls below the applicable initial 
threshold.                                                             VEDP will also consider the additional revenue Virginia likely 
                                                                       would expend in and for the localities if the economy in the 
Modified Apportionment Factors                                         localities continues to erode.
Certified companies may elect to modify the application of its         A company will be denied certification if VEDP determines 
Virginia apportionment method according to the provisions              it  has  engaged  in  a  merger,  acquisition,  similar  business 
of Va. Code §§ 58.1-407 through 58.1-420, 58.1-422, 58.1-              combination,  name  change,  change  in  business  form,  or 
422.1, or 58.1-422.2. This includes companies transacting              other transaction if the primary purpose is to obtain status as 
or  conducting  business  entirely  within  Virginia  as  well  as     an eligible company.
companies operating within and without of Virginia.
                                                                       For details on the certification process, contact:
If the entire business of a qualified company is transacted or 
conducted in Virginia, it may elect to (i) apportion its income            Virginia Economic Development Partnership 
between  qualified  localities  and  other  localities  in  Virginia               One James Center, Suite 900
provided that it does not apportion any of its income to a                                901 East Cary Street
state  other  than  Virginia  and  (ii)  use  any  modification  for                     Richmond, VA 23219
which it may be eligible as provided in Va. Code §§ 58.1-407                        Phone: (804) 545-5706
through 58.1-420, 58.1-422, 58.1-422.1, or 58.1-422.2.
In general, certified companies may decrease the amount of                                  Instructions
income apportioned to and taxed by Virginia. This decrease 
                                                                       Part I – Single Factor Apportionment
in income is accomplished by allowing certified companies 
the ability to subtract the amount reported in the numerator           Companies  that  are  required  to  use  a  single  factor 
of  each  of  their  apportionment  ratio(s).  The  computation        apportionment method must complete the applicable line in 
depends  upon  whether  the  companies  are  subject  to               Part I and then transfer the amount in Column C as follows: 
Virginia’s standard apportionment method or a specialized                Corporations:  Schedule  500A,  Section  B,  Line  1, 
apportionment  method,  and  is  described  later  in  these               Column B.
                                                                         Consolidated/Combined  Filers:  Schedule  500AC, 
Definitions                                                                Section C, Line 1, Column B.
New capital investment – real property acquired in a qualified           Pass-Through Entities:    Schedule 502A, Section B, 
locality  or  qualified  localities  on  or  after  January  1,  2018,     Line 1, Column B.

