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                         REGISTRATION FOR UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE TAX                                                       Job Service Use 
                         JOB SERVICE NORTH DAKOTA                                                          EAN 
                         UNEMPLOYMENT  INSURANCE                                                           ST 
                         SFN 41216 (R. 10-2021) 
                                                                                                           BY                  FR 
                                                                                                           RA              YR       -1
                                  UI TAX AND FIELD SERVICES 
                                                     PO BOX 5507                                           -2              Q        NAIC 
                                  BISMARCK NORTH DAKOTA 58506- 5507 
                                                                                                           LOC                 OWN 
                    701-328-2814  FAX: 701-328-1882  TTY RELAY ND 800-366-6888 

1. Business Name                                                                                           3. Telephone Number

2. Corporate or Legal Name                                                                                 4. Federal Employer ID (FEIN)

5. Mailing Address                                   City                            State  Z  Codeip            Website 

6. Physical Address                                  City                            State  Z  Codeip            E-mail Address

7. Is (Are) any other business(es) being operated in North Dakota by this ownership? If yes, name of business(es): 
           Yes      No 

8. Type of Ownership:
            Individual                               Partnership (Indicate type: general, LP, LLP,etc.)    
            Corporation                              Limited Liability Company (LLC) (Indicate treatment for federal income tax reporting): 
            Nonprofit Corporation                                 Disregarded Entity Partnership      Corporation          S-Corp          Don't Know 
            Government                               Indian Tribe or Wholly-Owned Entity of an Indian Tribe 
            S-Corp                                   Cooperative 

   In what state was your business originally incorporated/registered?                                     Date: 
9. List the owner(s) and all partners or corporate officers. Also, any corporate director or employee having a 20 percent or more ownership
   interest. Attach separate sheet if necessary.
                                                                                                      Social Security      Percent  
                    Name                             Address                         Title            Number               Owned    Exempt 

   In compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974, a Social Security Number is mandatory on this form pursuant to 20 CFR 666.150 and/or 
   North Dakota Century Code 52-02-02. This number is used by Job Service North Dakota for identification, federal and state tax, 
   program eligibility purposes and program performance accountability. 
10. Do you have employees working in North Dakota?                      No                  If yes, date you first employed workers or corporate 
                                                                                            officers performed services:   
Are there corporate officers performing services in North Dakota? Yes   No 
Are you an agricultural employer?                                 Yes   No 

Are you an employer who has hired a worker to                     Yes   No 
perform domestic services in a private home, local college club, 
or local chapter of a college fraternity or sorority?
   If you are a government entity, Indian tribe, or wholly-owned entity of an Indian tribe, go to Question 17. 

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SFN 41216 (1-2020) 

11. Did you acquire any part of the ND assets or business of another employer or change your business status/structure in any way?
       Yes    No    If yes, complete Schedule B. 
12. Are you liable for federal unemployment taxes (FUTA)?
       Yes    No           Don't Know     If yes, go to Question 18. You will be covered under North Dakota law as of the first day you 
                                          employ workers in this state. 

13. Are you a nonprofit organization exempt from income taxes under Section 501(c)(3), IRS Code?
       Yes    No - Go to #14          Applied For - Go to #14 
If yes, complete this section and submit a copy of your exemption letter from the IRS to Job Service North Dakota.                  You need not 
complete sections 14 and 15. 
As a nonprofit organization, have you employed four or more persons during 20 weeks of any calendar year in any state? 
    Yes       No - Go to #16 If yes, date the 20th week was first reached: 
Are you performing services for a church or an organization operated for religious purposes and controlled by a church? 
    Yes       No 
When answering Questions 14 and 15, include as employees all part-time workers and non-exempt (see Employer's Guide) corporate 
officers and limited liability company managers. Do not include spouse, children under 18 who live at home, or parents of an individual 
owner - this does not apply to corporations or limited liability companies. This exclusion applies to partnerships only if the worker has an 
exempting relationship with each partner. 
14. Enter the amount of wages you have paid in North Dakota (do not estimate or include wages earned but not paid):
                                           Jan. 1 to March 31      April 1 to June 30        July 1 to Sept. 30   Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 
              Year                        $                       $                        $                    $ 
              Year                        $                       $                        $                    $ 
              Year                        $                       $                        $                    $ 

              Year                        $                       $                        $                    $ 

