PDF document
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October 2022

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The North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner will accept substitute or reproduced tax forms. 
Prior to filing substitute or reproduced forms, vendors must obtain approval from our office. Substitute 
forms include any form submitted to the department other than the official form. Reproduced forms are 
direct copies of official department forms. Both substitute and reproduced forms must look like and be 
able to be processed in the same manner as the official department form. The North Dakota Office of 
State Tax Commissioner will not accept unapproved forms from the taxpayer/practitioner. 
Unless otherwise stated, the term “form” as used in these guidelines includes tax returns, schedules, 
statements, declarations, and remittance vouchers. The term “vendor” refers to payroll and tax 
processing software developers, electronic filing processors, computer tax processors, commercial 
printers, tax form publishers, or any other individual or business that plans to market, distribute, or file 
substitute or reproduced forms in any manner. 
Approval Process: 
Any vendor that designs or markets substitute/reproduced forms must first get departmental approval.  
Tax year specific forms must be reviewed and approved annually. Vendors are expected to maintain 
current versions of all other department forms that they reproduce. Revision dates must be present on all 
forms and must use the specified barcode. 
It is preferred that forms be submitted for approval prior to distribution to customers. If a form is 
included in a release of a product without being approved by the department, the form must clearly state 
it has not been approved for filing and should not be filed as a substitute for the official department 
form. The department reserves the right to reject any form that has not been approved or does not follow 
the guidelines specified in this document. Filers of unapproved forms may also be subject to penalties 
and interest. 
Notification of approval will usually be sent within 10 business days. This may be extended during peak 
processing times. If the form is not approved, you will be notified of the changes needed and 
resubmission may be required. When resubmitting a form, be sure to mark it as such, as it may be given 
a higher priority than first-time submissions whenever possible. 
Submission Requirements: 
The preferred method is a single .PDF with fully filled data fields so the layout and formatting can be 
approved. All required fields must be present when submitting a form for approval. An acceptable 
alternative to sending a .PDF is mailing a paper copy to the address listed below. If barcodes do not read 
properly from the PDF, a paper copy of the form may be requested by the department. There is no 
requirement to send in blank copies for approval. The form should be generated from the product that 
will produce the output to ensure the proper form is approved. 
For those forms designed on the 6x10 grid, all variable fields must be in the proper position before 
approval will be given. If an exact image of the form that will be printed from the software cannot be 
generated electronically, we request that paper test forms are submitted. Please be sure to turn off all 
scaling when printing the form so it matches the specifications. Instructions are not shown on gridded 
forms but will sometimes be included or posted separately on our website. Use 12-point font whenever 
possible to allow our OCR engines to work efficiently. 

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The department does not review or approve the logic of specific software programs, confirm any of the 
calculations provided by the form, or check spelling of the text. The accuracy of the output from the 
software is the sole responsibility of the vendor. 
Specific Guidelines and Requirements: 
Paper Requirements: 
 • White paper is required, using at least 20 lb. or higher for all forms. 
 • Size of substitute form must match size of official form.  All forms listed in this document are 8 
   ½” x 11” (letter-size) portrait style documents.  All payment vouchers are the bottom third of a 
   letter-size document. 
Printing Requirements: 
 • Layouts of substitute forms must match the official form or template provided.  It must include 
   all of the same data, allow for same amounts of space, and fields should be in the same order.  
   For those designed on a grid, the placement of fields must match exactly. 
 • User input fields are shown in red on gridded forms. 
 • Graphics that are on the official form are not required, but the form name should be prominent 
   on the top of the form. 
 • Specific fonts are not required, as long as the data is printed in 12-point font. 
 • Forms may be printed back to back. 
 • Black ink must be used unless otherwise noted. 
 • Logo is not required on substitute forms.  If the logo is not used, “North Dakota” must precede 
   the text “Office of State Tax Commissioner” in the form title. 
 • Blank Fields – If a field is blank, leave it blank or enter a single 0.  Do not type “ZERO” or 
   “NONE” in blank numeric fields. 
 • Currency fields – Right-justify values.  Commas are preferred for larger amounts.  Rounding to 
   nearest whole dollar is preferred.  When rounding, no decimal should be present.  No text is 
   allowed in these fields. 
 • Date Fields – Use the format of MM/DD/YYYY for all date fields. 
 • Text Fields – Use at least 12-point font wherever possible, specifically in the required fields.  
   This improves the readability during character recognition. 
 • Checkboxes – please fill in as much of the area as possible. 
1-D Barcode Specifications: 

