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                                                  2022 Instructions for Form 760C
  Underpayment of Virginia Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates and Trusts

                        General Instructions                                      result here. (NOTE: Estimated tax payments, income tax withheld and 
Purpose of Form 760C                                                              extension payments are not tax credits.)
Virginia law requires that you pay your income tax in timely installments        Line 5 ‑ Enter the number of payments required. You are required to make 
throughout the year by having income tax withheld or by making payments           estimated tax payments when you receive income from any source other 
of estimated tax. If you do not pay at least 90% of your tax in this manner,      than income on which sufficient Virginia income tax is withheld. For 
you may be charged an addition to tax. Use Form 760C to determine                 calendar year filers, if you first received income subject to the estimated 
whether you met the minimum payment requirement and/or whether you                tax payment requirements:
are subject to an addition to tax charge.                                         Income Received                         Payments Required
You may also need to use this form to demonstrate that you have not made          On or before April 15                   4 payments were required
an underpayment, or that you have met an exception that voids the addition        After April 15, but before June 2       3 payments were required
to tax, particularly if your income did not remain constant throughout the 
year. See the instructions for Line 5 for more information.                       After June 1, but before September 2    2 payments were required
Who Must File Form 760C                                                           After September 1                       1 payment was required
There are four installment periods for determining whether you underpaid          If you were required to make less than four payments for Taxable 
your tax during the year. For calendar year filers, the due dates for each        Year 2022 you must file Form 760C to indicate this. Otherwise, the 
installment period are: May 1, June 15, September 15, and January 15.             Department will automatically compute your liability as if you were 
Fiscal year filers should refer to Virginia Form 760ES and the instructions       subject to pay estimated tax in all four installment periods, and you 
to determine their installment due dates.         If your tax is underpaid as of  may be assessed an addition to tax. 
any installment due date, you must file Form 760C. The form must be              Line 6 ‑ These are the due dates for calendar year filers. Fiscal year filers 
filed even if you are due a refund when you file your tax return.                 must write in the appropriate due dates for their fiscal year installment 
Since underpayments are determined as of each installment due date,               periods.
an overpayment in one installment period cannot "cancel out" an                  Lines 8 through 10 ‑ Use these lines to report timely payments and credits 
underpayment in a previous period. You must also file Form 760C if you            for each installment period. If you made any late payments, these 
were liable to make payments for less than four installment periods during        amounts will be taken into consideration on Line 12. For purposes 
the year (see the instructions for Line 5).                                       of applying income tax withheld on Line 8, you may divide the total 
You are not required to file Form 760C if your income tax liability after         amount withheld by four, or enter the exact amount withheld for each 
subtracting the Spouse Tax Adjustment and tax credits is $150 or less, or         installment and enclose a schedule showing your computation.
if you were not required to file an income tax return.                           Line 11 ‑ If you overpaid your tax liability in any column, indicate this by 
Special Rules for Farmers, Fishermen & Merchant Seamen                            placing the amount in brackets, for example, [$500.00]. An overpayment 
                                                                                  as of any installment date must be applied to any underpayment in 
If you meet BOTH of the following tests, do not file this form; you do not        previous periods before being carried over to subsequent periods. For 
owe an addition to tax.                                                           purposes of applying an overpayment on Form 760C, the overpayment 
  1.  Your gross income from self-employment as a farmer, fisherman               is considered a payment made on the installment date for which the 
  and/or being a merchant seaman is at least two-thirds of your annual            overpayment is reported. Enter each overpayment amount on the Late 
  gross income for the taxable year, AND                                          Payment/Overpayment Table located below Line 14. For example, if 
  2.  You filed a Form 760, 760PY, 763 or 770 income tax return and               you compute an overpayment of $500.00 in Column C, enter $500.00 
  paid the entire tax due by March 1, 2023. If you meet Test 1 but not            on the Late Payment/Overpayment Table, and indicate September 15, 
  Test 2, use Form 760F, Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Farmers,                2022 as the date of payment.
  Fishermen and Merchant Seamen, to determine whether you owe                    Line 12 ‑ Other Payments ‑ On Line 12a, enter the earliest late payment 
  an addition to tax. If you do not meet Test 1, use Form 760C.                   or overpayment from the Late Payment/Overpayment Table. Then, enter 
Due Date                                                                          the amount needed in each column to satisfy the underpayment in each 
                                                                                  period. Repeat this step for Lines 12b, 12c and 12d. Do not enter more 
If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the return     than is needed to satisfy the underpayment. For example, if a payment 
may be filed and the tax may be paid without penalty or interest on the           being applied in Column A is greater than the underpayment on Line 
next succeeding business day.                                                     11, any excess should be carried over and applied in Column B, then 
Questions                                                                         Column C, then to Column D. See Line 13 instructions for an example.
