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                                                                                                                                     Reset Form
Michigan Department of Treasury - City Tax Administration 
5458 (Rev. 11-22) 
                                                                                                                                     Check if this is an 
                                                                                                                                     amended return.
2022 City of Detroit Income Tax Partnership Return                                                                                   See instructions. 
Issued under authority of Public Act 284 of 1964, as amended. 
                                                                               1. Return is for the city of           City Code (see instructions) 
Return is due April 15 or on or before the 15th day 
of the fourth month after the close of the tax year.                           DETROIT                                170 
                                                                                              MM-DD-YYYY                              MM-DD-YYYY 

2. Return is for calendar year 2022 or for tax year beginning:                                              and ending: 
3. Partnership Name (print or type)                                                              4. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) 

5. Mailing Address (see instructions)                         City                                          State     ZIP/Postal Code             Country Code 

6. Date Business Commenced                                7. Number of employees on December 31, 2022       8. Number of Partners 

9. Type of Return (check one):                                Information only                              Payment on behalf of all Partners 

PARTNER INFORMATION — If more than five partners, see instructions. 
10.                                   A                                                          B          C            D                        E 
                                                                                                            CHECK     CHECK (X) 
                                                                                                            (X)    IF IF NON-     IF RESIDENT PART        
                                      NAME                                                 SOCIAL SECURITY  RESIDENT  RESIDENT    OF YEAR, INDICATE TIME        
                      HOME ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE                                     NUMBER        FULL YEAR FULL YEAR       PERIOD 





NOTE 1:     A partner who has other income in addition to the partnership income must file an individual return and show on such return the amount entered 
       below in columns 1, 2, and 6. A partner who is claiming an exemption on a partnership or personal return cannot claim the same exemption on 
       this partnership return in column 3. 
NOTE 2:    The partnership may pay tax for partners only if it pays for ALL partners subject to the tax. If the partnership elects to use this return as an 
       information return, complete pages 3, 4, and 5, and fill in column 1 below; it will not be necessary to fill in column 2 through 6 since a computation 
       of the tax need not be made. 
11a.                                                          COLUMN 1                                COLUMN 2                       COLUMN 3 
                                                              TOTAL INCOME 
              PARTNER FROM LINE 10                            (From Schedule E; see instr.)      OTHER  DEDUCTIONS                EXEMPTIONS 

                      (a)                                                                  00                         00                                 00 

                      (b)                                                                  00                         00                                 00 

                      (c)                                                                  00                         00                                 00 

                      (d)                                                                  00                         00                                 00 

                      (e)                                                                  00                         00                                 00 

                                                                                                                                  Continue and sign on Page 2 

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5458, Page 2 
                                                                                                   Partnership FEIN 


11b.                        COLUMN 4                                  COLUMN 5A                    COLUMN 5B                                                                      COLUMN 6 
      PARTNER               TAXABLE INCOME                            RESIDENT TAX                 NONRESIDENT TAX                                                                CREDITS 
FROM LINE 10    (Subtract Col. 2 and 3 from Col. 1)          (Multiply Column 4 by 2.4%)     (Multiply Column 4 by 1.2%)                                                          (See instructions) 

      (a)                                            00                                   00                                                                                  00                     00 

      (b)                                            00                                   00                                                                                  00                     00 

      (c)                                            00                                   00                                                                                  00                     00 

      (d)                                            00                                   00                                                                                  00                     00 

      (e)                                            00                                   00                                                                                  00                     00 

12.   Total Tax. Add the total of all amounts listed in Column 5A and Column 5B  .....................................................                                        12.                    00 


13.   Tax paid with request for extension from Form 5460.........................................................................................                             13.                    00 
14.   Payments and credits on 2022 City of Detroit Partnership Income Tax Quarterly Estimated Payment 
      Voucher  .............................................................................................................................................................  14.                    00 

15.   Other credits. (Attach an explanation.) ..............................................................................................................                  15.                    00 
16.   Total payments and credits. Add lines 13, 14, and 15. (This total must agree with the total of line 11b, 
      column 6.) ..........................................................................................................................................................   16.                    00 


17.   Tax Due. Subtract line 16 from line 12. If line 12 is less than line 16, leave blank and continue to line 18  ......                                                    17.                    00 

18.   Overpayment. Subtract line 12 from line 16  ......................................................................................................                      18.                    00 
19.   Credit Forward. Amount on line 18 to be credited forward and used as an estimated payment for the next 
      tax year .............................................................................................................................................................. 19.                    00 

20.   Refund. Subtract line 19 from line 18  ...............................................................................................................                  20.                    00 

