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              NORTH DAKOTA


                   FORM ND-EZ

                   FORM ND-1

Photo credit: 
ND Tourism

Tax forms, guidelines, and more are 
available at www.tax.nd.gov.

Email questions to individualtax@nd.gov.

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Refund of local sales tax ......................This page          Balance due (payment options) .................. 10
Use tax requirement ...........................This page           Before you file—tips for trouble-free filing .... 10
Privacy Act information .......................This page         Instructions for Form ND-1 ........................... 11
Electronic filing and direct deposit options ......... 1           Direct deposit of refund............................. 15
Changes for 2022 .......................................... 2      Balance due (payment options) .................. 16
General instructions for all filers                                Before you file—tips for trouble-free filing .... 16
  Steps to completing your return ................... 4          List of school district codes ........................... 19
  Who must file a return ................................ 4      2022 Tax Table ............................................ 20
  Which form to use ...................................... 6     How to assemble your North
  Reciprocity ................................................ 6   Dakota return ......................Inside back cover
  When and where to file ............................... 7       Forms or assistance ..........................Back cover
  Extension of time to file .............................. 7     Check the status of your refund ..........Back cover
  Penalty and interest .................................... 7    Request a copy of your return
  Federal income tax return ........................... 7         or other information .........................Back cover
  Changing your return .................................. 7
  Estimated tax requirement (for 2023) ........... 8
  How to file a return for a deceased taxpayer .. 8               Taxpayer Bill of Rights
  Disclosure notification ................................. 8     Obtain a copy of the North Dakota 
Instructions for Form ND-EZ ........................... 9         Taxpayer Bill of Rights from our 
  Direct deposit of refund............................... 9       website at www.tax.nd.gov

If you need a form or document mentioned in this booklet, you may obtain it from our website at
www.tax.nd.gov, or request it by phone, e-mail, fax, or letter—see the back cover of this booklet
for phone numbers and addresses.

          You might be eligible for a refund of local sales tax!

Most city and county local tax ordinances contain a local sales tax maximum, which varies among the local 
tax jurisdictions. If you pay local sales tax in excess of the jurisdiction’s maximum amount, you may apply 
to the Office of State Tax Commissioner to obtain a refund of the excess local sales tax paid. For example, if 
you purchase $4,000 of furniture in a city having a 1% sales tax and a local sales tax maximum of $25, the 
retailer will collect $200 in state sales tax ($4,000 x 5%) and $40 in local sales tax ($4,000 x 1%) at the 
time of purchase. You may apply to the Office of State Tax Commissioner to obtain a refund of $15, which 
is the excess of the $40 local sales tax paid over the $25 local sales tax maximum. Apply for a Local Tax 
Refund on our North Dakota Taxpayer Access Point (ND TAP) at www.tax.nd.gov/LocalTaxRefund. 

                                    Do you owe use tax?
If you purchased goods from a source outside North Dakota that you use or consume in North Dakota on 
which you did not pay North Dakota sales tax, you may have to pay state and local sales taxes to North 
Dakota. Technically, what you have to pay is called a “use tax.” The use tax applies to the same goods that 
are subject to North Dakota’s sales tax. The use tax applies whether you purchased the goods in person at 
an out-of-state location, or by mail, phone, or over the Internet.
If you purchased the goods in another state and did not pay any sales tax to that state, you must pay the 
full use tax to North Dakota. However, if you did pay the other state’s sales tax but paid less than what 
you would have paid in North Dakota, you must pay use tax to North Dakota equal to the difference. If 
you purchased the goods in another country, you must pay the full use tax to North Dakota regardless of 
whether you paid any tax to that country on the purchase. 
If you owe use tax to North Dakota, you must file a North Dakota use tax return using the One Time 
Remittance Form. You can obtain it from our website at www.tax.nd.gov, or you may call us at

Privacy Act Notification. In compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974, disclosure of the individual’s social security number on this 
form is required under N.D.C.C. §§ 57-01-15 and 57-38-31, and will be used for tax reporting, identification and administration of 
North Dakota tax laws. Disclosure is mandatory. Failure to provide the social security number may delay or prevent the processing of 
this form.

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                                                                                                                                North Dakota

                                                    90% of filers e-file!
Isn’t it time to e-file

  your return?

1. Go to our website at www.tax.nd.gov

2. Click on “I Need To . . .” at top of page,

              then select “E-File My Taxes”

Do it yourself

With a computer and Internet access, you can 
complete and electronically file your federal and                                                                                 10%
North Dakota returns—through an Internet-                                                                                         Paper
based tax preparation service or using tax                                           % of total returns filed for 2021 tax year
preparation software that you can buy from 
any number of retail stores. Make sure the                                                                                        Paper         E-file
software supports the forms you need to file 
your North Dakota return.
If eligible, you may be able to e-file for free or at a reduced cost. Use the 
interactive tool on our website to determine if you qualify. Whichever method you 
choose, the program will walk you step-by-step through the preparation of your 

Or have a tax expert help you

Free tax preparation assistance and electronic filing is available to eligible
filers at a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) or Tax Counseling 
for the Elderly (TCE) site set up by the IRS. Go to www.irs.gov or call
1-800-906-9887 to locate a site near you.

A professional tax preparer who is an Authorized IRS E-File Provider can 
complete and electronically file your returns for you at a cost dependent on the 
complexity of your return.

       Choose  DIRECT DEPOSIT   for a faster refund

Regardless of how you file, use DIRECT DEPOSIT for 
  secure, fast handling of your refund.                                                                                           Direct
                                                                                                                                ® Deposit
  For more information, see page 9 if filing
Form ND-EZ, or see page 15 if using Form ND-1.

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          North Dakota

Changes affecting you and your income tax
Developments, updates, and items of interest relating to individual income tax

REMINDER: Tax relief credit               REMINDER: 2-year extension                 •  The individual would have been 
for North Dakota residents                of 2019 changes to disabled              eligible to claim the child as a 
House Bill 1515 passed by the 2021        employment credit                        dependent on the 2022 federal 
                                                                                   income tax return if the child had 
North Dakota Legislature, in Special      In 2019, the North Dakota Legislature 
                                                                                   been born alive. 
Session in November 2021, created         expanded the income tax credit for 
a nonrefundable tax relief income         hiring a qualifying developmentally      A certified copy of a Fetal Death 
tax credit for full-year residents of     disabled or mentally ill individual.     Record can be obtained from the
North Dakota. The credit is available     Eligibility for the credit was           North Dakota Division of Vital Records 
only for the 2021 and 2022 tax            extended to all taxpayers (not just      online at www.ndhealth.gov/vital, 
years, after which it expires. Full-      C corporations), the credit rate was     or by submitting a request form by 
year residency is the only qualifying     increased from 5% to 25%, and            fax or mail. It can also be obtained 
condition, and so the credit is allowed   the wages on which the credit is         in person at the agency’s office in 
to all full-year resident filers who have allowed was changed from the first       the State Capitol, Judicial Wing, 
a tax liability (before any credits)      $6,000 paid in the first 12 months of    First Floor, Room 118.
on their return. A credit of $350 is      employment to the first $6,000 paid 
allowed to single, head of household,     annually. The 2019 changes were          Free electronic filing available to 
qualifying widow(er), and married         effective only for the 2019 and 2020     many individuals
filing separately filers. For married     tax years. House Bill 1405 passed by     Nearly 90% of all individual filers 
persons filing jointly, both of whom      the 2021 North Dakota Legislature        electronically filed their 2020 North 
are full-year residents, a credit         reinstated the 2019 changes for          Dakota income tax return. Many North 
of $700 is allowed. In the case of        two additional tax years—2021 and        Dakotans are eligible to efile their 
married persons filing jointly, where     2022—after which the changes will        taxes for free, depending on income 
one spouse is a full-year resident of     expire, and the law will revert to how   and age.
North Dakota and the other spouse         it read prior to 2019. To qualify for 
is a nonresident of North Dakota for      the credit, an employer must apply       Using the online ND Free File tool, 
part or all of the year, a $350 credit    for and obtain from the North Dakota     taxpayers can easily find out if 
is allowed. The amount of the credit      Department of Human Services,            they qualify to file their federal and 
is limited to the lesser of the credit    Vocational Rehabilitation Division, a    state returns for free through certain 
or the tax (before any credits) on the    letter certifying that the individual    tax software products. Go to
return. If the credit exceeds the tax     has a severe developmental or mental     www.tax.nd.gov and click on “I 
on the return, the excess credit is       disability, is eligible for the agency’s Need To . . .” at the top of the page. 
not refundable and cannot be carried      services, and requires customized or     Then select “E-File My Taxes” to learn 
over and used in any other tax year.      supported employment to become           more.
The credit is claimed on Form ND-1,       employed. See Schedule ND-1TC,           Taxpayers may also utilize free tax 
line 20.                                  line 23.                                 preparation services available at the 
                                                                                   IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance 
Form ND-EZ filers. Form ND-EZ is          REMINDER: Deduction                      (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the 
for full-year residents of North Dakota   available to parents of stillborn        Elderly (TCE) sites around the state. 
who have no state adjustments to          child                                    These sites are run by either AARP 
income and no state income tax                                                     or the IRS. To find a VITA or TCE site 
                                          A deduction is available to parents 
credits. Because all full-year residents                                           near you, use the VITA Locator Tool on 
                                          who experience a stillbirth. The 
qualify for the new tax relief income                                              the IRS’s website at www.irs.gov or 
                                          deduction, which is adjusted 
tax credit, any full-year resident                                                 call toll free 800-906-9887.
                                          annually for inflation, increases to 
who has a tax liability in 2022 must 
                                          $4,530 for the 2022 tax year. See 
use Form ND-1 to get the credit. 
                                          Schedule ND-1SA, line 5.                 Staying on top of 
The credit is not available on Form 
ND-EZ. Individuals who, except for        The deduction is allowed to an           developments
the new credit, would qualify to use      individual who meets the following       Individuals, businesses, or other 
Form ND-EZ may still use it if their      requirements:                            interested persons may sign up to 
                                                                                   receive email notifications when 
North Dakota taxable income and tax         •  The individual is the parent of a 
                                                                                   a newsletter or other important 
are zero.                                 child who was stillborn in 2022. 
                                                                                   information is issued by the Office of 
                                            •  The individual obtains a certified  State Tax Commissioner. To sign up, 
                                          copy of a Fetal Death Record             go to www.tax.nd.gov and select 
                                          (Certification of Fetal Death) from      “News Center” at the top of the page. 
                                          the North Dakota Department of           Then select “Email Sign-Up.”
                                          Health, Division of Vital Records. 

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                               North Dakota

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       North Dakota

General information for all filers
                                                                                     Civilian spouse of U.S. armed 
Steps to completing your return                                                      forces service member—If you 
                                                                                     are a civilian spouse of a U.S. armed 
 Step   Action                                                                       forces service member, you must file a 
                                                                                     2022 North Dakota individual income 
   1   Determine if you have to file a return .............. see this page          tax return if both of the following 
   2   Complete your federal return ............................ see page 7
     3  Determine which form to use ............................ see page 6           • You are required to file a 2022 
                                                                                     federal individual income tax 
          Have you considered efiling your return? .......... see page 1             return.
     4  Go to the applicable instructions—                                            • You were a full-year resident of 
                                                                                     North Dakota for the 2022 tax 
          If using Form ND-EZ ...................................... see page 9
                                                                                     year. You are treated as a resident 
          If using Form ND-1 .......................................see page 11      for this purpose if you elect under 
     5  Assemble your completed return ......... see inside back cover              the federal Servicemembers Civil 
                                                                                     Relief Act to be a North Dakota 
     6  Read “Before you file” ......................... see page 10 or 16          resident for state tax purposes.
     7 File your return on or before April 15, 2023—                                For more information, see the Civilian 
          Where to file ................................................. see page 7 Spouses of Military Service Members 
                                                                                     income tax guideline.
          Need an extension? ....................................... see page 7

                                                                                     Full-year nonresident
                                                                                     If you were a full-year nonresident of 
                                         Statutory 7-month rule—Even                 North Dakota for the 2022 tax year, 
Who must file a return                   though you were not a resident of           you must file a 2022 North Dakota 
                                         North Dakota for any part of the            individual income tax return if both of 
Full-year resident                       tax year—that is, you were a full-          the following apply:
If you were a full-year resident of      year nonresident—you must file as a           • You are required to file a 2022 
North Dakota for the 2022 tax year       full-year resident of North Dakota if       federal individual income tax 
and you are required to file a 2022      you maintain a permanent place of           return.
federal individual income tax return,    abode in North Dakota and spend in            • You derived gross income from 
you must file a 2022 North Dakota        the aggregate more than 210 days            North Dakota sources during the 
individual income tax return. This       of the tax year in North Dakota. A          2022 tax year. (See the box on 
applies even if you worked outside       permanent place of abode means a            page 5 for what is included in 
North Dakota (including employment       house, apartment, or other dwelling         gross income from North Dakota 
overseas) during the tax year or have    containing cooking and bathroom             sources.) 
income from sources outside North        facilities that is suitable for year-
Dakota. You were a full-year resident    round living and is maintained on a         You were a full-year nonresident if you 
of North Dakota if you were a resident   permanent or indefinite basis. This         were not a resident of North Dakota 
of North Dakota for the entire tax year  7-month rule does not apply if you          for any part of the tax year and do not 
or meet the statutory 7-month rule—      were (1) a part-year resident of North      meet the statutory 7-month rule—see 
see “Statutory 7-month rule” on this     Dakota, (2) a full-year nonresident         “Statutory 7-month rule” on this page. 
page.                                    serving in the U.S. armed forces, or 
                                         (3) a full-year resident of Montana or      Nonresident in U.S. armed forces
Definition of resident—In these          Minnesota covered by reciprocity.           If you were a full-year nonresident 
instructions, the term “resident” refers                                             of North Dakota serving in the U.S. 
to an individual who is a legal resident Resident in U.S. armed forces—If            armed forces during the 2022 tax 
of North Dakota. Legal residence         you were a full-year resident of North      year and you are required to file a 
(which is also called domicile) means    Dakota serving in the U.S. armed            2022 federal individual income tax 
the place that is your permanent         forces during the 2022 tax year             return, you must file a 2022 North 
home to which you always intend to       and you are required to file a 2022         Dakota individual income tax return 
return whenever absent from it. If you   federal individual income tax return,       as a full-year nonresident if you have 
have more than one physical place of     you must file a 2022 North Dakota           gross income from North Dakota 
abode, only one of them may be your      individual income tax return as a full-     sources other than your military 
legal residence. Legal residence is      year resident. This applies regardless      compensation.
based on your intent and your actions.   of where you were stationed during 

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                                                                                       North Dakota

Civilian spouse of U.S. armed          Minnesota or Montana resident        Except where an income tax treaty 
forces service member—If you           If you were a full-year resident of    between the United States and a 
are a civilian spouse of a U.S. armed  Minnesota for the 2022 tax year,       foreign country specifically exempts 
forces service member, you are not     you do not have to file a 2022 North   income from taxation by a U.S. state, 
required to file a 2022 North Dakota   Dakota individual income tax return if income tax treaties between the U.S. 
individual income tax return if all of both of the following apply:           and foreign countries do not apply for 
the following apply:                                                          North Dakota income tax purposes. 
                                         • Your only gross income from North 
                                                                              Therefore, you may have to pay 
  • Your service member spouse’s       Dakota sources was compensation 
                                                                              North Dakota income tax on gross 
permanent duty station is in North     for personal or professional 
                                                                              income from North Dakota sources 
Dakota.                                services.
                                                                              even though the income is exempt 
  • Your only gross income from North    • You returned to your home in       from U.S. income tax because of a 
Dakota sources was wages for           Minnesota at least once each           treaty. For more information, see 
work performed in North Dakota.        month during the time you worked       the guideline Income Taxation of 
  • You resided in North Dakota only   in North Dakota.                       Nonresident Aliens under “Guidelines” 
because you wanted to live with        If you were a full-year resident of    at www.tax.nd.gov.
your service member spouse.            Montana for the 2022 tax year, you do 
  • Both you and your service          not have to file a 2022 North Dakota   Disaster recovery tax 
member spouse were full-year           individual income tax return if your   exemptions—Exemptions from state 
nonresidents of North Dakota for       only gross income from North Dakota    and local tax filing and payment 
the 2022 tax year. You are treated     sources was wages.                     obligations are available to out-of-
as a nonresident for this purpose                                             state businesses and their employees 
if you elect under the federal         See “Reciprocity” on page 6 for more   who are in North Dakota on a 
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act        information.                           temporary basis for the sole purpose 
to be a resident of a state other                                             of repairing or replacing natural gas, 
than North Dakota for state tax        Nonresident alien—If you were a        electrical, or telecommunication 
purposes.                              nonresident alien of the United States transmission property that is 
                                       and received gross income from North   damaged, or under threat of damage, 
For more information, see the Civilian Dakota sources during the 2022 tax     from a state-or presidentially-declared 
Spouses of Military Service Members    year, you must file a 2022 North       disaster or emergency. For more 
income tax guideline.                  Dakota individual income tax return.   information, go to www.tax.nd.gov.

Gross income from North Dakota sources                                        Part-year resident
                                                                              If you were a part-year resident of 
for nonresidents only                                                         North Dakota for the 2022 tax year, 
For a nonresident, “gross income       •  Unemployment compensation           you must file a 2022 North Dakota 
from North Dakota sources” includes    attributable to previous               individual income tax return if both of 
the following:                         employment in North Dakota.            the following apply:
•  Compensation for services           Exceptions                               • You are required to file a 2022 
performed in North Dakota,             Gross income from North Dakota            federal individual income tax 
such as wages, salaries, tips,         sources does not include these items      return.
commissions, and fees.                 received while a nonresident of          • You derived gross income from 
•  Income from tangible property       North Dakota: military pay, interest,     (1) any source inside or outside 
in North Dakota, such as rents,        dividends, pensions, annuities,           North Dakota while you were 
oil and gas royalties, and gain        gain from the sale or exchange of         a resident of North Dakota or 
from the sale or exchange of the       intangible property, compensation         (2) a North Dakota source while 
property.                              exempted under reciprocity with           you were a nonresident of North 
                                       Minnesota or Montana, compensation 
•  Income from a trade or business                                               Dakota. (See the box on this 
                                       exempted under federal military 
carried on in North Dakota,                                                      page for what is included in gross 
                                       and interstate commerce laws, or 
whether as a sole proprietorship,                                                income from North Dakota sources 
                                       compensation exempted under 
partnership, S corporation,                                                      while a nonresident.)
                                       North Dakota’s mobile workforce 
or limited liability company                                                  You were a part-year resident of North 
treated like a partnership or                                                 Dakota if you were a resident of North 
S corporation.                         Note: Interest, dividends, gains,      Dakota for only part of the year. This 
•  Income from an estate or trust,     and other income from intangible       generally applies if you moved into 
but only to the extent the income      property are included in gross income  or out of North Dakota and the move 
is derived from tangible property      from North Dakota sources if derived   constituted a change in your legal 
or a trade or business in North        from a trade or business carried       residence. See “Definition of resident” 
Dakota.                                on in North Dakota, such as a sole     on page 4.
•  Income from gambling activity       proprietorship, partnership, or
carried on in North Dakota.            S corporation.

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            North Dakota

Native Americans
If you are a Native American, you are  Which form to use—Form ND-EZ or Form ND-1?
not subject to North Dakota income     Use Form ND-EZ ...if you answer No to ALL of the questions below.
tax and do not have to file a North 
Dakota income tax return if all of the Use Form ND-1 .....if you answer Yes to ANY of the questions below. 
following apply:                              Note: If you are filing a joint return with your spouse, check “Yes” if 
                                              the answer is “Yes” for either you or your spouse.
  • You are enrolled as a member of a 
federally-recognized Indian tribe.                                                                                    Yes  No
  • You lived on any Indian            1.     Were you a nonresident of North Dakota at any time in 2022? ......                 
reservation in North Dakota.           2.     Do you have any North Dakota addition adjustments?
  • You derived all of your income            (*See Form ND-1, lines 2-4) ....................................................   
from sources on any Indian             3.  Do you have any North Dakota subtraction adjustments?
reservation in North Dakota.
                                              (*See Form ND-1, lines 6-16) ..................................................    
If any of the above criteria are       4.  Are you claiming any North Dakota tax credits?
not met, you may be subject to 
                                              (*See Form ND-1, lines 20-23) .................................................    
North Dakota income tax. For more 
information, see the guideline Income  5.  Did you pay, or were you required to pay, North Dakota
Taxation of Native Americans under            estimated income tax for 2022, or did you apply an 
“Guidelines” at www.tax.nd.gov.               overpayment (refund) from your 2021 North Dakota return
                                              as an estimated payment for 2022? (*See Form ND-1, line 27) ....                   
                                       6.  Are you going to use the 3-year income averaging method
Which form to use                             for farm income (on Schedule ND-1FA) to calculate your tax? .......                
If you are required to file a 2022     7.  Are you going to make an extension payment on Form ND-1EXT? .                         
North Dakota individual income tax            * The references show where to find more information.
return, see the box on this page to 
determine whether you should use 
Form ND-EZ or Form ND-1.               withheld. If this applies to you and                      the time you work in Minnesota, the 
                                       you do not have any other gross                           compensation that you receive for 
                                       income from North Dakota sources,                         personal or professional services 
                                       complete Form ND-1 as follows:                            performed in Minnesota is not taxable 
Reciprocity                                                                                      by Minnesota. Also, wages you receive 
                                        1. Complete the applicable items                         for work performed in Montana while 
North Dakota has income tax             at the top of Form ND-1, page 1                          a resident of North Dakota are not 
reciprocity agreements with the states  (through line E), as instructed.                         taxable by Montana.
of Minnesota and Montana. If certain 
                                        2. For item F, fill in the circle next to 
conditions in the agreements are met, 
                                        “MN/MT RECIPROCITY” at the top 
compensation for services is taxable                                                             If you received wages covered 
                                        of Form ND-1, page 1. Also enter 
only by the state of residence.                                                                  by reciprocity and your employer 
                                        “MN” or “MT”, whichever applies, in                      withheld Minnesota or Montana 
                                        the space under “State.”                                 income tax from them, you must 
Minnesota and Montana                   3. Leave lines 1 through 25 blank.                       file an income tax return with the 
residents                               4. Fill in the amount of the North                       applicable state to obtain a refund of 
If you are a resident of Minnesota      Dakota income tax withheld on                            the amount withheld. If your wages 
and maintain a permanent home in        lines 26, 28, 29, and 32.                                are covered by reciprocity and you do 
Minnesota to which you return at                                                                 not want your employer to withhold 
least once each month during the        5. File Form ND-1 with a copy of                         Minnesota or Montana tax from 
time you work in North Dakota, the      your federal return and Form W-2s                        them, you must give your employer 
compensation you receive for personal   showing North Dakota income tax                          a properly completed Minnesota 
or professional services performed      withholding.                                             Form MW-R or Montana Form MT-R, 
in North Dakota is not taxable by                                                                whichever applies. For assistance and 
North Dakota. If you are a resident of If your wages are covered by                              forms, contact:
Montana, wages you receive for work    reciprocity and you do not want your 
performed in North Dakota are not      employer to withhold North Dakota                         • Minnesota Department of Revenue
taxable by North Dakota.               income tax from them, you must                              Email: individual.incometax@state.
                                       obtain and complete Form NDW-R and                             mn.us
If you received wages covered by       give it to your employer.                                   Phone: 651-296-3781
                                                                                                   Website: revenue.state.mn.us
reciprocity, and your employer 
                                                                                                 • Montana Department of Revenue
withheld North Dakota income tax of    North Dakota residents                                      Email: DORCustomerAssistance
$5.00 or more from them, you must      If you are a resident of North Dakota                           @mt.gov
file a North Dakota individual income  and maintain a permanent home in                            Phone: 406-444-6900
tax return at the end of the tax year  North Dakota to which you return                            Website: mtrevenue.gov
to obtain a refund of the amount       at least once each month during 

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                                                                                                North Dakota          7

