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Form              North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
38-ES             Estimated Income Tax—Estates and Trusts                                                                             2019

Who must pay                                       Payment amounts and                                 Electronic funds transfer.  Pay by means 
                                                                                                        of an Automated Clearing House (ACH) 
estimated tax?                                     due dates
A fiduciary for an estate or trust must pay        In general, one‑fourth (25%) of the total            credit transaction, which the taxpayer 
estimated North Dakota income tax for the          estimated tax required to be paid (from line 14      initiates through the taxpayer’s own 
2019 tax year if all four of the following         of the worksheet) for the 2019 tax year must         banking institution.  For more information, 
conditions apply:                                  be paid by each of the following due dates:          go to www.nd.gov/tax/payment and click 
                                                                                                        on “ACH credit” at bottom of page.
1.  The fiduciary is required to pay estimated     •  1st installment      April 15, 2019
federal income tax for the 2019 tax year.          •  2nd installment       June 15, 2019             If paying electronically, do not use the 
This condition applies whether or not              •  3rd installment September 15, 2019              payment vouchers attached to this form.
the fiduciary actually makes the required          • 4th installment     January 15, 2020             Payment by check or money order.  If paying 
payment(s) of estimated tax to the Internal                                                           by check or money order, make it payable to 
Revenue Service.                                   The above due dates apply if the fiduciary’s  
                                                   tax year is a calendar year—January 1 through      “ND State Tax Commissioner.”  To ensure 
2.  The fiduciary’s net tax liability for the 2018 December 31, 2019. However, if the tax year        proper credit to the account, write the last four 
tax year was equal to or more than $1,000.         is a fiscal year, the installments are due on      digits of the federal employer identification 
Note: If the fiduciary was not required            the 15th day of the 4th, 6th, and 9th months       number (FEIN) and “2019 38‑ES” on the 
to file a North Dakota income tax return           of the current tax year, and the 15th day of       check or money order.  Detach and complete 
for the 2018 tax year, the fiduciary’s net         the 1st month of the following tax year. If        the applicable installment’s payment voucher.  
tax liability is zero for purposes of this         any installment due date falls on a Saturday,      Mail the payment and voucher to:
condition.                                         Sunday, or legal holiday, the installment is not     Office of State Tax Commissioner
3.  The fiduciary expects to owe (after            due until the next business day.                     600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 127
subtracting any estimated North Dakota             Farmer—If the fiduciary qualifies as a farmer        Bismarck, ND 58505‑0599
income tax withholding) an amount equal            for federal estimated income tax purposes for 
to or more than $1,000 for the 2019 tax            the 2019 tax year, the fiduciary may pay the       A check must be drawn on a U.S. or Canadian 
year.                                              estimated tax according to the general rules       bank, be in U.S. dollars, and use a standard 
4.  The fiduciary expects North Dakota income      explained above, or the fiduciary may pay          9‑digit routing number.  A check drawn on a 
tax withholding for the 2019 tax year to be        the full amount of the estimated tax due by        foreign bank (except one in Canada) cannot be 
less than the smaller of:                          January 15, 2020.                                  accepted.
a.  90% of the net tax liability for the 2019      Note: Regardless of the option chosen, the 
tax year.                                          fiduciary has until the regular due date to file   Underpayment or late 
Note: Substitute 66 2/3% if a qualified            the 2019 North Dakota fiduciary income tax         payment interest
farmer.  See “Farmer” under “Payment               return.                                            Interest may be charged if not enough 
amounts and due dates” later in these                                                                 estimated tax is paid, or if the payment is not 
instructions.                                      Part-year requirement—If a fiduciary for a         made on time or in the required amount. This 
                                                   nonresident estate or trust, or an estate or trust applies even if there is a refund on the North 
b.  100% of the net tax liability for the          that was created during the tax year, does not     Dakota fiduciary income tax return for the 
2018 tax year.                                     receive income from North Dakota sources           2019 tax year. Interest is calculated at the rate 
Note: If the estate or trust was not               until after the first installment due date, the    of 12% per year from the installment due date 
in existence for the entire 2018 tax               fiduciary must pay the required estimated          to the earlier of the date the estimated tax is 
year, part b does not apply; the 90%               tax in equal payments over the remaining           paid or the regular due date of the return.
threshold in part a must be applied.               installment due dates following the receipt of 
                                                   income from North Dakota sources.
                                                                                                      Need help?
How to determine the                                                                                  If you have questions or need forms, see 
estimated tax                                      How and where to pay                               page 3 of this form for how to contact us.
Complete the worksheet on page 2.  For line 1 
of the worksheet, estimate the federal taxable     Electronic payment.  For convenience and 
income using the 2019 Form 1041‑ES, the            security and knowing your payment was              Privacy Act Notification.  In compliance with the 
federal estimated tax form for estates and         timely received by our office, use one of the      Privacy Act of 1974, disclosure of a social security 
trusts. For lines 2, 4, and 7 of the worksheet,    following electronic payment options:              number or Federal Employer Identification Number 
                                                                                                      (FEIN) on this form is required under N.D.C.C. 
                                                                                                      §§ 57-01-15 and 57-38-62, and will be used for 
see the instructions to the 2018 Form 38.          ●  Online—Pay online with an electronic            tax reporting, identification, and administration of 
                                                     check or a debit or credit card.  The            North Dakota tax laws. Disclosure is mandatory. 
                                                     electronic check option is free.  A              Failure to provide the social security number or 
                                                                                                      FEIN may delay or prevent the processing of this 
                                                     convenience fee is charged by the service        form.
                                                     provider for the debit or credit card option, 
                                                     none of which goes to the State of North 
                                                     Dakota.  To pay online, go to