Taxpayer Certification.   I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this Preparer Certification.   I declare under penalty of perjury that this 
return and attachments is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.                  return is based on all information of which I have any knowledge. 
      By checking this box, I authorize the Michigan Department of Treasury               Preparer’s PTIN, FEIN or SSN 
      to discuss my return with my preparer. 
Authorized Signature for Tax Matters                                                      Preparer’s Business Name (print or type) 

Authorized Signer’s Name (print or type)                          Date                    Preparer’s Business Address and Telephone Number (print or type) 

Title                                                Telephone Number 

ALL  RETURNS, mail to: Michigan Department of Treasury, City Tax Administration, PO Box 30813, Lansing MI 48909. 
WITH PAYMENT.  Pay amount on line 17. Make check payable to “State of Michigan - Detroit.” Print taxpayer FEIN, the tax year, and “Form 5458” on the 
front of the check. Do not staple the check to the return. 

                                                                                                                                                                                  Continue on Page 3. 

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5458, Page 3 
                                                                                           Partnership FEIN 

                                         SCHEDULE     C INCOME               FROM    PARTNERSHIP 
A. Partnership Name (print or type)                                                        B. Reported for the Year Ending (MM-DD-YYYY) 

C. Principal Business Activity 

D. Business Location (Street Address)                   City                                              State                                                       ZIP/Postal Code Country Code 

E. Telephone Number                             F. Name of Person in Charge of Records 

1.  Gross receipts  ................................................................................................................................................. 1.              00 
2.  Allowances, rebates and returns  .....................................................................................................................            2.              00 
3.  Subtract line 2 from line 1 ................................................................................................................................      3.              00 
4.  Inventory at beginning of year. (If different from the prior year’s closing inventory, include explanation) ........                                              4.              00 
5.  Merchandise purchased  ..................................................................................................................................         5.              00 
6.  Items withdrawn from business for personal use  ............................................................................................                      6.              00 
7.  Subtract line 6 from line 5 ................................................................................................................................      7.              00 
8.  Cost of labor (do not include amounts paid to partners)..................................................................................                         8.              00 
9.  Materials and supplies .....................................................................................................................................      9.              00 
10.  Other costs (include summary)........................................................................................................................  10.                       00 
11.  Add lines 4, and lines 7 through 10  .................................................................................................................  11.                      00 
12.  Inventory at end of year ...................................................................................................................................  12.                00 
13.  Cost of goods sold. Subtract line 12 from line 11  ............................................................................................  13.                             00 
14. Gross profit. Subtract line 13 from line 3  .........................................................................................................  14.                        00 
15.  Miscellaneous income (do not include any item included on lines 29 through 39) ..........................................  15.                                                   00 
16.  Total income. Add line 14 and line 15 ..............................................................................................................  16.                        00 
17.  Salaries and wages not included on line 8. (Exclude any payments to partners)  ...........................................  17.                                                  00 
18.  Payments to partners — salaries and interest — enter here and on Schedule E, column 4  ..........................  18.                                                           00 
19.  Rent on business property...............................................................................................................................  19.                    00 
20.  Losses on business property (include statement listing items and location) ...................................................  20.                                              00 
21.  Depreciation  ....................................................................................................................................................  21.          00 
22.  Taxes  ...............................................................................................................................................................  22.      00 
23.  Other business expenses (include statement)  ................................................................................................  23.                               00 
24.  Add line 17 through line 23 ..............................................................................................................................  24.                  00 
25.  Ordinary income from business. Subtract line 24 from line 16 ........................................................................  25.                                       00 
26.  City of Detroit and Michigan income tax if included in line 22 above...............................................................  26.                                         00 
27.  Interest and other costs included in line 24 which were incurred in connection with the production of tax 
    exempt income or partners personal expenses which were charged to the business  ....................................  27.                                                         00 
28.  Total adjusted ordinary income from business for the year. Add lines 25, 26 and 27. Enter here and on 
    Schedule E, column 1......................................................................................................................................  28.                   00 
OTHER PARTNERSHIP INCOME OR LOSS (Taxable or nontaxable depending on residency or partners) 
NOTE:  Amounts on lines  33 through 36 should agree with amount reported on federal partnership form 1065, Schedule D. 
29.  Dividends .........................................................................................................................................................  29.         00 
30.  Interest.............................................................................................................................................................  30.       00 
31.  Add line 29 and line 30 ....................................................................................................................................  31.                00 
32.  Income (or loss) from other partnership(s) and other income  .........................................................................  32.                                      00 
33.  Net gain (or loss) from sale or exchange of property other than capital assets  ..............................................  33.                                              00 
34.  Net short-term gain (loss) ................................................................................................................................  34.                 00 
35.  Net long-term gain (loss)  .................................................................................................................................  35.                00 
36.  Net gain (or loss) from sale or exchange of property under Section 1231  ......................................................  36.                                             00 
37.  Rent .................................................................................................................................................................  37.      00 
38.  Royalties ..........................................................................................................................................................  38.        00 
39.  Add line 37 and line 38 ....................................................................................................................................  39.                00 
40.  Total partnership income to account for in this return. Add line 28, lines 31 through 36, and line 39 ..............  40.                                                        00 

