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                   Virginia Bank Franchise Tax

2023 Form 64, Schedules, and Instructions

                   Commonwealth of Virginia
                   Department of Taxation
                   Richmond, Virginia

                   (804) 404-4215


6214005  Rev. 08/22

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                                         TABLE OF CONTENTS 
                                                                                                                    Page No.
Who Must File Form 64 .....................................................................................................................................................................1
Merging Banks ...................................................................................................................................................................................1
Branch Banks .....................................................................................................................................................................................1
Interstate Branch Banks .....................................................................................................................................................................1
Banks in Receivership or Liquidation ................................................................................................................................................2
When to File .......................................................................................................................................................................................2
Where to File ......................................................................................................................................................................................2
Assessment of Tax .............................................................................................................................................................................2
Payment of Tax ..................................................................................................................................................................................2
Penalty ................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Interest ................................................................................................................................................................................................2
Official Report of Condition and Income ..........................................................................................................................................2
Amended Returns ...............................................................................................................................................................................2
Form 64 Instructions ..........................................................................................................................................................................2
Instructions for Schedule C ................................................................................................................................................................3
Instructions for Schedule CR (Form 64) ............................................................................................................................................4
Commissioners of the Revenue Mailing Addresses ............................................................................................... Inside Back Cover
References are to the Code of Virginia, unless otherwise noted. The laws of Virginia relating to the Bank Franchise Tax are covered in 
Va. Code §§ 58.1-1200 through 58.1-1217. 

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS                                                   bank with a branch in Virginia will be subject to the same tax as 
                                                                       Virginia banks.
Who Must File Form 64 
                                                                       In the event that a multi-state bank becomes subject to the Bank 
1.  Every incorporated bank, banking association, savings              Franchise Tax, the Department permits multi-state banks that are 
bank that is a member of the federal reserve system, or trust          accepting deposits at branch offices in another state, including the 
company organized by or under the authority of the laws of the         District of Columbia, to apportion net capital based on a deposit 
Commonwealth; and                                                      oriented methodology similar to that currently specified by the 
2.  Every bank or banking association organized by or under the        General Assembly for apportionment among Virginia localities. 
authority of the laws of the United States or any other state,         However, for purposes of interstate apportionment, the existing 
which is doing business or has an office in the Commonwealth,          statutory method must be modified to reflect “core” deposits and  
or whose charter designates any place within the Commonwealth          exclude time certificates of deposit of $100,000 or more.
as the place of business of its principal office, whether or not       Those that do not accept deposits must request permission from the 
such bank or banking association is authorized to transact             Tax Commissioner to use an alternative method of apportionment. 
business as a trust company; and                                       In order to request an alternative method, the bank must:
3.  Every joint stock land bank or other bank organized under          file a return using an alternative method of apportioning 
the authority of the laws of the United States upon which the            capital;
Commonwealth is authorized to impose a tax.
                                                                       provide a statement regarding why the statutory method is 
Every entity that is a bank (as defined above) as of January 1, 2023,    inapplicable or inequitable as applied to the taxpayer; and
must file a return.
                                                                       submit an explanation of the proposed method of apportionment 
Merging Banks                                                            in sufficient detail for the Department to make a meaningful 
If any banks merged into the filing bank during the tax year, a 
schedule should be included showing the U.S. obligations for the       In Public Document 11-182 (11/3/11), the Department developed 
individual bank reports of condition filed by the filing bank prior    an alternative method of apportioning a bank’s capital subject to 
to the merger.                                                         Bank Franchise Tax based on Va. Code § 58.1-409. This single 
                                                                       property factor is a fraction, the numerator of which is the value 
Branch Banks                                                           of real and tangible property owned by the bank on December 31 
Each bank that has as of the beginning of any tax year a bank          plus annualized rents for 12 months immediately preceding 
located in any locality other than the locality in which such bank’s   December 31 used in Virginia, and the denominator of which 
principal office is located must maintain a record of the deposits     is the value of real and tangible property owned by the bank on 
made through such branch.                                              December 31 plus annualized rents for 12 months immediately 
                                                                       preceding December 31 used everywhere.
Interstate Branch Banks                                                The single property factor is only applicable when a bank, which 
Legislation enacted by the 1995 General Assembly allows                meets the definition of “bank” under Va. Code § 58.1-1201, 
Virginia to “opt-in” to interstate branch banking as authorized        has one or more branches, offices, or facilities in Virginia 
by federal legislation. It also amends the definition of “bank” for    but no deposits attributed to any branch, office, or facility in 
Bank Franchise Tax purposes to recognize that an out-of-state          Virginia. This alternative method will not cause an out-of-state 

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bank that merely owns property in Virginia (such as foreclosed          Official Report of Condition and Income
homes), but does not transact a banking business at any of 
its Virginia properties, to be subject to the Bank Franchise            You must enclose with Form 64, when filed, a complete copy of 
Tax in lieu of the corporate income tax. See Title 23 of the            the official Report of Condition and Income (Call Report) required 
Virginia Administrative Code (VAC) 10-120-20 B 2.                       by the Comptroller of the Treasury, U.S. Department of the 
                                                                        Treasury or the Bureau of Financial Institutions, State Corporation 
Banks in Receivership or Liquidation                                    Commission, for the December 31 immediately preceding the 
                                                                        current tax year. No other reports, newspaper copies, or other 
When the affairs of any bank are being finalized under Va. Code         financial statements are acceptable.
§ 6.2-912 et seq. or under comparable provisions of the National 
Banking Act, a return of the assets on hand as of January 1 of each     Amended Returns
year shall be made by those having custody or control of the assets.    If it becomes necessary to adjust your original return, you may 
No tax will be assessed during the period of liquidation. If any        file an amended return by completing a new Form 64 return using 
surplus remains after payment of all creditors and depositors, the      the corrected figures as if it were an original. Write “Amended 
liquidating officers shall ascertain the net capital of the bank just   Return” on the top of the form to indicate that it is an adjusted 
prior to each January 1 during the period of liquidation and pay        return. The amended Form 64 and all accompanying schedules 
the appropriate tax before any distribution of surplus. No penalty      (Schedules  C  –  H)  must  be  filed  in  DUPLICATE  with  the 
for late payment will be assessed on such payments.                     Commissioner of the Revenue for the city or county in which the 
                                                                        principal office of the bank or trust company is located. File the 
When to File                                                            amended return within 3 years from the due date of the original 
Form 64 and all accompanying schedules must be filed on or              return. See Va. Code § 58.1-1823.
before March 1 of each tax year. There are no provisions for an 
extension of time.                                                                  FORM 64 INSTRUCTIONS
Where to File                                                           Line 1 – Equity Capital:      For purposes of reporting “Equity 
Form 64 and all accompanying schedules (Schedules C – H) must           Capital,” adjust the “Total Equity Capital” as reported on the Call 
be filed in DUPLICATE with the Commissioner of the Revenue              Report by the amounts reported as unrealized gains or losses on 
for the city or county in which the principal office of the bank or     available-for-sale securities.
trust company is located. Mailing addresses for the Commissioners 
of the Revenue are listed on the last page of the instructions. A       Line 5 – U.S. Obligations Excluded:      The deduction for 
bank that was formerly headquartered in Virginia should continue        obligations of the United States shall include all obligations of the 
to file with the locality in which its principal office was located.    United States exempt from state taxation under 31 U.S.C. § 3124, 
Banks that move into Virginia should file with the locality where       any other federal statute, or the U.S. Constitution.
the first branch is established. Banks that move into Virginia via      U.S. obligations classified as “held to maturity” should be valued 
the purchase of a Virginia bank should file in the locality of the      at amortized cost and U.S. obligations classified as “available for 
former Virginia bank’s principal office. In addition, the bank must     sale” should be valued at market value.
file copies of Schedules C and H with the assessing officer of each     A partial list of organizations and their taxable status for purposes 
locality imposing tax on the filing bank. No payment should be          of the Virginia exclusion is given below. For information on 
submitted with Form 64.                                                 organizations not listed, contact the Department at (804) 404-4215.
For additional information, call or write to:
         Virginia Department of Taxation                                Issuing Organization                                Tax Status
                   P.O. Box 715                                         Armed Services Mortgage Insurance                   Exempt
                Richmond, VA 23218-0715                                 Asian Development Bank                              Taxable
                   (804) 404-4215
                                                                        Banks for Cooperatives                              Exempt
You can obtain most tax forms at www.tax.virginia.gov. Tenemos 
servicios disponible en Español.                                        Commodity Credit Corporation                        Exempt
                                                                        Export-Import Bank of the United States             Exempt
Assessment of Tax                                                       Farmers Home Administration                         Taxable
The Department will issue a Notice of Assessment to each bank           Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)        Exempt
on or about May 1 of the taxable year.
                                                                        Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB)                     Exempt
Payment of Tax                                                          Federal Financing Bank                              Exempt
Payment must be made on or before June 1 of the taxable year.           Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB)                       Exempt
The local tax should be paid directly to the Treasurer or designated    Federal Home Loan Bank Stock                        Exempt 
official of each city, county, or incorporated town imposing the        Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (FHLMC)            Taxable
tax. Banks are not required to file local tax payment receipts with 
the Department.                                                         Federal Housing Administration (FHA)                Taxable
                                                                        Federal Intermediate Credit Bank                    Exempt
                                                                        Federal Land Bank                                   Exempt
Any bank which fails to file a return and pay the state tax will be     Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)        Taxable
subject to a penalty of 5% of the tax due.
                                                                        Federal Reserve Stock                               Exempt
Interest                                                                Federal Savings and Loan                            Exempt
Interest at the rate established by Va. Code § 58.1-15 will be added    Financial Assistance Corporation                    Exempt
to the tax if it is not paid by the due date. The interest rate is the  Financing Corporation (FICO)                        Exempt
federal “underpayment rate” plus 2%.
                                                                        General Services Administration (GSA)               Taxable
                                                                        Government National Mortgage Assn. (GNMA)           Taxable
                                                                        Guam, Government of                                 Exempt