Va. Dept. of Taxation  2601123  Rev. 09/22                  Page 1

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Line 1:  Motor Carriers                                              Business in all of VA - business in qualified VA 
A  certified  motor  carrier  may  modify  its  apportionment           localities
factor by subtracting the vehicle miles traveled in qualified           Business everywhere
Virginia localities from the amount of vehicle miles traveled        To  calculate  the  numerator  of  the  apportionment  ratio  on 
everywhere  in  Virginia.  This  amount  will  be  used  as  the     Schedule 500AP, subtract the value of business attributable 
numerator  of  the  apportionment  ratio,  the  denominator          to  qualified  localities  in  Virginia  (Line  3,  Column  B)  from 
of  which  is  total  vehicle  miles  traveled  everywhere,  when    the value of business attributable to all of Virginia (Line 3, 
calculating  the  Virginia  apportionment  percentage  on  the       Column A). The result on Line 3, Column C is your modified 
appropriate apportionment schedule.                                  Virginia  numerator  that  will  be  used  when  completing  the 
The modified motor carrier apportionment calculation is as  appropriate apportionment schedule.
                                                                     Line 4:  Railway Companies
        Vehicle miles in all of VA - vehicle miles in                A certified railway company may modify its apportionment 
              qualified VA localities                                factor by subtracting revenue car miles traveled in qualified 
              Vehicle miles everywhere                               localities in Virginia from revenue car miles traveled in all 
To  calculate  the  numerator  of  the  apportionment  ratio  on     of Virginia. This amount will be used as the numerator of 
Schedule 500AP, subtract the vehicle miles attributable to           the fraction, the denominator of which is total revenue car 
qualified  localities  in  Virginia (Line  1, Column  B) from the    miles  traveled  everywhere,  when  calculating  the  Virginia 
vehicle miles attributable to all of Virginia (Line 1, Column A).    apportionment percentage.
The  result  on  Line  1,  Column  C  is  your  modified  Virginia  The modified railway company apportionment calculation is 
numerator that will be used when completing the appropriate  as follows:
apportionment schedule.
                                                                     Revenue car miles in all of VA - revenue car 
Line 2:  Financial Corporations                                         miles in qualified VA localities
A certified financial corporation may modify its apportionment          Revenue car miles everywhere
factor  by  subtracting  the  value  of  business  conducted         To  calculate  the  numerator  of  the  apportionment  ratio  on 
in  qualified  Virginia  localities  from  the  value  of  business  Schedule 500AP, subtract the revenue car miles attributable 
conducted  in  all  of  Virginia.  This  amount  will  be  used  as  to  qualified  localities  in  Virginia  (Line  4,  Column  B)  from 
the numerator of the apportionment ratio, the denominator            the revenue car miles attributable to all of Virginia (Line 4, 
of which is total value of business conducted everywhere,            Column A). The result on Line 4, Column C is your modified 
when calculating the Virginia apportionment percentage on            Virginia  numerator  that  will  be  used  when  completing  the 
the appropriate apportionment schedule.                              appropriate apportionment schedule.
The modified financial corporation apportionment calculation 
                                                                     Line 5:  Retail Companies
is as follows:
                                                                     A certified retail company with a positive sales factor may 
        Business in all of VA - business in qualified VA             subtract from the numerator of the apportionment ratio the 
                          localities                                 value of sales in all of Virginia, the denominator of which is 
              Business everywhere                                    the value of sales everywhere. The modified retail company 
To  calculate  the  numerator  of  the  apportionment  ratio  on     apportionment calculation is as follows: 
Schedule 500AP, subtract the value of business attributable             Sales in all of VA - sales in all of VA
to  qualified  localities  in  Virginia  (Line  2,  Column  B)  from 
                                                                        Sales everywhere
the value of business attributable to all of Virginia (Line 2, 
Column A). The result on Line 2, Column C is your modified  Since  the  numerator  is  reduced  to  zero,  a  certified  retail 
Virginia  numerator  that  will  be  used  when  completing  the  company  will  not  owe  Virginia  income  tax.  However,  the 
appropriate apportionment schedule.                                  applicable  apportionment  schedule  must  be  completed 
                                                                     and  submitted  with  the  Virginia  income  tax  return.  Report 
Line 3:  Construction Companies
                                                                     the  value  of  sales  in  all  of  Virginia  on  Line  5,  Column A. 
A  certified  construction  company  may  modify  its  On Line 5, Column B, report the value of sales in qualified 
apportionment  factor  by  subtracting  the  value  of  business  localities. When completing the appropriate apportionment 
conducted  in  qualified  Virginia  localities  from  the  value  of  schedule, enter -0- in Column B on the applicable line. 
business  conducted  in  all  of  Virginia. This  amount  will  be 
                                                                     Line 6:  Manufacturer’s Modified Apportionment Method
used  as  the  numerator  of  the  apportionment  ratio,  the 
denominator of which is total value of business conducted  A certified manufacturing company using a single sales factor 
everywhere,  when  calculating  the  Virginia  apportionment  method of apportionment that has a positive sales factor may 
percentage.                                                          subtract from the numerator of the apportionment ratio the 
                                                                     value of sales in all of Virginia, the denominator of which is 
The  modified  construction  company  apportionment 
                                                                     the value of sales everywhere. The modified manufacturing 
calculation is as follows:
                                                                     company apportionment calculation is as follows: 