                                                                                                                                                                                 Continue on Page 4. 

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5458, Page 4 
                                                                                                        Partnership FEIN 

                                                   OF PROPERTY, RENTS, ROYALTIES, ETC. 
INTEREST AND DIVIDENDS                                                                                                                                                    COLUMN 1 
1.     Total interest and dividends from Schedule C, line 31  .....................................................................................                    1.                            00 
2.     Interest from obligations of U.S. governmental units........................................................................................                    2.                            00 
3.     Net interest and dividend income. Subtract line 2 from line 1  ..........................................................................                       3.                            00 
4.     Total gain (or loss) from Schedule C, total of line 33, 34, 35 and 36 ................................................................                          4.                            00 
5.     Gain (or loss) attributable to the period after July 1, 1962  ...............................................................................                   5.                            00 
6.     Net income (or loss) from rents and royalties from Schedule C, line 39  ..........................................................                              6.                            00 
7.     Income (or loss) from other partnerships and other income from Schedule C, line 32 .....................................                                        7.                            00 
8.     Exempt income  ................................................................................................................................................ 8.                            00 
9.     Net income (or loss) from other partnerships and other income. Subtract line 8 from line 7 ............................                                         9.                            00 
10.    Total. Add lines 3, 5, 6 and 9 ............................................................................................................................  10.                              00 

                                          DISTRIBUTION OF COLUMN 1                                         DISTRIBUTION OF COLUMN 3 
                                  COLUMN 2                             COLUMN 3                     COLUMN 4                                                              COLUMN 5 
                                  PORTION OF COLUMN 1             PORTION OF COLUMN 1           EXCLUDABLE PORTION OF                                                     PORTION OF COLUMN 3 
                                  APPLICABLE TO RESIDENT          APPLICABLE TO NONRESIDENT  COLUMN 3 — NOT TAXABLE                                                    TO TAXABLE TO NONRESIDENT 
                                  PARTNERS                             PARTNERS                 NONRESIDENT PARTNERS                                                            PARTNERS 
11.    Distribution  
       of line 3 ...........                            00                                   00                                                                        00                            00 
12.    Distribution  
       of line 5 ...........                            00                                   00                                                                        00                            00 
13.    Distribution  
       of line 6 ...........                            00                                   00                                                                        00                            00 
14.    Distribution  
       of line 9 ...........                            00                                   00                                                                        00                            00 
15.    Add lines 11, 
       12, 13 and 14..                                  00                                   00                                                                        00                            00 

                                             SCHEDULE E – SUMMARY OF SCHEDULES B AND C 
                                  COLUMN 1                             COLUMN 2                     COLUMN 3                                                              COLUMN 4 
                                                                  APPORTIONMENT %     
                                  INCOME FROM BUSINESS            FROM SCHEDULE D, LINE 3e,     ALLOCATED INCOME                                                          PAYMENT TO PARTNERS — 
                                  OPERATIONS  FROM                FOR  NONRESIDENTS              (Multiply Column 1                                                       SALARIES AND  INTEREST 
    PARTNER                       SCHEDULE C, LINE 28             (Enter 100% for residents)    by percent in column 2)                                                   (From schedule C, line 18) 
       (a)                                              00                                   %                                                                         00                            00 
       (b)                                              00                                   %                                                                         00                            00 
       (c)                                              00                                   %                                                                         00                            00 
       (d)                                              00                                   %                                                                         00                            00 
       (e)                                              00                                   %                                                                         00                            00 
Totals  .........................                       00                                   %                                                                         00                            00 

