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Form OR-40-V Instructions
Oregon Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher Instructions
Purpose Form OR-40-V instructions
Use Form OR-40-V to mail a payment to the department Tax year. Enter the month, day, and year for the beginning
without your Oregon individual income tax return. See and end date of the tax year for this payment. For most fil-
your return instructions, Publication OR-EXT, or Publica- ers this will be January 1 through December 31 of the tax
tion OR-ESTIMATE for more information. year. Example: For tax year 2022, enter:
Begins: 01/01/2022. Ends: 12/31/2022.
Payment options Taxpayer information. Completely fill out the information
on the form. If your address has changed since the last time
Online payments: you filed a return, complete a Change of Address/Name form
You can make payments anytime at www.oregon.gov/dor. and mail it to us. Your address will not be updated using
Don’t use Form OR-40-V when paying online. information on Form OR-40-V.
Payment type. Check the appropriate box.
Mailed payments:
If you’re making an extension payment, check the “Original
Make your check, money order, or cashier’s check pay- return” box.
able to the Oregon Department of Revenue. Write “Form
If you’re making estimated tax payments, the box for enter-
OR-40-V,” your daytime phone, the last four digits of your
ing the corresponding quarter is for your records only. The
Social Security number (SSN) or individual taxpayer iden-
due dates for calendar year filers are below. If this date is a
tification number (ITIN), and the tax year on the payment.
weekend or holiday, the due date will be the next business
Don’t mail cash.
Payments mailed with a return: If you’re mailing a pay-
• April 15.
ment with your tax return, send the payment and return
• June 15.
in the same envelope and don’t use a voucher. See Form
• September 15.
OR-40 Instructions or Form OR-40-N and Form OR-40-P
• January 15.
Instructions for the mailing address to send your return and
payment. Having trouble viewing this form? If you are viewing the
voucher form electronically and you see a solid box instead
Payments mailed without a return: If you’re mailing a
of letters or numbers, adjust the view size to 100 percent
payment without your tax return, mail the payment and
and press the tab key to move through the fields.
voucher to:
Visit www.oregon.gov/dor/forms to print more vouchers.
Oregon Department of Revenue
PO Box 14950
Salem OR 97309-0950 Do you have questions or need help?
503-378-4988 or 800-356-4222
questions.dor@ oregon.gov
Contact us for ADA accommodations or assistance in other
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