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Issuing Organization                                Tax Status               Transacting business as of September 30, 2022, but not 
                                                                               before July 1, 2022, $.50 of tax per $100 of net taxable 
Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp. (FSLIC)         Exempt                  capital.
Inter-American Development Bank                        Taxable 
                                                                             Transacting business as of December 31, 2022, but not 
International Bank for Reconstruction & Development    Taxable                 before October 1, 2022, $.25 of tax per $100 of net taxable 
Maritime Administration                                Taxable                 capital.
Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund                         Exempt                  For purposes of the Tax Rate Schedule, “transacting 
National Defense Housing Insurance                     Exempt                  business” means accepting deposits from customers in the 
Private Export Funding Corporation (PEFCO)             Taxable                 regular course of doing business. A bank shall be eligible 
                                                                               for the prorated tax rate with respect to the first return it is 
Production Credit Association                          Exempt                  required to file after accepting deposits. A bank shall not 
Puerto Rico, Government of                             Exempt                  be eligible for the prorated tax rate if it was organized or 
Rental Housing Insurance                               Exempt                  created as a part of a reorganization within the meaning of 
                                                                               Internal Revenue Code § 368(a).
Resolution Trust Commission (RTC)                      Exempt
Samoa, American                                        Exempt                  Banks operating for a full year are assessed at the rate of 
                                                                               $1 of tax per $100 of net taxable capital. If the tax amount 
Small Business Administration (SBA)                    Taxable                 exceeds $18 million, enter $18 million on Line 16. 
State & Local Issued Obligations                       Taxable            Line 19   Nonrefundable Tax Credits:        Enter the total 
Student Loan Market Association (SLMA)                 Exempt             nonrefundable tax credit amount calculated on Line 13A of the 
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)                       Exempt             Schedule CR (Form 64).
United States Savings Bonds                            Exempt             Line 20 – Subtract the amount on Line 19 from the tentative state 
United States Postal Service                           Exempt             bank franchise tax on Line 18. This is the reduced liability after 
                                                                          nonrefundable credits are applied. 
United States Treasury Bills, Notes, and Bonds         Exempt
United States Gov’t Guaranteed Notes-HUD               Taxable            Line 21 – Refundable Tax Credits: Enter the total refundable 
                                                                          tax credit amount calculated on Line 14A of the Schedule CR 
Virgin Islands, Government of                          Exempt             (Form 64).
War Housing Insurance                                  Exempt             Line 22 – Bank Franchise Tax Due: If the adjusted bank franchise 
Line 7 – Goodwill Deduction: Banks are allowed to take a Bank             tax calculated on Line 20 is greater than the refundable credit 
Franchise Tax deduction of up to 90% of goodwill created in               amount (if any) on Line 21, subtract Line 21 from Line 20. This 
connection with the acquisition or merger of a bank on or after           is the tax due amount. 
July 1, 2001, for purposes of determining a bank’s capital subject        Line 23 – Tax Overpayment: if the refundable tax credits reported 
to the Bank Franchise Tax. The deduction is available for Bank            on Line 21 are greater than the adjusted bank franchise tax on 
Franchise Tax that is payable on or after January 1, 2002. The            Line 20, subtract Line 20 from Line 21. This is the amount of 
Goodwill Deduction may be claimed on Line 7 of Form 64. A                 your overpayment. 
separate schedule (not provided) indicating the amount of goodwill 
and showing the deduction computation must be enclosed.                        INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHEDULE C 
Line 8 – Interest Related to Intangible Assets of Affiliates: When                               (FORM 64)
a bank receives interest from an affiliated corporation in connection 
with the acquisition, ownership, use, or disposition of patents,          The assessed value of the real estate listed on this schedule 
trademarks, copyrights and similar property by the affiliate, the         should be reported from the most recent assessment made prior to 
deduction of interest may be disallowed on the affiliate’s Corporate      January 1, 2023. Real estate acquired or improvements constructed 
Income Tax return. The bank would be allowed a deduction from             after January 1, 2023, should not be listed.
its gross capital for any portion of the interest that the affiliate 
must add back under Va. Code § 58.1-402 B(9) provided that: (i)           The following items may qualify for deduction:
the interest added back by the affiliate was paid to the bank by the      1.  Real estate owned by the bank.
affiliate, (ii) at the time of the payment to the bank the affiliate was 
a “related member” as that term is defined in Va. Code § 58.1-302,        2.  Real estate used or occupied by the bank and held in the 
and (iii) the interest has not otherwise been deducted or excluded             name of a majority owned subsidiary of the bank.
from the bank’s gross capital. Report such interest on Line 8 of          3.  Real estate used or occupied by the bank and held in the 
Form 64 and  a statement providing the name, federal employer                  name of a bank holding company that owns a majority of 
identification number, and Virginia account number of the affiliate            the capital stock of the bank, or in the name of any wholly 
together with a detailed explanation of the transaction generating             owned subsidiary of such bank holding company.
the interest, the taxable year or years for which the addback was         4.  The assessed value attributable to leasehold improvements 
made by the affiliate, and the date on which the affiliate’s liability         owned by the bank (or used or occupied by the bank if owned 
for the addback was finally determined.                                        by a qualified affiliate) up to the amount of the unencumbered 
Line 11 – Apportionment Percentage.        Divide Virginia core                equity, even though it was assessed in the name of the owner 
deposits by total core deposits. Round the number to no more than              of the underlying land.
4 decimal places. The percentage cannot exceed 100%.                      5.  Real estate used or occupied by a majority owned subsidiary 
Line 16 – Tax Rate Schedule: Rates are provided for new banks                  of the bank, if it was otherwise taxed to the subsidiary, up to 
that have not been in business for a full year before the January 1            that portion of the assessed value which represents the bank’s 
date for valuing the taxable capital. The prorated tax rates are as            percentage of ownership of the subsidiary’s common stock 
follows:                                                                       (computation).
    Transacting business on or before March 31, 2022, $1 of             6.  Real estate reacquired by a subsidiary upon foreclosure of 
      tax per $100 of net taxable capital.                                     mortgage loans, up to that portion of the assessed value 
                                                                               which represents the bank’s percentage of ownership of the 
    Transacting business as of June 30, 2022, but not before                 subsidiary’s common stock (enclose computation).
      April 1, 2022, $.75 of tax per $100 of net taxable capital.

