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    Schedule                 North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner

ND-1TC                       Tax Credits
See separate instructions.                                                                                   Attach to Form ND-1
Name(s) shown on return                                                                 Your social security number

Important!  All taxpayers must read this section.  If you are claiming a credit on line 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17 or 21
of this schedule, you must complete this section.  See "Property tax clearance" in instructions for details.
►   Do you (or does your spouse, if filing jointly) hold a 50 percent or more ownership interest in
    real property located in North Dakota?                                                                         Yes       No
    If yes, enter name of each North Dakota county in which you or your spouse holds a 50% or more interest in real property:
Attach to Form ND-1 the completed Property Tax Clearance Record obtained from each county identified above.

1.  Family member care tax credit  (Attach Schedule ND-1FC)                                         (S2)  1
2.  Renaissance zone tax credit  (Attach Schedule RZ)                                               (S3)  2
3.  Agricultural commodity processing facility investment tax credit  (Attach documentation)        (NE)  3
4.  Seed capital investment tax credit  (Attach documentation)                                      (NG)  4
5.  Planned gift tax credit  (Attach Schedule ND-1PG)                                               (NM) 5
6.  Biodiesel or green diesel fuel blending tax credit  (Attach documentation)                      (NN)  6
7.  Biodiesel or green diesel fuel sales equipment tax credit (Attach documentation)                (NO) 7
8. a.  Employer internship program tax credit  (Attach documentation)                               (NP) 8a
    b.  Number of eligible interns hired in 2018               (NQ) 8b
    c.  Total compensation paid to eligible interns in 2018    (NR) 8c
9. a.  Research expense tax credit  (Attach documentation)                                          (NV) 9a
    b.  Research expense tax credit purchased from another taxpayer in 2018                         (NW) 9b
10. Angel fund investment tax credit carryover - only for unused credits attributable to investments
    made in angel funds organized and certified before July 1, 2017:  (Attach documentation)
    a.  Amount of credit                                                                            (NX) 10a
    b.  Carryover of angel fund credit purchased from another taxpayer in tax year 2012             (OJ) 10b
11. a.  Workforce recruitment tax credit  (Attach documentation)                                    (OA) 11a
    b.  Number of eligible employees whose 12th
        month of employment ended in 2017 tax year            (OB) 11b
    c. Total compensation paid for first 12 months of employ-
         ment to eligible employees included on line 11b      (OC) 11c
12. Geothermal energy device tax credit (only for devices installed on or after January 1, 2009,
    and before January 1, 2015):(Attach documentation)
    a.  Date on which installation of device was completed-
         enter as follows: mm/dd/yyyy                         (OD)  12a
    b.  Amount of credit                                                                           (OE)  12b
13. Tax credit for wages paid to a mobilized employee (Attach Schedule ME or ND Schedule K-1)       (OF)  13
14. Partnership plan long-term care insurance tax credit                                            (OG)  14
15. a.  Endowment fund tax credit from Schedule ND-1QEC, line 8  (Attach Schedule ND-1QEC)         (OK)  15a
    b.  Endowment fund tax credit from ND Schedule K-1 (Attach ND Schedule K-1)                    (NY)  15b
    c. Contribution amount from ND Schedule K-1               (OR)  15c

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     North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
     2018 Schedule ND-1TC, page 2

16.  Housing incentive fund tax credit carryover (Attach documentation)                           (OL)  16
17.  Automation tax credit carryover (Attach documentation)                                       (OM)  17
18.  Nonprofit private primary school tax credit from passthrough entity (Attach ND Schedule K-1) (ON)  18
19.  Nonprofit private high school tax credit from passthrough entity (Attach ND Schedule K-1)    (OO)  19
20.  Nonprofit private college tax credit from passthrough entity (Attach ND Schedule K-1)        (OP)  20
21.  Angel investor investment tax credit - only for credits attributable to investments
       made in qualified businesses by angel funds organized and certified after June 30, 2017
       (Attach documentation)                                                                     (OQ) 21
22.  Total other credits.  Add lines 1 through 8a, 9a through 11a, 12b through 15b, and
       16 through 21.  Enter the result on Form ND-1, line 23                                     (NZ) 22

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North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
2018 Schedule ND-1TC instructions                                                                                  Page 1

