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 Schedule                     North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner

                             Calculation of Interest on Underpayment                                                                                       2018
ND-1UT                                                                                                                      Attach to Form ND-1
                            or Late Payment of Estimated Income Tax
                            for Individuals
Name(s) shown on return                                                                                         Your social security number

IMPORTANT:              See the instructions before attempting to complete this form.
                        Do not complete this form unless you were required to pay estimated federal income tax for the 2018 tax year. 
                          See “Federal estimated income tax requirement” in General Instructions.

Part 1 - Exceptions to regular computation of underpayment
           If one of the following exceptions applies, fill in the applicable circle, complete Parts 2 and 3 as instructed,
           and attach Schedule ND-1UT to your return.
           A.  Qualified farmer exception                                                     C.   Federal 4th quarter exception
           B.  Federal annualized income installment method exception                         D.   Partial year exception 
                (Attach copy of Federal Form 2210)
Part 2 - Computation of underpayment
 1.  Enter 2018 net tax liability (from 2018 Form ND-1, line 25, or Form ND-EZ, line 2) .....................................                              1 ______________
 2.  Multiply line 1 by 90% (.90) [or 66 2/3% (.6667) if a qualified farmer] ...................     2  ______________
 3.  Enter 2018 withholding (from 2018 Form ND-1, line 26, or Form ND-EZ, line 3) .........................................                                3 ______________
 4.  Subtract line 3 from line 1. If less than $1,000, stop; you were not required to pay estimated tax
      for 2018   ......................................................................................................................................... 4 ______________
 5.  Enter 2017 net tax liability (from 2017 Form ND-1, line 25, or 2017 Form ND-EZ, line 2). If no return
         was required   to be filed for 2017, enter -0-. If less than $1,000, stop; you were not required to
         pay estimated tax for 2018 .............................................................................................................          5 ______________
 6.  Total required payment. Enter smaller of line 2 or line 5. However, if you moved into North Dakota
      during the 2017 tax year, enter the amount from line 2 and fill in this circle                                     .......                         6 ______________
     If one of the exceptions in Part 1 applies, see the                                                          Payment due date
     instructions to line 7 before completing the rest                                         1st Quarter    2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter                      4th Quarter
     of this form.                                                                             April 15, 2018 June 15, 2018  Sept. 15, 2018  Jan. 15, 2019

 7.  Enter 25% of amount on line 6 in each column (or, if an exception
      in Part 1 applies, enter the amount per instructions to line 7) .........            7  __________ __________ __________  __________
 8.  Enter estimated tax paid and tax withheld (See instructions)..........                8  __________ __________ __________  __________
     Complete lines 9 through 15 of one column
      before going to next column. 
 9.  Enter amount, if any, from line 13 of previous column ...................             9                   __________ __________  __________
 10. Total paid. Add lines 8 and 9 ......................................................  10  __________ __________ __________  __________
 11. Add lines 14 and 15 of previous column and enter result ...............               11                  __________ __________ 
 12. Overpayment.      If line 10 is greater than line 7, subtract line 7
      from line 10 and enter result. Otherwise, enter -0- .......................          12  __________ __________ __________ 
 13. Overpayment carryover.         If line 12 is greater than line 11,
      subtract line 11 from line 12 and enter result. Otherwise, enter -0-                 13  __________ __________ __________
 14. Underpayment carryover.           If line 11 is greater than line 12,
      subtract line 12 from line 11 and enter result. Otherwise, enter -0-                 14                  __________ __________ 
 15. Underpayment.       If line 7 is greater than line 10, subtract
      line 10 from line 7 and enter result. Otherwise, enter -0- ...............           15  __________ __________ __________  __________
Part 3 - Computation of interest (See instructions)
 16. Interest computation:
     a Enter date of payment (See instructions) ..............................  16a  __________ __________ __________  __________
     b Enter number of days from the payment due date to the 
       date on line 16a .................................................................  16b  __________ __________ __________  __________
     c Divide line 16b by 365 and round to three decimal places ........  16c                    .            0 .           0 .                            0 .
     d Multiply line 16c by 12% (.12) and round to three
       decimal places ...................................................................  16d    .           .               .                            .
     e Multiply line 15 by line 16d and enter result ...........................  16e  __________ __________ __________  __________
 17. Total interest.   Add the amounts in all four columns on line 16e. Enter result here
      and on Form ND-1, line 37. (See instructions) ......................................................................................  17  ______________

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North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
 2018 Schedule ND-1UT instructions

