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                                    Schedule OR-ASC-FID Instructions
                                    Oregon Adjustments for Form OR-41 Filers

                              This publication is a guide, not a complete statement, of Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) and  
        Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR). For more information, refer to the laws and rules at  www.oregon.gov/dor.

                                                                        Step 1:  Complete the table in Section 2 with the code and 
Purpose of this schedule                                                amount reported for each Other subtraction that 
                                                                        isn’t already included on Form OR-41. Each code 
This schedule is for fiduciary filers only. Individuals don’t 
                                                                        should be listed only once.
use  this  form.  Schedule  OR-ASC-FID  is  used  to  report 
Oregon additions, subtractions, and credits that don’t have             Step 2:  Fill in the total of all Other subtractions. Enter this 
a specific line on the fiduciary return. Code numbers and               amount on Form OR-41, Schedule 2, line 11.
limited item explanations are in the instructions for Form 
OR-41. Also see Oregon Publication OR-17.                               Section 3: Standard credits
                                                                        Standard credits are nonrefundable credits that can only be 
New information                                                         claimed on the current year’s tax return. Credit amounts 
                                                                        awarded and not used in the current tax year are lost.
See the instructions for Form OR-41 for details.
                                                                        If you have both standard credits and carryforward credits, 
                                                                        standard credits should be used first. Standard credit codes 
Instructions                                                            are listed in the instructions for Form OR-41.
                                                                        Step 1:  Complete the table in Section 3 with credits you’re 
Enter the code and amount for each item you’re using. 
                                                                        claiming. Fill in the code and the amount being 
You’ll find the codes and item explanations in Appendix A               claimed for each standard credit. Each code 
of Form OR-41.                                                          should only be listed once (unless you’re claiming 
Not enough room?              Use extra copies of the schedule if you   code 802 for credit for taxes paid to another state, 
need more space, and enter only the total(s) on your return.            for multiple states. These can be listed on separate 
Include any extra copies of the schedule when you file your             lines).
return.                                                                 Step 2:  If you’re claiming a credit for income taxes paid 
Round all cents to the nearest dollar. For example, $99.49              to another state on income that was also taxed by 
                                                                        Oregon, use code 802 and enter that state’s abbre-
becomes $99, and $99.50 becomes $100.
                                                                        viation in the corresponding box. If you aren’t 
Codes. Every item entered on the schedule must be identi-               claiming this credit, leave this box blank.
fied with a numerical code. If you’re using the same code for 
                                                                        Step 3:  Fill in the total of all standard credits. Enter this 
several amounts (other than for income taxes paid to other 
                                                                        amount on Form OR-41, line 11.
states), total the amounts and enter the code only once.
                                                                        Section 4: Carryforward credits
Section 1: Other additions
                                                                        Carryforward credits are nonrefundable credits for which 
Other additions are the amount by which any item of gross               any unused portion in the current tax year may be carried 
income is greater under Oregon law than under federal law,              forward to the following tax year. The number of years 
or the amount by which any allowable deduction is less                  that a credit can be carried forward varies according to the 
under Oregon law than under federal law.                                carryforward rules of the credit. For detailed information 
Step 1:  Complete the table in Section 1 with the code and              regarding carryforward credits, refer to Publication OR-17.
        amount reported for each Other addition that                    When we process your return, we’ll apply your credits 
        isn’t already included on Form OR-41. Each code                 against your tax in the order in which they’re listed on the 
        should be listed only once.                                     schedule. If you’re claiming more than one type of carry-
                                                                        forward credit and the total you can use is more than your 
Step 2:  Fill in the total of all Other additions. Enter this 
                                                                        tax liability for the year, enter your credits in the order in 
        amount on Form OR-41, Schedule 2, line 17.                      which they expire. Start with credits that expire earlier, fol-
                                                                        lowed by credits that expire later. List all credits you have 
Section 2: Other subtractions                                           available even if you can’t use them this year.
Other subtractions are the amount by which any item of                  Step 1:  Complete the table in Section 4 with credits you’re 
gross income is less under Oregon law than under federal                claiming. Fill in the code being claimed for each 
law, or the amount by which any allowable deduction is                  carryforward credit. Fill in the carryforward 
greater under Oregon law than under federal law.                        codes in the order you would like to claim the 
150-101-067-1 (Rev. 10-06-22)                                         1        2022 Schedule OR-ASC-FID Instructions

