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                 OFFICE OF STATE TAX COMMISSIONER                                               SCHEDULE 
                 SFN 21948 (1-2023)

Business Name                                                                                   Permit Number
Contact Person                                                  Period Ending                   Telephone Number

                        Cities and Counties With And Without Compensation Allowance
               A        B          C                          D                 E                            F
         City or County                            Compensation Rate            Compensation    Net Local Tax Due
                 Tax    Local      Total Local Tax            May not exceed    Allowance       (Column C Minus
    Name         Rate   Code  (Do Not Enter Sales) Rate       Month  Quarter  (Col. C x Col. D) Column E)
Ex: Bismarck     1.5%   102        450.00          3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00    13.50           436.50
Alexander        2%     237
Anamoose         1%     220
Aneta            1%     203
Ashley           1%     162                        3% (.03)  $33.33  $100.00
Beach            2%     156
Belfield         2%     133
Berthold         1%     138
Beulah           2%     200                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
Binford          2%     246                        1.5% (.015)  $110.00  $330.00
Bisbee           2%     229                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
Bismarck         1.5%   102                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
Bottineau        2%     122                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
Bowman           2%     126
Buffalo          2%     196                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
Burleigh County  .5%    506                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
Burlington       1.5%   244
Cando            2%     161                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
Carpio           1.5%   240
Carrington       2%     124
Carson           1%     191
Cass County      .5%    501
Casselton        2%     163
Cavalier         2%     127
Center           2%     238
Cooperstown      1.5%   141
Crosby           3%     116
Devils Lake      2.5%   104                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
Dickinson        1.5%   106
Drake            2%     209
Drayton          1.5%   157
Dunseith         1%     204
Edgeley          3%     148                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
Edinburg         1%     176
Elgin            1%     179
Ellendale        2%     131                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
Enderlin         2.5%   166
Fairmount        2%     206
Fargo            2%     105
Fessenden        2%     243
Finley           2%     167
                                                                Total Local Tax Due - Page 1

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Schedule ST-Local
SFN 21948 (1-2023), Page 2

                        Cities and Counties With And Without Compensation Allowance
            A             B     C                             D                E                F
         City or County                              Compensation Rate         Compensation     Net Local Tax Due
                  Tax     Local Total Local Tax               May not exceed   Allowance        (Column C Minus
 Name             Rate    Code  (Do Not Enter Sales) Rate     Month  Quarter  (Col. C x Col. D) Column E)
Forman            1.5%    221
Fort Ransom       2%      177
Fredonia          2%      235
Gackle            1%      210
Garrison          2%      139
Glenburn          2%      219
Glen Ullin        1%      212
Grafton           2.5%    107                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
Grand Forks       2.25%   101                        5% (.05)  $166.67  $500.00
Granville         2%      225
Grenora           1%      192
Gwinner           2%      207
Halliday          1%      143
Hankinson         3%      158                        3% (.03) No maximum
Hannaford         1%      202
Harvey            2%      112                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
Harwood           2%      222
Hatton            2.5%    164
Hazelton          2%      180                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
Hazen             1.5%    134                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
Hettinger         1.5%    142
 Hettinger County .5%     508
Hillsboro         2.5%    168
Hoople            1%      172                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
Hope              2%      185
Horace            2%      239
Jamestown         2.5%    110
Kenmare           2%      117
Killdeer          2%      135
Kindred           2%      230
Kulm              2%      165
Lakota            1%      213
LaMoure           2%      149
Langdon           2%      123                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
Larimore          2%      128
Leeds             2%      234
Leonard           2%      215
Lidgerwood        3%      181
Lignite           2%      236
Lincoln           1%      242                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
Linton            2%      121                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
Lisbon            2.5%    136
Maddock           2%      193
Mandan            1.75%   108                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
Mapleton          1.5%    218
                                                                Total Local Tax Due - Page 2

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Schedule ST-Local
SFN 21948 (1-2023), Page 3

                          Cities and Counties With And Without Compensation Allowance
               A          B     C                         D                   E             F
           City or County                            Compensation Rate        Compensation  Net Local Tax Due
                 Tax      Local Total Local Tax           May not exceed      Allowance     (Column C Minus
      Name       Rate     Code  (Do Not Enter Sales) Rate Month  Quarter  (Col. C x Col. D) Column E)
 Max             1%       227
 Mayville        2%       150
 McClusky        2%       140
 McVille         2%       188
 Medina          1%       247
 Medora          2.5%     178
 Michigan        2%       187
 Milnor          2.5%     169
 Minnewaukan     2%       214
 Minot           2%       103
 Minto           1%       216                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
 Mohall          2%       114
 Morton County   .5%      507                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
 Mott            2%       153
 Munich          1%       173                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
 Napoleon        2%       144                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
 Neche           2%       201
 New England     2%       194
 New Leipzig     2%       174
 New Rockford    2.5%     145
 New Salem       2%       217
 New Town        2%       241                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
 Northwood       3%       197
 Oakes           2%       146                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
 Oxbow           1%       189
 Page            2%       208
 Park River      2%       130
 Pembina         2.5%     119
 Portland        2%       151
 Powers Lake     1%       154                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
 Ray             2%       232
 Reeder          1%       198
 Regent          2%       152
 Richardton      2.5%     159
 Rolette         2%       199
 Rolla           2%       125
 Rugby           2%       118                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
 Scranton        1%       190
 South Heart     2%       233
 St. John        1%       186                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
 Stanley         1.5%     137                        3% (.03)  $83.33  $250.00
  Steele         2.5%     147
 Steele County   1%       503
 Strasburg       2%       120                        3% (.03)  $50.00  $150.00
 Streeter        1%       223
                                                            Total Local Tax Due - Page 3

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Schedule ST-Local
SFN 21948 (1-2023), Page 4

                            Cities and Counties With And Without Compensation Allowance
              A             B                  C                D              E                                                                              F
          City or County                               Compensation Rate       Compensation                                                                   Net Local Tax Due
                 Tax        Local Total Local Tax               May not exceed Allowance                                                                      (Column C Minus
    Name         Rate       Code  (Do Not Enter Sales) Rate     Month  Quarter  (Col. C x Col. D)                                                             Column E)
 Surrey          2%         231
 Thompson        2%         245
 Tioga           2.5%       132
 Tower City      2%         195
 Towner          2%         170                        3% (.03) $50.00  $150.00
 Turtle Lake     2%         182
 Underwood       2%         211
 Valley City     2.5%       113
 Velva           2%         175
 Wahpeton        2%         111                        3% (.03) $37.50  $112.50
 Walhalla        2%         160
 Walsh County    .25%       502
 Ward County     .5%        505
 Washburn        2%         183                        3% (.03) $83.33  $250.00
 Watford City    1.5%       171                        3% (.03) $83.33  $250.00
 West Fargo      2%         129
 Westhope        2%         226
 Williams County 1%         504
 Williston       2%         109                        3% (.03) $83.33  $250.00
 Wilton          2%         184                        3% (.03) $83.33  $250.00
 Wimbledon       2%         205
 Wishek          2%         155                        3% (.03) $83.33  $250.00
 Woodworth       1%         224
 Wyndmere        3%         228
 1. Total Net Local Tax Due - Column F - Page 4 ........................................................................................................
 2. Total Local Tax Due - Page 1, 2 and 3 ....................................................................................................................
 3. Total Local Tax Due (Combine line 1 and line 2 and enter here and on line 12 of Form ST) ................................

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