PDF document
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      Income Tax Supplemental Schedule                                                                               TC-40A    Pg. 1 
40104 SSN                                            Last name                                                       2021

Part 1 - Additions to Income (enter the code and amount of each addition to income)                             Code     Amount
 See instructions or incometax.utah.gov for codes.                                                                           .00




  Total                     (add.00                                                                                                  all additions to income and enter total here and on TC-40, line 5) additions incometo 

Part 2 - Subtractions from Income (enter the code and amount of each subtraction from income)                   Code     Amount
 See instructions or incometax.utah.gov for codes.                                                                           .00

  If using subtraction 77 (Native American Income), enter your enrollment                                                    .00
  number and tribal code:              Tribe
           Enrollment Number           Code                                                                                  .00
  Spouse                                                                                                                  .00
  Total subtractions from income (add all subtractions from income and enter total here and on TC-40, line 8)                  .00

Part 3 - Apportionable Nonrefundable Credits (enter the code and amount of each credit)                         Code     Amount
 See instructions or incometax.utah.gov for codes.                                                                           .00

  If you are using credit 18 (Retirement Credit), enter your birth date(s):
  You        /  /               Spouse         /  /                                                                      .00
             mm/dd/yy                               mm/dd/yy

  Total apportionable nonrefundable credits (add all Part 3 credits and enter total here and on TC-40, line 24)                .00

Part 4 - Nonapportionable Nonrefundable Credits (enter the code and amount of each credit)                      Code     Amount
 See instructions or incometax.utah.gov for codes.                                                                           .00


  If                                                                                                                           .00  you are using credit 02 (Qualified Sheltered Workshop),   
    enter the sheltered workshop’s name:               
  Total nonapportionable nonrefundable credits (add all Part 4 credits and enter total here and on TC-40, line 26)             .00

                                                    Submit page ONLY if data entered.
                                         Attach completed schedule to your Utah Income Tax Return.

- 2 -
      Income Tax Supplemental Schedule                                                                  TC-40A    Pg. 2 
40105 SSN                                           Last name                                           2021

Part 5 - Refundable Credits (enter the code and amount of each refundable credit)                  Code     Amount
 See instructions or incometax.utah.gov for codes.                                                              .00





Total refundable credits (add all refundable credits and enter total here and on TC-40, line 38)                  .00

                                                    Submit page ONLY if data entered.
                                       Attach completed schedule to your Utah Income Tax Return.

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