15. During the 20 weeks of any calendar year, have you employed:                 If yes, date the 20th week was first reached: 
    a. One or more persons in   generalemployment?                Yes         No 

    b. Ten or more persons in  agricultural                       Yes         No 
16. If it is determined that you are not now liable for coverage, do you want to become covered voluntarily?             Yes        No 
    See NDCC 52-05-03(2) for voluntary coverage information.
    Voluntary coverage is not available if you answered no to question #10
17. Complete this section only if you are a governmental entity, Indian tribe or wholly-owned entity of an Indian tribe, or a 501(c)(3) tax
    exempt organization and answered yes to either Question 13 or 16.
    Select one of the following benefit financing options: (see NDCC 52-04-18 for benefit financing methods)
       Reimbursement of benefit payments attributable to employment with your organization. 
       Payment of taxes on your quarterly taxable payroll at the rate applicable for new employers. 
       Advanced reimbursements at a percent of your quarterly total payroll to be redetermined annually. 
Will default to Payment of Taxes: 1) if not completed and/or 2) if you have not provided an IRS exemption letter. 
           a. Do you provide educational services?            Yes   No 
           b. Is the business considered a hospital or medical facility?              Yes   No 
18. Have any individuals you do not consider employees performed services for you in North Dakota?                                  Yes      No 
    If yes, give reasons for excluding them and indicate number of persons involved:

19. Does any part of your business activity include the provision of "temporary" or "leased" workers to a client company?           Yes      No 

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SFN 41216 (1-2020) 

20. Give a specific description of your business activity in North Dakota.
    Enter on separate lines the principal product or activities of your firm. Following each item, list the percentage of sales value or receipts
    received from the product or activity; i.e., retail men's clothing, electrical construction-residential, or long haul trucking-refrigerated van.
                  Product or Activity                  Percent                                 Product or Activity             Percent 

                                                                                      %                                                        % 

      Do you perform construction services?                         Yes            No 

21. Business Locations: Enter the North Dakota addresses from which your employees work and indicate if the location is permanent or
    temporary. If you do not maintain an office in North Dakota, enter the employee's address.
                  Address                                           City                   State         Z  Codeip Telephone        Permanent  Temporary 


Name of Authorized Representative                      Title                                     Telephone Number              Email Address 

Name of Individual Completing Form                     Title                                     Telephone Number              Date 

    I certify the information on this Registration for Unemployment Insurance Tax  is true and accurate. ,

                                                   Job Service is an equal opportunity employer/program provider. 
                                      Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. 

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REGISTRATION FOR UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE TAX                               Complete Schedule B only if you answered “yes” to question 11 on form SFN 
SCHEDULE B - SUCCESSORSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE                                  41216, Registration for Unemployment Insurance Tax 
Successorship Reporting Requirement. If you acquired all or part of the organization, business, trade, or assets of another employer and will continue essentially the 
same business activity, you must provide the following information. If you made multiple acquisitions, you must file a separate Schedule B for each acquisition. Submit 
the completed Schedule B(s) along with Form SFN 41216, Registration for Unemployment Insurance Tax, to Job Service North Dakota.

UI Account Number                                                         Federal Employer Identification Number 

Former Owner's Name (required)                                            Former Owner's UI Number or FEIN, if known 

Corporate Name or DBA                                                                                            Telephone Number 

Current Street Address (not a PO Box)                                     City                                   State          Z  Codeip

                                                                                                              Percent Acquired  Date Acquired 
1. Did you acquire all, part or none of the former owner's assets?        All   Part              None 
                                                                                                              Percent Acquired  Date Acquired 
2. Did you acquire all, part or none of the former owner's workforce?     All   Part              None 
3. Did you acquire all, part or none of the former owner's North                                              Percent Acquired  Date Acquired 
 Dakota trade (customers/accounts)?                                       All   Part              None 
4. Did you acquire all, part or none of the former owner's North                                              Percent Acquired  Date Acquired 
 Dakota business (products/services)?                                     All   Part              None 
5. Was the North Dakota business being operated at the time of the                                                              Date  
 acquisition? If no, enter the date it was closed by the former owner.    Yes   No 

6. Are you continuing the North Dakota business you acquired?             Yes   No 
7. Is your North Dakota business substantially owned or controlled in
 any way by the same interests that owned or controlled the former        Yes   No 
8. Will the previous business/account continue in business in North       Yes   No                Don't Know  

9. If eligible, do you wish to continue the experience rating established Yes   N   o
 by the acquired/previous business?
 If you do and are assigned your predecessor's tax rate, your new account will also be chargeable for any benefits payable to your
 predecessor's workers.
 If you do not answer this question and it is determined that you are a liable employer, you will receive the rate normally assigned to new employers; it will
 not include the predecessor's history.

 NDCC 52-04-08.2 provides for penalties in cases where the acquisition of a business is solely or primarily for the 
 purpose of obtaining a lower unemployment insurance tax rate. Criminal and/or civil penalties apply. 
Name of Owner/Officer 

Title                                                                     Telephone Number                                      Date 

      I certify the information on SFN 41216, Schedule B, is true and accurate. 
        Go to the bottom of page 3 to submit the form. 

Notice: Wage and other confidential information collected from employers as part of the unemployment insurance process may be 
requested and utilized for other governmental purposes, including, but not limited to, verification of eligibility under other government 
programs as required by law. 

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