                                                                                           made in the 2005 through 2007 tax years.  
General instructions                           Specific line instructions                  For an unused credit based on investments 
                                                                                           made in tax years 2008 through 2017, 
If you are claiming any of the income tax      Line 1 - Family member care credit          the amount you may use is subject to the 
credits shown on Schedule ND-1TC, you 
                                               A tax credit is allowed for paying 
must complete and attach it to Form ND-1.                                                  annual and lifetime limits—see below.
                                               qualifying expenses for the care of a 
Attach supporting documentation.  If the       disabled or elderly family member.  See     Note for certain 2004 investments: Do 
instructions do not specify an officially-     Schedule ND-1FC for details.  Attach        not include on this line an unused credit 
prescribed schedule to be attached, you        Schedule ND-1FC.                            based on an investment made in the 2004 
must attach your own documentation to                                                      tax year if it is attributable to the 2004 
support your eligibility for the credit and                                                retroactive relief credit legislation passed 
how you calculated the credit, including an    Line 2 - Renaissance zone credit            by the 2005 North Dakota Legislature.
unused credit carried over from another tax    Income tax credits are allowed under the 
                                                                                           Annual limit.  Of the total credits 
year.                                          North Dakota Renaissance Zone Program 
                                                                                           available, including unused credit 
                                               for qualifying purchases, improvements, 
                                                                                           carryovers from tax years 2008 and after, 
                                               or investments made in a state-approved 
Property Tax Clearance                                                                     you may use no more than $50,000 on 
                                               zone.  For details, see the Renaissance 
North Dakota Century Code § 57-01-15.1                                                     your 2018 return.
                                               Zone Act Tax Incentives Guideline and 
provides that, before certain state tax                                                    Lifetime credit limit.  You are allowed no 
                                               Schedule RZ.  Attach Schedule RZ.
incentives may be claimed, a taxpayer                                                      more than $250,000 in total tax credits for 
must obtain a property tax clearance record                                                investments made in tax years 2005 and 
from each North Dakota county in which         Line 3 - Ag commodity processing            after.
the taxpayer holds a 50 percent or more        facility investment credit
ownership interest in real property.  The      If you made a qualified investment in 
property tax clearance record(s) must be       a business certified for the agricultural   Line 4 - Seed capital investment 
attached to the North Dakota tax return on     commodity processing facility investment    credit
which the incentive is claimed.  Certain       credit program, enter your allowable credit If you made a qualified investment in 
credits on this schedule are subject to this   on this line.  Attach a copy of the Ag      a business certified for the seed capital 
requirement.  The credits subject to this      Commodity Processing Facility Investment    investment credit program, enter your 
requirement are identified in the box at the   Reporting Form that the certified business  allowable credit on this line.  Attach a copy 
top of the schedule.                           is required to provide to you at the time   of the Qualified Seed Capital Business 
If you are claiming any of the specified       you made your investment.                   Investment Reporting Form that the 
                                                                                           certified business is required to provide to 
credits, you must complete the property tax    For qualified investments that you made 
                                                                                           you at the time you made your investment.
clearance section at the top of the schedule.  directly to a certified business during the 
If you are required to attach a property tax   2018 tax year, the credit is equal to 30%   For qualified investments that you made 
clearance record from a county, obtain one     of the total amount invested.  Include      directly to a certified business during the 
by using the form Property Tax Clearance       on this line an agricultural commodity      2018 tax year, the credit is equal to 45% of 
Record available on the Office of State Tax    investment tax credit from a North Dakota   the total amount invested.  Include on this 
Commissioner’s website.                        Schedule K-1.  The unused portion of a      line a seed capital investment tax credit 
                                               credit based on a 2018 investment may be    from a North Dakota Schedule K-1.  The 
Disclosure notification                        carried over up to 10 tax years.            unused portion of a credit based on a 2018 
                                                                                           investment may be carried over up to 4 tax 
Upon written request from the chairman         Unused credit carryover.  Include on this 
of a North Dakota legislative standing                                                     years. 
                                               line an unused credit carried over from a 
committee or Legislative Management,                                                       Unused credit carryover.  Include on this 
                                               prior tax year.  For an unused credit based 
the law requires the Office of State Tax 
                                               on investments made in tax years 2003       line an unused credit carried over from a 
Commissioner to disclose the amount of 
any deduction or credit claimed on a tax       and 2004—however, see the note below        prior tax year.  For an unused credit based 
return.  Any other confidential information,   for an exception for 2004— the amount       on investments made in tax years 2014 
such as a taxpayer’s name or social            you may use from each year is limited to    through 2017, the amount you may use is 
security number, may not be disclosed.         the smaller of (1) the unused credit, (2)   subject to the annual limit—see below.  Do 
                                               50% of the total credit allowed on the      not include on this line any unused credits 
                                               initial investment, (3) $3,000, or (4) 50%  based on investments made in tax years 
                                               of the tax liability before credits on your prior to 2014.
                                               2018 return.  Do not include on this line 
                                               an unused credit based on an investment 