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Real estate meeting any of the qualifications shown above must be        Neighborhood Assistance Act Tax Credit:
owned, used, or occupied by the bank as of January 1, 2023. Any 
property sold prior to or acquired after that date does not qualify      The Virginia Neighborhood Assistance Tax Act provides tax 
for the deduction. In addition, all real estate listed on this schedule  credits to businesses that donate money, marketable securities, 
must be subject to taxation under Va. Code § 58.1-3200 et seq.           property, limited professional services and contracting services 
                                                                         directly to pre-approved Neighborhood Assistance Program 
                                                                         organizations whose primary function is to provide educational 
  INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHEDULE CR                                           or other qualified services for the benefit of low-income families. 
                 (FORM 64)                                               Licensed veterinarians, physicians, dentists, nurses, nurse 
                                                                         practitioners, physician assistants, optometrists, dental hygienists, 
Complete Schedule CR (Form 64) when claiming any tax credits             pharmacists, professional counselors, clinical social workers, 
to offset the bank franchise tax.                                        clinical psychologists, marriage and family therapists, physical 
                                                                         therapists, chiropractors, pharmacists and physician specialists 
Many Virginia tax credits may not be claimed on your return until        who donate their services for an approved clinic, and mediators 
after you have submitted an application and have been notified in        certified by the Judicial Council of Virginia may also be eligible 
writing that you are allowed to claim the credit. If your return is due  for tax credits. In addition, a trust, or a fiduciary for a trust, 
and you have not yet been notified, you have the option to either:       may receive a tax credit for a donation made to an approved 
                                                                         organization. The amount of credit attributable to a partnership, S 
Pay at least 90% of your tax liability by the return due date          corporation, or limited liability company must be allocated to the 
  and file your return on extension after receiving notification,        partners, shareholders, or members in proportion to their ownership 
  or                                                                     or interest in the partnership, S corporation, or limited liability 
•  File your return by the due date without claiming the                 company. Any unused tax credits may be carried forward for the 
  credit, and file an amended return after you have received             next 5 taxable years. To claim the tax credit, a certificate from the 
  notification.                                                          Department of Social Services or the Department of Education 
                                                                         must be enclosed with your return.
If the total of your nonrefundable credits exceeds the balance of 
the maximum nonrefundable credits available as shown in Part 1,          For a list of approved organizations or additional information, 
Line 1A, the following rules will ensure that you receive the            contact: 
maximum benefit of your credits:                                                  Virginia Department of Social Services 
                                                                                  Neighborhood Assistance Program 
 •  Nonrefundable credits without a carryover provision are                       801 E. Main Street 
  claimed first.                                                                  Richmond VA 23219-3301
 •  Carryover credits must be fully used before any current                                       or the 
  year credits are allowed.
                                                                                  Virginia Department of Education 
 •  To maximize allowable credit, carryover credits may be                        23rd Floor, P.O. Box 2120
  claimed in their order of expiration, regardless of the order                   Richmond, VA 23218-2120 
  shown on Schedule CR (Form 64).                                                 ATTN: Neighborhood Assistance Tax 
         Enterprise Zone Act Credit                                               Credit Program for Education
                                                                                  Email address: tax.credits@doe.virginia.gov
This credit expired June 30, 2019. Only Enterprise Zone Real 
Property Investment Tax Credit carryover amounts from prior years        To claim the Neighborhood Assistance Act Tax Credit, complete 
are allowed. Use the worksheet below to determine the carryover          Part 3 of Schedule CR (Form 64) and enclose a copy of the 
amount that can be used on this year’s tax return. Enclose the           applicable certificate from the Department of Social Services or 
computation with your return.                                            the Department of Education with your return.
                                                                                  Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit
 Line A:   Credit carried over from prior years:
                                                                         A bank or trust company incurring eligible expenses in the 
  $       ________________        .00                                    rehabilitation of a certified historic structure is entitled to claim a 
                                                                         credit against the tax imposed by Va. Code § 58.1-1202. The credit 
 Line B:   Allowable credit: Enter the amount from Line A or             is equal to 25% of eligible rehabilitation expenses. To qualify 
         the maximum credit allowed:                                     for this credit, the cost of the rehabilitation must equal at least 
                                                                         50% (25% if the building is an owner-occupied residence) of the 
  $       ________________        .00                                    assessed value of the building for local real estate tax purposes 
                                                                         in the year preceding the start of the rehabilitation. For taxable 
 Line C:   Amount to be carried over to next year (subtract              years beginning on and after January 1, 2017, the amount of the 
         Line B from Line A)                                             Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit that may be claimed by each 
                                                                         taxpayer, including carryover amounts, may not exceed $5 million 
  $       ________________        .00                                    for any taxable year. The rehabilitation work must be certified by 
                                                                         the Virginia Department of Historic Resources as consistent with 
Enter the allowable credit from Line B of the worksheet on Line 2A       the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. The 
of Schedule CR (Form 64).                                                request for certification of the completed project must be submitted 
                                                                         within 1 year of the completed work. Any unused credit may be 
For additional information, contact:                                     carried forward for 10 years. Applications for participation in the 
                                                                         program may be obtained by contacting:
Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
  Community Revitalization & Development Office                                   Virginia Department of Historic Resources  
                Special Needs Housing                                    2801 Kensington Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221 
                 Main Street Centre                                               (804) 482-6446 
         600 East Main Street, Suite 300                                          www.dhr.virginia.gov/tax-credits/.
         Richmond, VA 23219-1321                                         To claim this credit, complete Part 4 of Schedule CR (Form 64).
                 (804) 371-7171


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Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit                                     fiscal year. The Department will determine the allowable credit 
                                                                           amount for the taxable year and provide a written certification 
For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 1995, but              of the credit amount to each taxpayer. Taxpayers can claim this 
before July 1, 2025, individuals, estates, trusts, corporations,           credit against the Individual Income Tax, the Corporate Income 
banks, insurance companies, and telecommunications companies               Tax, the Tax on Estates and Trusts, the Bank Franchise Tax, the 
may claim a Virginia tax credit if the taxpayer creates at least           Insurance Premiums License Tax, and the Tax on Public Service 
50 new full-time jobs in connection with the establishment or              Corporations. Any unused tax credits may be carried over for 
expansion of a major business facility or if the company is engaged        5 taxable years.
in a qualifying industry in Virginia and creates at least 50 new 
full-time jobs in Virginia. If a taxpayer is located in an enterprise      The business must apply by April 1st using  Form BRU.  
zone or in an economically distressed area (as defined by the              Submitting a late application will disqualify you from the credit. 
Virginia Economic Development Partnership), the threshold is               All applications must be sent to Department of Taxation, Tax 
reduced from 50 to 25. Credits will be recaptured proportionately          Credit Unit, P.O. Box 715, Richmond, VA 23218-0715.
if employment decreases during the 5 years following the initial           This credit requires certification from the Tax Credit Unit to be 
credit year.                                                               claimed on your tax return. A letter will be sent to you to certify 
Qualifying industries include: (1) manufacturing or mining;                the credit. To claim this credit, complete Part 6 of the Schedule CR 
(2) agriculture, forestry or fishing; and (3) transportation and           (Form 64) and enclose the certification letter with your return. For 
telecommunications companies. A major business facility includes           assistance, contact the Tax Credit Unit at (804) 786-2992.
a headquarters or portion of such a facility located in Virginia, 
where the majority of the company’s financial, personnel, legal,           Education Improvement Scholarships Tax Credit 
or planning functions are handled either on a regional or national         For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2014, but before 
basis. A major business facility shall also include facilities located     January 1, 2028, an income tax credit may be claimed for monetary 
in Virginia that perform a central management or administrative            or marketable securities donations made to scholarship foundations 
function for other establishments of the same enterprise such as           included on an approved list published by the Virginia Department 
general management, accounting, computing, tabulating, data                of Education. Tax credits earned during the taxable year must be 
processing, purchasing, transportation or shipping, engineering            claimed beginning with the taxable year during which they were 
and systems planning, advertising, legal, financial, and research          earned. The credit is equal to 65% of the monetary or marketable 
and development.                                                           securities donation made to the scholarship foundation. The credit 
                                                                           can be claimed against the individual income tax, corporate income 
This nonrefundable credit is equal to $1,000 per qualifying                tax, bank franchise tax, insurance premiums license tax, or tax on 
new job in excess of the 50/25 job threshold and is spread over            public service corporations. For individuals, the minimum value 
2 years for taxpayers whose initial credit year begins on or after         of any monetary or marketable securities donation eligible for a 
January 1, 2009. The credit only applies to facilities where an            tax credit is $500 in a taxable year, and the maximum value of 
announcement to expand or establish such a facility was made on            monetary or marketable securities donations eligible for tax credits 
or after January 1, 1994. The credit must be claimed beginning             is the first $125,000 in value of donations made in a taxable year. 
with the taxable year following the year in which the facility is          Limitations on the minimum and maximum values of donations 
established or expanded, or the new qualifying jobs are added.             eligible for tax credits in a taxable year do not apply to donations 
Any amount unused this year may be carried forward for the                 made by any business entity, including a sole proprietorship.
next 10 taxable years. Credits will be recaptured proportionately          Tax credits will be awarded to taxpayers on a first-come, first-
if employment decreases during the 5 years following the initial           served basis in accordance with procedures established by the 
credit year. If employment decreases below the threshold, the              Virginia Department of Education. The total amount of credits 
entire credit will be recaptured.                                          available in any fiscal year is capped at $25 million. Any unused 
All pass-through entities must complete Form PTE within 30 days            tax credits may be carried over for the next 5 succeeding taxable 
of certification, but at least 90 days before the participants file their  years or until the total amount of credit has been taken, whichever 
income tax return. If the participants’ income tax return is due           is sooner. To claim this credit, complete Part 7 of the Schedule CR. 
before the Form 502 is filed, they must file an amended return to          For additional information on how to qualify for certification, 
claim the credit or file for an extension.                                 contact:
Taxpayers may qualify for the Major Business Facility Job Tax                      Virginia Department of Education 
Credit even if they have also received an Enterprise Zone Job                      ATTN: Scholarships Tax Credits Program 
Creation Grant. However, qualified business firms are not eligible                         23rd Floor, P.O. Box 2120 
to receive both an Enterprise Zone Job Creation Grant and a Major                  Richmond, Virginia 23218-2120 
Business Facility Job Tax Credit for the same jobs.                                        tax.credits@doe.virginia.gov
To apply for this credit, complete Form 304. All applications must                         Worker Training Tax Credit
be submitted to the Department of Taxation, Tax Credit Unit,               For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2019, but 
P.O. Box 715, Richmond, VA 23218-0715, 90 days prior to the                before  July  1,  2025,  the  Worker  Training  Tax  Credit  allows 
due date of your return. A letter will be sent to certify the credit.      businesses to claim  a tax  credit  for providing  eligible  worker 
To claim this credit, complete Part 5 of Schedule CR (Form 64). .          training to qualified employees. The credit is 35% of expenses 
             Barge and Rail Usage Tax Credit                               incurred  by  the  business during  the  taxable  year  for  eligible 
                                                                           worker training, subject to certain limitations. If the recipient of 
For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2011, but              the training is a qualified employee, the credit may not exceed 
before January 1, 2025, a business may receive an income tax               $500  per  qualified  employee  annually.  If  the  recipient  of  the 
credit for the usage of barge and rail to move cargo containers            training is a non-highly compensated worker, the credit may not 
throughout the Commonwealth rather than using trucks or other              exceed $1,000 per non-highly compensated worker annually. 
motor vehicles on the Commonwealth’s highways.
                                                                           “Eligible  worker  training”  means  the  training  of  a  qualified 
The amount of the credit is $25 per 20-foot equivalent unit (TEU)          employee or non-highly compensated worker in the form of:
or 16 tons of non-containerized cargo or one unit of roll-on/
roll-off cargo moved by barge or rail. To receive this credit, an          •  credit or noncredit courses at any institution recognized on 
international trade facility is required to apply to the Department.       the Eligible Training Provider List or at any Virginia public 
No more than $500,000 in tax credits can be issued in any                  institution of higher education, as such term is defined in Va. 
                                                                           Code § 23.1-100, or as described in Va. Code §§ 23.1-3111, 

