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2022 Virginia Automatic Extension Payment
FORM 760IP Voucher for Individuals
This form is for use by individual income tax filers only. Fiduciary Taxpayers and Pass-Through Entities filing for Unified
Nonresident Taxpayers use Form 770IP to make your income tax extension payments.
Effective for payments made on and after July 1, 2022, individuals must submit all income tax payments electronically if any
payment exceeds $1,500 or the sum of all payments is expected to exceed $6,000. This includes estimated, extension, and
return payments. Visit our website at www.tax.virginia.gov for information on electronic payment options.
Virginia automatically grants all taxpayers a 6-month extension If additional tax is due when you file your return, you may owe
of time to file their income tax return. penalty and interest charges in addition to the tax.
• For calendar year filers, the filing date is automatically extended When and Where to File Form 760IP
to November 1.
The Department provides two secure online options for submitting
• You are NOT required to file Form 760IP in order to obtain this extension payments: eForms and Individual Online Services.
automatic extension. Payments are made by Debit EFT and you may schedule your
• You must pay any tentative tax due by May 1. payment for a future date. Extension payments may also be made
• An extension of time to file does NOT extend the amount of using an ACH Credit transaction through your bank. Some banks
time you have to make your payment. may charge a fee for this service. An Electronic Payment Guide is
• Penalties and interest will accrue on all late payments. available on the Department’s website with information on how to
submit ACH Credit payments to the Department.
Purpose of Form 760IP
Alternatively, if you are using software you may be able to submit
Form 760IP, Automatic Extension Payment, is a payment coupon
your payment through e-File. You may also be able to set up your
and worksheet that provides taxpayers who are unable to file their
estimated payments via debit EFT with future payment dates.
individual income tax return by May 1 a means of calculating and
remitting a payment to avoid penalty and interest. If you are paying with a paper check or money order, file Form
760IP along with your payment as soon as you realize you owe any
Who Must File Form 760IP additional tax. The 2022 Form 760IP must be postmarked by May 1,
Form 760IP is required if ALL of the following apply to you: 2023 to avoid interest and penalties. For fiscal year filers, file Form
1. You cannot file your individual income tax return by the due date; 760IP on or before the due date of your return with payment of the
balance due to avoid interest and penalties.
2. You owe tax (this is determined by completing the Tentative Tax
Computation Worksheet on the back of this page); and If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, Form
3. You submit your payment by paper check or money order. 760IP, with payment, may be filed on the next day that is not a
Estates, trusts and unified nonresident filers should use Form Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Be sure to write your Social
770IP. Security Number, taxable year and “VA 760IP” on your payment.
Send the completed Form 760IP, with payment, to:
Do not file Form 760IP if you determine that you do NOT owe
Department of Taxation
additional tax, or you make your extension payment electronically
P.O. Box 1478
using Individual Online Services.
Richmond, VA 23218-1478
Completing Form 760IP
Penalty for Failure to Timely File and Pay the Tax Due
Complete the Tentative Tax Computation Worksheet on the back,
then enter the payment amount in the Payment Amount box on Form Virginia law provides for an automatic 6-month filing extension, but
760IP. Instructions for the worksheet and the form are on the back. you must pay at least 90% of your tax liability by the due date of
Detach here and mail with your tentative tax payment. Keep the worksheet with your other tax records.
Automatic Extension Payment New Filer or Address Has Changed
760IP 2022
(Doc ID 763)
Do not file Form 760IP if no payment is due
or if you make this payment electronically.
0000000000 7638888 122122 Save the stamp.
Make your extension payment on the
Department’s website: www.tax.virginia.gov
Your Social Security Number Spouse’s Social Security Number
Make your check payable to the
First Name MI Last Name Virginia Department of Taxation
Spouse's First Name MI Spouse's Last Name
Payment Amount
Address (Number and Street) of Taxpayer
City, State and ZIP Code . 00
2601035 Rev. 06/22