General instructions                              Instructions for Part 2                         the date the estimated tax due is paid in full. 
You may use Schedule ND-1UT to determine                                                          In the case where an overpayment is applied 
if you paid enough estimated North Dakota         Line 7                                          to offset an underpayment, the overpayment 
income tax by the payment due dates and,          If one of the exceptions in Part 1 applies,     is considered to have been applied as of the 
if you didn’t, to calculate the amount of         enter on this line the appropriate amount(s) as payment due date for the quarter in which the 
interest you must pay on the underpayment         follows:                                        overpayment occurred.
or late payment.  The dates used on               •  If Item A applies, enter the amount from     In some cases, you may find it necessary to 
Schedule ND-1UT and in these instructions           line 6 in the 4th quarter column.  Enter zero compute the interest on a separate worksheet, 
are for calendar year filers. Fiscal year filers    in the first three columns.                   in which case you should skip lines 16a 
should substitute corresponding dates.
                                                                                                  through 16d and enter the separately computed 
                                                  •  If Item B applies, use the annualized 
                                                                                                  interest on line 16e in the appropriate 
Federal estimated income tax requirement.           federal taxable income determined on the 
                                                                                                  column. Attach your worksheet to 
Do not complete Schedule ND-1UT unless you          2018 Federal Form 2210 to calculate an 
                                                                                                  Schedule ND‑1UT.
were required to pay estimated federal income       annualized North Dakota taxable income.  
tax for the tax year. To determine if you were      Include any adjustments required or           For purposes of computing interest, the amount 
required to pay estimated federal income tax        allowed under North Dakota tax law in the     paid for a particular quarter must be applied 
for 2018, see the 2018 Federal Form 2210.           calculation.  Enter the amount of estimated   first to the amount due for that quarter.  If the 
                                                    North Dakota income tax due by each           total amount paid exceeds the amount due, the 
Instructions for Part 1                             payment due date calculated in the same       excess must be applied to offset an outstanding 
Following are descriptions of the exceptions        manner as under the federal annualized        underpayment, if any, from a previous quarter, 
to the regular computation of underpayment          income installment method on Form 2210.       starting with the earliest underpayment. In 
listed in Part 1. If one of them applies, fill in                                                 addition, in the case of a late payment, the 
the applicable circle.                            If Item C applies, enter 25% of the 
                                                                                                  interest on line 16e must be computed on the 
                                                    amount on line 6 in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd 
                                                                                                  amount due on line 7 less any tax withheld 
Item A: Qualified farmer exception                  columns.  Enter zero in the 4th quarter 
                                                                                                  included on line 8.
This exception applies if you qualified as          column.
a farmer for federal estimated income tax                                                         Line 16a
purposes in 2018 and you were required to         •  If Item D applies, the amount to enter 
pay estimated federal income tax for the 4th        in each column depends on when you            Except for a late payment or where an 
quarter due on January 15, 2019.                    first received income from North Dakota       underpayment is offset by a subsequent 
                                                    sources in 2018.  If you received the         quarter’s overpayment, enter April 15, 2019. 
Item B: Federal annualized income                   income after March 31 and before June 1,      If there is a late payment and the amount of 
installment method exception                        2018, enter one-third of the amount on        the payment equals or exceeds the amount of 
This exception applies only if you actually         line 6 in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarter       estimated tax due, enter the date of payment. 
used the annualized income installment              columns.  If you received the income after    If an underpayment is fully offset by a 
method to calculate the amount of your              May 31 and before September 1, 2018,          subsequent quarter’s overpayment, enter the 
underpayment and penalty for federal                enter one-half of the amount on line 6        payment due date for the quarter in which 
estimated income tax purposes for 2018.             in the 3rd and 4th quarter columns.  If       the overpayment occurred.  In other cases, 
Attach a copy of the federal annualized             you received the income after August 31,      more than one date may apply and it may 
income installment method worksheet                 2018, and before January 1, 2019, enter       be necessary to compute the interest on a 
(from 2018 Federal Form 2210) showing               the amount from line 6 in the 4th quarter     separate worksheet, in which case you should 
the amounts you computed for federal                column.                                       skip lines 16a through 16d and enter the 
purposes.                                                                                         separately computed interest on line 16e in the 
                                                  Line 8                                          appropriate column. Attach your worksheet 
Item C: Federal 4th quarter                                                                       to Schedule ND‑1UT.
                                                  Enter the amount of estimated tax paid and 
                                                  income tax withheld for each quarter. Unless 
This exception applies if you did not have to     you can show otherwise, one-fourth of the 
make the 4th quarter estimated federal income     total amount withheld is deemed to have         Line 17
tax payment due on January 15, 2019, because      been withheld by each payment due date. If      If there is an amount on this line, you may not 
you filed your 2018 federal income tax return     you elected to apply an overpayment from        file Form ND-EZ; you must file Form ND-1.  
and paid the remaining federal income  tax due    your 2017 North Dakota return to your 2018      If there is an overpayment on Form ND-1, 
by February 1, 2019.                              estimated tax, enter the overpayment in the 1st line 29, any interest due on Schedule ND-1UT 
Item D: Partial year exception                    quarter column; however, if you had attached    will reduce the amount refunded to you.  If 
This exception applies if you were a              a statement to your 2017 return requesting the  there is a tax due on Form ND-1, line 33, any 
nonresident of North Dakota, or you moved         overpayment to be applied to another quarter,   interest due on Schedule ND-1UT must be 
into North Dakota during 2018, and you did        enter the overpayment in the appropriate        included in the balance due to be paid with 
not receive income subject to North Dakota        column.                                         your return.  If there is no overpayment or 
                                                                                                  tax due on your return, and if the interest 
income tax until after April 15, 2018.  Attach                                                    due on Schedule ND-1UT is $5.00 or more, 
a statement describing your situation.            Instructions for Part 3                         the interest due on Schedule ND-1UT must 
                                                  Interest of 12% per year is charged on an       be included in the balance due, and a check 
                                                  underpayment or late payment of estimated       or money order for this amount must be 
                                                  tax. Interest accrues from the due date of the  submitted with your return.
                                                  payment to the earlier of April 15, 2019, or 

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