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                    SFN 28708 (12-2022)                                                              Schedule ND-1QEC

                                                                                                          Attach to Form ND-1
Taxpayer's Name As Shown On Return                                                        Your Social Security Number

 If you are only carrying over an unused credit from 2019, 2020, or 2021, skip lines 1 through 5, and go to line 6.
Qualified endowment fund information
1.  Enter the name, address, and the total amount contributed for each qualified endowment fund to which you contributed
    at least $5,000 during the 2022 tax year.
       Attach a letter or other documentation obtained from the qualified nonprofit organization holding the qualified
        endowment fund that states it and the fund meet the requirements under N.D.C.C. § 57-38-01.21.
                (a)                                         (b)                                       (c)             (d)
        Name of qualified                                   Address                            Border state          Total amount
        endowment fund                            (number, street, city, state, ZIP code)      organization          contributed

Calculation of credit
2.  Total amount contributed. Add the amounts in column (d) of line 1                                     2
3.  If married filing jointly, enter $50,000; otherwise, enter $25,000                                    3
4.  Amount of contribution eligible for credit. Enter smaller of line 2 or line 3                         4
5.  2022 credit. Multiply line 4 by 40% (.40)                                                             5
6.  Unused credit carryover, if any, from prior tax year(s)                                               6
7.  Total available credit. Add lines 5 and 6                                                             7
8.  Amount of line 7 used to reduce tax in 2022. See instructions. Enter this amount on
    Schedule ND-1TC, line 15a                                                                             8
9.  Unused credit carryover to 2023 tax year                                                              9

Adjustment to North Dakota taxable income
       If there's an amount on line 5 of this schedule and you are also claiming a planned gift credit on Schedule ND-1PG, line 7, or
        an endowment fund credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1, do not complete lines 10 through 16 below; instead, see the
        instructions to Form ND-1, line 4.
10. For federal tax purposes, did you complete and attach Schedule A to your 2022 Form 1040 or
    1040-SR? If yes, enter the portion of the contribution (on line 2 of this Schedule ND-1QEC)
    that you were allowed to deduct on Schedule A. If no, skip lines 10 through 12 and go to line 13      10
11. a.  Enter the amount from Schedule A (Form 1040 or 1040-SR), line 17          11a
  b.  Enter the federal standard deduction that you would have been allowed
      on your 2022 Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 12, had you not itemized
      deductions on Schedule A (Form 1040 or 1040-SR) - see instructions          11b
  c. Subtract line 11b from line 11a.  If result is less than zero, enter 0                          11c
12. Enter smaller of line 4, line 10, or line 11c                                                         12
13. If line 2 includes an amount transferred from an IRA under I.R.C. § 408(d)(8), enter that
    amount on this line - see instructions. Otherwise, enter -0- on line 15 and go to line 16             13
14. Subtract line 12 from line 4                                                                          14
15. Enter smaller of line 13 or line 14                                                                   15
16. Adjustment amount. Add lines 12 and 15. Enter this amount on Form ND-1, line 4                        16

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 2022 Schedule ND-1QEC
SFN 28708 (12‑2022), Page 2