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2019 Form 38-ES, page 2                                                         North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner

2019 Estimated Income Tax Worksheet—Estate or Trust
  1.  Estimated federal taxable income for the 2019 tax year (from worksheet in 2019 Federal Form 1041-ES) ..........................  1  ___________________
  2.  Addition adjustments—see the instructions to the 2018 Form 38, Tax Computation Schedule, line 2, for addition
     adjustments ...............................................................................................................................................................................  2  ___________________
  3.  Balance (Add lines 1 and 2) .....................................................................................................................................................  3  ___________________
  4.  Subtraction adjustments—see the instructions to the 2018 Form 38, Tax Computation Schedule, line 4, for subtraction
     adjustments ...............................................................................................................................................................................  4  ___________________
  5.  North Dakota taxable income (Subtract line 4 from line 3) .....................................................................................................                          5  ___________________
  6.  North Dakota income tax—calculate the tax for the amount on line 5 as follows ..................................................................                                         6  ___________________
    •  If a resident estate or trust, calculate the tax using the 2019 Tax Rate Schedule below.
    •  If a nonresident estate or trust, complete lines 15 through 19 below.
  7.  Credits—see the instructions to the 2018 Form 38, page 1, line 3, for allowable credits ........................................................                                         7  ___________________
  8.  Net tax liability (Subtract line 7 from line 6) ...........................................................................................................................              8  ___________________
  9.  Estimated North Dakota income tax withholding for the 2019 tax year ..................................................................................  9  ___________________
  10.  Balance due (Subtract line 9 from line 8)  If the amount on this line is less than $1,000, stop here;
     no estimated tax is due ............................................................................................................................................................. 10  ___________________
  11.  Multiply line 8 by 90% (.90) [or 66 2/3% (.6667) if a qualified farmer] ..................................... 11  ___________________
  12.  Net tax liability from 2018 Form 38, page 1, line 4.  If no return was required for 2018,
     enter 0.  If the amount on this line is less than $1,000, stop here; no estimated tax is due .......... 12  ___________________
  13.  Enter the smaller of line 11 or line 12.  However, if the estate or trust was not in existence for the entire 2018
     tax year, enter the amount from line 11.  If line 9 is equal to or greater than the amount on this line, stop here;
     no estimated tax is due ............................................................................................................................................................. 13  ___________________
  14.  Minimum annual payment. (Subtract line 9 from line 13)  Divide this amount by four to determine the amount to
     pay on each installment due date.  See “Payment amounts and due dates” in the instructions on page 1 for the
     due dates and for exceptions to paying in four installments .................................................................................................... 14  ___________________
Nonresident estate or trust tax calculation only (lines 15 through 19)
  15.  Calculate the tax for the amount on line 5 using the 2019 Tax Rate Schedule below .............................................................                                        15  ___________________
  16.  Income from North Dakota sources.  Enter the portion of the fiduciary’s income that is
     reportable to North Dakota (except U.S. obligation interest) ...................................................... 16  ___________________
  17.  Estimated total income of fiduciary (reduced by U.S. obligation interest) ..................................      17  ___________________
  18.  North Dakota income ratio (Divide line 16 by line 17.  Round to nearest two decimal places.  If line 16 is more than
     line 17, enter 1.00) ................................................................................................................................................................... 18  ___________________
  19.  Multiply line 15 by line 18.  Enter this amount on line 6 above .............................................................................................. 19  ___________________

2019 Tax Rate Schedule

   Estate or Trust
  If North Dakota
  taxable income is:                           Your tax is equal to:
  Over But not over
  $    0  $  2,650 ............1.10% of North Dakota taxable income
    2,650       6,200 ...$  29.15  + 2.04% of amount over  $  2,650
    6,200       9,500 ...  101.57  + 2.27% of amount over             6,200
    9,500      12,950 ...  176.48  + 2.64% of amount over             9,500
   12,950 .....................267.56  + 2.90% of amount over         12,950

