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                                                                             Clear form
20221                                                                             Utah S Corporation Return
9998                                                                                    For calendar year 2022 or fiscal year (mm/dd/yyyy):
                                                                                        beginning -     //                    and ending -     //
                                                                            Amended Return (code 1-4)      Mark “X” if you filed federal form 8886
Corporation name

Address                                                                                                        Employer Identification Number

City                                                                              State  ZIP + 4               UT Incorporation/Qualification No.

Foreign country (if not U.S.)                                                     Telephone number

Attach a copy of your federal 1120S, pages 1 through 5 (and Schedules M-3 and/or form 1125-A, if applicable). Utah TC-20S Schedules A, H, J and N 
are not required if all shareholders are Utah resident individuals.

1  If this is the first S corporation return, enter the effective date (mm/dd/yyyy) on the IRS approval letter                •  1          //
                                                                                          Nonresident Individuals
                                       Resident                              IRC 501 and  and Other Pass-through
                                       Individuals                           Other Exempt Entity Taxpayers                                    Total
2  a.  Number of shares                                                                                                   2a

   b.  Percentage of shares                                                                                                     2b            100%

3  If this corporation conducted any Utah business activity during the taxable year, enter “X”                                •  3

4  If this corporation elected to treat any subsidiary as a Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary, enter “X”                      •  4
     Enter on Sch. M each Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary doing business, incorporated or qualified in Utah.

5  Total tax - enter the amount from Schedule A, line 17. If Schedule A is not required, enter zero.                          •  5

6  Total payments - enter the amount from Schedule A, line 20. If Schedule A is not required, enter zero.                     •  6

7  Tax Due - subtract line 6 from line 5 (not less than zero)                                                                 •  7

8  Penalties and interest (see instructions)                                                                                    8

9  Total Due - Pay this amount - add line 7 and line 8                                                                        •  9

10 Overpayment - subtract the sum of line 5 and line 8 from line 6 (not less than zero)                                         10

11  Amount of overpayment on line 10 to be applied to next taxable year                                                       •  11

12 Refund - subtract line 11 from line 10                                                                                     •  12

                                                                                                                                           USTC USE ONLY

Under penalties of perjury, I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief,
this return and accompanying schedules are true, correct and complete.
SIGN      Signature of officer                                               Date                 Title                       “X” if USTC may discuss 
HERE                                                                                                                          this return with preparer below:
             Preparer’s signature                                            Date                 Preparer’s telephone number Preparer’s  PTIN 
  Preparer’s Firm’s name and address                                                                                          Preparer’s  EIN 

- 2 -
         Supplemental information to be Supplied by All S Corporations                                      TC-20S                     Pg. 2
20222    EIN                                                                                                2022

  1  If this S corporation owns more than 50 percent of the voting stock of another corporation, provide the following for each 
      corporation so owned. Attach additional pages if necessary.

         EIN                             % of stock owned        Corporation name

       //                                //                       Yes            No
         End date (if diff from S corp.) Merge date              Is this corporation doing business in Utah?

         EIN                             % of stock owned        Corporation name

       //                                //                       Yes            No
         End date (if diff from S corp.) Merge date              Is this corporation doing business in Utah?

         EIN                             % of stock owned        Corporation name

       //                                //                       Yes            No
         End date (if diff from S corp.) Merge date              Is this corporation doing business in Utah?

         EIN                             % of stock owned        Corporation name

       //                                //                       Yes            No
         End date (if diff from S corp.) Merge date              Is this corporation doing business in Utah?

  2  Enter the location where the corporate books and records are maintained:

  3  Enter the state or country of commercial domicile:

4  Enter the year-end date of the last year for which a federal examination has been completed: //
         Under separate cover, send a summary and supporting schedules for all federal adjustments and the federal tax
         liability for each year for which federal audit adjustments have not been reported to the Tax Commission. Include the 
         date of final determination. Send the information to:
                  Auditing Division, Utah State Tax Commission, 210 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84134-2000

5  Enter the year-end dates of years with federal examinations now in progress, and/or final determination of past examinations still pending.