                                  COLUMN 5                             COLUMN 6A                    COLUMN 6B                                                             COLUMN 7 
                                  PORTION OF COLUMN 4             NONBUSINESS INCOME            NONBUSINESS INCOME 
                                  EARNED IN THE CITY              TAXABLE TO RESIDENT           TAXABLE TO NONRESIDENT                                                  
                                  (See calculation at the bottom  PARTNERS (Equal to Schedule B,  PARTNERS (Equal to Schedule B,                                          TOTAL  INCOME 
    PARTNER                       of page 5)                      column 2, line 15)             column 5, line 15)                                                       (Add columns 3, 5, 6A, 6B) 
       (a)                                              00                                   00                                                                        00                            00 
       (b)                                              00                                   00                                                                        00                            00 
       (c)                                              00                                   00                                                                        00                            00 
       (d)                                              00                                   00                                                                        00                            00 
       (e)                                              00                                   00                                                                        00                            00 
Totals  .........................                       00                                   00                                                                        00                            00 

                                                                                                                                                                                Continue on Page 5. 

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5458, Page 5 
                                                                                                 Partnership FEIN 
In the case of a taxpayer authorized by the Finance Director to use one of the special formula, attach complete computations and furnish the following: 
    a.  Copy of approval letter              b.  Percentage used. Enter here and on Schedule D, line 3e 

                                          SCHEDULE D  INCOME APPORTIONMENT 
1.  For locations in city 
    a.  Average net book value of real and tangible personal property located in city  .........................................  1a.                                       00 
    b.  Gross annual rent paid for real property located in city multiplied by 8 .....................................................  1b.                                 00 
    c.  Add line 1a and line 1b ..............................................................................................................................  1c.         00 
    d.  Total wages, salaries, commissions and other compensation of all employees located in city .................  1d.                                                   00 
    e.  Gross receipts from sales made or services rendered in city ....................................................................  1e.                               00 
2.  For locations everywhere 
    a.  Average net book value of real and tangible personal property located everywhere ................................  2a.                                              00 
    b.  Gross annual rent paid for real property located everywhere multiplied by 8............................................  2b.                                        00 
    c.  Add line 2a and line 2b ..............................................................................................................................  2c.         00 
    d.  Total wages, salaries, commissions and other compensation of all employees located everywhere  .......  2d.                                                         00 
    e.  Gross receipts from sales made or services rendered everywhere  ..........................................................  2e.                                     00 
3.  Apportionment. If there are no locations outside the city in line 2, see instructions for completing line 3. 
    a.  Real and tangible personal property. Divide line 1c by line 2c  ..................................................................  3a.                             % 
    b.  Wages, salaries, commissions and other compensation. Divide line 1d by line 2d ...................................  3b.                                             % 
    c.  Gross receipts from sales. Divide line 1e by line 2e ..................................................................................  3c.                        % 
    d.  Add line 3a, line 3b, and line 3c.................................................................................................................  3d.             % 
    e. Average apportionment. Divide line 3d by 3. (See instructions) .............................................................  3e.                                    % 

                  INSTRUCTIONS FOR INCOME APPORTIONMENT                                FORMULA           SCHEDULE D 
The income apportionment percentage is to be applied by NONRESIDENT          Line 1b, 2b, 3b: In line 1b, enter the gross annual rent multiplied by 8 
partners to their distributive share of business income if business activity for rented real property located in the City of Detroit. In line 2b, enter the 
of the partnership is conducted both within and without the City of Detroit. gross annual rent multiplied by 8 for all rented real property regardless of 
In order to use the separate accounting  method, permission  must be         location. 
requested in writing from the administrator not more than 90 days after      Gross annual rent should include money and other consideration given for 
the beginning of the taxpayer’s year.                                        the use or possession of real property rented or leased, including public 
Line 1a, 2a, 3a: In line 1a, enter the average net book value of the real    warehouse storage charges. 
and tangible personal property owned and located in the City of Detroit. In  Line 1d, 2d, 3d: In line 1d, enter the amount of compensation paid to 
line 2a, enter the average net book value of all real and tangible personal  employees  for work done  or for services  performed  within  the City of
property owned by the business, regardless of location.                      Detroit during the year. In line 2d, enter the total compensation paid to all 
The average net book value of real and tangible personal property may        employees during the year. 
be determined by adding the net book values at the beginning of the year     Line 1e, 2e, 3e: In line 1e, enter the amount of gross receipts from sales 
and the net book values at the end of the year and dividing the sum by       made or services rendered in the City of Detroit during the year. In line 
two. If this method will not properly reflect the average net book value     2e, enter the total gross receipts from all sales made or services rendered 
of tangible property owned during the year, any other method that will       during the year. Rental income is considered services rendered and is 
accurately reflects it will be permitted.                                    included in gross receipts. 