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    23.1-3115,  23.1-3120,  and  23.1-3125,  that  results  in  the       any 1 of the 3 taxable years immediately preceding the taxable 
    qualified  employee  or  non-highly  compensated  worker              year for which the credit is being determined, the credit is equal to 
    receiving a workforce credential; or                                  5% of the Virginia qualified research and development expenses 
•  instruction  or training  that is part of an apprenticeship            paid or incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year. Using 
    agreement  approved  by the  Commissioner  of Labor  and              such method, a taxpayer may claim up to $45,000 of credits for 
    Industry.                                                             a  taxable  year,  or  $60,000  of  credits  for  a  taxable  year  if  the 
                                                                          Virginia qualified research was conducted in conjunction with a 
“Qualified employee” means an employee of a business eligible             Virginia public or private college or university.
for the  Worker  Training  Tax Credit  in a full-time  position 
requiring a minimum of 1,680 hours in the entire normal year              No taxpayer with Virginia qualified research and development 
of  the  business’  operations  if  the  standard  fringe  benefits  are  expenses in excess of $5 million may claim both the Research 
paid by the business for the employee. Employees in seasonal              and Development Expenses Tax Credit and the Major Research 
or temporary positions may not qualify as qualified employees.            and Development Expenses Tax Credit for the same taxable year.
“Qualified  employee”  does  not  include  an  owner  or  relative.       To claim this tax credit, a taxpayer must apply by September 1 
“Non-highly compensated  worker” means a worker whose                     using  Form RDC and the applicable  schedules.  Taxpayers 
income is less than Virginia’s median wage, as reported by the            electing to use the primary method to determine the proposed 
Virginia Employment Commission, in the taxable year prior to              credit amount must complete Section 1 – Primary Credit 
applying for the credit. “Non-highly compensated worker” does             Calculation. Taxpayers electing to use the simplified method to 
not include an owner or relative.                                         determine  the  proposed credit  amount  must  complete  Section 
Before claiming the credit on their income tax return, employers          2 – Alternative Simplified Credit Calculation. Submitting a late 
and  businesses  must  apply  for  certification  of  the  amount  of     application  will disqualify  you for the  credit. All  applications 
allowable credit using Form WTC, Worker Training Tax Credit               must  be sent  to  the Virginia  Department  of  Taxation,  Tax 
Application, by April 1 of the year following the year in which           Credit Unit, P.O. Box 715, Richmond, VA 23218-0715. This 
the expenses were paid or incurred. All approved employers and            credit requires certification from the Tax Credit Unit in order to 
businesses filing a timely Form WTC will be notified of their             be claimed on your tax return. A letter will be sent to certify the 
allowable credit by June 30 of the calendar year following the            credit.
year in which the expenses were incurred. The maximum amount              The amount of the credit attributable to a partnership, electing 
of Worker Training Tax Credits that may be granted to taxpayers           small business corporation (S corporation), or limited liability 
in a taxable year is capped at $1 million. If the total amount of         company  (LLC)  must  be  allocated  to  the  individual  partners, 
credits applied for and approved exceeds $1 million, credits will         shareholders, or members in proportion to their ownership 
be apportioned on a pro rata basis. This credit is nonrefundable          interests in such entities or in accordance with a written agreement 
but excess credit may be carried over for the next 3 taxable years.       using Form PTE within 30 days after the credit is granted unless 
To claim this credit,  complete  Part 9 of Schedule  CR (Form             the partnership, limited  liability  company, or electing  small 
64). For information on pre-approved apprenticeship programs,             business corporation (S corporation) elects for such credits not to 
contact  the Virginia  Department of  Labor and Industry  at              be so allocated but to be received and claimed at the entity level 
(804) 786-1035.                                                           by the partnership, limited liability company, or electing small 
                                                                          business corporation (S corporation).
Research and Development Expenses Tax Credit
A refundable bank franchise tax credit is allowed for qualified           The  Department  requires  taxpayers  applying  for  the  credit  to 
research and development expenses for taxable years beginning             provide information including:
on or after January 1, 2021, but before January 1, 2025. The tax          (i)    the  number  of  full-time  employees  employed  by  the 
credit is equal to:                                                              taxpayer in the Commonwealth during the taxable year 
(i) 15% of the first $300,000 in Virginia qualified research                     for which the credit is sought;
    and development expenses, or                                          (ii)  the  taxpayer’s  sector  or  sectors  according  to  the  2012 
(ii)  20% of the first $300,000 of Virginia qualified research                   edition  of  the  North  American  Industry  Classification 
    and development expenses if the research was conducted                       System  (NAICS)  as  published  by  the  United  States 
    in conjunction with a Virginia public or private college                     Census Bureau;
    or university, to the extent the expenses exceed a base               (iii)  a  brief  description  of  the  area,  discipline,  or  field  of 
    amount.                                                                      Virginia qualified research performed by the taxpayer;
There is a cap on the total amount of credits allowed in any fiscal       (iv)  the total gross receipts or anticipated total gross receipts 
year. If the total amount of approved tax credits is less than the               of the taxpayer for the taxable year for which the credit is 
credit cap amount, the Department will allocate the remaining                    sought; and
amount to the taxpayers already approved for the tax credit on a          (v)  whether the Virginia qualified research was conducted in 
pro rata basis. If the total amount of approved credits exceeds the              conjunction with a Virginia public or private college or 
credit cap amount, the Department will allocate credits on a pro                 university.
rata basis. The maximum annual amount of tax credits that may 
be issued for each fiscal year is $7.7 million.                           Any taxpayer  that  is  allowed  a  Research  and  Development 
                                                                          Expenses Tax Credit is not allowed to use the same expenses 
Taxpayers may elect to determine the credit using a simplified            as the basis for claiming any other Virginia tax credit. Research 
method. Under the simplified method, the credit is equal to 10%           and development expenses that are paid or incurred for research 
of the difference of:                                                     conducted  in  Virginia on human cells or tissue derived from 
(i) the Virginia qualified research and development expenses              induced abortions or from stem cells obtained from human 
    paid or incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year;             embryos do not qualify for the credit. However, if a taxpayer 
    and                                                                   engages in research in Virginia on human cells or tissue derived 
(ii)  50%  of  the  average  Virginia  qualified  research  and           from induced abortions from stem cells obtained from human 
    development expenses paid or incurred by the taxpayer                 embryos, it may receive a nonrefundable credit for other Virginia 
    for the 3 taxable years immediately preceding the taxable             qualified  research  and  development  expenses.  Accordingly,  if 
    year for which the credit is being determined.                        you conducted  embryonic  stem cell  research  in  Virginia,  this 
                                                                          credit is nonrefundable and you must enter the amount of credit 
If a taxpayer electing to use the simplified method did not pay or        granted in Part 10 of Schedule CR (Form 64). If you did not 
incur Virginia qualified research and development expenses in 