                                          next to “Extension” at the top of       If you file your return after its due 
                                          Form ND-EZ or Form ND-1, whichever      date (or extended due date), and 
When and where to file
                                          applies.                                there is an unpaid tax due on it, a 
If you are filing on a calendar year                                              penalty equal to 5% of the unpaid tax 
basis, you must file your 2022 North                                              due or $5.00, whichever is greater, 
Dakota individual income tax return       Extension interest                      applies for the month the return 
                                          If you obtain an extension and file 
on or before April 15, 2023. If you are                                           was due, with an additional 5% of 
                                          your North Dakota return on or before 
filing on a fiscal year basis, you must                                           the unpaid tax due for each month 
                                          the extended due date, and you pay 
file on or before the 15th day of the                                             (or fraction of a month) the return 
                                          any tax balance due with the return, 
fourth month following the close of                                               remains delinquent, not to exceed 
                                          no penalty will be charged. Interest 
your fiscal tax year. If the due date                                             25% of the tax due.
                                          on any tax due on the return will be 
falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, 
                                          charged at the rate of 12% per year 
you have until the next day that is not                                           In addition to any penalty, interest 
                                          from the original due date of your 
a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday to file                                            must be paid at the rate of 1% per 
                                          return to the earlier of the date you 
your return.                                                                      month or fraction of a month, except 
                                          file your return or the extended due    for the month in which the tax was 
Mail your return to:                                                              due, on any tax due that remains 
                                                                                  unpaid after the return’s due date (or 
  Office of State Tax Commissioner                                                extended due date).
  PO Box 5621                             Prepayment of tax due
  Bismarck, North Dakota 58506-5621       If you are applying for an extension 
                                          of time to file, you may prepay 
                                          the tax that you expect to owe to       Federal income tax return
                                          avoid paying extension interest. For 
Extension of time to file                 payment options, go to                  You must complete your 2022 
                                          www.tax.nd.gov and select “Make         federal individual income tax return 
You may obtain an extension of time                                               (Form 1040 or 1040-SR) before you 
                                          A Payment.” If submitting a payment 
to file your North Dakota individual                                              complete your 2022 North Dakota 
                                          by paper check or money order, you 
income tax return by obtaining either                                             individual income tax return. Certain 
                                          must complete and submit a 2022 
a federal extension or a North Dakota                                             information from your federal return 
                                          Form ND-1EXT payment voucher with 
extension.                                                                        is needed to complete your North 
                                          the payment. Alternatively, you may 
                                          submit a paper check or money order     Dakota return.
Federal extension                         along with a letter containing the      If you are filing your North Dakota 
If you obtain an extension of             following:                              return on paper, you must attach 
time to file your federal return, it                                              a complete copy of your federal 
will be recognized for North Dakota         • Your name.
                                                                                  income tax return to your North 
individual income tax purposes. This        • Your social security number.        Dakota return. A complete copy 
includes the automatic extension            • Your address and phone number.      consists of Form 1040 or 1040-SR 
allowed for being outside the U.S. and      • Statement that you are making a     and all supplemental forms and 
Puerto Rico on April 15. You do not       2022 Form ND-1EXT payment.              schedules. You do not have to include 
have to file a separate state extension                                           depreciation schedules or any other 
form or notify the Office of State Tax    If you prepay your tax, you must file   statements that you may have 
Commissioner that you have obtained       Form ND-1 and claim the payment         prepared as supporting documentation 
a federal extension prior to filing       on page 2, line 27; you may not file    to your federal return.
your North Dakota return. Fill in the     Form ND-EZ.
circle next to “Extension” at the top of 
Form ND-EZ or Form ND-1, whichever 
applies.                                                                          Changing your return
                                          Penalty and interest                    If you need to change your North 
North Dakota extension                    If you obtain an extension of time to   Dakota return after you file it, you 
If you do not obtain a federal            file your return, you may pay the tax   must file an amended return. There is 
extension, but need additional time       due by the extended due date of the     no special form for this purpose. See 
to file your North Dakota return,         return without penalty, but extension   “How to prepare an amended return” 
you may apply for a North Dakota          interest will apply—see “Extension      on page 8. 
extension by completing and filing        interest” and “Prepayment of tax due”   If you paid too much tax because of 
Form 101. This is not an automatic        on this page.                           an error in your return, you generally 
extension—you must have good cause 
to request a North Dakota extension.      If you file your return by its due date have three years after you file your 
Form 101 must be postmarked on or         (or extended due date), but you do      original return to file an amended 
before the due date of your return.       not pay all of the tax due on it by the return to correct the error and claim 
You will be notified whether your         return’s due date (or extended due      a refund of the overpayment. For 
extension request is approved or          date), a penalty equal to 5% of the     other time periods that may apply, 
rejected. If approved, fill in the circle unpaid tax due or $5.00, whichever is   see North Dakota Century Code
                                          greater, must be paid.                  § 57-38-40 or contact the Office of 
                                                                                  State Tax Commissioner. 

- 10 -
        North Dakota

Penalty and interest apply to             changes you or the IRS made to 
additional tax due on an amended          your federal return, attach a copy 
                                                                                  How to file a return for a 
return.                                   of the amended federal return or 
                                          IRS notice. If amending to claim        deceased taxpayer
Change to federal return                  a net operating loss carryback,         If a final federal income tax return 
By law, you must file an amended          attach Form 1045 or 1040X.              is required to be filed for a decedent 
North Dakota return to report                                                     for the year of death, a final North 
changes made to your federal return.                                              Dakota income tax return also must 
This applies whether the changes         Estimated tax                            be filed. A court-appointed personal 
are attributable to your filing of                                                representative is responsible for filing 
                                         requirement (for 2023)
an amended federal return or an                                                   the decedent’s final return, even 
audit or correction by the IRS. The      You must pay estimated North Dakota      if there is a surviving spouse. The 
amended North Dakota return must         income tax for the 2023 tax year if all  information from the final federal 
be filed within 90 days after filing     of the following conditions apply:       return is used to complete the final 
the amended federal return or within                                              North Dakota return, and the North 
                                           1. You are required to pay estimated 
90 days after the final determination                                             Dakota return is to be signed in the 
                                          federal income tax for 2023.
of the IRS changes.                                                               same manner as required for federal 
                                           2. Your North Dakota net tax liability income tax purposes. If there is 
                                          for 2022 is $1,000 or more. (If         a personal representative and no 
How  to prepare an                        you are not required to file a          surviving spouse, a copy of the court 
amended return                            North Dakota return for 2022, you       document showing the appointment 
  1. Obtain a blank Form ND-1 for the     do not have to pay estimated tax        must be attached to the final return. 
tax year affected by the changes.         for 2023.)                              If there is a surviving spouse and 
  2. Enter your name, current address,     3. You expect to owe (after            the final return will be filed on a joint 
social security number, and other         subtracting any estimated North         basis, a refund will be mailed in both 
information required at top of            Dakota income tax withholding)          spouses’ names.
return.                                   at least $1,000 in North Dakota         If there is no surviving spouse and 
                                          income tax for 2023.
  3. Fill in the circle next to “Amended                                          no personal representative has been 
return: General” or “Amended               4. You expect your North Dakota        appointed for the decedent, attach 
return: Federal NOL,” whichever           income tax withholding for 2023         a copy of the death certificate and a 
applies, in the top right-hand            to be less than the smaller of the      copy of one of the following:
corner of the return. See                 following:
                                                                                    • Letter of Testamentary.
“Amended return” on page 11 for           (a) 90% of your 2023 North 
more information.                         Dakota net tax liability.                 • Letter of Administration.
  4. Complete the return through the      Note: Substitute 66 2/3%                  • Affidavit for Collection of Personal 
net tax liability line.                   if a qualified farmer—                  Property of Decedent.
                                          see instructions for 2023               For assistance, see back cover of 
  5. Leave the line for income tax        Form ND-1ES.                            booklet.
withholding blank unless you are 
claiming an additional amount not         (b) 100% of your 2022 North 
previously claimed.                       Dakota net tax liability. If            Fill in the circle for “Deceased” and 
                                          you moved into North Dakota             enter the date of death next to 
  6. On the “Total payments” line,        during 2022 and had no                  the deceased taxpayer’s name on 
enter the net tax liability shown         income from North Dakota                Form ND-EZ or Form ND-1, whichever 
on your original return or                prior to the move, this 100%            applies.
previously filed amended return.          threshold does not apply; 
If the net tax liability has not been     you must satisfy the 90% 
fully paid at the time the amended        threshold in part (a).
return is filed, only enter the                                                   Disclosure notification
amount of tax that has been paid.        In general, one-fourth (25%) of the      Upon written request from the 
  7. Complete the remaining portion      total estimated tax required to be paid  chairman of a North Dakota legislative 
of the return according to the           for the 2023 tax year must be paid by    standing committee or Legislative 
instructions. On an amended              April 15, June 15, and September 15,     Management, the law requires the 
return, you may not adjust               2023, and January 15, 2024.              Office of State Tax Commissioner to 
the amount of any voluntary              For payment options, go to               disclose the amount of any deduction 
contribution, nor the amount of an       www.tax.nd.gov and select “Make          or credit claimed on a tax return. Any 
overpayment applied to the next          A Payment.” If submitting a payment      other confidential information, such as 
year’s estimated tax.                    by paper check or money order, you       a taxpayer’s name or social security 
  8. Attach a statement explaining why   must complete and submit a 2022          number, may not be disclosed.
you are changing your return.            Form ND-1ES payment voucher with 
If you are doing so because of           the payment.

- 11 -
                                                                                                              North Dakota                9

2022 Form ND-EZ instructions

 Before you begin . . .
 NOTE:  Full-year residents of North Dakota are eligible for a Tax Relief Credit for 2022. See the 
       instructions to Form ND-1, line 20, for details. Use Form ND-EZ only if you are otherwise eligible to use 
       it and your tax on Form ND-EZ, line 2, is zero.
      Have your completed 2022 Form 1040 or 1040-SR at hand. Certain information on it will be needed.

                                              Accounting, legal, health, motel,                         or Form 1099 is North Dakota. Do 
Instructions for top of                         and other personal or professional                      not enter on this line North Dakota 
                                                services not classified elsewhere .. 5                  extraction or production taxes 
Form ND-EZ                                                                                              withheld from mineral interest income, 
                                              Construction ................................ 6
                                                                                                        such as an oil or gas royalty, because 
                                              Manufacturing .............................. 7
                                                                                                        they are not income taxes. Include a 
Name and address                              Transportation, communication,                            copy of the Form W-2, Form 1099, 
Enter your full name and current                and public utilities ...................... 8           or North Dakota Schedule K-1.
address. If you are married and filing 
                                              Exploration, development, and
a joint return, include your spouse’s 
                                                extraction of coal, oil, and
full name. If the taxpayer died during                                                                  Line 5 - Voluntary 
                                                natural gas ............................... 9
the 2022 tax year, fill in the circle                                                                   contribution of 
for “Deceased” and enter the date of          Banking, insurance, real estate,
death.                                          and other financial services ....... 10                 overpayment
                                                                                                        If you have an overpayment on 
                                              Military service ........................... 11           line 4, you may make a voluntary 
Social security numbers                       Retirement                                                contribution of part or all of it to any 
Enter your social security number. If           (Pensions, annuities, IRAs, etc.)                    12 of the three funds on this line. Enter 
married filing jointly, also enter your                                                                 the amount you wish to contribute on 
                                                                                                        the line to the right of the fund name. 
spouse’s social security number.              Item D - Extension                                        If contributing, you must contribute at 
                                              Fill in the circle next to “Extension” 
                                                                                                        least $1.00 to the fund. A contribution 
Item A - Filing status                        only if you have an extension to 
                                                                                                        will reduce your refund.
Fill in the circle next to the filing         file your North Dakota return. See 
status that you used on your 2022             “Extension of time to file” on page 7.
Form 1040 or 1040-SR.                                                                                   Line 6 - Direct deposit of 
Item B - School district                      Instructions for lines 1-9                                If you want us to deposit your refund 
                                                                                                        directly into your bank account, 
code                                          of Form ND-EZ
                                                                                                        complete items a, b, and c below 
Select the code number from the list                                                                    line 6. Check with your financial 
of school district codes on page 19.                                                                    institution to see if it will accept direct 
                                              Line 2 - Tax 
                                              If you have a tax amount (greater                         deposit and to obtain the correct 
Item C - Income source                        than zero) on this line, do not use                       routing and account numbers. 
code                                          Form ND-EZ. Instead, use Form ND-1. 
Select from the following list the code       See the instructions to Form ND-1,                        Routing number (Item a)—Enter 
number corresponding to the area              line 20, for a tax relief credit that is                  the 9-digit routing number. The first 
from which you derived the majority           allowed to full-year residents of North                   two digits must be within the range of 
of your income for the tax year.              Dakota for 2022.                                          01 through 12 or 21 through 32.

Source                        Code                                                                      Account number (Item b)—Enter 
of income                     number          Line 3 - Withholding                                      the account number. It may have 
                                              Enter the North Dakota income tax                         up to 17 digits (both letters and 
Farming, ranching, or                         withheld shown on a 2022 Form W-2,                        numbers). Include hyphens, but omit 
  agricultural production ................ 1  Form 1099, or North Dakota                                special symbols.
Retail, wholesale trade, and                  Schedule K-1. Also enter North 
  eating and drinking places .......... 2     Dakota income tax withheld shown                          If depositing into a checking account, 
Federal, state, county, or city               on a 2021 North Dakota Schedule K-1                       see the sample check on page 10 for 
  government service ................... 3    if the tax year of the partnership,                       where to find the routing and account 
                                              S corporation, estate, or trust shown                     numbers. If depositing into a savings 
Public or private education ............. 4                                                             account without a check writing 
                                              on the Schedule K-1 is a fiscal year 
                                              ending in your 2022 tax year. Be sure                     feature, ask your financial institution 
                                              the state identified on the Form W-2                      for the correct account number to use.

- 12 -
        North Dakota

Sample check for direct deposit (line 6)                                                mail. The 2023 Form 1099-G will be 
                                                                                        available on our website in January 
 Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer                                                     9999         2024. For more information, go to our 
 9999 Main Ave.                                                                         website at www.tax.nd.gov. 
 Anytown, ND 99999                                              15-0000/0000
 Pay to                                                                                 Disclosure authorization. Fill in 
 Order of __________________________________________  $ __________                      the circle for this item if you want to 
 ________________________________________________________                  Dollars      authorize our office to communicate 
 Your Bank                                                                              directly with your tax return preparer 
 Anytown, ND USA 99999                                                                  about your 2022 return. This may 
 Memo _______________________              ___________________________                  include requesting information needed 
                                                                                        to process the return and responding 
  : 123456789 : 12345678912345678 • 9999
                                                                                        to inquiries from your preparer 
 Routing number  Account number            Do not include the check number              about correction notices you receive 
    (Item a)        (Item b)               as part of the account number.               from us. The authorization does not 
                                                                                        allow your preparer to receive your 
                                                                                        refund check, to bind you in any 
Please note:                               If you are filing a paper return and         way, or to legally represent you. 
                                           paying the balance due with a paper          The authorization only applies to the 
  • Do not use the number on a             check or money order, complete a             individual whose printed name and 
    deposit slip for the routing or        2022 Form ND-1PRV payment voucher            signature appear in the preparer’s 
    account number.                        and enclose it with the payment.             signature area, and it automatically 
  • You will not receive notification of   However, if you are filing your return       expires on the due date (including 
    when the deposit is made by our        electronically, complete and submit          extensions) for filing your 2023 
    office. Contact your bank or check     a 2022 Form ND-1V with the paper             return.
    your bank statement to verify the      check or money order. Make check or 
    deposit.                               money order payable to “ND State Tax 
  • If the routing or account number       Commissioner,” and write the last four 
                                                                                        Before you file, did you—
    is incorrect, or if your financial     digits of your social security number 
    institution does not accept the        and “2022 Form ND-EZ” on your 
    direct deposit, a paper check will     check or money order. A check must                Sign your return?
    be issued.                             be drawn on a U.S. or Canadian bank,               An unsigned return is incomplete.
                                           be in U.S. dollars, and use a standard 
  • Due to electronic banking                                                                Include a complete copy of 
                                           9-digit routing number. A check drawn 
    rules, the Office of State Tax                                                            your federal return?
                                           on a foreign bank (except one in 
    Commissioner will not allow a                                                             Return is incomplete without it.
                                           Canada) cannot be accepted.
    direct deposit to or through a 
    foreign financial institution. In this                                                Write your social security 
    case, a paper check will be issued.    Signatures                                         number on return?
                                           Sign and date your return. If a joint              We use this number to identify 
                                           return, both spouses must sign.                    your return.
Line 8 - Voluntary 
contribution                                                                              Check your math?
If you have a tax due on line 7, you       Form 1099-G consent and                            Most common error made.
may make a voluntary contribution          disclosure authorization
to any of the three funds on this          At the bottom of Form ND-EZ (below             Include all Form W-2s?
line. Enter the amount you wish to         line 9), fill in the applicable circle(s) to       Also include a copy of a 1099 
contribute on the line to the right of     indicate if you want either or both of             or Schedule K-1 showing North 
the fund name. If contributing, you        the following items to apply.                      Dakota withholding.
must contribute at least $1.00 to a 
fund. A contribution will increase your    Form 1099-G consent. If there                  Use the correct postage?
balance due.                               is an overpayment on your 2022                     Avoid mailing problems by using 
                                           Form ND-EZ, line 4, federal tax law                the correct postage.
                                           requires our office to file with the 
Line 9 - Balance due                       IRS and mail to you a Form 1099-G            Important! If your return is missing 
The balance due must be paid in full                                                    your signature or a copy of your 
                                           showing the overpayment amount. 
with your return. You may pay the                                                       federal return, it will be sent back to 
                                           You may need this information 
balance due online with an electronic                                                   you. This may result in late filing and 
                                           when preparing your 2023 federal 
check or a debit or credit card. To pay                                                 payment charges if you resubmit it 
                                           income tax return. Fill in the circle 
online, go to www.tax.nd.gov and                                                        after the due date.
                                           for this item if you want to obtain 
select “Make A Payment.”
                                           Form 1099-G electronically from our 
                                           website instead of receiving it by           For worry-free filing, file your 
                                                                                        return electronically—see 
                                                                                        page 1!

- 13 -
                                                                                                                 North Dakota             11

2022 Form ND-1 instructions
 Before you begin . . .
 NOTE!    Full-year residents of North Dakota are eligible for a Tax Relief Credit for 2022. See the 
       instructions to Form ND-1, line 20, for details.
      Be sure to have a copy of your completed 2022 federal income tax return (Form 1040 or 1040-SR) at 
       hand. You will need information from it to complete Form ND-1.

Nonresident of North                            Social security numbers                                  Item D - Amended return
Dakota for part or all of the                   Enter your social security number                        If you are filing this return to change 
2022 tax year                                   (and your spouse’s social security                       a return you previously filed for the 
If you were a nonresident of North              number, if married filing jointly).                      2022 tax year, fill in the circle next to:
Dakota for part or all of the 2022 
tax year, first complete Form ND-1                                                                       Amended return: General—
through line 19. Then complete                  Item A - Filing status                                       if you are changing the return 
Schedule ND-1NR to calculate                    Fill in the circle next to the filing                        for any reason other than 
the amount of your tax. On                      status that you used on your 2022                            a federal net operating loss 
Schedule ND-1NR, you will indicate              Form 1040 or 1040-SR.                                        carryback.
whether you were a nonresident for                                                                        Amended return: Federal
part or all of the tax year by filling in       Item B - School district code                               NOL—
your residency information at the top           Select the code number from the list                         if you are changing the return 
of the schedule.                                of school district codes on page 19.                         because of a federal net 
                                                                                                             operating loss carryback.
If you are married and filing a joint 
return, and either you or your spouse           Item C - Income source                                   See “Changing your return” on page 7 
was a nonresident of North Dakota for           code                                                     for more information.
part or all of the tax year, you must           Select from the following list the code 
complete Schedule ND-1NR on a joint             number corresponding to the area 
basis and attach it to Form ND-1. On                                                                     Item E - Extension
                                                from which you derived the majority 
Schedule ND-1NR, each of you must                                                                        Fill in the circle next to “Extension” 
                                                of your income for the tax year.
indicate your residency status by filing                                                                 only if you have an extension to 
in your residency information at the                                                                     file your North Dakota return. See 
                                                Source                                             Code
top of the schedule.                                                                                     “Extension of time to file” on page 7.
                                                of income                                          Number
                                                Farming, ranching, or
                                                  agricultural production ................ 1             Item F - MN/MT reciprocity
Instructions for top of                                                                                  Fill in the circle next to “MN/
                                                Retail, wholesale trade, and                             MT Reciprocity” only if you are a 
page 1 of Form ND-1                               eating and drinking places .......... 2                Minnesota or Montana resident who 
                                                Federal, state, county, or city                          is filing this return solely to claim a 
                                                  government service ................... 3               refund of North Dakota income tax 
Fiscal year filer only                          Public or private education ............. 4              because of reciprocity. See page 6 for 
If you are filing your 2022 federal 
income tax return (Form 1040 or                 Accounting, legal, health, motel,
1040-SR) on a fiscal year basis, you              and other personal or professional    
must file your 2022 North Dakota                  services not classified elsewhere .. 5
income tax return for the same fiscal           Construction ................................ 6          Instructions for 
year. Enter in the spaces provided at           Manufacturing .............................. 7           lines 1-37 of Form ND-1
the top of Form ND-1 the ending date 
of your fiscal tax year.                        Transportation, communication,
                                                  and public utilities ...................... 8          Line 1b - Federal taxable 
Name and address                                Exploration, development, and                            income
Enter your full name and current                  extraction of coal, oil, and                           On Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 15, 
address. If you are married and filing            natural gas ............................... 9          you are instructed to enter “-0-” 
a joint return, include your spouse’s           Banking, insurance, real estate,                         for your federal taxable income if it 
full name. If the taxpayer died during            and other financial services ....... 10                calculates out to be less than zero. 
the 2022 tax year, fill in the circle           Military service ........................... 11          However, for purposes of completing 
for “Deceased” and enter the date of                                                                     Form ND-1, enter the negative 
death.                                                                                                   number on line 1b. Enter a minus sign 
                                                  (Pensions, annuities, IRAs, etc.)                    12
                                                                                                         (-) to the left of the number.