          //                             //                      //                               //
          mm/dd/yyyy                     mm/dd/yyyy              mm/dd/yyyy                       mm/dd/yyyy
6  Enter the year-end dates of years in which extensions for proposing additional assessments of federal tax were agreed to with the 
      Internal Revenue Service.

          //                             //                      //                               //
          mm/dd/yyyy                     mm/dd/yyyy              mm/dd/yyyy                       mm/dd/yyyy

Note: Utah Code §59-7-519 extends the Statute of Limitations for tax assessment if federal audit adjustments are not fully reported.

- 3 -
            Schedule A - Utah Taxable Income for Pass-through Entity Taxpayers  TC-20S, Sch. A
20223       EIN                                                                                              2022

1  Federal income/loss reconciliation from federal form 1120S, Schedule K, line 18                           • 1

2  Contributions from federal form 1120S, Schedule K, line 12a                                               • 2

3  Foreign taxes from federal form 1120S, Schedule K, line 16f                                               • 3

4  Recapture of Section 179 deduction from all federal Schedules K-1, box 17, code L                         • 4

5  Payroll Protection Program grant or loan addback (see instructions)                                       • 5

6  (Reserved, see instructions)                                                                              • 6

7  Total income/loss - add lines 1 through 6                                                                 • 7

8  Utah net nonbusiness income from TC-20, Schedule H, line 14                                               • 8

9  Non-Utah net nonbusiness income from TC-20, Schedule H, line 28                                           • 9

10  Add lines 8 and 9                                                                                          10

11  Apportionable income/loss - subtract line 10 from line 7                                                 • 11

12  Apportionment fraction - enter 1.000000, or TC-20, Schedule J, line 9 or 10, if applicable                 12

13  Utah apportioned business income/loss - multiply line 11 by line 12                                      • 13

14 Total Utah income/loss allocated to pass-through entity taxpayers - add line 8 and line 13                • 14

15  Total pass-through withholding tax - enter the total amount from Schedule N, column J                    • 15
  Note: This amount must be paid by the due date of the return, without extensions.

16  Utah use tax                                                                                             • 16

17 Total tax - add line 15 and line 16                                                                       • 17
     Enter here and on TC-20S, line 5

18  Prepayments from Schedule E, line 4 (do not include any pass-through withholding tax - see instructions) • 18

19  Amended returns only (see instructions)                                                                  • 19

20 Total payments - add line 18 and line 19                                                                  • 20
     Enter here and on TC-20S, line 6

- 4 -
         Schedule E - Prepayments of Any Type                                                                  TC-20S, Sch. E
20224    EIN                                                                                                   2022

Do not include any pass-through withholding or refundable credits on this schedule.

1  Overpayment applied from prior year                                                                          1

2  Extension prepayment Date:                //            Check no.:                                            2
   Enter the date and amount of any extension prepayment. If paid by check, enter the check number.

3  Other prepayments (attach additional pages if necessary)
   Enter the date and amount of any prepayment for the filing period. If paid by check, enter the check number.

 a Date: //             Check no.:                         3a

 b Date: //             Check no.:                         3b

 c Date: //             Check no.:                         3c

 d Date: //             Check no.:                         3d

 Total of all prepayments - add lines 3a through 3d                                                              3

4  Total prepayments - add lines 1 through 3                                                                     4
   Enter here and on TC-20S, Schedule A, line 18

- 5 -
        Schedule H - Utah Nonbusiness Income Net of Expenses                                                 TC-20, Sch. H    Pg. 1
20261   EIN                                                                                                  2022
USTC ORIGINAL FORM                                                                                           (use with TC-20,
                                                                                                             TC-20S and TC-65)
Note: Failure to complete this form may result in disallowance of the nonbusiness income.