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2018 Schedule ND-1TC instructions                                                                                              Page 2

Annual limit.  Of the total credits           Unused credit carryover.  Include on this      amount.  The terms “qualified research 
available (including unused credit            line an unused credit carried over from tax    expenses” and “base amount” have the 
carryovers from tax years 2014 and after),    years 2013 and after.                          same meanings as those defined under 
you may use no more than $112,500 on                                                         Internal Revenue Code § 41, except that 
                                              Lifetime credit limit.  A taxpayer is 
your 2018 return.                                                                            they do not include research activity or 
                                              allowed no more than $50,000 in total tax 
                                                                                             sales outside North Dakota.  The tax credit 
                                              credits for eligible costs incurred in all tax 
                                                                                             is equal to a percentage of the excess of 
Line 5 - Planned gift credit                  years.
A tax credit is allowed for making a                                                         North Dakota qualified research expenses 
charitable contribution under a qualifying                                                   incurred during the tax year over the North 
planned gift arrangement to a qualified       Line 8 - Employer internship                   Dakota base amount for the tax year.  On 
nonprofit organization or qualified           program credit                                 the first $100,000 of excess North Dakota 
endowment fund in North Dakota.  See          A tax credit is allowed to a taxpayer          qualified research expenses, the percentage 
Schedule ND-1PG for details.  Attach          based on compensation paid to an eligible      is 25%.  On excess North Dakota qualified 
Schedule ND-1PG.                              college student hired as an intern under       research expenses over $100,000, the 
                                              a qualifying internship program set up in      percentage is 8%.
                                              North Dakota.  The credit is equal to 10% 
Line 6 - Biodiesel or green diesel                                                           The unused portion of a credit based 
fuel blending credit                          of the compensation paid during the tax        on qualified research expenses incurred 
A tax credit is allowed to a North Dakota     year.  The credit is allowed for up to 5       during the 2018 tax year may be carried 
licensed fuel supplier (wholesaler) for       eligible interns in a tax year.  The intern    back 3 tax years and carried over up to 
blending biodiesel or green diesel fuel in    must be enrolled in an institution of higher   15 tax years.  It must be carried back to 
North Dakota with a minimum 5% blend          education or vocational technical education    the earliest tax year first, and then to each 
(“B5”) that meets ASTM specifications.        program in a major field of study closely      succeeding tax year.
The credit is equal to 5 cents per gallon     related to the work to be performed and 
blended.  Include on this line a biodiesel    must be supervised and evaluated by the        Election to sell, assign, or transfer 
or green diesel fuel credit from a North      employer.  The internship must qualify for     unused credit.  If you have an unused 
Dakota Schedule K-1.  The unused portion      academic credit.                               research credit and you obtain certification 
                                                                                             as a qualified research and development 
of a credit based on qualified blending       Lifetime credit limit.  A taxpayer is          company, you may elect to sell, assign, 
during the 2018 tax year may be carried       allowed no more than $3,000 in total tax       or transfer the unused credit to another 
over up to 5 tax years.                       credits for eligible wages paid in all tax     taxpayer.  For the conditions and 
Unused credit carryover.  Include on this     years.                                         procedures, including the reporting 
line an unused credit carried over from tax   Line 8a.  Enter the allowable credit on        requirements, see N.D.C.C. § 57-38-30.5.  
years 2013 and after.                         this line.  Include on this line an employer   Application for certification must be 
                                              internship program credit from a North         made to the North Dakota Commerce 
Line 7 - Biodiesel or green diesel            Dakota Schedule K-1.                           Department’s Division of Economic 
fuel sales equipment credit                                                                  Development and Finance (EDF).
                                              Line 8b.  Enter the number of eligible 
A tax credit is allowed to a North Dakota                                                    Line 9a.  Enter the allowable credit on 
                                              interns hired during the 2018 tax year.  
licensed fuel seller (retailer) of biodiesel                                                 this line.  Include on this line an unused 
                                              Disregard this line if the credit is from a 
or green diesel fuel.  The credit is equal to                                                credit carried over from a prior tax year 
                                              North Dakota Schedule K-1.
10% of the costs to adapt or add equipment                                                   and a research credit from a North Dakota 
to the seller’s facility in North Dakota to   Line 8c.  Enter on this line the total         Schedule K-1.  Do not include on this line 
enable it to sell biodiesel or green diesel   amount of wages, salaries, or other            any research credit obtained from another 
with a minimum 2% blend (“B2”) that           compensation paid to eligible interns hired    taxpayer through a sale, assignment, or 
meets ASTM specifications.  The credit        during the 2018 tax year (as shown on          transfer in 2018—report this amount on 
is allowed in each of 5 tax years, starting   their 2018 Form W-2s).  Disregard this         Line 9b.
with the tax year in which sales of the       line if the credit is from a North Dakota 
eligible fuel begin.  Eligible costs incurred Schedule K-1.                                  Line 9b.  Enter on this line a research 
before the tax year in which sales of                                                        credit obtained from a qualified research 
                                                                                             and development company through a sale, 
the eligible biodiesel fuel begin may be      Line 9 - Research expense credit
                                                                                             assignment, or transfer in 2018.
included.  Include on this line a biodiesel   If you incurred qualified expenses for 
or green diesel fuel credit from a North      qualified research in North Dakota, 
Dakota Schedule K-1.  The unused portion      you may be eligible for a tax credit.  
of a credit based on qualified costs incurred The credit is allowed on the excess of 
during the 2018 tax year may be carried       qualified research expenses over a base 
over up to 5 tax years.

