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Schedule OR-PI Instructions 2022
Schedule of Partnership Information
This publication is a guide, not a complete statement, of Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) and
Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR). For more information, refer to the laws and rules at www.oregon.gov/dor.
Percentage owned. Include the total amount owned in the
Purpose of Schedule OR-PI partnership. Ownership in the partnership is defined in
OAR 150-314-0385(8). The percentage owned in the partner-
Schedule OR-PI is used to report details of partnership sales
ship is the percentage that is being used by the parent com-
that are included in a corporation’s sales factor on Schedule
pany to include the corporation’s share of the sales of the
related partnership.
Oregon sales. If there are any sales from the partnership
General information that were made to Oregon, then include the total amount
Schedule OR-PI must be filed every year with each corpo- of Oregon sales. These sales should flow through and be
ration tax return that has partnership income. List every reflected on the schedule OR-AP.
partnership doing business in the United States that has Everywhere sales. Include the total amount of claimed
sales sourced to either Oregon sales or everywhere sales on everywhere sales from the partnership. These sales should
Schedule OR-AP. flow through and be reflected on the schedule OR-AP.
Sales are net of intercompany eliminations/transactions Total sales from partnerships
between the taxpayer and the partnership. See OAR
150-314-0385(8). Total Oregon sales of all partnerships. Add 1d and 2d of all
completed schedules.
Print and attach additional copies of this schedule if you
have more than two partnerships. Total everywhere sales of all partnerships. Add 1e and 2e of
all completed schedules.
Don’t include the corporation filing this tax return or any
of its subsidiaries on this schedule. Additional schedules
Copies of partnership returns may be requested. ORS Include additional schedules if needed with this corpora-
314.425. tion return.
Rounding. Percentages should be rounded to four decimal Page number
places. For example, 12.34558 percent should be 12.3456
percent. Dollar amounts should be rounded to the nearest If you include more than one Schedule OR-PI, fill in the
dollar. For example, $99.49 should be $99 and $99.50 should page number of each schedule and total number of sched-
be $100. ules included with this return.
Do you have questions or need help?
List partnerships 503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222
questions.dor @ dor.oregon.gov
Enter each partnership’s information as requested. Include
additional schedules if necessary. Contact us for ADA accommodations or assistance in other
150-102-035-1 (Rev. 08-25-22) Page 1 of 1 2022 Schedule OR-PI Instructions