For assistance, contact the Commissioner of the Revenue, Director                Line 13 ‑ Enter the total timely payments reported on Lines 8, 9, 10 and 
of Finance or Director of Tax Administration for your Virginia city or            12. In considering amounts from Line 12, compare the date of payment 
county; or the Department of Taxation, P.O. Box 1115, Richmond, VA                with the installment due date. 
23218‑1115 or (804) 367‑8031. Tenemos servicios disponible en Español.            For example, a taxpayer made a late payment of $1,000 for the first 
If you have access to the internet, you can obtain most Virginia income           installment on May 15, 2022 and had an underpayment on Line 11, 
tax forms from www.tax.virginia.gov.                                              Column A, of only $500. Therefore, on Line 12 the taxpayer applied 
                                                                                  $500 in Column A and $500 in Column B. In considering timely 
               Line‑by‑Line Instructions                                          payments for completing Line 13, the taxpayer will compare the 
Line-by-line instructions are provided only for lines that need additional      payment date of May 15, 2022, with the installment due dates for 
  clarification in order to be completed properly.                                Columns A and B. The installment due date for Column A is May 1, 
•  Fiscal Year Filers - If you filed your return on a fiscal year basis,          2022. Since the date of payment (May 15) falls after the installment 
  change the dates and interest rates accordingly on Form 760C. Enclose           due date, the $500 amount applied in Column A is a late payment and 
  your Form 760C and any computation schedules with your income tax               cannot be included on Line 13. The installment due date for Column 
  return.                                                                         B, however, is June 15, 2022, which falls after the date the payment 
                                                                                  was made. Therefore, the $500 amount applied on Line 12, Column 
Part I ‑ Compute Your Underpayment                                                B, is a timely payment for the second period and will be included on 
Line 1 ‑ Start with the tax liability reported on your income tax return.         Line 13.
  Subtract the Spouse Tax Adjustment and tax credits and enter the 
Va. Dept. of Taxation      2601099      Rev. 12/22

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Line 14 ‑ Subtract Line 13 from Line 7. If the total of the underpayments                      3. 2022 personal exemptions (Form 760, Line 12; 
   on Line 14, Columns A through D, is $150 or less, stop here. You do                            Form 760PY, Line 13; Form 763, Line 12; or 
   not owe the addition to tax. Enclose Form 760C with your return.                               Form 770, enter 0). ..........................................
Part II ‑ Exceptions That Void the Addition to Tax                                             4. Taxable Income - Subtract Lines 2 and 3 from 
If you computed an underpayment     on Line 14                            for any installment     Line 1. .............................................................
period, complete this section to determine if you meet an exception that 
voids the addition to tax. Exceptions are computed separately for each                         5. Virginia Tax - Enter the tax computed on Line 4.
installment period; therefore, you can meet an exception in one or more                        6.  Total 2021 Spouse Tax Adjustment and credits 
periods or meet different exceptions in different periods. If you do not                          allowed. ...........................................................
meet Exception 1 in a given period, you should try Exception 2, 3 and 4.                       7. Exception 2 Tax - Subtract Line 6 from Line 5. 
An exception met in one period does not automatically apply to any other                          Enter here and on Form 760C, Line 17. ..........
period - each period must be considered separately.                                            After completing the Exception 2 Worksheet, enter the results in 
If you meet an exception, the addition to tax is voided for that period. If                    the appropriate columns on Line 17. Compare the amounts in each 
you do not meet an exception, the addition to tax must be computed on the                      column to the amounts in the corresponding columns on Line 15. If 
underpayment amount reported on Line 14. An exception can only void                            the amount in any column on Line 15 equals or exceeds the amount 
the addition to tax; it cannot reduce or eliminate an underpayment. Only                       in the corresponding column on Line 17, you met the exception for 
timely payments can be considered in determining whether an exception                          that period. If you met Exception 2 for each period, you do not need to 
has been met. For example, if payments for the first installment period,                       enclose Form 760C with your return. If you did not meet an exception 
May 1, 2022, are not made until after that date, no exception will be met                      for every period in which you computed an underpayment, proceed to 
for that period.                                                                               Exception 3.
Line 15 ‑  Enter the total amount paid and/or withheld as of each installment                 Line 18 ‑ Exception 3: Tax on Annualized 2022 Income This exception 
   date. Estimated payments should be applied as follows:                                      applies if your 2022 payments on Line 15 equal or exceed 90% of the 
   If Payment Is Made                      Apply to Installment Date                           tax for each installment period computed using annualized income.