- 9 -
conduct embryonic stem cell research in Virginia, this credit is           Housing Development Authority (“VHDA”) to such projects. To 
refundable and you must enter the amount of credit granted in              be qualified, the project is required to be a qualified low-income 
Part 14 of Schedule CR (Form 64).                                          building, as defined under federal law, that is: 
Major Research and Development Expenses Tax Credit                         •  Located in Virginia;
For  taxable  years  beginning  on  or  after  January  1,  2021,  but     Placed in service on or after January 1, 2021; and 
before  January  1,  2025,  a  taxpayer  with  Virginia  qualified         •  Allocated HOTC by VHDA. 
research and development expenses for the taxable year in excess 
of $5 million may claim a nonrefundable tax credit against the             For  taxable  years  beginning  on  and  after  January  1,  2021, 
bank franchise tax in an amount equal to 10% of the difference             but  before  January  1,  2026,  a  qualified  taxpayer  may  claim  a 
between  (i)  the  Virginia  qualified  research  and  development         housing opportunity tax credit against its Virginia tax liability 
expenses  paid  or incurred  by the  taxpayer  during  the  taxable        prior to reduction by any other credits allowed the taxpayer. The 
year and (ii) 50% of the average Virginia qualified research and           housing opportunity tax credit may be allocated by pass-through 
development expenses paid or incurred by the taxpayer for the 3            entities to some or all of its partners, members, or shareholders 
taxable years immediately preceding the taxable year for which             in any manner agreed to by such persons, regardless of whether 
the credit is being determined. If the taxpayer did not pay or incur       or not any such person is allocated or allowed any portion of 
Virginia qualified research and development expenses in any 1 of           any federal low-income housing tax credit with respect to the 
the 3 taxable years immediately preceding the taxable year for             qualified project, whether or not the allocation of the housing 
which the credit is being determined, the tax credit is equal to           opportunity  tax credit  under the terms  of the  agreement  has 
5% of the Virginia qualified research and development expenses             substantial economic effect within the meaning of § 704(b) of 
paid or incurred by the taxpayer during the relevant taxable year.         the Internal Revenue Code, and whether or not any such person 
                                                                           is deemed a partner for federal income tax purposes as long as 
No more than $24 million in tax credits may be issued in any               the partner or member would be considered a partner or member 
fiscal year. If the approved applications for the tax credits exceed       as defined under applicable state law, and has been admitted as a 
$24  million  for  any  taxable  year,  the  credits  will  be  allocated  partner or member on or prior to the date for filing the qualified 
proportionately among all qualified taxpayers.                             taxpayer’s tax return, including any amendments thereto, with 
No taxpayer is permitted to claim credits in excess of 75% of the          respect to the year of the housing opportunity tax credit. Such 
income tax imposed on the taxpayer for the taxable year. Any               pass-through entities or qualified taxpayer may assign all or any 
credit not usable for the taxable year for which the credit was            part of its interest, including its interest in the tax credits, to one 
first allowed may be carried over for credit against the income            or  more  pass-  through  entities  or  qualified  taxpayers,  and  the 
taxes of the taxpayer in the next 10 succeeding taxable years or           qualified taxpayer shall be able to claim the housing opportunity 
until the total amount of the tax credit has been taken, whichever         tax credit so long as its interest is acquired prior to the filing of its 
is sooner.                                                                 tax return claiming the housing opportunity tax credit.
Any  taxpayer  who  claims  the  tax  credit  for Virginia  qualified      For  calendar  years  2022  through  2025,  the  total  amount  of 
research and development expenses is not allowed to use such               housing opportunity tax credits authorized for qualified projects 
expenses as the basis for claiming any other credit  provided              under this article shall not exceed $60 million per calendar year. 
under the Code of Virginia.                                                Such credits issued each calendar year shall be allowed ratably, 
                                                                           with one-tenth of the total amount of credits allowed annually 
Applications for the tax credit must be received by the Department         for 10 years over the credit period, except that there shall be a 
no later than September 1 of the calendar year following the close         reduction in the tax credit allowable in the first year of the credit 
of the taxable year in which the expenses were paid or incurred.           period due to the calculation in 26 U.S.C. § 42(f)(2) and any 
To apply, the business must file Form MRD and the applicable               reduction by reason of 26 U.S.C. § 42(f)(2) in the credit allowable 
schedules. Submitting a late application  will disqualify you              for the first taxable year of the credit period shall be allowable for 
from  the credit. All  applications must  be  sent  to  the Virginia       the first taxable year following the credit period.
Department of  Taxation,  Tax Credit Unit, P.O. Box 715, 
Richmond, VA  23218-0715.  This  credit  requires  certification           $20 million of such credits shall be first allocated exclusively 
from the Tax Credit Unit to be claimed on your tax return. A               for qualified projects located in a locality with a population no 
letter will be sent to certify the credit.                                 greater  than  35,000  as  determined  by  the  most  recent  United 
                                                                           States census. Such allocation of Virginia housing opportunity tax 
No taxpayer with Virginia qualified research and development               credits shall constitute the minimum amount of such tax credits 
expenses in excess of $5 million may claim both the Research               to be allocated for qualified projects in such localities. However, 
and Development Expenses Tax Credit and the Major Research                 if the amount of such tax credits requested for qualified projects 
and Development Expenses Tax Credit for the same taxable year.             in such localities is less than the total amount of such credits 
Credits granted to a partnership, limited  liability  company, or          available for qualified projects in such localities, the balance of 
electing  small  business  corporation  (S  corporation)  must  be         such credits shall be allocated for any qualified project, regardless 
allocated to the individual partners, members, or shareholders,            of location
respectively,  in  proportion  to  their  ownership  interests  in  the    Credits must be allocated by pass-through entities to its partners, 
entities or in accordance with a written agreement entered into            shareholders, or members using Form PTE which must be filed 
by individual partners, members, or shareholders.                          within 30 days of credit certification, but at least 90 days before 
No tax  credit  is allowed  for any expenses  that  are  paid  for         the participants file their income tax return.
or incurred  by a  taxpayer  for research  conducted  in  the              The credit is allowed against the individual income tax, estate 
Commonwealth on human cells or tissue derived from induced                 and  trust  income  tax,  corporate  income  tax,  bank  franchise 
abortions or from stem cells obtained from human embryos. The              tax, insurance premiums license tax, and license tax telegraph, 
foregoing provision does not apply to research conducted using             telephone, water, heat, light, power, and pipeline companies. 
stem cells other than embryonic stem cells.
                                                                           Any unused credit amount may be carried forward for 5 years 
Virginia Housing Opportunity Tax Credit                                    from the year in which the credit is allocated to the taxpayer.
Effective  for  taxable  years  beginning  on  and  after  January  1,     For more information, contact Virginia Housing Development 
2021,  but  before  January  1,  2026,  a  housing  opportunity  tax       Authority, 601 S. Belvidere  Street,  Richmond,  VA 23220, 
credit  (“HOTC”)  is  available  for  certain  low-income  building        call Stephanie Flanders at (804) 343-5939, or visit    www.
projects in an amount up to the amount of federal low-income               virginiahousing.com.
housing tax credit (“LIHTC”) allocated or allowed by the Virginia 

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- 11 -
FORM 64                               Virginia Bank Franchise Tax Return                                                              2023
Each bank and trust  company          Name of Bank or Trust Company                                  Federal ID Number
must file this return in duplicate 
on or before March 1, 2023, 
with  the  Commissioner  of  the      Street Address or P.O. Box                                     Date Chartered
Revenue for the county or city 
in  which  the  principal  office  of City, Town, or Post Office                                     State                ZIP Code
the  bank  or  trust  company  is 
Principal office is located in __________________________________, Virginia.  (Check Only One)              City   County      Town 
IMPORTANT: Enclose a copy of your Report of Condition and Income (Call Report) for December 31, 2022.
                                      BANK CAPITAL ASSESSABLE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2023 
                                                                 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS
1.  Equity Capital (total equity capital as shown on your official Report of Condition and Income adjusted by the amounts 
    reported as unrealized gains or losses on available-for-sale securities). See the instructions.                       1
2.  Unallowable Portions of Valuation Reserves:
    a.  Valuation Reserve for Losses on Loans (From Schedule G, Line 4)                        2a
    b.  Other (Enclose schedule)                                                              2b
3.  Total Additions (Sum of Lines 2a and 2b)                                                                              3
4.  Total (Sum of Lines 1 and 3)                                                                                          4
5.  Pro-rata Share of United States Obligations (From Schedule E, Line 5)                           5
6.  Retained Earnings and Surplus of Subsidiaries Included in Gross Capital (From Schedule F)       6
7.  Deduction for Goodwill (Enclose schedule)                                                       7
8.  Other (Enclose schedule)                                                                        8
9.  Total Deductions Before Apportionment (Sum of Lines 5 through 8)                                                      9
                                      COMPUTATION OF CAPITAL AND APPORTIONMENT
10. Capital Before Virginia Modifications (Line 4 less Line 9)                                                            10
11. Apportionment Percentage. (Virginia core deposits divided by total core deposits. Enclose computation.) Enter as a 
    percentage. NOTE: Apportionment percentage applies only to multistate banks. All other banks enter 100%. Banks 
    with no deposits in Virginia - see the Interstate Branch Banks section on Page 1 of the instructions.                 11                %
12. Capital Attributable to Virginia (Multiply Line 10 by the percentage on Line 11)                                      12
13. Virginia Real Estate Taxed by Virginia Locality (From Schedule C, Total)                                              13
14. Tangible Personal Property Otherwise Taxed by Virginia Localities (From Schedule D, Total)                            14
                                              COMPUTATION OF NET CAPITAL AND TAX
15. Net Taxable Capital (Line 12 less the total of Line 13 and Line 14)                                                   15
16. Total Franchise Tax (See Tax Rate Schedule). Enter the total tax or $18,000,000 whichever is less.                    16
17. Credit for Bank Franchise Tax Due to Localities (From Schedule H, Line 2)                                             17
18. Tentative State Bank Franchise Tax Due (Line 16 less Line 17)                                                         18
19. Nonrefundable Tax Credits from Schedule CR, Line 13A                                                                  19
20. Adjusted State Bank Franchise Tax (Line 18 less Line 19)                                                              20
21. Refundable Tax Credits from Schedule CR, Line 14A                                                                     21
22. State Bank Franchise Tax Due. 
    If Line 20 is greater than Line 21, subtract Line 21 from Line 20. This is the amount of tax you owe.                 22

