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2022 Schedule OR-FIA-40-N Instructions
Page 1 of 1, 150-101-161-1 Oregon Department of Revenue
(Rev. 08-23-22)
Oregon Farm Income Averaging for Nonresidents
General information OR-FIA-40-N, line 2. This is the amount from a farming busi-
ness on federal Schedule J, line 2a, if you elect to use farm
Purpose. You may elect to figure your 2022 tax by averaging, income averaging for federal tax purposes. Don’t enter more
over the previous three years (base years), all or part of your than the amount on Schedule OR-FIA-40-N, line 1. While
2022 taxable farm income. federal law allows averaging of fishing business income, Oregon
Use Schedule OR-FIA-40-N to calculate your average Oregon law doesn’t. Don’t include fishing business income on Schedule
farm income, if you are a nonresident. OR-FIA-40-N, line 2.
You will need copies of your original or amended Oregon To figure elected farm income, first figure your taxable
income tax returns for tax years 2019, 2020, and 2021 to fig- income from farming. Taxable income from farming includes
ure your tax on Schedule OR-FIA-40-N. If your return was all income, gains, losses, and deductions attributable to any
adjusted, use the taxable income and tax from the adjustment. farming business. Gains and losses from the sale or other
You can obtain copies of prior years’ returns for a small fee disposition of property (other than land) must be from prop-
by going to www.oregon.gov/dor and logging in to Revenue erty regularly used for a substantial period of time in your
Online, or by requesting copies by mail. You can also request farming business. However, it doesn’t include gain from the
a return transcript for free by sending a message in Revenue sale or other disposition of land. Oregon source farm income
Online or by calling us directly. You will also need tax instruc- includes income or loss received from an Oregon farm while
tion booklets for those years, along with Schedule OR-FIA- you were a nonresident and farm income or loss received
COMP and instructions which you can download from our during any portion of the year you were an Oregon resident.
website, or you can contact us to request them. You don’t have to include all of your taxable income from
Farm income averaging can’t be used with the qualified farming on Schedule OR-FIA-40-N, line 2.
business income reduced tax rate under Oregon Revised Your elected farm income can’t exceed your Oregon tax-
Statute (ORS) 316.043. able income. Also, the portion of your elected farm income
treated as a net capital gain can’t exceed the smaller of your
Farming business total net capital gain or your net capital gain attributable to
A farming business is the trade or business of cultivating your farming business.
land or raising or harvesting any agricultural or horticultural If your elected farm income includes net capital gain, you
commodity. This includes: must allocate an equal portion of the net capital gain to each
• Operating a nursery or sod farm. of the base years.
• Raising or harvesting trees bearing fruits, nuts, or other If you had a capital loss, for any base year, that resulted in a
crops. capital loss carryover to the next tax year, don’t reduce the
• Raising ornamental trees (but not evergreen trees that are elected farm income allocated to that base year by any part
more than six years old when severed from the roots). of the carryover.
• Raising, shearing, feeding, caring for, training, and manag-
ing animals. Forms and additional resources
• Leasing land to a tenant engaged in a farming business,
but only if the lease payments are based on a share of the Visit our website at www.oregon.gov/dor/forms, to
tenant’s farm production (not a fixed amount). download:
• Wages and other compensation you received as a share- • Current forms, instructions, and publications.
holder in an S corporation engaged in a farming business. • Prior year forms and instructions.
A farming business doesn’t include: Access Oregon tax forms and instructions on our website
• Contract harvesting of an agricultural or horticultural anytime, or contact us to order them.
commodity grown or raised by someone else; or
• Merely buying or reselling plants or animals grown or Do you have questions or need help?
raised by someone else.
503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222
Elected farm income questions.dor@dor.oregon.gov
Your elected farm income is the amount of your taxable Contact us for ADA accommodations or assistance in other
income from farming that you elect to include on Schedule languages.