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        Sales in all of VA - sales in all of VA                     On Line 8(a), Column A, enter the value of property in all of 
                                                                    Virginia. On Line 8(a), Column B, enter the value of eligible 
                 Sales everywhere
                                                                    property in qualified Virginia localities. Subtract the value of 
Since  the  numerator  is  reduced  to  zero,  a  certified  property in Column B from the value of property in Column 
manufacturing  company  using  a  single  sales  factor  A. Enter the result in Column C. This is the modified Virginia 
apportionment  method  will  not  owe  Virginia  income  tax.  numerator of your property factor. You should transfer your 
However,  the  applicable  apportionment  schedule  must  modified Virginia numerator to the appropriate apportionment 
be  completed  and  submitted  with  the  company’s  Virginia  schedule as described above. 
income tax return. Report the value of sales in all of Virginia 
                                                                    Line 8(b):  Payroll Factor
on  Line  6,  Column  A.  On  Line  6,  Column  B,  report  the 
value of sales in qualified localities. When completing the  The numerator of the payroll factor apportionment ratio of a 
appropriate apportionment schedule, enter -0- in Column B  certified company may be reduced by an amount equal to 
on the applicable line                                              the value of its payroll attributable to jobs created in qualified 
                                                                    Virginia  localities  on  or  after  January  1,  2018,  but  before 
Line 7:  Enterprise Data Center Operations
                                                                    January 1, 2025. The modified payroll factor apportionment 
A certified enterprise data center operation with a positive  computation is as follows:
sales  factor  may  subtract  from  the  numerator  of  the 
apportionment ratio the value of sales in all of Virginia, the            Payroll in all of VA - payroll in qualified VA localities
denominator of which is the value of sales everywhere. The                            Total payroll everywhere
modified  enterprise  data  center  operation  apportionment        On Line 8(b), Column A, enter the value of payroll in all of 
calculation is as follows:                                          Virginia. On Line 8(b), Column B, enter the value of payroll 
        Sales in all of VA - sales in all of VA                     in qualified Virginia localities. Subtract the value of payroll in 
                 Sales everywhere                                   Column B from the value of payroll in Column A. Enter the 
                                                                    result in Column C. This is the modified Virginia numerator of 
Since the numerator is reduced to zero, a certified enterprise      your payroll factor. You should transfer your modified Virginia 
data  center  operation  will  not  owe  Virginia  income  tax.     numerator  to  the  appropriate  apportionment  schedule  as 
However,  the  applicable  apportionment  schedule  must            described above.
be  completed  and  submitted  with  the  company’s  Virginia 
income tax return. Report the value of sales in all of Virginia     Line 8(c):  Sales Factor
on  Line  7,  Column  A.  On  Line  7,  Column  B,  report  the  A certified company with a positive sales factor may subtract 
value of sales in qualified localities. When completing the  from the numerator of the apportionment ratio the value of 
appropriate apportionment schedule, enter -0- in Column B  sales in all of Virginia, the denominator of which is the value 
on the applicable line.                                             of sales everywhere. The modified sales factor calculation 
                                                                    is as follows:
Part II – Multi-Factor Apportionment
Companies  that  are  required  to  use  the  standard  double-                   Sales in all of VA - sales in all of VA
weighted sales factor apportionment method must complete                              Sales everywhere
Lines 8(a)-8(c).                                                    Report  the  value  of  sales  in  all  of  Virginia  on  Line  8(c), 
If  one  of  the  factors  does  not  exist,  enter  -0-  in  Column  Column A. On Line 8(c), Column B, report the value of sales 
A, B, and/or C. Transfer the amounts in Column C to the  in  qualified  localities.  When  completing  the  appropriate 
appropriate apportionment schedule as follows:                      apportionment  schedule,  enter  -0-  in  Column  B  on  the 
                                                                    applicable line. 
Corporations: Schedule 500A, Section B, Lines 2(a), 
  2(b), and 2(c).
                                                                                     Qualified Localities
Consolidated/Combined  Filers:  Schedule  500AC, 
  Section C, Lines 2(a), 2(b), and 2(c).                            Companies  must  operate  in  a qualified  locality  (see  the 
                                                                    lists  of  qualified  localities  below)  or  operate  in  a  qualified 
Pass-Through Entities:     Schedule 502A, Section B, 
                                                                    development  site  to  be  eligible  to  use  certified  company 
  Lines 2(a), 2(b), and 2(c).
                                                                    apportionment.  A qualified  development  site is real 
Line 8(a):  Property Factor                                         property that is in a locality adjacent to a qualified locality 
The numerator of the property factor apportionment ratio of         and, before January 1, 2018, either:
a certified company may be reduced by an amount equal to                  (1)  was owned or partly owned by a qualified locality or an 
the value of its property acquired in qualified Virginia localities       industrial development authority of which a qualified 
on or  after  January  1,  2018, but  before January 1,  2025.            locality is a member or 
The modified property factor apportionment calculation is as 
                                                                          (2)  was owned or partly owned by a locality or industrial 
                                                                          development authority, was leased to a private party, 
        Property in all of VA - property in qualified VA localities       and  was  subject  to  a  revenue-sharing  agreement 
                 Total property everywhere                                providing that a portion of the revenues from the lease 
                                                                          would be distributed to a qualified locality.
                                                                    Page 3

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List of Qualified Localities – Cities                Where to Get Help
Bristol    Galax          Norton         For questions about eligibility and certification, contact: 
Danville   Martinsville   Petersburg
                                               Virginia Economic Development Partnership 
                                                     One James Center, Suite 900
List of Qualified Localities – Counties
                                                     901 East Cary Street
Accomack   Essex          Northumberland             Richmond, VA 23219
Alleghany  Giles          Nottoway
                                                     Phone: (804) 545-5706
Amelia     Gloucester     Page
                                         For questions about using certified company apportionment 
Appomattox Grayson        Patrick        on  your Virginia income tax return, visit  www.tax.virginia.gov 
Bland      Halifax        Pittsylvania   or contact: 
Brunswick  Henry          Prince Edward              Virginia Department of Taxation 
Buchanan   King and Queen Richmond                   P.O. Box 1115 
Buckingham King William   Russell                    Richmond, Virginia 23218-1115
Caroline   Lancaster      Scott                      Phone: (804) 367-8037
Carroll    Lee            Smyth                      Fax: (804) 254-6111
Charlotte  Lunenburg      Tazewell
Craig      Mathews        Washington
Cumberland Mecklenburg    Westmoreland
Dickenson  Middlesex      Wise
Dinwiddie  Northampton    Wythe

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