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North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
2018 Schedule ND-1TC instructions                                                                                         Page 3

                                             least 6 months to fill a position for which  Complete this line only if any of the 
Line 10 - Angel fund investment              the credit is claimed: (1) contracted with   following apply:
credit carryover                             a professional recruiter for a fee; (2)        You installed a qualifying geothermal 
Important! This line is only for unused      advertised in a professional trade journal, 
                                                                                           energy device on or after January 1, 
credits attributable to investments made     magazine, or other publication directed at a 
                                                                                           2009, and before January 1, 2015, and
in angel funds organized and certified       particular trade or profession; (3) provided 
before July 1, 2017.                         employment information on a web site           °  the 2018 tax year is one of the five 
                                             for a fee; and (4) offered to pay a signing   tax years in which the credit is 
Lifetime credit limit.  For investments                                                    allowed for the installation, or
                                             bonus, moving expenses, or non-typical 
made in angel funds on or after January 1, 
                                             fringe benefits.                               °  an unused tax credit attributable to 
2013, and before July 1, 2017, you are 
                                                                                           the installation is being carried over 
allowed no more than $500,000 in total       The employer must provide a statement 
                                                                                           to the 2018 tax year.
credits from your own investments plus       to the employee hired to fill the hard-to-
any credits you receive from a passthrough   fill position containing the following: (1)    You own an interest in a partnership, 
entity that invested in an angel fund.  If   name of employer; (2) federal employer        S corporation, or other passthrough 
you are married, you and your spouse are     identification number of employer; (3)        entity that installed a qualifying 
considered one taxpayer for this purpose.    statement that employer qualifies for the     geothermal energy device on or after 
                                             workforce recruitment credit based on the     January 1, 2009, and before January 1, 
Line 10a.  Enter on this line an unused 
                                             employee’s employment; (4) amount of          2015, and the 2018 tax year is one of 
credit carried over from tax years 2011 
                                             signing bonus, moving expense payment,        the five tax years in which the credit is 
and after.  Do not include on this line an 
                                             or non-typical fringe benefit payment;        allowable for the installation.
unused credit carried over from a prior 
                                             and (5) statement that the payment of the 
tax year that was obtained from another                                                   Line 12a.  If you installed the qualifying  
                                             bonus, moving expenses, or fringe benefit 
taxpayer through a sale, assignment, or                                                   geothermal energy device, enter the date 
                                             may be deductible on the employee’s 
transfer made in tax year 2012—report this                                                the installation was completed.  Enter the 
                                             North Dakota income tax return.
amount on Line 10b.                                                                       date in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy.  
                                             The unused portion of a credit first allowed Disregard this line if the credit is from a 
Line 10b.  Enter on this line an unused 
                                             in the 2018 tax year may be carried over     North Dakota Schedule K-1.
credit carried over from a prior tax year 
                                             up to 5 tax years.
that was obtained from another taxpayer                                                   Line 12b.  Enter the allowable credit on 
through a qualifying sale, assignment, or    Line 11a.  Enter the allowable credit on     this line.  Include on this line an allowable 
transfer made in tax year 2012.              this line.  Include on this line an unused   geothermal credit from a North Dakota 
                                             credit carried over from tax years 2013 and  Schedule K-1.
                                             after and a workforce recruitment credit 
Line 11 - Workforce recruitment              from a North Dakota Schedule K-1.
credit                                                                                    Line 13 - Credit for wages paid to a 
A tax credit is allowed to an employer for   Line 11b.  Enter the number of eligible      mobilized employee
using extraordinary recruitment methods      employees whose first 12 months of           If you have an employee who is a member 
to recruit and hire employees for hard-to-   employment ended within the 2017 tax         of the National Guard or Reserve, and the 
fill positions in North Dakota.  The credit  year.  Disregard this line if the credit is  employee was mobilized for federal active 
is equal to 5% of the compensation paid      from a North Dakota Schedule K-1.            military duty during the tax year, you may 
during the first 12 consecutive months       Line 11c.  For the eligible employees        be eligible for a tax credit if you continued 
to the employee hired to fill a hard-to-     included on line 11b, enter the total        to pay part or all of the employee’s 
fill position.  The credit is allowed in the compensation paid during the first 12        wages during the period of mobilization.  
first tax year following the tax year in     consecutive months of employment.            See Schedule ME for details.  Attach 
which the employee completes the 12th        Disregard this line if the credit is from a  Schedule ME.
consecutive month of employment.             North Dakota Schedule K-1.                   Include on this line a credit for wages paid 
To be eligible for the credit, the employer                                               to a mobilized employee from a North 
must pay an annual salary that is at                                                      Dakota Schedule K-1.
                                             Line 12 - Geothermal energy device 
least 125% of North Dakota’s average 
wage as published by Job Service North 
Dakota and must have employed all of         Note: The geothermal energy device 
the following recruitment methods for at     income tax credit allowed to individuals 
                                             expired on December 31, 2014, and is not 
                                             allowed for a geothermal energy device 
                                             installed on or after January 1, 2015.

