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Mail your return and remittance to:
P.O. BOX 536 
EATON RAPIDS, MI 48827-0536 

                                            CITY OF BIG RAPIDS 
2020                                                                                                                                  2020

                                    INCOME TAX RETURN 

                                                                                                 FOR: PARTNERSHIPS DOING 
                                                   FORM 1065                                     BUSINESS IN BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 
                                               FILING INSTRUCTIONS 

FILING DATE:   Calendar year taxpayers must file by April 30.              RESIDENT VS. NON-RESIDENT PARTNER (continued)
Fiscal  year  taxpayers  must  file  by  the  last  day  of  the  fourth   Partners  who  are  non-residents  of  Big  Rapids  are  taxed  on 
month following the end of the fiscal year. Returns shall be for           their  distributive  shares  of  the  net  profit  which  is  attributed  to 
the same calendar year, fiscal year or other accounting period             business activity in the City, plus net rentals of property in the 
as the taxpayer uses for federal income tax purposes.                      City  and  gains  from  the  sale  or  exchange  of  real  or  tangible 
                                                                           personal  property  in  the  City.  They  are  not  taxed  on  their 
TAX RATE: 1.0% (0.01) for resident partners                                share  of  net  rentals  on  property  outside  the  City,  gains  from 
           0.5% (0.005) for non-resident partners                          the  sale  or  exchange  of  real  or  tangible  property  outside  the 
                                                                           City,  gains  from  the  sale  or  exchange  of  securities  or  other 
REMITTANCE:    Partnerships  electing  to  pay  tax  for  partners         tangible property, or interest or dividends.
must  remit  for  all  partners  when  filing  return.  The  tax  due,  if 
one  dollar  ($1.00)  or  more,  must  be  paid  when  filing  the         OPTION TO PAY TAX
return. Make remittance payable to:                                        At  its    election,      the      partnership   may       file      either an 
                                                                           information  returnal or  it  may  compute  and  pay  the  tax  which           
               CITY OF BIG RAPIDS                                          is  due  with  respect  to each  partner’s  share  of  the  net 
                                                                           profit  of  the  business,  after  giving  effect  to  exemptions  and 
MAILING ADDRESS: Mail your return and remittance to:                       other  items  to  which  each  partner  is  entitled.  Such  election 
                                                                           is  available  to     all     partnerships          regardless       of     the
               CITY OF BIG RAPIDS                                          residency  of  the partners. The partnership may pay the tax 
       INCOME TAX PROCESSING CENTER                                        for partners only if it pays for all partners subject to the tax.
                      P.O. BOX 536 
           EATON RAPIDS, MI 48827-0536                                     If  the partnership  elects  to pay  the  tax  on behalf  of  the 
                                                                           partners  thereof,  then  such  election  and  payments  shall  be 
PARTNERSHIPS REQUIRED TO FILE                                              deemed  to meet  the  requirements  for  filing  of  a return  as 
Every partnership that conducts business activities in the City            provided  by  the Ordinance,  for  each  partner  who  has  no 
of Big Rapids, whether or not an office or place of business is            other  income  subject  to  the  tax.  However,  a  return  shall  be 
maintained in the City, is required to file a return within four (4)       required  from  any  partner  having  taxable  income  other  than 
months following the end of the taxable year. If on a calendar             his/her distributive share of the net profits of the partnership.
year  basis,  the return  must  be filed  by  April  30. If  the 
partnership  elects  to pass  through  the  income  to  the                PARTNERSHIP AS TAXPAYER
partners  on   their  personal  return,  then         file  an             If  the partnership  elects  to pay  the  tax  on behalf  of  the 
Informational  Return, Form  1065  with , the  City  of                    partners,  then  it  assumes  the  status  of  the  taxpayer  to  the 
Big Rapids and attach schedule K and copies of all K-1's .                 following extent:
                                                                                     1.Timely  payment.       Payment  must  be  made  within
FORM TO BE USED                                                            four (4)  months  from  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year  or  period; 
If  a  partnership  elects  to  pay  for  all  partners  when  filing  the otherwise, it will be subject to interest and penalties the same as 
return,  the  Partnership  Summary  Return  provided shall  be             a delinquent payment from any other taxpayer.
attached  to  a  copy  of  the  Federal  1065  with  all                             2.Payment  of  estimated  tax.  The  election  of  the
necessary  schedules and K-1's  or  the  required  information             partnership  to  pay  the  tax  on  behalf  of  the  individual  partners 
should be  carried    over   to     the necessary  federal                 also  carries  with  it  the  requirement  to  file  a  Declaration  of 
schedule(s)  and attached to Form BR-1040.                                 Estimated  Income  Tax,  Form  BR  1040ES,  if  the  total 
                                                                           estimated tax for the partnership is expected to exceed $100.
Partners  who  are  residents  of  Big  Rapids  are  taxed  on  their 
entire distributive shares of the net profits of the  partnership, 
including that rising from the business activity outside the City, 
and including interest, dividends, and royalties and gains from 
the sale or exchange of property, either tangible or intangible.