23. State Bank Franchise Tax Overpayment.                                                                                 23
    If Line 20 is less than Line 21, subtract Line 20 from Line 21. This is your refund. 
                Declaration and Signature                                                Commissioner of the Revenue’s  
I, the undersigned officer of the bank or trust company for which this                   Certificate of Assessment
return is made, declare under the penalties provided by law that this     I, the undersigned Commissioner of the Revenue for the (County/City) 
return has been examined by me and is, to the best of my knowledge 
and belief, a true, correct, and complete return, made in good faith, for of                                      , Virginia, do hereby certify that 
the taxable year stated.                                                  I have this day assessed the bank or trust company aforesaid with state 
                                                                          Bank Franchise Taxes for the tax year 2023, as shown hereon.
(Signature)                                    (Title of Officer)         Given under my hand this          day of                   , 2023.

(Phone Number)                                                   (Date)   (Commissioner of the Revenue) 

- 12 -
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- 13 -
Schedule C                                                 Virginia Department of Taxation                                                   2023
(Form 64)                                                  Bank Franchise Tax
                                  Assessed Value of Real Estate in Virginia
•  For each parcel of real estate subject to taxation in Virginia, report the most recent assessed value made prior to January 1, 2023. 
•  A property may not be listed more than once. 
•  Instructions for this Schedule are on Page 3 of the instructions.
Name of Bank or Trust Company                                                                  Federal ID Number

Street Address or P.O. Box

City, Town, or Post Office                                                        State        ZIP Code

 (Include Physical Street Address, County or               Name in Which Assessed          Assessed Value  Value Deductible
          City / Town)

County, City, or Town (Check One:  County    City    Town)                        $                       $


County, City, or Town (Check One:  County    City    Town)                        $                       $


County, City, or Town (Check One:  County    City    Town)                        $                       $


County, City, or Town (Check One:  County    City    Town)                        $                       $


County, City, or Town (Check One:  County    City    Town)                        $                       $


County, City, or Town (Check One:  County    City    Town)                        $                       $


County, City, or Town (Check One:  County    City    Town)                        $                       $


County, City, or Town (Check One:  County    City    Town)                        $                       $

                                                                        TOTAL (Enter on Form 64, Line 13.) $

Bank Representative Contact                                Phone Number           Email Address

I, the undersigned Commissioner of the Revenue, do hereby certify that I have verified the Real Estate Assessments listed in this schedule, that the 
property was assessed to the bank or its affiliate, and that the valuations shown represent the most recent assessment made prior to January 1, 2023. 
I further certify that the information as reported, or as corrected hereon by me, is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

(Commissioner of the Revenue)                                                                  (Date) 
A copy of this schedule must be filed with the assessing officer of each locality imposing tax on the filing bank. 

- 14 -
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- 15 -
Schedule CR                                         Virginia Department of Taxation                                                                                 2023
(Form 64)                                           Bank Franchise Tax
                                         Credit Computation Schedule
Name of Bank or Trust Company                                                                                            Federal ID Number 

Street Address or P.O. Box

City, Town, or Post Office                                                                                         State                                    ZIP Code

 A Enter the tax from Form 64, Line 18. The maximum total nonrefundable credits claimed on  
   Line 13A may not exceed this amount...................................................................................................................1A         .00

   Expired for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2020. Only Enterprise Zone Real Property Investment 
   Tax Credit carryover amounts from prior years are allowed. Use the worksheet in the instructions to determine 
   the carryover amount that can be used this year.
 A Nonrefundable credit allowable this year .........................................................................................................2A             .00

 A Enter the authorized amount of credit ..............................................................A                 .00
 B Carryover credit from prior year(s)  ..................................................................B              .00
 C Add Lines A and B  ...........................................................................................C       .00
 D Credit allowable this year:  Line C or balance of maximum credit available, whichever is less ........................ 3D                                        .00
 E Carryover credit: Line C less Line 3D if within 5-year carryover period............E                                  .00

 A Enter the amount of eligible expenses .............................................................A                  .00
 B Enter 25% of the amount on Line 8 ..................................................................B                 .00
 C Carryover credit from prior year(s) [enclose computation] ...............................C                            .00
 D Add Line B and Line C......................................................................................D          .00
 E Credit allowable this year: Line D or balance of maximum credit available, whichever is less.  
   No credit holder can claim more than $5 million....................................................................................................   4E         .00
 F Carryover credit: Line D less Line 4E if within the 10-year carryover period ....F                                    .00

 A Enter the amount of credit authorized by the Department  
   (include all expansions) ....................................................................................A        .00
 B Carryover credit from prior year(s) (include all expansions) .............................B                           .00
 C Add Line A and Line B ......................................................................................C         .00
 D Credit allowable this year: Line C or the balance of maximum credit available, whichever is less ................... 5D                                          .00
 E Carryover credit: Line C less Line 5D if within the 10-year carryover period....E                                     .00

 A Enter the total eligible credit amount ................................................................A              .00
 B Carryover credit from prior year(s) ...................................................................B              .00
 C Add Line A and Line B ......................................................................................C         .00
 D Credit allowable this year: Line C or the balance of maximum credit available, whichever is less ................... 6D                                          .00
 E Carryover credit: Line C less Line 6D if within the 5-year carryover period  ....... E                                .00

- 16 -
Schedule CR                                     Virginia Department of Taxation                                                                      2023
(Form 64)                                       Bank Franchise Tax
Page 2                                Credit Computation Schedule
Name of Bank or Trust Company                                                                                   Federal ID Number 

A Enter the total eligible credit amount authorized by the  
  Department of Education. .................................................................................A   .00
B Carryover credit from prior year(s). ..................................................................B      .00
C Add Line A and Line B.. ....................................................................................C .00
D Credit allowable this year: Line C or the balance of maximum credit available, whichever is less. .................. 7D                            .00
E Carryover credit: Line C less Line 7D if within 5-year carryover period............E                          .00


A Enter the total eligible credit amount authorized by the Department ................A                         .00
B Carryover credit from prior year(s) ...................................................................B      .00
C Add Line A and Line B ......................................................................................C .00
D Credit allowable this year: Line C or the balance of the maximum credit available, whichever is less. ............ 9D                              .00
E Carryover credit: Line C less Line 9D if within the 3-year carryover period ..........E                       .00

A Enter the total eligible nonrefundable credit amount  
  authorized by the Department ..........................................................................A      .00
B Credit allowable this year:  Line A or the balance of the maximum credit available, whichever is less........... 10B                               .00

A Enter the total eligible credit amount authorized by the Department ................A                         .00
B Carryover credit from prior year(s) ...................................................................B      .00
C Add Line A and Line B. .....................................................................................C .00
D Credit allowable this year: Line C or the balance of the maximum credit available, whichever is less. ...........11D                               .00
E Carryover credit: Line C less Line 11D if within the 10-year carryover period. ........E                      .00

A Enter the total eligible credit amount authorized by the Authority. ....................A                     .00
B Carryover credit from prior year(s) ...................................................................B      .00
C Add Line A and Line B. .....................................................................................C .00
D Credit allowable this year: Line C or the balance of the maximum credit available, whichever is less. .......... 12D                               .00
E Carryover credit: Line C less Line 12D if within the 5-year carryover period. .........E                      .00

A Add the amounts on 2A, 3D, 4E, 5D, 6D, 7D, 9D, 10B, 11D, and 12D.  
  Enter the lesser of this sum or the amount here and on Form 64, Line 19 .........................................................13A               .00

A Enter the total eligible refundable credit amount authorized by the Department.  
  Enter this amount here and on Form 64, Line 21 ................................................................................................14A .00

- 17 -
Schedule D                                   Virginia Department of Taxation                               2023
(Form 64)
                                             Bank Franchise Tax
Book Value of Tangible Personal Property Otherwise Taxed in Virginia

•  List the book value of any tangible personal property that is owned by the bank or a majority owned subsidiary of the bank on 
January 1, 2023, which is (1) held for lease and (2) otherwise taxed in Virginia. 
•  If the bank owns less than 100% of the common stock of a subsidiary which holds such tangible personal property, its deduction 
is limited to the portion of the book value of the subsidiary’s tangible personal property represented by a bank’s percentage of 
ownership of the subsidiary’s common stock. (Enclose computations if applicable.) 
•  Property used by the bank for administrative purposes is not eligible for deduction. 

