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One-Time Sales and Use Tax Return
Page 2 (4-2021)
General Instructions Refer to the Local Taxes by Location WATERCRAFT USE TAX –
Read each line carefully and enter Guideline on our website at www. Invoice must be attached to
amounts that apply. If the amount nd.gov/tax/salesanduse/guidelines return
is zero, please leave the line blank. for a list of cities and counties that Watercraft is subject to state
This will help ensure your information impose a local tax. This quarterly
is accurately transferred into our publication contains the local and applicable local taxes. If the
system. code, tax rate for each local taxing watercraft was purchased from an
jurisdiction. If there is a maximum out-of-state dealer and no sales
local tax cap, apply Maximum Tax tax was collected, the purchaser
Instructions - State Tax (Refund Cap). must pay use tax. Use tax is paid
directly to the Office of State Tax
Column A: This column is Each city and county
Local Code -
completed only if you report that imposes a local tax has been Commissioner based on the net
transactions for manufactured assigned a three-digit code. Enter the purchase price of the watercraft,
homes, alcohol, or new farm code for each local jurisdiction where motor(s), trailer and any accessories
machinery. you had taxable transactions. purchased as part of this transaction.
If sales tax was charged at a rate
City or County Name -
Column B: This column is used Enter less than the 5% state and applicable
to report all transactions that do the name of the city or county that
not fall into the categories listed for matches the local code entered. local taxes, tax is due on the
column A. difference. The local use tax rate is
Total Local Tax - Enter the based on where the watercraft is
Line 1 – Total Sales - Enter the amount of tax due for each location. stored.
total of all taxable and nontaxable
sales made during the period. Do not Line 8 – Net Local Tax Due - Watercraft purchased from an
include tax. Enter the total of local taxes in 7a individual not in the business of
and 7b.
Line 2 - Items Subject to Use buying and selling watercraft is
Tax - Enter the cost of taxable Line 9 – Total Due with Return considered a casual sale and is not
goods and services consumed by - Enter the total of lines 6 and 8. subject to state and local sales or use
you, but that have not been subject tax. If the watercraft was purchased
to sales or use tax. The most Watercraft Use Tax Return from an individual, please attach a
common examples are purchases Pay use tax on watercraft purchased copy of the sales receipt to the boat
where the seller did not collect sales license application and mail it directly
tax from you and removal of items from an out-of-state dealer.
from retail inventory for your own Line 2 – Enter total purchase amount to North Dakota Game and Fish. The
use. subject to use tax in receipt should include the seller’s
column B. name, address, and signature. Casual
Line 3 - Nontaxable Sales - sales do not have to be reported to
Enter the total sales on which you Line 4 – Enter total of lines 1 and 2 the Office of State Tax Commissioner.
did not collect tax. For information minus line 3.
on what constitutes a nontaxable Line 5 – Enter state tax due for Falsification of this form to
sale, please review the Exemptions evade payment of tax is a class
column B. State tax due
Guideline at www.nd.gov/tax/ A misdemeanor and may be
salesanduse/guidelines. in column B is calculated
at 5%. Multiply amount in punishable by a fine up to $15,000,
Line 4 – Taxable Balance - line 4 by 5% state tax rate. imprisonment up to one year, or
Enter the amount total of line 1 plus both.
line 2 minus line 3. Line 6 – Enter total of line 5
column B. Signature - The taxpayer or
taxpayer’s agent must sign the
Line 5 – State Tax - Multiply the Line 7 – Enter the Local Code, City
total on line 4 by the applicable state return. Please PRINT the name and
or County Name and Total
tax rate. Displayed in the column phone number of a contact person
header, 3% or 5%. Local Tax due for each city who can answer questions about the
or county for which you owe return.
Line 6 – Total State Tax - Enter local use tax. Please review
the total of line 5 column A and Local Taxes by Location Payment - Make your check
payable to North Dakota Tax
column B. Guideline for information
on local maximum tax
Instructions - Local Tax amounts. For assistance - Email
Complete each section for each Line 8 – Enter the total of lines 7a taxregistration@nd.gov or call
location where you had taxable and 7b.
transactions for the period.
Line 9 – Enter the total of lines 6 and