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5            2022 Schedule OR-FIA-40                                                                                                                                         Office use only   5
6            Page 1 of 2, 150-101-160                   Oregon Department of Revenue      01432201010000                                                                                       6
7            (Rev. 08-25-22, ver. 01)                                                                                                                                                          7
8            Oregon Farm Income Averaging for Full-year Residents                                                                                                                              8
9                                                                                                                                                                                              9
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12          First name                Initial Last name                                                                                            Social Security number (SSN)                12
13           XXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                                                                   999-99-9999                             13
14          Spouse first name         Initial Spouse last name                                                                                     Spouse SSN                                  14
15           XXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                                                                                                   999-99-9999                             15
16                                                                                                                                                                                             16
17             1.  Enter the taxable income from your 2022 Form OR-40, line 19 ............................................................. 1.                              999,999,999.00.00 17
18             2.  Enter your elected farm income. Don’t enter more than the amount on line 1 (see instructions) ........... 2.                                              999,999,999.00.00 18
19             3.  Line 1 minus line 2 .................................................................................................................................. 3. 999,999,999.00.00 19
20             4.  Figure the tax on the amount on line 3 using the 2022 tax tables or rate charts, whichever                                                                                  20
21               applies, and enter here ........................................................................................................................... 4.      999,999,999.00.00 21
22                                                                                                                                                                                             22
23           2019 taxable income                                                                                                                                                               23
24             5.  If you used FIA to figure your tax for 2019, 2020, or 2021, see instructions.                                                                                               24
25               Otherwise, enter the taxable income from your 2019 Form OR-40, line 19;                                                                                                       25
26               If 0 or less, see instructions ................................................................................................5. 999,999,999.00.00                           26
27             6.  Divide the amount on line  2 by 3 and enter here ................................................................6.             999,999,999.00.00                           27
28             7.  Add lines 5 and 6. If 0 or less, enter 0 ................................................................................7.     999,999,999.00.00                           28
29             8.  Figure the tax on the amount on line 7 using the 2019 tax tables or rate charts,                                                                                            29
30               whichever applies (or fill in recomputed tax from Schedule OR-FIA-COMP, see instructions) .............. 8.                                                 999,999,999.00.00 30
31                                                                                                                                                                                             31
32           2020 taxable income                                                                                                                                                               32
33             9.  If you used FIA to figure your tax for 2020 or 2021, see instructions.                                                                                                      33
34               Otherwise, enter the taxable income from your 2020 Form OR-40, line 19.                                                                                                       34
35               If 0 or less, see instructions ................................................................................................9. 999,999,999.00.00                           35
36            10.  Enter the amount from line 6 .............................................................................................10.   999,999,999.00.00                           36
37            11.  Add lines 9 and 10. If 0 or less, enter 0 ............................................................................11.       999,999,999.00.00                           37
38            12.  Figure the tax on the amount on line 11 using the 2020 tax tables or rate charts,                                                                                           38
39               whichever applies (or fill in recomputed tax from Schedule OR-FIA-COMP, see instructions) ............ 12.                                                  999,999,999.00.00 39
40                                                                                                                                                                                             40
41           2021 taxable income                                                                                                                                                               41
42            13.  If you used FIA to figure your tax for 2021, see instructions.                                                                                                              42
43               Otherwise, enter the taxable income from your 2021 Form OR-40, line 19.                                                                                                       43
44               If 0 or less, see instructions ..............................................................................................13.  999,999,999.00.00                           44
45            14.  Enter the amount from line 6 .............................................................................................14.   999,999,999.00.00                           45
46            15.  Add lines 13 and 14. If 0 or less, enter 0 ..........................................................................15.        999,999,999.00.00                           46
47            16.  Figure the tax on the amount on line 15 using the 2021 tax tables or rate charts,                                                                                           47