- 14 -
   12  North Dakota

                                                                                 Complete the worksheet on page 13 
Line 2 - Lump sum                        Line 6 - U.S. obligation                to calculate the amount to enter on 
distribution                             interest                                this line.
If you received a lump-sum               Enter the following on this line:
distribution from a qualified retirement 
plan that you elected to report on         • Interest income from U.S.           Line 8 - Native American’s 
Federal Form 4972 (Tax On Lump-              obligations.                        exempt income
Sum Distributions), you must enter on      • Interest income from other          If you are an enrolled member of a 
this line the amount from Form 4972,         securities that is specifically     federally-recognized Indian tribe who 
line 6 plus line 10. However, if you         exempted from state income tax      lived on any Indian reservation in 
received the distribution while a            by federal statute.                 North Dakota for all of 2022, enter 
nonresident of North Dakota, do not        • The portion of dividend income      on this line income you derived from 
make an entry on this line.                  from a mutual fund attributable     sources on any Indian reservation 
                                             to investment in U.S. obligations   in North Dakota. This includes the 
Line 3 - Loss from certain                   and other securities the interest   portion of the Standing Rock and Lake 
                                             from which is exempted from state   Traverse Indian Reservations situated 
S corporations                               income tax by federal statute.      in South Dakota. Do not enter income 
Enter on this line the amount of a                                               derived from non-reservation sources 
loss adjustment reported to you by       Common sources of interest income       in North Dakota. If you lived in North 
an S corporation that elected to be      that may be entered on this line        Dakota in 2022, but you did not reside 
taxed as a C corporation for North       include:                                on an Indian reservation for part 
Dakota income tax purposes. For                                                  or all of 2022, do not enter income 
more information, see the guideline        • U.S. savings bonds and Treasury 
Adjustment For Income (Loss) From            bills and notes.                    earned or received while living off the 
An S Corporation Electing To Be Taxed      • Securities issued by:
As A C Corporation under “Guidelines”        Banks for cooperatives
at www.tax.nd.gov.                           Commodity Credit Corporation        Line 9 - U.S. Railroad 
                                             Federal Deposit Insurance           Retirement Board benefits
Line 4 - Contribution                         Corporation                        Enter on this line the portion of 
                                             Federal Farm Credit System          any unemployment, sick pay, or 
adjustment                                   Federal Home Loan Banks             retirement benefits received from the 
Enter on this line the amount, if any,                                           U.S. Railroad Retirement Board that 
                                             Federal Intermediate Credit Banks
from Schedule ND-1PG, line 15,                                                   are taxable on your federal income tax 
                                             Federal Land Banks
or Schedule  ND-1QEC, line 16.                                                   return. The U.S. Railroad Retirement 
                                             Federal Savings & Loan Insurance  
However, if you are claiming a credit                                            Board will be shown as the payer 
on both Schedule ND-1PG, line 7, and                                             or employer on the Form 1099-G 
                                             Student Loan Marketing 
Schedule ND-1QEC, line 5, or you                                                 (unemployment), Form W-2 (sick 
are claiming an endowment credit                                                 pay), or Forms RRB-1099 and 
from a North Dakota Schedule K-1,        Do not enter on this line interest      RRB-1099-R (retirement) issued to 
obtain and complete the Contribution     income from securities of the Federal   you.
Adjustment Worksheet to calculate        Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 
the amount to enter on this line. The    (Freddie Mac), Federal National 
worksheet is available online at         Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae),      Line 10 - Income from 
www.tax.nd.gov.Include a copy            and Government National Mortgage        certain S corporations
of the worksheet.                        Association (Ginnie Mae), nor from      Enter on this line the amount of an 
                                         a federal income tax refund or          income adjustment reported to you 
If you are only claiming an unused                                               by an S corporation that elected to 
                                         repurchase agreement.
planned gift or endowment credit                                                 be taxed as a C corporation for North 
carried over from a prior tax year, and                                          Dakota income tax purposes. For 
none of the contribution on which it is  Line 7 - Net long-term                  more information, see the guideline 
based was carried over and deducted      capital gain exclusion                  Adjustment For Income (Loss) From 
on your 2022 Form 1040 or 1040-SR,       If your federal taxable income          An S Corporation Electing To Be Taxed 
no adjustment is required on this line.  includes a net long-term capital gain   As A C Corporation under “Guidelines” 
If you are claiming a credit             (including a capital gain distribution  at www.tax.nd.gov.
on Schedule ND-1PG or                    from a mutual fund), you may be able 
Schedule ND-1QEC that is based           to exclude 40 percent of the gain from 
on a charitable contribution for         your North Dakota taxable income.       Line 11 - Servicemember 
which you claimed a deduction            If you were a full-year nonresident     Civil Relief Act adjustment
on your Form 1040 or 1040-SR,            or a part-year resident of North        If you were a full-year nonresident of 
line 12b (the charitable deduction       Dakota for the year, only a net long-   North Dakota for the tax year, enter 
for nonitemizers), enter the smaller     term capital gain reportable to North   on this line compensation received for 
of the amount on line 12b of your        Dakota is eligible for the exclusion. A active duty in the U.S. armed forces or 
federal return or the amount by which    net long-term capital gain included in  the commissioned corps of the Public 
the deduction reduced your federal       an amount entered on line 8, 10, or     Health Service or National Oceanic 
taxable income.                          16 of Form ND-1 is not eligible for the and Atmospheric Administration. If 

- 15 -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            North Dakota                     13

a part-year resident, only enter the                                                                                                                              Note: Only include dividends that are                     the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board; 
amount received for service while a                                                                                                                               reported on Schedule ND-1NR, line 2,                      instead, enter the taxable portion of 
nonresident of North Dakota. Include                                                                                                                              column B.                                                 these benefits on Form ND-1, line 9.
a copy of Form W-2 showing the 
military pay.                                                                                                                                                                                                               If you receive both Tier 1 benefits 
                                                                                                                                                                  Line 14 - Military retirement                             (Form RRB-1099) and social security 
                                                                                                                                                                  benefit exclusion                                         benefits (Form SSA-1099) determine 
Line 12 - ND College SAVE                                                                                                                                         If you are a retired military service                     the amount to enter on Form ND-1, 
contribution deduction                                                                                                                                            member, or a surviving spouse of                          lines 9 and 15, respectively, by 
If you made a contribution during the                                                                                                                             a deceased retired military service                       multiplying the amount from 
tax year to a North Dakota College                                                                                                                                member, enter on this line the amount                     Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 6b, by 
SAVE account administered by the                                                                                                                                  of taxable military retirement benefits                   a ratio equal to the gross amount 
Bank of North Dakota, you are allowed                                                                                                                             that you reported on Form 1040 or                         of each type of benefit divided by 
a deduction for the contribution, up                                                                                                                              Form 1040-SR, line 5b. Only include                       the gross amount of both benefits 
to a maximum of $5,000 ($10,000,                                                                                                                                  benefits received as a retired member                     combined.
if married filing jointly). You are                                                                                                                               of the U.S. armed forces or its reserve 
allowed the deduction regardless of                                                                                                                               components, Army National Guard, or                       Line 16 - Other subtractions
whether you or someone else owns                                                                                                                                  Air Force National Guard. “U.S. armed                     See the instructions to 
the account. A rollover of funds from                                                                                                                             forces” means the Army, Navy, Air                         Schedule ND-1SA for information 
another I.R.C. Section 529 college                                                                                                                                Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.                     about the following:
savings plan into a North Dakota                                                                                                                                  Do not enter on this line retirement 
College SAVE account does not qualify.                                                                                                                            benefits received for federal civil                         • Renaissance zone income 
                                                                                                                                                                  service employment as a military                          exemption
                                                                                                                                                                  technician (dual status). Include a 
Line 13 - Qualified dividend                                                                                                                                                                                                  • New or expanding business income 
                                                                                                                                                                  copy of the Form 1099-R from the                          exemption
exclusion                                                                                                                                                         Defense Finance and Accounting 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Human organ donor deduction
If you were a full-year resident of                                                                                                                               Service.
North Dakota during the tax year,                                                                                                                                                                                             • Employee workforce recruitment 
multiply the qualified dividends from                                                                                                                                                                                       exclusion
Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 3a, by                                                                                                                                 Line 15 - Social security 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Stillborn child deduction
40 percent and enter the result.                                                                                                                                  benefit exclusion
                                                                                                                                                                  Enter on this line the taxable portion                      • National Guard or reserve member 
If you were a part-year resident or                                                                                                                                                                                         exclusion
                                                                                                                                                                  of your Social Security benefits 
full-year nonresident of North Dakota                                                                                                                                                                                         • College expense reimbursement 
                                                                                                                                                                  reported on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, 
during the tax year, multiply the                                                                                                                                                                                           deduction
                                                                                                                                                                  line 6b.
portion of the qualified dividends from 
Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 3a, that                                                                                                                               Do not enter on this line taxable Tier 1                  Enter on this line the total 
are reportable to North Dakota                                                                                                                                    Social Security equivalent benefits                       subtractions from Schedule ND-1SA. 
by 40 percent and enter the result.                                                                                                                               reported on a Form RRB-1099 from                          Include Schedule ND-1SA.

Worksheet For Net Long-Term Capital Gain Exclusion (Form ND-1, Line 7)

Capital gain distribution — If you reported capital gain distributions on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 7 (and you did not 
have to complete Schedule D), skip lines 1 and 2 and enter the distributions on line 3 of this worksheet.
1.  Enter amount from 2022 Schedule D (Form 1040), line 15. If zero or less, stop here; no exclusion is allowed                                                                                                                                 1 _____________
2.  Enter amount from 2022 Schedule D (Form 1040), line 16. If zero or less, stop here; no exclusion is allowed                                                                                                                                 2 _____________
3.  Enter the smaller of line 1 or line 2 .......................................................................................................  _____________                                                                                3
  •  If a full-year resident                                                                                                                                      , enter the amount from line 3 on line 5 and go to line 6.
  •  If a full-year nonresident or part-year resident, go to line 4.
4.  Complete lines 4a through 4d using only the capital gains and losses reportable to North Dakota:
  a.  North Dakota net short-term capital gain (loss) ..................................................... 4a _____________
  b.  North Dakota net long-term capital gain (loss) ...................................................... 4b _____________
  c.  Combine lines 4a and 4b. If zero or less, enter -0- ................................................ 4c _____________
  d.  Enter the smaller of line 4b or line 4c .................................................................. 4d _____________
5.  If a full-year resident, enter amount from line 3. Otherwise, enter smaller of line 3 or line 4d .......................  _____________                                                                                                     5
6.  Portion of line 5 included in an amount entered on Form ND-1, line 8, 10, or 16 ..........................................  _____________                                                                                                   6
7.  Subtract line 6 from line 5 ...................................................................................................................  _____________                                                                              7
8.  Multiply line 7 by 40% (.40). Enter this amount on Form ND-1, line 7 ........................................................  _____________                                                                                                8

- 16 -
                       North Dakota

Line 19 - Tax                           Marriage Penalty Credit Worksheet
If you were a full-year resident for    Complete this worksheet to determine the amount to enter on Form ND-1, line 22.
the tax year, use the Tax Table on 
page 20 to calculate your tax. This 
also applies if you are married filing   1.  Is your filing status Married filing jointly?
jointly and both you and your spouse                  No. Stop; you do not qualify for the credit.
were full-year residents for the tax                  Yes. Enter your taxable income from Form ND-1, line 18 ......1 ___________
If you were a full-year nonresident       2.  Is the amount on line 1 more than $71,337?
or a part-year resident for the                       No. Stop; you do not qualify for the credit.
tax year, you must complete                           Yes. Go to line 3.
Schedule ND-1NR to calculate your 
tax. This also applies if you are         3.  a. Enter your qualified income ................... 3a __________
married filing jointly and either you 
                                              b. Enter your spouse’s qualified income ...... 3b __________
or your spouse was a nonresident for 
part or all of the tax year. Include      4.  Enter the smaller of line 3a or line 3b ......................................4 __________
Schedule ND-1NR.
                                          5.  Is the amount on line 4 more than $40,979?
Farm income averaging — If 
you have farm income and used                         No. Stop; you do not qualify for the credit.
Schedule J (Form 1040) to calculate                   Yes. Go to line 6 .............................................................             5 __________12,950.00
your federal income tax for 2022, 
you may be able to lower your North       6.  Subtract line 5 from line 4 .....................................................6 __________
Dakota income tax by completing 
                                          7.  Calculate the tax on the amount on line 6 using the
Schedule ND-1FA. Include                      Single tax rate schedule on page 32 ......................................7 __________
Schedule ND-1FA.
                                          8.  Subtract line 6 from line 1 .......................... 8                                  ___________
Sale of tax credit — If you received 
any proceeds from the sale of a North     9.  Calculate the tax on the amount on line 8 using the
Dakota research expense tax credit            Single tax rate schedule on page 32 ......................................9 __________
to another taxpayer, you must obtain 
and complete Schedule ND-1CS              10. Calculate the tax on the amount on line 1
to calculate your tax. Include                using the Married filing jointly tax rate
Schedule ND-1CS.                              schedule on page 32 ............................... 10 ___________
                                          11.  Add lines 7 and 9 ................................................................11 __________
Line 20 - Resident tax relief 
credit                                    12.  Subtract line 11 from line 10. If result is zero or less,
                                              stop; you do not qualify for the credit ....................................12 __________
The 2021 North Dakota Legislature, 
in Special Session, passed legislation    13.  Maximum credit ..................................................................                   13 __________208.00
creating a tax relief income tax credit 
for North Dakota residents. The credit    14.  Enter smaller of line 12 or line 13 .........................................14 __________
is not refundable and is available only 
for the 2021 and 2022 tax years.                If you and your spouse are full-year residents, enter amount from
                                                       line 14 on Form ND-1, line 22. Do not complete lines 15 and 16.
If you were a full-year resident of             If you completed Schedule ND-1NR, complete lines 15 and 16.
North Dakota for the tax year, and       
your filing status is single, head of   15.  Enter ratio from Schedule ND-1NR, line 20 .............................15 __________
household, qualifying widow(er), or      
married filing separately, enter $350   16.  Multiply line 14 by line 15. Enter this amount on
on this line. If you are married filing       Form ND-1, line 22 .............................................................16 __________
jointly, and both you and your spouse 
were full-year residents of North 
Dakota for the tax year, enter $700 on  Line 21 - Credit for income                                                                     Line 22 - Marriage penalty 
this line.                              tax paid to another state                                                                       credit
In the case of married persons filing   If you were a full-year resident or                                                             You may be eligible for a tax credit if 
jointly, where one spouse is a full-    part-year resident of North Dakota                                                              all of the following apply:
year resident of North Dakota and the   who paid income tax to another state 
other spouse is a nonresident of North  or local jurisdication in that state,                                                             • You are married and filing a joint 
Dakota for part or all of the year, a   you may be eligible for an income                                                               return with your spouse.
$350 credit is allowed.                 tax credit. Obtain Schedule ND-1CR                                                                • Your joint North Dakota taxable 
                                        for more information. Include                                                                   income on line 18 of Form ND-1 is 
                                        Schedule ND-1CR.                                                                                more than $71,337;

- 17 -
                                                                                        North Dakota

  Both you and your spouse have        Sample check for direct deposit (line 32)
    qualified income. See “What’s 
    included in qualified income?”       Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer                                                     9999
    below.                               9999 Main Ave.
                                         Anytown, ND 99999                                                       15-0000/0000
  • The qualified income of the spouse 
    with the lower qualified income is   Pay to
    more than $40,979.                   Order of __________________________________________                     $ __________
                                         ________________________________________________________                Dollars
Although you meet all of the above       Your Bank
conditions, your fact situation may      Anytown, ND USA 99999
not produce a credit under the           Memo _______________________             ___________________________
calculation formula prescribed by law. 
Complete the worksheet on page 14         : 123456789 : 12345678912345678 • 9999
to calculate the credit amount, if any,    Routing number  Account number         Do not include the check number
allowed to you.                            (Line 32, Item a) (Line 32, Item b)    as part of the account number.
Calculate qualified income for 
lines 3a and 3b of the worksheet         income, such as an oil or gas royalty, 
by adding the following amounts          because they are not income taxes.       Line 32 - Direct deposit of 
separately for you and your spouse:      Include a copy of the Form W-2,          refund
                                         Form 1099, or North Dakota               If you want us to deposit your refund 
  • Wages, salaries, tips, etc. reported                                          directly into your bank account, 
                                         Schedule K-1.
    on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 1z.                                             complete items a, b, and c below 
  • Net self-employment income                                                    line 32. Check with your financial 
    reported on Schedule SE              Line 27 - Estimated tax                  institution to see if it will accept direct 
    (Form 1040 or 1040-SR), line 3,      payment                                  deposit and to obtain the correct 
    reduced by the self-employment       Enter on this line any estimated         routing and account numbers. 
    tax deduction reported on            income tax payments made on a 2022 
    Form 1040 or 1040-SR,                Form ND-1ES or Form ND-1EXT. Also        Routing number (Item a)—Enter 
    Schedule 1, line 15.                 enter the amount of an overpayment       the 9-digit routing number. The first 
  • Taxable portion of IRAs, pensions,   on your 2021 North Dakota income         two digits must be within the range of 
    annuities, and social security       tax return that you elected to leave     01 through 12 or 21 through 32. 
    benefits reported on Form 1040       on deposit as an estimated payment       Account number (Item b)—Enter 
    or 1040-SR, lines 4b, 5b, and 6b.    for 2022. Do not enter on this line      the account number. It may have 
    Reduce this total by amounts         North Dakota income tax withheld         up to 17 digits (both letters and 
    entered on Form ND-1, lines 9        from a Form W-2, Form 1099, or           numbers). Include hyphens, but omit 
    and 15.                              North Dakota Schedule K-1; enter         special symbols.
                                         withheld tax on line 26.
                                                                                  If depositing into a checking account, 
Line 23 - Other credits                                                           see the sample check on this page for 
For other credits that may apply to      Line 30 - Application of                 where to find the routing and account 
you, see Schedule ND-1TC and its         overpayment to 2022                      numbers. If depositing into a savings 
instructions. Enter on this line the     If you have an overpayment on            account without a check writing 
total credits from Schedule ND-1TC.      line 29, you may elect to apply part     feature, ask your financial institution 
Include Schedule ND-1TC.                 or all of it as an estimated payment     for the correct account number to use.
                                         toward your 2023 income tax liability. 
                                         Once made, the election or the           Please note:
Line 26 - Withholding                    amount cannot be changed after you         • Do not use the number on a 
Enter the North Dakota income tax        file your return.                        deposit slip for the routing or 
withholding shown on a 2022 
Form W-2, Form 1099, or North                                                     account number.
Dakota Schedule K-1. Also enter          Line 31 - Voluntary                        • You will not receive notification of 
North Dakota income tax withholding      contribution of overpayment              when the deposit is made by our 
shown on a 2021 North Dakota             If you have an overpayment on            office. Contact your bank or check 
Schedule K-1 if the tax year of the      line 29, you may make a voluntary        your bank statement to verify the 
partnership, S corporation, estate, or   contribution of part or all of it to any deposit.
trust shown on the Schedule K-1 is       of the three funds on this line. Enter     • If the routing or account number is 
a fiscal year ending in your 2022 tax    the amount you wish to contribute on     incorrect, or if your bank does not 
year. Be sure the state identified on    the line to the right of the fund name.  accept the direct deposit, a paper 
the Form W-2 or Form 1099 is North       If contributing, you must contribute at  check will be issued.
Dakota. Do not enter on this line        least $1.00. A contribution will reduce 
North Dakota extraction or production    your refund.
taxes withheld from mineral interest 

- 18 -
         North Dakota

  • Due to changes in the electronic    However, if you are filing your return   Disclosure authorization. Fill in 
banking rules, the Office of State      electronically, complete and submit      the circle for this item if you want to 
Tax Commissioner will not allow         a 2022 Form ND-1V with the paper         authorize our office to communicate 
a direct deposit to or through a        check or money order. Make check or      directly with your tax return preparer 
foreign financial institution. In this  money order payable to “ND State Tax     about your 2022 return. This may 
case, a paper check will be issued.     Commissioner,” and write the last four   include requesting information needed 
                                        digits of your social security number    to process the return and responding 
                                        and “2022 Form ND-1” on your check       to inquiries from your preparer about 
Line 34 - Penalty and 
                                        or money order. A check must be          correction notices you receive from us. 
interest                                drawn on a U.S. or Canadian bank,        The authorization does not allow your 
Our office will notify you of any       be in U.S. dollars, and use a standard   preparer to receive your refund check, 
penalty and interest owed for late      9-digit routing number. A check drawn    to bind you in any way, or to legally 
filing or late payment, or interest     on a foreign bank (except one in         represent you. The authorization 
owed on tax due during an extension     Canada) cannot be accepted.              only applies to the individual whose 
period. However, you may calculate                                               printed name and signature appear in 
the amount of penalty, interest,                                                 the preparer’s signature area, and it 
or both, that you owe and pay           Line 37 - Interest on 
                                                                                 automatically expires on the due date 
it with your return. See “Penalty       underpaid estimated tax                  (including extensions) for filing your 
and interest” on page 7 for how to      If you were required to pay estimated    2023 return.
calculate penalty and interest.         North Dakota income tax for 2022, 
                                        but you did not pay enough or you 
                                        paid it late, interest is charged on 
Line 35 - Voluntary                                                              Before you file, did you—
                                        the underpayment or late payment. 
contribution                            To determine if you owe interest, 
If you have a tax due on line 33, you   obtain and complete the 2022              Sign your return?
may make a voluntary contribution       Schedule ND-1UT.                            An unsigned return is incomplete.
to any of the three funds on this 
line. Enter the amount you wish to                                                Include a complete copy of 
contribute on the line to the right of  Signatures                                  your federal return?
the fund name. If contributing, you     Sign and date your return. If you are       Return is incomplete without it.
must contribute at least $1.00 to a     filing a joint return, both spouses       Write your social security 
fund. A contribution will increase your must sign.                                  number on return? We use this 
balance due.                                                                        number to identify your return.
                                        Form 1099-G consent and                   Check your math?
Line 36 - Balance due                   disclosure authorization                    This is one of the most common 
The balance due must be paid in full    At the bottom of Form ND-1, page 2          errors made.
with your return. You may pay the       (below line 37), fill in the applicable 
balance due online with an electronic   circle(s) to indicate if you want either  Include all Form W-2s?
check or a debit or credit card. To pay or both of the following items to           Also include a copy of a 1099 
online, go to www.tax.nd.gov and        apply.                                      or Schedule K-1 showing North 
select “Make A Payment.”                                                            Dakota withholding.
                                        Form 1099-G consent. If there 
If you are filing a paper return and                                              Use the correct postage?
                                        is an overpayment on your 2022 
paying the balance due with a paper                                                 Avoid mailing problems by using 
                                        Form ND-1, line 29, federal tax law 
check or money order, complete                                                      the correct postage.
                                        requires our office to file with the 
a 2022 Form ND-1PRV payment                                                      Important! If your return is missing 
                                        IRS and mail to you a Form 1099-G 
voucher and enclose it with the                                                  your signature or a copy of your 
                                        showing the overpayment amount. 
payment.                                                                         federal return, it will be sent back to 
                                        You may need this information 
                                        when preparing your 2023 federal         you. This may result in late filing and 
                                        income tax return. Fill in the circle    payment charges if you resubmit it 
                                        for this item if you want to obtain      after the due date.
                                        Form 1099-G electronically from our      For worry-free filing, file your 
                                        website instead of receiving it by       return electronically—see page 1!
                                        mail. The 2023 Form 1099-G will be 
                                        available on our website in January 
                                        2024. For more information, go to our 
                                        website at www.tax.nd.gov. 

- 19 -
                                             North Dakota



                              IN NORTH DAKOTA

   Contribute to the Watchable Wildlife Fund

 To contribute, see information on your North Dakota

   Tax Form and check off for Watchable Wildlife

 Your contributions have helped fund projects including:

  Conservation education projects to Schools and


  Species of concern habitat projects

  Grants to civic organizations for wildlife projects

  Watchable Wildlife recruitment and education


 For more information contact:
 North Dakota Game and Fish Department
 100 N. Bismarck Expressway
 Bismarck, ND 58501-5095
 Web: gf.nd.gov
 Email: ndgf@nd.gov
                                             Photo by Sandra Johnson

- 20 -
18  North Dakota
            The Trees for North Dakota Income Tax Check-Off  
           The Threat:  Emerald ash borer (EAB) is a highly invasive, exotic insect that 
           attacks and kills all species of ash trees. It is as close as St. Paul, Minnesota.  If 
EAB becomes established  here, the economic and 
environmental  impacts will be overwhelming.  There are an 
estimated 78 million ash trees within North Dakota’s forests 
and woodlands.   Ash is the most common tree planted in 
communities, reaching 60% of the tree population in some 
towns.  Ash also represents a large percentage of the state’s 
55,000 miles  of field  and  farmstead  windbreaks.  Costs of 
removing, disposing and replacing trees lost to EAB,  coupled 
with the economic benefits associated with trees lost, such as 
reduced  energy  costs and  ecosystem  services, the  insect’s  impact could far exceed $1 billion 
How You Can Help:  Each of us has the ability to play an important role in the overall health and 
well-being of our forest resources by making a donation to the Trees for North Dakota Trust 
Fund.  The “Community Family Forest” grant program, funded by private donations to the 
Trees for North Dakota Trust Fund, helps communities diversify their forest resources by 
planting a variety of trees adapted to North Dakota’s climate. Our collective efforts can make 
incredible contributions to the quality of life in North Dakota for all who live and visit here.  
Please consider a donation today. 

                 To contribute to the       Trees for North Dakota Trust Fund, consult 
                 your  tax preparer or enter a voluntary contribution on  the  current 
                 North Dakota Individual Income Tax Return (see below):   
                         Form ND-EZ: Refund return (Line 5)/Tax due (Line 8)  
                         Form ND-1: Refund return (Line 31)/Tax due (Line 35)  
“Community Family Forest” grants are awarded to purchase and plant trees on public property 
across the state.  The grants help strengthen the tradition of annual tree planting.   
                 NORTH DAKOTA FOREST               SERVICE 
                                  307 – 1st Street East                                  
                                  Bottineau ND  58318-1100 
                                  Telephone: (701) 228-5422 

- 21 -
                                                                                                        North Dakota            19

School district codes
For Item B at the top of Form ND-EZ or Form ND-1, enter the applicable school district code number—

  If a full- or part-year resident          using the table below, find the 5-digit code number for the school district in 
                                             which you resided for most of the tax year. If married filing jointly, this applies
                                             if either or both spouses are full- or part-year residents.
  If a full-year nonresident                use 54-000. If married filing jointly, this applies only if both spouses were 
                                             full-year nonresidents.
School                                       School                                      School
District      School                  Code   District     School                  Code   School         School                  Code
Address       District                No.    Address      District                No.    Address        District                No.