          On or before May 1 ...............................................May 1              "Annualized income" means the actual income received for the first 
          Between May 2 and June 15 ...............................June 15                     four, five and eight months of the taxable year (three, four and seven 
                                                                                               months for estates and trusts), multiplied by the factors shown above 
          Between June 16 and September 15 .........September 15                               Line 18 to arrive at the amount that would have been your taxable 
          Between September 16 and January 15 .........January 15                              income if your income had remained constant during the year.
Line 16 ‑ Exception 1: Prior Year’s TaxThis exception applies if your                      Complete Lines 18a through 18g ‑ Since Exception 3 cannot be applied to 
   2022 payments on Line 15 equal or exceed your 2021 income tax                               the final installment period, enter amounts for the first three installment 
   liability for each installment period. Your 2021 Virginia income tax                        periods only. Compare the amount on Line 18g in each column to 
   return must have covered a full (twelve month) taxable year, and must                       the amount reported in the corresponding column on Line 15. If the 
   have reflected an income tax liability.                                                     amount in any column on Line 15 equals or exceeds the amount in the 
                    Exception 1 Worksheet                                                      corresponding column on Line 18g, you met the exception for that 
                                                                                               period. If you did not meet an exception for every period in which you 
1.  Enter the amount shown on your 2021 Form 760,                                              reported an underpayment, proceed to Exception 4.
    Line 18; Form 763, Line 18; or Form 770, Line 4.                                          Line 19 ‑ Exception 4: Tax on 2022 Income Over a 4, 5 and 8 Month 
2.  Enter the total of the amounts on your 2021 Form                                           Period   This exception applies if your 2022 payments on Line 15 
    760, Lines 23 through 25; or Form 763, Lines 23                                            equal or exceed 90% of the income tax computed on the actual income 
    through 25; or Form 770, the credits included on                                           received for the first four, five and eight months of the taxable year.
    Line 5. .............................................................                     Complete Lines 19a through 19g ‑ Since Exception 4 cannot be applied to 
3.  2021 Tax Liability: Subtract Line 2 from Line 1.                                           the final installment period, enter amounts for the first three installment 
    Enter here and on Form 760C, Line 16. ..........                                           periods only. Compare the amount on Line 19g in each column with 
   After completing the Exception 1 worksheet, enter the results in the                        the amount reported in the corresponding column on Line 15. If the 
   appropriate columns on Line 16. Compare the amount in each column                           amount in any column on Line 15 equals or exceeds the amount reported 
   to the amount entered in the corresponding column on Line 15. If the                        in the corresponding column on Line 19g, you met the exception for 
   amount on Line 15 equals or exceeds the amount in the corresponding                         that period. 
   column on Line 16, you met Exception 1 for that period. If you met                         Part III ‑ Compute the Addition to Tax
   Exception 1 for each period, you do not need to enclose Form 760C with 
   your return. If you did not meet the exception for every period in which                   Line 21 ‑ If you applied any payments on Part I, Line 12, to offset the 
   you reported an underpayment, proceed to Exception 2, Line 17.                              underpayments entered on Line 20, use the same date of payment used 
                                                                                               on Line 12. Otherwise, use the actual date the tax was paid in full or 
Line 17 ‑ Exception 2: Tax on Prior Year’s Income Using 2022 Rates                             May 1, 2023, whichever is earlier. If you applied more than one payment 
   and Exemptions This exception applies if your withholding and/                            per installment period to offset an underpayment, you must compute 
   or timely estimated tax payments for the 2022 taxable year equal or                         the addition to tax separately for each payment applied. For example, 
   exceed an amount that would have been due by recomputing your tax                           if you report an underpayment of $1,000 for the first installment period 
   for the 2021 taxable year based on the facts shown on your return for,                      and pay $500 on May 15, 2022 AND $500 on June 30, 2022, you will 
   and the law applicable to, that taxable year, but using 2022 rates and                      need to make two separate computations:
   personal exemptions. You do not need to have filed a Virginia return 
   or incurred a Virginia tax liability for the preceding taxable year to                               Amount of Underpayment      From                                   To
   qualify for Exception 2.                                                                             $500.00                     5/1/22                             5/15/22
                    Exception 2 Worksheet                                                               $500.00                     5/1/22                             6/30/22
                                                                                               If you are required to make more than one computation, you should 
 1. 2021 Virginia adjusted gross income. .............                                         compute your addition to tax on a separate schedule and enclose the 
 2. 2021 deductions (Form 760, Lines 10 or 11 and                                              schedule with Form 760C.
    13, 760PY, Lines 11 or 12 and 14 or 763, Lines 
    10 or 11 and 13; or Form 770, enter 0). ..........

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