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     credits (usually this will be by listing the credits       Example 2. Taxpayer files an OR-41 for the current year. 
     with earlier expirations first).                           During the year, Taxpayer received two $6,000 credits for 
                                                                contributing to the University Venture Development Fund. 
     If you received the same type of credit in back to 
                                                                Taxpayer’s net tax before any credits is $40,000. Here’s how 
     back  years,  or  more  than once in the same year, 
                                                                Taxpayer would complete the table:
     don’t list the same code twice within the table. 
     Instead, report these credits on the same line. Each        Code    Amount from Amount awarded            Total used this 
     code should only be listed once (see Example 2).                     prior year     this year             year
     List credits that are available to you even if you          864      0              $12,000               $12,000
     aren’t able to use them this year (see Example 1).
                                                                Example 3. Same as Example 2 except Taxpayer also had 
Step 2:  Fill in the total amount of the credit that couldn’t   a $6,000 credit for contributing to the University Venture 
     be claimed last year that was carried forward to           Development Fund in 2021 that they were unable to use 
     the current year (2022). Enter this amount into            because their 2021 net tax was $0.00. Here’s how Taxpayer 
     the “Amount from prior year” column, if any (see           will complete the table, reporting the 2021 and 2022 credits 
     Example 3).                                                on the same line:
Step 3:  Fill in the credit amount you earned in 2022, and       Code    Amount from Amount awarded            Total used this 
     enter it in the “Amount awarded this year” col-                      prior year     this year             year
     umn, if any. Enter this amount even if it’s more            864      $6,000         $12,000               $18,000
     than the amount that can be claimed this year (see 
     Example 1).
     If the total awarded amount of your credit can             Section 5: Refundable credits
     be claimed in one year, list the entire amount             Refundable  credits  can  only  be  claimed  on  your  current 
     awarded in the “Amount awarded this year” col-             year’s tax return; however, any amount that’s more than 
     umn (see Example 1).                                       your tax will be refunded to you. 
     If the total awarded amount of your credit must             Step 1:  Complete the table in Section 5 with credits you’re 
     be claimed over multiple years, list only the por-                  claiming. Fill in the code and amount being claimed.
     tion that is allowed to be claimed in tax year 2022.
                                                                 Step 2:  Fill in the total of all refundable credits. Enter this 
Step 4:  Fill in the credit amount you’re using this year.               amount on your Form OR-41, line 19.
     The “Total used this year” box can’t be more than 
     the combined total of the “Amount from prior 
     year” and the “Amount awarded this year” boxes.             Do you have questions or need help?
     This amount also can’t be more than any credit 
     limitation for that credit. Any excess credit not          Trust and estate help
     claimed in 2022 may be carried forward to the fol-         Email:   estate.help.dor@dor.oregon.gov
     lowing tax year, if it doesn’t expire according to 
                                                                This  email  address  isn’t  secure  and  confidentiality  can’t  be 
     the carryforward rules of the credit.
                                                                ensured. General tax and policy questions only.
Step 5:  Fill in the total of all carryforward credits being 
     used. Enter this number on Form OR-41, line                Forms
     13. The total of all carryforward credits can’t be 
     more  than your  tax minus  standard credits. If 
     your carryforward credits are more than the tax 
     minus standard credits, you must reduce how                General information
     much you’re using on one or more of your carry-              www.oregon.gov/dor
     forward credits. If you have more than one car-            503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222
     ryforward credit, consider using the maximum               questions.dor@dor. oregon.gov
     allowed on credits with earlier expirations first 
                                                                Contact us for ADA accommodations or assistance in other 
     (see Example 1).
Example  1. Taxpayer files an OR-41 for the current year. 
During the year, Taxpayer receives a $6,000 credit for con-     Correspondence
tributing to the University Venture Development Fund. 
Taxpayer’s net tax before any credits is $0.00. Here’s how      Include your FEIN and a daytime phone number for faster 
Taxpayer would complete the table:                              service.
                                                                Write to:  Oregon Department of Revenue
Code Amount from              Amount awarded Total used this 
     prior year               this year      year                        Fiduciary/Estate Unit
                                                                         955 Center St NE
 864       0                  $6,000         0                           Salem OR 97301-2555
150-101-067-1 (Rev. 10-06-22)                                 2                             2022 Schedule OR-ASC-FID Instructions

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