Part 1 - Utah Nonbusiness Income (nonbusiness income allocated to Utah)
     A                            B                       C                              D                            E
     Type of Utah                 Acquisition Date of     Beginning Value of Investment  Ending Value of Investment   Utah Nonbusiness Income
     Nonbusiness Income           Utah Nonbusiness        Used to Produce Utah           Used to Produce Utah
                                  Asset(s)                Nonbusiness Income             Nonbusiness Income
1a                                          //

1b                                          //

1c                                          //

1d                                          //

1e                                          //

2  Total of column C and column D

3  Total Utah nonbusiness income - add column E for lines 1a through 1e

   Description of direct expenses related to:                                                                         Amount of Direct Expense
4a      Line 1a above

4b      Line 1b above

4c      Line 1c above

4d      Line 1d above

4e      Line 1e above

5  Total direct related expenses - add lines 4a through 4e

6  Utah nonbusiness income net of direct related expenses - subtract line 5 from line 3                      
                                                          Column A                       Column B
     Indirect Related Expenses for                        Total Assets Used to Produce   Total Assets
  Utah Nonbusiness Income                                 Utah Nonbusiness Income
7 Beginning-of-year assets
     (enter in Column A the amount from line 2, col. C)
8 End-of-year assets
     (enter in Column A the amount from line 2, col. D)
9  Sum of beginning and ending asset values
     (add line 7 and line 8)
10  Average asset value - divide line 9 by 2

11  Utah nonbusiness assets ratio - line 10, Column A, divided by line 10, Column B (to four decimal places)

12  Interest expense deducted in computing Utah taxable income (see instructions)

13  Indirect related expenses for Utah nonbusiness income - multiply line 11 by line 12

14  Total Utah nonbusiness income net of expenses - subtract line 13 from line 6                             
     Enter on:     TC-20, Schedule A, line 6;
                   TC-20S, Schedule A, line 8; or
                   TC-65, Schedule A, line 11

- 6 -
        Schedule H - Non-Utah Nonbusiness Income Net of Expenses                                                TC-20, Sch. H    Pg. 2
20262   EIN                                                                                                     2022
USTC ORIGINAL FORM                                                                                              (use with TC-20,
                                                                                                                TC-20S and TC-65)
Part 2 - Non-Utah Nonbusiness Income (nonbusiness income allocated outside Utah)
    A                             B                          C                             D                             E
   Type of Non-Utah               Acquisition Date of        Beginning Value of Investment  Ending Value of Investment   Non-Utah Nonbusiness 
   Nonbusiness Income             Non-Utah                   Used to Produce Non-Utah      Used to Produce Non-Utah      Income
                                  Nonbusiness Asset(s)       Nonbusiness Income            Nonbusiness Income
15a                                 //

15b                                 //

15c                                 //

15d                                 //

15e                                 //

16  Total of column C and column D

17  Total non-Utah nonbusiness income - add column E for lines 15a through 15e

 Description of direct expenses related to:                                                                              Amount of Direct Expense
18a     Line 15a above

18b     Line 15b above

18c     Line 15c above

18d     Line 15d above

18e     Line 15e above

19  Total direct related expenses - add lines 18a through 18e

20  Non-Utah nonbusiness income net of direct related expenses - subtract line 19 from line 17                  
                                                             Column A                      Column B
   Indirect Related Expenses for                             Total Assets Used to Produce  Total Assets
    Non-Utah Nonbusiness Income                              Non-Utah Nonbusiness Income
21 Beginning-of-year assets
   (enter in Column A the amount from line 16, col. C)
22 End-of-year assets
   (enter in Column A the amount from line 16, col. D)
23  Sum of beginning and ending asset values
   (add line 21 and line 22)
24  Average asset value - divide line 23 by 2

25  Non-Utah nonbusiness assets ratio - line 24, Column A, divided by line 24, Column B (to four decimal places)

26  Interest expense deducted in computing non-Utah taxable income (see instructions)

27  Indirect related expenses for non-Utah nonbusiness income - multiply line 25 by line 26

28  Total non-Utah nonbusiness income net of expenses - subtract line 27 from line 20                           
   Enter on:       TC-20, Schedule A, line 7;
                   TC-20S, Schedule A, line 9; or
                   TC-65, Schedule A, line 12

- 7 -
       Schedule J - Apportionment Schedule                                                      TC-20, Sch. J                        Pg. 1
20263  EIN                                                                                      2022
USTC ORIGINAL FORM                                                                              (use with TC-20, TC-20S,
                                                                                                TC-20MC and TC-65)
Note: Use this schedule only if the entity does business in Utah and one or more other states and income must be apportioned to Utah.

