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Utah State Tax Commission
210 N 1950 W, SLC, UT 84134 • tax.utah.gov • 801-297-2200 • fax: 801-297-3573 TC-737
Rev. 1/21
Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative
1. Taxpayer Information (Provide information for only one taxpayer per form)
Name Identification number(s)
Address Daytime telephone number(s) Fax number
City State ZIP Code Email address
2. Representative(s)
I hereby appoint the following representative(s) as attorney(s)-in-fact: (attach additional pages if needed)
Name and address
Fax number:
Name and address
Fax number:
3. Tax matter(s)
This declaration authorizes the representative(s) to receive and inspect my confidential tax information and, to the extent not limited in
section 4 below, to perform any acts that I can with respect to the tax matter(s) listed below in this section. This power does not include
the power to receive funds, substitute or appoint another representative, or disclose confidential tax information to other parties.
Tax Type Social Security/Account Number Year(s) or Period(s) Appeal Number(s)
_______ _________________ __________ ____________________
_______ _________________ __________ ____________________
_______ _________________ __________ ____________________
4. Acts NOT Authorized (Check only the boxes of those acts for which authority is NOT given)
My representative(s) is NOT authorized to perform the following acts which would otherwise be authorized:
Sign returns Amend returns Negotiate agreements Sign agreements/consents/similar documents
Reallocate payments between tax types/periods Represent me in adjudicative proceedings before the Commission
Facilitate audits Other: _______________________________________________
5. Authorized Signature
Unless you check the box below, filing this power-of-attorney will revoke all earlier power(s)-of-attorney on file with the Tax Commission
for the same matters and years/periods covered in this document.
Check this box if you do not wish to revoke all prior power(s)-of-attorney.
_____________________________ __________________ ______________
Taxpayer signature Print name Date
If signed by a corporate officer, partner or fiduciary on behalf of the taxpayer, I certify that I have the authority to execute this
power-of-attorney on behalf of the taxpayer.
_____________________________ __________________ ______________
Representative signature Title Date