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2019 Form 38-ES, page 3                                                  North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner

Call                                                                     Write
Questions:  (701) 328‑1247                                                       Office of State Tax Commissioner
Forms:        (701) 328‑1243                                                     600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 127
                                                                                 Bismarck, ND 58505‑0599
If speech or hearing impaired, call us through
Relay North Dakota at 1‑800‑366‑6888.
                                                                         Walk-in assistance
                                                                         Stop in to see us in person at our main office in Bismarck. You 
E-mail                                                                   will find us in the—
Request forms, ask questions, or send messages to
us via e ‑mail at—                                                               Individual Income Tax Section
 individualtax@nd.gov                                                            State Capitol, 16th Floor
                                                                                 Monday through Friday (except holidays)
                                                                                 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Record of estimated tax payments for 2019 tax year
                                                     Check or                                Amount, if any,
  Installment         Payment                        money order                                       applied from                                                               Total
 number               due date   1     Date paid     number                      Amount paid           2018 return   2                                                            amount paid

   1               April 15, 2019

   2               June 15, 2019

   3               Sept. 15, 2019

   4               Jan. 15, 2020

 Total estimated tax paid for 2019 ...............................................................................................................................................

1 In the case of (1) a fiscal year filer, (2) a farmer, or (3) a fiduciary whose estimated tax requirement does not begin until after April 15, 2019, see 
 instructions for applicable due dates.
2 If a statement was attached to the 2018 North Dakota return electing to apply part or all of the 2018 overpayment to a quarter other than the first 
 quarter of 2019, enter the overpayment on the applicable quarter’s line.
                                       ▼ Detach here and mail with payment Form 38-ES - Fiduciary Estimated Tax Payment Voucher                                                                                                                             2019
 North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
 SFN 28723
 Do not use this voucher if paying electronically
 Name of estate or trust as it will appear on Form 38
                                                                                 Federal Employer
                                                                                 Identification Number . . . . ►
 Name of fiduciary

 Mailing address
                                                                                 Fiscal year filer: Tax year
                                                                                 ending (mm/dd/yyyy). . . . ►
 City, state, ZIP Code
                                                                                 Payment amount . . . . . ►
 • Mail payment and voucher to:  Office of State Tax Commissioner                • Make payable to:
                                                600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 127   ND State Tax Commissioner
                                                Bismarck, ND 58505-0599                                                                                                                FID
                                                                                 • Write "2019 38-ES" on check

- 4 -
 Detach here and mail with payment Form 38-ES - Fiduciary Estimated Tax Payment Voucher                                                           2019
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
SFN 28723
Do not use this voucher if paying electronically
Name of estate or trust as it will appear on Form 38
                                                                                Federal Employer
                                                                                Identification Number . . . . ►
Name of fiduciary

Mailing address
                                                                                Fiscal year filer: Tax year
                                                                                ending (mm/dd/yyyy). . . . ►
City, state, ZIP Code
                                                                                Payment amount . . . . . ►
• Mail payment and voucher to:  Office of State Tax Commissioner                • Make payable to:
                                               600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 127   ND State Tax Commissioner
                                               Bismarck, ND 58505-0599                                         FID
                                                                                • Write "2019 38-ES" on check

- 5 -
 Detach here and mail with payment Form 38-ES - Fiduciary Estimated Tax Payment Voucher                                                           2019
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
SFN 28723
Do not use this voucher if paying electronically
Name of estate or trust as it will appear on Form 38
                                                                                Federal Employer
                                                                                Identification Number . . . . ►
Name of fiduciary

Mailing address
                                                                                Fiscal year filer: Tax year
                                                                                ending (mm/dd/yyyy). . . . ►
City, state, ZIP Code
                                                                                Payment amount . . . . . ►
• Mail payment and voucher to:  Office of State Tax Commissioner                • Make payable to:
                                               600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 127   ND State Tax Commissioner
                                               Bismarck, ND 58505-0599                                         FID
                                                                                • Write "2019 38-ES" on check

- 6 -
 Detach here and mail with payment Form 38-ES - Fiduciary Estimated Tax Payment Voucher                                                           2019
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
SFN 28723
Do not use this voucher if paying electronically
Name of estate or trust as it will appear on Form 38
                                                                                Federal Employer
                                                                                Identification Number . . . . ►
Name of fiduciary

Mailing address
                                                                                Fiscal year filer: Tax year
                                                                                ending (mm/dd/yyyy). . . . ►
City, state, ZIP Code
                                                                                Payment amount . . . . . ►
• Mail payment and voucher to:  Office of State Tax Commissioner                • Make payable to:
                                               600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 127   ND State Tax Commissioner
                                               Bismarck, ND 58505-0599                                         FID
                                                                                • Write "2019 38-ES" on check

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