 Alexander   ND  Alexander 2          27-002  Grenora    ND  Grenora 99           53-099  New Rockford ND  New Rockford
 Anamoose    ND  Anamoose 14          25-014  Gwinner    ND  N Sargent 3          41-003                -Sheyenne 2             14-002
 Ashley      ND  Ashley 9             26-009  Hague      ND  Bakker 10            15-010  New Salem   ND  New Salem-
 Beach       ND  Beach 3              17-003  Halliday   ND  Halliday 19          13-019                Almont 49               30-049
 Belcourt    ND  Belcourt 7           40-007              Twin Buttes 37          13-037  New Town    ND  New Town 1            31-001
 Belfield    ND  Belfield 13          45-013  Hankinson  ND  Hankinson 8          39-008  Newburg     ND  Newburg-United 54     05-054
 Berthold    ND  Lewis and Clark 161  51-161  Harvey     ND  Harvey 38            52-038  Northwood   ND  Northwood 129         18-129
 Beulah      ND  Beulah 27            29-027  Hatton     ND  Hatton Eielson 7     49-007  Oakes       ND  Oakes 41              11-041
 Binford     ND  Midkota 7            20-007  Hazelton   ND  Haz-Mof-Brad 6       15-006  Oberon      ND  Oberon 16             03-016
 Bismarck    ND  Bismarck 1           08-001  Hazen      ND  Hazen 3              29-003  Park River  ND  Park River Area 8     50-008
              Naughton 25             08-025  Hebron     ND  Hebron 13            30-013  Parshall    ND  Parshall 3            31-003
              Apple Creek 39          08-039  Hettinger  ND  Hettinger 13         01-013  Petersburg  ND  Dakota Prairie 1      32-001
              Manning 45              08-045  Hillsboro  ND  Hillsboro 9          49-009  Pingree     ND  Pingree-Buchanan 10  47-010
 Bottineau   ND  Bottineau 1          05-001  Hope       ND  Hope-Page 85         09-085  Powers Lake  ND  Powers Lake 27       07-027
 Bowbells    ND  Bowbells 14          07-014  Hunter     ND  Northern Cass 97     09-097  Ray         ND  Nesson 2              53-002
 Bowman      ND  Bowman Co 1          06-001  Inkster    ND  Midway 128           18-128  Richardton  ND   Richardton-Taylor 34 45-034
 Buxton      ND  Central Valley 3     49-003  Jamestown  ND  Jamestown 1          47-001  Rolette     ND  Rolette 29            40-029
 Cando       ND  North Star 10        48-010  Kenmare    ND   Kenmare 28          51-028  Rolla       ND  Mt. Pleasant 4        40-004
 Carrington  ND  Carrington 49        16-049  Kensal     ND  Kensal 19            47-019  Roseglen    ND  White Shield 85       28-085
 Carson      ND  Roosevelt 18         19-018  Killdeer   ND  Killdeer 16          13-016  Rugby       ND  Rugby 5               35-005
 Cartwright  ND  Horse Creek 32       27-032  Kindred    ND  Kindred 2            09-002  Sawyer      ND  Sawyer 16             51-016
 Casselton   ND  Central Cass 17      09-017  Kulm       ND  Kulm 7               23-007  Scranton    ND  Scranton 33           06-033
 Cavalier    ND  Cavalier 6           34-006  Lakota     ND  Lakota 66            32-066  Selfridge   ND  Selfridge 8           43-008
 Center      ND  Center-Stanton 1     33-001  LaMoure    ND  LaMoure 8            23-008  Sidney      MT  Earl 18               27-018
 Colfax      ND  Richland 44          39-044  Langdon    ND  Langdon Area 23      10-023  Solen       ND  Solen 3               43-003
 Cooperstown  ND  Griggs County               Larimore   ND  Larimore 44          18-044  South Heart  ND  South Heart 9        45-009
              Central 18              20-018  Leeds      ND  Leeds 6              03-006  St. Anthony  ND  Little Heart 4       30-004
 Crosby      ND  Divide County 1      12-001  Lidgerwood ND  Lidgerwood 28        39-028  St. John    ND  St. John 3            40-003
 Crystal     ND  Valley-Edinburg 118  34-118  Lignite    ND  Burke Central 36     07-036  Stanley     ND  Stanley 2             31-002
 Des Lacs    ND  United 7             51-007  Linton     ND  Linton 36            15-036  Starkweather  ND  Starkweather 44     36-044
 Devils Lake ND  Devils Lake 1        36-001  Lisbon     ND  Ft. Ransom 6         37-006  Steele      ND  Kidder Co. 1          22-001
 Dickinson   ND  Dickinson 1          45-001              Lisbon 19               37-019  Sterling    ND  Sterling 35           08-035
 Drake       ND  Drake 57             25-057  Maddock    ND  Maddock 9            03-009  Strasburg   ND  Strasburg 15          15-015
 Drayton     ND  Drayton 19           34-019  Mandan     ND  Mandan 1             30-001  Surrey      ND  Surrey 41             51-041
 Dunseith    ND  Dunseith 1           40-001              Sweet Briar 17          30-017  Thompson    ND  Thompson 61           18-061
 Edgeley     ND  Edgeley 3            23-003  Mandaree   ND  Mandaree 36          27-036  Tioga       ND  Tioga 15              53-015
 Edmore      ND  Edmore 2             36-002  Manvel     ND  Manvel 125           18-125  Tower City  ND  Maple Valley 4        09-004
 Elgin       ND  Elgin-New Leipzig 49 19-049  Mapleton   ND  Mapleton 7           09-007  Towner      ND  TGU 60                25-060
 Ellendale   ND  Ellendale 40         11-040  Marion     ND  Litchville-Marion 46 02-046  Trenton     ND  Eight Mile 6          53-006
 Emerado     ND  Emerado 127          18-127  Marmarth   ND  Marmarth 12          44-012  Turtle Lake ND  Turtle Lake-
 Enderlin    ND  Enderlin Area 24     37-024  Max        ND  Max 50               28-050                Mercer 72               28-072
 Fairmount   ND  Fairmount 18         39-018  Mayville   ND  May-Port CG 14       49-014  Underwood   ND  Underwood 8           28-008
 Fairview    MT  Yellowstone 14       27-014  McClusky   ND  McClusky 19          42-019  Valley City ND  Valley City 2         02-002
 Fargo       ND   Fargo 1             09-001  Medina     ND  Medina 3             47-003  Velva       ND  Velva 1               25-001
 Fessenden   ND  Fessenden-Bowdon 25  52-025  Medora     ND  Billings Co. 1       04-001  Wahpeton    ND  Wahpeton 37           39-037
 Finley      ND  Finley-Sharon 19     46-019  Menoken    ND  Menoken 33           08-033  Walhalla    ND  North Border 100      34-100
 Flasher     ND  Flasher 39           30-039  Milnor     ND  Milnor 2             41-002  Warwick     ND  Warwick 29            03-029
 Fordville   ND  Fordville-Lankin 5   50-005  Minnewaukan ND  Minnewaukan 5       03-005  Washburn    ND  Washburn 4            28-004
 Forman      ND  Sargent Central 6    41-006  Minot      ND  Minot 1              51-001  Watford City  ND  McKenzie Co 1       27-001
 Ft. Totten  ND  Ft. Totten 30        03-030              Nedrose 4               51-004  West Fargo  ND  West Fargo 6          09-006
 Ft. Yates   ND  Ft. Yates 4          43-004              S Prairie 70            51-070  Westhope    ND  Westhope 17           05-017
 Gackle      ND  Gackle-Streeter 56   24-056              Air Force Base 160      51-160  Williston   ND  Williston Basin 7     53-007
 Garrison    ND  Garrison 51          28-051  Minto      ND  Minto 20             50-020  Wilton      ND  Wilton 1              28-001
 Glen Ullin  ND  Glen Ullin 48        30-048  Mohall     ND  Mohall-Lansford              Wimbledon   ND  Barnes County
 Glenburn    ND  Glenburn 26          38-026              -Sherwood 1             38-001                North 7                 02-007
 Golva       ND  Lone Tree 6          17-006  Montpelier ND  Montpelier 14        47-014  Wing        ND  Wing 28               08-028
 Goodrich    ND  Goodrich 16          42-016  Mott       ND  Mott-Regent 1        21-001  Wishek      ND  Wishek 19             26-019
 Grafton     ND  Grafton 18           50-018  Munich     ND  Munich 19            10-019  Wyndmere    ND  Wyndmere 42           39-042
 Grand Forks  ND  Grand Forks 1       18-001  Napoleon   ND  Napoleon 2           24-002  Zeeland     ND  Zeeland 4             26-004
              Air Force Base 140      18-140  New England  ND  New England 9      21-009

- 22 -
20            North Dakota

                            Example.  Taxpayers are residents of North Dakota and are married filing jointly.  Example
2022                        Their North Dakota taxable income is $49,935.  Find "$49,900 - $49,950" in the                                                             At         But        Single        Married  Married  Head
                            ND taxable income column. Read across to the amount shown in the "Married                                                                  least      less                     filing        filing        of
Tax                         filing jointly" column. Their tax is $549.                                                                                                            than                     jointly *  sepa-            house-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         rately        hold
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Your tax is-
Table                       Part- or full-year nonresident.  If either or both spouses were part- or                                                                   49,850     49,900     625           549           690                549
                            full-year nonresidents of North Dakota, they must enter the $549 on                                                                        49,900     49,950     626           549           691                549
                            Schedule ND-1NR, line 22, to calculate their tax.                                                                                          49,950     50,000     627           550           692                550
 If your ND                                                                              If your ND                                                                    If your ND
 taxable                    And your filing status is—                                   taxable              And your filing status is—                               taxable               And your filing status is—
 income is—                                                                              income is—                                                                    income is—
 At            But           Single         Married  Married  Head                       At         But        Single        Married  Married  Head                    At         But        Single        Married  Married  Head
 least         less                         filing         filing         of             least      less                     filing        filing        of            least      less                     filing        filing        of
               than                         jointly *  sepa-              house-                    than                     jointly *  sepa-            house-                   than                     jointly *  sepa-            house-
                                                           rately         hold                                                             rately        hold                                                            rately        hold
                                           Your tax is-                                                                     Your tax is-                                                                  Your tax is-
            0             5              0              0              0              0      1,325      1,350            15            15            15            15      2,700      2,725            30            30            30            30
          5            15              0              0              0              0    1,350       1,375     15            15            15                  15       2,725      2,750      30            30            30                 30
         15            25              0              0              0              0    1,375       1,400     15            15            15                  15       2,750      2,775      30            30            30                 30
         25            50              0              0              0              0    1,400       1,425     16            16            16                  16       2,775      2,800      31            31            31                 31
         50            75              1              1              1              1    1,425       1,450     16            16            16                  16       2,800      2,825      31            31            31                 31
          75          100                1              1              1              1      1,450      1,475            16            16            16            16      2,825      2,850            31            31            31            31
      100           125                1              1              1              1    1,475       1,500     16            16            16                  16       2,850      2,875      31            31            31                 31
      125           150                2              2              2              2    1,500       1,525     17            17            17                  17       2,875      2,900      32            32            32                 32
      150           175                2              2              2              2    1,525       1,550     17            17            17                  17       2,900      2,925      32            32            32                 32
      175           200                2              2              2              2    1,550       1,575     17            17            17                  17       2,925      2,950      32            32            32                 32
        200           225                2              2              2              2      1,575      1,600            17            17            17            17      2,950      2,975            33            33            33            33
      225           250                3              3              3              3    1,600       1,625     18            18            18                  18       2,975      3,000      33            33            33                 33
      250           275                3              3              3              3    1,625       1,650     18            18            18                  18
      275           300                3              3              3              3    1,650       1,675     18            18            18                  18          3,000
      300           325                3              3              3              3    1,675       1,700     19            19            19                  19
        325           350                4              4              4              4      1,700      1,725            19            19            19            19      3,000      3,050            33            33            33            33
      350           375                4              4              4              4    1,725       1,750     19            19            19                  19       3,050      3,100      34            34            34                 34
      375           400                4              4              4              4    1,750       1,775     19            19            19                  19       3,100      3,150      34            34            34                 34
      400           425                5              5              5              5    1,775       1,800     20            20            20                  20       3,150      3,200      35            35            35                 35
      425           450                5              5              5              5    1,800       1,825     20            20            20                  20       3,200      3,250      35            35            35                 35
        450           475                5              5              5              5      1,825      1,850            20            20            20            20      3,250      3,300            36            36            36            36
      475           500                5              5              5              5    1,850       1,875     20            20            20                  20       3,300      3,350      37            37            37                 37
      500           525                6              6              6              6    1,875       1,900     21            21            21                  21       3,350      3,400      37            37            37                 37
      525           550                6              6              6              6    1,900       1,925     21            21            21                  21       3,400      3,450      38            38            38                 38
      550           575                6              6              6              6    1,925       1,950     21            21            21                  21       3,450      3,500      38            38            38                 38
        575           600                6              6              6              6      1,950      1,975            22            22            22            22      3,500      3,550            39            39            39            39
      600           625                7              7              7              7    1,975       2,000     22            22            22                  22       3,550      3,600      39            39            39                 39
      625           650                7              7              7              7                                                                                   3,600      3,650      40            40            40                 40
      650           675                7              7              7              7        2,000                                                                      3,650      3,700      40            40            40                 40
      675           700                8              8              8              8                                                                                   3,700      3,750      41            41            41                 41
        700           725                8              8              8              8      2,000      2,025            22            22            22            22      3,750      3,800            42            42            42            42
      725           750                8              8              8              8    2,025       2,050     22            22            22                  22       3,800      3,850      42            42            42                 42
      750           775                8              8              8              8    2,050       2,075     23            23            23                  23       3,850      3,900      43            43            43                 43
      775           800                9              9              9              9    2,075       2,100     23            23            23                  23       3,900      3,950      43            43            43                 43
      800           825                9              9              9              9    2,100       2,125     23            23            23                  23       3,950      4,000      44            44            44                 44
        825           850                9              9              9              9      2,125      2,150            24            24            24            24
      850           875                9              9              9              9    2,150       2,175     24            24            24                  24          4,000
      875           900      10             10             10                   10       2,175       2,200     24            24            24                  24
      900           925      10             10             10                   10       2,200       2,225     24            24            24                  24       4,000      4,050      44            44            44                 44
      925           950      10             10             10                   10       2,225       2,250     25            25            25                  25       4,050      4,100      45            45            45                 45
        950           975              11             11             11             11       2,250      2,275            25            25            25            25      4,100      4,150            45            45            45            45
      975      1,000         11             11             11                   11       2,275       2,300     25            25            25                  25       4,150      4,200      46            46            46                 46
                                                                                         2,300       2,325     25            25            25                  25       4,200      4,250      46            46            46                 46
        1,000                                                                            2,325       2,350     26            26            26                  26       4,250      4,300      47            47            47                 47
                                                                                         2,350       2,375     26            26            26                  26       4,300      4,350      48            48            48                 48
     1,000         1,025               11             11             11             11       2,375      2,400            26            26            26            26      4,350      4,400            48            48            48            48
 1,025         1,050         11             11             11                   11       2,400       2,425     27            27            27                  27       4,400      4,450      49            49            49                 49
 1,050         1,075         12             12             12                   12       2,425       2,450     27            27            27                  27       4,450      4,500      49            49            49                 49
 1,075         1,100         12             12             12                   12       2,450       2,475     27            27            27                  27       4,500      4,550      50            50            50                 50
 1,100         1,125         12             12             12                   12       2,475       2,500     27            27            27                  27       4,550      4,600      50            50            50                 50
     1,125         1,150               13             13             13             13       2,500      2,525            28            28            28            28      4,600      4,650            51            51            51            51
 1,150         1,175         13             13             13                   13       2,525       2,550     28            28            28                  28       4,650      4,700      51            51            51                 51
 1,175         1,200         13             13             13                   13       2,550       2,575     28            28            28                  28       4,700      4,750      52            52            52                 52
 1,200         1,225         13             13             13                   13       2,575       2,600     28            28            28                  28       4,750      4,800      53            53            53                 53
 1,225         1,250         14             14             14                   14       2,600       2,625     29            29            29                  29       4,800      4,850      53            53            53                 53
     1,250         1,275               14             14             14             14       2,625      2,650            29            29            29            29      4,850      4,900            54            54            54            54
 1,275         1,300         14             14             14                   14       2,650       2,675     29            29            29                  29       4,900      4,950      54            54            54                 54
 1,300         1,325         14             14             14                   14       2,675       2,700     30            30            30                  30       4,950      5,000      55            55            55                 55
*If a Qualifying widow(er), use the Married filing jointly column.

- 23 -
                                                                                                                                                                          North Dakota                              21

2022 Tax TableContinued
 If your ND                                                                  If your ND                                                                  If your ND
 taxable            And your filing status is—                               taxable                     And your filing status is—                      taxable                   And your filing status is—
 income is—                                                                  income is—                                                                  income is—
 At        But       Single        Married  Married  Head                    At        But       Single        Married  Married  Head                    At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head
 least     less                    filing        filing        of            least     less                    filing        filing        of            least    less                  filing       filing       of
           than                    jointly *  sepa-            house-                  than                    jointly *  sepa-            house-                 than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-
                                                 rately        hold                                                          rately        hold                                                      rately       hold
                                  Your tax is-                                                                Your tax is-                                                             Your tax is-
    5,000                                                                       8,000                                                                       11,000
    5,000     5,050            55            55            55            55     8,000     8,050            88            88            88            88   11,000   11,050          121          121          121          121
    5,050     5,100            56            56            56            56     8,050     8,100            89            89            89            89   11,050   11,100          122          122          122          122
    5,100     5,150            56            56            56            56     8,100     8,150            89            89            89            89   11,100   11,150          122          122          122          122
    5,150     5,200            57            57            57            57     8,150     8,200            90            90            90            90   11,150   11,200          123          123          123          123
    5,200     5,250            57            57            57            57     8,200     8,250            90            90            90            90   11,200   11,250          123          123          123          123
    5,250     5,300            58            58            58            58     8,250     8,300            91            91            91            91   11,250   11,300          124          124          124          124
    5,300     5,350            59            59            59            59     8,300     8,350            92            92            92            92   11,300   11,350          125          125          125          125
    5,350     5,400            59            59            59            59     8,350     8,400            92            92            92            92   11,350   11,400          125          125          125          125
    5,400     5,450            60            60            60            60     8,400     8,450            93            93            93            93   11,400   11,450          126          126          126          126
    5,450     5,500            60            60            60            60     8,450     8,500            93            93            93            93   11,450   11,500          126          126          126          126
    5,500     5,550            61            61            61            61     8,500     8,550            94            94            94            94   11,500   11,550          127          127          127          127
    5,550     5,600            61            61            61            61     8,550     8,600            94            94            94            94   11,550   11,600          127          127          127          127
    5,600     5,650            62            62            62            62     8,600     8,650            95            95            95            95   11,600   11,650          128          128          128          128
    5,650     5,700            62            62            62            62     8,650     8,700            95            95            95            95   11,650   11,700          128          128          128          128
    5,700     5,750            63            63            63            63     8,700     8,750            96            96            96            96   11,700   11,750          129          129          129          129
    5,750     5,800            64            64            64            64     8,750     8,800            97            97            97            97   11,750   11,800          130          130          130          130
    5,800     5,850            64            64            64            64     8,800     8,850            97            97            97            97   11,800   11,850          130          130          130          130
    5,850     5,900            65            65            65            65     8,850     8,900            98            98            98            98   11,850   11,900          131          131          131          131
    5,900     5,950            65            65            65            65     8,900     8,950            98            98            98            98   11,900   11,950          131          131          131          131
    5,950     6,000            66            66            66            66     8,950     9,000            99            99            99            99   11,950   12,000          132          132          132          132
    6,000                                                                       9,000                                                                       12,000
    6,000     6,050            66            66            66            66     9,000     9,050            99            99            99            99   12,000   12,050          132          132          132          132
    6,050     6,100            67            67            67            67     9,050     9,100          100           100           100           100    12,050   12,100          133          133          133          133
    6,100     6,150            67            67            67            67     9,100     9,150          100           100           100           100    12,100   12,150          133          133          133          133
    6,150     6,200            68            68            68            68     9,150     9,200          101           101           101           101    12,150   12,200          134          134          134          134
    6,200     6,250            68            68            68            68     9,200     9,250          101           101           101           101    12,200   12,250          134          134          134          134
    6,250     6,300            69            69            69            69     9,250     9,300          102           102           102           102    12,250   12,300          135          135          135          135
    6,300     6,350            70            70            70            70     9,300     9,350          103           103           103           103    12,300   12,350          136          136          136          136
    6,350     6,400            70            70            70            70     9,350     9,400          103           103           103           103    12,350   12,400          136          136          136          136
    6,400     6,450            71            71            71            71     9,400     9,450          104           104           104           104    12,400   12,450          137          137          137          137
    6,450     6,500            71            71            71            71     9,450     9,500          104           104           104           104    12,450   12,500          137          137          137          137
    6,500     6,550            72            72            72            72     9,500     9,550          105           105           105           105    12,500   12,550          138          138          138          138
    6,550     6,600            72            72            72            72     9,550     9,600          105           105           105           105    12,550   12,600          138          138          138          138
    6,600     6,650            73            73            73            73     9,600     9,650          106           106           106           106    12,600   12,650          139          139          139          139
    6,650     6,700            73            73            73            73     9,650     9,700          106           106           106           106    12,650   12,700          139          139          139          139
    6,700     6,750            74            74            74            74     9,700     9,750          107           107           107           107    12,700   12,750          140          140          140          140
    6,750     6,800            75            75            75            75     9,750     9,800          108           108           108           108    12,750   12,800          141          141          141          141
    6,800     6,850            75            75            75            75     9,800     9,850          108           108           108           108    12,800   12,850          141          141          141          141
    6,850     6,900            76            76            76            76     9,850     9,900          109           109           109           109    12,850   12,900          142          142          142          142
    6,900     6,950            76            76            76            76     9,900     9,950          109           109           109           109    12,900   12,950          142          142          142          142
    6,950     7,000            77            77            77            77     9,950   10,000           110           110           110           110    12,950   13,000          143          143          143          143
    7,000                                                                       10,000                                                                      13,000
    7,000     7,050            77            77            77            77   10,000    10,050           110           110           110           110    13,000   13,050          143          143          143          143
    7,050     7,100            78            78            78            78   10,050    10,100           111           111           111           111    13,050   13,100          144          144          144          144
    7,100     7,150            78            78            78            78   10,100    10,150           111           111           111           111    13,100   13,150          144          144          144          144
    7,150     7,200            79            79            79            79   10,150    10,200           112           112           112           112    13,150   13,200          145          145          145          145
    7,200     7,250            79            79            79            79   10,200    10,250           112           112           112           112    13,200   13,250          145          145          145          145
    7,250     7,300            80            80            80            80   10,250    10,300           113           113           113           113    13,250   13,300          146          146          146          146
    7,300     7,350            81            81            81            81   10,300    10,350           114           114           114           114    13,300   13,350          147          147          147          147
    7,350     7,400            81            81            81            81   10,350    10,400           114           114           114           114    13,350   13,400          147          147          147          147
    7,400     7,450            82            82            82            82   10,400    10,450           115           115           115           115    13,400   13,450          148          148          148          148
    7,450     7,500            82            82            82            82   10,450    10,500           115           115           115           115    13,450   13,500          148          148          148          148
    7,500     7,550            83            83            83            83   10,500    10,550           116           116           116           116    13,500   13,550          149          149          149          149
    7,550     7,600            83            83            83            83   10,550    10,600           116           116           116           116    13,550   13,600          149          149          149          149
    7,600     7,650            84            84            84            84   10,600    10,650           117           117           117           117    13,600   13,650          150          150          150          150
    7,650     7,700            84            84            84            84   10,650    10,700           117           117           117           117    13,650   13,700          150          150          150          150
    7,700     7,750            85            85            85            85   10,700    10,750           118           118           118           118    13,700   13,750          151          151          151          151
    7,750     7,800            86            86            86            86   10,750    10,800           119           119           119           119    13,750   13,800          152          152          152          152
    7,800     7,850            86            86            86            86   10,800    10,850           119           119           119           119    13,800   13,850          152          152          152          152
    7,850     7,900            87            87            87            87   10,850    10,900           120           120           120           120    13,850   13,900          153          153          153          153
    7,900     7,950            87            87            87            87   10,900    10,950           120           120           120           120    13,900   13,950          153          153          153          153
    7,950     8,000            88            88            88            88   10,950    11,000           121           121           121           121    13,950   14,000          154          154          154          154
*If a Qualifying widow(er), use the Married filing jointly column.

