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Schedule OR-21-MD-PT Instructions 2022
Pass Through of Distributive Share of Proceeds,
Addition, and Credit
Purpose of Schedule OR-21-MD-PT Part C: Member information
Upper-tier members of pass-through entities (PTEs) elect- For each member, enter their name, current address, phone,
ing to pay the PTE elective tax (PTE-E tax) use Schedule and Social Security number (SSN).
OR-21-MD-PT to report the items passing through to the Ownership percentage. Enter the member’s ownership
upper-tier PTE’s members from the lower-tier entity. The percentage as of the close of the tax year. If the member
addition and credit reported to the upper-tier PTE by the disposed of all or part of an ownership interest during the
electing lower-tier entity can’t be claimed on an entity-level year, enter the member’s ownership percentage before the
return and must be passed through to the upper-tier PTE’s disposition.
members. Schedule OR-21-MD-PT must be included with Form OR-OC. Mark this box if the member is a nonresident
Form OR-21 when the return is filed. Complete a separate who elects to be included in a composite filing for this tax
Schedule OR-21-MD-PT for each electing lower-tier entity of year.
which the upper-tier PTE is a member.
Column l: Member’s distributive proceeds. Enter the mem-
Use additional pages for each schedule, as needed. ber’s share of the distributive proceeds that you entered on
line 2.
Part A: Electing lower-tier entity Column m: Member’s addition for tax deducted at federal
information Enter the member’s share of the addition for tax
deducted by the lower-tier entity on a federal return that
Entity type. Check the box that matches the lower-tier enti- you entered on line 3.
ty’s organization type. If the entity is an LLC that is treated Column n: Member’s credit for PTE-E tax paid. Enter the
as a partnership or an S corporation for tax purposes, check member’s share of the credit for PTE-E tax paid by the lower-
the applicable box. tier entity that you entered on line 4.
Entity information. The legal name must be entered even if Compare all totals. After you have entered the information
the lower-tier entity does business under an assumed name. for all members, make sure that the totals for each column
Enter the entity’s federal employer identification number match the total amount reported to you by the electing PTE
on Schedule OR-21-K-1.
(FEIN) and current address.
• The total distributive proceeds in column l must match the
amount on line 2.
Part B: Distributive share of proceeds,
• The total additions in column m must match the amount
addition, and credit from electing lower-
on line 3.
Sole proprietorship
tier entity
• The total credit for PTE-E tax paid in column n must match
Line 2: Distributive proceeds. Enter your distributive share the amount on line 4.
of proceeds from the lower-tier entity reported to you on Include the completed schedule(s), including any additional
Schedule OR-21-K-1, line 1. pages, when filing Form OR-21.
Line 3: Addition for tax deducted at federal level. Enter your
Do you have questions or need help?
share of the Oregon addition for tax deducted by the lower-
tier entity on its federal return, reported to you on Schedule www.oregon.gov/dor
OR-21-K-1, line 2. 503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222
Line 4: Credit for PTE-E tax paid. Enter your share of the questions.dor@dor.oregon.gov
credit for PTE-E tax paid by the lower-tier entity, reported Contact us for ADA accommodations or assistance in other
to you on Schedule OR-21-K-1, line 3. languages.
150-107-110-1 (Rev. 09-13-22) 1 2022 Schedule OR-21-MD-PT Instructions