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                                                     Attach Federal Form 1065 
                                                                 City of Big Rapids
                                              Income Tax Summary Return For Partnerships

                                Or other taxable period BEGINNING                               & ENDING 
Name of Partnership:
                                                                                                This return is paying tax for all partners or officers. 

                                                                                   Principal Business Activity: 

                                                 ATTACH COPIES OF ALL K-1’s 

     1)  Income carried over from Federal Form 1065                                                                        1) $                   00 
     2)  Add items not deductible under Big Rapids Income Tax
             Big Rapids Income Tax Paid                                                      00 
             Other – Submit Schedule                                                         00 
                                                                                             00                            2) +                   00 
     3)  Subtract items not taxable under Big Rapids Income Tax
             Interest from Government Obligations                                            00 
             Dividends Received Deductions                                                   00 
             Foreign Tax Credit                                                              00 
             Other – Submit Schedule                                                         00 
             Total                                                                           00                          3)
                                                                                                                              -                   00 
     4)  Subtotal                                                                                                        4)                       00 
     5)  Percentage of Business Attributable to City of Big Rapids (Use formula on back)                                 5)
     6)  Multiply Line 4 by Line 5                                                                                       6)                       00 
     7)  Carry over loss from prior percentage allocations of Big Rapids tax years                                       7)                       00 
     8)  Taxable Income                                                                                                  8)                       00 
     9)  City of Big Rapids Tax – Multiply Line 8 by 1% (Corporations, Sub S Corporations, & Resident Partnerships)
                                    Multiply Line 8 by ½%        (Non-Resident Partnerships)                             9)                       00 
     10) Voluntary Contribution to Big Rapids Community Pool and/or Community Library (Please circle)                    10)                      00 
     11) Total of Lines 9 and 10                                                                                         11)                      00 
     12)     a.    Credit forward from prior year                                               12a)                       00 
             b.   Total estimated payments                                                      12b)                       00 
             c.   Payment made with Application for Extension                                   12c)                       00 
     13)  Total Payments and Credits (add 12a,12b,and 12c)                                                               13)                      00 
     14) Penalty and interest (Penalty - 1% of the amount of the unpaid tax for each month or a fraction thereof
         not to exceed a total penalty of 25% of the unpaid tax. Interest - .0001    164 per day. Minimum of $2.00    .) 14)                00 

     15) If your tax (Line 11) is larger than payments (Line 13) enter balance due and pay in full with this return.     15)                00 

     16) If your payments (Line 13) are larger than your tax (Line 11) enter amount overpaid.                            16)                00 
     17) Amount of Line 16 is to be (check one box only):                          A Credited to 2021             B Refunded to you 
I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information on this                        I declare, under penalty of perjury, that this return is 
          return and attachments is true and complete.                                   based on all information of which I have knowledge. 
     I authorize the CITY to discuss my claim and attachments with my preparer 
                                                                                             PREPARER’S SIGNATURE & ADDRESS 
     DO NOT discuss my claim with my preparer.

TITLE                                   DATE 
PHONE     (                )         -
Write Your FEIN on Remittance and Make Payable to: CITY OF BIG RAPIDS
Mail Return  and Remittance to:    CITY OF BIG RAPIDS, INCOME TAX PROCESSING CENTER, P.O .                        BOX 536, EATON RAPIDS, MI 48827

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                                                         Located       Located in Percentage 
                                                         Everywhere    Big Rapids (B divided by A) 
                                                               A.      B. 

1. Average net book value of real and tangible
   personal property

   a.   Gross rent paid for real property only,
        multiplied by 8

   b.   Total (Add Lines 1 and 1a)

2. Total wages, salaries, commissions and
   other compensation of all employees

3. Gross receipts from sales made or services
4. Total percentages – Add the three
   percentages computed for Lines 1b, 2, and
   3 which you entered in the last column
5. Business apportionment percentage (Line 4
   divided by number of factors, usually 3;
   enter here and on page 1, line 6

*In determining the business apportionment percentage (Line 5), a factor shall be excluded from the computation
only when such factor does not exist anywhere insofar as the taxpayer's business operation is concerned. In such
   cases, the sum of the remaining percentages shall be divided by the number of factors actually used.

                                    Penalty and Interest
Line 14             A. Interest - .0001164 per day                  A. 

                    B. Penalty – 1% of the amount of the unpaid
                       tax for each month or a fraction  thereof
                       not to exceed a total penalty of 25% of
                       the unpaid tax

                    C. Total penalty and interest, minimum of
                       $2.00 Enter. on Line 14                      C.

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