Name of Bank or Trust Company                                                           Federal ID Number

Street Address or P.O. Box

City, Town, or Post Office                                                        State ZIP Code

Location                      Name in Which     Date        Description of Property     Initial Cost/Price 
                                                Acquired    (Kind, make, model, and     (Exclusive of 
(County / City / Town)        Title Is Held     (Mo. & Yr.)    year)                    any trade-in       Book Value

                                                TOTAL (Enter here and on Form 64, Line 14.)

- 18 -
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- 19 -
Schedule E                                 Virginia Department of Taxation                                                 2023
(Form 64)
                                            Bank Franchise Tax
             Computation of Capital Attributed to United States Obligations

•  Enclose a schedule listing the breakdown, by quarter, of all items included in the computation of U.S. Obligations.
•  See the list of U.S. Obligations beginning on Page 2 of the instructions.

Name of Bank or Trust Company                                                                         Federal ID Number

Street Address or P.O. Box

City, Town, or Post Office                                                                   State        ZIP Code

1. Percentages of U.S. Obligations to Total Assets (Determined as of the four most recent Reports of Condition and Income.)

                     (a)                                                                                               (d) 
             Date of Report        (b)                               (c)                              Percentage of U.S. Obligations 
             of Condition       U.S. Obligations   Total Assets                                           to Total Assets [(b) ÷ (c)]
             and Income
   (A)       3/31/2022        $                  $                                           1(A)                                    %

   (B)       6/30/2022        $                  $                                           1(B)                                    %

   (C)       9/30/2022        $                  $                                           1(C)                                    %

   (D)       12/31/2022       $                  $                                           1(D)                                    %

2. Total: Total percentages from Line 1 (A) through (D), Column (d).                               2.                                %

3. Average Percentage. Total from Line 2, divided by the number 4 or by the number 
                                                                                                   3.                                %
   of quarters in existence if less than 4.
4. Equity Capital    (FromForm 64 ,Line 1).                                                        4. $

5. Capital Attributed to U.S. Obligations. Multiply the amount of total equity capital 
   on  Line  4  by  the  average  percentage  on  Line  3.  Enter  the  total  here  and  on       5. $
   Form 64, Line 5.

Signature of Officer                                                 Title 

Name Printed                                                                                          Date

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- 21 -
Schedule F                      Virginia Department of Taxation                           2023
(Form 64)                       Bank Franchise Tax
                           Retained Earnings and Surplus of Subsidiaries

List the amount of retained earnings and surplus of subsidiaries to the extent that they are included in the gross 
  capital of the bank.
The deduction is limited to retained earnings or surplus actually included in the gross capital of the taxpayer at the 
  date of acquisition as in a pooling of interest combination.

Name of Bank or Trust Company                                         Federal ID Number 

Street Address or P.O. Box

City, Town, or Post Office                                      State   ZIP Code

          Name of Subsidiary                                  Retained Earnings or Surplus

 TOTAL: Enter total here and on Form 64, Line 6. $

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Schedule G                          Virginia Department of Taxation                                            2023
(Form 64)                           Bank Franchise Tax
                                    Reserve for Loan Losses

The applicable deferred tax amount (entered on Line 3) is the deferred tax asset that would result if the reserve for 
loan losses allowed for federal income tax purposes (the “tax reserve”) was equal to half the book reserve. Stated 
mathematically, the applicable deferred tax amount is equal to the Book Reserve divided by 2 and then multiplied by the 
bank’s effective federal and state income tax rates that were used to calculate any deferred tax amounts included in the 
Call Report, but not less than zero.

Name of Bank or Trust Company                                                                Federal ID Number 

Street Address or P.O. Box

City, Town, or Post Office                                                       State        ZIP Code

Bank Holding Company With Which Reporting Bank is Affiliated (if any):

1. Enter the Amount of the Reserve for Loan Losses as Shown on the FFIEC Report of 
   Condition (the “Call Report”) as of December 31, 2022.                                    $

2. Divide Line 1 by the number 2. Enter the result.
3. Applicable Deferred Tax 
   Multiply the amount on Line 2 by the bank’s annual effective federal and state income tax 
   rate. See the instructions above for additional information.                              $

4. Line 1 Less the Total of Lines 2 and 3. Enter this amount on Form 64, Line 2a.

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Schedule H                                             Virginia Department of Taxation                                                        2023
(Form 64)                                              Bank Franchise Tax
                                                     City, Town, or County Taxes
 Authorized by Va. Code §§ 58.1-1208  - 58.1-1210.
 Compute the local franchise tax as indicated on Lines 1 and 2.
 Enter the amount from Line 2 below, on Form 64, Line 17. If reporting for branches outside the Commonwealth of Virginia, enter only 
   the local tax to be paid for branches in Virginia on Form 64, Line 17. 
 Tax attributable to branches outside the state should be included on Form 64, Lines 18 and 20.
 List in this schedule the location of the principal office and every other city, town, or county in which a branch is located.
 Enter the appropriate figures in Columns B, C, and D for each location listed.
 A copy of this schedule must be filed with the assessing officer of each locality imposing tax upon the filing bank.
Name of Bank or Trust Company                                                                                       Federal ID Number
Street Address or P.O. Box

City, Town, or Post Office                                                                 State                     ZIP Code

1. Total Franchise Tax (From Form 64, Line 16.)

2. Local Franchise Tax (80% of Line 1 or Line 1 X 0.8. Enter here and on Form 64, Line 17.)

                 A                                             B                      C                                              D
  List  each  Virginia  city,  town,  or  county  in List  total  deposits  in  the   Percentage  of  deposits      Taxes  assignable  and  due  in 
  which the principal office and/or one or more      principal office and/or          through the principal office  each  Virginia  city,  town  or  county 
  branch is located and check the appropriate        branches  for  each  Virginia    and/or  branches  in  each    pursuant to local ordinance, if one 
  box.                                               city,  town,  or  county  as  of Virginia city, town or county has  been  adopted  (percentage 
                                                     January 1, 2023.                 to total deposits of the bank from  Column  C  times  the  amount 
                                                                                      as of January 1, 2023.        reported on Line 2 above).

