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 FORM                   MARYLAND CHANGE                                                                          2022
109-B                   OF ADDRESS
                        FOR BUSINESSES

Business Name                                                             Federal Identification number

Trade Name                                                                Central Registration Number


Mailing Address - Line 1

Mailing Address - Line 2 (PO Box, Apt No., Suite No.)

City or Town                                                              State ZIP Code 

Telephone number                Fax number                   Email address


Current Mailing Address - Line 1

Current Mailing Address - Line 2 (PO Box, Apt No., Suite No.)

City or Town                                                              State ZIP Code 

Telephone number                Fax number                   Email address

Please update my address information per the information above. I certify that the foregoing information is true, correct and 
accurate to the best of my knowledge.

                                     Print name                                 Title (Owner, Partner or Officer)

                                     Signature                                  Date

 COM/RAD 109-B                  05/22

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FORM                MARYLAND CHANGE                                                           2022
109-B               OF ADDRESS
                    FOR BUSINESSES

General Information                                            For more information
You can use Form 109-B to notify the Comptroller of Maryland   Visit www.marylandtaxes.gov or call Taxpayer Services 
that you have changed your business mailing address. If you    Division at 410-260-7980 in Central Maryland or 1-800-638-
have changed both your home and business mailing addresses,    2937 from elsewhere. For the hearing impaired: Maryland 
please submit Form 109-B along with Form 109-I.                Relay Service 711.
Filling out Form 109-B                                         Mail to:
• Please print using blue or black ink.                        COMPTROLLER OF MARYLAND
• Enter OLD address information in the first section; enter    REVENUE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION
NEW address in the second section.                             TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION
                                                               PO BOX 549
• Be sure to include any apartment, room, or suite number      ANNAPOLIS MD 21404
information using the common designators as shown 
Common Designators
The most common unit designators are:
Apartment  APT
Building   BLDG
Floor      FL
Suite      STE
Unit       UNIT
Room       RM
Department DEPT
• Only enter P.O. Box information if your post office does not 
deliver mail to your street address.
• Do not use “#” signs or other special characters, except 
the dash in the “ZIP code” field when a 9-digit (+4) ZIP is 
• Please remember to sign and date the form prior to 

COM/RAD 109-B          05/22

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