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Schedule OR-LENDER Instructions 2022
Lender’s Tax Credit
This publication is a guide, not a complete statement, of Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) and Oregon Administrative
Rules (OAR). For more information, refer to the laws and rules at www.oregon.gov/dor.
housing payments, regardless of other subsidies pro-
What types of lenders can claim these vided to the housing project.
credits? • The loan can be made to individuals who participate in
a community rehabilitation program. To qualify, the bor-
These credits can be claimed by any bank, mortgage bank-
rower must own the dwelling and be certified by a local
ing company, trust company, savings bank, or savings and
government or its designated agent as having an income
loan association that maintains an office in Oregon and
level of less than 80 percent of the area median income.
makes a qualified low-interest loan.
• The loan can be made to refinance an existing loan that
meets the requirements listed above.
What types of loans qualify for the
• The credit can be claimed over the shorter of the term of
the loan or the period approved by HCSD not to exceed
Energy conservation measures (loans made on or after Jan- 20 years.
uary 1, 1982 and before January 1, 2012). ORS 317.112. • The lending institution can sell the loan to a qualified
• The loan must be for the purchase and/or installation assignee and retain the credit.
of items primarily designed to improve the efficiency of For certifications issued on or after September 27, 2007 the
space heating and energy utilization of a dwelling. Please following criteria apply:
see Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) Administra-
tive Rule 330-060-0010 for qualifying items. The term • The loan can be made to a qualified borrower to finance
“dwelling” includes mobile homes, floating homes, and construction, development, acquisition, or rehabilitation
apartments, but does not include recreational vehicles. of housing. To qualify, the project must receive certifica-
tion from the HCSD that:
• The loan must be made to the owner of an oil- or wood-
heated dwelling. — It will be occupied by households earning less than 80
percent of the area median income, and
• The borrower must have obtained an energy audit con- — The full amount of savings from the reduced interest rate
ducted by a fuel oil dealer, investor-owned utility, pub- provided by the lending institution is or will be passed
licly owned utility, or through ODOE. on to the tenants in the form of reduced housing pay-
• A credit is not allowable to the extent the loan exceeds ments, regardless of other subsidies provided to the
the following for a single dwelling unit: housing project.
— $2,000 to a corporation operating a nonprofit home for • The loan can be made to a qualified borrower to finance
the elderly described in ORS 307.375, or construction, development, acquisition, or acquisition
— $5,000. and rehabilitation of a manufactured dwelling park. To
qualify, the project must receive certification from the
Affordable housing (loans made on or after January 1, 1990
Oregon Housing and Community Services Department
and before January 1, 2026). ORS 317.097.
that the housing will be operated as a manufactured
For certifications issued before September 27, 2007 the dwelling park for the time period that the credit will be
following criteria apply: allowed.
• The loan can be made to a qualified borrower to finance • The loan can be made to a qualified borrower to finance
construction, rehabilitation, or development of housing. acquisition or acquisition and rehabilitation of housing
To qualify, the project must receive certification from the consisting of a preservation project. To qualify, the proj-
Oregon Housing and Community Services Department ect must receive certification from HCSD that:
(HCSD) that:
— It will be occupied by households earning less than 80
— It will be occupied by households earning less than 80 percent of the area median income, and
percent of the area median income, and — The housing has a rent assistance contract with the
— The full amount of savings from the reduced inter- United States Department of Housing and Urban
est rate provided by the lending institution is or will Development or the United States Department of
be passed on to the tenants in the form of reduced Agriculture.
150-102-125-1 (Rev. 10-06-22) 1 2022 Schedule OR-LENDER Instructions