             Instructions for the computation of salaries, interest or guaranteed payments to be included in Schedule E, Column 5. 
                  This schedule is to be filled in by nonresident partners who performed part of their services in Detroit. 
                                             USE A SEPARATE SCHEDULE FOR EACH PARTNER 
1.  Actual number of days worked on job — everywhere .....................................................................................                               1. 
2.  Actual number of days worked on job in Detroit  ..............................................................................................                       2. 
3.  Percentage of days worked in Detroit. Divide line 2 by line 1..........................................................................                              3. % 
4.  Total salaries, interest and guaranteed payments  ...........................................................................................                        4. 00 
5.  Salaries and interest earned in Detroit. Multiply line 4 by percentage on line 3. Carry to Schedule E, 
    column 5.  ......................................................................................................................................................... 5. 00 

- 6 -
                                             Instructions for Form 5458 

                            City of Detroit Income Tax Partnership Return 
Line-by-line instructions                                                   return only if such spouse has no income subject to the Detroit 
                                                                            Income Tax. 
Lines not listed are explained on the form. 
                                                                            Line 11a, column 6:  Compute the total amount of estimated 
Partner Information                                                         income tax payments for the tax year, prior year credit forward, 
Line 10:  The partner identified on this line will be designated            extension  payment,  tax  paid  by  another  partnership  and,  for 
as  letters  a,  b,  c,  d  and  e  on  the  remainder  of  the  form.  The resident individual partners, the total of any credits for tax paid 
information  for  that  specific  taxpayer  will  be  detailed  in  line    to another city. 
11a  and  line  11b.  The  partnership  information  will  also  be 
                                                                            Line 12: Add the total of all amounts listed in line 11a, column 
detailed in Schedule E using the same letter designation. 
                                                                            5A  and  column  5B.  If  reporting  for  more  than  five  partners, 
More  than  five  partners:   If  reporting  for  more  than  five          and submitting multiple pages with partner information, enter 
partners, the taxpayer will complete multiple copies of line 10,            on  line  12  the  totals  of  all  partners  as  reported  in  line  11a, 
line 11a, line 11b and Schedule E to account for all partners.              column 5A and column 5B. 
The  remainder  of  the  return,  including  all  schedules,  will  be 
                                                                            PAYMENTS AND CREDITS 
completed using the total of all partners. The taxpayer may also  
choose  to  attach  a  separate  document  detailing  the  required         Line 14:   Enter  the  total  amount  for  estimated  income  tax 
information  for  all  partners  (line  10,  line  11a,  line  b  and       payments for the tax year and prior year credit forward. 
Schedule E) in lieu of completing multiple copies of this return.           Line 15:   Enter  the  total  amount  of  tax  paid  by  another 
However, all other partnership information must be completed                partnership  and,  for  resident  individual  partners,  the  total  of 
using the required Form 5458.                                               any credits for tax paid to another city. 
PARTNER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS                                               TAX DUE OR REFUND 
A partner who has other income in addition to the partnership               Line 17:  Subtract line 16 from line 12. The tax due should be 
