2021 NORTH DAKOTA SCHEDULE RZ BOOKLET RENAISSANCE ZONE ACT EXEMPTIONS AND TAX CREDITS Photo credit: ND Tourism Schedule RZ is a supplemental form that must be completed and attached to the North Dakota tax return by taxpayers claiming an income exemption or tax credit under the North Dakota Renaissance Zone Act. RYAN RAUSCHENBERGER Tax Commissioner WWW.ND.GOV/TAX |
Renaissance Zone Program Where to get help Under the Renaissance Zone Program (N.D.C.C. ch. 40-63), a city may establish a If you have questions about the renaissance zone, a designated area within the city in which income tax and property tax tax incentives under the Act or the incentives are available to taxpayers who purchase, lease, or improve real estate in the completion of Schedule RZ: zone, or invest in a renaissance fund organization. Call Division of Community Services Individuals 701-328-1247 The North Dakota Commerce Department’s Division of Community Services administers Partnerships, 701-328-1258 the establishment and operation of a zone. For information on the Program in general, a S corporations list of North Dakota cities with an approved zone, and contact information for each zone trusts, and estates city, contact the Division of Community Services as follows: C corporations and 701-328-1249 Website: www.communityservices.nd.gov financial institutions Phone: 701.328.5300 Speech or hearing impaired—call Relay Office address: 1600 E. Century Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58503 North Dakota at 1-800-366-6888 Reminders Email The following apply to taxpayers claiming a tax incentive under the Renaissance Zone Individuals, estates, trusts, partnerships, Program: and S corporations— individualtax@nd.gov • Tax incentive disclosure—If requested by the chairman of North Dakota’s Legislative C corporations and financial Management or a standing committee of the North Dakota Legislature, the Tax institutions— Commissioner must disclose the amount of any tax deduction or tax credit earned or corptax@nd.gov claimed by a taxpayer. The taxpayer’s name, federal identification number, or any other confidential information will not be disclosed. This applies to deductions and credits Write earned or claimed after July 31, 2017. ND Office of State Tax Commissioner 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 127 • State and local tax clearance requirements—Starting August 1, 2017, certain state Bismarck, ND 58505-0599 and local tax incentives may not be granted to, or claimed, by a taxpayer unless the taxpayer has satisfied all state and local tax obligations and tax liens of record for Website taxes owed to North Dakota or a political subdivision. In certain cases, a taxpayer www.nd.gov/tax may have to obtain a state or local tax clearance record. For more information, see the State and Local Tax Clearance Requirements Guideline on the Office of State Tax Commissioner’s website. Contents Renaissance Zone Program ................................................................................. This page Where to get help ................................................................................................ This page General information .......................................................................................................... 1 General and specific instructions for: Part 1: Business or investment income exemption ...................................................... 3 Part 2: Business purchase or expansion tax credit ....................................................... 6 Part 3: Single-family residence tax credit ....................................................................7 Part 4: Historic property preservation or renovation tax credit ...................................8 Part 5: Renaissance fund organization investment tax credit ...................................... 9 Part 6: Nonparticipating property owner credit ......................................................... 10 Instructions for calculating the zone apportionment factor ........................................ 11 |
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 2021 Schedule RZ instructions Renaissance fund organization— The information in the final zone project means an entity established by a city for approval letter will be needed to complete 2021 the sole purpose of raising funds to invest Schedule RZ. A copy of the final zone in and provide financing to zone projects project approval letter must be attached to Schedule RZ and other projects located in a renaissance the North Dakota income tax return along zone. with Schedule RZ. instructions Taxpayer—means an individual, estate, For certain projects, the Division trust, corporation, passthrough entity, of Community Services will issue a General or other entity subject to North Dakota preliminary approval letter. The purpose information income tax under N.D.C.C. ch. 57-38. of the preliminary letter is to allow the Zone—means a state-approved taxpayer to proceed with the eligible renaissance zone created under the Act. transaction or begin the rehabilitation Purpose of form work. The final zone project approval letter Schedule RZ is a supplemental schedule Zone project—means a qualifying is issued after the Division of Community that must be completed by a taxpayer transaction with respect to a parcel of Services determines that the project has claiming any of the income tax incentives property that is approved by both the satisfied the criteria for eligibility. available under the North Dakota local zone authority and the North Dakota Renaissance Zone Act. All five pages Commerce Department’s Division of Passthrough entity. In the case of a of Schedule RZ must be attached to the Community Services. passthrough entity, the copy of the zone taxpayer’s North Dakota income tax return. Zone project property—means the project approval letter must be attached to portion of a parcel of property that has the passthrough entity’s income tax return. For detailed information about the been approved as a zone project. The owners of the passthrough entity available income tax incentives under do not attach a copy of the zone project the Act, see the Renaissance Zone Tax Eligibility for tax incentives approval letter to their North Dakota tax Incentives Guideline on the Office of Except for the tax credit for investing in a returns. State Tax Commissioner’s web site at renaissance fund organization, eligibility www.nd.gov/tax. for the tax incentives is dependent on Passthrough entity having a zone project. If the taxpayer is a passthrough entity, Definitions the amount of the exemption or credit Zone project Unless stated otherwise in these must be determined at the passthrough A taxpayer must apply to the local zone instructions, the following definitions entity level and passed through to the authority for approval of a proposed apply: owners according to their respective transaction as a zone project. For more interests in the entity. Schedule RZ must Act—means the Renaissance Zone information on eligible transactions and be completed by the entity and attached to Act under North Dakota Century Code how to apply for a zone project, contact the Form 58 or Form 60. The total amount of ch. 40 -63. local zone authority for the zone in which the exemption or credit must be reported Local zone authority—means the the project will be located prior to entering on Schedule K of the applicable return. governing body of the city in which the the transaction. Each owner’s share of the exemption or zone is located, or the entity designated credit must be reported on North Dakota by the city governing body to promote, Zone project approval letter Schedule K-1. See the instructions to develop, and manage the zone. Upon final approval of a zone project, the Form 58 or Form 60 for more information. North Dakota Commerce Department’s Parcel of property—means a specific Division of Community Services will issue Exception for certain S corporations. In piece of real property consisting of land a final zone project approval letter to the the case of an S corporation that is being and the buildings, fixtures, structures, and local zone authority, a copy of which is taxed as a C corporation under an election improvements affixed to the land. also provided to the taxpayer. Among other pursuant to N.D.C.C. § 57-38-01.35, the Passthrough entity—means an things, the letter will include the following: business or investment income exemption S corporation, limited liability company Project number assigned to the project under the Act is claimed as a deduction on • not taxed as a corporation, general by the local zone authority. the corporation’s North Dakota income tax partnership, limited partnership, limited return (Form 40) and is passed through liability partnership, limited liability • Description of the tax incentive(s) limited partnership, or similar entity that allowed for the project. (This does not to its shareholders according to their passes its income, deductions, and credits include any property tax exemption that respective interests in the corporation. The to its owners. However, it does not include may be granted at the local government credits under the Act, however, may not a cooperative or a real estate investment level.) be passed through to the shareholders. On or before the due date or extended due date trust. • The starting date of the 5-year of Form 40, the corporation must provide exemption or credit period, if each of its shareholders with a notice applicable. containing the following: 1 |