                              TOTALS                 $                                100%                          $

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                                 Commissioners of the Revenue Mailing Addresses
                                                            * Denotes Director of Finance
                                                  ** Denotes Director of Tax Administration
County              Address                                                              ZIP Code       County                 Address                                                             ZIP Code
Accomack County...... P.O. Box 186, Accomac, VA ...............................          23301-0186     Page County .............. 103 S Court St. Suite C Luray VA ...............................22835
Albemarle County*..... 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville, VA ..................           22902-4596     Patrick County ........... P.O. Box 367, Stuart, VA .............................................24171
Alleghany County ...... 9212 Winterberry Ave. Suite E, Covington, VA ...........24426                   Pittsylvania ................ P.O. Box 272, Chatham, VA ...............................    24531-0272
Amelia County ........... P.O. Box 269, Amelia, VA ............................................23002    Powhatan County        3834 Old Buckingham Rd, Ste C, Powhatan, VA .......                      23139
Amherst County ......... P.O. 719, Amherst, VA.................................................24521    Prince Edward County P.O. Box 446, Farmville, VA ........................................       23901
Appomattox County ...P.O. Box 125, Appomattox, VA....................................24522              Prince George CountyP.O.      Box 155, Prince George, VA ......................            23875-0155
Arlington County ........2100 Clarendon Blvd, Rm 200, Arlington, VA...............22201                 Prince William County 1 County Complex STE. 120 
Augusta County ......... P.O. 959, Verona, VA ..................................................24482                          Woodbridge,VA ...........................................................22192
Bath County ............... P.O. Box 130, Warm Springs, VA ................................24484        Pulaski County........... 52 W. Main St, Suite 200, Pulaski, VA ...............            24301-5044
Bedford County.......... 122 E. Main St, Rm 103, Bedford, VA ................            24523-2035     Rappahannock County P.O. Box 115, Washington, VA ..................................22747
Bland County ............. P.O. Box 130, Bland, VA .............................................24315   Richmond County ...... P.O. Box 366, Warsaw, VA ..........................................22572
Botetourt County........ 57 S. Center Dr., Daleville, VA ....................................24083      Roanoke County ........ P.O. Box 20409, Roanoke, VA ...........................            24018-0513
Brunswick County ...... P.O. Box 669, Lawrenceville, VA .................................23868          Rockbridge County .... P.O. Box 1160, Lexington, VA ............................ 24450-1160
Buchanan County ......P.O. Box 1042, Grundy, VA .........................................24614          Rockingham County ..20 E. Gay St, Harrisonburg, VA        ..................................22802
Buckingham County ..P.O. Box 138, Buckingham, VA          ...................................   23921   Russell County ..........137 Highland Dr., Ste. C, Lebanon, VA .......................24266
Campbell County ....... P.O. Box 66, Rustburg, VA ..........................................24588       Scott County .............. 190 Beech Street, Suite 206, Gate City VA ................24251
Caroline County .........P.O. Box 819, Bowling Green, VA ...............................22427           Shenandoah County ..600 N. Main St, Ste 104, Woodstock, VA       ....................22664
Carroll County............ 605-7 Pine St, Hillsville, VA .........................................24343 Smyth County ............ P.O. Box 985, Marion, VA............................................24354
Charles City ...............P.O. Box 7, Charles City, VA ..............................  23030-0007     Southampton County .P.O. Box 760, Courtland, VA ..............................             23837-0760
Charlotte County........P.O. Box 308, Charlotte Courthouse, VA ....................             23923   Spotsylvania County ..P.O. Box 175, Spotsylvania, VA      .........................        22553-0175
Chesterfield County ... P.O. Box 124, Chesterfield, VA ..........................        23832-0908     Stafford County .......... P.O. Box 98, Stafford, VA ...................................   22555-0098
Clarke County ............ P.O. Box 67, Berryville, VA .......................................... 22611 Surry County.............. P.O. Box 35, Surry, VA ................................................23883
Craig County.............. P.O. Box 186, New Castle, VA ...........................      24127-0186     Sussex County .......... P.O. Box 1398, Sussex, VA ................................        23884-0398
Culpeper County........ P.O. Box 1807, Culpeper, VA ......................................22701         Tazewell County ........ 135 Court St., Ste 301, Tazewell, VA .................            24651-0020
Cumberland County... P.O. Box 77, Cumberland, VA .....................................23040             Warren County .......... P.O. Box 1775, Front Royal, VA .........................          22630-0038
Dickenson County ..... P.O. Box 1067, Clintwood, VA .....................................24228          Washington County ... One Government Center Place, Ste. C,
Dinwiddie County....... P.O. Box 104, Dinwiddie, VA ..............................       23841-0104                            Abingdon, VA .....................................................  24210-8484
Essex County ............P.O. Box 879, Tappahannock, VA ......................           22560-0879     Westmoreland CountyP.O.       Box 68, Montross, VA ..........................................22520
Fairfax County** ........ 12000 Government Center Pkwy, Rm 261,                                         Wise County .............. P.O. Box 1278, Wise, VA............................................. 24293
                    Fairfax, VA .........................................................22035-0075     Wythe County ............ 225 S. 4th St, Rm 101, Wytheville, VA ........................24382
Fauquier County ........ P.O. Box 149, Warrenton, VA .............................       20188-0149     York County ............... P.O. Box 90, Yorktown, VA .................................    23690-0090
Floyd County ............. 100 E. Main St, Box 5,  Floyd, VA ...............................    24091   City of Alexandria* ..... P.O. Box 178,  Alexandria ,VA ......................................22313
Fluvanna County ....... P.O. Box 124, Palmyra, VA ................................       22963-0124     City of Bristol ............. 497 Cumberland St., Rm 101, Bristol, VA ..........           24201-4391
Franklin County ......... 1255 Franklin St, Suite 102, Rocky Mount, VA ...........24151                 City of Buena Vista .... 2039 Sycamore Ave, Buena Vista, VA ...............                24416-3133
Frederick County .......P.O. Box 552, Winchester, VA .....................................22604         City of Charlottesville .P.O. Box 2964, Charlottesville, VA .....................          22902-2964
Giles County .............. 130 N Main St, Pearisburg, VA ..........................     24134-1625     City of Chesapeake ... P.O. Box 15285, Chesapeake, VA .....................                23328-5285
Gloucester County ..... 6489 Main St, STE. 137, Gloucester, VA ...........               23061-0137     City of Colonial Heights P. O. Box 3401, Colonial Heights, VA .......................23834
Goochland County ..... P.O. Box 60, Goochland, VA .......................................23063          City of Covington ....... P.O. Drawer 58, Covington, VA ...................................24426
Grayson County......... P.O. Box 126, Independence, VA ................................24348            City of Danville........... P.O. Box 480, Danville, VA ..........................................24543
Greene County .......... P.O. Box 438, Stanardsville, VA ..................................     22973   City of Emporia .......... P.O. Box 956, Emporia, VA .........................................23847
Greensville County .... 1781  Greensville County Circle, Rm 132,                                        City of Fairfax ............ Rm 224, City Hall, 10455 Armstrong St., Fairfax, VA ..22030
                     Emporia, VA ...............................................................23847   City of Falls Church ... 300 Park Ave,  #202W, Falls Church, VA ...........                22046-3301
Halifax County ........... P.O. Box 1847, Halifax, VA..........................................24558    City of Franklin........... 207 West Second Ave., Franklin, VA ..........................23851
Hanover County.........P.O. Box 129, Hanover, VA .........................................      23069   City of Fredericksburg P.O. Box 644, Fredericksburg, VA......................              22404-0644
Henrico County* ........ P.O. Box 90775, Henrico, VA .............................       23273-0775     City of Galax .............. 111 E.Grayson St., Galax, VA .....................................24333
Henry County............. P.O. Box 1077, Collinsville, VA...........................     24078-1077     City of Hampton ......... P.O. Box 636, Hampton, VA ...............................        23669-0636
Highland County ........ P.O. Box 148, Monterey, VA ........................................24465       City of Harrisonburg... 409 S Main St., Harrisonburg, VA ......................            22801-3610
Isle of Wight County ..P.O. Box 107, Isle of Wight, VA    ..........................     23397-0107     City of Hopewell.........P.O. Box 1604, Hopewell, VA ......................................23860
James City County .... P.O. Box 283, Williamsburg, VA .........................          23187-0283     City of Lexington ........ 300 E Washington St, Rm 103, Lexington, VA ............24450
King George County ..10459 Courthouse Dr, Ste 101,                                                      City of Lynchburg .......P.O. Box 858, Lynchburg, VA .............................         24505-0858
                    King George, VA ................................................     22485-3865     City of Manassas ....... P.O Box 125, Manassas, VA ....................................... 20110
King & Queen County P.O. Box 178, King & Queen CH, VA ..........................23085                   City of Manassas Park 100 Park Center Plaza, Manassas Park, VA ..............20111
King William County ..P.O. Box 217, King William, VA      ...................................23086      City of Martinsville .....P.O. Box 1222, Martinsville, VA..........................24114-1222
Lancaster County ......8311 Mary Ball Rd., Rm 203, Lancaster, VA ...............22503                   City of Newport News 2400 Washington Ave, Newport News, VA .................23607
Lee County ................ P.O. Box 96, Jonesville, VA .........................................24263  City of Norfolk ............ P.O. 2260,  Norfolk, VA ......................................23501-2260
Loudoun County ........ P.O. Box 8000, Leesburg, VA.............................         20177-9804     City of Norton............. P.O. Box 347, Norton, VA ............................................24273
Louisa County............ 1 Woolfolk Ave. Ste. 203, Louisa, VA ..........................       23093   City of Petersburg ...... 144 N. Sycamore St, Petersburg, VA ..........................23803
Lunenburg County ..... 11512 Courthouse Rd, Ste 101, Lunenburg, VA ...............              23952   City of Poquoson ....... 500 City Hall Ave, Poquoson, VA ................................23662
Madison County......... P.O. Box 56, Madison, VA ...........................................22727       City of Portsmouth ..... 801 Crawford St, Portsmouth, VA ...................... 23704-3811
Mathews .................... P.O. Box 896, Mathews, VA ...............................   23109-0896     City of Radford........... 619 Second St, Rm 161, Radford, VA ........................24141
Mecklenburg County..P.O. Box 360, Boydton, VA          .........................................23917   City of Richmond .......900 E. Broad St, Rm 103,Richmond, VA ....................               23219
Middlesex County ...... P.O. Box 148, Saluda, VA ..................................      23149-0148     City of Roanoke ......... 215 Church Ave SW, Rm 251, Roanoke, VA .............. 24011
Montgomery County .. 755 Roanoke St. Ste 1-A, Christiansburg ,VA ...... 24073-3170                      City of Salem ............. P.O. Box 869, Salem, VA ............................................24153
Nelson County ........... P.O. Box 246, Lovingston, VA .....................................    22949   City of Staunton ......... P.O. Box 4, Staunton, VA ...................................    24402-0004
New Kent County....... P.O. Box 99, New Kent, VA .........................................23124         City of Suffolk ............ P.O. Box 1459, Suffolk, VA .................................  23439-1459
Northampton County .P.O. Box 65, Eastville, VA     ...........................................23347     City of Virginia Beach 2401 Courthouse Dr, Bldg 1, Virginia Beach, VA .........23456
Northumberland County P.O. Box 309, Heathsville, VA ...................................22473            City of Waynesboro ... 503 W. Main St., Rm 107, Waynesboro, VA ...............                  22980
Nottoway County ....... P.O. Box 5, Nottoway, VA ............................................   23955   City of Williamsburg ... P.O. Box 245, Williamsburg, VA ..................................23187
Orange County .......... P.O. Box 389, Orange, VA..................................      22960-0227     City of Winchester ..... 21 S. Kent St., Ste. 100, Winchester, VA ....................22601

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