- 24 -
22         North Dakota

  2022 Tax TableContinued
 If your ND                                                            If your ND                                                            If your ND
 taxable                   And your filing status is—                  taxable                   And your filing status is—                  taxable                   And your filing status is—
 income is—                                                            income is—                                                            income is—
 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head
 least    less                  filing       filing       of           least    less                  filing       filing       of           least    less                  filing       filing       of
          than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-                than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-                than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-
                                             rately       hold                                                     rately       hold                                                     rately       hold
                               Your tax is-                                                          Your tax is-                                                          Your tax is-
    14,000                                                                17,000                                                                20,000
  14,000   14,050          154          154          154          154   17,000   17,050          187          187          187          187   20,000   20,050          220          220          220          220
  14,050   14,100          155          155          155          155   17,050   17,100          188          188          188          188   20,050   20,100          221          221          221          221
  14,100   14,150          155          155          155          155   17,100   17,150          188          188          188          188   20,100   20,150          221          221          221          221
  14,150   14,200          156          156          156          156   17,150   17,200          189          189          189          189   20,150   20,200          222          222          222          222
  14,200   14,250          156          156          156          156   17,200   17,250          189          189          189          189   20,200   20,250          222          222          222          222
  14,250   14,300          157          157          157          157   17,250   17,300          190          190          190          190   20,250   20,300          223          223          223          223
  14,300   14,350          158          158          158          158   17,300   17,350          191          191          191          191   20,300   20,350          224          224          224          224
  14,350   14,400          158          158          158          158   17,350   17,400          191          191          191          191   20,350   20,400          224          224          224          224
  14,400   14,450          159          159          159          159   17,400   17,450          192          192          192          192   20,400   20,450          225          225          225          225
  14,450   14,500          159          159          159          159   17,450   17,500          192          192          192          192   20,450   20,500          225          225          225          225
  14,500   14,550          160          160          160          160   17,500   17,550          193          193          193          193   20,500   20,550          226          226          226          226
  14,550   14,600          160          160          160          160   17,550   17,600          193          193          193          193   20,550   20,600          226          226          226          226
  14,600   14,650          161          161          161          161   17,600   17,650          194          194          194          194   20,600   20,650          227          227          227          227
  14,650   14,700          161          161          161          161   17,650   17,700          194          194          194          194   20,650   20,700          227          227          227          227
  14,700   14,750          162          162          162          162   17,700   17,750          195          195          195          195   20,700   20,750          228          228          228          228
  14,750   14,800          163          163          163          163   17,750   17,800          196          196          196          196   20,750   20,800          229          229          229          229
  14,800   14,850          163          163          163          163   17,800   17,850          196          196          196          196   20,800   20,850          229          229          229          229
  14,850   14,900          164          164          164          164   17,850   17,900          197          197          197          197   20,850   20,900          230          230          230          230
  14,900   14,950          164          164          164          164   17,900   17,950          197          197          197          197   20,900   20,950          230          230          230          230
  14,950   15,000          165          165          165          165   17,950   18,000          198          198          198          198   20,950   21,000          231          231          231          231
    15,000                                                                18,000                                                                21,000
  15,000   15,050          165          165          165          165   18,000   18,050          198          198          198          198   21,000   21,050          231          231          231          231
  15,050   15,100          166          166          166          166   18,050   18,100          199          199          199          199   21,050   21,100          232          232          232          232
  15,100   15,150          166          166          166          166   18,100   18,150          199          199          199          199   21,100   21,150          232          232          232          232
  15,150   15,200          167          167          167          167   18,150   18,200          200          200          200          200   21,150   21,200          233          233          233          233
  15,200   15,250          167          167          167          167   18,200   18,250          200          200          200          200   21,200   21,250          233          233          233          233
  15,250   15,300          168          168          168          168   18,250   18,300          201          201          201          201   21,250   21,300          234          234          234          234
  15,300   15,350          169          169          169          169   18,300   18,350          202          202          202          202   21,300   21,350          235          235          235          235
  15,350   15,400          169          169          169          169   18,350   18,400          202          202          202          202   21,350   21,400          235          235          235          235
  15,400   15,450          170          170          170          170   18,400   18,450          203          203          203          203   21,400   21,450          236          236          236          236
  15,450   15,500          170          170          170          170   18,450   18,500          203          203          203          203   21,450   21,500          236          236          236          236
  15,500   15,550          171          171          171          171   18,500   18,550          204          204          204          204   21,500   21,550          237          237          237          237
  15,550   15,600          171          171          171          171   18,550   18,600          204          204          204          204   21,550   21,600          237          237          237          237
  15,600   15,650          172          172          172          172   18,600   18,650          205          205          205          205   21,600   21,650          238          238          238          238
  15,650   15,700          172          172          172          172   18,650   18,700          205          205          205          205   21,650   21,700          238          238          238          238
  15,700   15,750          173          173          173          173   18,700   18,750          206          206          206          206   21,700   21,750          239          239          239          239
  15,750   15,800          174          174          174          174   18,750   18,800          207          207          207          207   21,750   21,800          240          240          240          240
  15,800   15,850          174          174          174          174   18,800   18,850          207          207          207          207   21,800   21,850          240          240          240          240
  15,850   15,900          175          175          175          175   18,850   18,900          208          208          208          208   21,850   21,900          241          241          241          241
  15,900   15,950          175          175          175          175   18,900   18,950          208          208          208          208   21,900   21,950          241          241          241          241
  15,950   16,000          176          176          176          176   18,950   19,000          209          209          209          209   21,950   22,000          242          242          242          242
    16,000                                                                19,000                                                                22,000
  16,000   16,050          176          176          176          176   19,000   19,050          209          209          209          209   22,000   22,050          242          242          242          242
  16,050   16,100          177          177          177          177   19,050   19,100          210          210          210          210   22,050   22,100          243          243          243          243
  16,100   16,150          177          177          177          177   19,100   19,150          210          210          210          210   22,100   22,150          243          243          243          243
  16,150   16,200          178          178          178          178   19,150   19,200          211          211          211          211   22,150   22,200          244          244          244          244
  16,200   16,250          178          178          178          178   19,200   19,250          211          211          211          211   22,200   22,250          244          244          244          244
  16,250   16,300          179          179          179          179   19,250   19,300          212          212          212          212   22,250   22,300          245          245          245          245
  16,300   16,350          180          180          180          180   19,300   19,350          213          213          213          213   22,300   22,350          246          246          246          246
  16,350   16,400          180          180          180          180   19,350   19,400          213          213          213          213   22,350   22,400          246          246          246          246
  16,400   16,450          181          181          181          181   19,400   19,450          214          214          214          214   22,400   22,450          247          247          247          247
  16,450   16,500          181          181          181          181   19,450   19,500          214          214          214          214   22,450   22,500          247          247          247          247
  16,500   16,550          182          182          182          182   19,500   19,550          215          215          215          215   22,500   22,550          248          248          248          248
  16,550   16,600          182          182          182          182   19,550   19,600          215          215          215          215   22,550   22,600          248          248          248          248
  16,600   16,650          183          183          183          183   19,600   19,650          216          216          216          216   22,600   22,650          249          249          249          249
  16,650   16,700          183          183          183          183   19,650   19,700          216          216          216          216   22,650   22,700          249          249          249          249
  16,700   16,750          184          184          184          184   19,700   19,750          217          217          217          217   22,700   22,750          250          250          250          250
  16,750   16,800          185          185          185          185   19,750   19,800          218          218          218          218   22,750   22,800          251          251          251          251
  16,800   16,850          185          185          185          185   19,800   19,850          218          218          218          218   22,800   22,850          251          251          251          251
  16,850   16,900          186          186          186          186   19,850   19,900          219          219          219          219   22,850   22,900          252          252          252          252
  16,900   16,950          186          186          186          186   19,900   19,950          219          219          219          219   22,900   22,950          252          252          252          252
  16,950   17,000          187          187          187          187   19,950   20,000          220          220          220          220   22,950   23,000          253          253          253          253
  *If a Qualifying widow(er), use the Married filing jointly             column.

- 25 -
                                                                                                                                                              North Dakota                              23

  2022 Tax TableContinued
 If your ND                                                            If your ND                                                            If your ND
 taxable                   And your filing status is—                  taxable                   And your filing status is—                  taxable                   And your filing status is—
 income is—                                                            income is—                                                            income is—
 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head
 least    less                  filing       filing       of           least    less                  filing       filing       of           least    less                  filing       filing       of
          than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-                than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-                than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-
                                             rately       hold                                                     rately       hold                                                     rately       hold
                               Your tax is-                                                          Your tax is-                                                          Your tax is-
    23,000                                                                26,000                                                                29,000
  23,000   23,050          253          253          253          253   26,000   26,050          286          286          286          286   29,000   29,050          319          319          319          319
  23,050   23,100          254          254          254          254   26,050   26,100          287          287          287          287   29,050   29,100          320          320          320          320
  23,100   23,150          254          254          254          254   26,100   26,150          287          287          287          287   29,100   29,150          320          320          320          320
  23,150   23,200          255          255          255          255   26,150   26,200          288          288          288          288   29,150   29,200          321          321          321          321
  23,200   23,250          255          255          255          255   26,200   26,250          288          288          288          288   29,200   29,250          321          321          321          321
  23,250   23,300          256          256          256          256   26,250   26,300          289          289          289          289   29,250   29,300          322          322          322          322
  23,300   23,350          257          257          257          257   26,300   26,350          290          290          290          290   29,300   29,350          323          323          323          323
  23,350   23,400          257          257          257          257   26,350   26,400          290          290          290          290   29,350   29,400          323          323          323          323
  23,400   23,450          258          258          258          258   26,400   26,450          291          291          291          291   29,400   29,450          324          324          324          324
  23,450   23,500          258          258          258          258   26,450   26,500          291          291          291          291   29,450   29,500          324          324          324          324
  23,500   23,550          259          259          259          259   26,500   26,550          292          292          292          292   29,500   29,550          325          325          325          325
  23,550   23,600          259          259          259          259   26,550   26,600          292          292          292          292   29,550   29,600          325          325          325          325
  23,600   23,650          260          260          260          260   26,600   26,650          293          293          293          293   29,600   29,650          326          326          326          326
  23,650   23,700          260          260          260          260   26,650   26,700          293          293          293          293   29,650   29,700          326          326          326          326
  23,700   23,750          261          261          261          261   26,700   26,750          294          294          294          294   29,700   29,750          327          327          327          327
  23,750   23,800          262          262          262          262   26,750   26,800          295          295          295          295   29,750   29,800          328          328          328          328
  23,800   23,850          262          262          262          262   26,800   26,850          295          295          295          295   29,800   29,850          328          328          328          328
  23,850   23,900          263          263          263          263   26,850   26,900          296          296          296          296   29,850   29,900          329          329          329          329
  23,900   23,950          263          263          263          263   26,900   26,950          296          296          296          296   29,900   29,950          329          329          329          329
  23,950   24,000          264          264          264          264   26,950   27,000          297          297          297          297   29,950   30,000          330          330          330          330
    24,000                                                                27,000                                                                30,000
  24,000   24,050          264          264          264          264   27,000   27,050          297          297          297          297   30,000   30,050          330          330          330          330
  24,050   24,100          265          265          265          265   27,050   27,100          298          298          298          298   30,050   30,100          331          331          331          331
  24,100   24,150          265          265          265          265   27,100   27,150          298          298          298          298   30,100   30,150          331          331          331          331
  24,150   24,200          266          266          266          266   27,150   27,200          299          299          299          299   30,150   30,200          332          332          332          332
  24,200   24,250          266          266          266          266   27,200   27,250          299          299          299          299   30,200   30,250          332          332          332          332
  24,250   24,300          267          267          267          267   27,250   27,300          300          300          300          300   30,250   30,300          333          333          333          333
  24,300   24,350          268          268          268          268   27,300   27,350          301          301          301          301   30,300   30,350          334          334          334          334
  24,350   24,400          268          268          268          268   27,350   27,400          301          301          301          301   30,350   30,400          334          334          334          334
  24,400   24,450          269          269          269          269   27,400   27,450          302          302          302          302   30,400   30,450          335          335          335          335
  24,450   24,500          269          269          269          269   27,450   27,500          302          302          302          302   30,450   30,500          335          335          335          335
  24,500   24,550          270          270          270          270   27,500   27,550          303          303          303          303   30,500   30,550          336          336          336          336
  24,550   24,600          270          270          270          270   27,550   27,600          303          303          303          303   30,550   30,600          336          336          336          336
  24,600   24,650          271          271          271          271   27,600   27,650          304          304          304          304   30,600   30,650          337          337          337          337
  24,650   24,700          271          271          271          271   27,650   27,700          304          304          304          304   30,650   30,700          337          337          337          337
  24,700   24,750          272          272          272          272   27,700   27,750          305          305          305          305   30,700   30,750          338          338          338          338
  24,750   24,800          273          273          273          273   27,750   27,800          306          306          306          306   30,750   30,800          339          339          339          339
  24,800   24,850          273          273          273          273   27,800   27,850          306          306          306          306   30,800   30,850          339          339          339          339
  24,850   24,900          274          274          274          274   27,850   27,900          307          307          307          307   30,850   30,900          340          340          340          340
  24,900   24,950          274          274          274          274   27,900   27,950          307          307          307          307   30,900   30,950          340          340          340          340
  24,950   25,000          275          275          275          275   27,950   28,000          308          308          308          308   30,950   31,000          341          341          341          341
    25,000                                                                28,000                                                                31,000
  25,000   25,050          275          275          275          275   28,000   28,050          308          308          308          308   31,000   31,050          341          341          341          341
  25,050   25,100          276          276          276          276   28,050   28,100          309          309          309          309   31,050   31,100          342          342          342          342
  25,100   25,150          276          276          276          276   28,100   28,150          309          309          309          309   31,100   31,150          342          342          342          342
  25,150   25,200          277          277          277          277   28,150   28,200          310          310          310          310   31,150   31,200          343          343          343          343
  25,200   25,250          277          277          277          277   28,200   28,250          310          310          310          310   31,200   31,250          343          343          343          343
  25,250   25,300          278          278          278          278   28,250   28,300          311          311          311          311   31,250   31,300          344          344          344          344
  25,300   25,350          279          279          279          279   28,300   28,350          312          312          312          312   31,300   31,350          345          345          345          345
  25,350   25,400          279          279          279          279   28,350   28,400          312          312          312          312   31,350   31,400          345          345          345          345
  25,400   25,450          280          280          280          280   28,400   28,450          313          313          313          313   31,400   31,450          346          346          346          346
  25,450   25,500          280          280          280          280   28,450   28,500          313          313          313          313   31,450   31,500          346          346          346          346
  25,500   25,550          281          281          281          281   28,500   28,550          314          314          314          314   31,500   31,550          347          347          347          347
  25,550   25,600          281          281          281          281   28,550   28,600          314          314          314          314   31,550   31,600          347          347          347          347
  25,600   25,650          282          282          282          282   28,600   28,650          315          315          315          315   31,600   31,650          348          348          348          348
  25,650   25,700          282          282          282          282   28,650   28,700          315          315          315          315   31,650   31,700          348          348          348          348
  25,700   25,750          283          283          283          283   28,700   28,750          316          316          316          316   31,700   31,750          349          349          349          349
  25,750   25,800          284          284          284          284   28,750   28,800          317          317          317          317   31,750   31,800          350          350          350          350
  25,800   25,850          284          284          284          284   28,800   28,850          317          317          317          317   31,800   31,850          350          350          350          350
  25,850   25,900          285          285          285          285   28,850   28,900          318          318          318          318   31,850   31,900          351          351          351          351
  25,900   25,950          285          285          285          285   28,900   28,950          318          318          318          318   31,900   31,950          351          351          351          351
  25,950   26,000          286          286          286          286   28,950   29,000          319          319          319          319   31,950   32,000          352          352          352          352
  *If a Qualifying widow(er), use the Married filing jointly column.

- 26 -
24         North Dakota

  2022 Tax TableContinued
 If your ND                                                            If your ND                                                            If your ND
 taxable                   And your filing status is—                  taxable                   And your filing status is—                  taxable                   And your filing status is—
 income is—                                                            income is—                                                            income is—
 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head
 least    less                  filing       filing       of           least    less                  filing       filing       of           least    less                  filing       filing       of
          than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-                than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-                than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-
                                             rately       hold                                                     rately       hold                                                     rately       hold
                               Your tax is-                                                          Your tax is-                                                          Your tax is-
    32,000                                                                35,000                                                                38,000
  32,000   32,050          352          352          352          352   35,000   35,050          385          385          387          385   38,000   38,050          418          418          448          418
  32,050   32,100          353          353          353          353   35,050   35,100          386          386          388          386   38,050   38,100          419          419          449          419
  32,100   32,150          353          353          353          353   35,100   35,150          386          386          389          386   38,100   38,150          419          419          450          419
  32,150   32,200          354          354          354          354   35,150   35,200          387          387          390          387   38,150   38,200          420          420          451          420
  32,200   32,250          354          354          354          354   35,200   35,250          387          387          391          387   38,200   38,250          420          420          452          420
  32,250   32,300          355          355          355          355   35,250   35,300          388          388          392          388   38,250   38,300          421          421          453          421
  32,300   32,350          356          356          356          356   35,300   35,350          389          389          393          389   38,300   38,350          422          422          454          422
  32,350   32,400          356          356          356          356   35,350   35,400          389          389          394          389   38,350   38,400          422          422          455          422
  32,400   32,450          357          357          357          357   35,400   35,450          390          390          395          390   38,400   38,450          423          423          456          423
  32,450   32,500          357          357          357          357   35,450   35,500          390          390          396          390   38,450   38,500          423          423          457          423
  32,500   32,550          358          358          358          358   35,500   35,550          391          391          397          391   38,500   38,550          424          424          458          424
  32,550   32,600          358          358          358          358   35,550   35,600          391          391          398          391   38,550   38,600          424          424          459          424
  32,600   32,650          359          359          359          359   35,600   35,650          392          392          399          392   38,600   38,650          425          425          460          425
  32,650   32,700          359          359          359          359   35,650   35,700          392          392          400          392   38,650   38,700          425          425          461          425
  32,700   32,750          360          360          360          360   35,700   35,750          393          393          401          393   38,700   38,750          426          426          462          426
  32,750   32,800          361          361          361          361   35,750   35,800          394          394          402          394   38,750   38,800          427          427          463          427
  32,800   32,850          361          361          361          361   35,800   35,850          394          394          403          394   38,800   38,850          427          427          464          427
  32,850   32,900          362          362          362          362   35,850   35,900          395          395          404          395   38,850   38,900          428          428          465          428
  32,900   32,950          362          362          362          362   35,900   35,950          395          395          405          395   38,900   38,950          428          428          466          428
  32,950   33,000          363          363          363          363   35,950   36,000          396          396          406          396   38,950   39,000          429          429          468          429
    33,000                                                                36,000                                                                39,000
  33,000   33,050          363          363          363          363   36,000   36,050          396          396          407          396   39,000   39,050          429          429          469          429
  33,050   33,100          364          364          364          364   36,050   36,100          397          397          408          397   39,050   39,100          430          430          470          430
  33,100   33,150          364          364          364          364   36,100   36,150          397          397          409          397   39,100   39,150          430          430          471          430
  33,150   33,200          365          365          365          365   36,150   36,200          398          398          410          398   39,150   39,200          431          431          472          431
  33,200   33,250          365          365          365          365   36,200   36,250          398          398          411          398   39,200   39,250          431          431          473          431
  33,250   33,300          366          366          366          366   36,250   36,300          399          399          412          399   39,250   39,300          432          432          474          432
  33,300   33,350          367          367          367          367   36,300   36,350          400          400          413          400   39,300   39,350          433          433          475          433
  33,350   33,400          367          367          367          367   36,350   36,400          400          400          414          400   39,350   39,400          433          433          476          433
  33,400   33,450          368          368          368          368   36,400   36,450          401          401          415          401   39,400   39,450          434          434          477          434
  33,450   33,500          368          368          368          368   36,450   36,500          401          401          417          401   39,450   39,500          434          434          478          434
  33,500   33,550          369          369          369          369   36,500   36,550          402          402          418          402   39,500   39,550          435          435          479          435
  33,550   33,600          369          369          369          369   36,550   36,600          402          402          419          402   39,550   39,600          435          435          480          435
  33,600   33,650          370          370          370          370   36,600   36,650          403          403          420          403   39,600   39,650          436          436          481          436
  33,650   33,700          370          370          370          370   36,650   36,700          403          403          421          403   39,650   39,700          436          436          482          436
  33,700   33,750          371          371          371          371   36,700   36,750          404          404          422          404   39,700   39,750          437          437          483          437
  33,750   33,800          372          372          372          372   36,750   36,800          405          405          423          405   39,750   39,800          438          438          484          438
  33,800   33,850          372          372          372          372   36,800   36,850          405          405          424          405   39,800   39,850          438          438          485          438
  33,850   33,900          373          373          373          373   36,850   36,900          406          406          425          406   39,850   39,900          439          439          486          439
  33,900   33,950          373          373          373          373   36,900   36,950          406          406          426          406   39,900   39,950          439          439          487          439
  33,950   34,000          374          374          374          374   36,950   37,000          407          407          427          407   39,950   40,000          440          440          488          440
    34,000                                                                37,000                                                                40,000
  34,000   34,050          374          374          374          374   37,000   37,050          407          407          428          407   40,000   40,050          440          440          489          440
  34,050   34,100          375          375          375          375   37,050   37,100          408          408          429          408   40,050   40,100          441          441          490          441
  34,100   34,150          375          375          375          375   37,100   37,150          408          408          430          408   40,100   40,150          441          441          491          441
  34,150   34,200          376          376          376          376   37,150   37,200          409          409          431          409   40,150   40,200          442          442          492          442
  34,200   34,250          376          376          376          376   37,200   37,250          409          409          432          409   40,200   40,250          442          442          493          442
  34,250   34,300          377          377          377          377   37,250   37,300          410          410          433          410   40,250   40,300          443          443          494          443
  34,300   34,350          378          378          378          378   37,300   37,350          411          411          434          411   40,300   40,350          444          444          495          444
  34,350   34,400          378          378          378          378   37,350   37,400          411          411          435          411   40,350   40,400          444          444          496          444
  34,400   34,450          379          379          379          379   37,400   37,450          412          412          436          412   40,400   40,450          445          445          497          445
  34,450   34,500          379          379          379          379   37,450   37,500          412          412          437          412   40,450   40,500          445          445          498          445
  34,500   34,550          380          380          380          380   37,500   37,550          413          413          438          413   40,500   40,550          446          446          499          446
  34,550   34,600          380          380          380          380   37,550   37,600          413          413          439          413   40,550   40,600          446          446          500          446
  34,600   34,650          381          381          381          381   37,600   37,650          414          414          440          414   40,600   40,650          447          447          501          447
  34,650   34,700          381          381          381          381   37,650   37,700          414          414          441          414   40,650   40,700          447          447          502          447
  34,700   34,750          382          382          382          382   37,700   37,750          415          415          442          415   40,700   40,750          448          448          503          448
  34,750   34,800          383          383          383          383   37,750   37,800          416          416          443          416   40,750   40,800          449          449          504          449
  34,800   34,850          383          383          383          383   37,800   37,850          416          416          444          416   40,800   40,850          449          449          505          449
  34,850   34,900          384          384          384          384   37,850   37,900          417          417          445          417   40,850   40,900          450          450          506          450
  34,900   34,950          384          384          385          384   37,900   37,950          417          417          446          417   40,900   40,950          450          450          507          450
  34,950   35,000          385          385          386          385   37,950   38,000          418          418          447          418   40,950   41,000          451          451          508          451
  *If a Qualifying widow(er), use the Married filing jointly             column.