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 2021 Schedule RZ instructions • The heading: Renaissance Zone Priority of exemptions 1. Tax credits that may not be carried back Shareholder Notice. and credits or carried forward to another tax year. • The statement: This notice contains A taxpayer may qualify for more than one 2. Tax credits that may be carried back. information that is important to the tax incentive under the Act. If a taxpayer 3. Tax credits that may be carried forward. preparation of your North Dakota qualifies for both an income exemption income tax return. For instructions on and a tax credit under the Act, the income Note: In the case of an individual, the how to report this information on your exemption must be applied first to credit for income tax paid to another state North Dakota income return, obtain determine North Dakota taxable income. must be applied first in all cases. Schedule RZ from the North Dakota Then the tax credit must be subtracted Office of State Tax Commissioner. from the tax calculated on North Dakota Property tax clearance Attach a copy of this notice to your taxable income. requirement North Dakota income tax return. North Dakota Century Code § 57-01-15.1 Multiple income exemptions • Name, address, and federal employer If a business qualifies for both the business provides that, before certain state tax identification number (FEIN) of the income exemption under the Act and incentives may be claimed, a taxpayer corporation. the new or expanding business income must obtain a property tax clearance record • Tax year of the corporation to which the exemption under N.D.C.C. ch. 40-57.1, the from each North Dakota county in which income exemption relates. following steps apply: the taxpayer holds a 50 percent or more ownership interest in real property. The • Name and social security number (or 1. Choose which of the two exemptions to property tax clearance record(s) must be FEIN) of the shareholder. apply first. attached to the North Dakota income tax • Shareholder’s share of the business or 2. Calculate the amount of the return on which the incentive is claimed. investment income exemption. exemption to be applied first by The income exemptions and tax credits Passthrough entity owner. If you own multiplying the total North Dakota claimed on Schedule RZ are subject to this an interest in a passthrough entity, the net income of the business by the first requirement. For more information and the entity must provide you with a North exemption’s apportionment factor (see procedure for meeting this requirement, Dakota Schedule K-1 showing your share “Apportionment factor” below). see the instructions to the applicable North of the entity’s income exemption or tax 3. Subtract the amount of the first Dakota income tax form as follows: credit. However, if you are a shareholder exemption (determined in step 2) from In the case See instructions to: of an S corporation that elected to be the total North Dakota net income of the of: taxed as a C corporation under N.D.C.C. business to determine the amount of the § 57-38-01.35, you will receive a North Dakota net income that remains. Form ND-1 Sch. ND-1SA (exemption) or Sch. ND-1TC (credit) Renaissance Zone Shareholder Notice 4. Calculate the amount of the exemption instead of a North Dakota Schedule K-1, to be applied second by multiplying the Form 38 Form 38, Tax Computation which will show your share of the remaining North Dakota net income Schedule (exemption) or corporation’s income exemption only. (determined in step 3) by the second Sch. 38-TC (credit) If you receive a North Dakota exemption’s apportionment factor (see Form 40 Form 40, pg. 1 (exemption) Schedule K-1 or Renaissance Zone “Apportionment factor” below). or Sch. TC (credit) Shareholder Notice, claim your share of Apportionment factor. For purposes Form 58 Schedule K the income exemption or tax credit on your of steps 2 and 4, the exemption’s Form 60 Schedule K North Dakota income tax return as follows: apportionment factor means the: 1. Enter your share of the exemption • Zone apportionment factor in the case Disclosure notification or credit on the applicable line of of the business income exemption under Upon written request from the chairman Schedule RZ. A separate line is the Renaissance Zone Act. See page 11 of a North Dakota legislative standing provided in Parts 1, 4, 5, and 6 of for details. committee or Legislative Management, Schedule RZ on which to report an • Apportionment factor prescribed under the law requires the Office of State Tax exemption or tax credit passed through N.D. Admin. Code § 81-03-01.1-06 Commissioner to disclose the amount of to you by a passthrough entity. Also in the case of the new or expanding any deduction or credit claimed on a tax complete Part 7 of Schedule RZ. business income exemption under return. Any other confidential information, N.D.C.C. ch. 40-57.1. such as a taxpayer’s name, social security 2. Attach Schedule RZ and a copy of number, or federal employer identification the North Dakota Schedule K-1 or Multiple tax credits number, may not be disclosed. Renaissance Zone Shareholder Notice If you qualify for more than one tax credit to your North Dakota income tax return. under North Dakota law (including the Act), the credits must be applied in the following order: 2 |
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 2021 Schedule RZ instructions through the end of the 60-month period. zone project primarily consists of the The exemption is allowed over the entire expansion of an existing building. See the Instructions for 60-month exemption period even though instructions to Part 1, lines 8 through 15, the life of the renaissance zone itself of Schedule RZ for the calculation of the Part 1 expires before the end of the 60-month exemption amount. period. Investment use property. If the zone Business or Change in qualifying use. If the zone project property is used for investment investment project property ceases to be used for its purposes, the amount of the exemption qualifying business or investment purpose, equals the actual net income derived income the taxpayer is ineligible for the exemption from the zone project property during starting with the first day of the month in the portion of the tax year the taxpayer exemption which the property’s use changes. is eligible for the exemption. For this purpose, investment income means: Transfer of zone project property. The business or investment income exemption • Net rental income from the lease of the property. and its 60-month exemption period attach General instructions to the zone project property. If the zone • Taxable portion of a gain from the sale project property is transferred to another or exchange of the property during the Who should complete taxpayer before the property’s 60-month exemption period. In the case of an Complete Part 1 if the incentive allowed exemption period expires, the exemption installment sale contract, the taxpayer for the zone project, as specified in the and the unused portion of the 60-month may exempt the taxable portion of the zone project approval letter, is the business