Clear form Utah State Tax Commission TC-43 Voluntary Disclosure Program Application Rev. 8/21 General Instructions: • Answer all questions in full. If this application is incomplete, it will not be processed. • Save the completed application as a PDF file and email it to • Email any questions to or call 801-297-4600. Contact Information (Anonymous applicants: provide contact information for referring agent or agency.) Contact name Company name Email address Phone Address City State ZIP Applicant Questions 1. Check your organizational structure C Corporation S Corporation Partnership LLC Sole Proprietor Other: ___________ 2. What type of business activity do you conduct in Utah? 3. Approximately when did you start conducting business in Utah? Month Day Year 4. List the type of property you own or lease in Utah: 5. List all equipment you lease in Utah: 6. Do you have employees who reside or are stationed in Utah? Yes No If yes, do you have a Withholding tax account? Yes No 7. Do representatives or independent contractors enter Utah that act on your behalf? Yes No If yes, answer the following: a. Number of representatives entering Utah ________________________ b. Average number of visits per year ________________________ c. Average length of visit ________________________ 8. How are Utah sales/business solicited? continued on page 2 |
TC-43_2 9. What tax type(s) do you currently file? Sales and Use tax Corporate Franchise/Income tax None Withholding tax Other tax type: ___________ 10. For which tax type(s) are you requesting relief? Sales and Use tax Corporate Franchise/Income tax Withholding tax Other tax type: ___________ 11. If you are requesting relief for only one tax type, why are other tax types not being requested? 12. Proposed disclosure period (three-year lookback from the current period; if less than three years, back to the start of business or back to the date Utah nexus began): a. Sales and Use tax ____________________________ b. Corporate Franchise/Income tax ____________________________ c. Withholding tax ____________________________ d. Other tax type: _________ ____________________________ 13. Estimated tax liability you are offering for the disclosure period: a. Sales and Use tax $ ___________________________ b. Corporate Franchise/Income tax $ ___________________________ c. Withholding tax $ ___________________________ d. Other tax type: _________ $ ___________________________ 14. Estimated tax liability you are requesting to be forgiven prior to the disclosure period: a. Sales and Use tax $ ___________________________ b. Corporate Franchise/Income tax $ ___________________________ c. Withholding tax $ ___________________________ d. Other tax type: _________ $ ___________________________ 15. Have you ever collected or withheld Utah taxes? Yes No If yes: a. What tax type? __________ b. When did you begin collecting or withholding? __________ 16. Have you ever been contacted by the Multistate Tax Commission or by the Utah State Tax Commission? Yes No If yes, describe the nature of the contact: |