Briefly describe the nature and location(s) of your Utah business activities:

Apportionable Income Factors
                                                                                    Column A      Column B
 1 Property Factor                                                                  Inside Utah   Inside and Outside Utah

     a Land                                                                   • 1a              

     b Depreciable assets                                                     • 1b              

     c Inventory and supplies                                                 • 1c              

     d Rented property                                                        • 1d              

     e   Other allowable property (see instructions)                          •  1e             

     f    Total tangible property - add lines 1a through 1e                   •  1f             

 2  Property factor - divide line 1f, Column A, by line 1f, Column B (to six decimal places)    •  2

 3 Payroll Factor

     a   Total wages, salaries, commissions and other compensation            •  3a             

 4  Payroll factor - divide line 3a, Column A, by line 3a, Column B (to six decimal places)     •  4

 5 Sales Factor

     a   Total sales (gross receipts less returns and allowances)                               •  5a

     b   Sales delivered or shipped to Utah buyers from outside Utah          •  5b

     c   Sales delivered or shipped to Utah buyers from within Utah           •  5c

     d   Sales shipped from Utah to the United States government              •  5d

     e   Sales shipped from Utah to buyers in states where the corp.          •  5e
           has no nexus (corporation not taxable in buyer’s state)

     f    Rent and royalty income                                             •  5f             

     g   Services and other allowable sales (see instructions)                •  5g             

     h   Total sales (add lines 5a through 5g)                                •  5h             

 6  Sales factor - line 5h, Column A, divided by line 5h, Column B (to six decimals)            •  6

         Continued on page 2

- 8 -
       Schedule J - Apportionment Schedule                                              TC-20, Sch. J           Pg. 2
20264  EIN                                                                              2022
USTC ORIGINAL FORM                                                                      (use with TC-20, TC-20S,
                                                                                        TC-20MC and TC-65)

Ź 7  All entities - enter your NAICS code here (see instructions)                       •  7

Apportionment Fraction

  Optional apportionment taxpayers (see instructions) complete Part 1 or Part 2.

  Sales factor weighted taxpayers (see instructions) complete Part 2.

  Part 1: Equally-Weighted Three Factor Formula (see instructions for those who qualify)

  8  Total factors - add lines 2, 4 and 6                                                 8

  9  Calculate the Apportionment Fraction to SIX DECIMALS                               •  9
       Divide line 8 by  3(or the number of factors present)

  Part 2: Sales Factor Formula (see instructions for those who qualify)

  10 Apportionment Fraction - enter the six-decimal sales factor from line 6            •  10

Enter the fraction from line 9 or line 10, above, as follows:
  TC-20 filers: Enter on TC-20, Schedule A, line 12
  TC-20S filers: Enter on TC-20S, Schedule A, line 12
  TC-20MC filers: Enter on TC-20MC, Schedule A, where indicated
  TC-65 filers: Enter on TC-65, Schedule A, line 15

- 9 -
                          Schedule K - Shareholders’ Pro Rata Share Items                                                 TC-20S, Sch. K
20225                     EIN                                                                                             2022
                        Ź  Number of Schedules K-1 attached to this return                 

                                                                                                           Federal Amount     Utah Amount
                        1  Ordinary business income/loss

                        2  Net rental real estate income/loss

                        3  Other net rental income/loss

                        4a  U.S. government interest income
                        4b  Municipal bond interest income
                        4c  Other interest income