 • 2of5 Interleave preferred 
 • Barcode Dimensions – minimum ⅜” x 1 ¼” 
For additional specifications, please refer to the standards on the NACTP website. 
North Dakota Software Developer Web Site: https://www.tax.nd.gov/developer 
Please send all form approvals and related questions to: 
Lucas Asche 
Director, Information Management & Technology 
(701) 328-3129 

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Form #:  Form Title:                                               Barcode Value: 
28745    2022 Form ND-EZ                                           1846207390 
28702    2022 Form ND-1 (page 1)                                   7020388491 
28702    2022 Form ND-1 (page 2)                                   3505388495 
28707    2022 Form 38                                              3895468733 
28714    2022 Form 40                                              1694350008 
28715    2022 Form 40X                                             1407264240 
28703    2022 Form 58                                              9225419697 
28717    2022 Form 60                                              5988515854 
21997    Form ST (7/16)                                            07162501 
28229    Form 306 (8/18)                                           4091058085 
28261    Form RWT-941 (7/18)                                       3843642820 
21849    Form PPD (9/18)                                           4680515469 
22042    Form F10 (9/19)                                           5004306536 
28228    Form 307 (10/15)                                          10152301 
22008    2022 Telecommunications Gross Receipts Tax                3079040711 
28258    Form 500 (rev 4/20)                                       7508121936 
28249    Request for Copies of Tax Returns (12/20)                 2161068598 
21945    One Time Remittance Form (1/18)                           8978309105 
59937    Application For Contractor’s Request for Clearance (6/11) 8143287182 
28729    Form NDW-R (12/08)                                        12080701 
61003    ID Theft Declaration (1/21)                               0203027396 
60488    Change of Address (Now online)                            https://apps.nd.gov/tax/tap/?link=ADNLCH 
Vouchers used for submitting payment with paper returns 
28756    2022 Form ND-1PRV                                         7576184569 
28749    2022 Form 38-PV                                           5808524338 
28752    2022 Form 40-PV                                           9593358721 
28750    2022 Form 58-PV                                           1419591561 
28751    2022 Form 60-PV                                           4701028271 
28229    Form 306-PV (on bottom of Form 306)                       028229 
28261    Form RWT-941-PV (on bottom of Form RWT-941)               028261 
21849    Form PPD-PV (on bottom of Form PPD)                       021849 
22042    Form F10 (on bottom of Form F10)                          022042 
Vouchers used for submitting payment for MeF returns 
28729    2022 Form ND-1V                                           7396149818 
28719    2022 Form 38-EPV                                          5664553497 
28725    2022 Form 40-EPV                                          8097025180 
28730    2022 Form 58-EPV                                          4325577856 
28733    2022 Form 60-EPV                                          8936018588 
Vouchers used for making estimated payments for the next tax year 
28709    2023 Form ND-1ES                                          7212219161 
28723    2023 Form 38-ES                                           7299573901 
28716    2023 Form 40-ES                                           6702012930 
28734    2023 Form 58-ES                                           4004455091 
28737    2023 Form 60-ES                                           8136497075 
Vouchers used for making extension payments for the current year 
28713    2022 Form ND-1EXT                                         4749448123 
28735    2022 Form 38-EXT                                          2900258893 
28718    2022 Form 40-EXT                                          0595596896 
28732    2022 Form 58-EXT                                          0423313107 
28736    2022 Form 60-EXT                                          7142122380 
*Note: All forms on the software developer pages already contain the proper barcodes if you are able to import the 
PDF into your software. 

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