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2018 Schedule ND-1TC instructions                                                                                      Page 4

                                             you have an unused endowment fund credit        Total of nonprofit private primary 
Line 14 - Partnership plan long-             carried over from a prior year’s Schedule      school tax credits from all North Dakota 
term care insurance credit                   ND-1QEC, it should be entered on the           Schedule K-1 forms.
You are allowed a tax credit for premiums    2018 Schedule ND-1QEC, line 6.  Attach 
                                                                                             20% of the tax on Form ND-1, line 20.
you pay for a partnership plan long-term     Schedule ND-1QEC.
care insurance policy that covers you or                                                     $2,500.
your spouse. To qualify, you must be a       Line 15a.  Enter on this line the credit 
North Dakota resident at the time you pay    amount from Schedule ND-1QEC, line 8.
                                                                                           The amount of the credit in excess of the 
the premiums.                                Line 15b.  If you own an interest in a        above limitation is not allowed in any other 
A partnership plan policy is a special type  partnership or S corporation, or you are      tax year.
of long-term care insurance policy that      the beneficiary of an estate or trust, enter 
meets specific consumer protection and       on this line an endowment fund credit, if 
federal income tax law requirements, is      any, from a North Dakota Schedule K-1         Line 19 - Nonprofit private high 
recognized by North Dakota for Medicaid      received from that entity.                    school contribution credit from 
                                                                                           passthrough entity
benefit purposes, and provides the proper    Line 15c.  If you entered an amount on        If you owned an interest in a partnership, 
inflation protection based on the insured    line 15b, enter on this line the associated   S corporation, or other passthrough entity 
individual’s age at time of purchase.        contribution amount from the North            that qualified for the income tax credit for 
An insurance company is required to          Dakota Schedule K-1 received from the         making a charitable contribution to a North 
provide you with a statement certifying      entity.                                       Dakota nonprofit private high school, enter 
the policy as a partnership plan policy at                                                 on this line the lesser of the following:
time of issuance.  If you are filing a paper                                                 Total of nonprofit private high school 
                                             Line 16 - Housing incentive fund 
return, attach copies of the certification 
                                             credit carryover                               tax credits from all North Dakota 
statement and the first page of the policy 
                                                                                            Schedule K-1 forms.
which identifies the insurance company       Enter on this line an unused housing 
and the name(s) of the insured.  If you      incentive fund credit carried over from tax     20% of the tax on Form ND-1, line 20.
are electronically filing your return, you   years 2011 through 2016.                        $2,500.
must be able to provide these copies 
                                             Adjustment to taxable income—Your 
upon request by the Office of State Tax                                                    The amount of the credit in excess of the 
                                             North Dakota taxable income must 
Commissioner.                                                                              above limitation is not allowed in any other 
                                             be increased by the amount of the 
Important: There are long-term care          contribution to the Housing Incentive Fund    tax year.
insurance policies that ARE NOT              to the extent it reduced your federal taxable 
partnership plan policies for which          income.  See the instructions to the 2018 
the premiums are not eligible for this       Form ND-1, line 4b.                           Line 20 - Nonprofit private 
                                                                                           college contribution credit from 
credit.  You must look for the certification 
                                                                                           passthrough entity
statement in your policy, or contact your 
insurance company or the North Dakota        Line 17 - Automation credit                   If you owned an interest in a partnership, 