income must file an individual return and show on such return               submitted,  with  a  completed  Form  5458,  to  the  address  from 
the amount entered on line 11a, columns 1, 2, and 6. A partner              the  “Payment”  section  below.  If  line  12  is  less  than  line  16, 
who  is  claiming  an  exemption  on  a  partnership  or  personal          leave this line blank and continue to line 18. 
return  cannot  claim  the  same  exemption  on  this  partnership 
return in Column 3.                                                         Line 18:  Subtract line 12 from line 16, and enter the amount 
                                                                            of the overpayment. If an overpayment exists, a taxpayer may 
The  partnership  may  pay  tax  for  partners  only  if  it  pays  for     elect a refund of all or a portion of the amount and/or designate 
ALL partners subject to the tax. If the partnership elects to use           all or a portion of the overpayment to be used as an estimated 
this return as an information return, complete pages 3, 4, and 5,           payment for the next tax year. 
and fill in line 11a, column 1; it will not be necessary to fill in 
line 11a, columns 2 through 6, since a computation of the tax               Line   19:   To  credit  any  amount  of  the  overpayment  to  next 
need not be made.                                                           year’s estimated tax, enter the amount to be credited forward. 
Line 11a, column 1:   The  amounts  to  be  inserted  in  line  11,         Line  20:   To  receive  the  overpayment  as  a  refund  (less  the 
column  1,  are  transferred  from  Schedule  E  on  Page  4  of  the       amount credited forward), enter the amount to be refunded. 
return. Complete schedules B, C, D and E first.                             PAYMENT 
Line 11a, column 2:  Any  items  of  income  which  are                     Make check payable to STATE OF MICHIGAN – DETROIT. 
nontaxable  and  which  are  included  in  column  1  are  to  be           Write the taxpayer’s FEIN, the tax year, and “Form 5458” on 
deducted  in  column  2.  These  items  will  include  the  net             the check. Mail the check, with the completed return, to: 
operating loss deduction (NOLD), etc. The net operating loss                                                           
                                                                                 Michigan Department of Treasury
(NOL)  carryover  is  handled  in  the  same  manner  as  provided                                          
                                                                                 City Tax Administration
by the Federal Internal Revenue Code, except that the Detroit                                 
                                                                                 PO Box 30813
Income Tax Ordinance does not provide for a carryback of such                                        
                                                                                 Lansing MI 48909
losses. Nonresident partners must allocate the NOL to Detroit 
at the percentage of business conducted in Detroit in the year in           Amending a Return 
which the loss was sustained. A schedule of computations must 
be attached for all entries in column 2.                                    To amend a return, check the box at the top of page one and 
                                                                            complete the entire return, using corrected data as necessary. 
Line  11a, column 3:   A  $600  exemption  is  allowed  for  each           Attach  a  statement  explaining  the  reason  for  the  amended 
individual  partner,  his/her  spouse  and  his/her  dependents.            return.  If  a  refund  was  issued  with  a  previously  filed  return, 
Additional  exemptions  are  allowed  if  the  taxpayer  or  his/           include the amount of that refund in the total on line 14. 
her  spouse  is  65  or  over;  is  blind;  is  deaf;  or  is  paraplegic, 
quadriplegic,  hemiplegic  or  totally  and  permanently  disabled.         Include all forms and documents filed with the original return, 
A  spouse  may  be  taken  as  an  exemption  on  the  partnership          even if not amending those items. Do not include a copy of the 
                                                                            previous return. 

