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5 Form North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner 5
6 NDW-M  Exemption from withholding for a qualifying 06144001 6
7 7
spouse of a U.S. armed forces servicemember
8 For Calendar Year: XXXX 8
9 9
10  10
11 Employee - See "Instructions for employee" for eligibility requirements and other information. 11
12 Employer - See "Instructions for employer" for the purpose and proper handling of this form. 12
13 13
14 Part 1 - To be completed by the employee 14
15 1. For each of the following statements, indicate whether it is true or false by filling in the appropriate checkbox.  If any 15
16 of the statements are false, you are not eligible for the withholding exemption. 16
17 17
19 X X 19
a. I am not a member of the U.S. armed forces
20 X X 20
b. I am married to an active duty member of the U.S. armed forces
21 X X 21
c. My military spouse and I are domiciled in a state other than North Dakota
22 X X 22
d. My military spouse's permanent duty station is in North Dakota
23 23
e. I am residing and working in North Dakota only because I want to be with
24 X X 24
my military spouse while he or she is stationed in North Dakota.
25 25
26 2. If ALL of the statements in Part 1 are true, provide the following information for you (the employee) and your military 26
27 spouse.  All boxes must be filled in to be valid. 27
Name (First, MI, Last) Social Security Number State of domicile (legal residence)
28 Employee 28
30 Street address where currently residing City State Zip Code 30
32 Military Name (First, MI, Last) Social Security Number 32
34 Information Military spouse's permanent duty station Military spouse's state of domicile (legal residence) 34
35 35
36 36
37 3. I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the wages I earn for my military services performed in North Dakota are 37
38 exempt from North Dakota income tax because I meet the conditions of the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act (P.L. 38
39 111-97), and the information I provided on this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. 39
40 Employee's signature Date signed Phone number 40
41 41
42 42
44 Give the completed Form NDW-M with the attached copy of military ID card to your employer 44
45 Notify your employer if you become ineligible for this exemption - see instructions 45
46 You must complete a new Form NDW-M each year to maintain the exemption - see instructions 46
47 47
48 Part 2 - To be completed by the employer 48
49 49
50 Note: An employer shall be held harmless from liability for withholding based on the employee's representations on this form. 50
51 Employer name Employer identification number (EIN) 51
52 52
53 Address City State Zip Code 53
54 54
55  55
56 See "Instructions for employer" for the proper handling of this form. 56
57 57
Privacy Act Information.  In compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974, the disclosure of a social security number or a
58 58
59 federal employer identification number (EIN) on this form is required under N.D.C.C.57-01-15 and 57-38-56, and will be 59
60 used for tax reporting, identification, and administration of North Dakota tax laws.  Disclosure is mandatory.  Failure to 60
61 provide the social security number or FEIN may delay or prevent the processing of this form. 61
62 62
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    Form               North Dakota Office of State Tax Commissioner
    NDW-M  Exemption from withholding for a qualifying
                       spouse of a U.S. armed forces servicemember
                                                                                              For Calendar Year:

  Employee - See "Instructions for employee" for eligibility requirements and other information.
  Employer - See "Instructions for employer" for the purpose and proper handling of this form.

Part 1 - To be completed by the employee
  1. For each of the following statements, indicate whether it is true or false by filling in the appropriate checkbox.  If any
  of the statements are false, you are not eligible for the withholding exemption.

                                                                                                           TRUE FALSE
  a. I am not a member of the U.S. armed forces
  b. I am married to an active duty member of the U.S. armed forces
  c. My military spouse and I are domiciled in a state other than North Dakota
  d. My military spouse's permanent duty station is in North Dakota
  e. I am residing and working in North Dakota only because I want to be with
    my military spouse while he or she is stationed in North Dakota.
  2. If ALL of the statements in Part 1 are true, provide the following information for you (the employee) and your military
  spouse.  All boxes must be filled in to be valid.
                       Name (First, MI, Last)                                       Social Secur ty Number State of domicile (legal residence)
                       Street address where currently residing                 C ty                        State Zip Code

  Military             Name (First, MI, Last)                                                              Social Security Number
  Information          Mil tary spouse's permanent duty stat on                     Military spouse's state of domicile (legal residence)

  3. I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the wages I earn for my military services performed in North Dakota are
  exempt from North Dakota income tax because I meet the conditions of the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act (P.L.
  111-97), and the information I provided on this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  Employee's signature                                          Date signed          Phone number

  Give the completed Form NDW-M with the attached copy of military ID card to your employer
  Notify your employer if you become ineligible for this exemption - see instructions
  You must complete a new Form NDW-M each year to maintain the exemption - see instructions

Part 2 - To be completed by the employer

  Note: An employer shall be held harmless from liability for withholding based on the employee's representations on this form.
  Employer name                                                                                            Employer  dentificat on number (EIN)

  Address                                                                      C ty                        State Zip Code

  See "Instructions for employer" for the proper handling of this form.