- 27 -
                                                                                                                                                              North Dakota                              25

  2022 Tax TableContinued
 If your ND                                                            If your ND                                                            If your ND
 taxable                   And your filing status is—                  taxable                   And your filing status is—                  taxable                   And your filing status is—
 income is—                                                            income is—                                                            income is—
 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head
 least    less                  filing       filing       of           least    less                  filing       filing       of           least    less                  filing       filing       of
          than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-                than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-                than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-
                                             rately       hold                                                     rately       hold                                                     rately       hold
                               Your tax is-                                                          Your tax is-                                                          Your tax is-
    41,000                                                                44,000                                                                47,000
  41,000   41,050          451          451          509          451   44,000   44,050          505          484          571          484   47,000   47,050          567          517          632          517
  41,050   41,100          452          452          510          452   44,050   44,100          506          485          572          485   47,050   47,100          568          518          633          518
  41,100   41,150          452          452          511          452   44,100   44,150          507          485          573          485   47,100   47,150          569          518          634          518
  41,150   41,200          453          453          512          453   44,150   44,200          508          486          574          486   47,150   47,200          570          519          635          519
  41,200   41,250          453          453          513          453   44,200   44,250          510          486          575          486   47,200   47,250          571          519          636          519
  41,250   41,300          454          454          514          454   44,250   44,300          511          487          576          487   47,250   47,300          572          520          637          520
  41,300   41,350          455          455          515          455   44,300   44,350          512          488          577          488   47,300   47,350          573          521          638          521
  41,350   41,400          455          455          516          455   44,350   44,400          513          488          578          488   47,350   47,400          574          521          639          521
  41,400   41,450          456          456          517          456   44,400   44,450          514          489          579          489   47,400   47,450          575          522          640          522
  41,450   41,500          456          456          519          456   44,450   44,500          515          489          580          489   47,450   47,500          576          522          641          522
  41,500   41,550          457          457          520          457   44,500   44,550          516          490          581          490   47,500   47,550          577          523          642          523
  41,550   41,600          457          457          521          457   44,550   44,600          517          490          582          490   47,550   47,600          578          523          643          523
  41,600   41,650          458          458          522          458   44,600   44,650          518          491          583          491   47,600   47,650          579          524          644          524
  41,650   41,700          458          458          523          458   44,650   44,700          519          491          584          491   47,650   47,700          580          524          645          524
  41,700   41,750          459          459          524          459   44,700   44,750          520          492          585          492   47,700   47,750          581          525          646          525
  41,750   41,800          460          460          525          460   44,750   44,800          521          493          586          493   47,750   47,800          582          526          647          526
  41,800   41,850          461          460          526          460   44,800   44,850          522          493          587          493   47,800   47,850          583          526          648          526
  41,850   41,900          462          461          527          461   44,850   44,900          523          494          588          494   47,850   47,900          584          527          649          527
  41,900   41,950          463          461          528          461   44,900   44,950          524          494          589          494   47,900   47,950          585          527          650          527
  41,950   42,000          464          462          529          462   44,950   45,000          525          495          590          495   47,950   48,000          586          528          651          528
    42,000                                                                45,000                                                                48,000
  42,000   42,050          465          462          530          462   45,000   45,050          526          495          591          495   48,000   48,050          587          528          652          528
  42,050   42,100          466          463          531          463   45,050   45,100          527          496          592          496   48,050   48,100          588          529          653          529
  42,100   42,150          467          463          532          463   45,100   45,150          528          496          593          496   48,100   48,150          589          529          654          529
  42,150   42,200          468          464          533          464   45,150   45,200          529          497          594          497   48,150   48,200          590          530          655          530
  42,200   42,250          469          464          534          464   45,200   45,250          530          497          595          497   48,200   48,250          591          530          656          530
  42,250   42,300          470          465          535          465   45,250   45,300          531          498          596          498   48,250   48,300          592          531          657          531
  42,300   42,350          471          466          536          466   45,300   45,350          532          499          597          499   48,300   48,350          593          532          658          532
  42,350   42,400          472          466          537          466   45,350   45,400          533          499          598          499   48,350   48,400          594          532          659          532
  42,400   42,450          473          467          538          467   45,400   45,450          534          500          599          500   48,400   48,450          595          533          660          533
  42,450   42,500          474          467          539          467   45,450   45,500          535          500          600          500   48,450   48,500          596          533          661          533
  42,500   42,550          475          468          540          468   45,500   45,550          536          501          601          501   48,500   48,550          597          534          662          534
  42,550   42,600          476          468          541          468   45,550   45,600          537          501          602          501   48,550   48,600          598          534          663          534
  42,600   42,650          477          469          542          469   45,600   45,650          538          502          603          502   48,600   48,650          599          535          664          535
  42,650   42,700          478          469          543          469   45,650   45,700          539          502          604          502   48,650   48,700          600          535          665          535
  42,700   42,750          479          470          544          470   45,700   45,750          540          503          605          503   48,700   48,750          601          536          666          536
  42,750   42,800          480          471          545          471   45,750   45,800          541          504          606          504   48,750   48,800          602          537          667          537
  42,800   42,850          481          471          546          471   45,800   45,850          542          504          607          504   48,800   48,850          603          537          668          537
  42,850   42,900          482          472          547          472   45,850   45,900          543          505          608          505   48,850   48,900          604          538          669          538
  42,900   42,950          483          472          548          472   45,900   45,950          544          505          609          505   48,900   48,950          605          538          670          538
  42,950   43,000          484          473          549          473   45,950   46,000          545          506          610          506   48,950   49,000          606          539          672          539
    43,000                                                                46,000                                                                49,000
  43,000   43,050          485          473          550          473   46,000   46,050          546          506          611          506   49,000   49,050          607          539          673          539
  43,050   43,100          486          474          551          474   46,050   46,100          547          507          612          507   49,050   49,100          608          540          674          540
  43,100   43,150          487          474          552          474   46,100   46,150          548          507          613          507   49,100   49,150          609          540          675          540
  43,150   43,200          488          475          553          475   46,150   46,200          549          508          614          508   49,150   49,200          610          541          676          541
  43,200   43,250          489          475          554          475   46,200   46,250          550          508          615          508   49,200   49,250          612          541          677          541
  43,250   43,300          490          476          555          476   46,250   46,300          551          509          616          509   49,250   49,300          613          542          678          542
  43,300   43,350          491          477          556          477   46,300   46,350          552          510          617          510   49,300   49,350          614          543          679          543
  43,350   43,400          492          477          557          477   46,350   46,400          553          510          618          510   49,350   49,400          615          543          680          543
  43,400   43,450          493          478          558          478   46,400   46,450          554          511          619          511   49,400   49,450          616          544          681          544
  43,450   43,500          494          478          559          478   46,450   46,500          555          511          621          511   49,450   49,500          617          544          682          544
  43,500   43,550          495          479          560          479   46,500   46,550          556          512          622          512   49,500   49,550          618          545          683          545
  43,550   43,600          496          479          561          479   46,550   46,600          557          512          623          512   49,550   49,600          619          545          684          545
  43,600   43,650          497          480          562          480   46,600   46,650          558          513          624          513   49,600   49,650          620          546          685          546
  43,650   43,700          498          480          563          480   46,650   46,700          559          513          625          513   49,650   49,700          621          546          686          546
  43,700   43,750          499          481          564          481   46,700   46,750          561          514          626          514   49,700   49,750          622          547          687          547
  43,750   43,800          500          482          565          482   46,750   46,800          562          515          627          515   49,750   49,800          623          548          688          548
  43,800   43,850          501          482          566          482   46,800   46,850          563          515          628          515   49,800   49,850          624          548          689          548
  43,850   43,900          502          483          567          483   46,850   46,900          564          516          629          516   49,850   49,900          625          549          690          549
  43,900   43,950          503          483          568          483   46,900   46,950          565          516          630          516   49,900   49,950          626          549          691          549
  43,950   44,000          504          484          570          484   46,950   47,000          566          517          631          517   49,950   50,000          627          550          692          550
  *If a Qualifying widow(er), use the Married filing jointly column.

- 28 -
26         North Dakota

  2022 Tax TableContinued
 If your ND                                                            If your ND                                                            If your ND
 taxable                   And your filing status is—                  taxable                   And your filing status is—                  taxable                   And your filing status is—
 income is—                                                            income is—                                                            income is—
 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head
 least    less                  filing       filing       of           least    less                  filing       filing       of           least    less                  filing       filing       of
          than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-                than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-                than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-
                                             rately       hold                                                     rately       hold                                                     rately       hold
                               Your tax is-                                                          Your tax is-                                                          Your tax is-
    50,000                                                                53,000                                                                56,000
  50,000   50,050          628          550          693          550   53,000   53,050          689          583          754          583   56,000   56,050          750          616          815          617
  50,050   50,100          629          551          694          551   53,050   53,100          690          584          755          584   56,050   56,100          751          617          816          618
  50,100   50,150          630          551          695          551   53,100   53,150          691          584          756          584   56,100   56,150          752          617          817          619
  50,150   50,200          631          552          696          552   53,150   53,200          692          585          757          585   56,150   56,200          753          618          818          621
  50,200   50,250          632          552          697          552   53,200   53,250          693          585          758          585   56,200   56,250          754          618          819          622
  50,250   50,300          633          553          698          553   53,250   53,300          694          586          759          586   56,250   56,300          755          619          820          623
  50,300   50,350          634          554          699          554   53,300   53,350          695          587          760          587   56,300   56,350          756          620          821          624
  50,350   50,400          635          554          700          554   53,350   53,400          696          587          761          587   56,350   56,400          757          620          822          625
  50,400   50,450          636          555          701          555   53,400   53,450          697          588          762          588   56,400   56,450          758          621          823          626
  50,450   50,500          637          555          702          555   53,450   53,500          698          588          763          588   56,450   56,500          759          621          825          627
  50,500   50,550          638          556          703          556   53,500   53,550          699          589          764          589   56,500   56,550          760          622          826          628
  50,550   50,600          639          556          704          556   53,550   53,600          700          589          765          589   56,550   56,600          761          622          827          629
  50,600   50,650          640          557          705          557   53,600   53,650          701          590          766          590   56,600   56,650          762          623          828          630
  50,650   50,700          641          557          706          557   53,650   53,700          702          590          767          590   56,650   56,700          763          623          829          631
  50,700   50,750          642          558          707          558   53,700   53,750          703          591          768          591   56,700   56,750          765          624          830          632
  50,750   50,800          643          559          708          559   53,750   53,800          704          592          769          592   56,750   56,800          766          625          831          633
  50,800   50,850          644          559          709          559   53,800   53,850          705          592          770          592   56,800   56,850          767          625          832          634
  50,850   50,900          645          560          710          560   53,850   53,900          706          593          771          593   56,850   56,900          768          626          833          635
  50,900   50,950          646          560          711          560   53,900   53,950          707          593          772          593   56,900   56,950          769          626          834          636
  50,950   51,000          647          561          712          561   53,950   54,000          708          594          774          594   56,950   57,000          770          627          835          637
    51,000                                                                54,000                                                                57,000
  51,000   51,050          648          561          713          561   54,000   54,050          709          594          775          594   57,000   57,050          771          627          836          638
  51,050   51,100          649          562          714          562   54,050   54,100          710          595          776          595   57,050   57,100          772          628          837          639
  51,100   51,150          650          562          715          562   54,100   54,150          711          595          777          595   57,100   57,150          773          628          838          640
  51,150   51,200          651          563          716          563   54,150   54,200          712          596          778          596   57,150   57,200          774          629          839          641
  51,200   51,250          652          563          717          563   54,200   54,250          714          596          779          596   57,200   57,250          775          629          840          642
  51,250   51,300          653          564          718          564   54,250   54,300          715          597          780          597   57,250   57,300          776          630          841          643
  51,300   51,350          654          565          719          565   54,300   54,350          716          598          781          598   57,300   57,350          777          631          842          644
  51,350   51,400          655          565          720          565   54,350   54,400          717          598          782          598   57,350   57,400          778          631          843          645
  51,400   51,450          656          566          721          566   54,400   54,450          718          599          783          599   57,400   57,450          779          632          844          646
  51,450   51,500          657          566          723          566   54,450   54,500          719          599          784          599   57,450   57,500          780          632          845          647
  51,500   51,550          658          567          724          567   54,500   54,550          720          600          785          600   57,500   57,550          781          633          846          648
  51,550   51,600          659          567          725          567   54,550   54,600          721          600          786          600   57,550   57,600          782          633          847          649
  51,600   51,650          660          568          726          568   54,600   54,650          722          601          787          601   57,600   57,650          783          634          848          650
  51,650   51,700          661          568          727          568   54,650   54,700          723          601          788          601   57,650   57,700          784          634          849          651
  51,700   51,750          663          569          728          569   54,700   54,750          724          602          789          602   57,700   57,750          785          635          850          652
  51,750   51,800          664          570          729          570   54,750   54,800          725          603          790          603   57,750   57,800          786          636          851          653
  51,800   51,850          665          570          730          570   54,800   54,850          726          603          791          603   57,800   57,850          787          636          852          654
  51,850   51,900          666          571          731          571   54,850   54,900          727          604          792          604   57,850   57,900          788          637          853          655
  51,900   51,950          667          571          732          571   54,900   54,950          728          604          793          604   57,900   57,950          789          637          854          656
  51,950   52,000          668          572          733          572   54,950   55,000          729          605          794          605   57,950   58,000          790          638          855          657
    52,000                                                                55,000                                                                58,000
  52,000   52,050          669          572          734          572   55,000   55,050          730          605          795          605   58,000   58,050          791          638          856          658
  52,050   52,100          670          573          735          573   55,050   55,100          731          606          796          606   58,050   58,100          792          639          857          659
  52,100   52,150          671          573          736          573   55,100   55,150          732          606          797          606   58,100   58,150          793          639          858          660
  52,150   52,200          672          574          737          574   55,150   55,200          733          607          798          607   58,150   58,200          794          640          859          661
  52,200   52,250          673          574          738          574   55,200   55,250          734          607          799          607   58,200   58,250          795          640          860          662
  52,250   52,300          674          575          739          575   55,250   55,300          735          608          800          608   58,250   58,300          796          641          861          663
  52,300   52,350          675          576          740          576   55,300   55,350          736          609          801          609   58,300   58,350          797          642          862          664
  52,350   52,400          676          576          741          576   55,350   55,400          737          609          802          609   58,350   58,400          798          642          863          665
  52,400   52,450          677          577          742          577   55,400   55,450          738          610          803          610   58,400   58,450          799          643          864          666
  52,450   52,500          678          577          743          577   55,450   55,500          739          610          804          610   58,450   58,500          800          643          865          667
  52,500   52,550          679          578          744          578   55,500   55,550          740          611          805          611   58,500   58,550          801          644          866          668
  52,550   52,600          680          578          745          578   55,550   55,600          741          611          806          611   58,550   58,600          802          644          867          669
  52,600   52,650          681          579          746          579   55,600   55,650          742          612          807          612   58,600   58,650          803          645          868          670
  52,650   52,700          682          579          747          579   55,650   55,700          743          612          808          612   58,650   58,700          804          645          869          672
  52,700   52,750          683          580          748          580   55,700   55,750          744          613          809          613   58,700   58,750          805          646          870          673
  52,750   52,800          684          581          749          581   55,750   55,800          745          614          810          614   58,750   58,800          806          647          871          674
  52,800   52,850          685          581          750          581   55,800   55,850          746          614          811          614   58,800   58,850          807          647          872          675
  52,850   52,900          686          582          751          582   55,850   55,900          747          615          812          615   58,850   58,900          808          648          873          676
  52,900   52,950          687          582          752          582   55,900   55,950          748          615          813          615   58,900   58,950          809          648          874          677
  52,950   53,000          688          583          753          583   55,950   56,000          749          616          814          616   58,950   59,000          810          649          876          678
  *If a Qualifying widow(er), use the Married filing jointly             column.

- 29 -
                                                                                                                                                              North Dakota                              27

  2022 Tax TableContinued
 If your ND                                                            If your ND                                                            If your ND
 taxable                   And your filing status is—                  taxable                   And your filing status is—                  taxable                   And your filing status is—
 income is—                                                            income is—                                                            income is—
 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head
 least    less                  filing       filing       of           least    less                  filing       filing       of           least    less                  filing       filing       of
          than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-                than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-                than                  jointly *  sepa-          house-
                                             rately       hold                                                     rately       hold                                                     rately       hold
                               Your tax is-                                                          Your tax is-                                                          Your tax is-
    59,000                                                                62,000                                                                65,000
  59,000   59,050          811          649          877          679   62,000   62,050          873          682          938          740   65,000   65,050          934          715          999          801
  59,050   59,100          812          650          878          680   62,050   62,100          874          683          939          741   65,050   65,100          935          716       1,000           802
  59,100   59,150          813          650          879          681   62,100   62,150          875          683          940          742   65,100   65,150          936          716       1,001           803
  59,150   59,200          814          651          880          682   62,150   62,200          876          684          941          743   65,150   65,200          937          717       1,002           804
  59,200   59,250          816          651          881          683   62,200   62,250          877          684          942          744   65,200   65,250          938          717       1,003           805
  59,250   59,300          817          652          882          684   62,250   62,300          878          685          943          745   65,250   65,300          939          718       1,004           806
  59,300   59,350          818          653          883          685   62,300   62,350          879          686          944          746   65,300   65,350          940          719       1,005           807
  59,350   59,400          819          653          884          686   62,350   62,400          880          686          945          747   65,350   65,400          941          719       1,006           808
  59,400   59,450          820          654          885          687   62,400   62,450          881          687          946          748   65,400   65,450          942          720       1,007           809
  59,450   59,500          821          654          886          688   62,450   62,500          882          687          947          749   65,450   65,500          943          720       1,008           810
  59,500   59,550          822          655          887          689   62,500   62,550          883          688          948          750   65,500   65,550          944          721       1,009           811
  59,550   59,600          823          655          888          690   62,550   62,600          884          688          949          751   65,550   65,600          945          721       1,010           812
  59,600   59,650          824          656          889          691   62,600   62,650          885          689          950          752   65,600   65,650          946          722       1,011           813
  59,650   59,700          825          656          890          692   62,650   62,700          886          689          951          753   65,650   65,700          947          722       1,012           814
  59,700   59,750          826          657          891          693   62,700   62,750          887          690          952          754   65,700   65,750          948          723       1,013           815
  59,750   59,800          827          658          892          694   62,750   62,800          888          691          953          755   65,750   65,800          949          724       1,014           816
  59,800   59,850          828          658          893          695   62,800   62,850          889          691          954          756   65,800   65,850          950          724       1,015           817
  59,850   59,900          829          659          894          696   62,850   62,900          890          692          955          757   65,850   65,900          951          725       1,016           818
  59,900   59,950          830          659          895          697   62,900   62,950          891          692          956          758   65,900   65,950          952          725       1,017           819
  59,950   60,000          831          660          896          698   62,950   63,000          892          693          957          759   65,950   66,000          953          726       1,018           820
    60,000                                                                63,000                                                                66,000
  60,000   60,050          832          660          897          699   63,000   63,050          893          693          958          760   66,000   66,050          954          726       1,019           821
  60,050   60,100          833          661          898          700   63,050   63,100          894          694          959          761   66,050   66,100          955          727       1,020           822
  60,100   60,150          834          661          899          701   63,100   63,150          895          694          960          762   66,100   66,150          956          727       1,021           823
  60,150   60,200          835          662          900          702   63,150   63,200          896          695          961          763   66,150   66,200          957          728       1,022           825
  60,200   60,250          836          662          901          703   63,200   63,250          897          695          962          764   66,200   66,250          958          728       1,023           826
  60,250   60,300          837          663          902          704   63,250   63,300          898          696          963          765   66,250   66,300          959          729       1,024           827
  60,300   60,350          838          664          903          705   63,300   63,350          899          697          964          766   66,300   66,350          960          730       1,025           828
  60,350   60,400          839          664          904          706   63,350   63,400          900          697          965          767   66,350   66,400          961          730       1,026           829
  60,400   60,450          840          665          905          707   63,400   63,450          901          698          966          768   66,400   66,450          962          731       1,027           830
  60,450   60,500          841          665          906          708   63,450   63,500          902          698          967          769   66,450   66,500          963          731       1,029           831
  60,500   60,550          842          666          907          709   63,500   63,550          903          699          968          770   66,500   66,550          964          732       1,030           832
  60,550   60,600          843          666          908          710   63,550   63,600          904          699          969          771   66,550   66,600          965          732       1,031           833
  60,600   60,650          844          667          909          711   63,600   63,650          905          700          970          772   66,600   66,650          966          733       1,032           834
  60,650   60,700          845          667          910          712   63,650   63,700          906          700          971          774   66,650   66,700          967          733       1,033           835
  60,700   60,750          846          668          911          713   63,700   63,750          907          701          972          775   66,700   66,750          969          734       1,034           836
  60,750   60,800          847          669          912          714   63,750   63,800          908          702          973          776   66,750   66,800          970          735       1,035           837
  60,800   60,850          848          669          913          715   63,800   63,850          909          702          974          777   66,800   66,850          971          735       1,036           838
  60,850   60,900          849          670          914          716   63,850   63,900          910          703          975          778   66,850   66,900          972          736       1,037           839
  60,900   60,950          850          670          915          717   63,900   63,950          911          703          976          779   66,900   66,950          973          736       1,038           840
  60,950   61,000          851          671          916          718   63,950   64,000          912          704          978          780   66,950   67,000          974          737       1,039           841
    61,000                                                                64,000                                                                67,000
  61,000   61,050          852          671          917          719   64,000   64,050          913          704          979          781   67,000   67,050          975          737       1,040           842
  61,050   61,100          853          672          918          720   64,050   64,100          914          705          980          782   67,050   67,100          976          738       1,041           843
  61,100   61,150          854          672          919          721   64,100   64,150          915          705          981          783   67,100   67,150          977          738       1,042           844
  61,150   61,200          855          673          920          723   64,150   64,200          916          706          982          784   67,150   67,200          978          739       1,043           845
  61,200   61,250          856          673          921          724   64,200   64,250          918          706          983          785   67,200   67,250          979          739       1,044           846
  61,250   61,300          857          674          922          725   64,250   64,300          919          707          984          786   67,250   67,300          980          740       1,045           847
  61,300   61,350          858          675          923          726   64,300   64,350          920          708          985          787   67,300   67,350          981          741       1,046           848
  61,350   61,400          859          675          924          727   64,350   64,400          921          708          986          788   67,350   67,400          982          741       1,047           849
  61,400   61,450          860          676          925          728   64,400   64,450          922          709          987          789   67,400   67,450          983          742       1,048           850
  61,450   61,500          861          676          927          729   64,450   64,500          923          709          988          790   67,450   67,500          984          742       1,049           851
  61,500   61,550          862          677          928          730   64,500   64,550          924          710          989          791   67,500   67,550          985          743       1,050           852
  61,550   61,600          863          677          929          731   64,550   64,600          925          710          990          792   67,550   67,600          986          743       1,051           853
  61,600   61,650          864          678          930          732   64,600   64,650          926          711          991          793   67,600   67,650          987          744       1,052           854
  61,650   61,700          865          678          931          733   64,650   64,700          927          711          992          794   67,650   67,700          988          744       1,053           855
  61,700   61,750          867          679          932          734   64,700   64,750          928          712          993          795   67,700   67,750          989          745       1,054           856
  61,750   61,800          868          680          933          735   64,750   64,800          929          713          994          796   67,750   67,800          990          746       1,055           857
  61,800   61,850          869          680          934          736   64,800   64,850          930          713          995          797   67,800   67,850          991          746       1,056           858
  61,850   61,900          870          681          935          737   64,850   64,900          931          714          996          798   67,850   67,900          992          747       1,057           859
  61,900   61,950          871          681          936          738   64,900   64,950          932          714          997          799   67,900   67,950          993          747       1,058           860
  61,950   62,000          872          682          937          739   64,950   65,000          933          715          998          800   67,950   68,000          994          748       1,059           861
  *If a Qualifying widow(er), use the Married filing jointly column.