- 7 -
Taxpayer Certification                                                 Line 5, column 1:    Calculating this line is a two-step process: 
                                                                       1)  Exclude  any  gain  or  loss  on  the  sale  of  obligations  of  the 
By signing this return, the signing partner or officer declares        United States which are included in line 4; 2) enter on line 5 
that  the  filer  has  power  of  attorney  from  each  participant    only that portion of the remainder of line 4 which represents 
to file a composite return on his or her behalf. Treasury will         gain or loss attributable to the period after July 1, 1962. 
mail  refund  checks,  assessments  and  all  correspondence  to 
the filing company at the address indicated on the return. The         If  the  property  was  acquired  prior  to  July  1,  1962,  the  basis 
filing company must agree to be responsible for the payment of         may be the adjusted fair market value of the property on July 
any additional tax, interest and penalties as finally determined.      1, 1962, (July 2 closing price for traded securities), or the gain 
Issues  involving  the  tax  liability  reported  on  a  composite     or  loss  applicable  to  the  period  after  June  30,  1962,  may  be 
return  will  be  resolved  with  the  filing  company.  In  unusual   computed by multiplying the total gain or loss by the ratio of 
circumstances, Treasury may contact the participants.                  the months the property was held after June 30, 1962, to the 
                                                                       total months the property was held. 
Schedule C — Income from Partnership                                   Line 12:   The  nonresident  excludable  portion  of  the  amount 
Schedule  C  is  used  to  indicate  all  of  the  income  of  the     shown in line 12, column 3, to be entered in line 12, column 
partnership which may be subject to the Detroit tax. Line 28 of        4,  is  that  portion  of  the  gain  (or  loss)  which  arose  from  the 
Schedule C reflects the total of the partnership ordinary income       sale or exchange of intangible assets, and of tangible property 
from business operations, and lines 29 through 31 of Schedule          located  outside  of  Detroit.  The  remaining  portion  of  line  12, 
C reflects the total nonbusiness income of the partnership.            column 3, which is to be entered on line 12, column 5, will then 
                                                                       include gain (or loss) attributable to the period after June 30, 
Ordinary  income  from  business  on  Schedule  C,  line  28,  will    1962, from the sale or exchange of tangible property located in 
carry to Schedule E, column 1.                                                  
Nonbusiness income on Schedule C, lines 25 through 40, will 
                                                                       RENTS AND ROYALTIES 
carry to Schedule B. Instructions for Schedules B and E will 
indicate  how  amounts  transferred  from  Schedule  C  are  to  be    Line 6, column 1:  Enter the total net income (or loss) from all 
allocated to the individual partners.                                  rents and royalties. 
                                                                       Line   13:   Complete  line  13,  columns  2,  3,  and  4,  as  a 
SCHEDULE B — Nonbusiness Income or Loss                                distribution of the amount entered in line 6. Subtract column 
Schedule  B  is  used  to  allocate  the  total  nonbusiness  income   4  (net  income  or  loss  from  royalties  and  rents  attributable 
of  the  partnership  between  the  total  amount  distributable       to  property  outside  Detroit)  from  column  3  and  enter  the 
to  resident  partners  and  the  total  amount  distributable  to     difference in column 5. 
nonresident partners.                                                  INCOME  FROM OTHER PARTNERSHIPS,   
Nonresident  income  is  further  allocated  to  compute  the  total   ESTATES, TRUSTS, ETC. 
income of nonresident partners which is subject to the Detroit         Line 7, column 1:   Enter  the  net  income  (or  loss)  from  other 
tax.  (Resident  partners  are  taxed  on  their  entire  distributive partnerships and other income from Schedule C, line 32. 
share  of  nonbusiness  income.)  After  determining  the  total 
                                                                       Line 8,  column  1:   Enter  any  income  which  is  specifically  
taxable  income  for  each  class  of  partners,  these  totals  are 
                                                                       exempt  for  all  taxpayers  (interest  on  U.S.  governmental  
transferred to Schedule E wherein an analysis is made to show 
                                                                       obligations, etc.) and which was included in the amount on line 7. 
the amounts of nonbusiness income applicable to the individual 
partners.                                                              Line 14:   Complete  line  14,  columns  2,  3,  and  4,  as  a 
                                                                       distribution of the amount entered in line 9. Subtract column 4 
                                                                       (income not taxable to nonresidents) from column 3 and enter 
Line 1, column 1:   Enter  the  total  partnership  income  from       the difference in column 5. 
interest and dividends from Schedule C, line 31. 
Line 2, column 1: Deduct the total nontaxable interest (interest       Schedule E — Summary of Schedules B and C 
from  obligations  of  the  United  States  and  U.S.  governmental    COLUMN 1:  Enter each individual partner’s share of ordinary 
units).                                                                adjusted business income from Schedule C, Line 28. 
Line 11:  The  total  calculated  on  line  3,  column  1,  is  to  be COLUMN   2 (Complete      Schedule    D first):       Enter  the 
apportioned between the amount applicable to resident partners         appropriate business allocation percentage based upon partner 
(line  11,  column  2)  and  the  amount  applicable  to  nonresident  entity  type.  Individual  resident  and  partnership  partners 
partners  (line  11,  column  3).  Since  interest  and  dividend      use  a  100%  allocation.  Individual  nonresident,  estate,  trust, 
income is not taxable to nonresidents, the entire amount shown         corporation,  exempt  entity  and  foreign  government  partners 
on line 11, column 3, will also be inserted on line 11, column 4,      enter the business allocation percentage from Schedule D, line 
as excludable income of nonresidents.                                  3e, or the special allocation percentage authorized. Disregarded 
SALES OR EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY                                          entity  and  nominee  partners  enter  the  appropriate  allocation 
                                                                       percentage based upon the entity type of the actual owner of 
Line 4, column 1:  Enter the total net gain or loss from all sales     the partnership interest. 
and  exchange  of  property  as  shown  in  Schedule  C,  lines  33 
through 36. 

