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                                                                                               Print Form                                         Clear form

                                                                                     Utah State Tax Commission 
                                                                            210 N 1950 W  •  SLC, UT 84134  •  tax.utah.gov
                                                                          Additional Business Locations                                                                   Rev. 1/22
                                                                            for a Sales Tax Account

                                                                          Do it all online:  File and pay your taxes.
                                                                                             Manage your account(s).

  1 — General Information  
1a. Social Security Number (SSN)                               Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) 
(required for individual sole proprietor)                      (required for all entities other than sole proprietor) 

1b. Existing Sales Tax Account Number
(required for all accounts, if issued)
1c. Name of Legal Entity - PRINT  If you are a sole proprietor, write your name here                                  Daytime phone number        Cell phone number

Legal entity’s street address                                 City          County                                    State                 Foreign country (if not U.S.) ZIP Code

Legal entity’s mailing address                                City          County                                    State                 Foreign country (if not U.S.) ZIP Code

Business website address (URL)                                              Email address

1d. Certain Sales Activities
Mark “yes” for each question below that applies to any of the outlets you are reporting:
  a.  Will you have sales of grocery food? ...................................................................................... Yes           No
  b.  Will you sell motor vehicles, aircraft, watercraft, manufactured homes, modular homes 
     or mobile homes in municipalities imposing the resort communities tax or the
     state correctional facility tax?.................................................................................................... Yes   No
  c.  Will you have retail sales of new tires? ..................................................................................... Yes        No
  d.  Are you a restaurant? ............................................................................................................... Yes No
  e.  Will you offer rentals of motor vehicles (12,000 pounds or less) or off-road/recreational 
     vehicles for 30 days or less?..................................................................................................... Yes     No
     If yes, what type(s) of vehicles will you rent?................  Motor vehicles        Off-road/recreational vehicles

  2 — Additional/New Business Locations
      DBA/Business Name  Business or trade name at this physical location   Business start date for this location
Physical street address of business (P.O. Box not acceptable)               Business telephone number  Office Use Only
City                                              County                    State    ZIP code
                                                                                                                            City Code
Required: Local Utah government issuing business license for this location
                                                                                                                            SIC Code
Business Description  If business or product is different from main business location, describe here for this location
                                                                                                                            USTC SIC

Lodging Services: Will you provide motel, hotel, trailer court, campground or other lodging services at this location?
      Yes       No                                                                                                                          a. G        b. X        c. W        d. T        e. F        f. L

Continued on next page

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                                                                                    Print Form                             Clear form TC-69B_2
      DBA/Business Name  Business or trade name at this physical location  Business start date for this location
                                                                                                            Office Use Only
Physical street address of business (P.O. Box not acceptable)              Business telephone number 

City                                              County                   State    ZIP code                           City Code

Required: Local Utah government issuing business license for this location                                             SIC Code

Business Description  If business or product is different from main business location, describe here for this location USTC SIC

Lodging Services: Will you provide motel, hotel, trailer court, campground or other lodging services at this location?
      Yes       No                                                                                                     a. G        b. X        c. W        d. T        e. F        f. L
      DBA/Business Name  Business or trade name at this physical location  Business start date for this location
                                                                                                            Office Use Only
Physical street address of business (P.O. Box not acceptable)              Business telephone number 

City                                              County                   State    ZIP code                           City Code

Required: Local Utah government issuing business license for this location                                             SIC Code

Business Description  If business or product is different from main business location, describe here for this location USTC SIC

Lodging Services: Will you provide motel, hotel, trailer court, campground or other lodging services at this location?
      Yes       No                                                                                                     a. G        b. X        c. W        d. T        e. F        f. L

       3 — Authorized Signature 
Signature of Authorized Applicant or Owner  (Application will not be accepted without original signature)              Date

                                    Additional Business Locations for Sales Tax Accounts
General Information
Use this form to register additional business locations for a new or existing sales tax account.
Do not use this form to register new cigarette, tobacco or e-cigarette outlets. Instead, use form TC-69.

1a.   You must provide a valid Social Security Number or Federal Employer Identification Number.
 1b.  If you are already registered with the Tax Commission and you are adding locations to an existing sales tax account, you must 
         also provide your Sales Tax Account Number.
 1c.     You must provide the legal entity's name, daytime phone number, cell phone number, street address (PO Box not acceptable), 
         mailing address, website and email.
  2.  You must provide all information for each location:
       • DBA/business name
         • Business telephone number
         • Physical street address of business
         • City, County, State and Zip code
       • Local government issuing business license
         • Business description, if business or product is different than at the main business location
  3.  An authorized applicant or owner must sign this form.
Return the completed form to the Tax Commission at the following address:
                                                              Master Records 
                                                              Utah State Tax Commission 
                                                              210 North 1950 West 
                                                              Salt Lake City, UT 84134-3310        Or fax to: 801-297-3573

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