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                                                              Utah State Tax Commission
                                   Application for Refund of Utah Sales and Use Tax                                                          Rev. 9/13

                                                                                                   Print Form                    Clear form
  A. Purchaser Information
 Name/Business name                                                                                              Utah sales tax account number (if any)


  City                                                                    State   ZIP Code                       Contact person’s name

  Telephone number                  Fax number                                    Email address

  B. Refund Claim Information
 In the space below, identify the title(s), chapter(s) and section(s) in Utah Code that authorize an EXEMPTION from sales tax for the item(s), or describe how 
 the item(s) qualifies for an EXCLUSION based on Utah law (attach additional sheets if needed):

 1.  Refund request amount. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    $ __________
 2.  Total number of invoices/purchases . . .           __________ 
 3.  Time covered by this request . . . . . . . . .     _____________      _____________
                                                        From               To
 4.  Sign here if your total invoices/purchases on line 2 are 500 or more AND you elect a sampling review method:_____________________Sign here after printing to elect this method. 

  C. Seller’s Information
 If there is more than one seller, attach additional sheets with the information in this section for each seller.
 Business name

 Address                                                                   City                                  State     ZIP Code

  D. Representative’s Information (if any)
  Business name                                                            Contact name                          Relationship to purchaser

 Address                                                                   Email address                         Power of Attorney attached dated:

 City                                                                      State   ZIP Code                      Telephone number

  E. Certification and Signature(s)
 Under penalties of perjury, I, the purchaser, declare the refund of Utah sales and use tax I am requesting has NOT been refunded or credited to me, either 
 by the seller to whom the sales tax was originally paid, or by the Tax Commission. I also declare I will not request a refund or credit from the seller. I will 
 immediately send payment for refund, plus any interest, to the Utah State Tax Commission if I receive a duplicate refund or interest. I have included all the 
 required information and documents (in the required formats) as explained in the instructions.
 _______________________________                                           __________________                         ________________
  Purchaser’s authorized signature                                         Title                                      Date
 _______________________________                                           __________________
  Authorized signature name printed                                        Telephone number
 _______________________________                                           __________________                         ________________
 Representative's signature                                                Title                                      Date

          IMPORTANT: To protect your privacy, use the "Clear form" button when you are finished.                                 Clear form