Insurance Department for assistance in       carryover                                     S corporation, or other passthrough entity 
verifying your policy’s eligibility.         Enter on this line an unused automation       that qualified for the income tax credit for 
                                             credit carried over from tax years 2013       making a charitable contribution to a North 
The credit is equal to the premiums you      through 2017.                                 Dakota nonprofit private college, enter on 
paid during the tax year, up to a maximum                                                  this line the lesser of the following:
credit of $250 (or $500, if both you and                                                     Total of nonprofit private college tax 
your spouse are insured).                    Line 18 - Nonprofit private primary 
                                                                                            credits from all North Dakota Schedule 
                                             school contribution credit from 
                                             passthrough entity                             K-1 forms.
Line 15 - Endowment fund credit              If you owned an interest in a partnership,      20% of the tax on Form ND-1, line 20.
A tax credit is allowed for making           S corporation, or other passthrough entity 
a qualifying charitable contribution         that qualified for the income tax credit        $2,500.
to a qualified endowment fund.  See          for making a charitable contribution to a 
Schedule ND-1QEC for details.  Note: If      North Dakota nonprofit private primary        The amount of the credit in excess of the 
                                             school, enter on this line the lesser of the  above limitation is not allowed in any other 
                                             following:                                    tax year.

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North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
2018 Schedule ND-1TC instructions                                                                           Page 5

                                             Angel investor credit from a          If the sum of all angel investor credits 
Line 21 - Angel investor                    Participating Angel Investor            for the 2018 tax year exceed $45,000, 
investment credit                           Investment Statement, on which the      the excess credits are not allowed in any 
Important! This line is only for credits    investment date falls within your 2018  tax year.  Do not include any credits 
attributable to investments made in         tax year.  Multiply the investment      reportable on line 10 of this schedule in 
qualified businesses by angel funds         amount by the applicable credit         this calculation.
organized and certified on or after         rate shown on the statement.  If you 
                                                                                    If you are unable to use all of your 
July 1, 2017.                               receive more than one statement, 
                                                                                    allowable credit for the 2018 tax year, 
Enter on this line the amount of your       calculate the credit for each statement 
                                                                                    the unused portion may be carried over 
allowable angel investor investment         and add the separately calculated 
                                                                                    and used on subsequent tax years’ returns 
credit.  Your allowable credit is equal to  credit amounts.
                                                                                    for up to 5 tax years.
the smaller of (1) $45,000 or (2) the sum    Angel investor investment credit from 
                                                                                    Lifetime credit limit.  For qualified 
of the following:                           a North Dakota Schedule K-1.
                                                                                    investments made in qualified businesses 
                                                                                    on or after July 1, 2017, you are allowed 
                                                                                    no more than $500,000 in total credits 
                                                                                    from your own investments plus any 
                                                                                    angel investor credits you receive from a 
                                                                                    passthrough entity in which you have an 
                                                                                    ownership interest.

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