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Utah State Tax Commission
Clear form Print Form TC-559
Corporate/Partnership Payment Coupon Rev. 11/16
Payment Coupon Penalties and Interest
Use payment coupon TC-559 to make the following corporate/partnership If your tax payments do not equal the lesser of 90 percent of the
tax payments: current-year tax liability ($100 minimum tax for corporations) or 100
1) Estimated tax payments percent of the previous-year tax liability, we will assess a penalty of 2
percent of the unpaid tax for each month of the extension period. We will
2) Extension payments assess a late filing penalty if you file the return after the extension due
3) Return payments date.
Mark the circle on the coupon that shows the type of payment you are making. We will assess interest at the legal rate from the original due date until paid
in full.
Corporation Estimated Tax Requirements See Pub 58, Utah Interest and Penalties, at tax.utah.gov/forms.
Every corporation with a tax liability of $3,000 or more in the current or
previous tax year must make quarterly estimated tax payments. A parent Where to File
company filing a combined report must make the payment when the total Send your payment coupon and payment to :
tax is $3,000 or more for all affiliated companies, including those that pay
only the minimum tax. Corporate/Partnership Tax Payment
A corporation does not have to make estimated tax payments the first year Utah State Tax Commission
it is required to file a Utah return if it makes a payment on or before the due 210 N 1950 W
date, without extension, equal to or greater than the minimum tax. Salt Lake City, UT 84134-0180
Estimated tax payments are due in four equal payments on the 15th day of
the 4th, 6th, 9th and 12th months of the entity’s taxable year. You may Electronic Payment
make quarterly payments equal to 90 percent of the current year tax or 100 You may make estimated tax, extension and return payments at
percent of the previous year tax. A corporation that had a tax liability of taxexpress.utah.gov.
$100 (the minimum tax) for the previous year may prepay the minimum tax
amount of $100 on the 15th day of the 12th month instead of making four
$25 payments.
The Tax Commission will charge an underpayment penalty to entities that
fail to make or underpay the required estimated tax.
Extension Payment Requirements
A corporation/partnership has an automatic filing extension if it makes the
necessary extension payment by the return due date. The estimated tax
payments must equal at least the lesser of:
1) 90 percent of the current year tax liability
(or the $100 corporation minimum tax, if greater), or
2) 100 percent of the previous-year tax liability.
The remaining tax, plus any penalty and interest, is due when the return is filed.
Note: A pass-through entity (partnership or S corporation) must pay 100
percent of any pass-through withholding by the original due date to avoid
penalties and interest.
Corporation/Partnership Mail to: Utah State Tax Commission, 210 N 1950 W, SLC UT 84134-0180 Rev. 11/16
Estimated payment:
Payment Coupon
1st qtr. 3rd qtr. Extension payment
Tax year ending (mm/dd/yyyy) 2nd qtr. 4th qtr. Return payment
Name of corporation/partnership EIN
City State Zip code
Payment amount enclosed $ 00
Make check or money order payable to the Utah State Tax Commission.Make check or money order payable to the Utah State Tax Commission.
Do not send cash. Do not staple check to coupon. Detach check stub.Do not send cash. Do not staple check to coupon. Detach check stub.
IMPORTANT: To protect your privacy, use the "Clear form" button when you are finished. Clear form