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Utah State Tax Commission
Fiduciary Income Tax Prepayment Coupon (This is NOT an extension form) Rev. 12/11
Prepayment Electronic Payment
Use this form to make fiduciary income tax prepayments toward your You may pay your tax due online at tap.utah.gov.
tax liability prior to the due date of your return. Prepayments may not
be necessary if taxes are withheld (W-2, TC-675R, etc.), the previous Payment Worksheet
year’s refund was applied to the current year, or you have credit Use this worksheet to calculate your required payment. You must pay
carryovers. Use the worksheet to see if you meet the required tax the amount on line 9 on or before the return due date.
1. Fiduciary tax you expect to owe this year 1 _____
Automatic Extensions 2. Minimum payment rate 2 x .90
You automatically have a six month extension to file your Utah income 3. Multiply line 1 by the rate on line 2 3 _____
tax return - NOT to pay your taxes. No extension form is required.
Use this form only to make a prepayment. 4. Utah tax liability for the previous year
(as filed, amended or audited) 4 _____
Penalty 5. Minimum tax due by original due date
If you do not make the required tax payments by the original return Enter the lesser of line 3 or line 4 5 _____
due date a penalty of 2% of the unpaid tax will be assessed for each
month of the extension period. The required payment must equal the 6. Utah income tax withheld from forms W-2,
lesser of 90% of your current year tax liability or 100% of your previous 1099, or TC-675R, etc. for this year 6 _____
year tax liability. A late filing penalty will be imposed if the return is filed 7. Previous prepayments made for this year,
after the extension due date. credit carryovers, and prior year refund
applied 7 _____
Interest 8. Total prepayments for this year
Interest will be assessed from the original due date of the return until (add lines 6 and 7) 8 _____
the tax is paid in full. See Pub 58, Utah Interest and Penalties at
tax.utah.gov/forms. 9. Payment due - subtract line 8 from line 5) 9 _____
• If less than zero, enter “0”. Do not file
Where to File coupon.
Mail or deliver the coupon below with your payment to: • If greater than zero, enter amount from line 9
Income Tax Prepayment on coupon below and send coupon with payment.
Utah State Tax Commission
210 N 1950 W Do not file this coupon if your tax liability on line 9 is zero or if
Salt Lake City, UT 84134-0250 you are getting a refund.
For more information
801-297-2200, 1-800-662-4335 (if outside the Salt Lake area),
Clear form
Fiduciary Income Tax Mail to: Utah State Tax Commission, 210 N 1950 W, SLC UT 84134-0250 Rev. 12/11
Prepayment Coupon Name of estate or trust EIN or SSN of estate or trust
Tax year ending P
USTC Use Only 0
City State ZIP code
Prepayment amount enclosed $ 00
Make check or money order payable to the Utah State Tax Commission.
Do not send cash. Do not staple check to coupon. Detach check stub.