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                               Schedule OR-21-AP Instructions                                                     2022
                               Oregon Pass-through Entity Elective Tax
                                            Apportionment of Income

                                                                  Sales of tangible personal property
Purpose of Schedule OR-21-AP
                                                                  In general, sales of tangible personal property are allocated 
Any PTE with income from business activity that is taxable        to Oregon if the property is:
by Oregon and one or more other states must apportion their 
income according to Oregon’s Uniform Division of Income           • Shipped or delivered to a purchaser in Oregon, other than 
for Tax Purposes Act, ORS 314.605 to 314.675, unless the PTE      the U.S. government.
is a financial institution or public utility. In that case, the   • Shipped from an office, store, warehouse, factory, or other 
PTE must apportion their income using the provisions of           place of storage in Oregon, and the purchaser is the U.S. 
ORS 314.280. PTEs doing all of their business within Oregon       government or the PTE isn’t taxable in the purchaser’s 
don’t need to use Schedule OR-21-AP. Include this schedule        state.
when you file Form OR-21.
                                                                  Taxability in another state. The PTE is taxable in another 
                                                                  state if the PTE is subject to a net income tax, a franchise tax 
General information                                               measured by net income, a franchise tax for the privilege of 
Oregon income is the sum of the PTE’s Oregon apportioned          doing business, or a corporate stock tax in that state. The PTE 
income and income allocated to Oregon.                            is also taxable in another state if that state has jurisdiction to 
                                                                  subject the PTE to a tax that is imposed on or measured by 
Apportionable income                                              net income, even if the state doesn’t actually impose such a 
Apportionable income is:                                          tax on the PTE.
• Income from transactions and activity in the regular            Other types of sales
course of the PTE’s business. 
                                                                  All other types of sales, including rentals, leases, licenses, 
• Income from acquiring, managing, employing, develop-            and charges for services, are in Oregon if the PTE’s market 
ing, or disposing of tangible or intangible property if           for sales is in Oregon. 
related to the operation of the PTE’s business.
                                                                  Market for sales in Oregon. A PTE’s market for sales is in 
• Any other income that is apportionable under federal law        Oregon in the following cases:
and not allocated under Oregon law or that is allocable 
under federal law but is apportioned under Oregon law.            • The sale, rental, lease, or license of real property, if the real 
                                                                  property is located in Oregon.
An apportionment formula is used to divide apportionable 
income among the states where the PTE does business. The          • The rental, lease, or license of tangible personal property 
formula is based on the PTE’s sales factor.                       located in Oregon.
Sales factor. The sales factor is a fraction where the numera-    • Charges for a service, if the service is delivered to a loca-
tor is the PTE’s total sales in Oregon and the denominator is     tion in Oregon.
the PTE’s total sales everywhere during the tax year. For pur-    Intangible property. The PTE’s market for sales of intangible 
poses of the PTE-E tax, all of a PTE’s apportionable income 
                                                                  property that is sold by the PTE is in Oregon to the extent 
must be apportioned using the sales factor. 
                                                                  that the property is used in Oregon. A contract right, gov-
Non-apportionable income. This is all income other than           ernment license, or similar intangible property that autho-
apportionable income. Generally speaking, this includes           rizes the holder to conduct a business activity in a specific 
income from investments or other sources that are not             geographic area is considered to be used in Oregon if the 
related to the regular course of the PTE’s business. Non-         geographic area includes all or part of Oregon. 
apportionable income is allocated to a particular state based 
upon the source of the income.                                    The PTE’s market for sales of intangible property that is 
                                                                  rented, leased, or licensed is in Oregon to the extent that 
Allocable income                                                  the property is used in Oregon. Sales of intangible property 
Certain types of non-apportionable income are allocable           that are contingent on the productivity, use, or disposition of 
to Oregon under state law. Examples of income allocable           the property are treated the same way as rented, leased, or 
to Oregon include rents and royalties from real or tangible       licensed property. If intangible property is used in market-
personal property, capital gains, interest, dividends, and        ing goods or services to customers, it is used in Oregon if the 
patent or copyright royalties.                                    goods or services are purchased by a customer in Oregon.

150-107-111-1 (Rev. 09-13-22)                                   1                              2022 Schedule OR-21-AP Instructions

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                               r.                                  property that was used or considered to be used in Oregon 
Line instructions                                                  during the tax year. 
Line 1. Enter the total sales of tangible personal property        Lines 7, 8, and 9. These lines are to be completed by insur-
that were shipped or delivered from outside the state to a         ance companies only. For additional information about these 
purchaser within Oregon other than the U.S. government             items, see ORS 317.660, Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 
during the tax year.                                               150-317-0480, and Schedule OR-AP Instructions. 
Line 2. Enter the total sales of tangible personal property that   Line 10. Add lines 1 through 9. These are the PTE’s total 
were shipped from a store, warehouse or other place of stor-       Oregon sales.
age within Oregon, other than sales to the U.S. government 
                                                                   Line 11. Enter the PTE’s total sales everywhere. 
or to purchasers in a state where the PTE is not subject to tax.
                                                                   Line 12. Divide the PTE’s total Oregon sales on line 10 by 
Line 3. Enter the total sales to the U.S. government of tan-
                                                                   the PTE’s total sales everywhere on line 11. Round to four 
gible personal property that were shipped from a store, 
                                                                   decimal places and enter as a percentage. This is the PTE’s 
warehouse, or other place of storage within Oregon.
                                                                   apportionment percentage. Enter it on Form OR-21, line 19. 
Line 4. Enter the total sales of tangible personal property 
                                                                   Include Schedule OR-21-AP when you file Form OR-21.
to purchasers in a state where the PTE is not subject to tax.
Line 5. Enter the PTE’s total Oregon sales from all partner-
ships of which the PTE is a partner. Use Schedule OR-PI as a       Do you have questions or need help?

guide. The amount to enter would be the amount shown on              www.oregon.gov/dor
Schedule OR-PI, line 3. (Note: Schedule OR-PI is a required        503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222
schedule for corporations that are partners in partnerships.       questions.dor@dor.oregon.gov
It isn’t required to be filed with Form OR-21.)
                                                                   Contact us for ADA accommodations or assistance in other 
Line 6. Enter the total of all other business receipts, includ-    languages.
ing charges for services delivered to a location in Oregon. 
Include the rental, lease, license, or sale of intangible 

150-107-111-1 (Rev. 09-13-22)                                    2                      2022 Schedule OR-21-AP Instructions

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