  Privacy Act Information.  In compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974, the disclosure of a social security number or a
  federal employer identification number (EIN) on this form is required under N.D.C.C.57-01-15 and 57-38-56, and will be
  used for tax reporting, identification, and administration of North Dakota tax laws.  Disclosure is mandatory.  Failure to
  provide the social security number or FEIN may delay or prevent the processing of this form.

                                                                www.nd.gov/tax                                   6/2014

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                                          it.  Domicile is based on your intent 
Instructions to                           and actions, which must be consistent.      Instructions for 
Form NDW-M                                The Servicemembers Civil Relief             employer
                                          Act provides that the domicile of a 
                                          U.S. armed forces servicemember 
Purpose of form                           does not change based only on the           Requirement to withhold
The Military Spouses Residency Relief     servicemember’s presence in a state in      North Dakota income tax law requires 
Act (“Act”) (P.L. 111-97)  is federal     compliance with military orders.  The       you to withhold North Dakota income 
legislation that was signed into law on   Military Spouses Residency Relief Act       tax from wages paid to an employee if 
November 11, 2009.  This Act amended      provides that a civilian spouse’s domicile  the employee performs services within 
the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act to    does not change based only on the           North Dakota and the wages are subject 
provide a number of benefi ts to civilian  civilian spouse’s presence in a state to be to federal income tax withholding.
spouses of active duty U.S. armed forces  with the servicemember.
servicemembers.  If certain conditions                                                Form NDW-M exemption
are met, a civilian spouse’s compensation Completing Form NDW-M
                                                                                      An exception to the requirement to 
received for working in the state where   If you meet all of the eligibility          withhold North Dakota income tax 
the servicemember spouse is stationed is  requirements for the exemption from         applies if an employee completes and 
exempted from that state’s income tax.    withholding, fi ll in the last two digits of gives to you a Form NDW-M.  This 
                                          the calendar year in the upper right-hand   exception applies only if you have a 
A civilian spouse (employee) whose        corner, then fi ll out Items 1 through 3 of  Form NDW-M on fi le for the employee; 
wages are exempt from North Dakota        Part 1.  Attach a copy of your dependent    it is not enough that the employee is 
income tax because of the Act may use     military ID card to Form NDW-M, and         eligible for the exemption under the Act.
Form NDW-M to apply for exemption         give them to your employer.
from North Dakota income tax 
withholding.                                                                          What you must do
                                          When the withholding 
                                          exemption takes effect                      If an employee gives you a completed 
                                                                                      Form NDW-M, do the following:
                                          Form NDW-M takes effect on the later of 
Instructions for                                                                        1.  Check to see that all items in Part 1 
                                          (1) the date you give it to your employer   are fi lled in and a copy of the 
employee                                  or (2) the fi rst payroll period your        employee’s dependent military ID 
                                          employer is able to put the exemption       card is attached.  If not, return the 
Eligibility                               into effect.  The exemption does not        form to the employee.
                                          apply to wages paid prior to the date         2.  Fill in Part 2.
If you are a civilian spouse of an active Form NDW-M takes effect.                      3.  Keep the original signed 
duty U.S. armed forces servicemember, 
                                                                                      Form NDW-M and the attached 
you may complete Form NDW-M if you        Annual renewal                              copy of the military ID card for your 
meet all of the following conditions:
                                          Form NDW-M is valid only for the            payroll records; it relieves you of 
  You and your servicemember spouse      calendar year for which it is completed.    your obligation to withhold North 
 maintain domicile in a state other than  Provided you are still eligible, you        Dakota income tax, and you shall 
 North Dakota.  This applies even if      must fi le a new Form NDW-M for each         be held harmless from liability for 
 you have different states of domicile.   subsequent year you want to continue        withholding based on the employee’s 
 See “Domicile outside North Dakota”      the exemption from North Dakota             representations on the form.
 below.                                   withholding.                                  4.  Mail a copy of the completed 
  Your servicemember spouse’s 
                                                                                      Form NDW-M and attached military 
 permanent duty station is in North 
                                          Notifi cation of ineligibility               ID card to:
  You are in North Dakota only because   You must notify your employer to begin          Attn:  Withholding Tax Section
 you want to be with your service-        the withholding of North Dakota income         Offi ce of State Tax Commissioner
 member spouse who is stationed in        tax from your wages if you become               600 E. Blvd. Ave., Dept. 127
 North Dakota.                            ineligible for the exemption.  This would       Bismarck, ND 58505-0599
                                          occur in any of the following cases:            Or fax it to the Withholding Tax 
Domicile outside North                      Divorce from the servicemember.          Section at (701) 328-1942.
Dakota                                      Death of the servicemember.
“Domicile” refers to your residence         Change in domicile to North Dakota 
by law, and is also referred to as your    by either spouse.
legal residence.  It is the place that      Change in the servicemember’s            Questions
is your permanent home, and is the         permanent duty station to a location       If you have questions about this form, 
place to which you always intend to        outside North Dakota.                      call the Withholding Tax Section at 
return whenever you are absent from                                                   (701) 328-1248.  Or send an e-mail to 

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