General instructions                     4. Is located outside North Dakota;      is less than $5,000. Only enter the 
                                         and                                      information for Qualified Endowment 
An individual is allowed an income 
tax credit for making one or more        5. Is located within five miles          Fund A on Schedule ND‑1QEC.
charitable contributions totaling at     of a North Dakota city with a            Example 4—A taxpayer makes a 
least $5,000 to a qualified endowment    population of 5,000 or more that         charitable contribution of $500 at 
fund.                                    does not have a hospital.                the beginning of each month to 
If the entire credit cannot be used on   No double benefit. A charitable          Qualified Endowment Fund A for a total 
the 2022 return, the unused portion      contribution that is the basis for this  contribution of $6,000 for the tax year. 
may be carried over and used on          credit may not be used as the basis for  Because the total amount contributed 
subsequent tax years’ returns for up to  any other tax credit allowed for North   to Qualified Endowment Fund A is at 
three years.                             Dakota income tax purposes.              least $5,000, the tax credit is allowed 
                                                                                  on the entire $6,000. Enter the 
Qualified endowment fund. A                                                       information for Qualified Endowment 
qualified endowment fund means           Specific line instructions               Fund A on Schedule ND‑1QEC.
a permanent, irrevocable fund that 
meets all of the following:              Line 1                                   Line 6
 1. It is held by a qualified nonprofit  In columns a and b, enter the            Enter the allowable portion of an 
   organization (defined below) or       name and address of each qualified       unused qualified endowment fund 
   by a bank or trust company on         endowment fund to which you made         credit, if any, based on contributions 
   behalf of a qualified nonprofit       one or more charitable contributions     made in the 2019 through 2021 tax 
   organization.                         totaling at least $5,000 during the      years.
                                         2022 tax year. See below for examples 
 2. It is comprised of cash, securities, of the application of the $5,000         Line 8
   mutual funds, or other investment     minimum contribution requirement.        Enter on this line only that portion of 
   assets.                               In column c, fill in the circle if the   the total available credit on line 7 that 
 3. It is established for a specific     qualified endowment fund is held by a    is used to reduce the tax on the 2022 
   religious, educational, or other      border state organization - see “Border  return. For example, if the available 
   charitable purpose.                   state organization” under “Qualified     credit on line 7 is $1,000, but only 
 4. It may expend only the income        nonprofit organization.” In column d,    $400 is needed to reduce the tax to 
   generated by, or the increase in      enter the total amount contributed to    zero, enter $400 on line 8.
   value of, the assets contributed to   the qualified endowment fund.
   it.                                   Example 1—A taxpayer makes one or        Line 9
Qualified nonprofit organization. A      more charitable contributions totaling   Enter the portion of an unused 
qualified nonprofit organization means   $4,000 to Qualified Endowment            endowment fund tax credit, if any, 
an organization that meets either of     Fund A. Because the total amount         based on qualified contributions made 
the following sets of criteria:          contributed is less than $5,000,         in the 2020 through 2022 tax years 
                                         none of it qualifies for the credit.     that is being carried over to the 2023 
  North Dakota-based organization.      Do not enter any information for         tax year.
   An organization is a qualified        Qualified Endowment Fund A on 
   nonprofit organization if it:         Schedule ND‑1QEC.                        Line 11b
   1. Is incorporated in North Dakota,                                            To determine the amount of the federal 
                                         Example 2—A taxpayer makes one or 
      or has an established location in                                           standard deduction to enter on this 
                                         more charitable contributions totaling 
      North Dakota;                                                               line, see the instructions to the 2022 
                                         $4,000 to Qualified Endowment            Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 12.
   2. Is tax-exempt under I.R.C.         Fund A and one or more charitable 
      § 501(c); and                      contributions totaling $1,000 to         Line 13
   3. Is a charitable donee              Qualified Endowment Fund B. Because      If the amount on line 2 includes a 
      organization as defined under      the total amount contributed to each     charitable contribution made to a 
      I.R.C. § 170.                      fund is less than $5,000, none of the    qualified endowment fund by means of 
                                         contributions qualify for the credit. Do a trustee-to-donee transfer of monies 
  Border state organization. An         not enter any information for either of  from an individual retirement account 
   organization is a qualified nonprofit the funds on Schedule ND‑1QEC.           (IRA) under Internal Revenue Code 
   organization if it:
                                         Example 3—A taxpayer makes one or        section 408(d), enter that amount 
   1. Is tax-exempt under I.R.C.         more charitable contributions totaling   on this line. A charitable contribution 
      § 501(c);                          $5,000 to Qualified Endowment            made in this manner reduces federal 
   2. Is a charitable donee              Fund A and one or more charitable        taxable income because the transferred 
      organization as defined under      contributions totaling $1,000 to         monies, which would be subject to 
      I.R.C. § 170;                      Qualified Endowment Fund B. Only         federal income tax had they not been 
   3. Supports or benefits a hospital,   the $5,000 contributed to Qualified      contributed, are excluded from federal 
      nursing home, or medical center,   Endowment Fund A qualifies for the       taxable income. To the extent these 
      or any combination of these;       credit. The $1,000 contributed to        monies are the basis for the qualified 
                                         Qualified Endowment Fund B does          endowment fund tax credit, they must 
                                         not qualify for the credit because it    be added back into North Dakota 
                                                                                  taxable income.

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