exemption period transfer with the gain recognized in each tax year over or investment income exemption. property. The taxpayer who transfers the the life of the contract, even though property is ineligible for the exemption the 60-month exemption period or the If there is more than one project for which renaissance zone itself expires before starting on the first day of the month of this exemption is allowed, complete a all installments are received. However, disposition. If the property is transferred separate Schedule RZ, Part 1, for each interest income derived from the to a taxpayer who also qualifies for the project. installment sale contract is not eligible business or investment income exemption The business or investment income with respect to the property, the taxpayer for the exemption. exemption may be claimed on the acquiring the property is eligible for the The exemption is allowed only to the following forms— exemption for the unexpired portion of the extent that the investment income is 60-month exemption period starting on the In the case included in North Dakota taxable income. first day of the month of acquisition. of a(n): Form In addition, if the zone project primarily Individual ND-1 consists of an expansion of an existing Estate or trust 38 Amount of income building, the exemption amount is limited C corporation 40 exemption to an amount attributable to the expanded The amount of income that may be portion of the building. See the instructions If the taxpayer is a passthrough entity, see exempted is dependent on whether the to Part 1, line 16, of Schedule RZ for the “Passthrough entity” on page 1. zone project property is used for business calculation of the exemption amount. Optional credit election. If certain or investment purposes. The property is Maximum exemption amount per year. conditions are met, an individual considered used for business purposes if it In any tax year, a taxpayer may exempt (Form ND-1) filer who qualifies for the is used in an occupation, trade, profession, no more than $500,000 of eligible income business income exemption may elect to or commercial or mercantile enterprise. derived from zone projects approved on or claim a tax credit in lieu of the business Property is used for investment purposes after August 1, 2013. The eligible income income exemption. See the instructions to if the property is not part of or used in the amounts attributable to zone projects Part 2 (Business purchase or expansion tax regular course of any trade or business of approved on or after August 1, 2013, credit) on page 6 for details. If the election the taxpayer. Unless a taxpayer can show that are derived from all business and is made, do not complete Part 1; instead, otherwise, any property that is purchased, investment interests held by the taxpayer complete Part 2. leased, or rehabilitated by a passthrough during the tax year must be combined for entity will be presumed to be used for purposes of this limitation. Five-year exemption period business purposes. The exemption is allowed in each year of Business use property. If the zone project Specific line a five-year exemption period that begins property is used for business purposes, instructions on the date specified in the zone project the amount of the exemption depends on approval letter. The five-year exemption the location of the real property (owned • If the taxpayer directly owns or leases period is a period of sixty consecutive or leased) by the business, the portion of the zone project property, complete months. Once the 60-month exemption the tax year the taxpayer is eligible for lines 1 through 17 of Part 1. period begins to run, it runs uninterrupted the exemption, and whether or not the 3 |
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 2021 Schedule RZ instructions • If the taxpayer owns an interest in Line 8 If the corporation’s shareholders include a passthrough entity, and Part 1 of North Dakota business income both residents and nonresidents of Schedule RZ is being completed If the taxpayer qualified for the North Dakota, calculate the amount only to claim the taxpayer’s share investment income exemption, do not to enter on this line by combining the of a business or investment income enter any of the investment income on amounts calculated for the shareholders exemption amount shown on a North this line—see line 16. as follows: Dakota Schedule K-1 received from the Full-year resident individual, estate, passthrough entity, skip lines 1 through If the taxpayer is claiming both the 17, and enter the exemption amount on business income exemption under the or trust—Include the shareholder’s lines 18 and 19 of Part 1. Include a copy Act and the new or expanding business amount from Form 60, Schedule KS, of the North Dakota Schedule K-1 with income exemption under N.D.C.C. Column 5. Schedule RZ. See “Passthrough entity ch. 40‑57.1, see “Multiple income Full-year nonresident individual, owner” on page 2 of these instructions exemptions” on page 2 before completing estate, or trust—Include the for more information. this line. shareholder’s amount from Form 60, Schedule KS, Column 6. If the business incurred a net loss, enter Line 1 zero. Otherwise, enter a net income as Part-year resident individual— Enter the project number assigned to the follows: Include the sum of the shareholder’s zone project by the local zone authority, as amounts attributable to the resident and • Resident individual—For a resident shown on the final zone project approval nonresident portions of the tax year. To individual filing North Dakota letter. If the taxpayer does not have a copy calculate the amount for the resident Form ND-1, enter the amount from of the final zone project approval letter, portion of the tax year, multiply the Federal Form 1040, Schedule C or contact the local zone authority to obtain shareholder’s amount from Form 60, Schedule C-EZ. one. Attach a copy of the final zone Schedule KS, Column 5, by a ratio project approval letter to the North • Nonresident or part-year resident equal to the number of months the Dakota return. individual—For a nonresident or shareholder was a resident of North part-year resident individual filing Dakota divided by 12 months. To Line 3 North Dakota Form ND-1, enter the calculate the amount for the nonresident Enter the street address of the zone project amount from Schedule ND-1NR, line 3, portion of the tax year, first multiply the property. Include the apartment, suite, or Column B. shareholder’s amount from Form 60, other unit number, if applicable. Do not • C corporation—For a C corporation Schedule KS, Column 5, by a ratio enter a post office box number. filing North Dakota Form 40, enter equal to the number of months the the amount from Form 40, page 1, shareholder was a nonresident of Line 4 line 6. However, if Schedule CR was North Dakota divided by 12 months, If the taxpayer qualified for more than one completed, enter the amount from and then multiply this result by the zone project at the same street address, Schedule CR, Part 1, line 6 of the apportionment factor from Form 60, check the “Yes” box and enter the project applicable column. Schedule FACT, line 14. numbers for all of them on the line • S corporation—For an S corporation • Partnership—For a partnership filing provided on the schedule. filing North Dakota Form 60 that carries North Dakota Form 58 that carries on on 100 percent of its business in North 100 percent of its business in North Note: If the taxpayer has more than Dakota, enter the amount from Form 60, Dakota, enter the amount from Form 58, one zone project for which the taxpayer Schedule KS, line 1. Schedule KP, line 1. qualifies for the business or investment Regardless of where the corporation Regardless of where the partnership income exemption, complete a separate carries on its business, if all of its carries on its business, if all of its Schedule RZ, Part 1, for each project. Add shareholders are full-year residents of partners are individuals, estates, and the separately calculated amounts and North Dakota, enter the amount from trusts that are full-year residents of enter the total in Part 7, line 1, of one of Form 60, Schedule KS, line 1. North Dakota, enter the amount from the schedules. If the corporation carries on its Form 58, Schedule KP, line 1. Line 7 business both within and without North If the partnership carries on its Enter the exemption period start date for Dakota (and is required to complete business both within and without North the zone project, as shown on the final lines 1 through 14 of Schedule FACT, Dakota (and is required to complete zone project approval letter. This date Form 60), and all of the shareholders lines 1 through 14 of Schedule FACT, establishes the beginning of the five-year are full-year nonresidents of North Form 58), and all of the partners are (60-month) exemption period that applies Dakota, multiply the amount from individuals, estates, and trusts that to the zone project. This date does not Form 60, Schedule KS, line 1, by the are full-year nonresidents of North change even if the property is transferred apportionment factor from Form 60, Dakota, multiply the amount from to another taxpayer. See “Five-year Schedule FACT, line 14, and enter the Form 58, Schedule KP, line 1, by the exemption period” on page 3 for more result. apportionment factor from Form 58, information. Schedule FACT, line 14, and enter the 4 result. |
