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Form OR-24 Instructions
Oregon Like-Kind Exchanges/Involuntary Conversions
General information Partnership filers: Include this form with your Form OR-65,
Oregon Partnership Income Return, and check the box “Form
Use this form only to report the exchange of business OR-24.”
and investment property in Oregon for property outside Trust/estate filers: Include this form with your Form OR-41,
Oregon when you defer gain on an exchange of like-kind Oregon Fiduciary Return, and check the box “Form OR-24.”
property under Internal Revenue Code sections 1031 or 1033.
If you don’t have a filing requirement for Oregon, you may
Don’t use this form for personal-use property such as the submit this form using Revenue Online at www.oregon.
vehicle you use for transportation. Don’t use this form gov/dor by logging in to your account. If you don’t have an
when exchanging property in Oregon for other property account, you may be able to create one, but you must have
in Oregon. filed an Oregon return previously to be able to do so.
You must file this form for the tax year that you transferred
property to another party in a like-kind exchange and
Additional resources
annually thereafter until the disposition of the like-kind
property. If you made more than one like-kind exchange, Download Oregon tax forms and instructions at
report each exchange on a separate form. www.oregon.gov/dor/forms or contact us to order them.
Individual filers: Include this form with your Form OR-40,
Oregon Individual Income Tax Return for Full-year Residents,
OR-40-N, Oregon Individual Income Tax Return for Nonresi- Do you have questions or need help?
dents, or OR-40-P, Oregon Individual Income Tax Return for Part-
year Residents, and check the box “Form OR-24.”
503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222
Corporate filers: Include this form with your Form OR-20, questions.dor@ dor.oregon.gov
Oregon Corporation Excise Tax Return, OR-20-INC, Oregon Cor-
Contact us for ADA accommodations or assistance in other
poration Income Tax Return, or OR-20-S, Oregon S Corporation
Tax Return, and check the box “Form OR-24.”
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