- 8 -
The  income  apportionment  percentage  is  to  be  applied  by          Line 2b:  Enter the gross annual rent, multiplied by 8, for all 
nonresident  partners  to  their  distributive  share  of  business      rented real property regardless of location. Gross annual rent 
income  if  business  activity  of  the  partnership  is  conducted      refers to real property only, rented or leased during the taxable 
both within and without the City of Detroit. In order to use the         period, and should include the actual sums of money or other 
separate accounting method, permission must be requested in              consideration payable, directly or indirectly, by the taxpayer for 
writing from the administrator not more than 90 days after the           the use or possession of such property. 
beginning of the taxpayer’s year. 
                                                                         Line   2d:   Enter  the  total  compensation  paid  to  all  employees 
Column 4:   Enter  the  total  taxable  portion  of  the  salaries,      for work or services performed during the year, regardless of 
interest  or  other  guaranteed  payments  to  partners  receiving       location. 
                                                                         Line 2e: Enter the total gross revenue from all sales or services 
Column 5:  Enter 100% of resident partners’ salaries, interest           rendered  during  the  year,  regardless  of  location.  To  allocate 
or guaranteed payment or the portion of nonresident salaries,            net  profit  (or  loss),  a  partnership  must  have  business  activity 
interest  or  guaranteed  payments  earned  in  Detroit.  (The           outside of Detroit. 
amount is based on actual time inside Detroit for each partner 
                                                                         Line 3e:   In  determining  the  average,  divide  line  3d  by  3. 
as computed per the calculation at the bottom of page 5. Use a 
                                                                         However, if a factor does not exist, divide the sum of the all 
separate page 5 calculation for each partner.) 
                                                                         line 3 percentages by the number of factors actually used. 
Column 6A:   Enter  nonbusiness  income  taxable  to  resident 
                                                                         The  income  apportionment  percentage  is  to  be  applied  by 
partners. The total will equal the amount on Schedule B, line 
                                                                         nonresident   partners  to  their  distributive  share  of  business 
15, column 2. 
                                                                         income  if  business  activity  of  the  partnership  is  conducted 
Column 6B:  Enter nonbusiness income taxable to nonresident              both within and without the City of Detroit. In order to use the 
partners. The total will equal the amount on Schedule B, line            separate accounting method, permission must be requested in 
15, column 5.                                                            writing from the administrator not more than 90 days after the 
                                                                         beginning of the taxpayer’s year. 
Column 7:   Transfer  the  amount  of  each  individual  partner’s 
share  shown  in  Column  7  to  page  1  of  this  return  (line  11,   NOTE:  If there are no locations outside the city in Line 2  (all  
column 1).                                                               Line 2 totals will match corresponding Line 1 totals), transfer 
                                                                         totals for Schedule D, line 1c to line 3a; 1d to 3b; and 1e to 3c. 
Schedule D — Income Apportionment                                        Ignore  all  face-of-the-form  instructions  for  Lines  3a,  3b,  and 
The business income apportionment percentage is to be applied            3c. 
to the distributive share of business income of corporate  and  
nonresident  partners if business activity of the partnership is         Disclosure of Return Information 
conducted both within and outside the City of Detroit.                   The  disclosure  of  Social  Security  account  number(s)  on  this 
                                                                         tax  return  is  mandatory.  This  solicitation  and  use  of  Social 
Line 1a:   Enter  the  net  book  value  of  the  real  and  tangible 
                                                                         Security  account  numbers  is  authorized  by  federal  law  (42 
personal  property  owned  and  located  or  used  in  the  City 
                                                                         USC  §  405(c)(2)(C)(i)),  Michigan  law  (MCL  141.642)  and 
of  Detroit.  The  average  net  book  value  of  real  and  tangible 
                                                                         City  of  Detroit  ordinance  (1984  Detroit  City  Code  §  18-10-
personal property may be determined by adding the net book 
                                                                         11).  Treasury  uses  Social  Security  account  numbers  in  the 
values at the beginning and end of the year and dividing the 
                                                                         administration  of  City  of  Detroit  income  tax  law  for  the 
sum by two. 
                                                                         purpose of establishing taxpayer identification, to automate and 
Line 1b: Enter the gross annual rent, multiplied by 8, for rented        unify its tax reporting and collection, and as otherwise needed 
real property located in the City of Detroit. Gross annual rent          for the administration of the City of Detroit income tax laws. 
refers to real property only, rented or leased during the taxable 
                                                                         Under  1984  Detroit  City  Code  §  18-10-16,  any  information 
period, and should include the actual sums of money or other 
                                                                         gained  by  the  income  tax  administrator,  City  treasurer,  or 
consideration payable, directly or indirectly, by the taxpayer for 
                                                                         other City official, agent or employee as a result of a tax return, 
the use or possession of such property. 
                                                                         investigation,  hearing  or  verification  required  or  authorized 
Line  1d:  Enter the amount of compensation paid to employees            by the Uniform Income Tax Ordinance is confidential, except 
for work or services performed within the City of Detroit.               for official purposes in connection with the administration of 
                                                                         the ordinance, and except in accordance with a proper judicial 
Line 1e:  Enter the amount of revenue derived from sales made 
or services rendered in the City of Detroit during the year. To 
allocate  net  profit  (or  loss),  a  partnership  must  have  business 
activity outside of Detroit. 
Line 2a:   Enter  in  the  average  net  book  value  of  all  real  and 
                                                                         These instructions are interpretations of the Detroit               
tangible  personal  property  owned  by  the  business,  regardless 
                                                                         Income Tax Ordinance. The Ordinance will prevail in 
of  location.  The  average  net  book  value  of  real  and  tangible 
                                                                         any disagreement between forms or instructions and 
personal property may be determined by adding the net book 
                                                                         the Ordinance. 
values at the beginning and end of the year and dividing the 
sum by two. 

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