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 2021 Schedule RZ instructions If the partnership’s partners include Lines 9a through 9h Lines 14a through 14c different types of partners—resident Zone apportionment factor Exemption period limitation individual, nonresident individual, (business income only) (business income only) corporation, etc.—calculate the amount If all of the taxpayer’s business real Full-year eligibility. If the taxpayer is to enter on this line by combining the property in North Dakota is located at the eligible for the exemption for the entire amounts calculated for the partners as zone project location, skip lines 9a through tax year, skip lines 14a and 14b, and enter follows: 9g and enter “1.000000” on line 9h. Then “1.000000” on line 14c. Then go to line 15. go to line 10. Full-year resident individual, estate, This applies if all of the following apply: or trust—Include the partner’s amount If only a portion of the taxpayer’s business • The taxpayer is eligible for the business from Form 58, Schedule KP, Column 5. real property in North Dakota is located income exemption as of the beginning Full-year nonresident individual, at the zone project location, complete of the tax year. See “Five-year estate, trust—Include the partner’s lines 9a through 9g to calculate the zone exemption period” on page 3. amount from Form 58, Schedule KP, apportionment factor to enter on line 9h. • The taxpayer used the zone project Column 6. The instructions for lines 9a through 9g are property in the business for the entire on page 11 of these instructions. tax year. Part-year resident individual— Include the sum of the partner’s Real property includes leaseholds, i.e., real • The 60-month exemption period did amounts attributable to the resident property that the taxpayer is leasing and not expire during the tax year. This and nonresident portions of the tax using in the business. condition is satisfied if the 60th month year. To calculate the amount for the If the zone project consists of the lease of of the exemption period falls in the last resident portion of the tax year, multiply space in a building for business purposes, month of the tax year or later. the partner’s amount from Form 58, and the taxpayer had previously qualified The taxpayer is Partial year eligibility. Schedule KP, Column 5, by a ratio for a zone project for leasing space in the eligible for the business income exemption equal to the number of months the same building for use in the same business, for only part of the tax year if any of the partner was a resident of North Dakota complete lines 9a through 9h. For purposes following apply: divided by 12 months. To calculate the of completing lines 9a through 9h, do not amount for the nonresident portion of include the previously leased space or • The taxpayer became eligible for the the tax year, first multiply the partner’s its contents in Column B (Zone project business income exemption during the amount from Form 58, Schedule KP, property location). tax year in a month other than the first Column 5, by a ratio equal to the month of the tax year. See “Five-year number of months the partner was a Lines 11a through 11c exemption period” on page 3. nonresident of North Dakota divided Expansion limitation factor • The taxpayer sold the zone project by 12 months, and then multiply this (business income only) property, terminated the lease on the result by the apportionment factor from If the primary purpose of the zone project zone project property, or permanently Form 58, Schedule FACT, line 14. is the expansion of an existing building withdrew the zone project property that the taxpayer owned and used for from use in the business during the tax Corporation partner—If a partner is a business purposes prior to applying for the year. corporation, contact the Office of State zone project, complete lines 11a through • The maximum 60-month exemption Tax Commissioner, Corporation Income 11c. For this purpose, an “expansion” period allowed for the zone project Tax Section, for information on how to means adding physical square footage to property expired during the tax year, determine the amount to include. an existing building to increase the amount and the 60th month is a month other • Fiduciary—For a fiduciary filing of usable space within the building. than the last month of the tax year. North Dakota Form 38 that operates a Generally, the type of qualifying If any of the above conditions apply, business as a sole proprietorship, enter transaction which may involve an complete lines 14a through 14c to calculate the net income from Schedule C or expansion is a purchase with major an exemption period eligibility factor. Schedule C-EZ (Form 1040) attached to improvements (see line 5, item b) or a Enter on line 14a the smaller of the Federal Form 1041. qualified rehabilitation (see line 5, item d). following: Note: For a nonresident estate or trust, If the primary purpose of the zone project • Number of months the taxpayer was enter only that portion of the net income is to make improvements to, or rehabilitate, eligible for the exemption during the tax from Schedule C or Schedule C-EZ the existing building, and any expansion of year. (Form 1040) that is attributable to the existing building is only incidental to North Dakota. the larger project, the zone project will not • Number of months the taxpayer owned be considered an expansion for purposes of or leased the zone project property this limitation. In this case, skip lines 11a during the tax year. If the taxpayer and 11b, and enter “1.000000” on line 11c. acquired the zone project property Then go to line 12. during the tax year, include the month 5 |
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 2021 Schedule RZ instructions of acquisition. If the taxpayer disposed If the primary purpose of the zone project • The underlying purpose of the zone of the zone project property during is to make improvements to, or rehabilitate, project is to purchase, expand, or make the tax year, exclude the month of the existing building, and any expansion of leasehold improvements to the business. disposition. the existing building is only incidental to • The zone project is located in a • Number of months the zone project the larger project, the zone project will not renaissance zone city with a population property was used in the business be considered an expansion for purposes of of no more than 2,500. during the tax year. If the taxpayer put this limitation. • The zone project’s cost is over $75,000. the zone project property into use in the If the expansion project limitation applies, • The individual elects to claim the business during the tax year, include complete the following worksheet to business purchase or expansion credit in the month in which the zone project calculate the amount to enter on this line: lieu of the business income exemption property was first put into use in the business. If the taxpayer removed the 1. Total eligible (in Part 1 of Schedule RZ). zone project property from use in the investment income ..........1__________ Making the election. To make the business during the tax year, exclude 2. Square footage added election, complete Part 2 of Schedule RZ the month in which the zone project by project .........................2__________ and attach Schedule RZ to Form ND-1. property was permanently removed Do not complete Part 1. For the election to from use in the business. 