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Form OR-STT-A, Oregon Annual Statewide Transit Tax Withholding Return, Instructions
General information will be considered a filed return for statewide transit tax
Employers who file an Oregon Agricultural Annual Withhold-
ing Tax Return(Form WA) to report withholding of income The tax preparer needs to sign Form OR-STT-A on the sig-
taxes of employees must do the same for statewide transit nature line and include a phone number and the date they
taxes. filled out the return. A signature is required even if you file
a 0 return.
Employers must report statewide transit tax withholding
using Form OR-STT-A.
Due date
Don’t use Form WA to report statewide transit taxes. You
The filing of this return and payment of tax are due on the
must file Form OR-STT-A even if there was no payroll dur-
last day of the month following the end of the calendar year
ing the reporting period. To amend Form OR-STT-A,make
(January 31).
your changes and check the “amended” box at the top of
the return. Send your amended return to the address listed. Mail the completed return, the Statewide Transit Tax
Employee Detail Report (Form OR-STT-2), and Oregon
How to fill out Form OR-STT-A Annual Statewide Transit Tax Voucher (Form OR-STT-V)
with payment on or before the appropriate due date to:
Write the tax year, your business name, Oregon business
identification number (BIN), federal employer identifica- Oregon Department of Revenue
tion number (FEIN), and mailing address in the appropriate PO Box 14800
boxes. Use the following instructions for each line. Salem OR 97309-0920
Subject wages. Enter the total wages subject to the state-
Do you have questions or need help?
wide transit tax (wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses,
fees, etc.) for this year. If you had no payroll during this tax www.oregon.gov/dor
year, enter 0. 503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222
questions.dor@ oregon.gov
Statewide transit tax. Enter total Oregon statewide transit
tax withheld. If you had no payroll during this quarter, Contact us for ADA accommodations or assistance in other
enter 0. Only numerical information provided on this return languages.0 0.
Page 1 of 1, 150-206-001-1 (Rev. 6-25-20) Oregon Department of Revenue Form OR-STT-A instructions