- 30 -
28         North Dakota

  2022 Tax TableContinued
 If your ND                                                           If your ND                                                          If your ND
 taxable                   And your filing status is—                 taxable                And your filing status is—                   taxable                And your filing status is—
 income is—                                                           income is—                                                          income is—
 At       But      Single       Married  Married  Head                At       But      Single      Married  Married  Head                At       But      Single      Married  Married  Head
 least    less                  filing       filing      of           least    less                 filing       filing      of           least    less                 filing       filing      of
          than                  jointly *  sepa-         house-                than                 jointly *  sepa-         house-                than                 jointly *  sepa-         house-
                                             rately      hold                                                    rately      hold                                                    rately      hold
                               Your tax is-                                                        Your tax is-                                                        Your tax is-
    68,000                                                               71,000                                                              74,000
  68,000   68,050          995          748       1,060          862   71,000   71,050       1,056          794       1,121          923   74,000   74,050       1,117          855       1,183          985
  68,050   68,100          996          749       1,061          863   71,050   71,100       1,057          795       1,122          924   74,050   74,100       1,118          856       1,184          986
  68,100   68,150          997          749       1,062          864   71,100   71,150       1,058          796       1,123          925   74,100   74,150       1,119          857       1,185          987
  68,150   68,200          998          750       1,063          865   71,150   71,200       1,059          797       1,124          927   74,150   74,200       1,120          858       1,186          988
  68,200   68,250          999          750       1,064          866   71,200   71,250       1,060          798       1,125          928   74,200   74,250       1,122          859       1,187          989
  68,250   68,300       1,000           751       1,065          867   71,250   71,300       1,061          799       1,126          929   74,250   74,300       1,123          860       1,188          990
  68,300   68,350       1,001           752       1,066          868   71,300   71,350       1,062          800       1,127          930   74,300   74,350       1,124          861       1,189          991
  68,350   68,400       1,002           752       1,067          869   71,350   71,400       1,063          801       1,128          931   74,350   74,400       1,125          862       1,190          992
  68,400   68,450       1,003           753       1,068          870   71,400   71,450       1,064          802       1,129          932   74,400   74,450       1,126          863       1,191          993
  68,450   68,500       1,004           753       1,069          871   71,450   71,500       1,065          803       1,131          933   74,450   74,500       1,127          864       1,192          994
  68,500   68,550       1,005           754       1,070          872   71,500   71,550       1,066          804       1,132          934   74,500   74,550       1,128          865       1,193          995
  68,550   68,600       1,006           754       1,071          873   71,550   71,600       1,067          805       1,133          935   74,550   74,600       1,129          866       1,194          996
  68,600   68,650       1,007           755       1,072          874   71,600   71,650       1,068          806       1,134          936   74,600   74,650       1,130          867       1,195          997
  68,650   68,700       1,008           755       1,073          876   71,650   71,700       1,069          807       1,135          937   74,650   74,700       1,131          868       1,196          998
  68,700   68,750       1,009           756       1,074          877   71,700   71,750       1,071          808       1,136          938   74,700   74,750       1,132          869       1,197          999
  68,750   68,800       1,010           757       1,075          878   71,750   71,800       1,072          809       1,137          939   74,750   74,800       1,133          870       1,198       1,000
  68,800   68,850       1,011           757       1,076          879   71,800   71,850       1,073          810       1,138          940   74,800   74,850       1,134          871       1,199       1,001
  68,850   68,900       1,012           758       1,077          880   71,850   71,900       1,074          811       1,139          941   74,850   74,900       1,135          872       1,200       1,002
  68,900   68,950       1,013           758       1,078          881   71,900   71,950       1,075          812       1,140          942   74,900   74,950       1,136          873       1,201       1,003
  68,950   69,000       1,014           759       1,080          882   71,950   72,000       1,076          813       1,141          943   74,950   75,000       1,137          874       1,202       1,004
    69,000                                                               72,000                                                              75,000
  69,000   69,050       1,015           759       1,081          883   72,000   72,050       1,077          814       1,142          944   75,000   75,050       1,138          875       1,203       1,005
  69,050   69,100       1,016           760       1,082          884   72,050   72,100       1,078          815       1,143          945   75,050   75,100       1,139          876       1,204       1,006
  69,100   69,150       1,017           760       1,083          885   72,100   72,150       1,079          816       1,144          946   75,100   75,150       1,140          877       1,205       1,007
  69,150   69,200       1,018           761       1,084          886   72,150   72,200       1,080          817       1,145          947   75,150   75,200       1,141          878       1,206       1,008
  69,200   69,250       1,020           761       1,085          887   72,200   72,250       1,081          818       1,146          948   75,200   75,250       1,142          879       1,207       1,009
  69,250   69,300       1,021           762       1,086          888   72,250   72,300       1,082          819       1,147          949   75,250   75,300       1,143          880       1,208       1,010
  69,300   69,350       1,022           763       1,087          889   72,300   72,350       1,083          820       1,148          950   75,300   75,350       1,144          881       1,209       1,011
  69,350   69,400       1,023           763       1,088          890   72,350   72,400       1,084          821       1,149          951   75,350   75,400       1,145          882       1,210       1,012
  69,400   69,450       1,024           764       1,089          891   72,400   72,450       1,085          822       1,150          952   75,400   75,450       1,146          883       1,211       1,013
  69,450   69,500       1,025           764       1,090          892   72,450   72,500       1,086          823       1,151          953   75,450   75,500       1,147          885       1,212       1,014
  69,500   69,550       1,026           765       1,091          893   72,500   72,550       1,087          824       1,152          954   75,500   75,550       1,148          886       1,213       1,015
  69,550   69,600       1,027           765       1,092          894   72,550   72,600       1,088          825       1,153          955   75,550   75,600       1,149          887       1,214       1,016
  69,600   69,650       1,028           766       1,093          895   72,600   72,650       1,089          826       1,154          956   75,600   75,650       1,150          888       1,215       1,017
  69,650   69,700       1,029           766       1,094          896   72,650   72,700       1,090          827       1,155          957   75,650   75,700       1,151          889       1,216       1,018
  69,700   69,750       1,030           767       1,095          897   72,700   72,750       1,091          828       1,156          958   75,700   75,750       1,152          890       1,217       1,019
  69,750   69,800       1,031           768       1,096          898   72,750   72,800       1,092          829       1,157          959   75,750   75,800       1,153          891       1,218       1,020
  69,800   69,850       1,032           769       1,097          899   72,800   72,850       1,093          830       1,158          960   75,800   75,850       1,154          892       1,219       1,021
  69,850   69,900       1,033           770       1,098          900   72,850   72,900       1,094          831       1,159          961   75,850   75,900       1,155          893       1,220       1,022
  69,900   69,950       1,034           771       1,099          901   72,900   72,950       1,095          832       1,160          962   75,900   75,950       1,156          894       1,221       1,023
  69,950   70,000       1,035           772       1,100          902   72,950   73,000       1,096          834       1,161          963   75,950   76,000       1,157          895       1,222       1,024
    70,000                                                               73,000                                                              76,000
  70,000   70,050       1,036           773       1,101          903   73,000   73,050       1,097          835       1,162          964   76,000   76,050       1,158          896       1,223       1,025
  70,050   70,100       1,037           774       1,102          904   73,050   73,100       1,098          836       1,163          965   76,050   76,100       1,159          897       1,224       1,026
  70,100   70,150       1,038           775       1,103          905   73,100   73,150       1,099          837       1,164          966   76,100   76,150       1,160          898       1,225       1,027
  70,150   70,200       1,039           776       1,104          906   73,150   73,200       1,100          838       1,165          967   76,150   76,200       1,161          899       1,226       1,029
  70,200   70,250       1,040           777       1,105          907   73,200   73,250       1,101          839       1,166          968   76,200   76,250       1,162          900       1,227       1,030
  70,250   70,300       1,041           778       1,106          908   73,250   73,300       1,102          840       1,167          969   76,250   76,300       1,163          901       1,228       1,031
  70,300   70,350       1,042           779       1,107          909   73,300   73,350       1,103          841       1,168          970   76,300   76,350       1,164          902       1,229       1,032
  70,350   70,400       1,043           780       1,108          910   73,350   73,400       1,104          842       1,169          971   76,350   76,400       1,165          903       1,230       1,033
  70,400   70,450       1,044           781       1,109          911   73,400   73,450       1,105          843       1,170          972   76,400   76,450       1,166          904       1,231       1,034
  70,450   70,500       1,045           783       1,110          912   73,450   73,500       1,106          844       1,171          973   76,450   76,500       1,167          905       1,233       1,035
  70,500   70,550       1,046           784       1,111          913   73,500   73,550       1,107          845       1,172          974   76,500   76,550       1,168          906       1,234       1,036
  70,550   70,600       1,047           785       1,112          914   73,550   73,600       1,108          846       1,173          975   76,550   76,600       1,169          907       1,235       1,037
  70,600   70,650       1,048           786       1,113          915   73,600   73,650       1,109          847       1,174          976   76,600   76,650       1,170          908       1,236       1,038
  70,650   70,700       1,049           787       1,114          916   73,650   73,700       1,110          848       1,175          978   76,650   76,700       1,171          909       1,237       1,039
  70,700   70,750       1,050           788       1,115          917   73,700   73,750       1,111          849       1,176          979   76,700   76,750       1,173          910       1,238       1,040
  70,750   70,800       1,051           789       1,116          918   73,750   73,800       1,112          850       1,177          980   76,750   76,800       1,174          911       1,239       1,041
  70,800   70,850       1,052           790       1,117          919   73,800   73,850       1,113          851       1,178          981   76,800   76,850       1,175          912       1,240       1,042
  70,850   70,900       1,053           791       1,118          920   73,850   73,900       1,114          852       1,179          982   76,850   76,900       1,176          913       1,241       1,043
  70,900   70,950       1,054           792       1,119          921   73,900   73,950       1,115          853       1,180          983   76,900   76,950       1,177          914       1,242       1,044
  70,950   71,000       1,055           793       1,120          922   73,950   74,000       1,116          854       1,182          984   76,950   77,000       1,178          915       1,243       1,045
  *If a Qualifying widow(er), use the Married filing jointly column.

- 31 -
                                                                                                                                                        North Dakota                           29

  2022 Tax TableContinued
 If your ND                                                         If your ND                                                         If your ND
 taxable                And your filing status is—                  taxable                And your filing status is—                  taxable                And your filing status is—
 income is—                                                         income is—                                                         income is—
 At       But      Single      Married  Married  Head               At       But      Single      Married  Married  Head               At       But      Single      Married  Married  Head
 least    less                 filing       filing      of          least    less                 filing       filing      of          least    less                 filing      filing      of
          than                 jointly *  sepa-         house-               than                 jointly *  sepa-         house-               than                 jointly *  sepa-        house-
                                            rately      hold                                                   rately      hold                                                  rately      hold
                              Your tax is-                                                       Your tax is-                                                       Your tax is-
    77,000                                                             80,000                                                             83,000
  77,000   77,050       1,179          916       1,244       1,046   80,000   80,050       1,240          977       1,305       1,107   83,000   83,050       1,301       1,039       1,366       1,168
  77,050   77,100       1,180          917       1,245       1,047   80,050   80,100       1,241          978       1,306       1,108   83,050   83,100       1,302       1,040       1,367       1,169
  77,100   77,150       1,181          918       1,246       1,048   80,100   80,150       1,242          979       1,307       1,109   83,100   83,150       1,303       1,041       1,368       1,170
  77,150   77,200       1,182          919       1,247       1,049   80,150   80,200       1,243          980       1,308       1,110   83,150   83,200       1,304       1,042       1,369       1,171
  77,200   77,250       1,183          920       1,248       1,050   80,200   80,250       1,244          981       1,309       1,111   83,200   83,250       1,305       1,043       1,370       1,172
  77,250   77,300       1,184          921       1,249       1,051   80,250   80,300       1,245          982       1,310       1,112   83,250   83,300       1,306       1,044       1,371       1,173
  77,300   77,350       1,185          922       1,250       1,052   80,300   80,350       1,246          983       1,311       1,113   83,300   83,350       1,307       1,045       1,372       1,174
  77,350   77,400       1,186          923       1,251       1,053   80,350   80,400       1,247          984       1,312       1,114   83,350   83,400       1,308       1,046       1,373       1,175
  77,400   77,450       1,187          924       1,252       1,054   80,400   80,450       1,248          985       1,313       1,115   83,400   83,450       1,309       1,047       1,374       1,176
  77,450   77,500       1,188          925       1,253       1,055   80,450   80,500       1,249          987       1,314       1,116   83,450   83,500       1,310       1,048       1,375       1,177
  77,500   77,550       1,189          926       1,254       1,056   80,500   80,550       1,250          988       1,315       1,117   83,500   83,550       1,311       1,049       1,376       1,178
  77,550   77,600       1,190          927       1,255       1,057   80,550   80,600       1,251          989       1,316       1,118   83,550   83,600       1,312       1,050       1,377       1,179
  77,600   77,650       1,191          928       1,256       1,058   80,600   80,650       1,252          990       1,317       1,119   83,600   83,650       1,313       1,051       1,378       1,180
  77,650   77,700       1,192          929       1,257       1,059   80,650   80,700       1,253          991       1,318       1,120   83,650   83,700       1,314       1,052       1,379       1,182
  77,700   77,750       1,193          930       1,258       1,060   80,700   80,750       1,254          992       1,319       1,121   83,700   83,750       1,315       1,053       1,380       1,183
  77,750   77,800       1,194          931       1,259       1,061   80,750   80,800       1,255          993       1,320       1,122   83,750   83,800       1,316       1,054       1,381       1,184
  77,800   77,850       1,195          932       1,260       1,062   80,800   80,850       1,256          994       1,321       1,123   83,800   83,850       1,317       1,055       1,382       1,185
  77,850   77,900       1,196          933       1,261       1,063   80,850   80,900       1,257          995       1,322       1,124   83,850   83,900       1,318       1,056       1,383       1,186
  77,900   77,950       1,197          934       1,262       1,064   80,900   80,950       1,258          996       1,323       1,125   83,900   83,950       1,319       1,057       1,384       1,187
  77,950   78,000       1,198          936       1,263       1,065   80,950   81,000       1,259          997       1,324       1,126   83,950   84,000       1,320       1,058       1,386       1,188
    78,000                                                             81,000                                                             84,000
  78,000   78,050       1,199          937       1,264       1,066   81,000   81,050       1,260          998       1,325       1,127   84,000   84,050       1,321       1,059       1,387       1,189
  78,050   78,100       1,200          938       1,265       1,067   81,050   81,100       1,261          999       1,326       1,128   84,050   84,100       1,322       1,060       1,388       1,190
  78,100   78,150       1,201          939       1,266       1,068   81,100   81,150       1,262       1,000        1,327       1,129   84,100   84,150       1,323       1,061       1,389       1,191
  78,150   78,200       1,202          940       1,267       1,069   81,150   81,200       1,263       1,001        1,328       1,131   84,150   84,200       1,324       1,062       1,390       1,192
  78,200   78,250       1,203          941       1,268       1,070   81,200   81,250       1,264       1,002        1,329       1,132   84,200   84,250       1,326       1,063       1,391       1,193
  78,250   78,300       1,204          942       1,269       1,071   81,250   81,300       1,265       1,003        1,330       1,133   84,250   84,300       1,327       1,064       1,392       1,194
  78,300   78,350       1,205          943       1,270       1,072   81,300   81,350       1,266       1,004        1,331       1,134   84,300   84,350       1,328       1,065       1,393       1,195
  78,350   78,400       1,206          944       1,271       1,073   81,350   81,400       1,267       1,005        1,332       1,135   84,350   84,400       1,329       1,066       1,394       1,196
  78,400   78,450       1,207          945       1,272       1,074   81,400   81,450       1,268       1,006        1,333       1,136   84,400   84,450       1,330       1,067       1,395       1,197
  78,450   78,500       1,208          946       1,273       1,075   81,450   81,500       1,269       1,007        1,335       1,137   84,450   84,500       1,331       1,068       1,396       1,198
  78,500   78,550       1,209          947       1,274       1,076   81,500   81,550       1,270       1,008        1,336       1,138   84,500   84,550       1,332       1,069       1,397       1,199
  78,550   78,600       1,210          948       1,275       1,077   81,550   81,600       1,271       1,009        1,337       1,139   84,550   84,600       1,333       1,070       1,399       1,200
  78,600   78,650       1,211          949       1,276       1,078   81,600   81,650       1,272       1,010        1,338       1,140   84,600   84,650       1,334       1,071       1,400       1,201
  78,650   78,700       1,212          950       1,277       1,080   81,650   81,700       1,273       1,011        1,339       1,141   84,650   84,700       1,335       1,072       1,401       1,202
  78,700   78,750       1,213          951       1,278       1,081   81,700   81,750       1,275       1,012        1,340       1,142   84,700   84,750       1,336       1,073       1,402       1,203
  78,750   78,800       1,214          952       1,279       1,082   81,750   81,800       1,276       1,013        1,341       1,143   84,750   84,800       1,337       1,074       1,403       1,204
  78,800   78,850       1,215          953       1,280       1,083   81,800   81,850       1,277       1,014        1,342       1,144   84,800   84,850       1,338       1,075       1,404       1,205
  78,850   78,900       1,216          954       1,281       1,084   81,850   81,900       1,278       1,015        1,343       1,145   84,850   84,900       1,339       1,076       1,405       1,206
  78,900   78,950       1,217          955       1,282       1,085   81,900   81,950       1,279       1,016        1,344       1,146   84,900   84,950       1,340       1,077       1,406       1,207
  78,950   79,000       1,218          956       1,284       1,086   81,950   82,000       1,280       1,017        1,345       1,147   84,950   85,000       1,341       1,078       1,408       1,208
    79,000                                                             82,000                                                             85,000
  79,000   79,050       1,219          957       1,285       1,087   82,000   82,050       1,281       1,018        1,346       1,148   85,000   85,050       1,342       1,079       1,409       1,209
  79,050   79,100       1,220          958       1,286       1,088   82,050   82,100       1,282       1,019        1,347       1,149   85,050   85,100       1,343       1,080       1,410       1,210
  79,100   79,150       1,221          959       1,287       1,089   82,100   82,150       1,283       1,020        1,348       1,150   85,100   85,150       1,344       1,081       1,411       1,211
  79,150   79,200       1,222          960       1,288       1,090   82,150   82,200       1,284       1,021        1,349       1,151   85,150   85,200       1,345       1,082       1,412       1,212
  79,200   79,250       1,224          961       1,289       1,091   82,200   82,250       1,285       1,022        1,350       1,152   85,200   85,250       1,346       1,083       1,413       1,213
  79,250   79,300       1,225          962       1,290       1,092   82,250   82,300       1,286       1,023        1,351       1,153   85,250   85,300       1,347       1,084       1,414       1,214
  79,300   79,350       1,226          963       1,291       1,093   82,300   82,350       1,287       1,024        1,352       1,154   85,300   85,350       1,348       1,085       1,416       1,215
  79,350   79,400       1,227          964       1,292       1,094   82,350   82,400       1,288       1,025        1,353       1,155   85,350   85,400       1,349       1,086       1,417       1,216
  79,400   79,450       1,228          965       1,293       1,095   82,400   82,450       1,289       1,026        1,354       1,156   85,400   85,450       1,350       1,087       1,418       1,217
  79,450   79,500       1,229          966       1,294       1,096   82,450   82,500       1,290       1,027        1,355       1,157   85,450   85,500       1,351       1,089       1,419       1,218
  79,500   79,550       1,230          967       1,295       1,097   82,500   82,550       1,291       1,028        1,356       1,158   85,500   85,550       1,352       1,090       1,420       1,219
  79,550   79,600       1,231          968       1,296       1,098   82,550   82,600       1,292       1,029        1,357       1,159   85,550   85,600       1,353       1,091       1,421       1,220
  79,600   79,650       1,232          969       1,297       1,099   82,600   82,650       1,293       1,030        1,358       1,160   85,600   85,650       1,354       1,092       1,422       1,221
  79,650   79,700       1,233          970       1,298       1,100   82,650   82,700       1,294       1,031        1,359       1,161   85,650   85,700       1,355       1,093       1,424       1,222
  79,700   79,750       1,234          971       1,299       1,101   82,700   82,750       1,295       1,032        1,360       1,162   85,700   85,750       1,356       1,094       1,425       1,223
  79,750   79,800       1,235          972       1,300       1,102   82,750   82,800       1,296       1,033        1,361       1,163   85,750   85,800       1,357       1,095       1,426       1,224
  79,800   79,850       1,236          973       1,301       1,103   82,800   82,850       1,297       1,034        1,362       1,164   85,800   85,850       1,358       1,096       1,427       1,225
  79,850   79,900       1,237          974       1,302       1,104   82,850   82,900       1,298       1,035        1,363       1,165   85,850   85,900       1,359       1,097       1,428       1,226
  79,900   79,950       1,238          975       1,303       1,105   82,900   82,950       1,299       1,036        1,364       1,166   85,900   85,950       1,360       1,098       1,429       1,227
  79,950   80,000       1,239          976       1,304       1,106   82,950   83,000       1,300       1,038        1,365       1,167   85,950   86,000       1,361       1,099       1,430       1,228
  *If a Qualifying widow(er), use the Married filing jointly column.