3. Total square footage be valid, Form ND-1 must be filed on or of building after before its due date or extended due date. Line 16 expansion.........................3__________ The election is irrevocable and binding North Dakota investment income over the zone project’s five-year exemption 4. Divide line 2 by If the taxpayer qualified for the investment period. line 3 ................................4__________ income exemption, enter the following on this line: 5. Investment income Amount of tax credit • Rents, less related expenses, from the exemption. Multiply The tax credit is equal to $2,000 per year zone project property received during line 1 by line 4. over a five-year credit period—see “Five- the months the taxpayer was eligible for Enter this amount on year credit period” below. If the credit the exemption during the tax year. line 16 of Part 1 ...............5__________ exceeds the individual’s tax, the unused • Taxable portion of a gain from the sale portion is not refundable and may not be or exchange of the zone project property carried over and used on a subsequent tax during the exemption period. In the year’s return. case of an installment sale contract, Instructions the taxpayer may exempt the taxable Five-year credit period for Part 2 portion of the gain recognized in each The credit is allowed in each year of a tax year over the life of the contract, five-year credit period that begins on the even though the exemption period or Business same date the business income exemption renaissance zone expires before all begins, as specified in the zone project installments are received. However, purchase or approval letter. The five-year credit period interest income derived from the expansion tax is a period of sixty consecutive months, installment sale contract is not eligible consisting of five 12-month periods. A for the exemption. credit $2,000 credit is allowed in each 12-month Expansion project limitation. If the period. With respect to the individual’s tax primary purpose of the zone project is the General instructions year, if the individual is not eligible for expansion of an existing building that the the credit for the entire tax year, a credit of taxpayer owned and used for investment Who should complete $166.67 ($2,000 divided by 12) is allowed purposes prior to applying for the zone Complete Part 2 only if all of the following for each month of eligibility during the tax project, the amount of the exemption is conditions are met: year. limited. For this purpose, an “expansion” • The taxpayer is an individual Once the 60-month credit period begins means adding physical square footage to (Form ND-1) filer with a zone project to run with respect to the zone project an existing building to increase the amount that qualified for the business income property, it runs uninterrupted through the of usable space within the building. exemption. end of the 60-month credit period. The Generally, the type of qualifying • The zone project consists of a purchase, credit is allowed over the entire 60-month transaction which may involve an lease, or improvement of real property credit period even if the renaissance expansion is a purchase with major used in a business owned and operated zone itself expires. If the property is improvements (see line 5, item b) or a as a sole proprietorship by the permanently withdrawn from business use, qualified rehabilitation (see line 5, item d). individual. the individual is ineligible for the credit starting on the first day of the month in which the withdrawal occurs. 6 |
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 2021 Schedule RZ instructions Transfer of zone project property. The Line 9 zone project property from use in the tax credit and its 60-month credit period Credit period limitation business during the tax year, exclude attach to the zone project property. If the month in which the zone project Full-year eligibility. If the taxpayer is the property is transferred to another property was permanently removed eligible for the credit for the entire tax individual before the end of the 60-month from use in the business. year, enter “12” on line 9 and go to line 10. credit period, the individual transferring The taxpayer is eligible for the credit for the property is ineligible for the credit the entire tax year if all of the following starting with the month of disposition. apply: If the property is transferred to another Instructions qualifying individual before the end of • The taxpayer was eligible for the credit the 60-month credit period, the individual as of the beginning of the tax year. See for Part 3 acquiring the property is eligible for the “Five-year credit period” on page 6 for credit for the unexpired portion of the more information. Single-family 60-month credit period. • The taxpayer used the zone project property in the business for the entire residence tax tax year. Specific line • The 60-month credit period did not credit instructions expire during the tax year. This applies Line 1 if the 60th month of the credit period General instructions Fill in the circle on this line to indicate falls in the last month of the tax year or eligibility for the credit in Part 2, later. Who should complete Schedule RZ, and to irrevocably elect Partial-year eligibility. The taxpayer is Complete Part 3 if the incentive allowed to take the credit in lieu of the business eligible for the credit for only part of the for the zone project, as specified in the income exemption in Part 1, Schedule RZ. tax year if any of the following apply: zone project approval letter, is the single- Line 2 • The taxpayer became eligible for the family residence tax credit. This credit Enter the project number assigned to the credit during the tax year in a month is only allowed to an individual on Form zone project by the local zone authority, as other than the first month of the tax ND-1. shown on the final zone project approval year. See “Five-year credit period” on letter. If the taxpayer does not have a copy page 6 for more information. Five-year credit period of the final zone project approval letter, • The taxpayer ceases to use the zone The credit is allowed in each year of a contact the local zone authority to obtain project property for business purposes five-year credit period. The five-year credit one. during the tax year. period is a period of sixty consecutive Attach a copy of the final zone project • The 60-month credit period expired months, consisting of five 12-month approval letter to the North Dakota during the tax year, and the 60th month periods. The $10,000 credit is allowed return. is not the last month of the tax year. in each of the five 12-month periods. If the individual is not eligible for the tax Line 4 If any of the above conditions apply, enter credit for the entire tax year, a credit Enter the street address of the zone project on line 9 the smaller of the following: equal to $833.33 ($10,000 divided by 12) property. Include the suite or unit number, • Number of months the taxpayer was is allowed for each month of eligibility if applicable. Do not enter a post office eligible for the credit during the tax during the tax year. box number. year. Once the 60-month credit period begins to • Number of months the taxpayer owned run, it runs uninterrupted through the end Line 5 or leased the zone project property of the 60-month credit period. The credit If the taxpayer qualified for more than one during the tax year. If the taxpayer is allowed over the entire 60-month credit zone project at the same street address, acquired the zone project property period even if the renaissance zone itself check the “Yes” box and enter the project during the tax year, include the month expires before the end of the 60-month numbers for all of them on the line of acquisition. If the taxpayer disposed credit period. provided on the schedule. of the zone project property during the tax year, exclude the month of Transfer of zone project property. The Line 8 disposition. tax credit and its five-year credit period Enter the five-year exemption period attach to the single-family residence. If the • Number of months the zone project start date for the zone project, as shown residence is transferred to another taxpayer property was used in the business on the final zone project approval letter. before the five-year credit period expires, during the tax year. If the taxpayer put This date establishes the beginning of the the tax credit and the unused portion of the zone project property into use in the five-year credit period that applies to the the five-year credit period transfer with the business during the tax year, include zone project property. This date does not property. The individual who transfers the the month in which the zone project change even if the property is transferred residence is ineligible for the tax credit property was first put into use in the to another taxpayer. See “Five-year credit business. If the taxpayer removed the period” on page 6 for more information. 7 |