                        5 Ordinary dividends

                        6 Royalties

                        7  Net short-term capital gain/loss
                        8  Net long-term capital gain/loss

                        9  Net Section 1231 gain/loss

                        10  Recapture of Section 179 deduction

                        11  Other income/loss (describe)

                        12  Section 179 deduction

                        13 Contributions

                        14  Investment interest expense

                        15  Section 59(e)(2) expenditures

                        16  Foreign taxes paid or accrued
                        17  Other deductions (describe)

                        18  Utah nonrefundable credits - enter the name of the Utah credit                  Code              Credit Amount

                        19  Utah refundable credits - enter the name of the Utah credit                     Code              Credit Amount

            Utah Credits

                        20  Total Utah tax withheld on behalf of all shareholders from Schedule N, column J

- 10 -
            Schedule K-1 - Shareholder’s Share                                                              TC-20S, Sch. K-1
20226       of Utah Income, Deductions and Credits                                                          2022
S Corporation Information                                           Shareholder’s Share of Utah Income, Deductions and Credits
A  S-corporation’s EIN:                                             1  Utah ordinary business income/loss
B  S-corporation’s name, address, city, state, and ZIP code:        2  Utah net rental real estate income/loss
                                                                    3  Utah other net rental income/loss 
                                                                    4a Utah U.S. government interest income
                                                                    4b Utah municipal bond interest income
Shareholder Information                                             4c Utah other interest income
C  Shareholder’s SSN or EIN:                                        5  Utah ordinary dividends
D  Shareholder’s name, address, city, state, and ZIP code:          6  Utah royalties
                                                                    7  Utah net short-term capital gain/loss

                                                                    8  Utah net long-term capital gain/loss

E  Percent of ownership:                                            9  Utah net Section 1231 gain/loss

Shareholder’s Share of Apportionment Factors                        10 Utah recapture of Section 179 deduction
                             Utah            Total
F  Property       $                   $                             11 Utah other income/loss (describe)

G Payroll         $                   $

H Sales           $                   $
                                                                    12 Utah Section 179 deduction
Other Information
                                                                    13 Utah contributions

                                                                    14 Utah investment interest expense

                                                                    15 Utah Section 59(e)(2) expenditures

                                                                    16 Foreign taxes paid or accrued

                                                                    17 Utah other deductions (describe)

                                                                    18 Utah nonrefundable credits - enter name Code Credit Amount

                                                                    19 Utah refundable credits - enter name    Code Credit Amount
Note:  To complete lines 1 through 17:
     *  Utah residents, enter the amounts from federal Schedule K-1.
     *  Utah nonresidents, see instructions to calculate amounts.
     All filers complete lines 18 through 20, if applicable.
                                                                    20 Utah tax withheld on behalf of shareholder
                                                                         “X” if withholding waiver applied for

- 11 -
       Schedule M - Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiaries                                                        TC-20S, Sch. M
20227        Incorporated, Qualified & Doing Business in Utah                                                  2022
  * List ONLY qualified subchapter S subsidiaries incorporated, qualified or doing business in Utah. Attach additional Schedules M if needed.
Federal schedules may not be substituted, since they may include corporations excluded from Utah reporting.
  * Corporations required to file in Utah but not listed on this form will not be considered to have met the Utah filing requirement.

Subsidiary Corporations
                       Utah Incorporation/                                                                                           Acquisition Date
    •  EIN             Qualification Number Name                                                                                     (mm/dd/yyyy)

1                                                                                                                                    //

2                                                                                                                                    //

3                                                                                                                                    //

4                                                                                                                                    //

5                                                                                                                                    //

6                                                                                                                                    //

7                                                                                                                                    //

8                                                                                                                                    //

9                                                                                                                                    //

10                                                                                                                                   //

11                                                                                                                                   //

12                                                                                                                                   //

13                                                                                                                                   //

14                                                                                                                                   //

15                                                                                                                                   //

16                                                                                                                                   //

17                                                                                                                                   //

18                                                                                                                                   //

19                                                                                                                                   //

20                                                                                                                                   //

21                                                                                                                                   //

22                                                                                                                                   //

23                                                                                                                                   //

- 12 -
               Schedule N - Pass-through Entity Withholding Tax                                                        TC-20S, Sch. N
20228          EIN                                                                                                     2022

An S corporation with nonresident individual shareholders, resident/nonresident business shareholders, or resident/nonresident trust or estate share- 
holders must complete the info below to calculate Utah withholding tax for these shareholders. See instructions for column G, column H and column I.