48               whichever applies (or fill in recomputed tax from Schedule OR-FIA-COMP, see instructions) ............ 16.                                                  999,999,999.00.00 48
49            17.  Add lines 4, 8, 12, and 16 ..................................................................................................................... 17.      999,999,999.00.00 49
50                                                                                                                                                                                             50
51           Computation of 2022 tax                                                                                                                                                           51
52            18.  2019 tax:                                                                                                                                                                   52
53               If you used FIA to figure your tax for 2021, enter the amount from                                                                                                            53
54               your 2021 Schedule OR-FIA-40, line 12; Schedule OR-FIA-40-N, line 12;                                                                                                         54
55               or Schedule OR-FIA-40-P, line 11.                                                                                                                                             55
56                 If you didn’t use FIA in 2021 but did for 2020, enter the amount from 2020                                                                                                  56
57               Schedule OR-FIA-40, line 16; OR-FIA-40-N, line 13; or OR-FIA-40-P, line 12.                                                                                                   57
58                 If you didn’t use FIA in 2021 or 2020 but did in 2019, enter the amount from                                                                                                58
59               2019 Schedule OR-FIA-40, line 4; OR-FIA-40-N, line 9; or OR-FIA-40-P, line 8.                                                                                                 59
60                 Otherwise, enter the tax from your 2019 Form OR-40, line 20; OR-40-N,                                                                                                       60
61               line 46; or OR-40-P, line 45 ...............................................................................................18.   999,999,999.00.00                           61
62                                                                                                                                                                                             62
63                            —Don’t  include this schedule with your Oregon return. Keep it with your records.—                                                                               63
64                                                                                                                                                                                             64
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             2022 Schedule OR-FIA-40
72           Page 2 of 2, 150-101-160            Oregon Department of Revenue             01432201020000                                                                                    72
73           (Rev. 08-25-22, ver. 01)                                                                                                                                                       73
74                                                                                                                                                                                          74
75            19. 2020 tax:                                                                                                                                                                 75
76                If you used FIA to figure your tax for 2021, enter the amount from your                                                                                                   76
77              2021 Schedule OR-FIA-40, line 16; OR-FIA-40-N, line 13; or OR-FIA-40-P, line 12.                                                                                            77
78                If you didn’t use FIA in 2021 but did for 2020, enter the amount from                                                                                                     78
79              2020 Schedule OR-FIA-40, line 4; OR-FIA-40-N, line 9; or OR-FIA-40-P, line 8.                                                                                               79
80                Otherwise, enter the tax from your 2020 Form OR-40, line 20; OR-40-N, line 46;                                                                                            80
81              or OR-40-P, line 45 ............................................................................................................19. 999,999,999.00.00                       81
82            20. 2021 tax:                                                                                                                                                                 82
83                If you used FIA to figure your tax for 2021, enter the amount from your                                                                                                   83
84              2021 Schedule OR-FIA-40, line 4; OR-FIA-40-N, line 9; or OR-FIA-40-P, line 8.                                                                                               84
85                Otherwise, enter the tax from your 2021 Form OR-40, line 20;                                                                                                              85
86              OR-40-N, line 46; or OR-40-P, line 45 ...............................................................................20.            999,999,999.00.00                       86
87                                                                                                                                                                                          87
88            21.  Add lines 18, 19, and 20 ....................................................................................................................... 21.   999,999,999.00.00 88
89            22.  Line 17 minus line 21 ............................................................................................................................ 22. 999,999,999.00.00 89
90            23.  Figure the tax on the amount on line 1 using the 2022 tax tables or rate charts, whichever                                                                               90
91              applies, and enter here ......................................................................................................................... 23.     999,999,999.00.00 91
92            24.  Is line 22 less than line 23? If yes: Enter the amount from line 22 here and on your                                                                                     92
93              2022 Form OR-40, line 20, and check box 20a. If no: Your tax isn’t reduced by using FIA.                                                                                    93
94              Complete your Form OR-40 without using FIA ..................................................................................... 24.                      999,999,999.00.00 94
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99                          —Don’t    include this schedule with your Oregon return. Keep it with your records.—                                                                            99
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