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 2021 Schedule RZ instructions starting with the month of disposition. Line 10 If the residence is transferred to another Credit period limitation Instructions for individual who also qualifies for the tax Full-year eligibility. If the taxpayer is credit with respect to the residence, the eligible for the tax credit for the entire Part 4 individual acquiring the property is eligible tax year, enter “12” on line 10 and go to for the tax credit for the unexpired portion line 11. The taxpayer is eligible for the Historic property of the five-year credit period starting with credit for the entire tax year if all of the the month of acquisition. following apply: preservation or Change in primary place of residence. • The taxpayer was eligible for the credit If an individual who qualifies for the tax as of the beginning of the tax year. See renovation tax credit with respect to a single-family “Five-year credit period” on page 7. credit residence ceases to use it as the primary • The taxpayer used the zone project place of residence, i.e., as the legal property as his or her primary place of residence, during the five-year credit residence for the entire tax year. General instructions period, the individual is ineligible for the • The 60-month credit period did not tax credit starting with the first day of the Who should complete expire during the tax year. This applies month in which the change occurs. Complete Part 4 if the incentive allowed if the 60th month of the credit period for the zone project, as specified in the falls in the last month of the tax year or zone project approval letter, is the historic Specific line later. property preservation or renovation tax instructions Partial-year eligibility. The taxpayer is credit. eligible for the credit for only part of the Line 1 This credit may be claimed on the tax year if any of the following apply: Enter the project number assigned to the following forms: zone project by the local zone authority, as • The taxpayer became eligible for the shown on the final zone project approval credit during the tax year in a month In the case letter. If the taxpayer does not have a copy other than the first month of the tax of a(n): Form of the final zone project approval letter, year. See “Five-year credit period” on Individual ND-1 contact the local zone authority to obtain page 7. Estate or trust 38 C corporation 40 one. Attach a copy of the final zone • The taxpayer sold or otherwise disposed project approval letter to the North of the residence during the tax year. If the taxpayer is a passthrough entity, see Dakota return. • The taxpayer established another “Passthrough entity” on page 1. Line 3 residence as his or her primary place of residence during the tax year. When to claim credit Enter the street address of the zone project property. Do not enter a post office box • The 60-month credit period expired The first year the tax credit must be number. during the tax year, and the 60th month claimed is the tax year in which the is not the last month of the tax year. preservation or renovation work is Line 4 completed, as specified in the final zone If the taxpayer qualified for more than one If any of the above conditions apply, enter project approval letter. If the entire credit zone project at the same street address, on line 10 the smaller of the following: cannot be used in the tax year in which it check the “Yes” box and write the project is first claimed, the unused credit may be • Number of months the taxpayer is numbers for all of them on the line carried over for up to five tax years. eligible for the credit during the tax provided on the schedule. year. Line 9 • Number of months the taxpayer owned Specific line Enter the five-year credit period start and occupied the residence during the instructions date for the zone project, as shown on tax year. If the taxpayer acquired the • If the taxpayer directly owns the zone the final zone project approval letter. residence during the tax year, include project property, complete lines 1 This date establishes the beginning of the the month in which the taxpayer took through 11 of Part 4. five-year credit period that applies to the title to the residence or first occupied it, • If the taxpayer owns an interest in zone project property. This date does not whichever occurs last. If the taxpayer a passthrough entity, and Part 4 of change even if the property is transferred disposed of the residence during the tax Schedule RZ is being completed to another taxpayer. See “Five-year credit year, exclude the month of disposition. only to claim the taxpayer’s share • period” on page 7. Number of months the residence was of the historic property preservation used as the primary place of residence. or renovation tax credit shown on a North Dakota Schedule K-1 received 8 |
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 2021 Schedule RZ instructions from the passthrough entity, skip lines Line 11 Disqualifying redemption 1 through 6c and complete lines 7 Carryforward to 2022 The tax credit is disallowed and must be through 11 of Part 4. Include a copy of If the total available tax credit on line 9 repaid to the state by a taxpayer if the the North Dakota Schedule K-1 with exceeds the amount on line 10, enter on taxpayer originally made the investment Schedule RZ. See “Passthrough entity this line the portion of the excess that is and redeems the investment within ten owner” on page 2 of these instructions eligible for carryover to the 2022 tax year. years of making it. For this purpose, for more information. Except for passthrough entities, attach “redeem” means that the taxpayer initiates Line 1 a statement showing how the amount a transaction with the RFO in which the Enter the project number assigned to the entered on this line was determined. taxpayer receives cash or property in zone project by the local zone authority, as return for the stock or other investment shown on the final zone project approval interest. A disqualifying redemption does letter. If the taxpayer does not have a copy not occur if a taxpayer transfers part or all of the final zone project approval letter, Instructions of an investment interest to a third party, contact the local zone authority to obtain nor does it occur if the RFO initiates the one. Attach a copy of the final zone for Part 5 transaction. project approval letter to the North If there is a disqualifying redemption, the Dakota return. Renaissance RFO must complete another North Dakota Renaissance Fund Organization Investment Line 3 fund Reporting Form and submit it to the Office Enter the street address of the project of State Tax Commissioner. A copy of property. Include the apartment, suite, or organization the completed form must be given to the other unit number, if applicable. Do not taxpayer. enter a post office box number. investment tax Repayment of disallowed credit. A credit Line 4 credit disallowed as the result of a disqualifying If the taxpayer qualified for more than one redemption must be repaid to the state. The zone project at the same street address, check the “Yes” box and write the project General instructions repayment must be made with the North Dakota income tax return filed for the tax numbers for all of them on the line Who should complete year in which the redemption occurred. provided on the schedule. Complete Part 5 if the