WITHHOLDING WAIVER CLAIMED under §59-10-1403.2(5): If shareholders will pay the Utah tax on their own returns:                             
 Enter " " to1claim a waiver for ALL shareholders (enter " " in columnX B and " " in column0F for all shareholders)
 Enter " " to2claim a waiver for SOME shareholders (enter " " in columnX  B and " " in column0F for those shareholders claimed)
    See Schedule N instructions for liability responsibilities when claiming a waiver.
A   Name of shareholder                                      E    Income/loss          F  4.85% of income -        G Mineral production     J Withholding tax
B   Withholding waiver for this shareholder                       attributable                E times .0485            withholding credit    to be paid by
    (enter inXcolumn   andBin column 0 ) F                to Utah                     (not less than zero)   HUpper-tier pass-       this corporation -
C   SSN or EIN of shareholder                                                                                          through withholding   F less G, H and I
D   % of ownership in S Corp. by shareholder                                                                       I   Tax paid by PTE       (not less than 0)

#1 A                                                         E                         F                           G                        J

 B                                                                                                              H

 C                                 D                                                                            I

#2 A                                                         E                         F                           G                        J

 B                                                                                                              H

 C                                 D                                                                            I

#3 A                                                         E                         F                           G                        J

 B                                                                                                              H

 C                                 D                                                                            I

#4 A                                                         E                         F                           G                        J

 B                                                                                                              H

 C                                 D                                                                            I

#5 A                                                         E                         F                           G                        J

 B                                                                                                              H

 C                                 D                                                                            I

#6 A                                                         E                         F                           G                        J

 B                                                                                                              H

 C                                 D                                                                            I

#7 A                                                         E                         F                           G                        J

 B                                                                                                              H

 C                                 D                                                                            I

    Report the shareholder’s pass-through withholding                     Total Utah withholding tax to be paid by this corporation:
    tax from column J on Schedule K-1, line 20                              Enter on TC-20S, Sch. A, line 15 and on Sch. K, line 20. 

- 13 -
      Credits Received from Upper-tier Pass-through Entities                              TC-250
25201 and Mineral Production Withholding Tax Credit on TC-675R                            2022
      EIN                                                                                 (use with TC-20S, TC-41 and TC-65)
Part 1 - Utah Nonrefundable Credits Received from Upper-tier Pass-through Entities
     Upper-tier pass-through                                                                     UT nonrefundable
     entity EIN from Utah    Name of upper-tier pass-through entity                       Credit credit from
     Sch. K-1, box “A”       from Utah Schedule K-1, box “B”                              Code   Utah Sch. K-1


  Enter these credits on Utah TC-20S Sch. K, line 18, or TC-41 Sch. A, Part 3 or 4, or TC-65 Sch. K, line 17, using the credit code above.
  Combine amounts for the same codes.

Part 2 - Utah Refundable Credits Received from Upper-tier Pass-through Entities
     Upper-tier pass-through
     entity EIN from Utah    Name of upper-tier pass-through entity                       Credit UT refundable credit
     Sch. K-1, box “A”       from Utah Schedule K-1, box “B”                              Code   from Utah Sch. K-1


  Enter these credits on Utah TC-20S Sch. K, line 19, or TC-41 Sch. A, Part 5, or TC-65 Sch. K, line 18, using the credit code above.
  Combine amounts for the same codes.

Part 3 - Utah Mineral Production Withholding Tax Credit Received on TC-675R
                                                                                                 Mineral production
     Producer EIN from                                                                           withholding from
     TC-675R, box “2”        Producer’s name from TC-675R, box “1”                               TC-675R, box “6”


                  Total Utah mineral production withholding tax credit received on TC-675R
                    Enter total credit on Utah TC-20S Sch. K, line 19, or TC-41 Sch. A, Part 5, or TC-65 Sch. K, line 18, using credit code 46.

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