- 32 -
30          North Dakota

  2022 Tax TableContinued
 If your ND                                                        If your ND                                                        If your ND
 taxable                And your filing status is—                 taxable                And your filing status is—                 taxable                And your filing status is—
 income is—                                                        income is—                                                        income is—
 At       But      Single      Married  Married  Head              At       But      Single      Married  Married  Head              At       But      Single      Married  Married  Head
 least    less                 filing      filing      of          least    less                 filing      filing      of          least    less                 filing      filing      of
          than                 jointly *  sepa-        house-               than                 jointly *  sepa-        house-               than                 jointly *  sepa-        house-
                                           rately      hold                                                  rately      hold                                                  rately      hold
                              Your tax is-                                                      Your tax is-                                                      Your tax is-
    86,000                                                            89,000                                                            92,000
  86,000   86,050       1,362       1,100       1,431       1,229   89,000   89,050       1,423       1,161       1,500       1,291   92,000   92,050       1,485       1,222       1,568       1,352
  86,050   86,100       1,363       1,101       1,433       1,230   89,050   89,100       1,424       1,162       1,501       1,292   92,050   92,100       1,486       1,223       1,569       1,353
  86,100   86,150       1,364       1,102       1,434       1,231   89,100   89,150       1,425       1,163       1,502       1,293   92,100   92,150       1,487       1,224       1,570       1,354
  86,150   86,200       1,365       1,103       1,435       1,233   89,150   89,200       1,426       1,164       1,503       1,294   92,150   92,200       1,488       1,225       1,571       1,355
  86,200   86,250       1,366       1,104       1,436       1,234   89,200   89,250       1,428       1,165       1,504       1,295   92,200   92,250       1,489       1,226       1,572       1,356
  86,250   86,300       1,367       1,105       1,437       1,235   89,250   89,300       1,429       1,166       1,505       1,296   92,250   92,300       1,490       1,227       1,573       1,357
  86,300   86,350       1,368       1,106       1,438       1,236   89,300   89,350       1,430       1,167       1,506       1,297   92,300   92,350       1,491       1,228       1,574       1,358
  86,350   86,400       1,369       1,107       1,439       1,237   89,350   89,400       1,431       1,168       1,508       1,298   92,350   92,400       1,492       1,229       1,576       1,359
  86,400   86,450       1,370       1,108       1,441       1,238   89,400   89,450       1,432       1,169       1,509       1,299   92,400   92,450       1,493       1,230       1,577       1,360
  86,450   86,500       1,371       1,109       1,442       1,239   89,450   89,500       1,433       1,170       1,510       1,300   92,450   92,500       1,494       1,231       1,578       1,361
  86,500   86,550       1,372       1,110       1,443       1,240   89,500   89,550       1,434       1,171       1,511       1,301   92,500   92,550       1,495       1,232       1,579       1,362
  86,550   86,600       1,373       1,111       1,444       1,241   89,550   89,600       1,435       1,172       1,512       1,302   92,550   92,600       1,496       1,233       1,580       1,363
  86,600   86,650       1,374       1,112       1,445       1,242   89,600   89,650       1,436       1,173       1,513       1,303   92,600   92,650       1,497       1,234       1,581       1,364
  86,650   86,700       1,375       1,113       1,446       1,243   89,650   89,700       1,437       1,174       1,514       1,304   92,650   92,700       1,498       1,235       1,582       1,365
  86,700   86,750       1,377       1,114       1,447       1,244   89,700   89,750       1,438       1,175       1,515       1,305   92,700   92,750       1,499       1,236       1,584       1,366
  86,750   86,800       1,378       1,115       1,448       1,245   89,750   89,800       1,439       1,176       1,517       1,306   92,750   92,800       1,500       1,237       1,585       1,367
  86,800   86,850       1,379       1,116       1,450       1,246   89,800   89,850       1,440       1,177       1,518       1,307   92,800   92,850       1,501       1,238       1,586       1,368
  86,850   86,900       1,380       1,117       1,451       1,247   89,850   89,900       1,441       1,178       1,519       1,308   92,850   92,900       1,502       1,239       1,587       1,369
  86,900   86,950       1,381       1,118       1,452       1,248   89,900   89,950       1,442       1,179       1,520       1,309   92,900   92,950       1,503       1,240       1,588       1,370
  86,950   87,000       1,382       1,119       1,453       1,249   89,950   90,000       1,443       1,180       1,521       1,310   92,950   93,000       1,504       1,242       1,589       1,371
    87,000                                                            90,000                                                            93,000
  87,000   87,050       1,383       1,120       1,454       1,250   90,000   90,050       1,444       1,181       1,522       1,311   93,000   93,050       1,505       1,243       1,590       1,372
  87,050   87,100       1,384       1,121       1,455       1,251   90,050   90,100       1,445       1,182       1,523       1,312   93,050   93,100       1,506       1,244       1,591       1,373
  87,100   87,150       1,385       1,122       1,456       1,252   90,100   90,150       1,446       1,183       1,525       1,313   93,100   93,150       1,507       1,245       1,593       1,374
  87,150   87,200       1,386       1,123       1,458       1,253   90,150   90,200       1,447       1,184       1,526       1,314   93,150   93,200       1,508       1,246       1,594       1,375
  87,200   87,250       1,387       1,124       1,459       1,254   90,200   90,250       1,448       1,185       1,527       1,315   93,200   93,250       1,509       1,247       1,595       1,376
  87,250   87,300       1,388       1,125       1,460       1,255   90,250   90,300       1,449       1,186       1,528       1,316   93,250   93,300       1,510       1,248       1,596       1,377
  87,300   87,350       1,389       1,126       1,461       1,256   90,300   90,350       1,450       1,187       1,529       1,317   93,300   93,350       1,511       1,249       1,597       1,378
  87,350   87,400       1,390       1,127       1,462       1,257   90,350   90,400       1,451       1,188       1,530       1,318   93,350   93,400       1,512       1,250       1,598       1,379
  87,400   87,450       1,391       1,128       1,463       1,258   90,400   90,450       1,452       1,189       1,531       1,319   93,400   93,450       1,513       1,251       1,599       1,380
  87,450   87,500       1,392       1,129       1,464       1,259   90,450   90,500       1,453       1,191       1,532       1,320   93,450   93,500       1,514       1,252       1,601       1,381
  87,500   87,550       1,393       1,130       1,466       1,260   90,500   90,550       1,454       1,192       1,534       1,321   93,500   93,550       1,515       1,253       1,602       1,382
  87,550   87,600       1,394       1,131       1,467       1,261   90,550   90,600       1,455       1,193       1,535       1,322   93,550   93,600       1,516       1,254       1,603       1,383
  87,600   87,650       1,395       1,132       1,468       1,262   90,600   90,650       1,456       1,194       1,536       1,323   93,600   93,650       1,517       1,255       1,604       1,384
  87,650   87,700       1,396       1,133       1,469       1,263   90,650   90,700       1,457       1,195       1,537       1,324   93,650   93,700       1,518       1,256       1,605       1,386
  87,700   87,750       1,397       1,134       1,470       1,264   90,700   90,750       1,458       1,196       1,538       1,325   93,700   93,750       1,519       1,257       1,606       1,387
  87,750   87,800       1,398       1,135       1,471       1,265   90,750   90,800       1,459       1,197       1,539       1,326   93,750   93,800       1,520       1,258       1,607       1,388
  87,800   87,850       1,399       1,136       1,472       1,266   90,800   90,850       1,460       1,198       1,540       1,327   93,800   93,850       1,521       1,259       1,609       1,389
  87,850   87,900       1,400       1,137       1,473       1,267   90,850   90,900       1,461       1,199       1,542       1,328   93,850   93,900       1,522       1,260       1,610       1,390
  87,900   87,950       1,401       1,138       1,475       1,268   90,900   90,950       1,462       1,200       1,543       1,329   93,900   93,950       1,523       1,261       1,611       1,391
  87,950   88,000       1,402       1,140       1,476       1,269   90,950   91,000       1,463       1,201       1,544       1,330   93,950   94,000       1,524       1,262       1,612       1,392
    88,000                                                            91,000                                                            94,000
  88,000   88,050       1,403       1,141       1,477       1,270   91,000   91,050       1,464       1,202       1,545       1,331   94,000   94,050       1,525       1,263       1,613       1,393
  88,050   88,100       1,404       1,142       1,478       1,271   91,050   91,100       1,465       1,203       1,546       1,332   94,050   94,100       1,526       1,264       1,614       1,394
  88,100   88,150       1,405       1,143       1,479       1,272   91,100   91,150       1,466       1,204       1,547       1,333   94,100   94,150       1,527       1,265       1,615       1,395
  88,150   88,200       1,406       1,144       1,480       1,273   91,150   91,200       1,467       1,205       1,548       1,335   94,150   94,200       1,528       1,266       1,616       1,396
  88,200   88,250       1,407       1,145       1,481       1,274   91,200   91,250       1,468       1,206       1,550       1,336   94,200   94,250       1,530       1,267       1,618       1,397
  88,250   88,300       1,408       1,146       1,483       1,275   91,250   91,300       1,469       1,207       1,551       1,337   94,250   94,300       1,531       1,268       1,619       1,398
  88,300   88,350       1,409       1,147       1,484       1,276   91,300   91,350       1,470       1,208       1,552       1,338   94,300   94,350       1,532       1,269       1,620       1,399
  88,350   88,400       1,410       1,148       1,485       1,277   91,350   91,400       1,471       1,209       1,553       1,339   94,350   94,400       1,533       1,270       1,621       1,400
  88,400   88,450       1,411       1,149       1,486       1,278   91,400   91,450       1,472       1,210       1,554       1,340   94,400   94,450       1,534       1,271       1,622       1,401
  88,450   88,500       1,412       1,150       1,487       1,279   91,450   91,500       1,473       1,211       1,555       1,341   94,450   94,500       1,535       1,272       1,623       1,402
  88,500   88,550       1,413       1,151       1,488       1,280   91,500   91,550       1,474       1,212       1,556       1,342   94,500   94,550       1,536       1,273       1,624       1,403
  88,550   88,600       1,414       1,152       1,489       1,281   91,550   91,600       1,475       1,213       1,557       1,343   94,550   94,600       1,537       1,274       1,626       1,404
  88,600   88,650       1,415       1,153       1,490       1,282   91,600   91,650       1,476       1,214       1,559       1,344   94,600   94,650       1,538       1,275       1,627       1,405
  88,650   88,700       1,416       1,154       1,492       1,284   91,650   91,700       1,477       1,215       1,560       1,345   94,650   94,700       1,539       1,276       1,628       1,406
  88,700   88,750       1,417       1,155       1,493       1,285   91,700   91,750       1,479       1,216       1,561       1,346   94,700   94,750       1,540       1,277       1,629       1,407
  88,750   88,800       1,418       1,156       1,494       1,286   91,750   91,800       1,480       1,217       1,562       1,347   94,750   94,800       1,541       1,278       1,630       1,408
  88,800   88,850       1,419       1,157       1,495       1,287   91,800   91,850       1,481       1,218       1,563       1,348   94,800   94,850       1,542       1,279       1,631       1,409
  88,850   88,900       1,420       1,158       1,496       1,288   91,850   91,900       1,482       1,219       1,564       1,349   94,850   94,900       1,543       1,280       1,632       1,410
  88,900   88,950       1,421       1,159       1,497       1,289   91,900   91,950       1,483       1,220       1,565       1,350   94,900   94,950       1,544       1,281       1,633       1,411
  88,950   89,000       1,422       1,160       1,498       1,290   91,950   92,000       1,484       1,221       1,567       1,351   94,950   95,000       1,545       1,282       1,635       1,412
  *If a Qualifying widow(er), use the Married filing jointly column.

- 33 -
                                                                                                                                   North Dakota 31

  2022 Tax TableContinued
 If your ND                                                        If your ND
 taxable                And your filing status is—                 taxable                And your filing status is—
 income is—                                                        income is—
 At       But      Single      Married  Married  Head              At       But      Single      Married  Married  Head
 least    less                 filing      filing      of          least    less                 filing      filing      of
          than                 jointly *  sepa-        house-               than                 jointly *  sepa-        house-
                                           rately      hold                                                  rately      hold
                              Your tax is-                                                      Your tax is-
    95,000                                                            98,000
  95,000   95,050       1,546       1,283       1,636       1,413   98,000   98,050       1,607       1,345       1,704       1,474
  95,050   95,100       1,547       1,284       1,637       1,414   98,050   98,100       1,608       1,346       1,705       1,475
  95,100   95,150       1,548       1,285       1,638       1,415   98,100   98,150       1,609       1,347       1,706       1,476
  95,150   95,200       1,549       1,286       1,639       1,416   98,150   98,200       1,610       1,348       1,707       1,477
  95,200   95,250       1,550       1,287       1,640       1,417   98,200   98,250       1,611       1,349       1,708       1,478
  95,250   95,300       1,551       1,288       1,641       1,418   98,250   98,300       1,612       1,350       1,710       1,479
  95,300   95,350       1,552       1,289       1,643       1,419   98,300   98,350       1,613       1,351       1,711       1,480
  95,350   95,400       1,553       1,290       1,644       1,420   98,350   98,400       1,614       1,352       1,712       1,481
  95,400   95,450       1,554       1,291       1,645       1,421   98,400   98,450       1,615       1,353       1,713       1,482
  95,450   95,500       1,555       1,293       1,646       1,422   98,450   98,500       1,616       1,354       1,714       1,483
  95,500   95,550       1,556       1,294       1,647       1,423   98,500   98,550       1,617       1,355       1,715       1,484
  95,550   95,600       1,557       1,295       1,648       1,424   98,550   98,600       1,618       1,356       1,716       1,485
  95,600   95,650       1,558       1,296       1,649       1,425   98,600   98,650       1,619       1,357       1,717       1,486
  95,650   95,700       1,559       1,297       1,651       1,426   98,650   98,700       1,620       1,358       1,719       1,488
  95,700   95,750       1,560       1,298       1,652       1,427   98,700   98,750       1,621       1,359       1,720       1,489
  95,750   95,800       1,561       1,299       1,653       1,428   98,750   98,800       1,622       1,360       1,721       1,490
  95,800   95,850       1,562       1,300       1,654       1,429   98,800   98,850       1,623       1,361       1,722       1,491
  95,850   95,900       1,563       1,301       1,655       1,430   98,850   98,900       1,624       1,362       1,723       1,492
  95,900   95,950       1,564       1,302       1,656       1,431   98,900   98,950       1,625       1,363       1,724       1,493
  95,950   96,000       1,565       1,303       1,657       1,432   98,950   99,000       1,626       1,364       1,725       1,494
    96,000                                                            99,000
  96,000   96,050       1,566       1,304       1,658       1,433 99,000     99,050 1,627       1,365       1,727          1,495
  96,050   96,100       1,567       1,305       1,660       1,434 99,050     99,100 1,628       1,366       1,728          1,496
  96,100   96,150       1,568       1,306       1,661       1,435 99,100     99,150 1,629       1,367       1,729          1,497
  96,150   96,200       1,569       1,307       1,662       1,437 99,150     99,200 1,630       1,368       1,730          1,498
  96,200   96,250       1,570       1,308       1,663       1,438 99,200     99,250 1,632       1,369       1,731          1,499
  96,250   96,300       1,571       1,309       1,664       1,439 99,250     99,300 1,633       1,370       1,732          1,500
  96,300   96,350       1,572       1,310       1,665       1,440 99,300     99,350 1,634       1,371       1,733          1,501
  96,350   96,400       1,573       1,311       1,666       1,441 99,350     99,400 1,635       1,372       1,735          1,502
  96,400   96,450       1,574       1,312       1,668       1,442 99,400     99,450 1,636       1,373       1,736          1,503
  96,450   96,500       1,575       1,313       1,669       1,443 99,450     99,500 1,637       1,374       1,737          1,504
  96,500   96,550       1,576       1,314       1,670       1,444 99,500     99,550 1,638       1,375       1,738          1,505
  96,550   96,600       1,577       1,315       1,671       1,445 99,550     99,600 1,639       1,376       1,739          1,506
  96,600   96,650       1,578       1,316       1,672       1,446 99,600     99,650 1,640       1,377       1,740          1,507
  96,650   96,700       1,579       1,317       1,673       1,447 99,650     99,700 1,641       1,378       1,741          1,508
  96,700   96,750       1,581       1,318       1,674       1,448 99,700     99,750 1,642       1,379       1,742          1,509
  96,750   96,800       1,582       1,319       1,675       1,449 99,750     99,800 1,643       1,380       1,744          1,510
  96,800   96,850       1,583       1,320       1,677       1,450 99,800     99,850 1,644       1,381       1,745          1,511
  96,850   96,900       1,584       1,321       1,678       1,451 99,850     99,900 1,645       1,382       1,746          1,512
  96,900   96,950       1,585       1,322       1,679       1,452 99,900     99,950 1,646       1,383       1,747          1,513
  96,950   97,000       1,586       1,323       1,680       1,453 99,950   100,000  1,647       1,384       1,748          1,514
  97,000   97,050       1,587       1,324       1,681       1,454
  97,050   97,100       1,588       1,325       1,682       1,455
  97,100   97,150       1,589       1,326       1,683       1,456
  97,150   97,200       1,590       1,327       1,685       1,457
  97,200   97,250       1,591       1,328       1,686       1,458
                                                                                 If $100,000  or
  97,250   97,300       1,592       1,329       1,687       1,459
  97,300   97,350       1,593       1,330       1,688       1,460                   over —
  97,350   97,400       1,594       1,331       1,689       1,461                   use the
  97,400   97,450       1,595       1,332       1,690       1,462                   Tax Rate 
  97,450   97,500       1,596       1,333       1,691       1,463
  97,500   97,550       1,597       1,334       1,693       1,464                   Schedules
  97,550   97,600       1,598       1,335       1,694       1,465                   on page 32
  97,600   97,650       1,599       1,336       1,695       1,466
  97,650   97,700       1,600       1,337       1,696       1,467
  97,700   97,750       1,601       1,338       1,697       1,468
  97,750   97,800       1,602       1,339       1,698       1,469
  97,800   97,850       1,603       1,340       1,699       1,470
  97,850   97,900       1,604       1,341       1,700       1,471
  97,900   97,950       1,605       1,342       1,702       1,472
  97,950   98,000       1,606       1,344       1,703       1,473
*If a Qualifying widow(er), use the Married filing jointly column.

- 34 -
32 North Dakota

   2022 Forms ND-1 and ND-EZ Tax Rate Schedules
   If your North Dakota taxable income is $100,000 or more, use the tax rate
   schedule below for your filing status to calculate your tax.  

     If North Dakota
     Taxable Income Is:
        Over   But Not Over Your Tax Is:
     $  0      $ 41,775 .................................. 1.10% of North Dakota Taxable Income
        41,775   101,050 .......... $  459.53              +  2.04% of amount over  $  41,775
       101,050   210,825 ..........   1,668.74             +  2.27% of amount over    101,050
      210,825    458,350 ..........   4,160.63             +  2.64% of amount over    210,825
      458,350 ................................  10,695.29  +  2.90% of amount over    458,350

     Married Filing Joint and  Qualifying Widow(er)
     If North Dakota
     Taxable Income Is:
        Over   But Not Over Your Tax Is:
     $  0      $  69,700 .................................... 1.10% of North Dakota Taxable Income
        69,700   168,450 .......... $  766.70              +  2.04% of amount over  $  69,700
       168,450   256,650 ..........   2,781.20             +  2.27% of amount over    168,450
       256,650   458,350 ..........   4,783.34             +  2.64% of amount over    256,650 
      458,350 ................................  10,108.22  +  2.90% of amount over    458,350

     Married Filing Separately
      If North Dakota
     Taxable Income Is:
        Over   But Not Over Your Tax Is:
     $  0      $  34,850 .................................... 1.10% of North Dakota taxable income
        34,850   84,225 .......... $  383.35               +  2.04% of amount over  $  34,850
        84,225   128,325 ..........   1,390.60             +  2.27% of amount over   84,225
      128,325    229,175 ..........   2,391.67             +  2.64% of amount over    128,325
      229,175 ................................    5,054.11 +  2.90% of amount over    229,175

     Head of Household
     If North Dakota
     Taxable Income Is:
        Over   But Not Over Your Tax Is:
      $ 0      $  55,900 .................................... 1.10% of North Dakota taxable income
        55,900   144,400 .......... $  614.90              +  2.04% of amount over  $  55,900
       144,400   233,750 ..........   2,420.30             +  2.27% of amount over    144,400
       233,750   458,350 ..........   4,448.55             +  2.64% of amount over    233,750
      458,350 ................................  10,377.99  +  2.90% of amount over    458,350

- 35 -
How to assemble your return and avoid the most common filing 
If filing Form ND-EZ, assemble your documents                       2 main reasons returns are 
in the following order:                                             sent back to taxpayers—
                                                                                   Reason 1: Return is not signed.
  1.  Form ND-EZ
  2.  All Form W-2s, and any Form 1099 and North                                   Reason 2: Copy of federal return is not 
   Dakota Schedule K-1 showing North Dakota                                                    enclosed.
   income tax withheld
                                                                                     The return is incomplete if unsigned or 
  3.  Copy of federal income tax return
                                                                                     missing a copy of the federal return and will 
Leave documents loose in envelope; do not staple them.                               be sent back to you. This could result in late 
                                                                                     filing or payment charges.
If filing Form ND-1, assemble your documents
in the following order:                                             Before sealing the envelope, 
                                                                    have you done the following:
  1.  Form ND-1                8.  All Form W-2s, and any
  2.  Schedule ND-1NR                    Form 1099 and North Dakota •  Signed the return
  3.  Schedule ND-1FA                    Schedule K-1 showing North
                                                                    •  Enclosed complete copy of federal return
  4.  Schedule ND-1CR                    Dakota income tax withheld
  5.  Schedule ND-1SA          9.  Copy of federal income tax       •  Made a copy for your records
  6.  Schedule ND-1TC                    return
                                                                    •  Enclosed your check or money order 
  7.  All other required North 10.  Supporting schedules required
                                                                                     payable to “North Dakota State Tax 
   Dakota schedules and forms            in instructions
                                                                                     Commissioner” along with a Form ND-1PRV
Leave documents loose in envelope; do not staple them.
                                                                    •  Affixed adequate postage to envelope

Need help with your federal return? The following information is provided as a 
convenience should you have any federal income tax questions.

 IRS internet (online) services                                                      IRS tax service
                                                                                     Service is available by appointment 
   Go to IRS’s website at www.irs.gov to obtain tax forms and                       only. Call 1-844-545-5640 to schedule 
  publications, check the latest tax news, and access online tools that help         an appointment. In North Dakota, 
  you check on your refund or find answers to your federal tax questions.            IRS tax services are available 
   Download the free IRS2Go app from iTunes or Google Play to:                      Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 
                                                                                     4:30 p.m., at the following locations:
   Check status of federal tax        Subscribe to filing season
     refund                              updates or daily tax tips                   Bismarck
                                                                                     4503 N. Coleman Street
   Request transcript of tax return    Follow IRS on Twitter                       Suite 101
     or account information              updates or daily tax tips
   Find an IRS VITA or TCE             Watch helpful videos on                     Fargo
     volunteer help site                YouTube                                      Federal Building
                                                                                     657 2nd Avenue N.
   Get up-to-date IRS news             Sign up for email updates
                                        Contact IRS.                                Grand Forks
                                                                                     Federal Building
 IRS telephone assistance                                                            102 N. 4th Street
   Federal tax questions ............................................ 1-800-829-1040
   TTY/TDD for speech or hearing impaired persons ...... 1-800-829-4059             Federal Building
   Location of nearest VITA or TCE volunteer help site ... 1-800-906-9887           Suite 101
                                                                                     100 1st Street SW

- 36 -
Do you need any forms?                                    Need assistance?
Download and print the forms you need from our website    Website—tax.nd.gov
                                                          Email—Send your questions to individualtax@nd.gov 
Or use this form to order any forms you need. Fill in the 
circle for each form that you want. You will receive two  Call
copies of each item you order.                            Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Central Time)
                                                          Toll free (in North Dakota): 1-877-328-7088
 Form ND-EZ, Individual income tax form (Short 
                                                          In the Bismarck–Mandan area, or from outside North 
 Form ND-1, Individual income tax form (Long form)
                                                            For questions: 701-328-1247

  Schedule ND-1CR, Credit for income tax paid to            For forms: 701-328-1243
  another state or local jurisdiction
 Schedule ND-1FA, Tax under 3-year averaging             If speech or hearing impaired, call Relay North Dakota at 
  method for elected farm income                          1-800-366-6888 (and ask for 1-877-328-7088)
 Schedule ND-1NR, Tax calculation for nonresidents       Mail
  and part-year residents                                 Individual Income Tax Section
 Schedule ND-1SA, Statutory adjustments                  Office of State Tax Commissioner
 Schedule ND-1TC, Tax credits                            600 E. Boulevard Ave. Dept. 127
                                                          Bismarck, ND 58505-0599
 Schedule ND-1FC, Family member care tax credit
 Schedule ND-1PG, Planned gift tax credit                Fax—Fax us at 1-701-328-1942
 Schedule ND-1QEC, Qualified endowment fund tax          Walk-in or appointment service
  credit                                                  Walk-in or appointment service is available Monday 
 Schedule ND-1PSC, Nonprofit private school tax          through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., in our 
                                                          Bismarck office located in the State Capitol Building, 8th 
  credits for individuals
                                                          floor, at 600 E. Boulevard Avenue. To assure availability 
 Schedule RZ, Renaissance zone income exemption          and promptness of service, call in advance to make an 
  and tax credits                                         appointment.
 Schedule ME, Credit for wages paid to mobilized 
  employee                                                Check refund status
 Form ND-1EXT, Individual extension payment
                                                          To check the status of your refund, go to
 Form ND-1PRV, Paper return payment voucher              www.tax.nd.gov and select “Refund?” 
 Schedule ND-1UT, Underpayment or late payment of 
  estimated tax                                           If you direct deposit your refund, first check with your 
                                                          bank to see if it has been deposited into your account. 
 Form 101, Extension of time to file a North Dakota      Refunds on electronically filed returns are generally 
  tax return                                              issued within 7 business days or can take up to 6 weeks 
 2023 Form ND-1ES, Estimated income tax—                 to process on paper returns.
 One time (use tax) remittance form [For                 Request copy of return
  individuals who buy goods from out-of-state retailers 
  and pay less sales tax than North Dakota charges]       To obtain a copy of your North Dakota individual income 
                                                          tax return, go to www.tax.nd.gov and select “I Am 
 Claim for refund - Local sales and use tax paid         . . .” at top of page. On the drop-down menu, select 
  beyond maximum tax [For individuals who paid            “Individual.” Then select “Need A Copy Of A Return.”
  local sales or use tax in excess of the maximum due]
                                                          Or submit a written request by mail or fax containing the 
Complete and mail to:
  Attn: 2022 Forms Order                                  •  Your name and current address
  ND Office of State Tax Commissioner                     •  Your social security number
  600 E. Boulevard Ave. Dept. 127                         •  Tax year
  Bismarck, ND 58505-0599
                                                          •  Description of information requested
                                                          •  Your signature
                                                          •  Daytime telephone number


City                           State  ZIP code

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