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Instructions for form TC-62PR
A purchaser may request a refund from the Utah State Tax Commission for             Incomplete 100% Review Application
sales and use tax paid on purchases exempt or excluded from sales and               If your application using the 100% Review Method is incomplete or does 
use tax.                                                                            not include ALL the required documentation, we will send you a notice 
The purchaser must sign this application, form TC-62PR.                             giving you 30 days to provide the missing documentation.
                                                                                    We will dismiss refund requests for which we do not receive the required 
To Qualify                                                                          documentation and information by the due date of the 30-day notice.
•  You have not and will not request a sales tax refund or credit directly from 
the seller, -OR- you requested a sales tax refund or credit from the seller      Sampling Review Method
and the seller would not allow or would not process your request.                If your request involves 500 OR MORE invoices/purchases and you ELECT 
•  The period(s) covered in the refund request must be within the statute of     the sampling review method:
limitations for a refund as of the date you file the application.                1.  Complete form TC-62PR and elect the sampling review method by 
•  Your application must include ALL information and required documenta-            signing line 4 in Section B.
tion (see below) in the required format.                                         2.  Complete an electronic version of the Sales and Use Tax Refund 
Required Documentation                                                              (see B. More Than 12, Less Than 500 Purchases, above).
•  Copies of invoices or receipts that show items purchased and sales tax        3.  We will choose a sampling of invoices/purchases for review based on 
charged.                                                                            your worksheet.
•  Proof of payment, such as copies of cancelled checks, bank statements,        4.  We will notify you of the invoices/purchases selected for review and give 
credit card receipts, or a letter from the seller listing all the paid invoices.    you 30 days to provide the required documentation (see above) for the 
•  Copies of invoices and documentation of use tax paid with sales and use          selected items. You must provide the required documents electronically 
tax return.                                                                         on a CD or USB flash drive.
•  Documentation that clearly and thoroughly verifies the items or transac-      5.  We will evaluate, calculate and project your refund based solely on the 
tions qualify for exemption or exclusion from Utah sales and use tax.               information and documentation we receive by the due date.
(For example, if claiming a refund of sales and use tax on                       6. We will consider missing or incomplete documentation for any requested 
manufacturing/mining equipment, repair or replacement parts, provide a              invoice/purchase to be an error. We will include these errors in the overall 
signed statement that the items have an economic life of three or more              sampling error rate and adjust the total refund based on the overall 
years. See our website for more examples.)                                          sampling error rate.
•   A power of attorney, if you are submitting the request on behalf of the      7.  If you do not agree to the selected sample, you must provide all 
purchaser.                                                                          documentation for the 100% review method.
•  Sales and Use Tax Refund Worksheet
Each TC-62PR must include a Sales and Use Tax Refund Worksheet.                  Requests Allowed, Denied or Dismissed
This worksheet is an Excel template available on our website. The                •  We will notify you in writing the result of your refund request.
worksheet must include the following NINE items for EACH                         •  If we approve your request, we will send your refund within 6 to 8 weeks 
invoice/purchase:                                                                   of our decision.
1. Seller’s name                                                                 •  If any portion of your claim is denied, you may file an appeal with the 
2. Invoice date                                                                     Appeals Unit within 30 days of the written notice.
3. Invoice number                                                                •  If you do not appeal within 30 days, the decision will become final and the 
4.  Taxable purchase amount                                                         items included in the refund request CANNOT be included in future 
                                                                                    refund requests.
5.  Sales and use tax rate applied to purchase amount
                                                                                 •  If any portion of your refund request is dismissed or reduced because 
6.  Sales and use tax paid                                                          you have not provided the required documentation by the due date, you 
7.  Sales and use tax overpaid                                                      may file an appeal with the Appeals Unit. However, the only matter that 
8.  Detailed description of purchased item(s)                                       will be reviewed by the Commission is whether or not the required 
9.  The title(s), chapter(s) and section(s) in Utah Code that allow the             documentation was received by the due date.
exemption or exclusion of sales and use tax for the item(s), and an              NOTE:   We may take any tax refund, including interest, and apply it to any 
explanation of how the item(s) qualifies for an exemption or exclusion                   outstanding tax the purchaser may owe. The balance of the refund, 
based on Utah law.                                                                       if any, will be refunded within 6 to 8 weeks of our decision.
                                                                                 If you receive any refund or credit from the seller for items where the Tax 
100% Review Method                                                               Commission has already sent you a sales and use tax refund, you must 
A. 12 Purchases or Less                                                          immediately send the Tax Commission payment for the tax refund plus any 
If you have 12 invoices/purchases or LESS:                                       interest. 
1. Complete form TC-62PR.                                                        Questions
2.  Attach ALL of the required documentation (see above) for each                If you have questions, email taxmaster@utah.gov, call 801-297-7705, fax 
invoice/purchase, including the Sales and Use Tax Refund Worksheet.              to 801-297-6357, or write to the address below.
B. More Than 12, Less Than 500 Purchases
If you have MORE THAN 12 and LESS THAN 500 invoices/purchases,                   Submitting the Application
you must provide your worksheet electronically, on a compact disk (CD)            Mail this application, the worksheet and ALL required documen-
or USB flash drive. Your worksheet must have the same layout and                    tation  to:
information as the Sales and Use Tax Refund Worksheet.                                         AUDITING DIVISION
1. Complete form TC-62PR.                                                                      UTAH STATE TAX COMMISSION
                                                                                               210 N 1950 W
2.  Complete your electronic version of the Sales and UseTax Refund                            SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84134
Worksheet.                                                                                    ____________________
3.  Scan and save to a CD or USB flash drive ALL of the required                           If you need an accommodation under the Americans with 
documentation (see above) for each invoice/purchase.                                       Disabilities Act, call 801-297-3811 or TDD 801-297-2020. 
                                                                                              Please allow three working days for a response.
C.  500 or More Purchases
If you have 500 OR MORE invoices/purchases and you do not elect the 
sampling review method (see below), follow the instructions for More 
Than 12, Less Than 500 Purchases (above).

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