taxpayer made a No penalty or interest applies to a timely Note: If the taxpayer has more than qualifying investment in a renaissance repayment of the disallowed credit. Do not one zone project for which the taxpayer fund organization (RFO), as evidenced file an amended return or use Schedule RZ qualifies for the historic property by receipt of a North Dakota Renaissance to report the redemption. preservation or renovation tax credit, Fund Organization Investment Reporting If a taxpayer makes a disqualifying complete a separate Schedule RZ Form from the RFO. redemption, the taxpayer must contact for each project. Add the separately the Office of State Tax Commissioner This credit may be claimed on the calculated amounts and enter the total in for instructions on how to report the following forms— Part 7, line 4, of one of the schedules. redemption on the North Dakota tax In the case Line 7 return. of a(n): Form Enter a historic property preservation or Individual ND-1 renovation tax credit from a North Dakota Specific line Estate or trust 38 Schedule K-1. See “Passthrough entity” C corporation 40 instructions on page 1 for more information. Attach a copy of the North Dakota Schedule K-1. If the taxpayer is a passthrough entity, see • If the taxpayer made the investment, “Passthrough entity” on page 1. complete lines 1 through 8 of Part 5. Line 10 If the taxpayer owns an interest in • Current year credit Enter on this line the portion of the total When to claim credit a passthrough entity, and Part 5 of available tax credit on line 9 that is being The first year the tax credit must be Schedule RZ is being completed used to reduce the 2021 tax liability. If claimed is the tax year in which the only to claim the taxpayer’s share there is a tax credit carryforward from a investment was made. The date of the of the renaissance fund organization prior tax year on line 8, use the credits in investment is shown on the investment investment tax credit shown on a the order that is most beneficial. reporting form. If the entire credit cannot North Dakota Schedule K-1 received be used in the tax year in which it is first from the passthrough entity, skip lines If the taxpayer is a passthrough entity, claimed, the unused credit may be carried 1 through 3, and complete lines 4 enter the total amount from line 9, and over for up to five tax years. through 8 of Part 5. Include a copy of skip line 11. Except for passthrough the North Dakota Schedule K-1 with entities, attach a statement showing Schedule RZ. See “Passthrough entity how the amount entered on this line was owner” on page 2 of these instructions determined. for more information. 9 |
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 2021 Schedule RZ instructions Line 1 through 5 and complete lines 6 through Enter the name of the renaissance zone city 10 of Part 6. Include a copy of the having the renaissance fund organization in Instructions for North Dakota Schedule K-1 with which the taxpayer made the investment. Schedule RZ. See “Passthrough entity This city will be identified on the North Part 6 owner” on page 2 of these instructions Dakota Renaissance Fund Organization for more information. Investment Reporting Form received from Nonparticipating Line 1 the renaissance fund organization. property owner Enter the project number assigned to the Line 4 zone project by the local zone authority, as Enter an RFO investment tax credit credit shown on the final zone project approval from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. See letter. If the taxpayer does not have a copy “Passthrough entity” on page 1 for more of the final zone project approval letter, information. Attach a copy of the North General instructions contact the local zone authority to obtain Dakota Schedule K-1. Who should complete one. Attach a copy of the final zone Line 7 Complete Part 6 if the incentive allowed project approval letter to the North Current year credit for the zone project, as specified in Dakota return. Enter on this line the portion of the total the zone project approval letter, is the Line 3 available tax credit on line 6 that is being nonparticipating property owner credit. Enter the street address of the used to reduce the 2021 tax liability. If nonparticipating property owner’s project This credit may be claimed on the there is a tax credit carryforward from a property. Include the apartment, suite, or following forms: prior tax year on line 5, use the credits in other unit number, if applicable. Do not the order that is most beneficial. In the case enter a post office box number. of a(n): Form If the taxpayer is a passthrough entity, Individual Form ND-1 Line 4 enter the total amount from line 6, and Estate or trust 38 If the taxpayer qualified for more than one skip line 8. Except for passthrough C corporation 40 zone project at the same street address, entities, attach a statement showing check the “Yes” box and write the project how the amount entered on this line was If the taxpayer is a passthrough entity, see numbers for all of them on the line determined. “Passthrough entity” on page 1. provided on the schedule. Line 8 When to claim credit Line 6 Carryforward to 2022 The first year the tax credit must be Enter a nonparticipating property owner If the total available tax credit on line 6 claimed is the tax year in which the related credit from a North Dakota Schedule K-1. exceeds the amount on line 7, enter on zone project is completed, as specified in See “Passthrough entity” on page 1 for this line the portion of the excess that is the final zone project approval letter issued more information. Attach a copy of the eligible for carryover to the 2022 tax year. to the nonparticipating property owner. If North Dakota Schedule K-1. Except for passthrough entites, attach the entire credit cannot be used in the tax Line 9 a statement showing how the amount year in which it is first claimed, the unused Current year credit entered on this line was determined. credit may be carried over for up to five Enter on this line the portion of the total tax years. available tax credit on line 8 that is being used to reduce the 2021 tax liability. If the Specific line taxpayer is a passthrough entity, enter the total amount from line 8, and skip line 10. instructions Except for passthrough entities, attach • If the taxpayer directly owns the zone a statement showing how the amount project property, complete lines 1 entered on this line was determined. through 10 of Part 6. Line 10 • If the taxpayer owns an interest in Carryforward to 2022 a passthrough entity, and Part 6 of If the total available tax credit on line 8 Schedule RZ is being completed exceeds the amount on line 9, enter on only to claim the taxpayer’s share this line the portion of the excess that is of the nonparticipating property eligible for carryover to the 2022 tax year. owner tax credit shown on a North Except for passthrough entities, attach Dakota Schedule K-1 received from a statement showing how the amount the passthrough entity, skip lines 1 entered on this line was determined. 10 |
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 2021 Schedule RZ instructions Real and tangible personal property to the zone project location. This includes land, buildings, machinery, stocks includes an automobile assigned to a Instructions of goods, equipment, and other tangible traveling employee who is assigned to property. It does not include coin and the zone project location. for calculating currency. the zone Property used in the business. Property Specific line is used in the business if it is actually used, instructions apportionment available for use, or capable of being used in the regular course of the business during Lines 9a through 9e factor In Column A (Total North Dakota the tax period. This includes the following: (for Part 1, lines 9a-9h) property), enter on the applicable line the • Inventoriable goods in process. average value of the business’s tangible • Property held as reserves or standby assets that are owned and located in North General instructions facilities, or property held as a reserve Dakota. In Column B (Zone project source of materials. property only), enter the portion of the • These instructions explain how to calculate Property under construction if actually amount in Column A that is physically the zone apportionment factor for Part 1, used in the regular course of the located and used at the zone project lines 9a through 9h. business, but only to the extent of location. See “Exception for certain rented the value attributable to its use. In property” under “Factor in general” for Factor in general the case of an improvement to an treatment of tangible assets owned and The zone apportionment factor is a fraction existing business that is approved located in certain rented property. composed of the following: as a zone project, personal property • Numerator (Column B) that is purchased for purposes of the Determining the average value of owned The numerator includes the average improvement and becomes an integral property. The average value of owned value of the owned and rented part of the business real property is property must be determined by adding properties that are used at the business’s excluded from the zone factor until the original cost (or other basis used zone project location. completion of the improvement project. for federal income tax purposes) of the property as properly reported on the books Exception for certain rented property. Property required to be included in the of the business on the first and last days of If the zone project consists of the rental zone apportionment factor must remain the tax year and dividing the sum by two. of space in a building for business in the zone apportionment factor until its purposes, and the taxpayer had permanent withdrawal is established by Depreciation, amortization, and depletion previously qualified for a zone project an identifiable event, such as its sale or must be disregarded. Include capital for renting space in the same building the lapse of an extended period of time additions or improvements made during for use in the same business, do not (normally five years) during which the the tax year in this calculation. Also note include in the numerator the space property is held for sale. the following: leased for the previous zone project and Property used at zone project location. • Inventory of stock of goods must be any owned or rented property located in Property is included in the numerator valued using the valuation method used that space. of the zone apportionment factor if it is for federal income tax purposes. • Denominator (Column A) physically located and used at the zone • Property acquired by gift or inheritance The denominator includes the average project location. Property in transit on must be valued at its basis for value of all owned and rented properties the last day of the tax year and mobile depreciation purposes under federal used in the business in North Dakota. or movable property is considered to income tax law. be located and used at the zone project • Leasehold improvements are considered Determining average value of property. location in the following situations: property owned by the lessee regardless See the specific line instructions for lines 9a through 9g later in this section for • The property is in transit between of whether the lessee is entitled to how to determine the average value of the separate physical locations of the same remove the improvements or the property. business and the property’s destination improvements revert to the lessor when is the zone project location. the lease expires. Value at the original Property includable in zone • The property is in transit between a cost of the improvements. apportionment factor. The zone buyer and seller and, based on the Monthly averaging exception. If the apportionment factor must include all taxpayer’s regular accounting practices, averaging method described above does North Dakota real and tangible personal is included in the denominator of the not properly reflect the average value of property owned and rented that is used zone factor, and the property’s final the property, the tax commissioner may in the regular course of the taxpayer’s destination is the zone project location. require or allow averaging on a monthly business during the tax period. • The mobile or movable property, such basis. This method will generally be as construction equipment, trucks, or applied in the following situations: leased electronic equipment, is assigned 11 |
North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 2021 Schedule RZ instructions • There are substantial fluctuations in the Net annual rental rate. The net annual • Any amount payable for the use of real values of the property during the tax rental rate for an item of rented property or tangible personal property, or any year. equals the annual rental rate paid less any part thereof, whether designated as a • The property is acquired after the subrents received from subtenants. If the fixed sum of money or as a percentage beginning of the tax year. taxpayer received subrents, the following of sales, profits, or otherwise. apply: • The property is disposed of before the • Any amount payable as additional rent end of the tax year. • Do not deduct the subrents from the or in lieu of rent, such as interest, taxes, annual rental rate if they constitute insurance, repairs or any other items Example of monthly averaging income earned in the regular course of which are required to be paid by the Assume the following property values the business. terms of the lease or other arrangement. determined as of the end of each month: • If the subrents produce a negative or This does not include an amount paid as January $ 2,000 clearly inaccurate value for any item a service charge, such as for utilities or February 2,000 of rented property, another method janitorial services. If a payment includes March 3,000 that properly reflects the value of the both rent and other unsegregated April 3,500 rented property may be required by the charges, the amount of rent must be May 4,500 tax commissioner or requested by the determined by considering the relative June 10,000 taxpayer. For this purpose, the resulting values of the rent and the other items. July 15,000 value must not be less than an amount August 17,000 which bears the same ratio to the annual Rent does not include incidental September 23,000 rental rate paid for the rented property day-to-day expenses, such as hotel October 25,000 as the fair market value of that portion accommodations or daily automobile November 13,000 of the rented property used by the rentals. December 2,000 taxpayer bears to the total fair market Exception to net annual rental rate Total $ 120,000 value of the rented property. method. If the use of the net annual The average value of the property Annual rental rate. Generally, the annual rental rate method produces a negative or for the tax year is $10,000 ($120,000 rental rate means the amount paid as clearly inaccurate value, or where rented divided by 12). rent for the rented property for a twelve property is used by the taxpayer at no month period. If the property is rented charge or rented at a nominal rate, the net Line 9f for a term of less than twelve months, the annual rental rate for the property must be Rented property annual rental rate equals the rent paid for determined on the basis of a reasonable For rented property, enter in Column A the actual rental term during the tax year. market rental rate for the property. (Total North Dakota property) the amount If property is rented for a term of twelve determined by multiplying the net annual or more months and the current tax year rental rate by eight. In Column B (Zone covers a period of less than twelve months project property only), enter the portion of because of a reorganization or change of the amount in Column A that is attributable accounting period, etc., the rent paid for to the rented property physically located the short tax year must be annualized. and used at the zone project location. See Rent. Rent means the actual sum of money “Exception for certain rented property” or other consideration payable, directly under “Factor in general.” or indirectly, by the taxpayer or for the Note: Leasehold improvements are taxpayer’s benefit for the use of the rented considered property owned by the lessee property, including the following: regardless of whether the lessee is entitled to remove the improvements or the improvements revert to the lessor when the lease expires. See the instructions to lines 9a through 9e. 12 |